The Girl In The Lift


Hello guys, I am back after a very long time. This story is long and focused much on setting the plot and directly doesn’t jump to fuck and sex. So sit back and enjoy it.

I live in Pune, and this is the story of a girl who lives in my building. We used to meet each other in the lift. Let me describe her, she would be around 5.7” in height. Her stats are not so great. Her boobs would be around 32 but firm, her ass would be around 36 in size.

Her skin color is on the darker side but possesses good features. She is quite sexy and knows how to carry herself. Her dressing sense and choice of dresses is pretty good, and that really attracts people. Her eyes are something to die for.

From the way she looks, it feels that she would be quite kinky and would be a sex bomb. Her name is Simi. Since we used to live in the same building. We used to meet in the lift. Those were the moments I used to die for. I always wished that we both alone are in the lift.

It gets stuck, but these things happen only in movies. She used to live on the fifth floor, and I was 2 floors above. The travel of 5 floors with her company was like a dream coming true. As we lived in the same building, we knew each other. But the relationship was mere till a hi/hello or a simple smile.

I used to think of ways to move ahead. But since living in the same building was a little cautious. Also not sure what is going on in her mind. I used to try to find some clues by which I could understand whether she is also interested or not. But I didn’t have any conclusive ones.

My instincts used to tell that she is equally interested in the way she used to look or give a smile. But going with instincts was a risk. I needed a lucky day or event to turn things. Time passed on. We casually met in the lift once or twice.

One day when I came from the office, it was raining heavily. The floor was swept by the housekeeping team. The floor was still wet, and as soon I entered the building for the lift, there she was standing and waiting for the lift. We shared a casual smile as we saw each other waiting for the lift.

Somehow that day was feeling that something will happen. But was not sure that it would turn out to be the luckiest day of my life. She was wearing a long skirt and a T-shirt. It looked that she was coming back after buying some groceries. The lift came slowly to the ground floor and was empty.

As the door open, she tried to enter in, but due to a slippery surface, she tumbled and fell on the floor. It looked that her ankle got twisted, and it was hurting. She also got hurt on the knee and thighs, which I could make out from her face.

I rushed to her to check if she was okay. I tried to help her out by giving my hand to stand. But she was not able to stand with just the help of the hand. I asked her if her husband is there at the flat? Yes, guys, she was a married girl. She told me that he is still at his office.

Knowing that I asked her if she is fine if I hold her from the waist to stand up. She thought for a while and nodded yes. I took her arm on my shoulder and held her waist on the other hand. She started standing on her one leg as the other was still hurting, but slowly she stood.

I pressed the lift button and slowly we entered it. I pressed 5, and the lift moved up. Her arm was still on one of my shoulders. But I had relaxed my other hand, which was around her waist. She now had the support of the lift wall. The lift stopped as we reached the 5th floor.

Again I made a firm grip near her waist to help her come out and reach to her flat door. I asked for the keys which she handed, and I opened the door. I helped her to sit on the sofa. She seemed to then relax a little. Until now, I wasn’t feeling anything nor thinking that I touched and held her by her waist.

I asked her to ring her husband so that he can come early. She dialed, but it looked that he was busy and replied with an auto-message. I asked if there is anyone of her friends whom I could ask to help her. Her friend works in the second shift, so she is not available.

She then showed some expressions of pain. I asked if I can bring balm or some spray. She guided me to a wooden chest where it was kept. Until now, I didn’t think about the sequence of events that happened between us. But now, some feelings started creeping in my mind.

I thought to try my luck today but still wasn’t clear of what she is feeling. I decided to go with the flow and see how it goes. I opened the chest. When it’s your day, everything goes with what you wish. It was the Iodex balm. I came up with it and gave her the balm.

She tried it to apply on her ankle, but it was difficult for her as its hurting. Secondly, she was not able to fold her legs too much so that her hand can reach out to it. Since we both were not so close, she didn’t want to say to me to take the balm and apply it.

I saw her mixed emotions understood that I have to take the lead. I asked her that I can help and apply it. Hearing this, she thought for a while and handed it over to me. I took the balm and asked her to get into a comfortable position. She relaxed a little.

Then I sat on the sofa and took some balm and started applying on the ankle. I knew I have a good amount of time. So I applied it very slowly and started massaging her ankle and foot. I asked her to relax. She took a posture of half laid. I was rubbing it and thinking about ways to progress further.

I slowly started to massage her foot. I kept my face focused on her foot to not match eyes with her. I continued it. She was feeling relaxed and again got in half laid posture, and I kept continuing my work. In between, I just used to take a glimpse of what she is doing.

She looked comfortable and had closed her eyes. I continued this for a good 10 minutes but was not getting a clue to progress further. But then I thought whatever needs to be done needs to be done right now. I then slowly started massaging a little above her ankle.

Going very slowly, I started moving a little bit up each time and now almost covered half of her calf area. She then opened her eyes to say that it is feeling much better now, and she would be okay. I was seeing things moving out of my hand.

So to start some conversation, I asked how it felt while massaging the calf area. She said that it was quite relaxing and it also reduced some pain. I said, “Yes, it certainly helps as muscles contract and relax.” (I know this was a rubbish reason, but nothing else came to my mind at that time.)

She nodded her head in little confusion but took it. I told that if you massage the whole calf area, your pain would be reduced significantly. I asked her if I should do it. She thought for some time. Maybe she was in a dilemma whether what I was saying is correct and whether she should allow me.

But finally nodded in yes. I started massaging her calf area but didn’t rush to reach up. I slowly started going up so that she doesn’t doubt me. I took my own time and nearly took around 5 minutes before I was massaging the calf area. Actually, I was now thinking about what next.

After a few more minutes, I had to stop. I didn’t have any clue on how to progress further. I thought it’s now over. I thought to be happy with whatever I have got today and maybe try our luck next time. Finally, after stopping and I was putting the cap on the Iodex bottle.

I asked her how she is feeling. She said it felt quite good now, and she is now having very little pain in the ankle and said thanks to me. Now it’s just a little pain in the knee but manageable. Hearing this, my eyes lit up, and I could see an opportunity.

I asked her if she wants me to apply the cream on the knee as well. Hearing this, she showed expressions of a little shock. To justify my statement, I said that the knee can hurt a lot if you don’t take care of it. It needs some balm and a little massage.

She told me that it’s fine and manageable, and it’s not hurting so much. Losing my argument, I said that since you are sitting in the same position, it’s not hurting. I asked her to fold her leg. She tried to fold her leg, and it pained. I was waiting for it. I said, “It will pain as you move it.”

She now started to believe me, and I asked her if I should put the balm there. She was again in a dilemma. But then believing in what I said, she nodded. I asked her to again take the half laid posture and to move her skirt a little above her knee.

She started moving her skirt up, but without matching, eyes with me. Maybe she was feeling shy. I opened the balm and started applying on her knee. She closed her eyes, and I started to massage on the knee. I just concentrated on the knee and didn’t try anything funky so that she doesn’t doubt me.

After a good 5 minutes, I slowly made a move and increased the area of massage. She still had her eyes closed. As I was increasing the area of massage, I was also pushing her skirt a little up but only to a small degree. With her skirt going a little up, I was now able to get a glimpse of her panty.

It was pink in color. Seeing this, my tool started to get a hard-on. But I continued with the massage. I knew in my mind that I cannot move above after a level. So I thought that I need to start seducing her. I started focusing more on the area above her knee.

I reduced the pressure so that she starts feeling differently and gets little aroused. After continuing for a few minutes, she opened her eyes. I had to stop rubbing her thighs and move back to the knee. She adjusted her skirt a little and covered her thighs a little.

I asked how you are feeling now and how the pain is. She said the pain is good now, and she is fine and can manage. I said, “There are a couple of blood clots on your thigh. They are very small ones but can create an issue if not cared for.”

She asked where it is, and I showed her. They were a couple of inches above the knee and told when I was massaging the knee came to see those. She saw that, and since those were on thighs, she felt a little shy. She told me that she will apply some cream later.

I told her that she needs an ice pack to apply here rather than any cream. She said that she doesn’t have an ice pack. I said that some ice cubes could also be used. I hope you have that. She said that she will apply it. I thought that’s probably the end, and the beautiful dream is about to end now.

I gave one last shot and said, “Let’s just try to check if you can move. Once I leave, you would need to start moving for certain work.” I asked her to fold and unfold her legs to check how is the knee pain. She did that and said that she was okay now. I said that she should try to walk a little to ensure everything is good.

She looked half convinced and tried to get up. I knew if she tries to walk, she will feel the pain due to body weight. I will grab the opportunity with both hands. As she got up and took the first step, she felt severe pain in the knee and on thighs and again fall on the sofa.

I asked what pained, and she told the knee and a little pain on the thighs. I said I told you that it needs care. I asked should I apply something on the blood clots. She seemed to be in a dilemma and didn’t respond. Seeing this, I again said that the pain will increase further if not taken care of.

She thought for a few seconds and then said okay. I knew where the kitchen was and went to pick some ice. I took some ice cubes and wrapped them in a hand towel. I started applying it to the clot area. I purposely did it 2 folds so that she doesn’t feel much at the start, and her thighs don’t become numb.

Now she won’t feel sensation if I move close to inner thighs. I carried this for 3-4 minutes. I asked in the hope that she is not feeling very cold on the thighs. I got the expected response that she hardly can feel it. I told her that it could be due to the towel.

I told her to lay down, and I will rub the ice directly. She laid down and closed her eyes. I took a couple of ice cubes and put it on her thigh. Suddenly I could feel a sensation on her body. Many of you might have experienced that ice plays a key role in erotic foreplays, and I was trying with it.

Slowly I started to rub the ice in her thighs and started moving up in a circular motion. I used to circle 4-5 times in the same area and then used to move a little bit. I kept continuing with it. I now reached her inner thighs, and still, she had her eyes closed.

With no resistance from her side, I got confidence and started following the same pattern. Now I was applying the ice on her inner thighs. I had pushed her skirt quite up, and her whole panty was now visible to me. I could now feel some sensation in her body and could sense that she is getting aroused.

I started to move close to her inner thighs, and now with my hand movement started brushing her pussy. Her sensation seemed to be building up. I could see some spots on her panty. I knew now is the time to give the last push.

I moved very close to her panty and started applying the ice directly to her pussy over her panty. With this sudden change, she was not able to control and gave a moan. She opened her eyes with .

I will end the story here. In the next part, you will see what happened next. Did I succeed in drilling her, or my dream got over then?

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