Aunty Seducing A Boy To Satisfy Her


Hi, This is Raj from Bangalore, Aunties and girls if you need confidential sex or sex chat contact me at . I am narrating one of the experiences by my friend Sindhu. As Narrated by her I am Sindhu, female of 40, standing 5’ with petite body, fair and good looking with short and curly hairs and this is about me having sex with a very young guy who was actually my tenant. I don’t know how it all happened; it was just not that I was having unhealthy married life and I was starved for sex, apart from that it was a kind of revenge which I took from my husband.

Actually I was struggling with my husband’s attitude of hitting me over tiny arguments from years and reflecting my revolt from lot more than a year I was not in physical contact with him. Truly speaking since then I never thought about getting on bed with anyone else, I feel it was a kind of metal state in which I really failed to control myself, and behaving like a slut I confronted with a guy of around 25-26.

Lakith who was actually my distant relative; my husband’s cousin sister’s son was living on my single room terrace flat from more than a year. He is a tall and good looking male with a good health but since then I never saw him with that perspective. He always addressed Bhabhi and I took him that way but one Sunday afternoon my mobile rang and it was Lakith’s mother from his native place.

She told me that Lakith is not picking up phone and she wants to talk to him. I assured her that I will get back to her in few minutes and after that I climbed the stairs and as main metal door was not blocked from inside, instead of ringing the door bell I moved close to the window to see if he is sleeping and got surprised to see him masturbating.

His laptop was on and I could see glimpse of porn movie running on the screen and with long cord head phones, over her ears Lakith was totally engrossed into. He was totally unaware of my presence over the window; I was standing hardly 4-5 feet away from the bed on which he was lying almost stark naked and moving his monster Penis back and forward.

For a moment I thought about going back and pressing the door bell but don’t know why I remained glued to the window and kept on looking at his monster. It was big and seemed considerably thicker than what my husband has and I saw within a minute Lakith’s excitement rose significantly, while moving his cock frantically up and down he started puffing in pleasure in audible voice and just in few more seconds he wacked himself madly and cried loud while reaching to his climax. I saw his white gunk coming out of from its cock tip and next instant he released himself like a dead body.

Eventually I stepped back and came to the main entrance and rang the door bell 2-3 times, he took few minutes to come out to the edge of the terrace and I gave him his mother’s massage and stepped down to my house.

Apparently I was fine and as such there was nothing which was shocking for me, youngsters do masturbation and up to an extent it is good for them but it is not good for females like me to see them doing that. Like I said earlier I was leading unhealthy married life from last few years and I was untouched by my husband from more than a year and that was first time I was realizing absence of sex in my life.

I knew that I will not die if I will not have sex but still I could feel some sort of burning deep inside my body and brain and now I wanted to start having that pleasure again. Truly speaking at that stage I did not thought about approaching Lakith for that, I thought about starting getting in physical touch of my husband again, I cooked his favorite food and wore a sensual nighty before getting on bed, but Ujwal was already killed by his ego and he did not gave a glance to me.

He was reading something and I pretended sleeping beside him, after some time he switched of the light and lied facing away from me and it was my mistake that I thought about giving us another chance to start all over again and while pretending sleeping I tried hugging him from behind and he simply threw me away. He screamed over me with abusing words and I was embarrassed over what I did and walked out of the bedroom and slept with my son after changing it into a night gown. I can easily say that night I did not slept at all, and it was not sexual restlessness, I was burnt from my soul with anger and agony, I was cursing myself too for trying all that and I thought about filing a divorce but in the morning I calmed myself down because of my son.

Day passed and I met Lakith on the same evening and I abruptly asked myself “what if I will have sex with him?”

And I felt my breasts getting heavier with strange sensation passing through my body, he was a tall guy with good health, he is not innocent; not because he was masturbating, but many times I have seen him staring at my breasts and body, but he is a relative from my husband’s side, what if after having sex he will reveal the fact to anyone.

That’s what all ran in my mind for some time and I myself was surprised over my thinking. How can I think about doing all this,? I asked myself, but somehow I wanted to have sex, but with whom? I cannot beg Ujwal for sex. Couple of days passed and in this span I got face to face with Lakith fewer times and unintentionally every time I saw him it was just fucking which came in my mind.

I could see that I am getting attracted to him and even after realizing that it is wrong I did not tried to stop myself; that’s what sexual lust is all about, after an year suddenly I was feeling desperate to have sex and I needed it at any cost and in the due course I started fisting myself keeping Lakith in mind.

Unfortunately regular masturbation for two days worsened my state, it enhanced my restlessness and went sleepless in the nights, my body was demanding sex and I was helpless and gradually I started surrendering myself. My thinking was changing and I started convincing myself that life I am leading is not a married life, me and Ujwal was living together just for our child and we don’t love each other. I have a right to keep myself happy and satisfied, it could be wrong in eyes of society but it is not wrong in my personal perspective.

Mentally I was preparing myself to get into a sexual affair without feeling regret of cheating my husband and in the mean time another weekend banged.

It was a Friday afternoon when Ujwal messaged me that he will not come back home in the night and I realized that it is a last week of the month. I knew when he will come back; on Sunday afternoon, he had bunch of friends who use to get together once in a month for couple of nights; to drink and play cards and the moment I read that SMS and realized absence of Ujwal for two consecutive nights, I thought about trying having sex with Lakith in the night. But how I can I do that? How can I be so unabashed? I was once again in same impasse but just for few minutes, lust was ruling my senses so badly that I was getting mad in hunger of manly love.

“Who knows if Ujwal is also involved somewhere for sexual pleasure? I am sure he is; that is why he never urged for sex, unless he himself would have came close to me, at least it would have seen over his gesture. Why should I suffer? If he can do, I can also do, I have my own life and I want to enjoy it” that’s what all ran in my mind and I tried coming out of dilemma.

“But how will I ask Lakith for sex?” and with that question to myself I started feeling uneasy and the passing time my restlessness increased so much that I failed to concentrate over anything and it was just “how can I fuck him” which was dwelling in my mind.

Till evening; till I saw Lakith climbing stairs to get into his room I don’t know how many times I thought about quitting from trying fucking with him and how many time came up with a fresh idea of approaching him to reveal my lustful desire to him and throughout this span my Pussy did not stopped leaking.

I tried to calm myself by taking a shower and fisted myself brutally to tranquilize my urge but it hardly made any difference as within half an hour I was back in same mind state and continued planning approaching Lakith. I was sure if somehow I will succeed in expressing fucking intentions, Lakith will certainly grab this golden opportunity and things will happen, but how will I express myself?

How can I be so shameless? What if he will reveal this fact to his mom, what if Ujwal will come to know about it, I was in another quandary whether I should do it with him or not and as I saw him climbing his stairs I called him and asked him for the tea.

He casually said no to it but I insisted him and he came down stairs and we had tea together.It was a span of hardly half an hour with a casual chit chat and throughout the time he stayed with me I looked into his eyes repeatedly, possibly to read him, if he is safe to do that nasty act, I don’t know why apparently I was thinking whether I should go for it or not, deep inside I was already reached to the conclusion that I don’t have any other option and I have to do it with him

and it was evident as since Lakith was here intensity of flow of my pussy juices was enhanced significantly, he was wearing half sleeve t-shirt and I was staring at his muscular arms, again and again I was visualizing him leaning over me and fucking me hard and fast down at my fuckhole.

Couple of times I thought about speaking out something to reveal my desire but ultimately kept my mouth shut, unlike I was expecting, it was very difficult to speak something like that casually, moreover at that time my son was also moving around. After Lakith’s exit I went into the washroom and watered my fuckhole to clean the mess and came out after shaving my pussy.

After some time my son went busy watching television and once again recollecting all my courage I climbed the stairs with specific purpose and to find the opening to reveal my desire indirectly and I gave Lakith my USB Pen drive to copy couple of new Bollywood movies.

I wanted to ask him if he has blue movies too, just to began the substance but moment I thought about saying that my heart beat went high and I started to sweat mildly and ultimately I failed to speak even a word in that concern and leaving my pen drive with him I moved back to my place.

Like it can be expected after 10-15 minutes Lakith came down to give my pen drive back and while standing on the door step I somewhat told him that he has to have dinner with me “tune dinner mere saath hi karna hai” and with a tiny smile and stare into his eyes in continuation I mentioned this fact to him that Ujwal will not come back home in the night and he blushed a bit.

With a simple “Ok” he went back, even though nothing was said from my side till then but I started feeling strange sensations passing through my body, after seeing his tiny smile with a blush over the piece of information of my being alone for the night I was feeling confident, and I was sure that now while having dinner anyhow I will convey my desire to him.

Throughout the time I prepared the dinner I was feeling uneasy over this fact that I am going to cheat my husband but I because wanted to do it and I continued suppressing my ethics sustained fury for him. Lakith came down again around 9; after I called him, by now my son was over with his meal and he was still busy in watching television.

We started eating and after having dinner with a casual conversation over latest Bollywood movies, I began by asking him what does he usually do after reaching back home in the evening, and he said he watch movies on the laptop, listen music and play games. Next I asked him what does he do in weekends and he said he sleep a lot on Saturdays and Sundays.

Something was running in my mind to speak and as I thought about saying that I started sweating in a instant, it was a moment which was really very dreadful for me, deep inside I was troubled like hell but somehow I had to break that bar and I came up saying that I have seen what he was doing last Sunday when her mom called me.

“Maine dekha tha tu last Sunday kya kar raha tha ….jab teri mummy ne mujhe call kiya tha…!” Like I knew my words shook his head and I could see his heart pounding over his facial expressions. For an instant he looked at me without a flick of an eye and then moved is vision from my face.

“You were masturbating” and he looked up again and once again moved his vision from my face. Apparently I was looking at him confidently but deep inside I was uneasy just like him and overcoming my uneasiness I lifted his chin with my hand and smiled over his gesture. He felt embarrassed and simply got up from the chair while saying “main chalta hun”.

We were sitting in the portion of dining area which was farthest from the place where my son was sitting and I wanted to talk to him then and their but Lakith did not gave me any time and he simply moved out of the house. My son was still stuck on the television which was sort of boon for me.

By now my ethics and moral values were vanished as if they never existed and after packing up the kitchen and climbed the stairs with a scoop of ice-cream in a bowl with clear intentions of making my night full of sexual pleasure.

To Be Continued…

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