Divya’s A small town Indian woman Degeneration

Desi Sex Stories Sex Stories

This is the story of Divya, a typical Indian woman whose life changed rapidly and in unimaginable ways within a couple of years. Let me start at the beginning.

Divya was born in a small town in Madhya Pradesh in a conservative middle class household. From childhood, Divya was recognized as very good looking. She was fair-skinned, had thick straight hair, and had sharp features and big eyes. Her parents and grandparents, wary of how the society preys pretty women, became extra protective of her.

As it is, small towns in India are conservative with very little open mixing between sexes, no night life, and clothing that covers the female body completely. Add to it Divya’s protective family, and the girl was essentially a beautiful songbird caged up for life.

And that’s how Divya grew up, under the watchful eye of her old-fashioned family. She was forbidden from playing with boys or even befriending them soon after she hit puberty. Her only friends were other girls from families as orthodox as hers. And she was put in an all-girls school. Her teenage life was pretty much going to school, then coming home and spending time with her family.

After Divya finished high school, she meekly expressed a desire to go to college. Since she was always home, she studied well, and got good grades. She wanted to become a doctor or an engineer like most Indians. But her father and grandfather were of the opinion that these aren’t the right professions for a woman. Plus there was no good engineering or medical college within a 50 km radius.

If Divya’s father could have his way, he would get her married right away. But the world had changed. His friends told him that a girl who hasn’t gone to college doesn’t get much demand from good families. So he decided to let her go to the nearby women’s college which offered only commerce courses.

At 21, Divya graduated from college, now flowered into a beautiful voluptuous woman. Whenever she went out, people cast her second, third, and fourth glances. Once a young man followed her home from college. Her cousins caught hold of him and beat him up.

This made Divya’s family decide to get her married right away. All the matchmakers and pundits known to the family were summoned. Her horoscope was drawn up and her portfolio was taken. And the groom hunt was in full swing.

It didn’t take too long. Given how beautiful she was, that wasn’t surprising. Within three weeks, Divya’s wedding had been fixed. To the very first guy who came home to see her.

Mayank was an ideal match for Divya in every way. He was from the same caste. He was good-looking and tall. He was from a good family. And most importantly, he and his family lived in America where they owned several businesses. They had shifted there from Bhopal when Mayank was 10 years old.

From Mayank and his family’s perspective too, Divya was the ideal match. Although he had spent over half his life in America, Mayank was still very Indian at heart, and his family was very conservative. He knew that he wanted a wife from India, not one of the ABCD Indian women with a lot of attitude.

Plus, although Mayank was good-looking, he was shy by nature. He had never really been able to mix with girls from his school or college days in America. He had slept with only one woman, that too when he was 22 years old, with a Mexican maid fifteen years older than him who worked in their motel.

A woman as gorgeous as Divya would not have given him the time of the day in America. But thanks to Indian tradition and the institution of arranged marriage, Mayank was assured of a hot woman to sleep with for the rest of his life. That she was quiet, docile, traditional, and could cook was an added bonus. As soon as he saw her pictures, Mayank had pestered his family to fly with him to India right away to meet her.

Mayank and his family said yes. Divya’s family was delighted. They asked Divya, just as a formality. She was too much of a docile cat to think on her own. She said yes. The wedding date was set for four months away. Mayank and his family flew back to Texas where they lived. Divya’s family started making wedding preparations.

Until this stage, Divya’s life story was going the way it was meant to. Docile, risk-free, traditional. It might have continued that way too. But it was Mayank who unwittingly changed it all.

Read on to find out how.


Chapter 1: The First Step of Degeneracy

Mayank flew back to Texas and told all his friends that he was getting married. He carried several pictures of Divya on his phone and proudly showed them off to everyone. His friends were all surprised at how gorgeous a bride their shy friend had managed to bag.

“You are lucky, yaar.” his friend Jay said. “So how was the taste?”

“Taste? What do you mean taste?”

“I mean you must have done at least something.”

“You mean physically?”

“Then what else? Spiritually?”

“Dude, I tried to get permission to take her out alone. But you known our community. Plus she is from a tiny town. Her parents said, she will be yours after the marriage anyway. Till then let her spend time with us.”

“Damn. So you’ve not even touched her?”

“Sigh, no.”

Mayank stared at a particularly gorgeous pic of Divya taken from side view.

“If I had gotten to spend some time alone with her.” Mayank said. “I’d have squeezed those boobs. They seem quite ample.”

“From whatever little the pics indicate, yeah dude. Bhabhi seems stacked.”

“Oh well. In a few months.”

“You can get at least a trailer.”

“What do you mean?”

“You fool, what century are you living in? This is 2014. Tell her to get topless on cam for you.”

“I don’t know, dude. She is pretty conservative.”

“That makes it even easier. She has been brought up to think of you as her lord and master.”


Although the idea seemed practical, putting it into action turned out to be tougher than expected.

Mayank and Divya spoke on Skype everyday. But the computer in Divya’s home was in the living room and there was always someone around her. She had a phone, but it wasn’t a smartphone. All this wasn’t by accident. Divya’s father, ever paranoid about the dangers of technology, had made sure she didn’t have too much private access to means by which she could get corrupted.

Finally Mayank sent Divya an SMS.

“I want to talk to you when you are alone. No one around. Call me when that’s possible.”

Divya smiled. It seemed like a very romantic request to her. Shielded from the opposite sex her whole life, Divya’s concepts of love, marriage, romance etc came solely from novels, movies, and TV shows. She thought maybe Mayank wanted to read her a poem he had written for her.

Every afternoon after lunch, most members of Divya’s household took a nap. That’s when she could go to the verandah and speak to Mayank. So she sms-ed him back that she could call him at 1:30 PM India time. That was very late for Mayank in Texas but considering what was at stake, he decide to stay up.

“Divya…I want to Skype with you one on one. When you don’t have your family around.” he said when she finally called.

“Okay…but how? That’s the only computer at home.”

“Don’t you have any friends with computers and a net connection who don’t have an entire airplane load’s worth of people at home?”

“Hehe, no. They all are similar.”

Mayank was stymied. Then he suddenly remembered something. When he was in their town to see Divya, he had to send an urgent document for a business deal. The net was down in their hotel. So he had gone to a net cafe.

It was a big net cafe with private booths. And he remembered that they all had webcams and the speed was pretty decent.

“Chat with me from that netcafe in Laxmanbag.”

“Netcafe? I have never been to a net cafe.” Divya warily said.

“It’s just a netcafe. Not a lion’s den.” Mayank said, annoyed.

“Let me ask papa.”

“No need to ask papa. I am practically your husband. Just go.”


“Are you talking back?” he growled.

“Okay okay. I’ll be there soon.”

Divya disconnected the phone and wondered what to do. If she just left the house without telling anyone, they would panic. On the other hand, if she told them she was going to a net cafe, they would ask her why when there was internet at home.

Finally, for the first time in her life, Divya decided to lie to her parents.

“Mom, I am going to Priya’s place to look at some mehndi designs.”

“Hmmm…okay. But the driver has gone to your papa’s office.”

“It’s okay. I’ll just walk.”

Divya’s mom was sleepy. She thought that now that her daughter’s wedding was fixed, she didn’t need to be shielded 24/7. It was the middle of the day and Priya’s house was just one kilometre away. She nodded.

Divya walked out of her house and from a safe distance, called her friend Priya. She told Priya to cover for her in case her parents called. Because she had to go to a netcafe and talk to her fiance. Priya agreed.

After that, Priya took an auto and went to the netcafe in Laxmanbag. She walked in, signed in the register, and sat at the first free computer in the main seating area downstairs. She put on the headset and logged in to skype. Mayank’s call came straight away.

“Hi.” Divya smiled.

Mayank was smiling but then it turned into a frown.

“Divya, where are you?”

“In the netcafe where you told me to go.”

“I can see that. but there are people around you. Computers behind you. Why aren’t you in a private booth?”

“Private booth?”

“Yes, they have them upstairs. Log in from there,”


Divya logged off and walked to the main counter where Mr. Mehra, the cafe’s owner was sitting. He smiled at the beautiful young woman and said,

“Done already, beta?”

“No, uncle. I need to move to a private booth.”

“Private booth? That’s an extra 20 rupees.” Mehra said.

“That’s fine.”

“Okay…go to number 7.” he said.

Divya walked up the stairs and into the private booth. She closed the door and logged in. She did not know that the one click from her mouse right then was about to change her life forever.


“Are you in the private booth?” Mayank asked.

“Yes, I am.”

“Okay.” he looked around and made sure the door to his own room was locked. “Take off your kameez.”

“WHAT?????” Divya wasn’t sure she had heard right.

“You heard me. Take off your kameez.”

“What are you saying? Are you alright?”

Mayank was at the end of his patience. He had had a long stressful day at work. it was the middle of the night. He was cranky, he was tired, he was sleepy. He lost it.

“LISTEN YOU SMALL TOWN BUMPKIN!” he yelled before lowering his voice. “I have agreed to marry you, bring you here to America, change your life for the better. I am not even asking for dowry. All I am asking you to do is show me a glimpse of what is mine. I want to make sure there are no flaws or defects hidden under there.”

Divya was in a state of shock. She had naively thought that he wanted to talk to her in private to make some romantic gesture, maybe read a poem. Instead he just wanted to see her private parts.

“I don’t have all night, Divya.” Mayank said. he looked really angry. “Do you want me to call off the wedding?”

It was a bluff, but Divya was too much of a simpleton to know that.

“Please don’t do that.”

“Then come on, take off your kameez. Don’t worry. It’s a completely secure private cabin. I have been to that netcafe before.”

Divya nodded and took off her headset. Mayank felt a rumbling in his pants as she took off her dupatta, neatly folded it and put it on one side. Then she got up from the chair slightly, caught the bottom of her kameez, and slowly pulled it off.

Divya had a petrified look on her face but Mayank was too busy staring at her chest to notice. She still had her bra on, but concealed under them were tits that were indeed huge. D cup for sure. Maybe even DD. That cleavage was even deeper than he had dreamed of.

Divya sat down and put her headset back on.

“Now the bra.”

“Really?” Divya asked in distress.

“Divya!” Mayank said sharply.


Blushing profusely, she unhooked her bra and took it off. Mayank’s dick was now fully erect. He had hit the jackpot. The tits were big with prominent pinkish nipples. They didn’t sag either. He reached in his shorts and took his dick out.

Divya was blushing and just staring at the keyboard. She heard Mayank moan, looked up, and almost screamed. She covered her mouth and looked down again.

“Look up, darling.”

She did.

“Do you know what this is?”

She nodded. Of course she knew what it was. She did lead a sheltered life but her mother and close female friends had made sure she knew the basics.

“What is it?” Mayank asked.


“Organ? It’s my dick. What is it?”

“Your…dick.” she felt wrong even using such language. But he was her husband to be. She had to obey him.

“And it is hard because of your tits. Which are just lovely. I can’t wait till our wedding night.”

Divya’s shyness gradually wore off and she looked at it. Most of it was hidden in his fist as he was jacking it off. It seemed interesting. Suddenly it started spurting white stuff. A glob of it must’ve landed on Mayank’s webcam because the screen was obscured in white.

“Give me a second.” Mayank said.

Divya sat there amazed. Here she was, topless in a random net cafe while a man she had met just a few weeks ago had jacked off in front of her. She felt a strange sense of pleasure. Divya had always been a straight laced person and this behavior was new to her.

“Okay, I have to go to sleep now.” Mayank said. ” Good bye. Be here at the same time tomorrow without fail.”

“Good night.”

Divya said and logged off. She then put her bra and kameez back on, and walked out of the booth.


The next day, Divya gave some other excuse after lunch and slipped out of her home. She had thought a lot the previous day about what had happened. The more she thought about it, the more excited she felt. She had led such a sheltered life that even though she was 21 years old, what had happened the previous day was her first actual personal brush with anything sexual in nature. Like all living beings, she had felt urges before but had always suppressed them. She was vaguely aware that after marriage, this would change, but she hadn’t given it much thought. Now she was getting glimpses of what would happen.

In the net cafe, Mehra saw the beautiful young woman walk in again and smiled. Most of the people who came to his net cafe were men. The town in general was very conservative, so even if women came, they sat in the public area and left early. It was a nice change of pace for Mehra to see a pretty face. He hoped she would come more often.

Divya locked the door of the booth and logged in. Mayank was there, waiting.

“Get topless.” he curtly ordered her.

Divya eagerly complied and took her kameez and bra off.

“You have really lovely boobs.” Mayank sighed and said.

Divya blushed.

“Now, take off your salwar and panties as well.”

Divya had actually been hoping he’d say that. While taking a bath earlier that morning, she had thought for the first time about how it would feel to be completely naked with him. What he would do. The thought gave her goosebumps.

Mayank was pleased that his fiancee did not argue this time. She just got up and with trembling hands, undid the knot of her salwar. Slipped it down, and then her panties. Mayank’s dick stood at attention as he saw the naked pussy of his wife to be. It wasn’t too hairy. A neat triangular bush that nature itself seemed to have decided to groom.

“Fantastic!” Mayank said. “Turn around.”

Divya did as was told and Mayank almost felt like crying when he saw how exquisite her ass was. Milky white, round, full, just perfect. He could not wait to get his hands on those globes.

“Bend over and part your ass cheeks.” he commanded next. “Let me see what I am about to own.”

Divya felt a moment’s hesitation. Giving him a view of that seemed a little too personal and intimate. But then, he was her husband to be, she reasoned. Strengthening her resolve, she bent forward and parted her asscheeks.

Mayank, who had been stroking his dick all along, was so excited at an up close look at her cunt and bunghole that he started spurting his seed all around him again. Divya turned her head and saw it on the screen. And she felt pleased that she could have this effect on her husband. She took it as a compliment.

Mayank asked Divya to sit down. He wiped himself and pulled up his shorts. Then he felt a niggling doubt.

“Divya…you are a virgin, right?”

“Of course!” Divya answered, a little offended. How could he even ask such a thing?

“Just making sure.” Mayank was satisfied. He would be able to verify on his wedding night anyway. “Well, thank you again. Tomorrow same time?”


Divya walked out of the cafe feeling exhilarated. She went to Priya’s place and told her everything. Priya was shocked but also excited. Her parents were looking for a match for her too. She looked forward to trying all such things soon herself. The two of them gossiped and giggled for an hour and then Divya went home before her family’s siestas ended.


The third day when Divya walked in to the netcafe, Mehra’s smile widened even more. She looked positively delectable in a deep blue salwar kameez, her hair tied into pigtails.

“Private booth?”

“Yes please.”

“Just give me a second, I need to finish updating some software.” Mehra said and sprinted up the stairs.

He came down after a couple of minutes and said,

“All yours. Booth number 5.”

Divya locked the door and sat down. As she logged in, she thought that this computer was slightly slower than the other ones. Maybe because of the software upgrade, she told herself. She logged on and saw that Mayank was online.

“That’s a very pretty kameez.” Mayank said.

“Thank you.” Divya replied.

“Now take it off.” Mayank said and laughed.

Divya smiled and complied. In a few minutes, they went over the same ground they had covered before. She got topless. He admired her boobs. Then she got full naked, spread her cheeks. But this time Mayank wanted to prolong the pleasure.

“Sit in the chair.”

She did.

“Now, raise your right leg and throw it over the armrest. Then do the same with the left leg. But before that, lower the webcam so it is focusing on your cunt.”

Divya’s ears burned as she heard the word cunt. But it excited her as well. She lowered the webcam, then did as was told. Mayank was happy to notice that Divya was able to throw her legs over both the armrests very easily. She was now sitting buck naked on the chair, her cunt exposed in the most open way. But even though her legs were stretched apart like this, she did not seem to be in any discomfort. Mayank was glad that his wife to be was not just gorgeous but also flexible. He could try a lot of positions with her that he had seen in porn films.

That gave him an idea.

“Have you ever seen dirty movies?”

“A few.” Divya blushed and replied, feeling oddly happy sitting in that pose.

“Like what?”

“Titanic. Terminator. At Priya’s place.”

“Those aren’t dirty movies.”

“They have scenes.”

Wow, this chick was really a bumpkin, Mayank thought. He would have to educate her a little.

Divya had spoken only half the truth. She had also seen some softcore porn movies with a couple of her friends and seen a couple of magazines. But she felt like if she told this to Mayank, he would think her characterless.

She saw Mayank pick up his webcam and turn it around to focus on his screen. Then she saw him click on a file. And soon a hardcore porno filled the screen. It was a blonde white woman and a big black man having sex.

“Let’s watch this together.” Mayank said.

Divya watched the clip in shock and wonderment. Nothing she had ever seen matched up to this in terms of being explicit and kinky. In the softcore movies she had seen, the man and woman would get naked, roll around, and essentially simulate sex. You could see breasts and butts but nothing more. Here, she was getting to see close-ups of a huge dick ramming into a woman’s fully shaved vagina. And through her headset, she could hear the woman hollering like crazy. The man was big and muscular. They kept changing positions.

Divya watched that clip with her mouth open for 10 minutes. She felt herself getting moist down there as she tried to imagine herself and Mayank doing all these things together. She felt an odd tingle down there. Mayank was delighted to see his wife to be enjoying the porn so much. They were sure to have a lot of fun together.

Finally, Mayank jacked off, imagining himself fucking Divya like the black man in the clip was fucking the blonde. And then reluctantly, decided to log off and sleep because he had an early meeting the next day.

Divya got dressed, almost trembling. Mayank was showing her a whole new world she didn’t know existed. She could not wait to get married and try all this in person. She logged out, walked out of the booth, and went to the front counter to pay.

When Divya went to the counter to pay, it was empty. She looked around. That’s when a door behind the counter opened and Mehra came out with a wide smile on his face. He was holding a folded sheet of paper in his hand.

“How much do I owe you?” she asked.

“The question is, what do you owe me?” Mehra shamelessly leered at her and said.

“Excuse me?”

“Come into my office for a minute.”

Divya did not like where this was going.

“Please, I am in a hurry. Here.” she dropped a 100 rupee note on the table. “I’ll collect the change tomorrow.”

“WAIT!” Mehra loudly said. “take a look at this.”

A couple of the people sitting at computers around him looked up.

He handed Divya the folded sheet of paper. Divya opened it, and her throat went dry. Printed on the paper, in black and white, was a picture of her sitting naked in the booth, her legs spread open.

“Now, miss, would you like to discuss this in the open or in my office?”

“Office.” Divya whispered, almost at the verge of tears.

“Good.” Mehra nodded. “Raju, take care of the counter for a while.”

He said to an employee sitting in the corner, and walked into his office. Divya meekly followed him.

Mehra closed the door behind her and walked to a desk with a big computer screen on it. He turned the screen towards Divya and hit a button on the keyboard. A video-clip of Divya started playing, showing her taking her clothes off. Divya closed her tearful eyes and looked away.

“So you are running some sort of a sleazy webcam business from my cafe?” Mehra said accusingly.

“It’s not like that.” Divya opened her eyes, keeping her gaze away from the screen, and said. “That is my fiance from America. We are getting married soon.”

“Don’t lie to me. Girls from good families don’t do such things in public net cafes.”

“I swear to god. I swear on my mother’s life.” Divya pinched her throat and said. She was terrified.

“Maybe I should just call the police and let them decide. Even if you were not running some sleazy business, you were naked in a public place, which is against the law.”

Mehra actually wasn’t sure about the legal threat he was making. In fact he was sure that if he went to the police, he’d get arrested. He had seen this beautiful vixen go into a private booth everyday, and on a whim, decided to use spyware to see what she was doing. He had installed a software that one of his friends suggested, and fixed his settings such that the stream from its webcam would be replicate on his office computer.

When Divya came in, he was hoping that he would get to see something interesting. But as the events unfolded, he was pleasantly surprised at how much explicit evidence he had. With all this in his hand, he was sure he could browbeat Divya into doing anything he wanted.

“Please sir, don’t call the police.” Divya said. “I will give you whatever money I have.”

“Shut up! I am not interested in your money.”

Mehra walked around the desk and approached Divya. He grabbed her cheeks with his right hand. His heart skipped a beat at how soft and supple her skin was. He then turned her head so she was facing the screen.

“Open your eyes and look. Look how shamelessly you are sitting there, buck naked on my chair, in my booth, spreading your legs.”

He then grabbed her breast with his other hand.

“Showing off these big tits.”

“Please sir, I am from a good family. I am getting married into a good family. I made a mistake. Please let me go!” Divya was now crying and begging.

“Shut up! These pleas aren’t going to get you anywhere. Stop crying or I will call the police right away.”

Divya wiped her tears and choked back her sobs. She was in a real predicament. If this guy called the police, her parents would find out. The wedding would be called off. her life would be ruined.

“Now miss Divya. If you want me not to go to the cops and post this on the internet, let’s first start by you showing me a close glimpse of what I have seen on video anyway.”

“What?” Divya asked.

“Strip, you bitch!” Mehra said in a menacing tone. “You have five seconds to start stripping.”

Divya instantly started taking her kameez off. And then stood there, hoping this would be enough. But it wasn’t. Mehra reached behind her and unhooked her bra. It fell away, exposing her big pendulous breasts. Mehra instantly started fondling and licking them.

Divya stood motionless, fighting back tears, as the dirty old man’s rough fat hands mauled her tits. She could not believe that the first male hands playing with her tits belonged not to her handsome fiance, but to this sleazy net cafe owner. But what she hated the most was that her body was actually reacting favorably to this male touch.

Divya was a red blooded virile woman of 21 who had never felt any sensuous male contact. She was like a bottled up volcano. And as much as her mind, conditioned by years of orthodox values, was hating what was happening, her starved body was disobeying her and responding happily.

Mehra noticed her quickened breath, the goosebumps, and the shivering and was delighted to note that this little bitch was actually enjoying what he was doing. He kissed her on the lips clumsily. She tried to turn away, but he held her head in place and thrust his fat tongue inside her mouth. Not wanting to waste any time, he opened the knot of her salwar thread. It fell down. He then lowered her panties too, and admired her neat bush hiding her luscious pussy that he had seen on the screen.

“Oh wow! I cannot wait to fuck this delicious cunt.”

Fuck? FUCK???? Massive alarm bells went off in Divya’s head. She immediately dropped to her knees, naked, and grabbed Mehra’s feet. She started crying and saying,

“No please. Please Mr. Mehra. Please let me go. I am a virgin. If you take my virginity, my husband will leave me on the wedding night.”

“Don’t blubber.” Mehra bent down and tried to pull Divya up, but her grip on his feet was too strong. he saw her young full ass jutting out as she bent over and spanked it a couple of times.

“Get up, you foolish woman.”

“Nooooooooo…please don’t destroy my life.” Divya was now bawling.

“You don’t have a choice.” Mehra said. “Either you let me fuck you or then I go to the police.”

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeease Sir, have mercy on me. Think about my family.”

“Well…I…just stop blubbering.”

Mehra stood in his office, thinking, as this naked 21 year old virgin grabbed his feet and kept sobbing. He knew he had hit the jackpot having this girl at his mercy. At the same time, he did not think of himself as a completely evil person.

Mehra understood the predicament this girl was in. He took a broader view of the situation. If he pushed her way too much, he might end up killing the goose that laid golden eggs. On the other hand, if he played his cards right, he would have access to her for a long time. He was a married man. He didn’t want a full-time mistress. Just someone for occasional pleasure. And, he told himself, he didn’t want to destroy her life. She was right. In this conservative society, if her husband found her not to be a virgin on the wedding night, he would surely leave her. As hot and fuckable as this young woman seemed, she also seemed nice and sweet and it would be a shame to ruin her fledgling life.

He thought about it long and hard as the naked Divya was crouched on the floor grabbing his feet.

“Okay, I have a solution.”

Divya wiped her eyes and looked up.

“I understand the importance of saving your virginity. So I will not fuck you now. But once you have gotten married, and your husband has taken your cherry…then I want my pound of flesh.”

“Nooo pleeeaase…” Divya started crying again.

“ENOUGH!!” Mehra yelled. “I am trying to be reasonable here. Now let go of my feet before I kick you in the face.”

Divya let go of his feet and sat up on the floor.

“Listen Divya, it’s quite simple. You promise to go to bed with me after you get married. I don’t want you to be my wife or mistress. I just want a taste.”

Divya said nothing.

“Now, you said your fiance is in America. Will you be living in America after marriage?”


“So the first trip you take home here after that, you come to me voluntarily. I will find out if you are back but if you don’t!”


“I am a kind man. And a patient man. And I’ll wait. I don’t want to destroy your life. But remember, I have the video. And I will keep the video as collateral.”

Divya nodded. Wiping her face, she started getting up. Mehra’s dick started going erect looking at her ample boobs and soft skin and he started wondering if he had made a mistake letting her go.

Divya stood up and pulled up her salwar.

“What are you doing?” Mehra asked.

“Getting dressed.” Divya said.

“Oh no no no no no.” Mehra grabbed her arm. “I am not done with you yet.”

“But you said…”

“Yeah, I said I would not take your virginity. But there are other things.”

Mehra dragged Divya towards the table. She had to kick off the salwar and panties rolled around her ankles to keep from falling. The horny old man took the naked nymph less than half his age to the desk and made her lie down on it, he then went to the computer, turned his webcam on and pointed it towards Divya’s naked body splayed out on the table.

“What are you doing, sir?”

“Keep quiet.”

Mehra then walked to the other side of the table and pulled Divya’s head until it was hanging over the edge of the table. He then unzipped his pants and fished out his half erect dick.

Divya watched spellbound as the old man’s thick dick hung inches from her face. Mentally, she was disgusted. But she could not look away. This was the first dick she had seen up close in real life. She saw the thick bush of white and black hair around it and the big testicles hanging below it.

“Open your mouth!” Mehra commanded.

Oh god, Divya thought. He wants me to THAT. She had read about it in some novels. And most recently, seen it in the video clip Mayank had shown her. He wanted her to suck his dick. She felt revolted by the idea. But considering her situation, she had no choice. The mouth doesn’t have a hymen. So Mehra could do whatever he wanted with her mouth without her husband finding out. She sighed and opened her mouth.


Divya gagged as Mehra shoved his dick into her mouth in one swift motion. It tasted salty and slippery. The tip hit the back of her throat and made her feel like she would vomit. but Mehra grabbed hold of her big naked tits flopped along her sides and thrust his dick in deeper. Divya gagged again.

“Don’t fight it. Just relax. Suck it like a kulfi.” Mehra said.

Yeah right, Divya thought. A kulfi is tasty. This thing tasted and smelled awful. As as the moments ticked by, she got used to this invasion of her mouth. She pushed her tongue against the length of his rod and made a slurping motion.

“That’s it. Good girl.” Mehra appreciated it.

He was by now fully erect and extremely turned on. His dick was about 6 inches long and reasonably thick. He realized that Divya was a novice at this.

“You’ve never sucked a dick before?”

“NNNNNNNNN” Divya moaned.

“Well, I feel special being the first for such a hot young woman.” he took one hand off her boobs and slapped her pussy. Her hips jerked involuntarily.

“Don’t worry, Divya. By the time you get married, I will make you an expert in cock-sucking. You husband will owe me.”

Mehra kept one hand on her breasts and the other on her pussy as he started fucking her mouth in a deep slow motion. Her mouth was so warm and wet. And the sight in front of his eyes, of her perfect 10 naked body splayed out on his table, was hotter than anything he had ever seen.

In a couple of minutes, Divya’s carnal instincts had kicked in. Even as Mehra continued to fuck her mouth, Divya found herself feeling turned on more than distressed. This nice thick hard dick somehow seemed to feel right in her mouth. Her gag reflexes went away completely, and she even began enjoying how his balls rubbed against her nose.

“Let’s see if you really are a virgin.”

Divya’s butt flew a foot off the table as Mehra’s finger poked against her vagina. That touch, down there, felt so unexpectedly delightful even though it hurt.

“Yes, you are.”

Mehra then bent down and softly kissed her mildly hairy pussy lips before nuzzling her clit. That made Divya buck again. What is all this I am experiencing, Divya thought.

Finally Divya felt Mehra’s dick shudder in her mouth. And then suddenly it started shooting cum at her throat. Within seconds, her mouth was filled a salty gooey substance. The gag reflex returned. Using all her strength, she pushed his dick out of her mouth.


Divya spat out the cum even as some of it trickled up her upside down face.

“What the fuck?” Mehra was not amused. “You’ve made a mess all over my floor.”

“Cough cough…sorry.”

“Clean it up! Now!”

Divya scrambled off the table. She saw a rag in the corner. She went and picked it up.

As Mehra stood there watching the voluptuous young girl naked on all fours, wiping his cum off the floor like a good girl, he smiled. He had indeed landed the goose that laid the golden egg. It wasn’t ideal that she was moving to America. It meant waiting for months until she was laid by him. Maybe it was time to plan a trip to visit his brother in America.

That first night after the encounter with Mehra, Divya was an emotional wreck, extremely conflicted. She was of course feeling a lot of distress and guilt about being forced into that situation against her will. There was further resentment about the fact that this was all Mayank’s fault. If he had just waited until they got married, none of this would have happened.

But a part of her also kept thinking that she hadn’t found it as traumatic as she would have expected. The first few minutes were very traumatic and scary. Being made to strip naked in the presence of another person, that too an ugly man over twice her age, had not been nice. The prospect of losing her virginity to him had been terrifying. But once he agreed not to do that, whatever followed next had a degree of pleasant novelty about it. She felt ashamed about it, but had to acknowledge it to herself that it also felt nice in some ways.

The worst part was that she couldn’t share this with anyone. Telling her mother was out of the question. She would probably throw her out of the house. She couldn’t tell Mayank either, although it was all his fault. But he was sitting pretty in America. If he came to know she had sucked the dick of some random old man, he’d call off the wedding. And worse, the gossip would spread. She couldn’t bring herself to tell her close friend Priya either. It just seemed too scandalous to share with that gentle soul.

So for the next few days, Divya endured the situation on her own. She followed the same routine.

After lunch, she would sneak out of the house while everyone took naps. She’d put on a show for Mayank for about half an hour. Then the next half an hour was spent in Mehra’s office, naked.

Divya’s guilt and shame grew each day as she realized that she was beginning to enjoy her time with Mehra a lot more than her time with her fiance. A big reason for that was Mayank being a young inexperienced and impulsive man with limited imagination. So other than making Divya strip naked, display herself in various ways, and watch hardcore porn with him, he didn’t do much. It was all just short term fun for him after all. In a few weeks, she would be in his bed to mount as and when he pleased.

Mehra on the other hand, was an experienced old man who had learned over the years how a woman’s body worked. There was his wife at home. But after they had kids, she doubled in size. So Mehra started finding his fun elsewhere, namely prostitutes and available local housewives of loose character. None of his lovers had been remotely as beautiful and well-proportioned as Divya though.

Plus he knew that Divya would be leaving soon. So he treasured her a lot more. This was evident in the way their naked sessions progressed.

While Mayank’s ideas of what to do with Divya online were very limited, Mehra was just as imaginative and passionate. Mayank was only worried about getting his own rocks off. Mehra, the experienced lover that he was, understood the importance of thinking about Divya’s enjoyment too. He didn’t use her just as a blowjob machine, although he did get a blowjob everyday. He pleasured her too.

For example, the second day that Divya came into his office, he stripped her naked. Then he led her to a loveseat that he had gotten placed there that morning. He sat down on it naked, and had Divya sit down on his lap, her legs resting on the couch over the side.

Divya sat in his lap, feeling his wet dick poke against her thighs. Then she was surprised as he hugged her tenderly, put her head on his shoulder, and just gently stroked her waist and her butt for several minutes. This threw Divya off. The previous day, he had been so dominant and forceful. And now he was being so gentle.

After a couple of minutes, Mehra kissed Divya’s lips softly. She found herself kissing him back. And then the two of them kissed passionately like genuine lovers for several minutes. This was Divya’s first real kiss and she savored the intimacy of the experience. Throughout the kissing, Mehra kept passionately stroking Divya all over her body. Pretty soon there was a fire inside her.

Mehra could read her body language really well. This young woman was horny. If only the virginity thing wasn’t so important, he could have fucked her right then and there. And she wouldn’t have stopped him either. But Mehra was a man of his word.

So he decided to go for the next best thing for her. He gradually moved the fingers of his right hand to her pussy. And then found her clit through her pubic hair and gently flicked it. Divya jumped in his lap.

“What did you just do?” she asked hoarsely, out of genuine bewilderment.

“Don’t you know what this is?” he flicked it again, and she squirmed and shook her head.

Mehra then told her about the clitoris and how it could be a source of pleasure. After giving her a short 2-minute lecture, he decided to give her a practical.

“OOHHH!! STOPPPP!!” Divya struggled in his grip and begged. “It feels weird!”

“Give it some time. Trust me.” Mehra said and kissed her.

And a couple of minutes later, Divya had the first orgasm of her life. She was exhilarated and confused, in addition to, of course, guilty.

“OHH MY GOD!! That was sooooooooo amazing!” she said, after she stopped thrashing about in Mehra’s lap.

“My turn.” he said and poked at her thigh with his dick, which had gotten super hard watching this foxy strumpet thrash about naked on his lap.

Divya smiled, nodded, and slipped to the floor. She had just seen another porno with Mayank and this time, had observed the blowjob process carefully. Divya was always a good student, and a minute later, Mehra found himself wondering if this really was just the second blowjob of her life. She had gotten really good. The use of pressure with the tongue, her lips, how she manipulated his glans, everything was like a pro. Within a couple more minutes, Mehra found himself pumping his seed in her mouth.

This time she kept it in her mouth and then spit it out into a rag.

That was the second day.

The fourth day was the first time she swallowed. She felt almost obligated to do it as a gesture. That was the day Mehra had brushed aside her shy protests and gone down on her. If his fingers had introduced her to her own clitoris, his tongue made her genuinely acquainted with it. Using his tongue, Mehra gave her three orgasms in twenty minutes. It was literally the most ecstatic she had felt until that moment. So when he came in her mouth, she remembered what the porn stars in the videos did, and just swallowed it. Mehra couldn’t believe how much this virgin had grown in just four days.

If Divya swallowing his jizz pliantly had seemed like a big development to Mehra, he was blown away by what happened the next day. Divya seemed almost giddy with excitement when she walked into his room at their usual time.

“What is the matter?” he asked as he took his pants off.

“I saw something in a porno Mayank showed me today.” Divya replied as she unhooked her bra. “I was thinking we could maybe try it.”

Mehra could not believe his luck. Just a few days ago, she had been crying and begging, reluctant to even let him touch her. Now she was suggesting new things.

Divya got completely naked and laid down on the floor.

“Get on top of me on your knees.” Divya confidently said.

Mehra did as was told. He got on his knees on top of this young hottie’s naked body.

“Move up. More up. Slightly more, yes.” she said until his dick was a foot or so above her boobs.

“Now, lower your hips.”

Mehra’s dick was now resting between Divya’s big boobs, his balls were on her chest and his hairy ass was resting on her stomach.

Divya smiled wickedly, then grabbed both her boobs with her hands and brought them together until they snugly enveloped Mehra’s dick. Now he understood what she wanted to do. He started moving his dick back and forth in an even motion, the soft skin of her boobs rubbing his dick.

“It is called titty-fucking in English.” Divya helpfully.

“Haha, I know what it is called.” Mehra said and gently slapped Divya’s cheeks.

Mehra had seen enough porno to know what titty fucking was. In fact he had even tried it a few times.

“Open your mouth and raise your head to face me.” he said.

Divya complied and now, every time Mehra’s old thick dick pistoned through her boobs, the tip of the dick entered her mouth. Whenever it entered her mouth, Divya would lightly suck it. Mehra loved this new experiment she had proposed.

This tit and mouth-fucking went on for about ten minutes. By the end of it, Mehra realized that as naughty as titty fucking seemed in theory, it wasn’t as much fun as getting a proper blowjob. So after a while, he got on top of Divya in the 69 position. He lowered his dick into her mouth which she hungrily accepted. And then lowered his head to start licking her clit. Divya started moaning even as she kept sucking his dick hungrily.

This was the first time they had 69-ed. Divya found it depraved but also wickedly delightful. From that angle, she could see Mehra’s hairy butt crack and his brown asshole. Far from disgusting her, the sight actually turned her on and she wondered what was wrong with her.

Ten minutes later, Divya had had three orgasms and Mehra finally started dumping his seed in her mouth. Divya swallowed it like a tasty dish. the two of them then just spooned naked on the floor for ten more minutes, with Mehra kissing her neck and ears as she enjoyed every second of it.

When it was time to go, Divya almost felt sorry to be leaving. She wished she lived in a world where she could indulge all her desires with Mehra. But there was a fiance waiting for her, and expecting her hymen to be intact. She was about to get married soon.

Divya’s sexual growth was progressing in leaps and bounds with Mayank online and Mehra in real life. Who knows how much further Divya would’ve gone with Mehra if not for the fact that events suddenly took a major turn.

Her grandmother had a heart attack. She was admitted to the hospital and survived after intense treatment. But Divya had to be with the family in the hospital taking care of her grandma. She communicated the situation to both Mayank and Mehra, who were disappointed at this sudden break, but were understanding. In a week or so, her grandma was out of danger. But the doctors told the family that the blockages in her body were major and another attack come any time.

So Divya’s father took a big decision in consultation with Mayank’s parents. It was decided that the wedding, which had been scheduled for a couple of months away, would be held within a week. Divya’s grandmother herself had made this request, because she wanted to see her beloved granddaughter get married before she died.

The next few days were very hectic. All the wedding preparations had to be done on a war footing. Divya did not have a single free moment to herself. She explained the new development to Mehra who was sad that their dalliance had been cut short. But he saw a silver lining in it. The sooner Divya got married, the sooner she would lose her virginity, and the sooner he would have a chance to penetrate the pussy he had gotten so attached to. He started the process of applying for a US visa to visit his brother in America.

Mayank and his family arrived from the US. All his relatives were impressed by the arrangements and how beautiful Divya was. Mayank himself was delighted at the fact that he would get his hands on this hot piece of ass much sooner than expected. He tried to steal a few moments alone with Divya. But she was always surrounded by an army of aunts and cousins.

Finally, the day of the wedding arrived. It went off without a hitch. Divya’s grandmother was feeling a lot better and was happy to be present. Divya herself was excited. Now that she was married to Mayank, she could experience actual sex. She also felt guilty at another sentiment she was having. That the sooner she had sex with Mayank, the sooner she would eventually be able to go all the way with Mr. Mehra. It made her ashamed to think of the fact that her body was craving Mehra more than her husband.

A lavish honeymoon suite had been booked in the town’s biggest hotel for the wedding night. Leading up to it, there were the usual silly traditional games. Cousins and uncles and aunts on both sides were making naughty jokes, and Divya and Mayank were blushing. Finally, after a lot of leg-pulling, the two were allowed to go to their room.

Both of them were really tired. North Indian weddings can be long and tiring. But neither of them were planning to let their exhaustion stand in the way of what came next.

As soon as they entered the honeymoon suite, Mayank closed the door, locked it, and threw his arms around Divya.

“Oh my darling wife, I have been waiting so long for this.” he said, burying his face in her chest.

Divya herself, now experienced in intimacy thanks to Mehra, put her hands on her new husband’s shoulders and started caressing him.

Mayank wasted no time in stripping Divya naked. He then pushed her to the bed with rose petals all over it. And then climbed on top of her and started playing with her massive tits.

“Oh man, I have been dreaming about these tits since I saw them.” Mayank said and started pinching and fondling them. He was delighted to see how quickly her nipples got erect. He bent down and bit her left nipple hard.

“Ouch!” Divya said. It hurt, but it also felt nice.

She felt her hand move to Mayank’s crotch. There was an erection there. But it wasn’t as big as Mehra’s, she noticed. Instantly, Divya admonished herself. You are with your husband, don’t think of someone else, she said to herself.

Mayank was pleased when she felt his crotch. He was afraid this demure traditional girl might have to be coaxed into arousal. But clearly, she was on board. Immediately, he took off his own clothes, and fully naked, climbed on top of her again.

Divya got goosebumps when her husband’s erect dick rubbed against her naked thighs. She could not wait to finally be fucked. She reached down with her hands and wrapped her fingers around his dick. Again, her brain noted, not as thick as Mehra’s. Again, she scolded herself.

But the comparisons to Mehra kept cropping up in her mind. She noted how Mayank’s playing with her boobs seemed very hurried and haphazard. He was mauling them, pressing them, biting them, but there were none of those tender caresses she had come to expect.

Finally, Mayank took a break from her boobs and slid lower. Divya smiled and moaned, in anticipation of some oral action. But she was disappointed when all Mayank did was stare at her pussy for a few seconds with a smile. Mayank saw her pussy with the small sparse bush. He poked it a little with his finger. And then he lifted her legs and spread them.

“This will hurt a little.” Mayank breathlessly said as he got on top of her again.

He moved his hips to position his dick at her pussy and then using his left hand, guided it at the opening. And then he thrust.

“OH YESSSS” said Mayank.

“OWWWWW!” shouted Divya. She had expected some pain when her hymen was breached but nothing this bad.

“It’ll be okay.” Mayank kissed his new wife quickly on the lips and thrust some more. The pain increased for Divya.

“Slowly please.” she pleaded.

But Mayank’s animal instincts had now taken over. He didn’t pay heed to her request and kept thrusting. Finally, his 5 inch dick was inside her. And he could feel the sticky blood against his dick’s skin. That turned him on even more. He had just penetrated a virgin. His only prior sexual intercourse had been with an older woman, a maid from one of his motels.

“OWWWW!! OWWWW!! OWWWWW!!” Divya kept yelling at every stroke of Mayank’s.

“It’ll be okay.” Mayank said and kept fucking her.

But it wasn’t getting okay. It was still hurting. And it was not feeling pleasant at all. After everything she had experience with Mehra, Divya had expected that actual sex would be even more exhilarating. It was not the case so far.

“OHHH YESSSSS!” Mayank said and started pumping his seed inside her. It had barely been two minutes.

Divya felt her insides filling up with her husband’s cum. He thrust his hips wildly for a few seconds and then collapsed on top of her.

He then rolled off on his back. Divya felt her pussy with her fingers and felt the mix of her blood and her husband’s semen. She was glad the painful part had ended. She lay there, getting used to the feeling. Then she turned on her side to face her new husband.

He was already fast asleep.

Divya did not have too much time the next day to reflect on her first sexual intercourse being disappointing. The wedding was over and now she had to go to her new home. The next day was spent saying goodbyes to all her near and dear family members, especially her grandma. There was a lot of crying and hugging, but finally Divya was ready to begin her new life in the United States.

That’s when her in-laws announced a surprise gift. She had originally been told that due to the rushed wedding and other family commitments, there wouldn’t be a honeymoon right away. It turned out that this was just a ruse to surprise both her and Mayank. They were gifted a week long all inclusive vacation at a couples resort in the Caribbean. So while the rest of the family flew back to Texas, Mayank and Divya had been booked first class onto a flight to the Caribbean.

The excitement of visiting a tropical paradise thrilled Divya. A week in a romantic locale is just what a newly-wed couple need to whet their sexual appetites. Divya started feeling optimistic. She reasoned that they had both been tired on the wedding night. Relaxed in a beach resort, they would certainly have a better time.

By the time they arrived at the resort, Divya was an cloud nine. She had really loved the pampering of the first class flight. Mayank had been very caring and lovey dovey throughout. The air-hostesses saw the armful of bangles Divya was wearing like a traditional newlywed and paid her special attention.

The resort itself was the closest thing to paradise. It was couples only so there were no noisy kids or single men hanging around like the beaches of Goa that she had been to. Every cabin was ocean facing. There were multiple swimming pools. The resort had half a dozen restaurants and bars that were included in the package and a lot of water sports and other activities. And what delighted Mayank the most was the casino that the resort had in-house.

As their taxi from the airport drove into the resort, Divya was amazed at how beautiful everything was with well-manicured laws, fountains and a lot of gardens. Mayank noticed with glee that most of the guests were white and the women were all walking around in bikinis. In addition to his hot wife by his side, he would get a chance to ogle a lot of other beautiful bodies on the beach.

As soon as they checked in and went to their cabin, Mayank dragged Divya to the bed. She, giggling, started taking off her clothes. She was filled with a sense of excitement and optimism. Mayank kissed her passionately, and then got on top of her. Divya, naked except for the ceremonial bangles, opened her legs and closed her eyes, hoping it wouldn’t be as painful as the first time. Mayank pinned her hands above her head, making the bangles jingle. And thrust his dick into her.

“That was amazing!!”

Mayank said and rolled off her 3 minutes later. Divya faked a smile and nodded. Her optimism was waning. It hadn’t been as painful as the first time, but it was still not comfortable or enjoyable. What she didn’t realize…nor did he…was that Mayank had eagerly thrust into her without any foreplay. So she wasn’t wet down there at all. Mayank’s inexperience showed. And while he was able to cum very easily, thanks to the friction provided by a newly deflowered cunt, it didn’t bring any pleasure to Divya.

“Did you like it?” he asked.

“Yes.” Divya lied and smiled. Her duty was to please her husband.

“Good.” he said, getting up. “Come on, let’s take a stroll around the resort. I especially want to check out their casino.”

Walking around the resort, Divya started forgetting the disappointment of their second sexual encounter. The resort was grand and packed with beautiful couples. Holding hands, Mayank and Divya walked first to the private beach which was a mile long stretch of white sand next to deep blue water. Then they checked out the restaurants. Mayank, who liked to drink, checked out the bars. And then they headed towards the casino.

Divya noticed how Mayank would blatantly sneak glances at white women in bikinis. Most of them were so tall and fit. At 5 ft 1 inch, Divya felt like a midget walking past some of them. She also felt like she was overdressed. Although a couple of passing women smiled and complimented her on her gorgeous sari, Divya felt like a nun. Earlier, she was very shy of wearing very tight clothes. But all those naked adventures in the net cafe had lowered her inhibitions. She started wondering if she should maybe wear swimsuits.

Mayank half-read her mind. No, he did not want her to wear swimsuits. While he was happy ogling others’ wives, he was too much of a hypocritical traditionalist to let other men stare at his wife’s almost naked body (if only he knew about Mehra, right?). But he did think that saris and salwar kameez would be too much in such a place.

“Divya, there’s a clothing store in the resort. You should buy some t-shirts and jeans and shorts etc. All this desi clothing looks out of place in a resort.”

“As you wish.” Divya said, partly happy.

They went to the resort store and bought Divya some new clothes. They went back to the room so she could change into them.

Inside the room, Divya stripped down to her undies. She picked out a pair of knee length shorts and a black t-shirt. She was bent over the suitcase, putting the rest of the clothes inside when Mayank approached her. He saw his gorgeous wife’s inviting round ass, covered in her panties, and it called out to the primal male in him. He stood behind her and started fondling her ass.

“What are you doing?” Divya giggled and started straightening, but Mayank pushed her back down.

“Stay like that.” he hoarsely said and unbuttoned his own shorts.

Divya was delighted at this show of spontaneity from her new husband. Also, bent over like this in her undies reminded her of how Mehra used to make her bend over too. She shivered when she felt Mayank put his fingers in her panties and slip them down to her thighs. Divya grabbed on to the suitcase and prepared to be mounted.

But several moments passed and nothing happened. She turned around and saw that Mayank was furiously rubbing his dick, which was still soft.

“Just give me a minute.” Mayank said, and staring at his wife’s perfect naked ass, did his best to bring his flaccid dick to life.

“Can I help?” Divya asked, starting to turn around. What she had in mind was sucking his dick, the way Mehra had taught her. If Mayank had let her do it, given her newly acquired fellatio skills, she would have gotten him hard in no time.

But Mayank pushed her back down and rudely said,

“I told you to stay down.”

Divya stayed bent over, her naked butt jutting up in the air, for a good two minutes. Mayank still kept trying to get erect. But then, he got frustrated and finally gave up.

“You can get up and get dressed.” he said in an upset sounding voice.

Divya decided to take the initiative. She reached and wrapped her fingers around his soft dick. But it angered Mayank even more. he slapped her hand away and yelled,

“I told you to get dressed!”

Hurt, Divya pulled up her panties and started wearing her new clothes. Mayank muttered something about how he was jetlagged and still tired from the wedding. And finally they left their cabin.

As they walked out of their cabin, they almost ran in to a couple led by a bellboy carrying bags.

“Whooops! Sorry about that!” said a tall muscular white man with close cropped brown hair and deep blue eyes. He was wearing camouflage shorts and a tight t-shirt showing off his well-built body. Behind him was a white woman just a couple of inches shorter than him with long blond hair and green eyes. She was wearing a yellow bikini top and white shorts.

“Not a problem.” Mayank smiled politely.

“Looks like we’re gonna be neighbors!” the woman said as the bell boy put down their backs in the cabin next to Mayank and Divya’s. In fact the two cabins shared a common wall.

“Oh yeah!” the guy flashed a wide smile. Then extending out a big hand, he said, “I’m Chad. This is my new bride Kelly.”

“Hi, I am Mayank.” our hero tried to hide a wince as the big guy’s powerful handshake almost crushed his bones. “My new bride Divya.”

“Hi Mayank. Hi Divya.” the couple said in unison.

“Hello.” Divya shyly smiled and said. She didn’t know if she was also expected to shake Chad’s hand. In her town, women did not usually shake men’s hands. She felt relieved when Chad sensed her hesitance and didn’t raise his hand towards her.

“So you guys here on a honeymoon too, huh?” Kelly asked.


“Where are you guys from?”

“Texas. Originally India.” Mayank said.

“Mmmmmm. I love me some spicy Indian curry.” Chad said. “We’re from Oklahoma. So we’re neighbors back in the states too.”

“I love your bangles. And that’s such a lovely henna pattern.” Kelly approached Divya and held her wrist and raised it up.

“Thank you.” Divya said, blushing at the compliment.

“Anyway, we’ll catch up later when we aren’t all grimy and disgusting after a 6 hour plane ride.” Chad said. “Nice to meet you folks.”

“Nice to meet you too.” Mayank said.

Divya noticed that he cast a barely hidden glance at Kelly’s butt as she walked away. Divya herself had been quite taken by how big and Strong and charming Chad was.

Mayank led Divya to the casino. He was delighted to be in there, like a kid in a candy shop. Mayank loved gambling. He frequently went to Las Vegas with his friends. So having a casino at the resort was just the perfect honeymoon package for him. He checked out of a few roulette tables, blackjack tables, poker games, craps tables, and had a few free drinks that were being offered by the roaming skimpily clad waitresses.

Divya drank coke and followed him around. She was amused by the flashy lights and the fancy settings. She had seen casinos in Hollywood movies and TV shows and this seemed exactly like it. But she had always been brought up to believe that gambling was a bad habit. So she was a little surprised that someone like Mayank from a good family was so interested in it.

Finally Mayank sat down at a blackjack table and asked Divya to stand next to him.

“She’s my lucky charm.” he said to the dealer who smiled and nodded.

He played at that table for about an hour. Divya was starting to understand the game. She was always good at math and logic and if not for a conservative father, could have been a great banker or engineer. To her, the game seemed like a fairly straightforward layout of different Probabilities, played over and over again. She instinctively realized that players always were at a slight disadvantage, but with some logical thinking, could up their chances. Also, remembering what cards had come up seemed to help in predicting what would happen next. Basically Divya had such an intuitively analytical brain, that she grasped the principles of winning at blackjack very soon without ever having seen it before.

So at one hand when Mayank, who was already about a thousand dollars down, was about to ask for another card, she touched him on his arm.

“No.” she said emphatically.

Mayank felt a flash of anger. How dare this small town bumpkin try to teach him blackjack, that too in public?

“I didn’t ask you!” he rudely said to her. “Hit me.” he said to the dealer.

The dealer, a little taken aback by how rudely this man was talking to his new bride, did as was told. And as expected, it was a bust for Mayank. This pissed him off even more.

“I told you.” Divya whispered.

“Oh really? Just because you got one lucky hunch right, you think you’re an expert?” Mayank yelled.

A few people around them stared. Divya felt humiliated.

“You’re such an expert right? Alright, here.” He got up. “Sit in my place.”

“I’m sorry.” Divya said, terrified.

“No no, sit.” he got up and forced Divya to sit. “Here’s 500 more dollars. Give her more chips. Let’s see how it goes.”

“Please Mayank.” Divya whispered in Hindi. “You are embarrassing me.”

“Do as you’re told. Sit here and play.” Mayank said.

The dealer and the rest of the players at the table were watching this unfold in an awkward silence.

Twenty minutes later, the rest of the players were cheering, Divya was smiling, and the dealer was wishing that this woman’s asshole husband hadn’t gotten her into the game. Because Divya was up by about 300 dollars. She really had a knack for mathematics and probability. If she had been allowed to keep playing, she would have probably made back all the money Mayank lost and won some more.

But Mayank was doubly pissed. His male ego was hurt.

“That’s enough.” he picked up the chips, and stormed out. Divya thanked the dealer, her fellow players, and ran after her husband.

“I am sorry. I was only doing what you told me to.” she tried to explain.

But Mayank was sulking.

Mayank walked out of the casino after cashing in the remaining chips. Divya silently walked next to him. She knew better than to argue with her angry husband. Maybe he was right. She should not have interfered.

“I’m hungry. Let’s go to the Mexican restaurant.” Mayank said.

At the restaurant, they were seated at a table facing the beach. The cool ocean breeze did little to buoy Divya’s spirits. Mayank was still sulking. They ordered vegetarian tacos. Mayank ordered a tequila.

“Hey, look who’s here!”

Chad’s booming voice made them both look up. He was with Kelly. They had changed into beachwear. Kelly was wearing a skimpy orange bikini and a big straw hat. Chad was wearing knee length swimming trunks. And his torso was bare.

“How are you?” Mayank asked. And then casting a glance at Kelly’s deep cleavage, he said, “Care to join us?”

“Sure! The more the merrier!” Kelly said and the waiter brought them two more chairs.

With this bubbly couple arriving, Divya was glad that Mayank’s mood seemed to have improved. Although she noticed that it was mainly because of Kelly whom he kept discreetly checking out. Divya herself was having a tough time not staring at Chad’s tanned and chiseled pecs and abs. The white couple ordered their meat dishes after making sure the Indian couple was okay with it. Although Mayank and Divya were vegetarian, they had no problem with others eating meat in their company.

And soon the two couples started chatting. Naturally shy Divya spoke very little. Mayank, who had been raised in America, was more at ease talking with them.

They learned that Chad was a soldier in the United States Marine Corps and had gotten a leave to get married after completing two tours to Afghanistan. Kelly was a fitness trainer. They had been dating since ninth grade, and after almost 8 years of dating, decided to make it formal and get married. They were both very talkative and friendly. Soon, Divya started opening up as well.

After dinner, the four of them walked out of the restaurant. Chad and Kelly were off to the pool for a swim. Mayank said he was feeling a little jet lagged so he and Divya would go back to their room and call it an early night.

As they walked back to their cabin, Divya was relieved that Mayank was not as upset anymore. He talked about small things with Divya like how the food was, what a nice couple Chad and Kelly were, and so on.

Back in the cabin, Mayank announced that he was feeling sweaty after all the roaming around so he was going to go take a shower. Divya turned the TV on and started watching it. Flipping through the channels, she was surprised to discover a few porn channels in the mix. She stopped at one. It showed a couple having sex on the beach. Divya looked at the bathroom door. It was slightly open but the water was running.

She slipped her hand into her shorts and started playing with her clit the way Mehra had taught her to. Within a couple of minutes, turned on by the action on the screen, Divya had a small orgasm. That made her feel a lot better.

“DIVYA! DIVYA!!” she heard Mayank call from the bathroom.

She instantly changed the channel to a non porn one, and went to the bathroom door.

“Come in here. I need your help with something.” Mayank said.

“Okay.” Divya said and walked in.

The shower curtains were moved and her naked husband standing in the shower with an erect dick in his hand said,

“Care to help me with this?”

Divya blushed and smiled. She was happy that Mayank was back to normal, both in terms of his mood and getting an erection. She instantly took off all her clothes and joined her husband in the shower.

The shower rained hot water on Divya’s exquisite naked body as she climbed in. Mayank put his hand on her slim soft waist, pulled her towards him and kissed her. Divya put her hands on Mayank’s arms and rubbed them. She could feel his erect dick poking against her stomach. Then, slowly moving her hands down his arms and then his hips and thighs, Divya got on her haunches. Mayank was pleasantly surprised when she then proceeded to take his dick in her mouth and started sucking.

Mayank told himself that this inexperienced recent virgin had gotten this bold because of all the porn he had shown her. He had no idea that his demure wife had already sucked an old man’s dick multiple times. So he was in unaware bliss as she started sucking his dick slowly.

Divya was mindful not to use all the techniques she had learned because she did not want her husband to cum too soon. She put her hands on his thighs and moved his 5 inch boner in and out of her mouth, applying only nominal pressure with her lips and tongue. Mayank looked down and smiled happily at how her big boobs swung side to side as she sucked his dick and how her perfect ass looked jutting out behind her as she squatted.

Mayank could still feel the rumblings of an impending orgasm so within a minute, he pulled her up. Then he made her bend over. Divya put her hands on the shower faucet and one leg on the edge of the shower. Hot water rained on her ass as Mayank grabbed his dick and inserted it in her cunt. This time, Divya noted, it didn’t feel painful at all. In fact it felt nice. She didn’t realize that this change was because she had already masturbated watching porn in the living room so her cunt was nice and wet.

Mayank put one hand on his wife’s hips, another on her shoulder and started fucking her in deep deliberate strokes. He was going slow because he did not want to cum too soon.

“MMMMMMM…that feels so good.” Divya said.

Mayank spanked her ass a couple of times as he continued to slowly fuck her. Divya was relishing this experience. She was feeling new sensations of pleasure emanate from her loins and spread all over her body. The location of this dalliance, the shower, added to the kinkiness of it all. For the first time, Divya was actually enjoying having sex with her husband. Mehra seemed like a distant memory.

Divya bit her lower lip in pleasure as Mayank then grabbed her swinging big tits and started hammering her harder.


Divya moaned in ecstasy as her husband kept pounding her. She bent down further until her palms were on the shower floor. Mayank marveled again at how flexible his wife was. She was folded over like a pretzel. After a couple of minutes, he felt like he was about to cum. But this time he played it smart. He took his dick out and got on his knees. He put his face in his wife’s ass and started licking her pussy and her buttocks.

Divya liked this new variety filled style. Mayank was moving his hands all over her body, using his tongue, kissing her all over. This is how she imagined love making would be. And finally she was getting a taste of it. As she stayed bent over completely, Mayank gave her oral for a couple of minutes. However, he didn’t target her clit. He was just licking her all over down there.

Then he got up. He grabbed Divya by her wet hair, thrust his dick into her now utterly wet cunt and pulled her up until her back as touching his stomach and chest. He reached around and grabbed her big tits. Divya reached back and wrapped her arms around him as much as she could. And the fucking resumed in a position that was a lot more intimate, with their wet skins rubbing against each other.

A couple of more minutes and Mayank felt his orgasm approaching again. This time it was too forceful to put off. He pinched Divya’s nipples hard.

“OWWWWWWWW!!” Divya cried in pain as her husband’s speed of ramming her cunt increased and then finally she started feeling him fill her up with jizz. The pleasure from her loins was so good that she didn’t mind the pain in her nipples. In fact this time, she enjoyed it. As the shower rained water directly onto Divya’s face, sending some into her open mouth, Mayank filled her up.

He had lasted at least 5 minutes this time. A new record for him.

He held her like that for a few seconds. And then took his dick out. Divya turned around and wrapped her arms around his back and put her head on his chest. Mayank also hugged her, caressed her butt and kissed her. The two made out under the hot water for a few minutes. Then Mayank reached for the bodywash vial and started soaping Divya’s big boobs. She took the vial from his hand and started soaping his moderately hairy chest.

The honeymooning couples bathed each other lovingly for about ten minutes. By the time they turned the shower off and got out, Divya was feeling happy and contented.

Mayank got dressed in a t-shirt and boxers and got into bed. Divya wore a nightgown and joined him. He was asleep within minutes, cuddling with her. But Divya’s body clock had still not adjusted to the time change from India. She wasn’t sleepy at all. She closed her eyes and lay on the bed for about half an hour. But to no avail. Mayank though had already started snoring.

Divya gently moved his arm away and got off the bed. The bedside clock showed it was nearly midnight. She quietly opened the back glass doors of the cabin that led to the porch facing the beach. And then walked out. She felt the cool breeze on her skin. The moon was out and the ocean waves were crashing against the white sandy beach. There were palm trees all around. It was the perfect night. Divya sat down on a lawn chair on the porch and just contemplated the changes in her life in the last few weeks. She looked at the stars and tried to identify the constellations.

Then she scanned the beach when she suddenly noticed something moving. Squinting her eyes, she focused in that direction and almost let out a cry of surprise when she realized that what she saw was a couple having sex. They were on the beach, about 75 feet away from her. She sank lower in the chair and was glad she hadn’t turned the porch light on. She sat in the chair and looked at the couple.

Even with the moonlight, it wasn’t too clear who they were. But she could surmise that the woman was on top and riding the man pretty hard. Divya watched, feeling very naughty, for about fifteen minutes, as this continued. She was amazed at how long this was going. Compared to what she had with Mayank, it felt like an eternity. Then the movements slowed down and stopped. She guessed they were done.

The couple got up, presumably to go back to their cabin. Then Divya was suddenly shocked when the couple started walking in her direction. Soon, they started jogging. And soon they were close enough for Divya to see who they were. Chad and Kelly!

Divya felt very embarrassed that she had been spying on her neighbors. What if they saw her? Would they feel offended? She sank down even more in the chair, hoping the porch’s wooden fence would hide her.

The white couple jogged into closer view. And Divya had to put her hand on her mouth to suppress a squeal. They were both completely naked! Kelly, her naked tits swinging, ran towards their cabin. Divya noticed that Kelly’s boobs, although not as big as her own, were still quite big. And her pussy was completely shaved. Totally hairless.

Behind her jogged Chad. Divya couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was built like that guy from the movie she had recently seen on the plane, Thor. Chiseled torso, muscular legs. And at the junction of the torso and legs, she saw a thick white piece of meat that looked bigger than Mayank or even Mehra’s. And he wasn’t even erect.

Divya just stayed in the chair, frozen, praying that she wouldn’t be discovered. Her wish was half granted. Kelly apparently didn’t notice her. She ran straight into their own cabin, giggling. Chad however, stopped in his tracks for a second, his USMC training kicking in. He looked in Divya’s direction, spotted her, smiled, and waved, before continuing on.

Divya waited until she heard them enter their cabin and their door close. She then got up, feeling extremely embarrassed, and walked inside her own cabin. She got back in bed, closed her eyes, and tried to will herself to sleep. But she couldn’t. Visions of the naked white couple kept flooding her senses. Her mind kept replaying that scene over and over again.

Her naughty thoughts continued on loop for about fifteen minutes when suddenly,


She heard a rhythmic sound of something against the wall. Divya focused and tried to hear carefully. She could also hear soft moans. And then she realized what was happening. They were having sex again! And so hard that the bed was banging against the common wall. Wow, they just finished having sex and in less than half an hour, were going at it again?

Divya’s surprise at the fact that how soon this was happening was eclipsed by her surprise at how long it went on. The moans and the thunking sounds continued for a good 45 minutes before they stopped. Mayank was a deep sleper so he snored through it all.

That long dick…that big chiseled body…those blue eyes…for this long…

Divya’s hand went to her shorts and she closed her eyes and masturbated thinking of Chad. After she had an orgasm, she felt a little guilty doing that.

But soon she was fast asleep herself

“Get up, sleepyhead!”

Mayank shook Divya awake. Squinting her eyes, she woke up. the room was full of sunlight.

“What time is it?”

“It’s snorkeling time!” he said, rummaging around in the suitcase.


“Well, the actual time is just before 10 AM. I woke up a couple of hours ago and was hungry. You were fast asleep so I didn’t wake you up. Went to the breakfast buffet. Ran into our friends Chad and Kelly there.”

The mention of Chad and Kelly brought the events of the previous night rushing back and Divya blushed a little.

“What did they say?” she wondered if Chad had mentioned what happened last night.

“They said they’ve booked a snorkeling boat. I put down our names too. There will be 3 more couples. A boat will take us out to a reef. Then using foot flippers and goggles and breathing masks, we swim around staring at the pretty fish on that reef. Sounds like fun?”

“Yes, but,” Divya said getting off the bed, “I can’t swim.”

“I know. I asked, and they said you don’t really need to be a swimmer. They’ll give us these inflated life jackets anyway.”

“I don’t know…” Divya was terrified at the thought of being in the deep ocean. She had grown up in the most central province of India, far away from the seas.

“Plus there will be lifeguards with us. And I will be with you.” Mayank said, rubbing her shoulder lovingly.

“Okay. I’ll give it a try.” Divya said sportingly.

Half an hour later, they were in a glass bottom boat heading out to the reef. With them were two middle-aged white couples, one young Japanese couple, and of course, Chad and Kelly. Divya’s fears of them being upset about last night were unfounded. Kelly didn’t seem to even know about it. She kept yapping away as usual. Chad gave her a couple of wry smiles, but nothing major.

Divya was sitting in the boat, nervous about being in the ocean. She was grabbing Mayank’s hand tightly. He was wearing swimming trunks like all the men on the boat. All women were wearing bikinis or one piece swimsuits. Except Divya who was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

Two minutes into the ride, suddenly, Divya’s life jacket snapped open. She almost jumped off her seat in fear.

“Chill, maan.” The Jamaican captain of the boat said and approached Divya. “It just wasn’t closed right.”

He reached down and tried to close the buckle across Divya’s chest. She was conscious about having a strange man’s hands so close to her chest. Her boobs felt the pressure as he squeezed the jacket tight. But even he couldn’t close it.

“Hey Sammy, gimme one of those extra large ones from the hold.” He said to one of his assistants. Then he turned to Mayank and said, “Your wife too stacked for the regular ones, maan. Praise the lord.”

He started laughing. Mayank smiled. Everyone else on the boat started laughing too.

Divya didn’t get the meaning of the word “stacked” so didn’t understand that the captain was saying her boobs were too big to fit into a regular jacket. If she had understood, she would’ve been scandalized at her boobs being talked about so casually by a stranger. Mayank on the other hand, understood what was said. But he knew that folks from the Caribbean were very casual and had a direct sense of humor. So he didn’t mind.

“What does stacked mean?” Divya whispered to Mayank.

“Big boobs.” he whispered back.

Divya blushed and looked at the captain with an offended expression on her face. He just smiled back.

For the next fifteen minutes, Divya actually started feeling a lot less nervous. Kelly was telling her that she had snorkeled many times and it really didn’t require any swimming skills. Plus the ocean was still and through the glass bottom, Divya could see many multi-colored fish and other creatures swimming around. The thought of seeing them up close was appealing to her. By the time the boat stopped at the edge of the reef, Divya was feeling a lot more up to the challenge.

Sammy handed out breathing masks, asked everyone to put their flippers on. He gave a short tutorial on what to do. He told everyone to stay on their stomachs, breathe only through their mouths, told them what to do if water entered the mask, and told them to keep moving their legs. He also said that he, and another guy named Tony would be with the group so if everyone had an problems, they could just wave them over.

With that done, the couples moved to the back of the boat and started entering the water. The other three couples went in first and followed Sammy. Then Tony went in.

“Just keep calm and breathe through your mouth.” Kelly warmly hugged Divya before getting into the water herself. Chad got in behind her.

Then in went Mayank.

“Come on, honey.” he said, floating next to the boat. “See how I do it. The jacket is very buoyant. You won’t drown even if you try.”

He got on his stomach, made a circle, and then straightened up again.

Divya said a little prayer and got in the water. At least it was nice and warm. She held onto the stairs for a few seconds.

“Let go, maan!” the captain said to her. She found it strange that he was calling her maan even though she was a woman.

Nevertheless, Divya counted to three and let go. She floated a few feet away from the boat with the current.

The next few seconds were absolute hell. The life jacket was buoyant. But Divya felt her body leaning backwards. Her head got half submerged in water. And out of habit, she breathed from her nose despite all the warning. Water filled her mouth and nose. She panicked and started flailing around. She was sure she was about to die.

That’s when she felt Tony’s firm hands grab her by the shoulders and move her back to the stairs. She grabbed on to it and took off the mask.

“Cough! Cough! Cough!” she spat out the water and breathed.

Mayank swam close to her.

“You panicked. Don’t panic.”

“YEAH!? Well, it’s not as easy!” Divya uncharacteristically snapped back.

“Give it another try!” Mayank said.

“NO!” Divya said and started trying to climb back into the boat.

But she forgot that she was still wearing the flippers. The right flipper slipped, she lost balance, and fell in the water again. The panic returned. And she started flailing again. This time Mayank pulled her back.

“I am done!” Divya emphatically said as Mayank helped her take the flippers off. She climbed back onto the boat.

Mayank knew that Divya was normally very docile and obedient. So this display of pique from her made him decide to let it go.

Once back on the solid boat, Divya started feeling like herself again.

“I’m sorry.” she said to Mayank. “Why don’t you go on? I’ll just sit here and look at pretty things through the glass bottom.”

“No, if you want, I can stay with you.” Mayank said, but the reluctance in his voice was clear.

“Go on. I will be fine.”

And Mayank followed Tony and the others and swam away.

Divya sat on her seat looking down the glass bottom. The captain was sitting in his chair near the engine.

“You don’t swim?” he asked in his thick Jamaican accent.

“No.” she said.

“Where you from?”


“Aaaaah. Raooool Draavid. Saashin Tendulkaar. Veeeraat Kohhhli.”


“I like Indian food. So spicy!” he said.

Divya looked at him and smiled. It was good to have some company. She looked at Mayank and the other snorkelers. They were all over a hundred feet away spread in different directions. She wished she could have gone with Mayank.

“I should learn to swim.” she said.

“Yeah, maan. It’s so easy.” he said. “Why don’t I teach you a little right now?”

“Hah! You saw what happened! No thanks. I’ll try it in a pool where it’s safe.”

“Nahhh, I tell you what went wrong. You had the breathing mask. You couldn’t handle that. And you had them flippers which youn’t used to. Get in water without em. Just your lifejacket. And it will be easy.”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, maan. Don’t you wanna have fun the next time you go out to a nice place like this? It’s easy.”

Divya thought about what he was saying. There was a certain logic to it.

“Tell you what.” he said. “Get in the water like this. No mask, no flippers. Hold the stairs. Just stay like that for a few minutes. if you still feel scared, come back in.”

“Okay.” Divya said and got up.

She walked to the edge of the boat, her feet bare. Slowly, she lowered herself into the water. Eventually she was neck deep, holding on to the ladder. He was right. Without the suffocating mask and the heavy flippers, this didn’t feel so bad.

“Feeling better?” he asked after a couple of minutes.

“Yes.” Divya said.

“Now…kick with your feet and keep kicking until you are flat on your stomach.”

Divya kept holding the ladder and did as was told. Her body moved up and she was now horizontal. This didn’t seem that bad.

“Now, just let the ladder go for a few seconds. And see if you can stay in place. keep your head above the water.”

Divya tried it. It worked, mainly because of the inflated life jacket. But soon she slowed down her legs and lost balance. She started flailing. The captain took his t-shirt off and jumped in the water. But it wasn’t needed. This time, because her mouth and nose were clear, she didn’t panic. She grabbed the ladder again, calmly.

“See, first step done.” he said, floating next to her.

“That wasn’t too bad.” she said, smiling.

The captain looked at Divya from up close. Her wet face, with her big eyes, full lips, sharp nose, alabaster skin. he remembered her boobs from earlier. And jutting out from the water was her nice round butt, looking inviting even in the loose shorts. He felt a rumbling in his loins.

“What next?” Divya eagerly asked. She was always a good student. if she could pick up swimming as quickly as she picked up mathematics, it would be so good.

The captain thought a little. Then he said,

“Let go of the ladder and hold my arm.” He held out his left arm.

Divya did. She noticed how wide and muscular it was. How was it that all these men were so muscular in the Western Hemisphere she wondered. Must be all the meat they eat. She grabbed onto his arm and kept kicking with her legs, horizontal at the water’s surface.

“Now, here’s what I want to do next. Lead you away from the safety of the boat, holding on to my arm. You keep kicking with your feet and try to stay on your stomach. I am with you. Don’t panic. You have the lifejacket.” he said in an assuring tone.

“Okay.” Divya said.

The captain looked around. All the snorkelers were over a hundred feet away on the south side of the boat. He started swimming to the north with one arm, Divya grabbing on to the other. She kept diligently kicking with her legs. And was glad that she was moving so easily. Her head was above water. They kept going like that for a while.

“See how far we come.” he said.

Divya turned around and saw that the boat was over a hundred feet away. She could see the heads of the snorkelers way far away into the distance on the other side.

“Now, stop kicking with your feet but keep holding on to my arm.”

As she stopped, her legs sank. From being horizontal, she went to being vertical, still holding on to his arm.

“Good. Now, I’m going to unbuckle your life jacket. But don’t panic.”

“Okay.” she said. She had started to trust this big friendly man now.

The captain unbuckled her life jacket with one hand. It hung off her shoulders and arms loosely.

“What’s your name, pretty lady?”


“Divya. Pretty name for a pretty lady. My name is Isaac. And now I’m going to do…this.”

With his free hand, Isaac reached under the open life jacket and squeezed Divya’s big boobs.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING????” Divya shouted. She let go of his arm and used her hands to push this invasion away. That made her lose balance and she started flailing about.

“Easy, easy.”

Isaac swam up behind her and put both his hands under her armpit and then on her boobs. He was grabbing on to her using her boobs.

“What are you doing?” Divya asked, now in a trembling voice. What had she gotten herself into? She was at the mercy of this big strong stranger, all the way away from the boat, and with her life jacket open.

“Admiring your boobs.” Isaac said.

This was Isaac’s plan from the moment he got into the water next to her. Until then, he had been genuinely trying to help her swim. Being a nice guy. But seeing her ethereal beauty up close, the horned devil inside her mind cooked up this plan. Yes, it was risky. Yes, she could get him fired, even arrested. But maybe she’d like it. He simply had to take a chance. From his teen years, Isaac had been attracted to Indian women who visited the Caribbean. But most of them, perhaps because of the taboo against black skin, didn’t like him. The few that did were not very pretty. Certainly not as drop dead gorgeous as this minx who was now at his mercy.

“Isaac, please, I am a married woman.”

“I know.” Isaac said, one hand now moving lower from her boobs. “Married to that idiot left you alone. How selfish.”

His hand now reached low and slipped inside Divya’s shorts and panties. Within seconds, the experienced stud found her clit.

“Ohhhhhhhhh…Isaaaaaac…please don’t do that.” Divya kicked around and flailed around in the water. But Isaac’s grip was too strong. She only succeeded in splashing water, some of which went in her nose and mouth. She started coughing even as Isaac played with her clit. Then he started rubbing the entrance of her pussy with one finger.

“Noooooooooooooo.” Divya said to him as well as herself. Her body was betraying her, just like it had with Mehra. It was responding favorably.

Isaac could read the signs. He knew that the battle was half won. He knew that he had one more weapon at his disposal. His long black dick. It wasn’t very thick but was certainly quite long. And it was already getting hard. He thrust his hips forward and rubbed his crotch against Divya’s butt. Divya felt it. All of it. And it sent a shiver down her spine. How could anything be that long?

Divya’s left hand moved of its own accord because of Mehra’s training, went under water, behind her, and felt Isaac’s crotch. Her fingers confirmed what her ass had suspected. Had to be at least 9 inches.

Once she did that, Isaac knew that he had won. All that remained was to collect on his winnings. His fingers were still playing with her clit and her cunt. He took his hand out of her shorts. Divya moaned involuntarily, almost in disappointment. Isaac chuckled.

He turned her around to face him. Now remember, that all through this, his legs were working non-stop to keep them both afloat. Imagine the power of the man. he was able to do all this while in the ocean. And with nothing to lean on but Divya’s supple curvy body.

He looked at her. She put her hands around his neck. The lust was transparent on her face too. This bitch wanted it. No need to intimidate her anymore.

And he was right. Divya had tried to resist out of a sense of morality. After all, she was a married woman. But Isaac’s big strong body, the way he manipulated the situation, and finally his freakishly long dick, not to mention his fingering, had pretty much made her give in to the beast hiding inside her. Human beings are promiscuous by instinct. Modern civilization has made us monogamous. Most women keep the cavewoman inside them quiet and hidden due to pressures of society. But sometimes, the cavewoman breaks free. That is what was happening with Divya.

“Bring your left leg up.” he said.

Divya obediently did so. She raised it till Isaac’s waist. Isaac grabbed it by the smooth supple calf and put it on his right shoulder. He noticed that this didn’t make Divya wince. She was really flexible.

“Now the right leg.”

And soon the right calf was on his left shoulder. Her hands were still around her neck. Divya’s body was folded up like a tortilla.

Now that he had her in position, Isaac reached down with one hand and started slipping her shorts and panties off. They came off easily underwater and slid down her…or rather up her legs which were placed on his shoulders. The shorts and panties stopped around her knees where they were stretched to their fullest.

Isaac then put both his hands on Divya’s exposed butt which was underwater. And he asked, staring into Divya’s eyes,


She nodded. Isaac took his dick out of his trunks. And the next moment, Isaac’s dick invaded her cunt. She inhale deeply. In thickness, it wasn’t that different from Mayank’s. So she didn’t feel stretched. But it kept going and going in, touching parts of her insides that had never been touched before.

“OHHHHHHH!!” she said.

Isaac tightened his grip on Divya’s butt and started fucking her in deep hard strokes. Her calves rubbed up and down his shoulders as her body moved in response to his fucking. He could not believe he had actually pulled it off. And he could not believe how easily this supposedly demure traditional Indian wife had been seduced.

After five minutes of fucking, Divya’s waist started feeling the stress of this position. She understood the reason it had to be this position – the shorts and panties limiting the movement of her legs.

Isaac was delighted when Divya took one hand off his neck, and slipped her left leg out of the shorts and panties. She wrapped the leg around his waist. She put the hand back on his neck and took her right hand off. With the right hand, she took her shorts and panties off, and held them tightly. And she wrapped her right leg around his waist. This made their bodies touch completely. Her big boobs were mashing against his muscular pecs. Her flat stomach was right against his flat stomach. And their loins were joined together.

This new position allowed Isaac to bury the full length of his dick into Divya’s cunt. And when that happened, she almost saw stars in the middle of the bright sunny day. Oh, was this sensation even possible? As Isaac kept fucking her, Divya felt something very strange building up inside her. It felt a little similar to what she felt when having orgasms by manipulating her clit. But this was different. It was building up gradually.

“YESSSYESSSYESSYESSSSSS” Divya kept shouting. Luckily they were downwind of the snorkeling group so no one could hear them.

Isaac meanwhile was pounding her as fast as he could underwater. He knew that the snorkelers were about to end their session and start back any moment. He needed to finish quick. Divya sensed the quickening of his pace.

“Please…not…inside…me…” she said between each powerful stroke.

“Okay.” Isaac said, although he wondered if sperm mixed with seawater could really make anyone pregnant.

He pounded her nicely for about 5 more minutes, holding off his orgasm. During this time, Divya kept feeling that sensation ebbing and flowing. She was of course enjoying this fucking from this powerful man. But at the back of her mind, something told her it could be even better if just something was done differently. Exactly what, she didn’t know.

Finally, Isaac couldn’t hold off any longer. With a jerk of his hips, he withdrew his dick from Divya’s warm tight cunt. And his dick began shooting his sperm into the Atlantic Ocean.

Divya unwrapped her legs from around his waist and straightened. She wasn’t sure what to exactly say to this man who had fucked her in the wildest way imaginable. he was the one who said.

“Ummm…we should go back to the boat before everyone gets back.” he said. He put and arm around her chest, put his dick back in his trunks, and started swimming back at a fast pace. Divya noticed that she still had her shorts and panties in her hands.

“Wait, I need to put this on.” she said.

“Do it on the boat. It’ll be tough here.”

“What if someone sees…”

“Your naked butt? Hehe, they’ll die happy.”

It wasn’t really possible to argue with Isaac. He got her back to the boat in a couple of minutes. Divya had been scanning the surroundings. At one point, she thought she saw a head but when she looked again, it was gone.

Back at the boat, Isaac climbed aboard after leaving Divya at the ladder. She looked around to make sure there was no one around. The snorkelers were still too far away. Then she cautiously climbed up, her naked butt and pussy being exposed to the open ocean. As soon as she got on the boat, there was a splash of water 20 feet away and out emerged Chad. He took his mask off and flashed her a wide smile.

Divya was stunned for a second, barely realizing that her naked bottom was on full display to this man too. In a few seconds, she came to her senses and quickly slipped her panties and shorts on. They were absolutely soaked. She then sat on the seat, her face hidden in her hands.

She heard splashing of more water and someone climbing aboard.

“Maan, what the fuck?” Isaac shouted at Chad. “You were spyin on us?”

“Oh cool it. She saw mine yesterday. I saw her’s today.”

“Him too?” Isaac looked at Divya. “You one horny slut!”

Divya was too stunned to even repudiate the implication. She was worried about what Chad might say or do next. He just sat on the seat across the boat and said,

“Nice ass, Divya.”

Isaac chuckled.


By hornynri


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