Teaching Sex To My Innocent Cousin Sister


Hey guys! This is Shiva from down south with a personal sexual experience which happened like 6-7 years back during a school vacation time.

About myself: I am 24 years young, 172 cm tall, well-built, medium dark skin tone, bearded guy, football player, and gym fit. But I was very thin during the time this incident happened.

About my cousin: She is 2 years younger to me. 155 cm tall, very fair, petite, just blossomed, cute small tits which had just started to develop and a thin waist and a small cute round firm ass.

We both were in our schooling. And during every vacation, it was common for both of our families to spend time in each other’s places. My parents used to send me to my uncle’s home as soon as the vacation started since my uncle was a strict person and used to treat the entire home like a military training centre.

I used to go there since that was the only place I had to go and also there were my cousins with whom I could play and spend time with.

Both my uncle and aunt were working. Uncle in a govt job and aunty was a doctor.

Another important reason why I readily accepted to go to my uncle’s home was that it was the only place which had an internet connection. I did not have a mobile or an internet connection at my home during those times.

It was the time I was newly introduced to the world of porn and sex. I had just come to know how sex was actually done and why a penis was actually inserted inside a woman’s pussy.

Till then I believed that children were born if a man and woman got married and hugged and slept. (I know most of you might also had the same idea until you guys also came to know!)

As a newbie who had a lot of doubts and fantasies of knowing about sex and its varieties, I was so eager to switch on the PC every day immediately after my uncle and aunt left the home for their jobs.

I used to lock the room door in which the PC used to be and watch a hell lot of porn from morning till evening and masturbate 6-7 times a day! (maybe that was also a reason why I was so thin during that phase of life).

During one such afternoon, I was watching porn as usual and was jerking my dick. I didn’t notice that the door lock I had put was not fully inserted into the latch and was hardly locked. I was so much into the video that I didn’t notice the sound of the footsteps. Suddenly, my cousin entered the room with a push of the door!

I was in such a shock that I immediately pulled my shorts up and instead of closing the window of the browser, I minimized it. Sensing my sudden shock and panic, my cousin asked me what I was doing fishy. She came near the PC and took the mouse. I was totally freaked out.

My cousin went straight to the browser and opened the window which had a porn video running in it. Seeing two people naked and doing something, she was shell-shocked and was dumbstruck.

She was with her jaws wide open, staring at the video for 15 secs approx. I slowly took the mouse from her hand and closed the window of the browser. Then I pleaded her not to tell anyone about this and if she tells, then my life is gone, my name would be fully spoilt and all.

I was literally begging her. My cousin was not angry or disgusted or anything. She was totally shocked about what she saw and was confused as well.

Me: Say something, Shruthi.Shruthi: Why would anyone record a video being naked and put it on the internet? And what were they were doing?

Me: No, that was nothing. Just forget what happened and what you actually saw.Shruthi: No no! Seriously, I am so confused about what they were doing. Why did they do something different? I don’t understand why!

Me: That is actually how sex is done. Don’t you know?Shruthi: SEX? What is SEX?

Me: That is how babies are born and that’s what marriages are actually done for.Shruthi: No! Babies are born if two people hug, cuddle and sleep together, right? God gives them babies in the womb of the ladies.

Me: No, Shruthi. That is not how it is done. This is the actual process. We were being told so by elder since we were too young to know about sex.Shruthi: Seriously?? How could that be?! I just can’t believe it!

Me: Would you like to know more about it? If it is okay with you, I can prove it with evidence.Shruthi: How will you prove?Me: Your mother is a doctor, right? I have seen her anatomy books. Those books must surely have topics related to reproduction.

Saying this, I took an anatomy book from the bookshelf and went to the reproduction topic. And I read out the entire chapter to my cousin and explained how it was done.

Now her next doubt increased. She asked me what sperm was and how it will be like.

I said that I can show her if she wants. My cousin was shocked hearing that I could show her real sperm. She readily accepted with such eagerness to learn about sex.

I immediately locked the door properly this time and removed my shorts and was naked in front of my cousin sister. My dick was already erect while I was teaching her about reproduction from the book. Shruthi was again shocked to see my dick so hard and erect.

Shruthi: Why is that standing like that? Does it always stand straight?Me: No, it stands up like this only when I am HORNY.

Shruthi: What is HORNY?Me: It is actually a feeling which comes when you want to have sex.

Shruthi: But I haven’t ever felt like that. How does horny feel?Me: It is an awesome and different feeling.

Shruthi: Awesome like?Me: Wait, let me first show you what sperm looks like first and then I will explain what a horny feeling is.

Saying this, I started to jerk my dick. Again, my cousin started asking why I was moving my dick up and down. I asked her to wait for a few minutes till I explain her everything.

But since it was my first time jerking in front of another person and that too my cousin sister, I was nervous and was not able to do it. So I asked her whether I could watch some porn video on the PC and then jerk to feel a little relaxed. Sruthi was eager to watch both porn and me leaking my juices.

Immediately, I opened the porn website and played a video. My cousin was watching the porn with her jaws wide open and alternatively, watching my dick being jerked.

Suddenly, she asked me whether she could try jerking my dick and see how it feels. I was absolutely okay with it and took her soft small hands in my hand and placed it on my hard dick.

This first feel of a girl’s hand on my dick sent instant chills through the nerves on my dick to my asshole and till my spine! It was such a lovely feel.

I was so turned on by my cousin’s hand on my dick. Sruthi had only given 4-5 jerks and my dick already started to shake, getting ready for explosion. Sruthi was scared when it started to vibrate and asked what was wrong and if she did something wrong.

I said it was completely fine and asked her just hold it tightly. In a few seconds, loads of my cum flew high in the air. Some of them hit on my cousin’s face and the remaining started overflowing over her hands which were holding my dick.

I told her that this was sperm and this is how it looks. My cousin sister was surprised to see sperm for the first time in her life and that too in her own hands and of her own cousin brother’s.

She asked me how it tastes? I said that I have never tasted it. Before me completing this sentence, Sruthi took out her tongue and with the tip of her tongue, she took a small drop of my cum and tasted it! She said it had somewhat different taste and was salty. I was shocked seeing her tasting my cum!

What happened next would be continued in the next part.

Any suggestions, responses, feedback are very welcome.

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