A De-Tour With Mom





My mother Sulochana is a very beautiful woman with great assets a man would die to have. She has a nice big pair of tight boobs and with flesh at perfect places in the body. At 36 she is perfect woman who can take a man to heavens. But her beauty is covered behind her traditional attire. My mother is a very conservative and pious woman. She wears a traditional dress i.e. sari. She leads a much disciplined life.

I was also bought up with a lot of discipline and respect for elders. All those manners and discipline has evaporated when I went to city 2 years back for my studies. It was here I was introduced to the world of movies. In the weekends we used to watch movies especially the Indian porn movies. Soon I was also introduced the devil called internet. While searching for some videos and pics in the net I came across a site which had many sex stories. Soon I started exploring it. I read one by one and all the stories. One Sunday I spent my whole day exploring the site. And it is during this time I came across the word called incest. At first I didn’t understood what it means but soon I realized and understood the meaning of the word. I was surprised by the site. Among all those caught my attention was mom and son sex stories. Within no time I was searching only for mom and son sex stories without even my knowledge.

That night I masturbated in the bathroom of my hostel. I felt guilty for what I did and I started to retrospect myself. Since my mother was the only woman who was with me all the time, I was more excited by the idea. I vowed to myself that I will not visit such sites again, only to break it next week end. As I got out of my hostel my steps automatically moved towards the internet café. But I said to my self that I will not read mom and son sex stories. When I sat on the system, my hand directly went to mom and son sex stories section. And soon without my knowledge I was so addicted and obsessed by those stories that every weekend I used read the stories all the day and masturbate twice in the bathroom. Soon my mom’s face started to appear in my imaginations while masturbating. By the end of the second year I used to masturbate once or twice a day imagining my mom’s face. Just mom’s face made me come quickly. I became so desperate that I used to talk for sometime on weekends and masturbate immediately. Just hearing her voice used to excite me. After sometime I used to call her daily in the night and masturbate immediately in the wash room.

I was becoming desperate to see my mom. Soon I my exams came and I concentrated on them. I could not tell my happiness on the last day of my exam. I know that my mom and dad will come to take me. But to my utter disappointment my father came to take me. But even then I was happy that soon I am going to see her.

By the time I reached home it was night and the power was not there as it was a village. My mom was sitting on the cot weaving flowers. She came to me with a wide smile when I entered. She pampered me that night and served the chicken which she prepared especially for me. All this time I was busy savoring my mom’s beauty in the lamp light. I could not clearly stare at her but I got small glances of her big mounted boobs protruding from her sari. Her face and her seductive smile have made a tent in my pant. But I controlled it by diverting my thought. That night I slept in veranda in the backyard near to the tulasi tree which is worshiped by my mother daily.

I freely shagged imagining his mother under his blanket and fell asleep soon. When I woke up in the middle of the night I saw my father sleeping a yards from me. I was surprised what he was doing there while his beautiful wife slept inside. He must be busy humping his beautiful wife. All this thought in my mind has excited me and I went to bathroom and relieved in a few minutes. I came back and slept. I saw that the time was 2:00 in the morning and started to wait to pass time to get a good glance of his mother. I don’t know when I fell asleep. I woke up with the voice of my father announcing that he is going to fields.

“SHIT” I said to myself. I was late and my mom has finished her prayers. I was disappointed. It happened when I wanted to get up. My mother walked into the back yard with a cloth tied to her hair and a plate in the hand. She was in a navy blue sari with printed matching blouse. He was surprised his mother never wears such saris. Usually she used to wear cotton saris at home but seeing in beautiful chiffon sari has just raised my dick under the blanket. I somehow managed it by raising the legs. I became a peeping tom, peeping at my mom’s body. Her dressing has changed considerably. Her blouse had a small cut. Her waist is seen considerably. It was cream colored and I could easily know the softness in her waist. Slowly I started to masturbate watching my mother’s beauty lively. It took a minute to release my cum. I let out a sound of pleasure when I came and that was enough for my mom to look at me. I immediately covered it by me waking up. My mom laughed and asked me to bath as she will prepare the breakfast. I sat there for a few minutes to let my raised dick settle down. Later I had my bath and took my breakfast. It was hard and too much for me to resist my mom’s beauty and so on the pretext of going to fields I went out.

Days were passing by and I was masturbating daily two to three times on my moms beautiful body. It became so irresistible for me that I wanted to fuck my mom at any cost. I knew that my mom and dad are not having sex as they slept separately every day. I don’t if my mom is horny or not but taking her age as standard, I knew that women in that were hornier than any other women. And my dad who is 15 years elder to my mom was in no mood for sex. But I could never see frustration of sex in my mom. May her prayers are keeping her calm. I wanted to take chance and it came one day.

One day my mom wanted to go to her sisters’ house for a function and she wanted to accompany me. I said we will go on bike to which my mom agreed and surprised when I learned to drive it. My dad could not accompany us as he has work in the city and he will return the next day evening. Soon we were on our way to her sisters’ house. We attended the function and by the time we started back to our home it was dark in the night. It is a journey of three hours and we rarely find villages to stop by. I was driving and soon small droplets of rain began to fall. Suddenly I made the bike stop as if it had problem. In the pretext of shortcut I took the abandoned road and it was nearly 60 kilometers road. I asked my mom to hold the torch and I began to see what the problem was with the bike. There was no sign of life. Soon the rain was taking its toll. It started raining.

‘What happened?’ mother asked‘I don’t know mom. There is some problem. You go and stand under the tree I will repair it’ I said.It started to rain heavily and we were already wet.‘Come on we can do it later’ she called me while moving.

I moved along with her. We walked to a nearest tree and stood there. Soon it started to rain so heavily that even the tree cannot protect us. We were completely drained in rain. My mom was shivering. I came close to her and embraced her. She did not resist and held me tightly. Her big boobs were pressing on my chest. It took less than a minute for my dick to rise completely. I pulled her more closely as wanted drained from above us. We were not in a position to talk. She too came closer. Her silk sari was completely wet. I looked around. There were fields behind us and I could see a dried grass pile near by.

‘Mom I think rain does not seem to stop now. We need to make place to stay’ I said shivering.I took hold of her hand and walked her to the nearest pile of dried grass. I got an idea to make a close cozy place to stay for us to night which also will be out first sex room. I got two long sticks. I pushed them in the wet soil.‘Mom gives me your sari’ I said.

Without even waiting for her response, I pulled her sari which was unexpected. She revolved as I pulled her sari along with the pleats. She did not say a word. I squeezed the water out and put the half of the sari on the sticks, with the other half under us. Then I quickly pulled piles of dried straw and placed it on the sari. Then arranged the dried straw around the small tent and went inside. Then I asked my mom to come inside extending my hand. My mom came in and I was very close it hardly fitted us.‘Mom careful, if you move it will fall down’ I said.

I asked her to sleep. She slept on the straw beside her. Then I closed the entrance with the straw. I slept beside her. We were shivering. The rain has become heavier and showed no sign of respite. I removed my shirt and pant along with under wear. My mom is in blouse and petticoat. She knew I was removing the dress and she was too weak to speak. After a moment of shivering, I took her hand into mine and rubbed it on chest. She pulled it quickly. I again tried to take her hand to which she resisted.‘Mom if you will not co-operate we will die here with cold’ I said

Then I took her hand with less resistance. I started rubbing her hand on my bare chest. The rain was heavy. The tent was giving marginal protection. I turned to her side and placing her hand on her soft waist I pulled her to my side. Even in that cold shiver my dick stood hard and pole like than never before. She moved like stiff stick. Pushing my hand from under armpits I embraced her and put my legs on her take her legs between mine. Her soft boobs in the blouse pressed hardly to my chest and soon I could feel her breathe hot on my cheek. I started exploring her back. Then without intimation I kissed her lips. She tried to move but I held her tightly and I took her boob in my and started to maul them. Slowly I went on top of her pushed her down. I made space between her legs and moved her wet petticoat up. It took me less than a minute to unhook her blouse and pulled out her bra at the same time lowering my ass as my dick slowly made its way in her slippery cunt. She raised her hip as if to take my dick. Soon I was pumping her and I could hear her moans. After 20 minutes of fucking we came at the same time. She squirmed arching her body showing that she has just cum.

After a few minutes my dick was ready and this time she did not resisted. I moved my knob of the dick at the slit of her pussy teasing her. She waited but after a few times, she put her hands on my ass and pulled my ass towards her saying ‘push it’ and my dick went into her pussy again. I slowly started moving and in and out of her cunt. She enjoyed it. This time we were not in a hurry and I fucked her leisurely. My hands mauled her big 36dd boobs which were stiff and smooth. After 40 minutes my mother came first and another 20 minutes later I came in her load. We had one more session and slept our bodies hot. I don’t what time it was but I could hear the water splashing on the trees. I saw my mom snoring and laying nakedly beside and my dick got hard. I started sucking her tits. A moment later she responded by placing her hand on my for my sucking.

Soon I positioned my self at the entrance of her womanhood and pushed it in one go. She held her breathe and became stiff for the hard stroke. She slowly began to let herself loose as I began to pump her. I fucked her this time for around one hour and we collapsed in each others embrace. We soon went to sleep on each other. When I got up, there was small light. I got up from the top of her and she was still sleeping. I pushed her blouse and petticoat outside and I woke her up. She opened her eyes and saw that she was nude. She understood the things that transpired last night and an hour ago. She got looked around in confusion for her clothes. I signaled her to calm down and looked at her. She bent her head down and I touched her boobs and started to maul them. Then I pushed her back as the tent collapsed and fell over her. She cried not to do it as it is daylight. Soon my dick was inside her pumping like a piston. She requested me that I can do it later. I did not heed to her request and completed my quest. When I fell beside her, we were both exhausted.

I know it is time to move out. I pushed the tent of sari. Then he gave her the blouse and petticoat which she wears in front of him. He made no attempt to move from there. One by one her body disappeared again behind her blouse, petticoat and sari. He moved from there where the vehicle was parked. She followed him. He acted as if to find the problem for half an hour and finally started it. By the time they reached home it was afternoon. They had a hot water bath and later had a sumptuous lunch which his mother had prepared. They were silent all the time since they started. His mother was taking off the plates as he sat looking at her.

After a nice and full lunch, his mind went to a leisure and steamy sex with his mother. She moved into their bed room and it was her afternoon nap time. He also knew that his father will come only tomorrow. He followed her into the bed room and closed the door behind him.

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