My Virgin Neighbor Girl With Small Boobs – Part 6


Previous Part:

To recap, Smita, my beautiful neighbour had issues with small boobs. In the last part, we saw how Smita got her ass fucked and became my slave and how we trapped her friend Radhika. How we made Radhika our slave, made her do nasty things, and made her beg to fuck her.

Radhika had her boobs tied and was lying on the bed with her nipples erect. Radhika’s pussy was all wet. I signalled to Smita, and she untied Radhika’s hand and legs and inserted a cloth in her mouth. Before Radhika could move her hands, Smita told her not to remove the cloth from her mouth.

Radhika said, “Thank you, mistress.” Radhika was watching Smita’s pussy which she had licked clean. In the meantime, I removed my shorts and was nude. My cock was rock hard. I went close to Radhika’s pussy and rubbed my cock over her pussy.

Radhika’s body just vibrated. She knew something was going to happen. Smita took a pillow, covered it with plastic, and put it under Radhika’s ass. Radhika said thank you, mistress. Smita just smiled at her. This made Radhika more scared.

I just spread Radhika’s legs and saw her wet pussy. I just put my cock head over her pussy, and before Radhika could blink, I inserted my cock in her pussy with full force, as deep as it could get. Radhika tried to scream, but it was impossible as her mouth had cloth.

Her hands were trying to catch whatever they could get. She just pulled the bedsheet and grabbed it. I just kept on stroking her pussy without caring. I could not fuck Smita like this as I wanted to have a for a long time. I was stroking her pussy very hard and fast.

I wanted to destroy her pussy. With each stroke, her body was shaking. I could see the pain on Radhika’s face. I did feel something on my cock. I removed my cock and could see blood on it.

Radhika was in pain and crossed her legs and hands on her pussy. I just glanced at Smita; she was in shock. I could read her face. It said, “Wow, what a way to fuck Radhika’s virgin pussy. I need that.” I winked at her.

Radhika was touching her pussy and saw blood on her fingers. Smita said, “Congratulations, slave, you are not a virgin anymore.” Tears followed from Radhika’s eyes. I just climbed onto the bed. Radhika saw my cock and was shocked to see it.

My cock was hard, and I spread Radhika’s legs and put my cock over Radhika’s pussy. To my surprise, her pussy was leaking. I just inserted my cock slowly this time and fell over her body. Radhika felt the pain but not that much. I slowly gripped her body.

Her boobs were firm, and her nipples were erect. I started to stroke it at a normal pace. Smita was confused, and she was not expecting this. I slowly removed the cloth from Radhika’s mouth. She took a deep breath. Slowly I started to play with her mouth and lip-locked it.

Radhika was enjoying it as I could feel her pussy getting wet. I slowly moved my hand over her tied boobs and started to crush them. Radhika was enjoying the pain. I put full pressure and pressed her boobs, and she screamed. She was shy, and we were not expecting it.

I was getting aroused by her moans. I quickly increased my speed. I was pounding Radhika hard and fast; her body moved with each stroke. Smita was very happy and gave me a flying kiss. Radhika’s body shivered, and she squirted. I removed my cock and the lip-lock.

Radhika was still recovering and was breathing heavily. Smita smiled and said this is just the start. Radhika knew this had just started. Radhika saw my cock covered with her wetness and some blood. Smita told me to fuck Radhika’s mouth and cum in her mouth.

She said if Radhika dropped a single dropout, there would be punishment. Smita told me to wait, and she went to see Radhika’s pussy. It was dripping with her wetness and some blood. Smita got a dildo smaller than my cock, spread Radhika’s legs, and then told me to fuck her mouth.

I inserted my cock into her mouth and started to stroke it. Radhika was finding it difficult to take my cock and was finding it difficult to adjust. While Radhika was trying to adjust my cock in her mouth, Smita spread her legs and inserted the dildo in Radhika’s pussy, and started stroking it.

Radhika was not able to handle this situation. I was sitting over Radhika’s face, and Smita was fucking her pussy. Smita was trying to match my speed, and it was less. I gave a signal to both that I was going to cum. Smita increased the speed.

I cum in Radhika’s mouth, she was finding it difficult to take the load and coughed, and some of cum spilt over. Radhika tried to grab it with her tongue but was not successful. Smita said bitch be ready for your punishment but first, clean the cock and the lick what spilt.

Radhika cleaned my cock. This was the first time she tasted cum. I could see she was enjoying my cum. Saturday night, we had our food, and we untied Radhika. She said, “Thank you, master and mistress.” We could see her body with all red marks, and her pussy was swollen.

After her food, we made her sleep in a different room. Radhika was surprised that there was no punishment. She said thank you and went to sleep. Smita came close to me and lip-locked. Her hands were trying to grip me. Her boobs were crushing on my chest.

After a few minutes, she broke the kiss and said she was happy our plan worked. Smita told me to fuck her rough. I knew she was excited. I pressed her boobs and fingered her pussy. I could feel her wet pussy. My fingers were moving so fast that Smita started to moan.

I just licked my wet fingers and did a lip-lock with her. Before we slept, we had lots of water. That was our plan for tomorrow, which was dirtier and more fun. It was around 4.45 am. I woke up for a nature call. I woke up Smita. She was half asleep, and I told her I wanted to piss.

She got up and went to Radhika’s room. Radhika was sleeping nude and had put her hand over her pussy. Smita shook her and woke her up. Radhika was surprised to get up so soon. Smita said bitch time for your punishment. She took Radhika to the washroom, where I was already standing with my hard cock.

Radhika thought I would be fucking her again. Smita told Radhika to open her mouth and drink my piss. If a single drop spill from Radhika’s mouth, there will be punishment. Radhika was shocked and was silent. She opened her mouth.

Smita said, “Bitch is ready to drink your piss. She liked your cum, and now your piss.” I removed my shorts and pulled out my cock. Radhika knew that she could not take it, but she did not have any option. I put my cock in Radhika’s mouth and, at full speed, started pissing in her mouth.

Within no time, her mouth was full of my piss, and I knew she would spill it over. Radhika gulped the piss and was scared. I had completed by piss. Smita slapped Radhika and said, “Bitch, you like punishment. The next punishment will be dirtier than this.”

After hearing this, Radhika was scared, and tears were flowing. Smita orders Radhika to lick the piss from the floor and sleep in the washroom. Radhika, in two days, has transformed from a slave to a sex slave what was next. Smita told her not to piss or poo without permission.

Radhika said, “Thank you, mistress,” and started licking the piss from the floor. Smita and I left the washroom. Radhika was having pain in pussy. Now she drank my piss, and dirtier was going to come. She was not able to sleep. It was around 7 am. Smita opened the washroom door, and Radhika was sleeping.

She woke her up and told her to get ready for the punishment. I removed my shorts and t-shirt and was nude in front of Radhika. Radhika was surprised to see me nude. I sat doggy in front of Radhika, stretched my ass, and showed Radhika my asshole.

Smita told Radhika to sit behind me and lick my asshole. Radhika had already licked Smita’s asshole, which was not new to her. Smita slapped Radhika’s ass and told her to open her mouth wide and lick my asshole, and her eyes closed.

Radhika said, “Thank you, mistress,” opened her asshole and started to lick my asshole. Radhika was half asleep. She opened her mouth and started licking my asshole. My asshole was getting wet. Smita then signalled me, and I started to put pressure to go potty.

After a few seconds, my hole got wider, and a solid part popped a bit out. Smita saw that, and Radhika was licking it. Before Radhika could realize it, Smita pushed her head over my asshole. The solid part of my potty was deep inside Radhika’s mouth.

Before Radhika could react, Smita said to eat it. If Radhika spat anything out, she would share her video on the internet. Radhika quickly gulped it. Smita pulled her face back. Radhika had cleared it. Radhika’s face was near my asshole, and she could see what she had just gulped.

Radhika closed her eyes. Tears were flowing from her eyes. Smita slapped her again, said to finish her breakfast, and pointed towards my asshole. I slowly started to apply pressure, and Radhika was gulping it. Finally, I finished my potty.

Smita told Radhika to lick my asshole clean with her tongue deep inside my asshole. When I turned around, I could see Radhika’s lips covered with my potty. Smita ordered Radhika to sleep on the ground and open her face. Now it was Smita’s turn. She started to piss in Radhika’s mouth but soon stopped.

Smita told Radhika to sit and told me to hold her in such a way that she was on top of sitting Radhika’s head. Radhika was sitting down, looking up, she could see Smita’s pussy, and Smita started to piss on her head. All her piss was on Radhika’s head.

It flowed down to her eyes, nose, mouth, boobs, and all over. Smita then made Radhika lay between her legs and started to potty on Radhika’s boobs, navel pussy and legs. It finally reached near her mouth. Radhika understood and opened and mouth and licked her asshole.

Potty was stuck on Smita’s ass, and Radhika had to lick it clean. Tears were flowing from Radhika’s eyes. She was now a toilet slave. Now Smita told her to rub her potty all over her body, but not on Radhika’s face. Radhika followed the orders, covering her full body with Smita’s potty. Tears were flowing.

Radhika was feeling very humiliated, and Smita was enjoying it. Imagine Radhika standing in front of us with her full body covered in Smita’s shit. We waited there as we were expecting Radhika would also need to attend the nature call.

After 10 minutes, Radhika requested that she wanted to poo. Smita laughed and said you need more poo. Smita told Radhika to poo on the ground in front of us. Once Radhika completed her poo, Smita asked her to lick her poo and apply it to her face.

Radhika now tasted poo from me, Smita, and now her poo. This was the most humiliating and degrading thing Radhika could have imagined. Radhika’s mouth, legs, boobs, ass, pussy, and body were full of shit.

After a few more minutes, Smita started the shower and sprayed water on Radhika’s body with the hand shower. Smita told Radhika to wash her body clean. Radhika was finally getting rid of the shit on her body. Smita then gave her shampoo and soap to clean, and we observed Radhika.

Radhika was happy finally that the shit was getting cleaned. She cleaned her boobs, her pussy, her hair and her ass.

As soon as Radhika came out, Smita got a collar and put it over Radhika’s neck. Radhika was surprised to see this. Before she could think anything, Smita came with some steel cloth pins. She pulled Radhika’s already erect nipples and placed a couple on each of her nipples.

Radhika was about to shout due to pain, but Smita just looked at her, and Radhika almost lost her voice. Smita told Radhika to sleep on the bed and stretch her legs. Smita pulled her clits and clipped them with the steel cloth pin and two clips around her pussy.

Tears were flowing from Radhika’s eyes. She was in pain. Smita told Radhika to stand on her four like a dog. Unless and until Smita said to sit, she must be in that position. Radhika followed Smita’s instructions. Radhika could not sit properly.

The cloth pins around her clits were paining, and it was difficult to be on her four. Smita told Radhika that she would be free to go home around 6 pm, but there were conditions as follows.

1)Whenever Smita or I call Radhika, she must come and follow the instructions.

2)Radhika must send her pic daily of the dress she wears and should not masturbate without permission.

3)Radhika needs to do whatever we tell her; if she fails, she knows what will happen.

4)She should not discuss what she did for these two days with anyone.

As soon as Radhika heard this, she was happy and was about to get up. Smita gave a tight slap on her ass. Radhika realized her mistake and said sorry. Radhika looked at the clock. It was around 10.30 am. Radhika’s calculation started.

Smita asked Radhika if she wanted to eat something. She said, “No, thank you, mistress.” Smita and I laughed as Radhika’s stomach was full with our shit.

Smita and I had ordered and had our juices. Smita came to Radhika’s place and told her to eat the biscuits. Radhika moved her hands towards the biscuits, and Smita slapped her and said, “Radhika, you are my dog so eat like a dog.”

Radhika put her head in the bowl and struggled to eat the biscuits. After a couple of minutes, she was able to clean the plate. Smita pulled the chain off Radhika’s collar and asked Radhika to follow her. Radhika was following Smita, who was moving around the flat.

I could see Radhika’s ass moving. Smita saw it and winked at me. Radhika was feeling the pain as the cloth pin on her clits rubbed. Smita made Radhika sleep on her back and tied her in such a way that Radhika’s asshole and pussy stretched.

Smita stuffed a cloth in Radhika’s mouth, got a strap-on dildo, and inserted it in Radhika’s pussy. The dildo was small, but still, Radhika was feeling the pain. Smita was enjoying this, and Radhika felt the pain due to her clits and nipples.

Smita continued it for some time and stopped. She signalled me and removed my shorts, and just oiled my cock. I could see Radhika’s ass stretched, and Smita had inserted the dildo in her pussy. Radhika did not have any strength. She was waiting for 6 pm.

I applied oil to my cock and started to rub Radhika’s pussy. She thought her pussy would be getting a cock. But I just inserted my cock in her ass crack. I could hear Radhika trying to scream, but her mouth was stuffed. Radhika was helpless as I started to ruin her asshole.

It was very tight. I had to apply lots of pressure, and it was halfway in after some strokes. After a couple of more strokes, I could put my cock deep inside her asshole. After a minute, I removed my cock. The tip of the cock was covered with shit from Radhika’s ass.

Radhika thought that it was over. She was happy, but Smita pulled her up and showed me my cock covered with her shit. Smita removed the stuffing from Radhika’s mouth, and she was breathing heavily. I moved my cock towards her mouth, and she knew what was needed.

Radhika cleaned my cock. There was a bit of blood. Smita slapped her and told her to clean it properly. Once done, Smita again stuffed her mouth, oiled my cock, and inserted a few drops in Radhika’s asshole.

Radhika was back in the same position. Now my cock and her asshole were both oiled. I inserted my cock in her asshole and started to stroke it hard. Now the ass was a bit loose, and it was going deep due to oil.

Smita was happy to see Radhika’s ass getting pounded. It was like double penetration, her pussy had a dildo, and now her ass was getting pounded. After a few minutes, I cum inside her asshole and kept my cock inside for a few minutes.

When I removed my cock, I could see blood on my cock. Her asshole was destroyed. We could see my cum coming out of her asshole along with some blood. Radhika was not able to move. She had lost the virginity of all her holes in two days.

Smita untied her and made her stand. It was difficult for her to stand because her legs had no strength. We left Radhika on the bed and got our lunch. In the meantime, Radhika was sleeping on the bed with her hand on her asshole and tears flowing through her eyes.

Smita removed the dildo from her pussy. Smita asked her if she wanted lunch, but Radhika could not speak. After an hour, Radhika woke up, and Smita gave her something to eat. Radhika was finding it difficult to sit. Smita removed the cloth pins, but the pain in the ass was not bearable.

Somehow Radhika had lunch, and Smita told her to sleep on the bed in the same position. Smita then came back with a butt plug, oiled it, and inserted it in Radhika’s ass. Radhika screamed. Smita covered her mouth and told her to shut up.

After a few hours, everything was normal. It was 6 pm, and Radhika was happy. But she was finding it difficult to walk with a butt plug in her asshole. Radhika looked at Smita. She smiled and said you must keep this in your ass till you reach home.

Radhika was not able to move. She requested Smita she will follow her orders and do whatever she wanted. Smita removed the butt plug and gave the cloth to Radhika to clean her asshole. Radhika was feeling the pain as the cloth touched her asshole. She could see some blood from her ass.

Smita told her to relax and gave her the cream I had given her. Radhika applied the cream and rested for a couple of minutes. It was difficult for Radhika to walk. Smita told her to stay, but Radhika did not want to take the chance. Finally, around 9 pm, she was feeling better.

We got our dinner and told Radhika to finish the dinner and go. I got a cab, and we all left the flat. We reached Radhika’s place, and no one was around. Smita went and left her in the room and came back. The smile on Smita’s face was priceless. She was happy

In the next part, we will see what happens to Radhika and Smita.  I hope you like my story. Please share your feedback at . Soon I will share the other part.

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