Oh, No, Please No!

Sex Stories

It was one of those hit or miss days, I decided to call it a night but decided upon a nightcap before going home. I walked into the bar area and scanned the crowd occupying the saloon bar, I was hoping to see a friend to have a drink with, because I hate drinking alone. As I turned my head I suddenly stopped as my eyes beheld a Venus live on earth.

She stood alone at the bar, her five-foot six body was perfect and to be honest as sexy hell. Although I could not understand why such a beauty was standing there alone. I made my way towards her and I noticed her brown eyes never left the floor. Even when I asked if I could by her a drink, she never changed her stance. It hit me she was displaying an underlying tendency to be submissive. I enquired whether she was alone and got back almost a mumbled response, “look at me!” I snapped, now for the first I was able to see her true beauty, her shoulder brown hair seemed to flow, her quizzical brown eyes offered a hint of excitement.

Her pale pink lips, betrayed a subtle hint of knowing she was attractive, her choice of a low cut top revealing a deep chasm of pleasure between the two perfectly rounded clearly natural 36D breasts, the knee length skirt showed a hint of decency, but even from this side view it was easy to see her skirt hid a pert backside without being too fatty. I would have put her age at thirty years old at the maximum, I later discovered she was in fact thirty-five.

Now with her full attention, “What did you say, girl!” I asked, I added the word Girl just to test the waters. “Yes, I am with my husband!” she replied trying to sound confident. However, the tone of her voice had told me all I needed to know. This woman would offer only a token resistance against being charmed into submission. I bought her a drink and simply walked away to sit at a nearby table to observe her some more.

When her husband returned he obviously must have asked where the drink came from and they both turned to look at me, I raised my glass in their direction and without any acknowledgement of my attempt to say cheers, they turned back to the bar and I saw her husband, Jerry, take her firmly by the arm and she raised her glass with her free arm and drank it down in one go. Then, rather disappointedly from my perspective they left the bar. I did see two coloured guys leave hurriedly, shortly after them but thought no more of it.

Now the story continues from Leslie’s point of view.

Jerry pulled me to one side and demanded to know, “What the hell was you doing accepting a drink from a stranger, do you know how slutty that makes you look?” I tried to respond, “All I did was accept a drink, it’s not like I” … I never got to finish the sentence because suddenly we were surrounded by six black guys. At least one of them had a knife and this was now pressed to Jerry’s ribcage. One of the other guys told us to come quietly and we would not be armed. What choice did we have, I looked at Jerry and he nodded for us to comply?

We turned the corner and came to an old Van; we were told to get in the back and four of the guys climbed in after us. For a moment or two I cursed Jerry for picking that pub to go to, but suddenly I had other things to worry about as a particularly muscled guy pressed his face close to mine and growled, “you ever been with a brotha, white bitch!” I could not find my voice to answer but managed to shake my head slightly.

“you’re in for the treat of your life then, bitch. You know what they say once you gone black you never go back!” the man growled before turning his head towards the other black guys in the van with us and then all four started to laugh. Another one of the guys said, “even better for you though, Bitch, cos your old man is here to witness you getting the fuck of your whitey, life. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach as I realised the position, we were in. I knew I would have a dreadful decision to make all too soon, but could I lower myself to accept being fucked by a black guy, I looked to Jerry for inspiration, but he was just staring at the floor shaking his head.

The youngest of the black guys said, “Look at that white bastard, he thinks they are too good to be with us, I think we need to teach him a lesson!” the three other blacks in the van agreed but what lesson would my husband have to learn?

The van now slowed and seemed to change from the solid tarmac road to a crunchy sounding gravel pathway, although I must confess that information gave me no help in detecting where we were. The van now came to a stop and I heard the doors slam as the two guys up front got out the vehicle, there seemed an eternity before the shutter, on the back of this box van, went up. We were dragged and man handled from the van and into a cabin type building. I say cabin because it was like an old western type of log cabin. We had to remove our shoes and then they walked us along the sharp gravel up to the cabin’s front door. I noticed that the door frame had been damaged so obviously this was not a home belonging to anyone of the black guys.

As we were walked along the gravel, which cut and bruised my feet, the two guys that were holding me, took the opportunity to feel my breasts and arse. I truly feared the worst, after they had finished whatever they had planned we would be disposed of and never see the light of day again.

Once inside the building, Jerry was dragged off into another room, the black guy that seemed to be in charge, came up to me and pointing the knife at me he whispered, “Look lady, do as you are told and I promise you with be allowed to go free!” I did not respond to this as I feared what was happening to Jerry, because I saw them take a dining chair into the same room where Jerry was.
Then the two black guys that had walked me up the gravel path, turned to me and I instantly saw a flash of silvery metal. I realised that they both had flick knives, then without hesitation the cut up the side seem of my top and then across the shoulder line of the material before the expensive top fell to the floor in two pieces, I now stood in just my bra, panties and skirt. They made a move towards my skirt and I called out, “Stop, I will remove my skirt, there is no need to cut it up!”

One of the guys, quick as a flash landed me an open palmed slap across my face, and then they proceeded to cut away my skirt, it dawned on me that they had done this in case we were to try to escape, we would have no clothes to flee in. I took a deep breath as the sharp stinging sensation on my cheek began to stop tingling. I dreaded to think what they were doing to Jerry.

I feared that my bra and panties would quickly follow the shreds of clothing now on the floor, but they didn’t, instead I was marched across the room to the adjacent room where they had taken Jerry. As we entered, I quickly scanned the room and had to gulp a mouthful of air as I saw my beloved husband, he was totally naked and tied to the chair, his legs were bound to the chair legs so he could not close his legs, his torso was bound tightly to the chair back, so tightly in fact that he was struggling to take a full breath. His arms were attached by tight bindings to boards, I then noticed just behind him two floorboards had been removed.

Panic filled me now, because at any time they could kill us and dump our bodies under the remaining floorboards. It about then that I saw they had his hands with his fingers spread out and nails preventing his fingers from closing. I wondered what’s the point of such premeditated planning and what use was could there possibly be for fastening his hands thus. The terror invaded my mind like the breaking of a dam, they had the chair, Jerry was tied to, facing the bed. The bed had ornate iron work as head and footers a dirty sheet covered mattress.

It dawned on me that this cabin must have been empty for a while and these guys had broken in and by the state of the sheet must have done this before.

Chapter 2, Hell opens.

I was marched around to a position just in front of Jerry, but out of his or my reach, I looked him over from top to bottom and realised how small his cock looked at that moment, don’t get me wrong I had never had cause to complain, I could not help but wonder what was I going to be in for?

Once in front of Jerry, A black guy, answering to the name of Leroy, stepped up close to Jerry and he attached a wire to the nail nearest to jerry’s right thumb and a second wire to the nail near his left thumb, when he had completed this he held the other end of the wires in front of Jerry and me. The end he now held had a plug wired to it; you know the ones that plug into a domestic socket; he then spoke, “do as you are told, and we won’t plug this in! failure to do as you are told will result in your husband being electrocuted!”

Then a guy called Zed, came to stand by my side and he said, “stand still, you lump of white trash and keep your arms by your side!” With that he slipped the gleaming edge of the flick knife between my breasts and pulled hard, the fixture fabric between the cups gave way like tissue paper and the bra cups fell apart, now my naked breasts were exposed to these vile men.

I went red and scanned Jerry from the feet up, I was sickened, his cock twitch and began to stiffen. The guy Zed then pinched my left nipple so hard I gulped, he then said, “hey, these broad likes it rough!” I pleaded that I did not and for them to please don’t hurt me. But that just got a reaction of laughter. I knew what was coming next, the question was just when. Jerry knew what was coming next and the bastard was enjoying it for his cock was almost erect. Sure, enough another black guy, this one called Cal, stepped up to my right side and slide the cold feeling blade of his flick knife down the side of my panties. The cold metal caused me to shudder, he then turned the blade through ninety degrees and pulled towards himself. I heard the material rip.

The sound was so loud I swear people must have heard it several streets away, obviously it was not that loud but it seemed to echo through my brain, I looked down to my right side and I saw the material flap over to my left leg, my shaven cunt was fully exposed, I could not believe it for I saw a damp patch on my panties right where it would have touched my cunt. My mind was in a whirl, could it be that I am the slut they say I am, I would normally challenge such a statement, but the evidence of a damp patch was incontrovertible, I must be a slut.

It was then that a saw Cal’s cock, I had not noticed before, but Cal was naked and his cock although still soft, it was three times the size of my husband’s pride and joy. I glanced from Cal’s cock to Jerry’s, I noticed Jerry’s was now fully erect as he obviously liked the position, I was in. We both knew what was going to happen and knew we were helpless to avoid it, but damn it, Jerry was turned on by his wife being displayed like this to Black strangers. I felt betrayed and hurt but at the same time in the back of my mind was the fear that they were going make me take they’re cum up my fertile cunt and leave me with a bastard half-cast child.

I failed to notice a third black guy had used a knife on my left side and now my panties were nothing more than dish rags. This younger looking black man was called Zeke, he too was naked and his cock still semi erect was at least twice the size of Jerry’s. Now Carl came over and taking my right hand he placed it on his semi hard cock, my hand automatically closed around it. Shit! My fingers couldn’t meet as the encircled his cock. He then began sawing motion as if fucking my hand. Zeke imitated Carl on my left side, my fingertips just about met on this younger man’s cock. My heart skipped a beat but through half closed eyes, I saw jerry’s cock twitching as it rocked almost in time with the two thrusting men.

Suddenly Leroy called out, “stop” and the two guys quickly pulled their cocks away and I noticed a look of desperation on Jerry’s face, I bet that bastard expected me to bring them off, If I had done it would have served him right if they would have made him lick up their spunk. Stop it I told myself, Jerry loves you and he would never have deliberately put you in harm’s way, this is all because of coincidence. I reasoned that even the sexual reaction of his cock getting hard was purely an anatomically led reaction and then I realised my own cunt was flooding with sexual lubricant juices, gosh even my body was preparing for fucks.

I was now taken by the arm and made to lie face up in the bed and suddenly, my wrists and ankles were bound in a slipknot of rope and were pulled unceremoniously apart and secured to the bed posts. Now spread eagle like this all could see my openly flowing cunt with its abundance of juices.
They even lifted Jerry still tied to the chair and they almost tipped him headfirst into my cunt area. Once he had clearly seen my open sexy cunt, they placed his chair beside the bed but far enough away that when I raised my head, I could see his cock.

Then Leroy, naked as all the men were now, climbed upon the bed on the opposite side of the bed from Jerry and he said, loud enough for jerry to clearly hear, “Suck my black cock, bitch!” I just laid there and suddenly I felt a stinging sensation on my right cheek, He grabbed my hair and forcefully pulled it to lift my head. “I will not tell you twice you fucking white whore!” he snapped.

Reluctantly but I must confess I was no longer scared of losing my life; chances were, they would fuck me and take pictures, threatening to publish them if we went to the police; I opened my mouth. Before his cock entered my mouth, I got a strong smell of stale spunk, this bastard was using my mouth like a washer for his dirty black cock. Then, all of a sudden, I could not breathe, his cock filled my mouth and wedged into my throat like a bath plug sealing an airtight seal or so it seemed. I suppose survival instincts kicked in for I discovered I could still breathe through my nose. I felt degraded but strangely alive like never before. Suddenly it was as if starving hordes were given food, I had hands all over my body, hands pinching my nipples, other fingers rubbing my clitoris and I think at least two fingers from different hands prising open further my flooding cunt.

Leroy now began sliding his black mamba of a cock, in and out of my mouth, he skilfully paused, when my throat was full of his cock, just long enough to cause a momentary panic before pulling his cock out until his cock head rested on my lips. I don’t know how long he did fuck my mouth so lewdly, but I soon felt my jaw ache. Before he discharged his torrent of spunk he pulled out of my mouth and asked, “You still want your husband’s cock.”

I did not get a chance to answer as he wanked his cock for just a few more strokes before I felt hot splashes of what I knew was spunk hitting my face. Leroy moved and was instantly replaced by Cal, who did the same, he fucked my mouth hard before pulling out to add his spunk to Leroy’s which was now dripping off my nose and chin and could feel it cooling against my forehead. Cal’s spunk hit me more in the eyes than anywhere else, but it felt hotter than Leroy’s and there seemed much more of it.

He moved off the bed to be replaced by Zed, he was clearly the baby of the group because he spunked in my mouth within seconds and carried on as if nothing had happened until he blast a lesser amount over my face. I must confess by now my face was, almost a mask of cold drying spunk when he added his load. Carl and Bobby went next in that order and both ultimately deposited their loads on my face, I opened my eyes to see only a coating of greyish white spunk, I could feel it trying to seep up my nose and my lips seemed to be guiding it filthy deposited semen towards my tonsils.

Despite having swallowed Zed’s initial load, I felt sick at the thought of this slimy mixture of black’s spunk entering my mouth and I could feel the texture of it coating my tongue and spunk washing my mouth’s walls. Finally, I must have passed out whilst the final black man; Bobby; fucked my mouth because I don’t remember him finishing or maybe it was that I was plastered in so much spunk on my face that I did not register his deposit hitting my skin. I came round, I did so to the spunk being cleaned off my face but I suddenly realised it was a tongue lapping up all that cold clammy white spunk.

As soon as I was able to open my eyes, I recognised Jerry’s face close to mine, that bastard was licking the spunk from my face and enjoying doing so, I thought. I did not actually see the bare copper wire wrapped tightly around his erect cock that ended in a plug placed in the wall socket, by flick the switch they could electrify him cock first. (Jerry told later, how they wrapped the wire tight enough around his cock that he feared losing his small token cock compared to theirs like a slab of cheese being cut by that single strand of wire.

Jerry was still tied to the chair, and Booby and Cal were holding the chair horizontally, above my body, the bindings holding Jerry to the chair seemed to bury themselves into his white skin. I tried to reassure him everything was going to be fine, but I doubt he would have seen my efforts because he seemed eagerly cleaning my face.

Time seemed to stand still, although I knew that was impossible, once my face was clean again, they moved Jerry back to the side of the bed and Leroy appeared once more. He climbed between my taut stretched legs and mumbled something out loud. Suddenly every thing went black and it took me a few seconds to realise that they had covered my eyesight with a thick scarf. I felt a strange sensation I had never felt before and found it hard to decide what it was that happening right now.
Then the blindness was removed, and I looked down between my legs, just in time to see Leroy, putting the cap on a permanent marker pen. Once more, Jerry’s chair was lifted so he could see the outcome of the pen, written neatly was the words, “B B C Access Only!” and below that they had written “I am a white slut who likes Black cocks!” At first Jerry seemed puzzled until Bobby laughingly said, “B B C is Big Black Cock!” Now as the realisation hit Jerry, he could not help but smile.

Chapter 3… My worst nightmare.

Content with his handy work, Leroy now nodded to Cal and Zed, they quickly moved either side of my legs and using their powerful fingers, they stretched my cunt until it hurt and then Leroy rubbed his cock-head along the cunt groove formed by the two black fingers. I began to feel dizzy but not actually dizzy, if you know what I mean. Suddenly there was an intense sharp pain as Leroy forced his cockhead against my spread cunt lips. I could not help but scream, yet with only two inches of the massive cock invading my cunt I felt every nerve in my body tingle. By his third stroke my screaming had turn to gulping air intermingle with a powerful groan of lust.

Almost as quickly as the pain had hit me, it was gone and a bloated lustful feeling remained, I suddenly felt a sense of deep pride in thinking, I had taken the full length of a cock three times the length of my husbands. I knew I had taken the full length because I felt Leroy’s spunk laden balls slap against my arse crease. The next forty minutes saw me lapsing into several lapses of lust filled delirium and it seemed each time I became aware I felt, I was on cloud nine. Long gone was my fears of being correct diagnosed as a slut, now it seemed more important to get that glorious length of man-meat to spurt forth it’s liquid white gold.

I lost count of the soul shaking climaxes they put me through, but later Jerry informed me I screamed out seven times that I was cumming, although I did not remember doing so. I do remember vividly the moment Leroy blasted off inside my cunt, my already sensitive cunt walls seemed to be blasted with white hot spunk and it seemed to work differently than I was used to. The lust rippled from my cunt lips towards my womb, whilst the hot semen seemed to flow from my womb towards my cunt lips. By the time they met each other I was already gasping my way through yet another orgasm.

I almost screamed for Leroy not to pull his cock out of my cunt, but I need not have worried for as he climbed off the bed, he untied my feet. This seemed to be a signal to the others and quickly my hands were untied and then my body carried over to Jerry, my stretched cunt still gaping, Jerry told me later he could actually see my cunt juice mixing with long white strands of spunk when my cunt was held up just in front of his eyes. Then I was tipped with my cunt above Jerry and soon I saw strands of almost silvery white spunk dripping on to my husband’s face.

Then I was carried back to the bed, but just before getting there I was flipped over sideways. So now I was looking at the floor before I finally reached the bed, to find Bobby already laid in the place I had so recently vacated. I knew what was coming but I hoped I was wrong!

As I settled on top of Bobby, he used his hand to locate my open cunt, and speared his cock up there, then I think it was Leroy who parted my anal cheeks as Cal settled in between my forced open legs. Then without fore play or lubrication, Cal pressed his cockhead tight up against my sphincter muscle. He seemed to delight in putting my anal ring through loads of pain as he slid his unlubricated cock into my tight arse, the pressure against Bobby’s cock already fully inserted into my cunt felt like I was being torn in half. At last with the pain almost reached passing out levels, Cal stopped pushing and I felt his ball sac around my over filled anal ring. To say I felt stuffed full would be an understatement, the pain soon became an all-consuming, lust as both cocks now began to move inside my openings. I can’t recall screaming, but Jerry later told me I was swearing and begging for them to fuck the shit out of me!

I cannot even recall if I cum or not, but if I had known anal sex could be so forcefully arousing? I would have had Jerry fucking me that way years before this event. Once both Bobby and Cal had filled my holes, once more I was lifted like the limp rag doll I had become and, I was carried over to Jerry, like before I was tipped until the two gaping holes that were, my cunt and arse deposited some of the load over his already streaked face. Leroy must have spotted something because I was sure there was less spunk on my husband’s face than my last lifted deposits. Suddenly my body was brought close to Jerry’s face and he was told to lick me out, I definitely, heard Leroy tell him, that both my holes needed his tongue.

I don’t recall feeling his tongue, but I did remember Leroy and the other four blacks start laughing, one of them said at some point, he’s easily pleased to be a cuckold. I lost track of the time, but I was returned to the bed where carl had taken bobby’s place and soon felt my now raw and sore cunt felt his hard cock, next the last black man I think his name was Zed, slide his cock, gently as it happens, into my stretched anus. This time they seemed to work in tandem with Carl sliding into my cunt as Zed was pulling out.

Suddenly I felt a real sharp pain in my left breast, or rather on the nipple of that breast, it was Leroy twisting sharply on my left nipple and the as he released that nipple, I felt Carl bite my right breast, not on the nipple but on the fleshy part of the breast. All this time the two blacks were fucking both my holes and enjoying it thoroughly, though to be honest I was also feeling this was the fuck session of my life. Zed was first to cum closely followed by Carl. Once again the routine was I was lifted over to Jerry and he had to lick both holes clean. I couldn’t believe that this time he did not even need to be told, much to the delight of the captors.

All too soon I was dumped on the hard-dirty floor and when they saw my dusting off some of the dirt they gathered around me and the bastards began pissing on me. Their jets of hot stinging piss hit my eyes, some shot up my nose and quite a lot hit my lips which were open to breathe. They directed their streams of piss onto my tit’s down my body and on to my still stretched open cunt. It was strange but the piss I swallowed and the piss that hit my clitoris only seemed to turn me on even more.

As I lay in what had now become a pool of piss, the brought my husband over so I could see them make him swallow their cocks as best he could, Leroy even snapped an old broom handle in two and used the rounded end to impale his anal ring. The five blacks delighted in taking turns to fuck Jerry’s arse with the handle and then they dumped face down on me. The told him to stay there and he had better lick their urine from my body because they were leaving now but one of them would be hidden watching us, if either of use left this building before nightfall we would not reach the road before we would be cut down by bullets.

With that Jerry did as they said, he began licking my forehead, down onto my stinging eyes and he even tried to push his nose tip up my nostrils before kissing me open mouthed, sucking my tongue into his as he did so. I had to stop him from sliding between my legs because both my arse and cunt were just too sore. As we laid there waiting for the sun to go down, Jerry asked me, “Be honest my love, how do you feel about being a Blackman’s slut? Whatever your answer I must confess I was proud of you today! I know that there are other women out there that would have cracked and ended up getting them killed.)

I thought long and hard, before answering.

“Jerry, I would not have arranged this for the life of me but, I have to be honest, I feel proud, sexy and slutty at the same time, I do worry though how will I engage in sex with your small cock after taking those monsters! But I love you and so I will try to put this episode out of my mind!” I responded.

“Oh, my sweetest darling, don’t blot out those memories but use them time after time to drive our own sexual passions to greater heights!” Jerry answered, “We can always relive it, or rather parts of it.” He added.

“How can we repeat this?” I asked.

“I know where I can get you some large rubber cocks, and I believe some of them can strap over my poor excuse of a cock for me to fuck you with them” Jerry stated.

“Jerry, you’re a pervert! But I love you, we will talk about this when the danger of me being pregnant by these bastards has passed!” I said.

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