Mother-Son Stories incest sex stories

Sex Stories

Alpana sat on the stoop in front of her house talking to her neighbor and friend Richa. The end of winter was still in the air but the spring sun warmed their faces.
“Richa, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Once Raja graduates and leaves the house, I have no reason to be here. Sanju stays out of my way but why would I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who doesn’t love me’ It’s been a sham for years.”
“I don’t know honey, what’s going on with you and Sanju now’”
“Very little; and I’m not just talking about the sex because that never even set oily rags on fire… there’s just nothing. He’s out of town more than half the time doing God knows what. He’s never taken an interest in Raja and I think were both better off without him. I don’t think he’s said a kind word to either of us in the last five years. I get more love and tenderness from Raja in one kiss than from Sanju in a year. Raja is so sweet, this morning he kissed my cheek and touched my face and told me I’m the best.”
“Jesus, I can’t even get Sunil to say ‘good morning’. Our son’s sure are cut from different cloth…but they’re both handsome bastards aren’t they’”
They both laughed and Alpana said, “I’ll bet they’ll give the girls a run for their money – if they haven’t already.”
“Are you kidding’ Sunil has condoms stashed all over his room and I’m glad of it.”
“You know Richa, I’ve never talked to Raja about it; do you think I should’”
“Well you should talk to him but don’t worry because I know he uses them.”
“What do you mean you know’”
“Well he hasn’t used one on me – not that I’d mind but I hear him talking to Sunil at my house. I think they buy them by the gross.”
Alpana laughed. “Richa you’re terrible, Raja’s mine and you stay away.”
“He’s yours’ Do you mean you sleep with him’”
“Oh Alpana, calm down. Tell me you never fantasized about Sunil or Raja.”
Alpana hesitated and said, “Well…” They fell on each other laughing.
“Hey,” Richa said, “We had ’em young and we’re both pretty good looking old broads – they could do worse than being in our ‘experienced’ hands.
Alpana said, “You’ve been single too long Richa…and I think we’re two frustrated old broads who better go get supper going…I’ll see you later”. They both went home with thoughts tripping.
Alpana had a sweet fantasy about her neighbor’s son joining her in a warm bath but Richa decided it was time to do more than dream. After dinner she told Sunil she was going to take a short nap and he should wake her in an hour. She went into her bedroom and made herself up. She put on a sheer nylon cover-up. She opened the top four buttons and left one of her full breasts exposed.
When Sunil came in he was transfixed by the figure seemingly asleep on top of the bed. He watched her bare breast rise and fall and then the dark triangle between his mother’s legs held his gaze. He didn’t move for five minutes. He touched her arm to wake her and when she opened her eyes she saw the swelling in his pants. Without a word she put her hand on her son’s cock and massaged the length of his shaft. He took her tit in his hand and tried not to come as she rubbed.
She undid his pants and took them off; she lifted his shirt and he removed it. He said, “Mom do you want me to…’”
“Yes” she said.
Sunil gave a small laugh and said, “I didn’t say what…”
“I want you to do everything to me Sunil. I want you to do anything to me. I want you to make me come…make me come Sunil.”
He lifted the nylon and his mother spread her legs for him. He licked and slathered her already wet cunt. He pushed and pressed the hood again and again sliding it over her clit. Before the tip of his tongue found the bare clit, his mother started to come. A flush crossed her breasts as her back arched. He could taste her juices. Louder and louder she repeated “Oh…OH…OHHH…”
As she descended she said, “Oh Sunil it’s been so long since a man made me come…so long.” She held his hard cock and began accelerating almost immediately. Sunil I want to come again; I want to be fucked in every hole. I want cocks in me…I want you and Raja in me.”
“Mom are you, nuts’ What are you talking about’”
“I’m talking about what I need …what I need now.”
She took his cock into her mouth and sucked him close to oblivion. She stopped and said, “Do this for me…I want you both…do it baby…call him”.
He called and Raja answered. “Raja, its Bobby, can you come over here now; mom and I need you for something.”
“Ok I’ll be over in about ten minutes.”
They seemed like the longest ten minutes of Sunil’s life. He tried to put his cock back in his mother’s mouth but she didn’t want him to come before Raja arrived. They kissed and his hands were in her holes as she held his cock without rubbing. When the doorbell finally rang they were both half crazed.
Sunil put on his shorts and answered the door. “What’s up’” Raja asked.
“You’re not going to believe this” he said as he led him to the bedroom.
As Darren entered he saw Richa naked on the bed. His jaw dropped and he stammered, “Jesus Mrs.….”
She stopped him with, “Under the circumstances why don’t you call me Richa.” She reached for his cock.
It was chaos for a while as the two boys had their fingers, mouths, and cocks all over her. Richa was out of her mind. At one point while kneeling and alternately sucking them, she tried to get both of their cocks in her mouth at once. There was too much meat.
When things settled down, she was on top of her son fucking him. She entreated Raja, “Do me Raja, do me in the ass.”
Sunil egged him on. “Go on Raja, fuck her in the ass, she wants it.”
Hesitantly he began easing himself into the small hole after covering the top of his cock with saliva. The deeper he went, the more of Sunil’s shaft he could feel through the thin membrane. “That’s it, fuck her good, keep fucking her” Sunil said.
She was delirious from the boy’s bucking and thrusts. “Oh that’s good…ooh I love it hard…yeah… like that Raja…oh… yes…”
They came within minutes of each other. Sunil’s cum spurting into his mother’s channel took her over. Her hips mirrored her son’s quick hard thrusts and Raja let go with jets of hot come into her ass. They were all breathing hard when it was over.
After a few minutes Richa got up to shower and kissed each of them. A small look of concern came over her face. She said, “Look boys, we can have fun but this stays between us – except for your mother Raja, ok’”
They both nodded their assent and she smiled as she went into the bathroom. Raja only said “See you Sunil” and then left.
When he got home Alpana asked Raja what it was all about and he said, “It was nothing; just had to fix something”.
He was lost in thought throughout the night and didn’t speak to his mother until the next evening when he knew they’d be alone.
It was a Friday night and his father had left for the weekend. When he got home, Alpana was reading a magazine at the kitchen table. “Hi honey, she said when she saw him. Dinner’s just about ready.”
“Mom, can we wait a bit’ I’d like to talk to you about something first.”
“Sure sweetie I’m in no rush.”
She wore a simple jersey dress that showed her body well. Her unusually small waist called attention to her well-rounded breasts and she had dancer’s hips. The soft brown framed glasses that matched her long hair somehow made her look more sexy than studious. There was something interesting to see no matter where your eyes stopped on their journey – either up or down. It was a journey Raja’s eyes had been taking more and more over the last year.
He focused on her face as he said, “Something happened when I went over to Sunil’s last night.”
“What happened baby’” Alpana’s maternal protective concern kicked in.
“Well…” Raja gave her the short ‘tidied-up’ version.
Alpana was wide eyed, disturbed, turned on and twelve other conflicting things. Before she could speak Raja continued. “Here’s the thing mom, right in the middle of this incredible rush I started thinking, could my mother do something like this’ Could you mom’”
“I don’t think I ever could but some things could be right for one person and wrong for another. I wouldn’t think badly of Richa…because this is where she is now in her life.”
“I guess you’re right but my real problem was that when I was in her…I wanted it to be you. I don’t mean with Sunil; I mean just me and you. When I closed my eyes it was you I saw; it was you I wanted to be making love with. And I realized that it’s because I love you that I want to make love to you, not just because I want to have you.”
“Oh Raja that’s so lovely…it makes me feel so good…I’ve wanted…my heart’s been aching to hear loving words for a long time.” Alpana embraced her son and a kiss of longing fulfilled passed between them.
Raja gently caressed his mother’s breasts and could feel her nipples become erect through her soft bra and dress. They stood together for an eternity softly stroking each other as their tongues explored each other’s mouths. He slowly undressed her and when her bra and panties were off she stood before him unashamed. Her shoes were still on and he gazed at her hourglass figure and her smiling face. Her shapely legs led him across the soft brown thatch to the pinkish nipples that capped her jutting breasts. He said, “Mom you’re spectacular”.
She kissed him as she undressed him. His cock was a long steel rod for his mother. She led him to her bed. She opened her legs and her flower while closing her eyes. She expected to feel him enter her but he began kissing between her legs. The surprising feel of his lips kissing and sucking her folds released her fluids and sent a line of pleasure through her belly. The tip of his tongue found her steadily engorging nub. She wanted him in her and she reached for him.
Raja laid his throbbing manhood on his mother’s slippery folds and they opened around him. He didn’t enter her but slid the thick shaft over her wet pink button. Alpana began whispering “Please…please…please…”
Finally he was in her. Her channel was like a sheath made for him alone. With each deep insertion she held him with a desire to keep him in her forever. Aplana moaned with each loving thrust he gave her. “My Raja…my Raja…”
When she felt herself on the edge, she wrapped herself around him and turned herself on top. She sat up and moved on him with closed eyes. She began talking to him and didn’t stop until she came.
“Raja…love…I didn’t know why I stayed here. Now I know…I was waiting for you love…I was waiting for you to fill me and complete me. I was waiting for you to be inside me and heal me…oh sweet Raja, I’m going to be good for you like you are for me. You’re never going to need another woman for anything. I’m going to give you anything you need anything…anything…anything…”
With each word she speared herself on him. He told her he loved her over and over as he held her wonderful breasts and also began to come. She rose and fell on him until her honey coated him and his cream filled her belly. As she rested on him he saw a smile on his mother’s face he had never seen.
“Raja tomorrow I’m going to look for a place. Please tell me you’re going to be with me. Tell me you’re going to love me and you’re going to make love to me all the time.”
“No mother” he said. “Not all the time – we’re going to need some time to pack.”
She laughed through his kiss.


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