Mistress Monica


Monica Singh was 40 years old, independently wealthy to begin with and stinking rich after her parents passed away leaving her millions in inheritance. She was a tall, well built woman who worked out regularly and was muscular in almost a manly way. She was also a dominate lesbian and dream and fantasized of having a slave girl she could own and sexually use whenever she pleased!

Living in New Delhi, India, she knew that she could not be public about her sexual preferences and more so about her inclinations to be a lesbian mistress. She was however very excited because she could see the planned efforts that she had put in for over a year were near bearing results!  Monica was nothing if not intelligent – she was a professional investor who made tons of money investing her own capital. She was also patient and scheming by nature. She had treated getting a slave girl as a business problem and applied her considerable mind to solving it.

She had scouted all over North India for orphanages and shelters for women – under the guise of wanting to donate to charity. She had selected one such orphanage near Shimla that housed girls exclusively. She had donated several lakhs of rupees in cash plus a lot of consumables to that orphanage over the past year and was held in high esteem and almost in awe by the management of that institution.

Pretending personal interest in the girls, Monica had reviewed the personal files of every girl in the orphanage to select the correct profile for her evil intentions. The orphanage housed girls from the age of 4 to 18 and once the girls reached the age of 18, they were sent out into the world on their own since there was a huge pipeline of new female orphans that had to be accommodated in the orphanage.

A lot of such “graduating” girls went to work as domestic help or in some cases as nannies in wealthy homes. The orphanage tried to keep track of their graduates but was usually unable to do so. Monica had her evil eyes set on a young girl called Deepika. Deepika was nearing 18 and was very beautiful with a body to die for. She had been at the orphanage for over 12 years and had been brought in there as an abandoned child. She had no idea how pretty she was and was extremely shy and very obedient – like most of the girls there. The orphanage staff was very strict and the girls were brought up to be disciplined and very obedient.

Monica met with the woman who ran the orphanage – an old lady of about 65 years called Didi by all. Didi was in awe of Monica and was very deferential to any of her demands. Monica wanted Deepika – but wanted to keep up a nice façade so that she could get away with her plans clean and legitimate.

Monica said “Didi, I need a girl to work for me as my assistant. She must be presentable and polite. She can stay with me at my house and help out around the house as well.” Didi was more than happy to oblige and asked Monica to select any of the girls who were over 18 and would need to leave the orphanage shortly.

Monica put up a pretense of scanning through the files and evaluating the girls and their grades (there was a rudimentary schooling offered at the orphanage). Finally she picked out Deepika’s file and told Didi that she would like to pick her for the job.

Didi looked at Monica strangely – perhaps realizing that Monica had some other plans, but was deferential and quickly called Deepika into her office. She then told her, “Deepika, this is Monica madam. She is one of the main supporters of this orphanage. She had kindly offered to offer you a job and a place to stay with her. Please immediately prepare to leave. You must listen and obey Monica madam in every way and make the most of this great opportunity that she is giving you”.

Deepika looked fearfully at Monica – she was nervous and scared. She had never lived out side the orphanage and life outside, especially with this stern looking woman scared her greatly. She was however very obedient and quickly reappeared in Didi’s office with a small bag that contained all her belongings. It was just three sets of clothes and a couple of small knick knacks – the orphanage could not afford much.

Monica was getting hot and it was all she could do to stop licking her lips in anticipation. She ground her thighs together discreetly under the table to cool down her steaming pussy. She knew that she had to be patient and that her long term plan and investment was just about to bear fruit – a real live beautiful sex slave in the making was in her grasp.

As soon as was polite, she bade goodbye to Didi and the orphanage and led Deepika to her car. Monica drove herself (no driver) and asked Deepika to get in the passenger seat. Deepika was intimidated by the large powerful woman and was eager to please.

Monica wanted the girl scared and obedient – so throughout the drive back, she kept barking instructions and questions at her ward, thoroughly scaring her and killing her self esteem. Finally, they got to Monica’s house which was an entire floor in a high rise apartment building.

Monica took Deepika to her room and settled her down thinking to herself that soon Deepika would not need the room and would be bedding with her!

Upon Monica’s instructions, Deepika made tea and served it. After tasting it, Monica pretended to get very angry! She screamed at Deepika saying “you don’t even know how to make a cup of tea? You need to be punished! I am going to punish you like the little girl that you are!”

Deepika was cowering in a corner. She was dressed in a knee length skirt and a thin cotton blouse that set of her charms very well. She had a fabulous body about 34-23-35, a little on the slim side, but with all the right curves!

Monica took her by the hand and walked her to the sofa. She sat down and told Deepika that she was going to spank her like a little girl. Deepika was too scared to argue. She quietly lay down across her mistresses’ knees with her beautiful ass propped up and started quietly crying.

Monica picked up a paddle from the side table and got ready to administer her first spanking to her slave. She was gloating and excited. She could feel the soft and supple body across her knees and could see Deepika’s sexy thighs as the skirt had ridden up!

She drew her hand back and gave a mightly blow with the paddle. Deepika screamed in pain and started struggling. Monica sternly told her to stop squirming and the poor girl obeyed. Monica gave her another 5 hefty spanks which reduced Deepika to a sobbing wreck – she was in intense pain.

Monica then pulled her up and sat her on her lap and told her gently that the punishment was for her own good! That Monica really cared about her and that is why she would punish her whenever needed to make sure that she turned out into a fine young woman. Deepika was flustered and confused. She felt deeply grateful to this powerful and strong woman who was holding her close and yet her ass was on fire from the paddling she had received.

Monica asked her “Is it hurting very badly?” When Deepika nodded fearfully, she took her by the waist and gently led her to the bedroom saying that she would take care of it. She then took some lotions and oils from her bedside table and laid Deepika on the bed. She began taking Deepika’s skirt off and the poor girl’s objections were silenced with an authoritative look. Monica was in heaven! She was undressing this 18 year old beauty and the girl was by now so intimidated that she was subservient just by a stern look or comment!

Monica quickly stripped off the girl’s skirt and panty and finally had Deepika’s glorious ass in front of her – naked and defenseless. She applied some lotion and cream to her poor reddened ass and massaged it gently. Slowly, she started sliding the side of her hand along Deepika’s ass crack right down to the base almost up to her pussy.

Deepika did not know how to react. She knew her mistress was doing something wrong but she was too naïve to understand all of it. She was also very scared of her mistress and wanted to please her very badly. If her mistress was happy massaging her naked ass then Deepika was determined not to displease her by objecting.

Monica was delighted that this was working out so well. She lay down beside Deepika and held her close with one hand possessively cupping her ass! She then murmured to Deepika that she liked her very much. Deepika was elated to please Monica and gave her a shy smile.

Monica told her she wanted to see all of her. Deepika was shocked and scared and tried pulling away. Monica turned or her stern look and hardened her voice and said “Are you going to obey?” The poor girl nodded – now completely confused by her own emotions. She was terrified of Monica yet was strangely attracted to the very strong authority figure that Monica represented – she just wanted Monica to approve of her.

Monica realized this and knew that she had to alternate her role between being a strict mistress and being a loving pet owner and she would have Deepika as she wanted! The girl was at once love starved and very fearful – a great combination for enslaving her!

Monica gently pulled off Deepika’s blouse and unhooked her bra. Deepika gasped and went red and looked scared and confused. Finally Monica had the girl naked and she was a luscious sight! Beautiful firm breasts with small developing brown nipples jutted out innocently and the lovely slim waist tapered out into the magnificent ass which was still very red and bruised from the recent spanking.

Deepika was trying cover her breasts with one hand and had the other between her legs trying to hide her vagina. Monica firmly took the hands away and told her that she wanted to see her body. She squeezed her melon breasts and gently pinched her nipples until they grew hard despite Deepika’s fear!

Monica hurriedly tore her clothes off and got naked herself. She enveloped the girl in an intimate hug. Deepika was lightly shivering partly from fright and partly from excitement! Monica then drew the girls’s head back and planted a deep kiss flush on her lips. Deepika clearly had not been kissed before and looked stunned! Her eyes widened and she her heart was racing.

She was dazed. Just a day ago she was safely in her orphanage and now she was with this terrifying woman, naked on the bed with the woman’s lips clamped on hers! The thought of resisting or fighting never even entered Deepika’s head. She was programmed to obey and she was way too fearful of offending her mistress to stop her. Soon Deepika felt Monica’s tongue enter her mouth. She did not know how to react so she let her mistress have her way.

Monica was moaning in pleasure. This was the culmination of her fantasies! She had a gorgeous young girl naked and obedient ready to serve as her love slave! She was further delighted that she did not have to physically subdue the girl and although this was rape too, it was more rape by domination than by force.

After french kissing Deepika to her heart’s content Monica straddled the girl and turned her attention to Deepika’s magnificent tits. Deepika finally asked her “what are you doing, Madam? This is not right!” Monica sternly told her to shut up and lie back and that she knew what was good for Deepika. She also asked her “Do you want to be punished some more? No? Then shut up. Talk only when I ask you to. Do you understand?”.

Deepika looked scared and stammered ‘yes!’ Monica sucked the girl’s nipples and licked and felt up her young and firm breasts. She bit gently on the nipples causing Deepika to squeal more in fear than in any real pain.

Monica slowly trailed kisses down the girl’s stomach and parting her thighs, she began kissing and licking the insides of her creamy thighs. Finally she started nuzzling the girl’s vagina. Deepika started struggling a little, but a hard and vicious pinch on the insides of her thighs and a stern rebuke meant that she resigned herself to her fate and lay back in submission.

Monica knew exactly what she was doing between the girl’s legs. She saw that the girl had a little pubic hair and that she had never shaved that area and Monica decided that she would get off every last little hair on the girl’s pussy soon. For now though, she went to work on the girl’s moist pussy. She licked down her slit and slipped her tongue right into her vagina. Deepika gasped and bucked like a horse! She thought this was dirty and said so in a pleading tone to her mistress. Monica lifted up her head and gave her a cold stare that silenced the scared girl for good.

Monica then turned her over and got her to kneel on the bed with her legs apart! This gave Monica full access to all of Deepika’s charms – her pussy and her ass were there to be enjoyed to the fullest!

Monica fondled her beautiful ass globes and pushed a saliva coated finger gently up Deepika’s ass. Deepika was now totally subservient and though she did not like it, her body was reacting to the stimulus it was getting. She began moaning in time to Monica;s tongue as it flicked across her clitoris. Monica’s finger was moving in and out of Deepika’s ass in a fucking motion while her mouth and tongue were furiously working on the girls clitoris!

Finally with a scream Deepika came for the first time in her life. Monica felt the girl’s orgasm and knew that she her mastery over the teenager was now complete! She gently kissed her way back up Deepika’s body and spent a lot of time on her neck and ears – gently licking her earlobes and breathing into her ear. Deepika was in a daze. Her first orgasm hat hit her like an express train and she felt deeply bonded to Monica.

Monica took the girl in her arms, kissed her deeply and asked. “did you enjoy that?”. Deepika blushed and shivered and nodded hesitantly with downcast eyes.Monica was elated. She would soon teach her beautiful slave how to pleasure her mistress. Monica lay back dreaming of the time to come, maybe years to come that this little slave would be her personal pleasure toy…

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