Shy Wife Not Any More – 2


“You’d better start at the beginning. When did this start? When did it go past him being just a subject for your portrait?”

Shilpa wiped her eyes, and stopped crying, or rather brought her crying down to a lower level.

“It is tough to exactly say when it started. I guess it started towards the end of my painting him. By then we had developed a good rapport and we started talking about a lot of things…. personal things. He also started paying me a lot of compliments. And he can be very charming. I also noticed that a lot of times, when he thought I wasn’t looking, he’d check me out.”

“Check you out?” I asked.

“Yes, like when I turned around and bent to pick something up, I could see from the corner of my eye that he was staring at my ass. Or if I was wearing something with a slightly revealing neckline, I’d notice him check out my boobs.”

“Okay, and you liked that?” I asked. She stayed silent. “Well, did you?”

“Yeah, it felt nice being admired by an older man. Made me feel special. Reminded me of the days when I used to work and guys would shower me with attention all the time.” she said.

“Okay, so what next? How did it reach the stage that I saw today.” I asked.

“Well, after I noticed him looking, I guess I started teasing him.” she said.

“Teasing him. How?” I asked.

“I’d bend over a lot even when not needed. I’d stay bent for a longer time.” she said.

“Wait, what were you wearing when you bent over so much?”

“Initially, I’d wear jeans or track pants or loose knee-length shorts, and t-shirts. You know, the clothes I usually paint in. But then…..” she paused. “… then I started wearing… smaller shorts, and loose skirts and tank tops and….” she paused again “and halter tops.”

“You painted wearing skirts and halter tops? How come I never noticed it?” I asked.

“I always changed before you got home.” she admitted.

“Okay… so how did he react to your change in clothing?”

“He seemed to like it. He stared longer, and would often fidget and seem uncomfortable.”

“Tell me when you crossed what you think was the first line.” I asked.

She looked towards the ceiling, as if trying to remember. Then she looked down towards her knees and said in a low voice,

“With the thongs.”

“I’m sorry…what?” I could not believe what I had just heard. Shilpa hardly ever wore thongs. she said they rode up her ass crack and made her feel uncomfortable. So she only wore them on occasions that she wore formal trousers or skirts, to avoid panty lines.

“I started wearing thongs… with those tiny skirts you like.” she said. I knew the tiny skirts. They were quite small, about six inches above the knee, and pleated. I always loved how one got a glimpse of her panties when she bent. But she had never worn them with thongs.

“Ok… so he…must have liked it?” I asked.

“Yes. In fact…. he liked it a little too much.” she said.

“What does that mean?”

“After I bent over a few times to pick up stuff from the ground, I noticed a bulge forming in his pants. He was me notice, and tried to hide it with his hands. And looked very embarrassed.”

“He got an erection?”

“Yes. And that made me feel even more…..bold.” she said.

“What did you do? Did you take it out of his pants?” I hissed.

“No!! Come on Arun!! I just…. I went close to him using the excuse of having him change his pose. And then…” she stopped.


“Then I dropped my brushes which were in my hand, in front of him on purpose. And I bent over to pick them up. The skirt rode up and my thong-covered ass was right in front of him.”

That’s when I realized, with a shock, that I felt a twitch in my cock. The image of my sexy wife in a tiny skirt and a thong, revealing her ass to an old man was turning me on.

“And then..” she continued, “..he touched it.”

“He what?”

“While I was bent over….. he reached out with his hand and touched it. I was….surprised that he took the liberty and I just froze like that, bent, in shock.”

“Really? In shock or to tease him further?” I asked. She ignored my question and continued,

“After a few seconds I got up and asked him what he was doing. He started apologizing, and said he was sorry. He had gotten carried away. I got angry and told him to leave at once. And he did.”


‘Then he called me up after a while saying he was sorry and could he come over and explain his mistake. I said OK. So he came over, and said he was a lonely man, and had not had any female companionship since his wife died. And he enjoyed looking at me, because I was pretty. And liked the revealing clothes I wore. That it made him feel young again. But he should have just limited himself to watching, and not touched me.”

“OK….what next? Clearly things progressed further.” I asked.

“No. That’s it. After that I stopped teasing him. And nothing happened. The painting got over. And today I was just taking a nap, when he came in, saying he had been missing me. I was trying to get rid of him. Then I got your SMS. And you saw what happened. That’s it.” she said and fell silent.

I stared at her for a few minutes and said,

“You’re lying!”

“No, I am not!” she protested.

“Yes, you are. I can see it from your face. You are lying. Something more happened. Tell me honestly, Shilpa. Or I swear, I’m filing for divorce.” I growled.

“Arun, please, why do you want to know all these details? I have told you the main thing. I made a mistake by teasing him. He felt me up a little. can’t we leave it at that?” she said.

“No, what other lines did you cross? Why did he say you owed him?” I asked.

“That’s the only line, of teasing him and letting him touch me. Even if he touched me more later, why does it matter? It won’t happen again!” she said, raising her voice.

“I want to know!” I said.

“You asshole!” she hissed, “You just want to know because it is turning you on, isn’t it? You are one of those men who enjoy the idea of their wife being a slut? Which is why you hope he fucked me? Is that it?”

“What? No!” I said.

“Then what is that?” she said, pointing at my bulging crotch. Sure enough, the twitch I had felt in my cock had now turned into an erection. “Please Arun. I said I am sorry. I told you the main thing. If you want to divorce me, fine. But I am not talking about this any more. It’s over.”

She got up, ran to the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her. I sat there, wordlessly, unsure of what to do. Two things were sure. I loved her. And that whatever she had done had turned me on. As I thought more about it, I remembered how I always loved it when we went out together and other guys checked her out. Sometimes, she got propositioned when she was out, and she’d tell me about it jokingly. I had liked those stories too. So what was I to do about this situation?

Second part over here. More after replies.mail me at

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