Helped Housewife Whose Hubby Had Erectile Problem


Hello, I am Mike (pseudo name), I am from the suburbs of Mumbai and this is my third story here! It’s real and one of my finest encounters I had with a beautiful yet kinky housewife named Miti. This Story is how I helped a housewife whose hubby had erectile problems

To tell you more about this desi housewife, she’s in her thirties (probably 33-34 but not sure), and is a mother of a beautiful baby girl who must be 3 years.

Miti is enthusiastic yet shy just like every average housewife should be. Her assets are not that big but not bad for to call an absolute banger. She is 5’5” in height and has a fair complexion which makes her even cuter.

We stay in the same complex, but in different buildings, adjacent to each other. Her husband works at a Chemical factory as a Chief Chemical Engineer probably at Chembur, though not quite sure.

Our encounter first began in late May during the lockdown. Before lockdown, we never even looked at each other nor ever had any contact whatsoever. I was never obsessed with my housewife neighbour as I am right now. I just had a slight idea of her family shifting in December of last year that’s it.

After all this virus destruction, everyone was locked down, completely pinned down apart from a few people who had no other option other than going to work. Her husband being the Chief Chemical Engineer, had to work normally and on a regular basis. So there was no such lock down at her place.

Only good thing was that her mother-in-law was stuck at their native place giving more time for her to express her ambitions and explore her hobbies.

On the other hand, I was tired of eating, sleeping and masturbating. I literally had nothing else to do. So, just to find some peace and maybe a chance to smoke, I used to rush to our building’s terrace.

One fine evening when half of my building was on the terrace, I saw my married neighbour and her cute daughter on the other side. They were just sitting and maybe she was reading some children stories to her daughter. It was really cute to watch.

Later the same evening, I and my fellow friends from the building decided to get some exercise from the next day. The time decided was 6 am. I agreed to do it with a dull face.

So the next day, I got up and checked the time. I was ready at 6:05. I rushed up stairs and surprisingly, there was no one else. I had to call everyone else and as usual, I had no other option but to wait!

Rather than waiting and pelting stones in the sky, I decided to do something myself and started slowly stretching my upper body. While doing it, I noticed Miti just entering her building’s terrace and damn it, it was an awkward eye contact as if I was stalking her all these days, lol!

She rushed to the other side, maybe she was not comfortable and I did my part being a good dumb guy and so on.

Four days passed and it was same – I and a few of my friends used to do skipping and stuff while she was into yoga! It was evident that she was not at all interested in us but we used to keep an eager eye on what this sexy housewife was doing!

One fine day when there were only two of us and we were into our daily gym routine, she was at same place. But things were a bit different from my end, I was probably daring to smile. I don’t know how, but I felt maybe I should.

And while she was leaving she gave a look at us and I smiled. She didn’t respond! I was embarrassed and I and my friend started laughing! (See, I am not that attractive or good looking but I have a bit of appeal for sure, I am bit bulky not extremely!)

Maybe so, I felt I can try my luck! But no it didn’t happen! The very next day it was same but I had no guts to smile! And I felt things were fading and there was no chance!

It was Sunday the next day and we decided to take rest so I skipped again on Monday. My lazy ass didn’t want to work out and missed again.But on Tuesday I somehow managed to pull myself and went up a little late.

She was there as usual almost ready to leave, and this time she smiled. I was half asleep yet shocked. It was really odd that you can’t stop thinking about that moment when some stranger smiled at you. Maybe same thing happened with her but why so late! That was the question!

Fuck it, I was on cloud 9 and already can’t wait for the day. Next day came early, and even I was a lot early than usual! She came placed her mat and started doing yoga. I could not take my eyesight from her, that was when I noticed her being so good at yoga. She was flexible and smooth!

I was pumped up and wanted to flash my skipping skills, which I was a little good at. So, as soon as she was done, I knew she might smile while leaving. So, I started hard skipping at the same time.

It was the exact moment when she had just packed her mat and turned towards me. I lost my control and bang, I was on floor! I was dead by embarrassment again, but this time she rushed a little close.

As soon as I got up with a little caution, the housewife looked at me and asked me whether I was fine!

I got up somehow and said, “Yeah, yeah I am okay just got a little distracted.” She couldn’t understand a single thing, and again I added, “Hi, I am Mike.”

“Miti”, she replied.

A few days passed and we were being casual morning “hi” buddies! But the next Saturday, our grocery timings were 9 am to 12 pm so I rushed around 10 to get some groceries, that’s when I saw her with her husband! He just dropped her and left!

She said,”Hi,” and I answered her back. Somehow I asked her, “Is your hubby visiting somewhere?”

She answered, “Yes work obviously,” and she explained where her husband worked and his resignation. While leaving I didn’t want to sound absolutely naive. So I said, “Goodbye Miti bhabhi.”

She gave a fierce look and said, “Don’t call me bhabhi or aunty, it’s fine if you simply call me Miti.” I laughed and moved away.

The next day on the terrace, while working out she came towards me and said, “On which floor do you stay?”

I said, “first floor,” and asked her the same. She added, “5th,” I said, “Then why are you up here for your work-out, it must be already done by climbing 5 floors.”

She said, “Yoga keeps me fine and makes me fresh, also it’s my only time when I don’t have to rush behind my daughter.”

I added, “That’s cool, so it’s only you baby and your hubby?”

She answered,”Yeah, my mother-in-law is stuck and I am a little worried as well as relaxed.” We shared a laugh for the same reason. Slowly, we were getting to know each other.

I still had no guts to ask for her number. I knew it was risky, so I was being limited but deep down I knew she might offer her number for some work purpose. While surfing on social media, I found her account and sent her a request.

She didn’t respond for 2 days but on the third day she accepted, and sent a “Hi” I was swept off my feet, then she said, “Hey I need your help, can you help me?”

I said, “Yes, sure let me know,” she added, “Can you just check if the cooking gas cylinder providers are working or not? I am facing a little issue here.”

I said that I will check out, and she gave her number and said to give her a call or text her if the shops are open. I rushed to the local vendor and it was open, I called her and she didn’t respond so I had to send her a message. She replied, “Yeah, wait I will call you,” and through my phone she lodged her complaint.

I said I was happy to help her with a heart emoji. She replied back with a heart. Trust me, it felt so good. But we didn’t chat after that for a few more days, just casual one-two liners during our workout that’s it. It was almost mid-June when she replied on my story and said, “Hey, your girlfriend?”

I joked, “GF? What GF? And who’s gonna be my GF?”

She said, “Oh come on, I am 7-8 years elder to you, I know things better.”

I said, “It’s not what is seems like, I seriously don’t have any GF.”

She said, “At least you must be having few flings.” I was shocked again.

She further added, “If I would have been of your age, I wouldn’t resist for a moment.”

I said, “You are not that old.”

She angrily added, “Of course I am not. I am young and beautiful.”

I said, Attractive too!”

I don’t know how it came up but it did and I was scared after wards. She texted, “What? What attracts you?”

I had no words, so I was thinking what to answer. In between she added, “Come on don’t be a jerk, I know it’s all natural so you can say.”

I was still struck yet I said, “I mean you are well maintained and cute.”

She said, “Well maintained yeah but cute, bit too childish lol!”

I realized, “Damn, this housewife is talking real game, not up for young pick-ups.”

I added, “But does it work? I mean, does your husband appreciate?”

I was wrong probably, she didn’t reply even after reading my text. I got skeptical and nervous! And was constantly opening chats to see if I had any reply. But No, later that same night around 12:30 she texted, “Hey, sorry, but is it okay what we are talking about?”

I had no answer, like I never initiated it she dropped hints I just cautiously replied, “I don’t know, but don’t get me wrong I mean no disrespect and harm, no second thoughts.”

She said, “I know right, but still like I am married and I have a daughter too, if anyone gets to know that we talk what will everyone think?”

I assured that she has all my trust and I won’t let her down. (Yet here I am sharing this lol!)

But my housewife neighbour somehow made up and said, “Yeah but give me some time. I don’t want my daughter to face any consequences through my problems.”

I was bothered about what she exactly wanted to say. So I asked her what problems? She said nothing.

We didn’t talk for the next two days and finally I broke the silence by texting,

“Hey, you haven’t come up for yoga? Is everything okay?” No reply, but after sometime she texted, “I am sorry, and texted again if I need anything or if you need anything call me,” and I was blocked.

I was not even getting what was going on. It really felt odd.

June end: I managed to get out a little bit but around 10:30 am I got an SMS from her saying, “Can you call me? I need your help.”

I called her immediately and she softly said, “Mike, can you do a small thing for me?” I said, “Yeah, just say.”

She said, “I got a parcel at the gate. Can you just pick it up and bring it as my baby is crying and I can’t just go down now.”

I didn’t even waste a single minute and went and picked up the parcel. The parcel was some kids diapers and some medical tablets. I just checked the attached bill to it and read the tablet names.

I rushed upstairs and she opened up the door. She said, “Come in.”

I said, “No, thanks, it’s fine” and handed the parcel to her and scooted away.

As soon as I reached home, I googled for those tablets and to my surprise, her husband was having some erectile issues.

That was why this married lady was disturbed. I wanted to call her and tell her, hey, if you again need anything ask me, lol. But no, I didn’t instead she called me up in the afternoon and said, “Did you read the parcel bill?”

I said, “No.”

She said, “Hush.” I apologized and said, “I am sorry I did read it and it’s fine.”

She asked, “You know what’s those tablets are for?”

She was shocked when I said, “Yes, I know and it’s all natural.” I was being perky this time. She said, “So now you know my problems,” without wasting a second.

She blurted out, “We are trying to work things out but due to him being in the chemical industry, it’s really getting worse. I am not happy, he’s not happy and I don’t want to waste my young age days. I do yoga, I am maintaining myself so that he feels more comfortable and erotic but it’s really not working.”

“These tablets are all fake, it’s just a matter of time that my husband fades away completely.”

I said, “That’s fine, maybe consulting a doctor can help.”

My housewife neighbour said, “My husband is ashamed, he feels everyone will mock him.”

She added, “Sorry to bother you. But please keep it between us.”

I was wondering what should I do? Should I grab this opportunity or should I really feel like it’s all in my head and let it go. But as I said, she was more desperate, she couldn’t resist, and finally she called me again one day.

She said, “Hey, one more favour please.” I said yeah. She added, “I need a few videos of one consultant to be downloaded, so that I can show them to my husband.

I said, “I will do it.” I downloaded them within an hour and called her back. She said drop them at my place.

In half an hour, I was there. She opened the door and said, “Come in.”

This time I didn’t think for another second and went in. I found her daughter sleeping. She asked me if I would have water? I said No. She said, coffee?” I said No.

She asked, “Wine, rum, anything?”

I gave her a wow look. She said, “Chill, I got some rum and it’s fine.”

I rejected her offer. Then she said, “Just wait for 5 minutes, I am completing my stuff, just wait be comfortable.”

I was wondering what’s about to happen. She came in an off white top, pink pajamas, hair tied up and a bit sweaty. Damn! I couldn’t resist looking at her.

I didn’t want to be a jerk. She came and sat in front on the other side of the guest room sofa, and said, “Hey I hope you won’t judge me or my husband.”

I told her No that’s fine.

She smiled and said, “Thanks. I am feeling really better now. I had all this things inside me for a long time and had to let it go.”

We could just stare at each other and she smiled in relief. I asked the location of the wash basin as I had to wash my hands clean.

She said, “Oh sorry, I didn’t even give you a sanitizer or spray. Just go inside on the left side.”

I went in, it was adjacent to her bedroom. I still remember that sweet smell.

As I was washing my hands, she came and offered me a tissue, and ordered me to throw it right away just a little down. I couldn’t take my eyes of her.

She was close very close. She just stood there and started laughing, maybe she got me.

She said, “You are really cute,” and pulled my right cheek. I started smiling, and said, “Damn, wasn’t that childish?”

She said, “You are a kid, dumbo.”

Me: Why?
Miti: Look at you.

Me: What’s wrong?
Miti: Nothing. Want to have something to eat?

Me: No, I am fine.
Miti: Come on, say yes to something at least and we both laughed.

Me: Fine. Get me anything.

She got us cups of soup. We just sat there for the next 10 minutes and had it. I finished it up so we went to keep it in the sink. She said, “Wait, I will put it let it be.”

I said it was fine, and went in. I kept it and again went to wash my hands.

She also finished up and came and stood a little close to me again. And as soon as I looked at her, she started laughing again. I had no answer. I was wondering what was happening.

I just looked the other side and again looked back at her. To my surprise, she was just a fist away from me. It was our moment.

Her eyes closed, she came close and kissed me softly. She had to lift herself a little high. I felt her soft lips on mine. Her lips opened as I started kissing deeply and softly. My arms rushed on to her hips, and she pressed me against the wall.

The housewife neighbour was getting wild, every single second we were indulging deep in bliss. Our kiss was as deep as it can get, as wet as it can get, but yet passion flew between both of us. She opened her eyes, and looked again at me.

She looked at my chest, she wanted to get my t-shirt off. She pulled it off placed her arm on my chest, and started kissing my neck.

My arms were still on her hips, but I was enjoying her little bites on my neck. She was really horny and hungry too. She again took a pause and pulled me inside her bedroom. We went in, I lay down on the bed and she came on top of me.

Again she started kissing my lower neck and chest, she even started sucking my nipples and biting them. I was going mad. I wanted to unleash my demon but I was pinned down completely. She was dominant. She stopped and pulled off her white top, and it was only her pink bra that was holding her yummy boobs.

She took my right hand and placed it on her boob, and gently started pressing them. I was feeling her nipples on top of that bra. I used my left hand to strap the other side down. She didn’t resist but instead took the hook off. Damn her nipples were now clearly visible.

Her boobs were fair, the best I have ever seen, perky nipples,dark brownish in colour, with the best areola a woman can have. She bent more so that I can suck them this time. Since she was lactating, every time I sucked her nipples I felt a few milk drops in my mouth.

It was yummy. I used all my power to turn her down and come on top of her. As soon as I came on top of her, I sucked her nipples hard, pinched them a bit and bit them. Every pain was a pleasurable moment. She was loving it. Then I felt her had on my cock.

That was another shock wave. I unhooked my pant for her and she rushed her hand inside, her fingers were playing with my foreskin. I couldn’t resist any more. I literally sat on her stomach and took my cock out. She was gasping for breath, stroked it and had that hungry look in her eyes.

I moved a little ahead as she opened her mouth to grasp it in. I felt her tongue rolling, she was drooling all over my cock. My cock is big, 7’6” inches probably, and full of nerves. She was clearly choking. I closed her nostrils and tried to choke her. I felt she was dying. I loved it she loved it too.

She said, “You are amazing, wait I need a breather.” I got aside while she got up and went down kissing me again. This time she was literally spitting on my cock and sucking it like a whore. I said, “Let’s fuck, I can’t wait.”

She smiled and took her pajamas off, her slightly hairy wet pussy was visible. She fingered it and gently sat on my cock. As soon as it went in, I felt her tightened pussy. We both moaned softly and gently she started riding me. She said, “I am going to do nasty things with you, just be mine.” I said, “I am all yours.’

She was riding me as I spanked her ass. I was without a condom, and it felt as if I was cumming. I said, “Wait, “ and she pulled out. I then told her to bend over and took her from behind. Her husband surprisingly never took her from behind,she said he can’t do it. And I pushed my cock hard in.

She screamed and asked me to pull out. I said okay but didn’t. I began stroking and she started screaming, she wanted me to stop, but she was loving it too. I grabbed her hair and with the other hand held her neck from the front. I could easily reach till her shoulders so that I could bite her off.

She was in my control totally. And her screams were making me cum. I finally did pull my cock out and cummed on her bed. She was exhausted and so was I.

I was stroking my cock as she turned on her back and looked me in the eye and said, “You should have cummed inside. This is just the start. I am not letting you go. Remember the nasty things I had said?”

I smiled and said, “I AM ALL YOURS!!”

We kissed again, deep.

So, guys, this was the first part  of ! There are two more. I am writing, the second one might not take long!But thanks alot and any feedback is welcome! Both negative and positive are all fine! Just let me know how you find this writing.

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