Erin loves to work out, in many ways

Sex Stories

Erin stood in the elevator as it descended. She looked
at her watch, three thirty, just an hour before her
boyfriend got home from work. She loved this time of
the day; it was the time she set aside to workout. To
tone her body into something she had seen in all those
bridal magazines she loved to read.

The big day was coming and she had decided that she
wanted to look her best. To not only slide into her
wedding dress and look hot but to slide out of it on
her wedding night and make her new husband drool. She
had told him for the remaining two months before they
got married that she wanted to abstain from any sexual
activity. Her boyfriend at first wasn’t to keen with
the idea but when she said she was serious he

She said in order to make it easier for them she would
sleep and change in the guest bedroom. He really didn’t
like the idea but he loved her and would do anything to
please her. The workouts were her regular routine, tone
up and look beautiful she thought.

It really wasn’t that she was bad looking, not at all.
It was just that idea all woman get in their heads that
they don’t match up to that perfect woman image they
have created. This in turn drives them to be better no
matter how many times someone says how good they look.

Erin stood five seven, brown hair and eyes, plus a
gorgeous smile. Her breast were C cup and to be honest
there wasn’t very much fat on her body. Her legs and
ass were her boyfriend’s favorite part. They were both
smooth, legs long and ass firm. But still she wanted to
lose a couple pounds and tone what she said still
needed to be toned.

The elevator doors opened and Erin stepped out. She
knelt down and tied the laces on her cross trainers
making sure they were tight. She didn’t want her laces
to get caught in the tread machine as she ran. The gym
in her apartment was a public one and wasn’t that big.
It had just enough to get a fairly good workout.

There was a tread machine, two stationary bikes, a
workout bench and a couple of small free weights. There
was also a sauna near the back but Erin never used it.
She really couldn’t image anyone using it. Out of all
the equipment in that gym she loved the tread machine
the most. Some days she would just run on it for her
entire workout, it seemed to help melt all her worries

She walked down the hall of the lobby and rounded the
corner towards the steel door of the workout room. A
little excitement filled her as she placed her hand on
the handle to the door. One hour she thought, one hour
and then back upstairs for a shower and dinner with the

She opened the door and stopped. She stood at the door
surprised. No one ever used this room, she had lived
here for over two years and she had always had it to
herself. She had almost come to know it as hers and
hers alone. But today there were two old men in her
room. They both looked in there sixties and were both
on the exercise bikes. They had been talking but hushed
up as the door opened.

Erin was confused; she wasn’t sure what to do. On one
hand she knew that this was a public place and that it
was open to any one but she didn’t want to workout with
them in there. She thought about it, take the stairs
back upstairs and call that her workout or should she
just go in and ignore them and run like she loved to do
on the treadmill. The decision upset her a little,
after all this is why she hated outside gyms, the
thought of other people ogling her. Staring at her like
she was a piece of meat.

She stood there for another minute and then one of the
men turned his head and smiled. Erin decided that she
wouldn’t be scared off by two old men, she wanted to
run and that’s what she would do. She walked in and
smiled back. Crossing the room she could see that the
two men had towels and water bottles beside there
machines. She realized that she had forgotten hers.

She always brought a bottle of water, her Ipod and a
towel, but this time all she had was a towel and the
pod. At that point she didn’t really care, no use in
wasting any more time there wasn’t much time to
exercise. She stepped onto the machine, set the time
and speed and started to run.

Time started to fall away and so did the fact that
there was anyone else in the room. She had gotten to
the place she loved to be, that peaceful place where
the mind retreats, that perfect harmony. She could feel
the slight burn from her legs as she ran but it also
was something she had come to love. The running heated
up her body and almost reminded her of the pure joy she
had when alone with her boyfriend sharing each others

The feeling when she ran was a small remembrance of
what she had in store on that special night now only
and month and a half a way. She ran and ran and nothing
would have stopped her had she just remember to bring
her water. Her body had shed so much water that she
needed to replace it and when she went to grab the
bottle from the place she usually had it, it wasn’t

It was at that moment that the world started to fall
back into place and she remembered that her bottle was
upstairs. She tried to work past the need but the more
she ran the more she thought and the more she thought
the more she thirsted.

Finally her concentration was broken and she had to
stop. She stepped off the machine and bent over
slightly placing her hands on her knees. Her chest
raised and lowered quickly as she tried to catch her
breath. She grabbed her towel and took out her ear
phones, as she wiped the sweat away from her forehead.
She stood up and as she did she noticed that the two
older men were staring at her.

‘Are you alright young lady?’ the gentleman wearing
blue shorts asked. ‘It looks like you are going to fall
over,’ said the other in orange.

‘I’m fine, just tired and a little thirsty. Forgot my
water bottle upstairs,’ she said.

‘Aw, that’s no problem, here he always bring extras’
said the man wearing the blue shorts.

Erin wasn’t sure about this; she hated taking things
from people she didn’t know. It probably went back to
when she was a kid and her parents always said not to.
But she was really famished and water was what she
needed at that moment. She walked over and took the
water smiling, ‘Thanks you don’t know how much I need

The man in the blue just grinned and the one in the
orange only said, ‘We understand.’

Erin uncapped the bottle and took a deep drink. Her
mind said to take it easy but her body wanted as much
as she could suck back and before she knew it the
bottle was empty.

‘Wow you must have been thirsty,’ said one man as the
other agreed.

Erin started to nod but her head felt funny. The room
seemed to tilt slightly and move from under her feet
but she hadn’t moved, she couldn’t move. She just stood
staring at the two men in from of her. Like a statue.

The first man waved his hand in from of her face,
‘Hello young lady.’

‘Oh goodness looks like she left us,’ said the other
one as they both laughed.

Erin tried to struggle but for some reason she

‘Well, looks like it worked,’ said the one in the
orange. ‘Told you so, I’m brilliant’ said the one in
the blue.

‘See my dear, my brother here is a master of mixing
things together. I used to joke that he was the
MacGyver of chemicals. This man can make anything out
of anything. And as you can see he has mixed up a
little concoction that?’ he paused for a minute to grin
‘well hopefully give us full control over you!’

Erin could feel the hate and anger growing in her, if
she would have just listen to her instinct and not come
in here with other people she wouldn’t be in the
predicament. Again she tried to struggle but to no

The one in the blue spoke up, ‘Don’t worry young lady
the rest of the mixture will kick in soon enough and
then you will be happy to listen to us. See the way I
created it, it will leave your will low for a short bit
so we can manipulate it and when you come back to your
old self the programming we have done will be left.’

Erin knew he was right because she could feel the
second part starting to kick in. Her head felt fuzzy
and she wanted to almost sleep but she stayed awake.

‘Young lady we will make sure that you like everything
we program into you, believe me were not mean just
lonely and we figured we needed some companionship. But
we know that you have a life so we will not make it so
we take over every part of it. Only a little time maybe
a week, when your boyfriend or maybe husband isn’t

The one in orange jumped in, ‘That’s right my dear we
have seen you around the building and we have seen your
friend. We asked around and know that you are to be
married. We think that’s great, we too were happily
married for many years, but both our beautiful lovers
past on leaving us alone. Loneliness drives people to
do stuff,’ the man said bashfully. ‘So I believe it is
time we got to work.’

The other brother nodded in agreement and both the
brother spent the next five minutes programming stuff
into the lovely Erin. They told her that she would
always be happy when she saw them and would think of
them as good friends. That she would share with them
everything and wouldn’t be afraid when they wanted her
to do stuff. In fact she would be happy to listen to
whatever they said and do whatever they wanted with

They also added that when they gave her an order she
would get great joy from obeying it. The brother in
blue decided to instruct her that she would also never
tell anyone about the special friendship she had with
the brothers and what they did in private.

He also took away any inhibition that she had about
doing anything so she wouldn’t feel anything was wrong
with anything they did. Feeling a little compassion for
her boyfriend the brother decided to also say that she
would never stop loving him and would be the same way
around him for the rest of her life unless the brothers
instructed other wise.

They had just finished in time because they could see
that she was starting to come out of what state she was
in. The two brothers move back over to the bikes and
climbed on to make like none of this had happened. Erin
shook her head and looked around wondering what
happened. It took her a minute to realize where she was
but then she remembered that she had come down to
workout. When she saw the two brothers she felt joy.

‘Hey guys, what’s up?’

‘Nothing at all’ said the one in blue. ‘Just finishing
up our bike,’ said the one in orange.

‘I think it’s great that you guys still take time to
exercise, never to old hey.’

‘Yep never to old for a little exercise, but with every
good exercise session one need’s a little cool down and
relax phase as well.’

‘Well I can agree with that,’ Erin said.

‘My brother and I were thinking of heading in the sauna
to relax, would ya like to join us.’

‘For sure,’ she said with excitement.

The one in the blue spoke up, ‘but we have too much
on.’ Looking down at his cloths, ‘we would get to hot
if we went in there like this.’

Erin nodded. ‘Well guys I guess we need to lose a
couple layers of cloths then.’ Without another word
Erin stripped off her shirt, leaving only a sports bra
holding onto her round cups. Next came her shorts and
the two brothers looked at each other smiling.

‘Well boys we can’t be all day, the man will be home
soon and wonder where I am, wouldn’t want him looking
in on us,’ as she kicked off her shoes, pulling her
socks clean off. Erin walked into the sauna and stocked
the hot coals with water, helping to start the steam in
the room. The brothers outside stripped down to nothing
and wrapped the towels around them that they had

Erin lay on her side looking at them. ‘So boys what do
you want to do to relax.’

The two old brothers could have died at the moment.
They new they were in for some fun. They both dropped
their towels standing in front of her nude.

‘Well make me feel over dressed why don’t ya,’ she
laughed. She stood and pulled her sports bra off
freeing her breast. Her hands moved downward and

‘I think it would be nice if one of you took these off

Both of the brothers looked at each other a bit
confused, what did she mean by after and as they turned
back to ask Erin knelt down in front of them and
grinned. She started to play ennie-mennie-minnie-moe
with their poles, wondering which to take first.

When she stopped grabbed them both and slowly started
to stroke, gliding up and down there old flesh. She
thought to herself that for older men they weren’t bad
looking and they were actually pretty big down below.
Closing her eyes she took the first one in her mouth.

The salty sweat tasted good as her wet mouth worked the
long pole, her tongue stopping at the end to play with
the small slit. She realized what she had been missing
over the past mouth, what was she thinking staying
absent for this long. She moved over to the next
brother and took her time with his staff. Her hands
never stopped stroking well she moved back and forth
with her mouth. She knew that she was doing a good job
by the amount of moaning coming from above.

One of the brothers pulled away as she was orally
pleasing the other. Erin was just about to look up and
see what happen when she felt his hands slide onto her
waist. Her legs stood well she still stayed bent over
sucking the other brother. She felt a hand slide along
the fabric where her pussy lips were.

The wet area told the brother she was enjoying herself.
He grabbed the fabric and pulled it down till it was
around her knees. She spread her legs slightly giving
him more room to slide his hand back and forth over her
now exposed lips. Erin stopped sucking for a moment to
moan at the pleasure the brother’s hand was giving her,
but she soon returned to work.

The brother she was blowing slide his hand onto her
head as the other cupped her nice round melon. He
squeezed it and fondled it a roughly, but she didn’t
care. The brother behind her placed one hand on her ass
and started to play with her small hole as his other
hand opened her pink wet lips. Erin knew what was
coming next and it didn’t take long before she felt the
tip of his head moving up and down her slit. Soon it
would be in her and she wanted it more then anything.

He used the wetness of her to coat his head and then
started to slide into her. The sauna was hot with steam
but her heat was like a fire. He pushed into her, she
was so tight and Erin winced as he applied pressure.

He was bigger than any of her other boyfriends but she
didn’t care she wanted to please him. Her velvet walls
relaxed a bit and let him invade the depths of her.
Finally he filled her and Erin moan in approval. The
man started to move in and out of her and Erin
continued to slide up and down the pole she had in her
mouth. One of her hands played with her clit as the
other rubbed the balls that hung in from of her face.

The man behind her pounded away at her, one minute
being deeper in her then she had ever felt anyone the
next sliding almost all the way out. Back and forth and
she loved it. He moved one of his hands onto her hip to
help with the rhythm well the other still toyed with
the crack of her ass.

Suddenly the brother behind her slid his thumb into her
ass. She had never felt anything like this before and
it took her so much by surprise that it started a chain
of events. At the moment Erin had a thundering orgasm,
the man’s finger slid in as deep as he could go. The
walls of her cunt clamped around the pole burned deep
in her.

The man couldn’t handle it any longer that he shot deep
into her, again and again erupting. This feeling made
Erin moan in shear joy and the man in front of her took
that opportunity to push all the way into her mouth
hitting the back of her throat. In this position he
started to fill her as his brother was doing to her
pussy. The brothers couldn’t believe the joy Erin had
brought them and Erin feeling a sense of peace had
never known how much joy she could get from two strange

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