I was lucky enough to be sent to UK for higher studies by my parents. Before I could enter university I was required to attend the language school to get certification in English language. This was the first time I had actually been away from my family and had celebrated my 18th birthday before leaving India. My accommodation was arranged by the language school as a paying guest in a private house which was about 15 minutes’ walk from the language school. The house was old style built around 1900 and was a terraced type house. The toilet and bathroom were for common use and had been added on to the house a few years before and located on the ground floor next to the kitchen. The house had 3 bedrooms, bathroom with toilet, kitchen, and sitting room. My landlady (named Mrs. Ruth Hudson) was quiet attractive, nice firm figure, and around 45 years old and made me welcome, she had lost her husband in a building accident some time ago and together with his pension and money from paying guests she somehow managed. The house although old was absolutely clean and all the furniture was polished and shining.
Mrs Hudson showed me to my room which was on the second floor which meant following her up the steep stairs, this was the first time I had noticed her figure, nice ass, and nice legs right in front of my eyes. She told me to unpack my things and then to come to the kitchen where she will make some tea and snacks for me, she told me that I was the first Indian boy who had been placed with her and hoped that I would settle in quickly and not be too home sick for my family. I changed into denim shorts and t-shirt and joined Mrs Hudson in the kitchen where she was busy fixing the food snacks, without looking up she pointed to the bathroom and suggested I go before having tea. The bathroom was quite small with a bathtub, overhead shower point and a semi-transparent curtain around it. I really needed a good piss by then and stood there holding my cock peeing and feeling a sense of relief as my bladder emptied. Mrs. Hudson called to me asking if I was okay and needed any help.
I was thinking what sort of help a man will need to have a good piss. I shook my cock and pushed it back into the denim shorts and returned to the kitchen table that was all set. Mrs. Hudson smiled and we chatted and sipped the tea. First of all she told me that since I will be staying the whole school year at her house that I should not call her Mrs. Hudson but rather by her first name Ruth or Mrs Ruth. Being Indian and from a good family I told her I cannot be that familiar with her since she was my elder, but asked if I can call her Aunty which was how I would do in India. She smiled and said okay and then told me she would call me by my first name Raju.
At bit about me now; I am from a good well off family, am 18 years old but still small for my age at 5ft 6inches, thinly built, tan colour hairless skin and thick black head of hair, my cock was still developing and was 3 inches long and thin when soft and maybe just 4 inches long and still thin when it was hard. At 18 years old I was interested in girls but had never had a girlfriend. Being from an Indian family it was normal to see the girls and ladies walking around the house from bath to room in nightie or blouse and bra with towel over shoulders since houses usually had limited bath facilities. For me I started to masturbate from 14 years old and usually jerked myself off at bath time or before sleeping.
Okay going back to Aunty (Mrs Ruth Hudson) and tea and snacks. Aunty had a smiling face always and continuous was asking about India, my family, my studies, hobbies, and whether I had left a girlfriend back home, she was most interested in the girlfriend topic. I told her I had never had a girlfriend and had concentrated on studies mostly. Aunty told me I was a handsome young man and if she was a young girl she would be after me. I could feel the blood rushing to my face as my whole body seemed to overheat. It had been a long day for me I was feeling tired now, I asked Aunty if I can have a hot bath and relax before going to bed and sleep. Aunty smiled and switched on the water boiler and told me 15 minutes the water will be nice and hot for me. She also told me that since the toilet WC was in the bathroom that anyone needing to use the WC was allowed to enter even if the bathtub / shower were being used. This seemed logical to me since there was only one facility in the house. Having collected my towel and clothing change from my room I had to pass thru the kitchen to get to the bathroom, Aunty was still fixing something but I could feel she was looking at me. I closed the bathroom room and noticed that there was no way to lock the door from inside. I stripped off my denim shorts, briefs, and vest and started the shower going. In India we never used bathtub but used shower or dipper and bucket. The shower was not that powerful but worked enough. I stepped under the shower and closed the curtains, I was right the curtains were transparent as I could see the WC and door clearly.
I was nervous that Aunty would walk in any time so I rinsed off, turned off the water and stood naked as I stretched out for the towel. Before I reached the towel the door opened and Aunty was standing there saying she needed the WC. Aunties’ eyes examined every part of my body, I just stood there and thought why try and over, obviously Aunty had planned her entrance at the precise moment I would be naked. She grabbed the towel and before I knew what was going on she started to dry my head of hair. She seemed to be quite strong as she dried me and moved me around. I felt like a kid having a bath and it felt good. She was sitting on a stool and told me to raise my leg to her lap and she dried my toes and legs left and right. So far Aunty had avoided my private parts and I was thinking she was going to ask me to take care of my cock and balls. But I was wrong; she adjusted the towel in her hands and started to move it over my private region. Up until now I was still soft but the moment the towel found my cock it went hard and stood up thin but strong. Aunty smiled, removed the towel and handled my naked but thin cock firmly moving the foreskin gently up and down and feeling my balls as she did that. Aunty told me quietly, Raju I want to blow your whistle and kneeling down started to suck my cock humming a tune as she did.
My hands on her shoulders helped me balance as my cock and balls disappeared into her wide mouth. I was as hot as hell now and my natural instinct was to keep pushing my rod in deeper, and she took it all, remember as I said before my cock was thin and only 4inches long when hard. I started to feel my balls starting to rise and tighten and I could feel my hot semen pumping up a storm. Aunty could also feel what was happening and continued to suck and swallow my sticky hot cum until it slowed and stopped. Aunty sponged me down and told me to go to bed and rest since I needed to be alert for language school which would start in 3 days’ time. As I went upstairs to my room I was still trying to understand what had just happened. I could hear the bath running again and assumed aunty was having a bath before bed also. I changed to my dhoti and vest as I would have done in India and relaxed in the darkness and was soon asleep. I must have been sleeping for 30 minutes or so when I became aware of some movement next to me, I pretended to be asleep and not move at all. Of course it was Aunty who had slid into my bed and moving slowly closer and closer to me, her arm moved over me and her hand was caressing my chest and lower body.
My cock was relaxed and limp but as her fingers held my thin cock it got hard and tall. I made some sounds as if dreaming and turned towards Aunty who was perfumed and sweet smelling. Her lips were kissing me madly and all over my chest and face. She had an open fronted nightie and her tits were wholesome and larger than I expected. She pushed my mouth onto her nipples and I latched on like a hungry baby and sucked and kissed. I was still a 18 year old virgin, never been sucked off by a woman, never sucked or seen full sized tits or sucked nipples so madly. I really did not know what to do next!! Aunty guided my fingers to her hairy wet cunt and then pushed my 4 fingers straight into her cunt hole, they slipped in easily and it was hotter than I expected. Aunty whispered to me and said Raju your fingers are in my cunt, I want your Indian cock in my cunt right now and I want you to fuck me until I say stop!! My cock found her cunt okay, she was big and my scrotum and cock disappeared with a second to waste. Being young and athletic and having cum earlier at bath time I fucked her and fucked her, my cock was hard as an iron rod and enjoying every stroke it made. Aunty must have had 3 orgasms riding me before I popped my cherry inside her, I could feel her cunt shudder and grip my cock as she cum each time and her juices were dripping freely from her sticky cunt. Aunty shouted stop fucking me I am exhausted I need to rest in your arms now. For me it was a great start to my education in UK. I hope you enjoyed my story and welcome comments from you at my email . If there is sufficient interest I will write a chapter 2.