I had been at college for almost three weeks when the events I am writing about took place. My name is Karl. I’ve always considered myself a pretty normal guy. I played football in high school, dated a cheerleader, and usually got decent grades in my classes.
Alright, enough about me… let me tell you how my freshman year started.
I was sitting in one of the hang out areas on campus one evening, trying to figure out which of my new teachers would be least upset were I to turn in a paper a few days late. There were a few groups of people lounging around the area, some were studying like me, and others were just chatting. Up to this point I had only made a few friends on campus, and had made it a habit to avoid the looks people gave me when they saw me sitting alone. I was really missing my girlfriend, and decided to call her when I got back to my dorm.
Well, apparently this particular girl didn’t get the message, because she plopped herself down in a seat across from me.
“Hey there, I’m Marla”
A simple hello was all I could manage in reply, mainly because she was gorgeous, and her blouse seemed to have a shortage of buttons.
“Well? Aren’t you going the give me your name?”
“O, yeah, you can call me Karl”
“So how are classes going Karl?”
“Fine I guess. Most of them are still in the introductory stages. Do we share any classes?”
“No, I don’t think so. I would have noticed a cute boy like you”
She let out a little giggle after this last comment, and I couldn’t help but blush in response.
“I noticed you were sitting all alone, and was wondering if you had any plans for the evening?”
I was a little taken aback by her forwardness, and quickly explained that I had a girlfriend. She just laughed and rolled her eyes before replying.
“I’m actually looking for someone to help me with a class assignment. I’m training to be a masseuse, and the teacher told us to practice as much as possible in our spare time. If you have a few minutes… I could show you what I’ve learned?”
As much as I hate to admit it, my brain took almost five seconds to come up with a reply to her very simple question. I was trying to figure out if she was serious, or just looking for someone to sleep with for the night. Eventually I decided that it didn’t matter, I said yes and figured I’d just see how far she took things before deciding to stay or get out.
“Great! My dorm is just around the corner. All my massage stuff is stashed there, come on”
She jumped up and led the way to her room. And to be perfectly honest, at that moment, I would have followed her perfect little ass anywhere it went.
Once we reached her room, she unlocked the door and let us both inside. Once the lights were on I immediately noticed her massage table sitting in an open space near her computer. I quickly realized she must be serious about this massage stuff, because the table was obviously a professional model. It was six feet long and about two feet wide and it seemed that parts of it were adjustable. The top of the table was covered in dark colored leather, and looked very comfortable.
The rest of the dorm room was pretty normal. A couch, a few tables and chairs, TV… All the usual comforts required for late night study sessions.
“You want some water before we get started? My teacher says that a massage releases toxins trapped in the muscles of the body, and a little water is just the thing to flush all that junk away”
I nodded and said that would be great, and she tossed me a bottle of water. I started to think that her offer of a massage might not be anything more than what it seemed, but I kept my guard up.
“Alright Karl, I’m going to slip into something a little more comfortable, and I need you to undress and hop up on the table for me. There are towels on the side table if you’re the modest type”
As she left the room I could tell she was trying not to smile too much, and I began to think she might be a little nervous about this after all.
I quickly stripped off my clothes and lay down on the leather table. All the massages I had ever had started with the back and then moved to the front, so I positioned myself accordingly. The table surface was cool against my skin, but I knew it would warm up in a few minutes. I then realized I had forgotten about the towel completely, but figured it wasn’t worth the effort to go get it from the side table. Besides, I could hear the door to Marla’s bedroom opening.
“Well, well, well. Who would have thought that the shy little freshman I picked up just a minute ago would turn out to be such an exhibitionist! Are you ready for your massage Karl?”
It took me a minute to stop gawking at her appearance, but I finally managed a small nod in her direction. She had changed into a pair of very tight cutoff denim shorts and a loose T-shirt. I wasn’t sure if she was wearing panties, but she was definitely not wearing a bra!
“I hope you don’t mind Karl, but I just can’t stand wearing skirts for very long. Just give me a pair of jeans and I’m happy”
She walked over to the table and gently placed her hands on my shoulders and began to rub lightly in small circles with the tips of her fingers. O God, I was in heaven! She was really good at this.
“You know what the most important part of a good massage is Karl? Being able to completely relax your entire body. Every muscle, every limb, each and every part”
The best I could do was groan my agreement and continue to enjoy her ministrations. This of course brought a giggle from Marla.
I felt Marla squirt some kind of oil onto my back and begin to work it slowly into my skin. After she loosened up my shoulder muscles, she began to knead them and work all the kinks and knots out with her hands. I was impressed with the strength she had in her hands. I never would have guessed a petite five-foot-five girl was this strong! And I found myself wondering what else she could do with her hands?
Once my upper back was sufficiently taken care of, she slid down and began working the muscle groups of my lower back. Using her thumbs, she slid up and down the sides of my spinal column, working the tension out of my back with her attentive fingers.
“You really should have covered up with the towel Karl. It’s hard to concentrate with such a cute little ass like this in my face”
We both laughed at her comment, and I definitely felt a certain part of my anatomy grow a little stiffer.
When Marla finally moved down to my gluteus maximus, I was amazed at how good it felt to have someone massage that part of my body. As her hands kneaded my butt muscles I could only wonder how much of my cock she was able to see. My mental debate was ended when she gently spread my legs away from each other, exposing everything to her sight, as she continued to massage my rear. O well, she would have seen it when I rolled over anyway. Putting my doubts aside I tried to let go of everything and relax like she had suggested.
At one point I was a little concerned by how close her fingers were getting to my rear opening. My kinky mind couldn’t resist imagining her poking an exploratory finger inside my opening, but all she did was gently massage around my sphincter. I had tried several times to convince my girlfriend to try anal sex, but she always told me she wasn’t in the mood.
Reluctantly, it seemed, Marla continued down the backs of my legs, thoroughly massaging my thigh and calf muscles. In my lifetime I had never received a foot massage, and found myself wondering if they would be part of the massage. Marla did not disappoint, in fact she spent what seemed like a very long time on each of them. The foot massage was so relaxing I almost fell asleep.
I don’t know how much time passed during all this, but eventually Marla moved back up to my shoulders and gave them another quick work over.
“O yeah, I can tell you’re a lot more relaxed than when we started, aren’t ya? At the end of a good massage your body should fall asleep, and you seem to be well on your way. Well, little freshman, if you think that was good, then you’re really going to like this part!”
And with that she began to gently run her hands thru my hair, massaging my scalp. Then she rubbed my temples and forehead with her thumbs, massaging away hours of brain numbing study time. I thought I had died and gone to heaven!
I must have drifted off to sleep, because I was woken up by a knock at the door. Thinking I was in my own dorm room I started to get up and answer it, but found I was somehow strapped to a table. Then it all came back to me. The massage with Marla in her room, and the table I was laying on. That still didn’t explain why I couldn’t get up.
My musing was interrupted when Marla walked past me and opened the door. Two girls walked in and greeted Marla like they were old friends. When they saw me on the massage table, they tried to stifle their giggles by putting a hand over their mouth’s, which just made the situation more embarrassing for me.
“O yeah, sorry Karl, these are two of my friends. I’d like you to meet Emily and Kristina. They are both in my class and need someone to practice on tonight”
Even though all three of them were drop dead gorgeous, the fact that I was naked and strapped down to a table motivated my verbal response.
“Why can’t I get up?”
“O, sorry about that, I didn’t want you falling off the table in your sleep” replied Marla
“I’m not asleep now”
“True, but we can’t have you running away now can we?”
This brought peals of laughter from all the girls, and I began to get a little worried. Emily strolled over to me and leaned down close to my ear.
“You know, if you weren’t tied down, a big strong guy like you might take advantage of us little girls! So you just relax and enjoy the sensations”
“Here you go Emily, this should help him focus on just relaxing. Put it on him”
Kristina handed Emily a blindfold, and Emily carefully fitted it around my head. I suppose I should have protested at the loss of my sight, but I was quickly becoming turned on by these three little teases. Besides, not knowing which of these hotties was touching me was very erotic.
A pair of hands softly touched my back, and I again found myself receiving a wonderful back massage. Another pair began stroking my temples and forehead, draining any resistance out of me completely.
After a few minutes like this, two things happened simultaneously. A pair of soft lips began kissing mine, and part of the massage table was removed so that my dick was hanging down under the table. I was again surprised when another pair of hands began to gently stroke my cock. I must admit that I did feel a little guilty at first, but this was amazing! Here I was, with three hotties working over my entire body. The guys were never going to believe this.
“Mmm, I think Karl is really enjoying this! At least this part of him likes what we’re doing” Said Marla as she tugged firmly on my now fully engorged cock.
Emily (who turned out to be the one kissing me) laughed at this and said.
“Well, if he likes that, then he’s really going to enjoy this!”
Emily then began to stick her tongue deep into my mouth as she kissed me passionately. I had never met a girl who used her tongue this much during a kiss, but I was quickly learning to like it. Then Emily pulled away from my mouth and said
“Open your mouth wider so I can kiss you deeper Karl”
Without a second thought, I opened my mouth rather widely to receive what I thought would be another great kiss. Instead of a kiss, I felt her shove something round and metallic into my mouth and position it just behind my front teeth. I immediately tried to spit it out of my mouth, but it must have been connected to some kind of harness, which Emily quickly secured around my head.
I immediately began to try and escape, but Marla must have done a good job of tying my wrists and ankles to the table because I couldn’t budge. The true weight of this situation suddenly hit me, and I realized just how vulnerable I had become. Someone pulled off my blindfold, and after my eyes adjusted, I saw all three of the girls standing in front of me with huge grins on their faces.
“You are the only one here who’s had any fun so far Karl. That doesn’t sound fair, does it?”
I tried to answer her, but the gag in my mouth made my attempt completely unintelligible.
“Now it’s time that we girls got a little action. You won’t mind that will you Karl?”
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They all giggled and began to remove their clothes. They were all very excited, and couldn’t help doing a little strip tease for me, their captive audience.
As the girls got naked, I was captivated by their large breasts. Each of them was well endowed, and I couldn’t help but feel a little tingle in my groin. I was so focused on their tits that I almost missed a very important detail. Standing before me were three beautiful girls, with hot bodies, and… cocks?
My heart almost stopped when I realized what I was seeing. Each of the girls had a very large cock where their pussy should have been. Huge, meaty, hairless, girl-cocks! I knew I was in trouble.
They must have recognized the look in my eye, because they all started laughing again. Kristina was the first to speak.
“I hope you don’t have to be anywhere tonight little boy, because your plans just got changed!”
“Yeah” said Marla “We have lots of time to spend with that hot little body of yours”
Emily walked right up to my face and let her semi-erect cock dangle just inches from my mouth.
“Let’s see if that mouth of yours can suck a girl off as well as you can kiss”
Still trying to come to grips with the situation I was in, all I could do was stare at the huge piece of meat in front of me. As I watched, Emily’s soft nine inch member quickly grew into an angry colored eleven inch monster! There was no way I could fit that thing in my mouth. I silently prayed that this was all just a big prank they pulled on freshman each year.
Emily must have been horny, because there was nothing slow about the way she forced her cock into my mouth. As her cock began pushing at the back of my throat, I began to realize the purpose of the gag they had chosen for me. With my mouth held open by the metal ring, there was nothing I could do to keep Emily’s long member from fucking my throat. She could Molestation my mouth as fast and as hard as she wanted to, and I just had to deal with it!
While Emily was starting to fuck my throat, her friends must have been getting into position as well, since I soon felt a mouth begin sucking on my cock. The fact that I was having my throat Molestationd by a horny shemale had definitely softened my cock, but it quickly responded to the warm, wet mouth that began a gentle teasing on its tip.
Meanwhile, two small hands were placed on the cheeks of my ass and began to grope my butt. Even with all the other sensations, I was still surprised at how lovingly the hands caressed my ass. I played with my girlfriend’s ass all the time, but I never expected someone to play with my ass like that. Her fingers worked their way to my rosebud and began to massage all around my hole. My ass clenched involuntarily when she began to probe inside my butt-hole, but this only made her giggle.
“O Karl, you have a gorgeous ass” said Marla “I can’t wait to try it out later on. First, we need to clean you out”
Clean me out? I wasn’t sure what she was talking about until something was inserted inside my hole, and then inflated for a snug fit. An enema! They were going to give me an enema. As Emily continued forcing more of her cock down my throat, I felt a warm sensation in my ass as the water began to flow into my rectum.
“Don’t feel bad Karl, this is an area of personal hygiene that a lot of boys forget about. Now, just relax and let the water do its thing”
There was no way I could object to this forced cleansing, not with a giant piece of girl-meat in my mouth. Marla must have joined Kristina under the massage table, because I suddenly felt another mouth join the one on my cock. I cannot describe the feeling of two hot, wet, mouths on my cock and balls. It almost made up for the fucking my throat was taking right now.
“O fuck, Karl! This throat is all mine! I’m going to cum right down it in a minute!”
The pleasure my cock and balls were receiving was too much for me to handle, and the two girls below the table were rewarded with a load of my hot cum. I tried to cry out as I came, but all I did was squeeze Emily’s cock tighter with my throat as she fucked my face. She squealed at the extra stimulation and blasted her own load of hot salty cum into what felt like my stomach!
“O yeah, bitch! That’s how I like it!” Cried Emily, as she enjoyed her orgasm.
When Emily finally pulled her softening dick out of my mouth, I had a few seconds to catch my breath before Kristina appeared and guided her member into my mouth. Her penis wasn’t quite as big as Emily’s, and it tasted very different. As I gagged on Kristina’s large cock, Emily removed the bag from the tube in my ass and let me expel the enema into a bucket. Just when I was thinking how nice it was to not have my bowels filled with water, Marla began to fondle my cock again with her hands.
Damn. These girls weren’t going to give me any time to rest!
“Feel better now that your little ass is all nice and clean, Karl?” asked Emily as she deflated the tube in my ass and pulled it out.
I just moaned around the large cock in my mouth as Marla continued stroking my aroused cock. Even though I knew they were going to fuck my ass eventually, I was unprepared for the feeling of Emily’s cock pressing against my rear opening. I couldn’t believe how large her member felt as it began forcing its way into my rear.
Even when I cried out from the pain, I only increased the pleasure my throat was giving to Kristina’s cock. Emily’s cock felt as if it was twice the size of my anal opening, and I began to wonder if she would fit inside without tearing me apart!
“Just relax little man. Don’t fight it, or it will just hurt more than it has to”
I could only cry as my sphincter was stretched way beyond anything I had ever felt before. This girl was tearing me apart with her huge cock, and I couldn’t do a thing about it! With a sudden pop, Emily forced the tip of her dick inside my hole. All I could do was scream onto Kristina’s cock as Emily continued to push deeper into the depths of my poor little butt.
“O yeah! Your ass is much better than your pretty little mouth Karl. How does it feel to be spit-roasted by two large shemale cocks? How’s your college experience going now, bitch?”
Both girls laughed at me and continued their assault on my bodily holes. If I could have chosen to die at that moment, I might have. It was humiliating enough to have been tricked into this situation, but to be Molestationd by three shemales with over-sized cocks? I was beyond mortified.
After a while, both girls forced their loads into me and then they each switched positions. I was busy gasping for breath when Marla stepped in front of my face.
“I hope you appreciate my restraint Karl. There’s a reason I had my friends go first!”
O my god! She was right. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw the gigantic cock hanging in front of my face. Marla’s cock must have been at least fourteen inches long and dangerously thick! I didn’t think I would be able to breathe after she rammed her monster down my throat, but she didn’t give me much time to think about it. Taking advantage of my ring-gagged mouth; Marla pushed her cock all the way to the back of my throat.
“I hope you’re ready for this Karl!”
As her dick began its journey toward my stomach, I felt my throat being stretched to accommodate her massive tool. The other two cocks had just been a warm-up compared to this monster. The taste of Marla’s cock was very strong, and part of my brain quietly hoped I still had some mouthwash back at my dorm-room.
While I was trying not to choke to death, Kristina took advantage of my inattentiveness and thrust her prick all the way into my poor ass! My body began to shake with the over-stimulation and I almost blacked out from the intensity.
As my poor body was fucked and fondled on all sides, I realized that there was absolutely nowhere to run. If I tried to get away from Marla’s huge cock, I just impaled my ass onto Kristina’s plundering member. And if I tried to get away from the ram-rod in my ass, then I just pushed more of Marla’s length closer to my stomach.
Each of the girls took a turn at one of my holes. They fucked me for what seemed like hours. I would have passed out, but whoever was currently fucking my face would slap me if I closed my eyes for too long. I guess they didn’t want me to die of suffocation. How thoughtful. In my dazed state I pictured how my obituary would read. The words “College freshman dies from an overdose of shemale cock!” came to mind, but since I was currently being Molestationd, I didn’t find it all that funny.
When they finally stopped fucking me, I did pass out, and was grateful to be able to escape into oblivion for at least a little while.
When I came to, I saw all three of my tormenters lounging on the couch. Kristina smiled when she saw that I was awake.
“Hey there slut. Did you enjoy the massage?”
This brought an eruption of giggles from the other two, who got up and headed toward me. All three girls gathered under the massage table, where my much Pervert Exploitd cock still dangled. At first I thought they would try and wring one more orgasm out of my poor cock, but I was very mistaken.
“Before we let you go Karl, we have to help you out with something. You see, the problem is, that your cock is too small. Let’s face it, your dick is only half the size of mine, and that’s just not fair to your girlfriend. So we have a little device that will make your problem go away. Ready?”
Now I was truly scared. They had already fucked both my holes over and over again. Now what did they have planned?
The answer to my question was quick in coming. I suddenly felt a hand grip my tired cock and then felt something pressed against my piss slit. Whatever it was, it was covered in lube, because it slid in rather easily.
“This thing took me a long time to design and fabricate, and you’re the first person I’ve tried it on, so I hope you feel honored”
As the strange object was forced deeper into my urethra I began to get really worried. I had never had anything inside my cock before, and the sensation was very weird. She must have pushed almost a foot of that thing into me, when I felt some resistance deep inside my body. Marla pushed harder, and it popped past some sort of barrier.
“This metal catheter I’m putting in you just made it inside your bladder. Now I just need to inflate the end of this thing and we can get to the next part”
Inflate? I thought she said it was made of metal? All the sudden I could feel the end of the catheter start to grow. It felt absolutely huge! And it kept getting bigger! When it finally stopped, I felt like I had a golf ball inside my bladder. And for some reason I really needed to pee all the sudden. One of the girls tugged on other end of the catheter to make sure it couldn’t possibly be pulled out. That really hurt! Then one of them slipped a sort of cap onto the catheter and slid it down over my cock head.
“This is the main part of my device Karl; it fits over your cock and holds the locking mechanism for your chastity device. Now, all I have to do is slide this cap down the catheter and your entire penis will be trapped between it and the inflated end of the catheter!”
I could feel my cock being slowly compressed tighter and tighter, as the cap got closer to my bladder. It felt like my cock was being forced inside of my body! Just when I thought I was going to start crying again, I felt the cap being locked in place.
“Perfect! Now I’ll just cut off the excess catheter, and you’ll be ready to go!” said Kristina.
Once this had been done, one of the girls snapped a picture with her phone and showed me what they had done. At first I didn’t believe my eyes. The only thing left of my cock was a shiny metal cap extending about an inch from my pelvis! They had effectively locked my cock inside of me! What the fuck was I going to do when I went home to visit my girlfriend?
The girls laughed at the look on my face, and moved around to the foot end of the table.
“And now we just need to make sure no one else gets a piece of your cute little ass”
I had no idea what they were talking about until Marla held some kind of device up in front of me so that I could see it clearly.
“This is known as the Ass-Lock 2000. And it works really well. You’ll have to give yourself daily enemas instead of going to the bathroom for a number two, but that’s just a minor inconvenience for you”
I was still a little confused about how the thing worked, when Marla began inserting it in my ass. Even though my rear had been loosened considerably, the large metal plug still fit quite snugly in my backdoor. Then I heard a ratcheting sound and felt part of the plug expanding inside my butt.
“Can you feel it getting bigger? Once it’s to full size, there’s no way it’s coming out unless someone uses this special key to make it small again”
As the thing continued to expand inside my ass, she showed me a small, funny looking key, which she then put with the key to my chastity device. The thing must have been about the size of a softball when it finally stopped growing inside my anal cavity.
Kristina whisked away both of the keys and Emily gave the Ass-Lock a hard tug to make sure it wasn’t going anywhere.
“There you go. Everything is safely locked away. I have your cell-phone number, so any time I call, you had better come running. I don’t care what you’re doing at the time, when we call our little fuck slave, we want you here NOW! And remember, your dick and ass are truly owned by the three of us!”
Once they finally stopped laughing at me, the girls unlocked my wrists and ankles from the table. They shoved my pile of clothes into my arms and pushed me out the door.
Marla called out to me as the door closed “O by the way, come back some time for the other half of that massage I promised you”
As I hurriedly pulled on my clothes I realized that if I ever wanted to feel an orgasm again… I would have to come back. Looks like I won’t be visiting my girlfriend any time soon. I was truly fucked.