Married man first gay experience

Sex Stories

I realized after years of marriage I wanted no needed sex with another man before I exploded this is my fantasy one day I write about the real thing.

I’ve been married for 35 years after my wife cheated on me our marriage was never the same.
One day when looking at some porn I realized it’s the men’s cock I was looking at and wishing I could be the one sucking it being a bit shy I didn’t know where to find someone who would join me for sex no realation Ship
I just wanted sex.
One day when I finished work I bumped into a man carrying a couple of heavy suit cases so I asked if he needed any help.
We tock them up to his flat and we sat drinking when I glanced down at his cock he caught me looking he said I,am
Not gay but horny as hell so if you want you can play with I was straight on my knees pulled a beautiful 8″ cock and kissed it then I rubbed my hand up and down I then put my mouth on my first cock and it was great the feeling the taste I did this for 10 minutes until he shot his load I swallowed as much as possible then used my hand and licked it clean.
He thanked me and we arranged another time when he would take my virgin ass and I would repeat the bj I know he will never do anything to me he is straight after all but I don’t care I get to suck a large cock and have lots of wanks when the wife is out

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