Hot Dance


Ready to Masturbate? Unzip and Start! If you like my story, do mail me at How long can I stay home alone and watch movies? I decided to go to M.G. Road and do some bird watching. There are so many good looking girls in this city. I was shamelessly staring at all of them. I especially like the ones with good height, good ass and clear skin. And there are so many of them in this city. One thing amuses me of these malls and streets like M.G. road, they are always filled with beautiful girl.

I mean how do all good looking girls think alike when it comes to roaming around? Whatever it is, it helps people like me. I don’t have to search a place for bird watching. I know exactly where to go. Recently I had seen an advertisement of a dancing class near M.G. Road. I always wanted to learn to dance. Its nice fun and also helps in killing some time. If you are lucky, you might get more lucky with new friends there. This time I didn’t wanted to be lazy. I made up my mind and went to the dance class for enquiry. The dance master was a funky guy. He also had few assistants to him, most of them girls.

Which form of dance are you interested sir? asked the master. Hmm! was my reply. Why don’t you join salsa? It’s easy to learn. Oh! is it? I asked him. Seems like you don’t have a partner, weekdays 7:30 to 8:30 PM you can join. There are some school kids who come in this batch. I think I can find you a partner in this batch. Okay! but with school kids! I was doubtful. No sir !! they are all 18-19 year old, you will definitely like the girls there, ha ha ha, he chuckled. Sounds interesting! I think I can join this batch.

After all girls were my primary motivation for the dance class. I quickly finished other formalities and left. Today is my first dance class. I went there a bit late, traffic you see. Dance master welcomed me. The class had not started. He briefly introduced me to the rest of the members. They were all friends studying 11th class in the same school, a posh school. They were 3 boys and 4 girls. One girl was for me. I mean as a dance partner. My partners name was Monika and she was cute. She must be around 5′ 6” tall, fair, clear skin with the cute smile. I felt really lucky.

But of the four girls, Sunaina was the hottest. She was 5′9” tall, hourglass hips, perfect face, perfect ass, perfect boobs, perfect everything. The other two girls were also decent, decent enough for me. I would have married them if I had to. Class started. First step was, I had to hold Monica’s hips in one hand and the other her hand. She had to cuddle me. Wow! She smelled very good. She was always giggling. Since it was the first day, we kept missing our rhythm. She fell on me, I fell on her.

Once my legs were in between hers and our foreheads hit. She was about to fall in the back, when I caught her. I loved it. I was able to press my cock against her thighs. Since she giggled even for that, it was total fun. Last step of the day was the best. I had to stand facing her back and hold her. It was a total body touching movement. Since she was 2-3 inches shorter than me, my hand were rolled just below her boobs. I think I felt it once. I was getting horny with Monica in my arms.

We were swinging slightly in that position, that was the movement. I turned my head to see Sunaina. His partner was also of the same height. Which meant his cock was on her shapely ass. I got a hard-on seeing him in that position. I pressed myself tightly on Monika. She giggled. I brought my hand down on her stomach and slightly bent my knees. With the heat of the moment I pressed my cock in her ass. She definitely might have felt my cock. But she didn’t mind. She giggled instead. Dance classes are a major hit. Now I know why!

The class was over at 8:30. Right away the teens started to pull others legs. Screaming, laughing, punching others. I felt odd and out. I was a solid 10-12 years older than them. I was just having a plastic smile and waiting if somebody might acknowledge my presence. Monika, seems like you had a nice time with your partner? Asked Sunaina. What nice time? asked Monika. I saw you holding her tighter than required and pressing her at wrong parts,

Sunaina said looking at me. I didn’t know how to react. You are jealous because I got a hot partner. He didn’t press my boobs. I saw Daniel pressing your boobs. Monika started. Even he bent his knees and was pressing his cock on your ass, Sunaina retaliated. Ass is Ok, boobs are the main thing and blah blah was Monika’s reply.

First time I realized they were still kids. Such a pervert I am, to make moves with kids. Bull shit man. What is age got to do with love. If both you and your partner feel nice, what does age got to do with it? I am not with a 5 year old kid, who can’t understand anything. Teenagers feel sex and they must be allowed to explore.

Ok! guys stop fighting. No, we are not fighting, we are just discussing, said Sunaina. So where do you guys stay? Does anyone need a drop? I have a car, I asked. Monika was the only one who said she wants to join me. We started to disperse. Sunaina said from behind, Monika is leaving with her new boyfriend. Ya, whatever! was Monika’s reply.

We got into the car. Actually Monika stay at the north of the dance class and I stay in the south. Still I had no problems in dropping her. Do you guys always fight like this? I asked. No she is actually jealous. Actually before you joined, we were 4 girls and 3 boys. Shreya and Vimala had chosen Vinay and Kamal as their partner. All four are not good looking people. Me, Sunaina and Daniel are good looking, so we had problem. Last week at school I had asked Daniel if he wants to be my partner and he accepted.

But then today when the class was about to start, Sunaina said Daniel was her partner. And the ass hole didn’t say a thing. I am sure she would have promised him to allow him to insert her. Otherwise why didn’t she come with you in the car? she stays close to your house. How would have she known that I stay near her house? I just now told you. Anyways, she is a bitch. She sleeps with Suresh sir in the class. Haha !! relax Monika.

You know I was feeling so bad before you came. What would have happened if a ugly guy had joined the class instead of you? She said. Do I look good ? I asked. You are a hottie, she said. That’s why she is jealous that she missed you. We had reached her home. I said bye!!. She came near me and gave a peck on my cheeks and left. I felt like taking out my cock then and there and shag. On my way home, I was in disbelief. What two teens babes are fighting for me. For me !! I was all smiley in disbelief.

Next day of the class was a Saturday. So everyone was a bit relaxed. Today also we had to repeat the same steps. It was Monika’s turn today. Monika was dressed by all hot today. Her t-shirt had deep cleavage cut. She had worn a high heels. She wanted to prove Sunaina who is the boss. She held my hands and place it on her boobs. She was sticking out her ass on my cock. She was uncontrollable. Initially I was enjoying. Later I felt awkward. I had clearly visible hard-on.

On the other side, Sunaina was doing the same thing to Daniel. But he was in ecstasy, completely oblivious of the surrounding. After the class was over, Daniel said, my parent are off. Shall we guys have some fun at my home. Wow, Wow! every one jumped. I thought they would boozes and have some nice time. No I was wrong. These are far more advanced people. They invited me. We all went to Daniel’s house to have the time of our life.

So today who was pressing whose boobs? Asked Sunaina. You forgot, I was also pressing his cock with my booty. He had a hard-on, did you miss it? Asked Monika. Sunaina was clearly jealous. Even Daniel had a hard-on. I am any ways hotter than you are, that’s why Daniel had chosen me and not you. Wow! Wow, Daniel wanted to be with me, but you promised to let him fuck you. That’s why he went with you. Daniel chipped in. Why do you guys always fight? We are all friends. We are not fighting, we are just discussing, both Sunaina and Monika said in union.

Something strange was happening. Vinay and Kamal had removed their shirt. They were removing their pants as well. They were pulling their partner’s t-shirts and kissing their boobs. Shreya and Vimala were getting stripped. Daniel was unzipping Sunaina. Monika came close to me. Her lips were coming dangerously close to mine. I realized. Yes, it was an orgy. These teens were having an orgy party and I am getting lucky.

Monika was kissing me. She was exploring my tongue. I was in a state of trance. I asked Monika what was going on? She giggled and said, darling this is how we enjoy when we get some time out without our parents. Let’s have some fun. But since we are not boyfriend-girlfriend, we cannot have sex. Rest all is allowed.

In half hour everyone was nude. Sunaina was perfect perfect. Monika was sexy too. Shreya and Vimala were good nude. They were better without clothes. I wanted to fuck all of them. Monika gave me a blow-job. I too relieved her. For two hours I was fondling this teen beauty. She felt as well with my tongue on her pussy. She had come 6 times by then. She didn’t have any stamina left. But I was still active. I wanted more. I was desperate. I looked at Sunaina. She was now with both Vinay and Kamal. Both were fondling her.

She was giving blow job to Kamal, while vinay was licking her. Shreya and Vimal were playing with Daniel’s cock. I went close to them. Shreya turned towards me. Shreya was giving me blow job while sitting on the floor. I lefted her in the sitting position. I was on the sofa and she giving me blow-job. Since I had exploded 5 times already today. I took 20 minutes to come, that too very less quantity. I tried to insert Shreya. She was shocked and said, “What are you do?” We are not supposed to do this. She left immediately.

Vimala was next. We all slept where ever we found some space. No one has penetrated. I think everyone were still virgin. Nice teens. Next day, Daniel woke as up early in the morning. Every one leave, my parents will be back at 9. I asked Monika if she needs a drop. She said, no. She can walk. Sunaina came with me. She was shy in the car. I had missed her yesterday. Since she was the hottest, I didn’t get a chance. Wow !! you guys are kewl.

I mean I’ve never been to a orgy before. Nah !! its not a orgy. I just fondle. We don’t have sexy. Oh !! I exclaimed. But you can have sex with Monika since she is your girl friend. No, she is not my girlfriend. I just met her two days back. Oh!! is it? The bitch said, you proposed to her on Thursday. Sunaina, do you have a boy friend? I asked. No, I don’t, she said. We reached my house by then.

I told her, this is where I stay, come in. No, I will be late, my parents might be waiting for me. Oh!! come on, you are a big girl, you can handle your parents. She smiled and said yes. I prepared coffee for us. I said you look hotter than Monika. I actually like you better than her. She smiled. Even I like you. Actually when you came to the class, I was taken a back seeing you. I had false promised so many things to Daniel to become my partner.

Like what? I asked. I told him that he can fuck me once. Are you going to let him fuck you? I asked. No way!! I mean he is hot but not my kind. Who is your kind? I asked. You are my kind. You talk nice, matured. Do you love me? I asked. She said, nooo but !! If you are single, I don’t mind.

I stood up. Pulled her close to me and said I love you dear and kissed her. We kissed for time eternal. I wanted to fuck her. I stripped her and got myself undressed. I brought my cock to her entrance and teased her to see her reaction. Please! fuck me. I have been waiting for this. I entered her, deflowered her. What a feeling!

Ever since this day, I’ve been having sex with Sunaina almost every day. I even managed to fuck Monika. Bitch, she was not a virgin. She said she has had sex with few people already. She was the one who fucked their Suresh sir. Monika was just one-night stand for me. Though many stands. I love Sunaina. She shy and beautiful. After a year of these orgy party, things died down slowly. These teens finished their schooling. Everyone got new sets of friends and parted their way apart. Sunaina and me are seeing each other. I even want to get married to her.

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