Life changes


I walked through town that early spring morning trying to findMyself a job to hold me through the summer. The only thing i had found allDay was a stockers opening at a new store on the edge of town. It was ownedBy a new lady and her daughter that had moved to town only a few monthsAgo. My only problem was that the store handled only ladies fine lingerieAnd all types of underclothing.

When i got home that afternoon my mom had told me she knew of anOpening but wasn’t sure if i would take it. She told me it was our newNeighbors from down the block, ms. Tami tyler and her daughter kelly. I letHer know that i had already found out about that one but wasn’t sureMyself. Mom had already talked to ms. Tyler and said that she wanted me toCome by the next afternoon just before closing so we could talk for aBit. Well i let mom know i would at least go by abd see what she had toSay.

It was about 4:30 when i finally got there and their last customerFor the day was just leaving so they locked up and asked me to follow themTo their office. Sitting there listening to what my job duties wouldConsist of was really very easy. I would be there from closing till 10 pm,And then locking up and heading home. Ms. Tyler also said that i would beMaking $9.00 per hr. With a raise as the business grew. That first night asThey both left i stayed and began to unpack all the new cartons of suppliesThat had come in during the day and then take them and price them and stockThem on the shelves for the following days business. I couldn’t begin toBelieve the types of clothing i was unpacking, everything from stockingsAnd panties to corsetts, bras, nighties, and other types of lingerie. ThisWent on for a few weeks till my mind began to wonder just what did womenLike and enjoy about all those sexy underthings while wearing them. I beganTo experiment very slowly trying on panties only then more and more as timeWent on. It was on one of those saturday nights when i had taken all myClothing off and dressed in some very sexy nylons, garter belt, panties,Bra, babydoll nightie and began to do my work. It seemed everything went asUsual that evening, so all i did was to put my clothing over the lingerie iWas wearing and headed home.

It was just after 7 am when my mom came in to wake me up and tell meThat ms. Tyler had called and said that she needed me at the store, that weHad to do some inventory for a special order coming in. So as soon as i gotDressed i headed to the store, wondering if she had maybe found somethingThat i had left laying around. When i got there ms. Tyler was in her officeAnd asked me to join her. I sat down as she walked towards a locked cabinetAnd started a vcr that was inside. Just then her tv screen came on and iWas completely shocked, i had been caught on camera from the prior nightDressing up and it showed everything extremely clear. “well young man, orShall i say young lady what have you go to say for yourself” she askedMe. “seems like something we should have to discuss with your mom and maybeEven the police because you did take those items home didn’t you”? All iCould do was to plead with her not to tell anyone, there was no way i couldGet out of this one. We both sat there talking about how long i had beenDoing things like this and just how often and how much i enjoyed dressingAs a girl. I explained it was my first time and that it would never happenAgain. Even as i told her this i don’t think she believed one thing i said.

She sent me home and said that she would have her decision the nextMorning about my punishment. That monday morning when i arrived, bothMs. Tyler and kelly were there and both were studying the tape veryClosely. By the way she had told me to wear the things i had taken home toWork that morning or i would regret it very much.

Kell had put a sign on the front door that told everyone we would be closedFor the day because of inventory and would reopen on tuesday. All theCurtains were closed and doors locked up tight, when both women told me toUndress down to the things i was susposed to be wearing. They also let meKnow that all it would take was just one time not obeying their orders andI would be turned in to the police.

As i undressed and stood before them only in lingerie, both tami and kellyBegan to look me over saying that i really would make a very good lookingYoung lady. They also stated that from this point forward i would beWorking at the store, but i would be trained as a front counter clerk and iWould be required to completely dress as a female. My new name would beLori and i would do as told no matter what for fear that i would be turnedIn to everyone in town. I was to be their girl slave at the store and alsoAt their home, doing all the house work as their maid.

This was to be my future for as long as they saw fit, i just knew iHad to do something to get away but what i had no idea as yet. The nextThing i knew i heard a soft voice behind me, i turned and noticed my momStanding there. She and tami and kelly had watched the video together. ItWas now my turn to ry and get mom to help me out of my problem but sheWould have nothing of it, telling me that i was to do as told. I was toBecome her daughter from this moment on and there was nothing i could doAbout it. Mom and tami decided that kelly was to become my teacher on howAnd what to dress and mom and tami would take over the rest, such as makeupAnd hair and mannerisms. They all would be in charge of making sure that iTook all my hormones, both pills and shots, which would very very strong inDosage. Every day i was ordered to take my new medicaton, just afterBreakfast and just before going to bed. I was now to the point that iReally did enjoy being treated as a girl and everything that went alongWith it, and i even sort of enjoyed the whistles that i was getting fromThe young guys around town. The story was that i had gone to school overSeas and me (lori) was my twin sister from my moms first marriage.

Then as things began to really change i knew that i would neverReturn to being a male so i actually loved the feeling of being female. ILet myself become attracted to a young man who was two years older thanMyself, jason is 6’5″ and 245 lbs but extremely fit. From what i had heardAround town he wasn’t seeing anyone seriously at all and some of theYounger people thought maybe he was gay. We began to find ways of beingAround each other more and more every day and even on weekends. Mom and myTwo sisters even thought it was a great idea because it would finally makeRealize that i was going to be a female for the rest of my life, except forThe one thing between my legs. Jason would come by our house and we wouldSit and watch tv for hours on end before he would kiss me and then goHome. It seemed we dated for months before he made his first move towards aSexual encounter. I tried my best to keep putting him off but finally iJust figured it was time to explain myself and take a chance on losingHim. It was on our next date that i told him we had to talk in private andSo we went driving to as they call it lovers lane. It took me about half anHour to explain everything about me and how i had come to being this wayAnd by the time i was finished i thought he would push me out the door andLeave . I was in fact completely wrong about him, jason didn’t get mad orAngry at all, all he did was to engulf me in his arms and say that i wasThe perfect young woman for him and wanted me from now on.

That evening i lost my virginity to jason, i also gave my firstBlowjob and i was never so happy. He taught me exactly how to lick and suckHis cock which took me quite some time to get used to and just before himShooting his come down my throat he tried to pull away but i wouldn’t letHim as i swallowed every drop. Then as i looked down i could still see thatHis overly large cock was still just as hard so all i did was undress andStraddle his hips as he spread my cheeks and slowly work his 9″ cock upInside me. Then we began to take our time with me getting used to the sizeOf him in me. Slowly i would gradually start to increase my movements upAnd down, riding him. I was so tight that first time and for the next fewTime until i could learn to relax. Jason made love to me over and overThose first few nights. Mom and my sisters could even see the changes in myAttitude, saying that i seemed to be like a girl who had just beenFucked. Mom came into my room one night and i told her the truth aboutJason and myself and she fully agreed that he and i should continue. EvenOn nights when we didn’t go out jason would come over and spend the nightWith me and make love to me almost all night long.

My secret would become our secret and no one but my family would everKnow. That evening after dinner out we went back to my house and jason andMyself sat down with my mom and two sisters and we had a very long andSerious talk, and at the end everyone was in agreement. Jason and i beganOur life together a year later after i had graduated from high school,Married and with him eventually becoming very important and wealthy in ourTown. As everyone in town now knows me as mrs. Jason wilcox, (loriWilcox). We have lived very happily for the past 15 years and have threeAdopted children, samantha 14, sam 13, and sean 12, and by the way ourYoungest has been caught by his sister wearing her panties, who am i toObject in his new found desires. I can only hope that as he grows up heWill become as happy as i have.

Well hope everyone liked my story, and by the way i am living proof thatDesires do and can com true if real life!

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