Dating My Daughter – Part 29 (Amy’s First Handjob)


After jerking myself, I was too tired. Amy and I both fell asleep pretty quickly. But it looked like Amy couldn’t sleep. She was thinking about what just happened. This thinking leads to her first handjob.

Amy: Dad? (Dad wasn’t kidding! He really must be tired as he’s already sound asleep! Should I say something to him tomorrow about what he was doing in the bathroom?)

She was thinking about my masturbation.

Amy: (I’m so confused right now. Why did he have to do it all of a sudden? Was he feeling excited because of me? I mean, I can understand it. I was feeling very excited too.)

She once again was lost in thoughts.

Amy: (But that’s wrong, isn’t it? Isn’t Dad at all concerned about this? Maybe what he was doing was something very natural for him? I mean, it’s not like he tried anything strange with me tonight.)

There’s so much going on in her mind.

Amy: (At least, once you consider our special relationship. So maybe he just thought he needed a release, to relax again around me? That would be very kind of him, in a way.)

She was trying to take it positively.

Amy: (And if worked too! He must have really let all of his stress out to be able to fall asleep so quickly. That’s good, I want him to feel relaxed as well, whenever it’s possible.)

She was worried about me.

Amy: (Somehow still, despite everything that’s happened tonight, I can’t stop looking at his dick. God, it’s crazy how it changes. It’s still big, but it’s not the same as it was before.)

She is now completely focused on my cock.

Amy: (It’s also crazy that it has so much power over Daddy. He gets so nervous whenever it’s hard. But then he just needed to touch it a bit. And he gets so relaxed again, as soon as it returns to being soft.)

She was completely obsessed with my dick.

Amy: (God, men sure are weird! I wish I could help him. But it’s not like I can touch it for him! Now that would be ridiculous and disgusting too, right?)

She was questioning herself.

Amy: (Actually. The thought of touching it doesn’t disgust me. I mean, it sure helps me when he massages my back and my breasts.)

Now she is trying to justify her actions.

Amy: (I get a good night’s sleep after Dad has worked with his hands on me. So, why can’t it be the same thing? In the end, I too want him to feel good, to relax.)

She was thinking for a while.

Amy: (Like, maybe I could offer to massage his penis for him whenever he gets aroused. Just to help him. Yes, that’s it! I’m going to focus on making Dad feel more comfortable.)

She finally thinks she knows what to do.

Amy: (We’re going to live together very soon. So I want to be the best girlfriend he’s ever had. But I’ll think about it tomorrow. It’s time to sleep)

She was pretty tired, though.

Amy: (Sleep well Daddy. And don’t worry, I’ll find ways to take real good care of you when you need me to.)

It was morning. Amy woke up first.

Amy: (Dad is still sleepy. I should get up and make him some breakfast. I’m sure he’s going to love that.)

She got up and cooked breakfast for me.

Amy: (Ok. Breakfast is ready. I should wake him up.) Dad. Dad, wake up! Breakfast is ready. (He’s sleeping like a baby.)

I was in a deep sleep. Amy was again lost in her own thoughts. She was again thinking about my masturbation.

Amy: (It’s just a shame he had to resort to that, just to make himself feel relaxed. Rather than ask me for help.)

She was a bit sad.

Amy: (Maybe I’m not that good at doing massages. Or maybe. Just the idea of me massaging his penis seems weird to me.)

She sat next to me and tried to wake me again.

Amy: Dad. (I should stop being so darn selfish. Daddy does so much for me, makes me feel comfortable with my body, makes me feel special. And I feel like I’m letting him down by not doing the same.)

Amy felt a bit guilty about it.

Amy: (I shouldn’t deprive Dad of the kind of relaxing feelings he has given me, just because I have some issues with doing that.)

Looks like she was almost done deciding what to do.

Amy: (That’s it! I should stop overthinking this. Next time I get the feeling Daddy wants to ‘release’ some tension from his body. Then I’ll offer to help him.)

Wow! There’s so much going on in her mind.

Amy: (No ifs or buts! But. will he let me help him? Hmm, that’s strange. His dick is not hard like it usually is. It’s probably because Dad is having a nightmare. I wonder if I could help him relax)

She gently grabbed my cock with her left hand. She slowly started moving her hand up and down on my dick.

Amy: (Please don’t wake up! Please don’t wake up! Oh, I think it’s starting to get bigger! So strange.)

My cock stood tall and hard because of her soft touches. I was still asleep and unaware of Amy’s actions.

Amy: (It’s incredible. It’s rock hard again!)

Me: That feels good, honey.

Amy: (Oh my, I think he’s talking in his sleep with me. Don’t worry, Dad. I’m going to help you out this time. God, I’m so afraid. Let’s see.)

She started giving me a slow handjob. She was thinking that she was massaging my penis. She started moving her hand up and down my shaft. She was doing it really slow, so that wasn’t making me relaxed.

Amy: (Wait! He was doing it faster! That’s it! You’re a genius, Amy.)

She increased her pace now and started giving me a handjob at a faster pace.

Amy: (I think this is it! He’s feeling more relaxed! You’re not so useless after all Amy. Oh. What is going on? Why is his penis feeling so…)

Suddenly I ejaculated and shot my load.

Amy: (What?! Oh my God! He just… oh my! What do I do?! I knew this was wrong! I should have stopped!)

She got scared of seeing my load of cum.

Amy: (Ok! Ok, relax Amy. He’s not awake yet! He’s not awake yet! I’m going to grab a towel or something and clean this mess up before it’s too late!)

She quickly cleaned me up.

Amy: Dad? (He’s still sleeping. Phew! So close! I shouldn’t do this without his permission. That was too reckless, Amy. But I think it worked. his nightmare is gone!)

She let me sleep for some more time and went to get dressed. After some time, I woke up. Man, that was a great sleep! Jerking off certainly helped, and. Fantasizing about Amy as well.

It’s one thing to be falling for her. But now I’m having sexual thoughts about her as well. I wonder if she’s even entertained the idea of having sex? No, that’s stupid. I mean, she’s so sweet and innocent. Surely she’s still a virgin.

But then again, what if she’s not? There’s still plenty of things I don’t know about her. Why do I feel so good all of a sudden? It’s like I had just finished jerking off. No. It can’t be. Whatever. Time to get up.

We both had breakfast. Today we decided to do some photoshoot. Amy wanted to become a model. Georgina offered to help us. So we decided to go to her friend’s studio after lunch and have a photoshoot.

Martin called me and asked me to come to the office for some time in the morning. So I decided to drop Amy at the hotel and then go to the office.

Elena was alone in the hotel room.

Elena: Oh, this is so boring. There’s never anything good on TV. And this hotel doesn’t even offer porn channels.

I left Elena alone when we had sex in the bathroom of Jen’s cafeteria. She was pretty angry about it.

Elena: How can Aafi be such an idiot?! Leaving me like that after he fucked me. It was amazing, though. Still, I thought he was a real gentleman. I’m so mad at him!

Amy and I reached the hotel.

Amy: Thanks so much for walking me here, Dad.

Me: My pleasure, honey.

Elena was able to hear our conversation from inside.

Elena: (Speaking of the devil. I should go and say hello to them. I wonder if Aafi would want to have lunch with us? Or maybe we could go and grab a coffee.)

I kissed Amy on her lips to say goodbye.

Me: Mwah! I love you, sweetheart.

Elena opened the door and stopped when she saw us kissing. The door very slightly, so Amy and I didn’t know that Elena was spying on us.

Elena: (What the hell?!)

Amy: Mwah! I love you too, Dad!

Elena: (Did he kiss her on the lips? And she kissed him back? What the heck is going on here?)

I headed to the office. Elena locked the door immediately. Amy took the key out and was about to unlock the door.

Elena: (Oh shit, she’s opening the door. I’ve gotta hide before she sees me!)

She ran to the bathroom. Amy entered the hotel room. She was unaware that Elena was in the bathroom. Amy started feeling her boobs.

Amy: (The way he touches me.)

Elena was peaking out from the bathroom and saw Amy touching her boobs.

Elena: (Wow, I can’t believe what I’m seeing! Amy is touching herself! Is it possible that she’s thinking of that kiss she just had with Aafi?)

She was wondering about Amy and me.

Elena: (No. That’s not possible. Or is it? I can see how excited she is.)

Amy was now touching her pussy with her pants still on.

Elena: (Why doesn’t she just masturbate properly?)

Amy: (Well, I best go take a shower.)

Elena came out of the bathroom.

Elena: Hello, sweetie!

Amy: What? Elena?

Elena: Am I interrupting something?

Amy: No. Why would you ask?

Elena: Hahaha, are you sure? You know, I got the feeling that your hands were a little busy a moment ago.

Amy: Stop it, Elena, you’re embarrassing me.

Elena: Why would you be embarrassed? Touching yourself is normal, you know? Unless you were thinking of something inappropriate?

Amy: What are you talking about?

Elena: Well. I saw how you kissed your Dad when he dropped you. Did it get you hot?

Amy: Elena! What are you saying?

Elena: Hey, it’s just what I saw.

Amy: That was just a kiss.

Amy was really embarrassed. Elena came forward and kept her hands on Amy’s shoulder.

Elena: Well, to me, that was not a normal tender kiss, you know?

Amy: Yes, I know, but… I mean, Dad and I. We are really close and…sometimes.

Elena: (Wow, she is really panicking. She can’t even look me in the eye when she speaks. There could really be something going on here. God, that would be so kinky. Should I be worried for Amy?)

Elena was always thinking dirty.

Elena: (Seeing her so flustered is starting to make me hot!) You’re not convincing at all, you know that? Whatever you say or think. Fathers and daughters aren’t supposed to kiss like that.

Amy: Oh, really? Well, how would you know how they are meant to kiss?

Elena: You’re not meant to kiss your Dad the way you two did it!

Amy: If that’s not how they kiss, then how should they kiss?

Suddenly Elena kissed Amy on her lips. Amy was in shock, she didn’t expect that.

Amy: Woah. What was that for?

Elena: That is how a normal kiss is meant to be done. Now tell me. What has been going on between you two? And don’t lie to me, because I’ll be able to tell. Well?

Amy:  I don’t want to talk about this right now, ok? You’re really making me feel uncomfortable. And you shouldn’t kiss me like that again either. That’s not normal.

Elena: Don’t be silly, that was just a peck! Besides, you French-kissed you, Dad. That was not normal!

Amy: Oh, Elena, stop saying that!

Elena: Ok, ok. Sorry. (I guess I’ll let it go for now.) However. Why did you say it’s not normal for me to kiss you? That’s rude, you know? We are friends. I was just showing my affection! Don’t be such a prude. Is it because we both are girls?

Amy: Well, maybe that’s the reason, but anyway, friends shouldn’t.

Elena: I knew it! I assume that was . And that’s why you got embarrassed, right?

Amy: Actually…

Elena: Huh? Wait, don’t tell me that you’ve kissed another girl already! I don’t believe it! Who was she?

Amy: Ahem… It was Koko.

Elena: What? You kissed Koko? Oh, my fucking. If I didn’t know you better, I’d be calling bullshit! How did it happen? Why didn’t you tell me?

She was pretty jealous of it.

Elena: God. You act so innocently, and then you come up with something like this.

Amy: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I didn’t know how to tell you, and then I knew you would have been really jealous.

Amy was trying to explain.

Amy: But it was nothing special, just a peck. And it was not like I kissed her, she kissed me out of the blue. Just like you did.

Elena: (Well, I can kind of understand why Koko did it, though.) God, you are so lucky, you know that?

Amy: I don’t know about that. Am I really that lucky?

Elena: Absolutely! Have you got any idea about how many people would pay for kissing Koko? Unbelievable. However. You are right, I am jealous. But not of Koko. I’m jealous of you.

Amy: Why?

Elena: I’m your best friend, yet you get all embarrassed for a little peck. But then I find out that you’ve already kissed another girl and Koko of all people!

Amy was a bit sad about disappointing Elena.

Elena: That’s not how you show someone affection, you know that? (I’m naughty, I know it. But I’d really love it if we could get more intimate. Jen is lovely, but Amy?) Well, I must say I’m pretty offended.

Amy felt really guilty about it. Finally, she gave up.

Amy: Oh, darn it. Fine. There’s no reason to cause such a fuss. Look, I guess it’s ok if we kiss, but in a friendly way.

Elena: Oh! Really? Haha, I knew we had something special! Come here, my best friend!

Elena pulled Amy and kissed her lips again. This time she took her tongue out, tried to force into Amy’s mouth.

Amy: Elena! What are you doing!

Elena: Haha, come on, I’m just teasing you! Don’t be so uptight!

Amy: (Ughh. Actually. I kind of liked it. God, I’m turning into a freak!)

Elena: All this talking hasn’t made me forget about what I saw earlier, you know? I almost can’t believe it! Pure Amy was touching herself!

Amy: Oh, geez Elena, I was hoping you would just let it go. I don’t know why you are still persisting with this! It was nothing! And I’ve caught you doing other things a few times too, you know?

Elena: What, masturbating? Haha, let’s call it by its name, shall we?

Amy: I wasn’t…whatever. That’s normal, is it?

Elena: Absolutely! I love doing it!

Amy: Yeah, I can tell. The times I caught you, you seemed very involved.

Elena: Well, sorry, but when you reach orgasm, you are always ‘involved.’ It just feels way too good!

Amy: Does it?

Elena: Well, that’s a strange question. Sure it does! Otherwise, why bother masturbating?

Amy: I don’t know. I thought only guys really got to enjoy masturbating.

Elena: Really? Why?

Amy: I don’t know. When I do it, it can get so frustrating. Almost annoying. Like scratching an itch. It’s really good at the beginning, but after a while, the itch gets even worse, so I stop.

Elena: You just stop?

Amy: Well. Sure. You stop as well, don’t you?

Elena: Yeah, but only after I reach my orgasm!

Amy: Yeah, obviously.

Elena: Amy. You’ve had an orgasm before, right?

Amy: Well, yes, at least I think so.

Elena: Believe me, if you did, you would definitely know! Wow. You really haven’t had one before, have you?

Amy: I don’t know. I really don’t. It feels so strange after a while. And it gets me all stressed out. Maybe I’m just really bad at it.

Elena: Well, I could help you out if you’d like?

Amy: What do you mean? How are you going to help me with that?

Elena: Well, I bet there are some things that only a girl can teach you.

Amy: You want to teach me how to have orgasms?

Elena: Wait. One thing at a time. First things first. Have you ever been completely naked in front of anybody before?

Amy: No, never! (I can’t tell Elena my Dad has seen me naked. Otherwise, that will just open up another can of worms.)

Elena: Well, then how about we give it a try? There are many things I’d like to show you. But you’ll need to be comfortable about being naked first.

Amy: What do you mean by ‘things’?

Elena: Don’t worry about that for now. Instead, I have an idea. Why don’t we take a shower together?

Amy: What?! You have got to be joking!

Elena: Come on. You have to break this barrier down at some point, and it’s best to do it now. Besides, you’ve seen me naked already.

Amy was thinking for a while. She was very tempted too after all Elena is her best friend.

Amy: Ok, fine, you win. But promise you won’t tell anybody about this.

Elena: You have my word! (Goodie! I finally get to see her whole body naked! This is going to be fun.)

They both went inside the bathroom.

Amy: Well, you brought me here. How should we start?

Elena: Well, we could just get naked.

Amy: No! How about you wait outside until I am in the shower, then you can join me.

Elena: Ok, I will go and wait outside, you call me when you are ready. (Best not to push this, at least not yet.)

Elena stepped out of the bathroom and was waiting for Amy to call her in.

Elena: (This is going to be so hot. Am I getting wet? Oh yes! Well, I did see them both kiss like lovers. And it is going to be the first time seeing Amy naked. So I probably should’ve known this was going to happen.)

Back in the bathroom, Amy was still shy.

Amy: (God, I can’t believe I am actually going to go through with this. But maybe Elena is right. I need to become more open to these things. Why do I feel so nervous? We are girls and best friends, after all.)

She was thinking a lot.

Amy: (But my body still feels a bit weird. I wonder if this is really a good idea. Oh well, too late to back out now, Elena would mock me forever!)

She finally calmed down.

Amy: (Ok, time to show somebody other than Daddy my body.) Ok, I am ready whenever you are Elena.

Elena: Well, then, can I come in?Amy: Ok, you can come in.

Elena was very excited. She got up and went inside the bathroom. Amy was already in the shower. And the water was already running. Amy was completely naked behind the glass. But Elena could barely see through the glass as the hot steam was blocking the vision.

Elena: (This is going to be really fun!)

Elena removed her clothes and got naked. She entered the shower slowly. Amy was facing towards the wall.

Elena: I know you said you are nervous. So how about I start by your back?

Amy: That would be nice, thanks.

Elena started rubbing Amy’s back gently.

Elena: Has anybody touched your body before?

Amy: You mean, apart from my mom when I was little?

Elena: Yes, silly! I am talking about boys!

Amy: No.

Elena: Really? Not even your boyfriend, Frank?

Amy: No! I mean, we’ve never really been that close.

Elena: (God, what a dumbass! He sure missed out on a lot.) What about massages then? I’m a little curious.

Amy: Well, sometimes, Dad had massaged me when I was stiff.

Elena: Really, wow! I bet that was nice.

Amy: Oh, absolutely.

Elena stopped and moved back.

Amy: Huh? Why did you stop?

Elena: I think it is time for you to turn around.

Amy: Ok, but promise you won’t laugh.

Elena: Why would I laugh?

Amy: Well, you know, my breasts are so big, they’re ridiculous.

Elena: Hey. Don’t worry about that, I won’t laugh, promise.

Amy turned around and faced towards Elena.

Elena: Holy cow! I know I’ve seen them before, but geez those things are bigger than I remember! Seriously, Amy, your body is amazing. So, how are you feeling now?

Amy: I’m doing alright, I guess.

Elena: Well, that’s a good start. Ok. Let’s turn off the water.

Amy turned off the water.

Elena: So. Would you let me touch your breasts?

Amy: I don’t know.

Elena: I will let you touch me first. That is only fair.

Amy: (Sigh) ok.

Amy slowly took her hands near Elena’s small but very cute breasts.

Elena: There. Feel free to do whatever you want.

Amy: They’re so soft.

Elena: I know, right? (She’s actually pretty good at this.) So, can I have a go now?

Amy: Hmm. Yeah, sure you can.

Elena put her hands on Amy’s breasts. She could barely fit them in her hands.

Elena: Your breasts are so supple, Amy.

She started to juggle and play with Amy’s boobs.

Amy: (Oh my. I’m getting that feeling again.)

Elena: (Wow, I think she is getting off on this.) How do you feel now?

Amy: Fine, I guess.

Elena: I wanted to ask you something that I believe can help you. Why don’t we go back to the bedroom and try something else?

Amy: Umm. Ok. (I don’t know what she has in mind, but I’m not sure if I’m going to like it.)

They both headed to the bedroom with towels wrapped around them.

Elena: (I can’t believe I am going to do this with her.) Ok, you already saw me masturbating, right?

Amy: Yes, I did, but it was a mistake.

Elena: Yeah, I know, you walked in on me. Anyway, did you notice how I was touching myself? How my hands and fingers were all over my body?

Amy: Yeah. So?

Elena: So there’s no problem if you were to see me do that again, right?

Elena threw her towel away and displayed her petite nude body. Elena jumped on the bed. She spread her legs wide and started touching her pussy with her right hand.

Elena: I am going to show you how it’s done properly.

Amy: Why are you showing me this?

Elena: You told me that you’ve tried it before, that it felt strange. I am going to show you how to do it, so you can please yourself whenever you feel strange.

She started rubbing her clit with her middle finger.

Amy: (Oh god. She’s actually doing that! It looks strange to me. Yet, why can’t I stop looking?)

Elena: (That’s it, Amy, keep watching.)

She was rubbing her clit up and down at full pace.

Elena: Why don’t you get a little closer, Amy?

Amy was standing at the edge of the bed and was staring at Elena’s pussy.

Amy: I’m fine here, thanks. Hey, why did you stop?

Elena: Well, I’m supposed to be teaching you, not just showing you. Now come sit on the bed like me, and I will guide you. (Damn, I was so close, but I am glad I stopped. It will make it all the better when I cum later on.)

Amy: But I have never done this in front of anyone before.

Elena: We are best friends, Amy and friends help each other. There’s no point in being shy about this anymore. So all I am going to do is guide your hand, nothing more.

Amy: Alright, do it.

Amy threw her towel out.

Amy: (Did I really just agree to this? What has gotten into me? No matter what Elena says. Friends aren’t supposed to do these kinds of things together!)

She was still shy.

Amy: (But kissing Elena felt so natural. So nice. Maybe. I’ll just go with the flow and see what happens.)

Amy sat on the edge of the bed. Elena got out of the bed and stood in front to watch Amy.

Amy: So I sit like this?

Elena: No, no, no. You must spread your legs apart. Just copy what I was doing.

Amy: (Oh my God, I cannot believe I am about to do this. But my head feels so dizzy. What the hell, just do it Amy) Ok, I’ll try.

She jumped to the middle of the bed and spread her legs wide apart.

Elena: (Wow, her pussy is so pink, and her lips look a little wet. I want to taste her so badly.)

Amy: Ahem. Elena. What should I do?

Elena: Huh? Oh right. First, put your hand between your legs. (I sure hope I’ll get the chance to touch her down there myself.)

Amy: Ok, so I place my hand between my legs. Next?

Elena: Now feel for a hard spot around the top of your pussy.

She tried to find her clit.

Amy: I can’t feel it.

Elena: Don’t worry. Just keep trying, I promise that you will. Would you like me to help you find it?

Amy: What? No! Why would you want to touch me there? (I knew it, this is going too far!)

Elena: Hey, hey, calm down. All I’m going to do is take your hand and move it to the right spot.

Amy: Ok. I guess. (Damn, stop her, Amy! This really isn’t right!)

Elena sat in between Amy’s legs.

Elena: (She seems really scared right now.)

She took Amy’s and was guiding her towards Amy’s clit.

Elena: Ok, I am moving your hand.

Amy: (Her touch is so gentle.)

Elena: Now, I’m going to put your fingers right on the spot. Do you feel that?

Amy: I do. (Oh, and it feels. Good!)

Elena: Good, now start to rub it. (I really want to taste her pussy.)

Elena started to rub her own clit as well while Amy was doing the same. They both had their eyes closed and were just enjoying.

Elena: (God I can feel my orgasm coming just watching this.)

Amy: (Wow, it feels so good. I wish I had done this sooner.)

Elena: (This is amazing, I feel so hot, so damn horny! Oh my God, I’m cumming.)

Elena just had her orgasm.

Amy: (What the? It sounds like Elena is really enjoying this. And I am too. It’s so good, feeling a hand between my legs. I only wish it was the hand of my Dad.)

She was shocked by what she just fantasized about.

Amy: (What the hell was I thinking? This is not normal at all! You have to stop Amy, that’s disgusting!)

Elena: (Wait for a sec. She stopped? But she hasn’t cum yet, I think.) Hey Amy, why did you stop?

Amy: I. I’m sorry, Elena, I just. I just got a little freaked out. I’m really sorry. But maybe. Maybe we can continue this another time?

Elena: Ok. (What is her problem?)

Amy: Thanks for showing me. You’re a good friend. I just don’t feel like doing this right now. Is that alright?

Elena: Ok, if you say so. (I better not try to push her any further with this) You’re welcome, anyway. I’ll be happy to show you even more next time.

Amy: There’s more?

Elena: Yeah, there’s a lot more to show you.

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