Losing Virginity For Carrier


My name is Swapnil and the storyis about my job experience and how I used my sissy body to help in growing mycarrier. I completed my Bachelors of Engineering in Instrumentation. In campusplacement I got an offer from a MNC company, which works in Instrumentationfield. I joined company and came to know that they (my seniors) were going tosend me on-field to some village near vishakha-patnam, where our site was inprogress.

They threw me to remote placewhere I could not enjoy anything. I thought to quit. But finding another jobwas difficult too. So I continued same job and went to Village. I resumed dutythere it was a medium scale industrial plant. I was one out of 12 engineersthere, two team leaders on top of us and a plant head, remaining were allworkers. I got acquainted with the place and doing my work.

There was problem with the place,it was away, even from the nearest village second there were no girls, womenworkers were there. But, I even could not imagine sleeping with them. Too blackand hairy I was having good computer skills so our plant head used to call mefor making documentation and presentations. I helped him, though it not helpedme to get salary hike, but I was in plant head’s good looks.

While helping with hisdocumentation, I access his computer. I had seen many porn materials on hiscomputer. Many video clips, including lesbian and teen porns. He was verynaughty guy. I used to observe him and his home. Few of women workers used tovisit his home. No need to tell why, One day I had argue with one of my fellowrakesh, he scolded me.

I wanted to take revenge with himbut as he was my senior I could not able to do anything. One year passedquickly and we came to know that one of our team leaders resigned and teamleader position got vacant. Plant head decided instead of hiring new guy chanceto be given to juniors. He called all twelve junior engineers (including me hemight had thought 1 year also a sufficient experience, also I had helped him alot).

He addressed, “This is a uniqueopportunity every one must try hard for this. I have not kept minimum criteria,because leadership is not only about experience but also some skills. All thebest, your interviews are scheduled in next week; every one was taking efforts,retrieving what they had done during their tenure, reading books. I was a bitdisappointed I was having minimum experience. So even if I would appear forinterview I was not going to get selected.

A guy with maximum experiencewould get selected. I had this opportunity to take revenge with Rakesh. Twodays after an Idea came to my mind, may be it would help me to get promote evenI had least chance of it. My boss was fond of porn and sex. I remember atweekends he used to call lady worker to pacify his thirst of sex. But allladies that he used to call were black and just not having good figure.

I decided to gift him a bold and beautifulgirl. So he may promote me. Next day afternoon, I went to nearest village,there was problem with language (People speak Telugu only) I had to go tovishakha-patnam, just to find proper prostitute for him. I had language problemthere also. I met with few prostitute also, but they were also black, not up-tomy expectation.

I lost one day, but I gotconfident and obsessed for promotion. I went to vishakha-patnam next day also,but nothing happened. Interview day was just three days ahead and I had nothingwith me. By then I was desperate about my promotion. I was thinking what to do?Anyhow I wanted to get promoted atleast to take my revenge.

Next day when I went outside to just check chance if I could see any beautifulprostitute. I seen a Hijda (Transgender) and a thought came in my mind if Icould sleep with my plant head by turning my self into a girl. Next moment Istarted thinking other ways, but again and again same thought came to my mind. I came back to my room still thinking same if I could be a girl and sleep withhim.

It’s like my mind is broken into two parts onewas saying just does it and another are you doing? You are a boy first saying youwill get promoted and you can ask rakesh to anything and easily takerevenge” other part of mind saying “you will be called as a gay andwhat if your boss wont promote you, first part saying you have to take risk andthink about profits of it

Finally I came to a decision thatI’ll do this, it would be only one time and no will know about it. Question washow I would do it within a day. I went to vishakha-patnam again, though I wasgoing to get tired, still I would get women stuff there only. I went to a daisydee shop bought nice pair or bra and panty, sales girl there sold it to me withweird look, I avoided eye contact with her again went to nice shop to get somenice clothes. I was confused what to take, salwar kameez saree or what.

Finally after an hour I selectedpurple top and white skirt with nice sandals. I came back to my room and swa myself in mirror. I went to bathroom gotmy shaving kit, while I coming back I bought as much make up material aspossible including wax. I applied was to my legs, hands, chest even penis and my asshole. I almost screamedwhile removing my hair it was real difficult took bath with hot water.

I saw my self in mirror; I lookedgirly with no very small boobs. I started applying make up. First, I washed myface well with a gentle cleanser, shaved my face and applied moisturizer, keptit for a while to get soaked by my skin. Apply foundation evenly to your entireface with a makeup spunge. Then I applied concealer, which helped me in darkspots, ruddy areas and veins.

Then I gone for blush, I sweepedblush downward from the ear to mid-cheek, beginning in line with the top of theear and ending at the end of the apple of your cheek. I used penicil eyeliner;finally I applied light purple colour lipstick matching to my top. I saw myself in the mirror and oh my god I looked awsome. I was really happy. I put earringsand nose rings, combed my hair. I really looked hot.

Wore bra, panty and dress I got.I looked my self in the mirror again, my heart started pounding at very huge rate. My plant head apartment was on upper floor of my apartment, I opened mydoor no one was in the corridor. I slowly moved towards his apartment, it wasdifficult to walk in high heel sandals. I reached at his doors. My heart rategot doubled, I knocked on his door. A moment after door opened and I saw him,his expression was surprised.

He asked, Hey!

I replied, Hi, my name is swapnali, I want a halt tonight, can I stay here fora nightHe said, “Oh, no problem at all, please get in.He offered me a drink; I took and sipped a gulp.I asked, ” Hope I havent disturbed youHe said, “No, anyhow I was alone looking for company

I was giving him signals, continuously staring at his cock, while offering me water or something he usedtouch my hand. He sat next to me on sofa, and his thighs rubbing mine afterfinishing his drink, he asked me if I want to get comfortable in bedroom. Isaid yes. He took me to his bedroom, and just after entering his bedroom, hepushed me to nearest wall and started kissing me.

I felt nothing while kissing himback, because I was not a boy that time, I was feeling like a girl he rubbedhis lips on to my lips, started moving his hand in my hair. I closed my eyesresponding him and he took my upper lip between his lips and starte licking it.After that he probed his tounge inside my mouth and searching for my tounge ourtounges met, lips were on each other.

I was tasting his salvia afterfew minutes of that kiss he took me in his arms and put me on the bed.I laid onmy back, he was on his t-shirt and jeans and he unbucckeled his belt took ofhis jeans and t-shirt and he slid off his boxers and threw his boxers on myface. I started rubbing it to my face, it smelt horny. I saw his 8′ penis hanging;his balls looked huge and heavy.

He was in hurry sat next to me, Itook his long penis in my hand first took smell of it, rubbed his penis on myface, Then kissed top of penis. he laid on his back, I put my head between hislegs started to lick his balls and penis. He had no hair on his penis andballs. I took his penis and started licking it. It was really tasty; I took hisentire penis and licked it completely. He was moaning I was enjoying his penis,after some time he could not control and cum in my mouth.

I tasted cum in first time of mylife and it was really tasty, its salty taste wow! He pulled me towards him and kissed me again. He removed my top, then Ifrightened because he would know that i was a boy not girl. He removed my skirtand then he was a bit shocked as he saw my semi erect penis trying to com outof bikini. He said nothing and started kissing my nipples thorugh my bra andafter licking he removed

My bra and gave a pinch on mynipple tip of his tongue was circling around the areola. His tongue was glidingover my nipples very lightly my body jerked and a moan escaped from my lips,that’s because I was dying for him to take each nipple into his mouth, and suckand nibble away and he suck and inhaled it while releasing it. Wow! That gaveme an icy sensation.

Then he came down wards, kissedlightly on my belly and just blew, I shivered and he looked at my panty andremoved it. I saw my penis and he didn’t care about that. He got a pillow undermy butts and spit on my asshole may be to make it lubricant. His thick flaredcock head near my anus and started to push. It was hurting me as my skin wasgetting stretched.

He was forcing I tried to controlmy scream but his strokes were powerful I shouted and his thich penis enteredmy ass hole. When he was fully inside my asshole he started working his dick inand out. I couldn’t feel any pain any longer. I was really enjoying his thrustswhich were increasing. I was completely absorbed in giving him all the pleasurehe needed at that moment.

I could feel his dick sliding inand out of my rectum and this gave me a lot of pleasure. I wanted him to fuckme until I came but I was probably too anxious to achieve an orgasm. Hewithdrew from my ass without warning and asked me to turn over and lie on mystomach. He was running out of breath with the great effort he was making.

Our naked bodies were sweatingprofusely. He was tired with heavy fucking still he had not cum. I laid him onhis back and sat on him. I took his cock and try to place on my ass hole. Itgot entered and I started fucking his penis with my asshole even I got tiredsome time later. He pushed me and pulled my legs on his shoulder and gave finalstrokes.

Few moments later he cummedinside me, it was heaven after his red hot piston in my engine he made itliquid cool, we both were tired we slept. Next morning when we woke up, I toldhim about me. I said all I did for promotion. He smiled and said you got that.He added you have to satisfy me once in a while, and I will take care aboutyour carrier and soon I got promoted, every one was stunned by it especially Rakesh. Obviously I was satisfying my plant head regularly reply me on

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