White Bride is forced to fuck Black Best man

Sex Stories

“We are gathered here today for a most joyous union.” The priest had a kindly smile on his pale thin lips.

I smiled nervously behind my veil, trying not to glance at my loving soon to husband. The truth behind my nervousness was a lot more than innocent, and had more to do with the man that stood directly behind my loving fiance James.

His name was Isaac and he had a hard ebony body that was twice the size muscle, and length wise as James. I glanced at him then looked away just as quick, deciding to rest my eyes on the floor. I wasn’t sure what it was about Isaac but something about him frightened me, that and what he did to me mere hours away from the wedding,

I suppose I should start where it all began.

I was standing in front of a full length mirror, examining how I looked in my wedding dress.

I’m what many have accused as being a model but in truth I’ve always been your average Southern Belle with pale skin and long flowing blonde hair, and dark green eyes. One thing I’ve always been uncomfortable with was my full D breasts and the way they stood out. I noticed how guys would always stare at them, with thinly disguised hunger.

Many of my girlfriends would often say, “Damn Kathy! You are one beautiful woman, I wish I was as good looking as you sugar!”

Yet despite all the claims of beauty, I never really saw much in what they said.

I now saw what my friends meant. On a whim I decided to slip my more traditional bridal panties off and slipped on the white see through ones. It wouldn’t hurt to be a little naughty tonight, I was getting married after all! With a sigh she went through the painstaking process of making myself look flawless. I could care less if my friends thought I looked beautiful, I was determined to make this –

A loud knock at the front door interrupted my musings.

I stood nervously, feeling a twinge in my stomach as I thought for sure it would be James’s mother who never seemed to care for me all that much. When I opened it I nearly closed it again but instead said with a smile that showed off my pearly white teeth, “Hey Isaac. What can I do for you?

Isaac had that ever cocky smile on his thick lips as he sized me up like I was some whore, rather than his best friends soon to be wife. I hated that look but whenever I brought it up, James would just shrug and say Isaac did that to all the girls. Finally James told Isaac to back off when I pestered him enough, but still the bastard would do it whenever James wasn’t around. It looked like I would have to have another talk with my husband after the ceremony.

“Damn girl, you are one fine looking bitch.” His eyes were drinking me in with a hunger that scared me.

I still couldn’t get over the fact that my loving James’s best friend was black. He had a coldness to his eyes that bespoke of purpose but I was still puzzled what this was exactly.

“Mind if I come in for a bit?”

Isaac was a very intimidating man so when he asked, I found myself shrugging and letting him come in. I wasn’t even sure why I did this, but I trusted the man, even if he was a black guy.

“Can’t believe Jimmy’s marrying a pretty woman like yourself.” His voice was awash with emotion that I still didn’t understand at this point. He was still looking at me with a hunger I knew was raw lust and it made me feel uncomfortable.

“He doesn’t like being called Jimmy.” I replied back rather snappishly.

“Ya don’t like me do you?” His question was mildly put, but I still felt a chill creep up my spine.

I decided at this point to level with him. So as I was painting my lips a lighter shade of red lipstick, I decided it was time to level with the man.

“To be honest with you, no.”

“No? Come on, you haven’t even given me a chance!” He sounded upset, but I wasn’t about to back down. “It’s cause I’m black aint it?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” I snapped, although there was more truth to this question than I cared to admit. “I don’t like the way you’re checking me out all the time. Even now, after getting married in no more than two hours you are here. That isn’t very nice to James or respectable to me.”

“Shit! Can you blame me?” His voice was a growl, it scared me more now as I realized that I was alone with this guy that I barely hung around with. “Yer one of the sexiest girls I know. Shit as many girls as I’ve fucked, I’ve never had a hot bitch like yourself.”

I didn’t even bother to turn around, just concentrated on making sure I looked sexy in the little mirror. I was clearly feeling irritated as I hated when someone used the B word. Not to mention how Isaac seemed to love to lust after me, even though he had his fair share of women to pick from. With a sigh, I put the lipstick down and turned, and bit off a cry at the sight that greeted me.

Isaac was completely nude with the exception of his socks. This was startling enough, but what kept my eye was how Isaac was fully hard and with a penis easily twice the size and three times as thick as James. Far from provoking lust, I felt a rage building instead.

“Get dressed and get the fuck out of this room!” I nearly screamed, my eyes still looking at that damn big dick that seemed to hypnotized me against my will.

“Fuck no!” He growled, approaching me with a coldness that never left his eyes.

I knew immediately that Isaac meant business, this wasn’t the friend I was accustomed to seeing. His cock was bouncing freely around, but the sight that would be nearly comical was sheer terror for me. I was bound and determined to get the Hell out of here.

Panicked I tried to run passed Isaac but he had effortlessly captured me in his powerful arms. I wasn’t going to let him have me so I fought fiercely back as he proceeded to bend me over and lift my wedding dress over my hips. He fingered the crotch of my panties lightly, causing me to whimper.

“Love these panties.” He grunted, before fiercely ripping them off that caused me to cry in protest. “Quiet or I’ll have to seriously hurt you.”

I had little choice so I bit my lower lip, and closed my eyes as I felt his hands finger my pussy. It was a disgusting feeling. The fear of what this man would do to me if I fought held me back from putting on much of a fight. The fear that this bastard would Molestation me crossed my mind more than a couple of times, but I wasn’t going to try and run and make it worse, not yet anyway.

He expertly parted my pussy lips with his finger, causing me to instinctively shudder. I felt a dull ache in the pit of my stomach as I had little doubt what this bastard would do. I thought he would tear off my wedding dress, but instead he was fine with me keeping it on. His hands felt like a monsters paws as he patted my ass, and roughly massaged it till I cried in protest.

“I- You’re not going to get away with this!” I tearfully sniffled as Isaac continued to take his time with me. “When James finds out about this, he’ll hate you for life!”

“James?” He chuckled as if I said something funny. “Oh please! I’ve been fucking every white bitch that he’s ever dated and he’s yet to know about a one. You’ll be no exception. I have a feeling about you, and I’m almost never wrong.”

I couldn’t begin to fathom what he meant by, “I have a feeling about you,” and I didn’t really care. All I cared about was getting out of this in one piece. The only thing that seemed to work was dialogue, so this is what I’ll try and do.”

“Wh-What do you mean that you’ve fucked every white bitch my James had been dating?”

“It’s what it means,” His breath smelt like onions as he hoarsely whispered in my ear, “Every girlfriend, which I admit yer little Jimmy have had, have been few and far between, I’ve fucked raw. The idiot was never the wiser.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that. All I knew at this point in time was that I had to find a way out of this man’s clutches. The only idea that I had through my racing mind, was to talk him out of this.

“Pl-please let me go…” I wanted to run, but I was afraid that he would hurt me. “I-I”

“Shhh!” His hiss was insistent and angry. “I know you want it baby. Just keep your mouth shut, and let me do what you’ve been wanting.”

I simply didn’t know what Isaac was talking about. The fear at the pit of my stomach grew to fruition as he forced me on my knees, so my pussy was faced directly towards my soon to be rapist.

I wanted to fight, and to this day I will never be able to explain why I gave up. I suppose I was scared of him, afraid of his powerful black body that represented everything I was taught to be weary of with men. It could also be that huge cock between his legs, and the fear that he would put it inside of me was compounded by the realization that if I fought too hard, that he would hurt me.

James was way smaller than this guy. I of course never measured it, but it always reminded me dimly of a little boys. I know such thoughts were unbecoming from a woman just about to marry him, but I just couldn’t help but make those types of comparisons. I was never a woman that needed a huge cock, as a matter of fact I considered a big penis silly and unrealistic. Something that adolescent boys dreamed up to compensate for something that they lacked, and equally immature girls who had complained about their significant others lack of skills.

I clenched the floor, as I felt the tip of his huge black cock penetrate my very tight pussy. An unwelcome jolt traveled up my spine. No way this monster would fit inside of me, and I tried once more to plead with my attacker.

“I-Isaac please stop,” I clinched the carpet harder as I felt more of this thick black cock part, and sink further into my folds. “I don’t know wh-what you thought about me being interested in you, but you are just wrong. I love James and want to spend the rest of my life with him. I’m a faithful woman to my loving husband who just wants you to stop.”

“Yer pussy says other wise.” His voice was thick with emotion that I couldn’t begin to describe. “Yer wet and it wants more, I think.”

I groaned loudly in denial as he sunk more of his huge cock inside of me. My body may have betrayed me at this point, but I was determined to get him to stop.

“What about James…” My voice was shaking as I felt myself treacherously begin to adjust to Isaac’s massive size. “I’ll tell him that you Molestationd -”

“Go ahead,” he was chuckling at my empty threat. “Tell him and I’ll simply claim that you tried to come on to me. He’ll believe me, who doesn’t really? James is always the gullible fool. Oh and besides yer hubby loves you, but he don’t trust you completely.”

My mind was blank at what else to say as I felt more of that cock going inside me, the stretching of my pussy was painful, but their was a sweet ache to it that bothered me. I couldn’t be enjoying what Isaac was doing to me, besides being the best man, he was my James best friend.

Yet, as he pressed more of himself inside of me I could feel every inch of this man’s huge cock and it scared me when I felt his balls finally pressed against me. He was balls deep.

“Damn you took every fucking inch!” Isaac was stunned at how much he managed to get inside of me. “It took me at least ten minutes but I’m all the way inside of you.”

“Okay!” I replied with gritted teeth. “You’ve had your way now stop.”

He responded by pulling till only the tip was inside of me, and violently thrust forward, the sound of flesh slamming against flesh filling the room.

I felt my mouth instinctively open as all I could see was stars, my fingers painfully bit into the carpet. I was thankful that he only did that once. My wedding dress was covering my head, hiding the look of confusion as his cock was deep inside of me. He didn’t seem to move for a while after that first violent thrust, and I hoped he just came and would roll off of me. Instead much to my horror I felt him open the back of my wedding dress and half of it was down my shoulders, without further ado he unhooked my bra.

A moan of unwelcome pleasure fill my mouth as I felt his hard black hands grasp my full breasts. I was scared as he slowly proceeded take me. His huge black cock slammed in and out of my white pussy, every movement tormenting me with pleasure as pain as I begged him to stop the entire time.

I’m ashamed to say that I came more times than I could possibly count. The orgasms were nothing like I’ve ever had in my life, James simply couldn’t compare to this larger than life black man. I never felt such orgasms from James, in fact I never, ever had an orgasm with James. It was something I would never admit to with anyone, not even my best friend.

“God you are one tight bitch.” He grunted savagely as he continued slam against me. “I swear you were a virgin.”

I felt the blood rush to my head, and deciding I bit my bottom lip. I wasn’t a virgin of course, but I never had a man like this. His cock stretched me in ways that no man, definitely not James ever stretched. Not to mention Isaac touched places I never even knew existed.

“J-just stop — OH!”

I broke off whatever I was going to say as an Earth shattering orgasm wracked my body. I saw stars as Isaac didn’t even pause, just continuously pummeled my pussy without mercy.

As I recovered from several other smaller orgasms, I found myself crying out for Isaac to stop. I needed to get away from this black cock, so I reminded him sharply that I had a wedding that I needed to go to.

I hated myself as I felt furthered stimulated as he paused his heartless poundings. I half wondered if he was ever going to finally cum. James would have been passed out, while Isaac wasn’t even done yet.

“We got an hour and a half to go, sweet thing.”

I was ashamed to admit that pleasure radiated throughout my small white body, as he resumed rolling those hips and continued the pounding of my small white pussy with his big black cock. I wanted to escape, run for my life if I could, but another violent orgasm wracked my body. I bit my bottom lip this time, so as not to give this monster the satisfaction. It did no good as a moan, unbidden and unwanted came from deep inside of me.

“Gonna cum in that fuckin’ pussy.” He groaned with an impeding release that was undeniable, and equally dreadful.

“Noooo!” I hissed, clenching my teeth. I knew that that there was simply nothing I could do to stop him, he was just too strong for me.

“UHHHHHHH!” His grunt was a grunt of primal force, as with one brutal push against me, he unleashed his black cum deep inside of my unwilling white womb.

I cried in one last protest as I felt that hot seed pour into me.

Thoughts of whether I might be pregnant already flooded my mind. This was my most fertile time of the year, it was one of the single most important reasons that today was planned for the wedding. Me and James were planning on having a family shortly after. There was simply no way I could keep it, James would divorce me in a heart beat…

“Damn that was fucking good!” Isaac whispered, kissing me on the lips. I tried to pull away, but his strong hands wouldn’t let me.

Every moment of having this bastard inside of me was a painful experience and I wished he would withdraw, but instead he just laid there, his cock lodged deep inside of me. I had to wonder if that was this bastard’s plan, to get me pregnant before his supposed best friend, my soon to be husband would even have a chance.

Finally he pulled out, chuckling openly at the crude sloshing sound his cock made as it left my pussy. I just laid still for a long moment, trying to catch my breath when a loud knock caused me to jolt to my feet.

“Dear? it’s James! I heard noises and was wondering if you were okay. Is it alright if I can come in?” His voice was filled with concern.

Looking around, I spotted the closet at the side of the room and gestured hurriedly for Isaac to hide. He looked equally spooked and did what I said, opening the closet door, and tightly closed the door. For my part, I hid all the evidence of what just happened and slipped some silken, more conservative panties on before turning to answer the door.

“Everything’s alright honey,” I said sweetly.

I still couldn’t believe what I was doing, standing here after being taken savagely and not telling the man that I would be taken my vows with. The orgasms were fresh on my mind, coupled with the guilt of having to fight my response to Isaac’s rough treatment.

“That’s great.” James gave me a smile as he made his way inside. “I’m so glad that we’re finally getting married after all this time. I’m not sure though why we had to wait a full month before well… you know… have sex. I mean we’ve had sex before and suddenly you wanted to wait?”

“It’s because I want tonight to be special, like our first time together.” I spoke truthfully, although tonight was not going to be special, not with what I just went through.

“I guess…” James looked visibly doubtful about my explanation. “Hey I wanted to let you know that the ceremony is going to be an extra thirty minutes late, due to my mom being late for the reception.”

“Oh?” I said with a certain amount of disappointment. “Well I hope that your mom isn’t too late.”

“Well…” James looked uncomfortable before doing something bold by reaching and pulling his zipper down as he said with what he imagined was seductive, but sounded boyish to my ears, “I was thinking maybe since we have a little bit of time you and I could…”

I stared at James’s rigid penis, noticing how much smaller it was compared to Isaac’s. Just a tiny amount of pre-cum dripped from its rigid head. I couldn’t help but grasp it, noting absently that his head didn’t even peak out from my small hand. He was more a boy compared to Isaac’s considerable girth. I doubt he was even close to being average in girth, let alone length.

“No.” That simple word that came out of my mouth surprised even me. The truth was I didn’t want him to see or possibly know that his best friend just came inside of his loving soon to be wife. I didn’t want him to even suspect. “I’m sorry dear, I just think it would be best to wait till tonight. Now go to the altar and wait for me. Okay? It’s bad luck for you to even be here.”

I watched as my betrothed zipped up his pants, and left with an irritated look in his blue eyes. James was the man that I would marry, but I realized that I would be forever altered in ways I couldn’t begin to describe. The scar of being taken, no Molestationd would be a more apt word, would be in my life forever.

I turned, and nearly gasped in surprise as Isaac was standing nearly right behind me.

“We’re gonna do this a whole lot more, I think.”

I didn’t know how to respond, just stared at Isaac’s now fully nude body. The lust in his dark eyes scared me as I knew he was going to demand sex from me. As you may have guessed I found my eyes not locked on his eyes so much but also by that huge black cock swinging between his legs. The bastard was hard, again!

“No fucking way we are!” I snapped, feeling more emboldened as I realized what I just did. Not only did Isaac force himself on me, but he also came deep inside of my pussy. In my haste to hide the evidence and get rid of James, such thoughts were completely out of my mind. Not only that, but I also denied the man I was to marry sexual pleasure. “James is to be my husband and your his best man so why don’t you go wait for him at the altar while I get ready.”

“Not before you suck my dick.” His hand reached down and waved his hard rigid cock back and forth while giving me that cocky grin that I was really growing to hate. “One last time before you walk down that aisle and kiss yer little white hubby.”

I gave him a defiant look with my arms crossed around my ample chest. I wasn’t going to put out for this monster, but my eyes were strangely drawn to that huge dick between his legs nonetheless.
“You heard what I told my husband.” I sounded weaker than I wanted to, and hated myself for it. “Besides I have to go and walk down that aisle to kiss the man I love. I’m not doing any such thing! Now please leave.”

His brown eyes were cold as he stared into my blue ones as he said with every word clipped and angry, “You didn’t hear me. I want you to suck my dick nice and slowly or I will show and tell your husband everything. Do you understand?”

“I — what do you mean you will show?”

A chuckle at my expense. “I hid a camera in here. Now do what your told or I’ll have to get rough with you again. You don’t want that do you?”

I was speechless as I realized that if Isaac was telling the truth, then he had some serious leverage to use against me. Everything was now out of my hands and now in Isaac’s.

Nervously I got on my knees as my small white hand grasped his incredibly large cock. The contrast between my white skin against that black smooth cock was startling, not to mention the way my diamond ring glittered ever so tentatively against the overhead light. I wanted to bolt in fear, but instead I slowly jerked this bastard off.

“Shouldn’t I at least take my wedding gown off?”

“No, keep it on. It looks fucking sexy with you all dressed up about to get married and sucking my dick like a nice little slut..”

I glared at him in disgust, but I continued to jerk him off slowly. With some reluctance I placed my tongue against the head, tasting his salty pre-cum. Amazingly it wasn’t as nasty as I imagined it to be. Yet it was highly doubtful that I would even be able to fit the whole thing in my mouth. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to get half of him down my throat, yet I had to try.

It took some attempts, but I managed to get his big cock down my throat. A gagging sound filled the room and I began to pull away, when he pushed me back in place.

“Don’t even think of pulling away!” His voice a hiss.

I couldn’t believe how I was doing something that I just denied to my soon to be husband. This was so wrong, yet I felt… as I continued blowing this bastard, a sort of stirring in my loins that most disturbed me. What kind of woman was I to allow this man to not only cum inside of me, but also being coerced to give him a blow job.

“Damn ya feel amazing.” A grunt, his hands shook some as held me steady as I slurped on his cock.

It took ten long minutes, that felt like an eternity for him to unleash his cum deep down my throat. I held myself still and drank every drop that would look like eagerness to the casual observer, but was in reality just me trying to prevent any cum to touch my dress.

As Isaac got dressed, I brushed my dress in place. I glanced at myself carefully in the mirror to make sure no evidence of what just happened showed. As I was doing so, Isaac simply stood at my side with a nasty little leer that made me shiver.

“This is just the beginning.” He was openly gloating, his beefy arm clasped me close to him. “We’re gonna be doing a lot more of this for now on.”

I didn’t know how to respond to this, so I decided to just keep my eyes on the mirror. I knew I should have pushed him away and say more in the way of defiance, and reestablish my love towards James. Instead I wondered how long I would be able to keep this a secret, horrified at the thought of James finding out about what just happened, and may very well continue to happen.

“Don’t worry about James,” he said with that usual cocky swagger that threw me off. “The boy’s an idiot. I didn’t lie when I told you I’ve fucked every single one of his girlfriends and he was never the wiser. He aint the brightest man around. That’s for sure.”

“What if I get pregnant?” I whimpered at the horror of my situation.

“Doncha worry about that. If I get you pregnant you’ll get an abortion and he’ll be none the wiser.”

I flushed as I was conservative when it came to the issue of abortion. All I could hope for is that he didn’t get me pregnant and I could start up taking the pill again. James wanted to have kids but I simply couldn’t risk it at this point. No, that would simply have to be another thing I would have to deny to the man I professed to love.

Mercifully he left my side and the room, but not my thoughts.

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