Chilli punishment on girls pussy

Sex Stories

There lived in South India a girl named Divya and Boy named Jegan. They met up in a college doing higher education and after college days the girl proposed the guy and thinking for few days the guy accepted her love as she looks gorgeous. As time passed 1 year the boy came to know the girl had another contact during his absents and this brought him huge pain. He had all the evidence on girl’s steps and illegal affair that was going on during his absents. Jegan discussed with the illegal affair she had with another boy named Karthik and planned to take serious revenge. Sooner the boy planned a date out with the girl with a night stay as she is living in a hostel and her parents are away from her, same was informed to Karthik. Divya looks beautiful with 5.3 height fair tone skin complex with 38 large breast. I could say its large enough cupped by her inner very much tight as it is shown as normal size. The boy planned for a stay with her with a promise to her that he will not touch her sexually as she demanded. Stay plan was from Eve 4P to next day eve 4 PM. This room was booked with Jegan;’ S friend who owns his own Lodge. This plan of taking her to the lodge was with a revenge plan in the name of false love she cheated him. The girl is getting in trap as the distance getting shorter every min. Only 15 min more for them to reach by them he called the person and checked the arrangements made for the room.. Confirming the same in few min they reached the lodge. They checked in and relaxed for some time and took bath, she found there was no lock in the Bathroom but still continued to complete bath with her condition that I should not peep inside. The guy on other end was exited on the master plan of taking revenge and make her cry for mercy for the cheating she has done to him. As both have completed their bath the boy ordered chilly chicken as this is her favourite dish with extra spicy and he went out to bring few Pizza for her. He went out to get the Pizza from Domino’s and met Shyam and Karthik who was waiting down and planned and asked Shyam to come to room after one hour. Both had planned the master piece of revenge which she would never forget in her life and will not repeat this kind of cheating in her life time.. He soon returned to room with Pizza. Both of them opened the pizza and started having them laughing n chatting. As time passed by there was a knocking on the door and the time is 7:30PM. She wondered and asked him to open the door thinking it would be some waiter or room boy. Jegan knows this was his friend who has planned for helping him. He welcomed him inside and Divya was shocked to see this dark guy coming inside and welcoming him. She was wearing short cotton tight shorts and a T-Shirt and there was no other room to hide herself she immediately wore a long gown to cover her full.

Jegan introduced his friend shyam to Divya and Divya smiled with great confusion and asked Jegan why he did not say about his visit and why is this visit all of surprise. Both laughed and said this is just a surprise and kept quiet. Made her to sit on sofa and started to talk each other. Divya is scared and her face becoming pale and lips are trembling with fear. As they were talking each other Jegan no longer took time to open the matter and asked Divya abruptly WHO IS KARTHIK. This question has scared her to high her lips were trembling and she said it’s her cousin after thinking a lot and asked why he is inquiring about Karthi. Both laughed each other and asked her to tell the truth else she would face the worst situation. She maintained the same thing that he is her cousin and nothing more. Jegan called a person inside the room and there Karthi came seeing that she started crying and now Jegan asked who is this Karthik?? IS he ur Cousin now tell me?? She got highly pissed off and started shouting all and finally accepted Karthik is Ex-Boyfriend and she loves him and she loved Jegan also the same time. Jegan & Karthik along with Shyam. All the 3 laughed and said listen carefully…

Shyam said: U bitch… u cheated my friend and made him go down depressed and same way u were not true to your true love Karthik so we all have decided to teach u a lesson that would be in your mind for ever. She started screaming thinking someone would help her – all laughed and said the hotel belongs to Shyam and there are no guest today in any of the rooms only our friends are there (8 guys and 4 girls from Mumbai and Calcutta) and all knows you are our guest and we have planned something fishy HAHAHA (Laughing). And note this place is away from residence. Your voice is not enough for others to hear as the room is air tight and sound proof – One of the luxury room in the basement underground. Laughed every one…

She had no way to escape she ran inside the bathroom and then realised there is no lock in the bathroom they opened and pulled her and made her to sit in the crouch and gave a slap. All sat and Shyam called some 1 and asked to bring a bag – Divya was confused in no time 3 guys brought a bag and 2 ladies brought a long bench inside the room and Divya was on the sofa crying for mercy. All were inside and closed the door. 3 unknown guys and 2 elderly ladies age of 35 to 40 who brought the bench were standing near the window closing the curtains. All looked Divya and asked her u know what is going to happen? She started crying and said sorry and she ll move away from the place forever and wont disturb any one. Jegan ordered Divya to answer the questions they ask her, else she will be humiliated in the corridor of the lodge in front of other employees and shyam’s friends. She started screaming and crying not to do that as she is really afraid unknown people watching her. Till date she has not shown come under such situation. The questions are as follows, and Jegan said if she fail to answer she will be put to shame outside the room

The ladies said in loud voice: AMMANAKUNDI AH ROOM VELIYA KETTI PTUDUVE. Meaning: Will tie you naked outside room. Hearing this she cried loud and asked her not to humiliate and she will answer to their questions.

The questions started as follows.

Jegan: Did U love me true?

Divya: No

Karthik: Did u love me truly?

Divya: At first then I had family issues for which I could not love in true.

Karthik: So u cheated me? Why u dint tell me?

Divya : I was forced to get committed to marry my relative . Post which I could not love u in true.

Jegan: After knowing this why did u love me and put me in death of pain?

Karthik: Soo u cheated everyone.

Shyam: Guys this kind of gals deserves a good lesson that the will not repeat or cheat any one in their life time. Tell me Divya – How we can punish you for the sin u did to my friends.

Divya: No please don’t do anything. Don’t harm me. I ll return all your money took all these days. Don’t dare to touch me. I ll return all things to you. Pl lives me.

Karthik: Shut up… doesn’t speak up… U screwed my life and happiness. My dreams are spoiled – U cheated me. U never allowed me to make love with you. I failed to understand your love is a dummy one and you were cheating all these days.

Shyam: Go got on the table Stand up on that table with holding your ears… If u fail to do then us ll act RUDE with you.

Divya screamed and cried and did not move an inch from sofa. The 2 ladies shouted and said The 2 ladies screamed and said IVA SONNA KEKA MAATA – IVALE VERA MAATHIRI DEAL PANANUM. Meaning: She will not listen to us; we must deal her in a different way. Every1 in the room laughed hearing this.

The 2 ladies pulled her a and made her bend down to the table hold her hands above her head and pulled towards the table making her ass stick out– Divya shouted what the hell are you doing. Another lady slapped her buttocks harshly non-stop for 20 times. She was crying so loud and every one asked her to get on the table and stand on it else they would punish her more harsh. She cried an stood on the table crying loud with her hands crossed.. Now Jegan asked her can she guess what would be the punishment offered to her for cheating?? She had no guess. All laughed HAHAha

Shyam brought the bag and asked her to open and take the things one by one out.. She was confused and opened the bag and found many pouches of various sizes. She started taking out the pouches to see what is there, pouch one by one below.

1. There were 2 steel rulers ,

2. 2 dozen of Cloth Pins

3. Another pouch had 2 bottle Tiger balm 50 grams each

4. One full Bengay spray tin of 200ML. & 2 intense pain reliever of 150ml tin spray.

5. Another pouch had Green Chillies small sized around 100 Numbers & Black peppers.

6. Another big pouch had Big Ropes finally

7. One Iodex spray & voline Spray.

8. Grinding stone

Shyam asked can she guess what these are for: Divya could not guess what for have they brought all these things. Karthik and Jegan said these things are brought for her and her punishments. She screamed asking innocently are you people going to put in my mouth and eyes as I have cheated u people. Please show mercy on me – saying this she started screaming and tried to move out from the place went near the door to run out. The 3 men caught her and brought to the bed and made her lie on it… Jegan, Karthik shyam the 3 men and 2 ladies surrounded here and showed a video camera that is recording everything.

As she tried to escape the 2 ladies caught and asked her: If we live you free now what will you do?

Divya said: I will run out of room and escape for my safety and my life.

Ladies said: Good that you have said the truth, You know that we have an idea on which you will not run out of room even if we ask to go out.. Hearing this all laughed loud Hahah…

Divya: Are you going to hit and threaten me ?

Ladies laughed and said: No listen carefully – The idea is….. We ll remove your cloths and make you naked – so you ll not go out. Simple.. Hahahha (All laughed and said that is a great idea)

Hearing this Divya almost felt fainted _ WHAT?? NooOO please don’t. No1 have seen my bare body – god will punish you people. You 2 ppl are female don’t do this to me its shame.

Ladies: We are females but we don’t cheat any male, Girls who cheat males have to deserve to face more humiliation than this.

Now they asked her to follow the rules else she will be tortured heavily. They asked her to strip all her clothes and go in front of the camera and start jumping nude. She did not accept. Without wasting time all pulled her out of the bed and made her to stand. She was wearing a long gown and inside T-Shirt and tight cotton shorts. Karthik and Jegan caught her hands apart made her to stand. 2 men caught her legs Soo tight and another man caught her hips to restrict her moves. Now other 2 ladies started stripping. Divya is screaming for mercy loud and loud.. They removed her long gown, now she is standing with shorts and T-Shirt. Then they tore her T-Shirt into Pieces and left her standing with Shorts and Bra. They can see its Soo tight and her boobs are squeezed inside very tight. Karthik and Jegan never saw her nude top and now the lady commented – BRA OUTHU POTTA MAANGA THONGUM NENAIKIRE, PERUSAARKU . Meaning: Its big may be her boobs may hang down shapeless if bra is stripped, Laughing and Saying this she removed the back hook of bra and pulled the bra out immediate both her boob hanged out shapeless the ladies laughed.

Seeing this boobs Ladies laughed and said: ENNA DI IPIDI KEVALAMA THONGUTHU? Ha ASINGAMA IRUKU. PAATHA ELLAVURUM SIRIPAANGA . Meaning: What is this hanging down very badly? Looks yuck/ not nice. Whoever sees your boobs would laugh for sure. Now everyone left her free she ran to corner and sat there covering her boobs. She was wearing only shorts. They said if she don’t come and stand in front of video camera and jump they will remove her shorts and make her full naked and make her jump totally naked.

The ladies asked her to go near the camera kept in front of the big mirror and raise her hands up and jump for 10 min in front of the camera and mirror to witness her nude jumping. They gave time Gave 5 minutes time to she did not do that – She failed to follow the order> They caught her pulled her they hit her and made her to stand in front of the camera now ordered to jump another girl took the steel scale and gave a strong hit on her ass wearing cotton shorts. She screamed and accepted to do it. She looked at the camera kept in front of the Bed. As all were on the bed looking at the camera she stood in front of all looking at the camera. Everyone could see her back view, As she was wearing shorts her nude ass were not seen. She was covering her hand holding the boobs and started to Jump. We asked her to remove her hands from her boobs and jump else things would end up more worst. She spit on Karthik and said no. This pissed off every one on her behaviour. Knowing there is something danger on every one’s eyes she soon asked sorry and asked not to shame her any more.

One of the Lady said: HAND MELA THUKKI JUMP PANNU. UN manga GUDHIKARTHE NAANGA PAAKANUM. NEE ASINGA PATTU AZHUNUM. Meaning: Hold your hands high up and start jumping high so that your breast must jump up and down freely. We want to see that. You must feel the shame and cry.

Karthi Said: We are sure you need not strain a lot to bounce your breast as they are very big and slaggy floppy and hanging shapeless. I pity for your shapeless boobs that is going to bounce up and down its going to be funny to watch. – Shame on you. She got angry and started to throw objects on every one with one hand and other hand covering her boobs. The people got hurt on their face. They all caught her and tied to the chair. Legs were tied to chair legs and hands on the armrest of the chair. Her hips are tied tight to the backrest of the chair to stop her movement. Now she could not cover her breast. Her breast is seen nude by all; It’s big and hanging down. Her left breast is bigger than her right; her nipples are dark brown on her white boobs. Left breast nipple is hanging down and nipple pointing straight down to her legs and her Right nipple is also facing down but not as bad as her left breast.

The lady asked : UN BREAST IPIDI THONGUDU – NANGA IDHE PAAKUMBOTHU ASINGAMA THERIYELLAYA CHE. Meaning: Ur breast is hanging so badly large and big don’t you feel shame when we see it?

The ladies brought 2 small thin ropes and said: NEE SUMMA UKKARU NAANGA UN MAANGA VE EPPIDI AATA POOROM NU MIRROR LE VAEDIKkA PAARU. Meaning: You Just sit and see in the mirror how we are going to make your mango jump crazily.

This punishment is because she failed to obey the order of jumping top naked and acting violent to others by throwing things to the people. Saying these the ladies tied 2 end of the string to her nipple and caught the other end pulling up. The rope tied to nipple is long enough to hold and pull. Each rope is caught by 2 ladies standing behind her chair and asked to see her to watch the show in the large hotel mirror in front of her. Karthik and Jegan asked her to say sorry for each time they pull the rope. Now the ladies holding the ropes and started pulling up and living them free to fall down harshly one by one . One lady pulls up the other one free the rope down. In this way they started to humiliate rhythmically. She screamed and all laughing. To make it more interesting they played a fast disco music and pulled the string according to the beats in music non-stop for the whole song. She screams out of pain and humiliation while her boobs are pulled up with nipple tied to string rope. They Took video focusing her boobs bouncing pulled by the rope string. They named this show as the Bouncy Poppet Show. 1 min of this video is taken in their mobile of her bouncy and threatened it ll be forwarded to her friends in whatsapp. And finally the song is over and left the strings free and let her boobs hang down free ad removed the string.

The lady asked: DIVYA UN BOOBS VALLIKUTHA? NIPPLE ELLAM RED COLOR AAICHU. APPOVE SOLLUMBOTHU GUDHICHIRKALAM. IVALO KASHTAM THEVAI IRUNDHURKAATHU. Meaning: What Divya is it paining? Your nipples have turned Red, You could have obeyed us by jumping topless, and there would not be so much of humiliation and pain if you have obeyed us in advance.

They untied her and She stood up crying covering her parts. Now they said if she dint jump up and down naked they would send this video to her friends in the group. She requested not to do that and started to follow their instruction.

She cried and went near the video camera and stood there. Then she moved her hands from breast allowing it to fall down hanging free naked. Every one asked to jump now for 500 times non-stop and said if she stops jumping she would be dragged out to corridor and make her to jump nude out in front of unknown people (Shyam’s 12 friends includes the 4 girls). She immediately started jumping, with 2 requests –

1. Not to torture any more if she completes her task of jumping topless &

2. Not to remove her shorts.

Everyone laughed and asked to complete her task without talking too much. She cried with fear and dins speak much and started to jump with hands behind her head. They found she was jumping at slow and safe. Then they asked her to jump high until her breast jumps on full action up and down bounce. As she started to jump high and high the boobs started the flaps and bounce badly. She kept doing and crying along with. People kept reminding her she should not stop if she stops the humiliation would be more. Divya was scared they would remove her shorts and humiliate her which she doesn’t want to, she managed to jump reached 400 times she is totally exhausted. Her boobs are paining now; she is tired but continued jumping with only focus she doesn’t want her shorts to be removed. The grip has gone she fell down at 497 and almost no conscious. They poured water on her and gave her glucose 10 min later she gained energy and said please live her she want to go home – Give back the cloths. Everyone laughed saying 500 times is not completed.

Divya cried: and said only 3 is missing I ll do it now. Don’t torture me for that.

Shyam said deal is a deal & every one said not acceptable and showed no mercy and said she needs more energy now. They all caught her and the ladies said she must be totally naked. She Begged not to do anything more and she cannot face people showing her naked bums.

Lady said to Shyam: DAI AVA JETTY OUTHU PODU. AVALKU JETTY THEVA ILLA – ELLAVARUM AVA KUNDIYA PAAKANUM, AVA KUCHA PADANUM. Meaning: Shyam remove her underwear, She don’t deserve to wear a panty. Let everyone see her ass hole. The most shameful part.

Without showing mercy they lifted her by holding her hands and legs and started to move towards door. She screamed not to humiliate her like this don’t take her out of room – no one listened to her request they opened the room door and moved to corridor and took her to the back yard where full of garden. On the way as instructed by the lady her shorts & underwear was removed and dragged her naked to backyard on the lodge passing through the corridor. Hearing her cry and voice the 12 friends of Shyam came out and was excited to a girl being dragged out naked. Reaching the back yard She soon sat down on the ground covering her bare top. The ladies ordered her to jump nude before every1 else she ll be tortured. She did not take any step to listed to the order other than begging for mercy and sorry.

Shyam gave 2 options:

Option 1: She will jump here nude before everyone OR

Option 2: She will be taken inside and tortured inside room.

She did not select any of the option and screamed. They said as she failed to select one option she will be going through both the humiliation.

They asked her to stand up naked and hands behind her head, Divya refused and said she cannot show her nude top as she is very embarrassed to show before everyone.

Shyam asked: So you accept your breast is not having a good shape.

Divya: Yes I accept, that’s y I don’t want anyone to see more and laugh at it. It’s embarrassing when all laugh seeing my private parts. Please give me alone let me go back to my home.

Everyone said: U are Soo late & remember that we have not started the punishment yet.

Divya: What is more left to punish more than this.. U have punished and shamed me enough. Pl stops u bastards.

Shyam & Jegan moved forward with the help o his friends caught her to see her nude breast, Every 1 was interested to see her nude breast so they moved her hands from chest and say her hanging tits but it’s found uncomforted to hold her Soo they planned and tied her hands together with rope and another end of the rope was pulled up and tied to the branch fo the tree in the backyard. Not she is standing fully naked with her hands pulled up to the max stress. Poor Divya is now embarrassed while everyone watches her nude.

Shyam’s friends requested to see her bouncing boobs so every1 brought the electric tread mill and placed in the open garden and made her to stand in it in same position hands pulled up to branch. Now shyam switched on the tread mill, poor girl has no option other than running on it as she could not escape. She was running fasted as the thread mill was switched on with her hands pulled up, Ell started laughing seeing her boobs bouncing shapeless in all direction. They stopped the thread mill and asked her how she feels. Divya replied – U bastards’ u mother fuckers why do you torture me. @ ladies got pissed off and brought the cloth pins and started to pin on her breast and nipple she started screaming out of pain they tied a small thread to the pin clipped to her nipple and added small weight to increase the intensity of pain and not they switched on the tread mill.

Divya: Pl stop, its paining so badly, My nipple is burning so badly pl stop… Shyam said: Ask sorry u must feel sorry for using such rough languages on us. And without showing mercy they kept the thread mil running for 5 min and to motivate her and for everyone’s fun one of the girl in the group took a cane and started to cane her nude buttocks , made every1 laugh and feel heart thrust happiness. Finally after the thread mill was switched off its found she was sweating, her nipples are red and her buttocks had few mark of caning. While untying her shyam’s friends requested shyam to add more humiliation and pain to her buttocks.

Interrogation 1: Nude Buttocks torture.

Shyam: Of fine guys we can do, saying this they dragged Divya to the bench nearby and made her lie on it facing downward and tied her hands under the bench and legs tight to the bench. To avoid her movements they wrapped the rope around her hips and bench tight enough that she cannot move now. Divya’s mouth is closed with cloths.

Shyam: Now her round buttocks is exposed, Its perfect 2 round and fluffy like big buns look very pretty. SO friends how can we deal this now. Shames on this girl – we all got a chance to see this girl’s nude bums.

2 ladies said: INDHA PUNNUE NAMBA SCALE AALE ADIKA KUDAATHU. Electric wire le adikanu. Saying these ladies brought the electric wire and showed it to Divya and said her buttocks will be whipped with this wire by everyone. SO everyone surrounded her and suddenly the 2 ladies said – We will take care of caning her buttocks, u people keep watching and enjoy her pain and cry. Make her confess the truth and make her feel sorry for the mistake she did to u 2 people. Saying this the 2 ladies hold 3 core of electric wires each side and stood on either of Divya’s buttocks and every kneeled down looking at her white perfect round fluffy buttocks. Divya is trying to scream but she could not as her mouth was gagged with cloth.

First whip landed on her bums and all saw the fluffy bums shaking. The second lady gave the next whip stroke on her bum. Everyone was excited to proceed. Divya is trembling and trying to escape. They removed her cloth from mouth, immediate she was screaming to live her free and its paining very much.

2 ladies laughed and said jus now we started and you are asking me to stop. Just enjoy the pain because you cannot escape and we don’t have mercy for you.

2 ladies started the whipping one after another and reached 25 strokes each and saw her buttocks. Everyone found her round white buttocks has turned reddish with wire marks on it. The ladies said to everyone don’t feel sorry for her. Divya requested crying for mercy that her back is burning like fire. Ladies laughed we have not completed, the real experience of pain is yet to suffer and immediate they started whipping and said to Divya they are going to whip more.. Only 50 stroke is completed more 450 stroke. The continued as below…

Stroke 51 to 100: One lady concentrated her left buttocks and caned her nonstop 50 numbers on her left buttocks covering all the space of one buttock.

Stroke 101 to 151: Another lady with the electric wire hit on her right buttocks nonstop.

Both buttocks look more reddish than earlier one.

Stroke 151 to 250 – Lady one brought a wooden paddle shaped like table tennis bat and landed stroke of 100 numbers non-stop with full force on her left buttocks , Poor Divya kept shouting and screaming non- stop asking for mercy, and sorry.

Stroke 251 to 350 – same kind of stroke with wooden paddle was done on her Right buttocks.

Stroke 351 to 500 – both ladies together took a long bamboo cane and started to land on her buttocks non-stop one by one. Every second one cane beat is landed on her buttocks nonstop for continuous 2.5minutes = 150 sec – 150 beating on buttocks. They could see marks, little bleeding on her buttocks. Divya face is covered with full tears and discharge from her nose and saliva coming out of mouth as the pain was much high she even urinated on the desk. She is fainted and unconscious on the bench. They all took her to the room after cleaning her face and blood marks on her bums.

Interrogation 2: Ass hole torture

Divya woke up suddenly and found someone is sprinkling water on her face. She is back to conscious. She found she is back to old room all laughing loud and realized she was tied in a miserable position – she is almost heart attach seeing herself in this position. Her hands and legs are tied together tight and they have pulled them together with a rope behind her head and tied another r end of rope to the bed pole behind her head. Soo both her legs are bulled back to her head and tied Soo every one could view her private parts clear. Knowing that everyone are seeing her private parts she again started to cry out of shame and humiliating shame. 3 people holding her in position and not allowing her to shake or move.

Lady 1: Laughed and said SHAME SHAME PUPPY SHAME – UN KUDHI KUNDI ELLAM SUPERAA THERIYUTHU, ELLAM KARRUPAA IRUKU. Meaning: Shame on you – Ur pussy and ass hole is seen clear to all of us now, every thing is in dark in shade.

Divya screamed and creamed and asked not to do that Request you all not to see like this it is embarrassing and shameful to hear this kind of comment.

One of the lady came and sat in-front of her buttocks comfortably and took the full view and access to her asshole and asked other people to hold her stiff in place as she is shaking her body and disturbing the access. 4 people immediately caught her body in place tightly and informed to get ready for the pain. Divya is unable to think of what pains have they planned to which.

Lady1: having comfort access to her asshole as everyone is holding her tight. She touched her ass hole and said INDHA KUNDEA IPPO ENNA PANNA PORE NU PAARU. Meaning: See what we are going to do on your ass hole. Divya screamed and said noo – What are you gonna doo? Are you gonna insert some thing ??? Hearing that every1 laughed.

The lady showed a bottle and written as Bengay spray for joint pain reliever. Divya was confused and asked what is this? Why are u showing it to me. Are you going to beat me and apply pain reliever ? Lady laughed and said: Hahah INDHA SPRAY UN KUNDILE ADIKA PORE – THEE MAATHIRI ERIYA POGUTHU. Meaning: We are gonna spray this on your ass hole and its going to burn like fire.

Saying this she sprayed it. HiSsSSSSSSSSS for 3 sec on her ass hole sharp…. Immediate she started shouting saying its burning burning burning burning…… please whip it of with water.. Please its burning. They whipped it with water now she felt relaxed and made comment on her ass hole. Immediate again another HissssssSSSSSSS – sprayed for 5 sec continuous…… left for 1 min she kept screaming.. this process kept repeating past 10 min and Divya asked why are they repeating again and Divya asked crying when will they stop this spraying process.. The lady replied – UN KARUPU KUNDI RED AAGARA VARAIKUM SPRAY PANNUVE.. Meaning: Till your dark ass hole turns red we will spray onn… All laughed hearing this. Hearing this Divya begged for mercy and asked to stop this humiliation as she knows that a black cannot turn red. She said to the lady and begged to all asking it to stop spraying as the black shade cannot become red and even if they use the whole bottle.. All laughed for her logic way of explaining. The lady kept doing her process of spraying allowing to dry and whipping with water again spraying , drying & washing…. This kept on and said .. Divya screamed saying the bottle will get over and it will not become red. Please Live meeee…. Its burning please live me…..

Lady 2 said: Divya don’t worry about the bottle we have another 2 full bottles of spray 150 ML each brought from Middle east and its 10 times more powerful than this. We guessed ur ass holewould be black and it will take more bottles to change them to red thants why we brought 3 bottles one Bengay and another two with high power. For the next 2 bottles – No wonder even if it burns with fire because it is highly powerful. Pitty on you baby.

As time passed 45 min the first bottle is over. Everyone took a close look on her ass hole laughing at it and said it is little pale red on white surface of the ass. This time the lady used the help of other people and did as below.

Lady 1: Asked to live the girl free for 5 min by the time they offered Divya to drink water laying on the same position showing her ass stick out view to all. The lady went to the bag to take the second bottle spray and returned with a tray of ice cube. Its almost 10 min when the lady came near to her and asked everyone to hold her in old position a more strong as this will be more painful and burning. She said this time instead of water she is using ice cube as the burning intense will be more . The tournament started… Spraying – allowing to dry for 30 sec and applying ice cube on ass hole surface… the creaming became more powerful.. Lady said to Divya that her pussy have not got any burning sense as it is taped and closed with insulation tape. Only her ass hole is focused. In 5 minutes her ass hole became red in colour. They brought a mirror and showed it to Divya and asked her did it turn red now… ??? All laughed….. The sadistic lady took a photograph of her red as hole and alsed every one to live her free – on suffocation she felt unconscious – every one took steps for her next tournament.

Interrogation 3: Pussy and ass torture.

This time Divya again felt water sprayed to her face and she found her conscious same time she found some girl lying next to her. Divya noticed se is tied in a different position and the girl next to her is also tied as same position as Divya is tied. Hands are tied together and pulled and behind the head and tied it to the bed post. Their knees are bend and tied fully spread showing the wide open pussy and ass hole. Both are crying and screaming unknowing what is going to happened embarrassing situation. Shyam introduced the girl to Divya and her reason being tied here. She is shyam’s another friend’s lover who failed to return bulk money borrowed from her and tried to escape. Today we caught her and she is here showing her naked open pussy for punishment. She is 23 and virgin as you are and we selected this punishment because this will be the shameful punishment for both showing your vagina to all of us.

Lady 1: Stepped in with 2 empty plastic spray cans, these both girls kept looking at the lady crying to live them free. They want to go to their home. Divya asked others what is that what is that they gonna spray again? Another girl got confused and asked Divya what spray what are you talking? Divya said yes before you came they were torturing me from yesterday night. They tied me like this and sprayed Bengay and Iodex spray on my ass hole and burnt it for 2 hours continuous.. Now I guess same is what they are going to do. Another girl started to cry loud enough and screamed for help… Both were crying and looking at the lady what she is doing.

The lady who came with 2 plastic spray can kept them on the table.. She then opened a bag and took a pouch and a grinding stone. She took 200ML of plain water and poured in a cup. Then took

· 2 hand full of green chilli – This is small green chillies which is used by chef to prepare dishes with extra spicy. Small green chillies are more spicy than large ones.(Around 100 numbers green chillies),

· A hand full of Black Pepper, a hand full of Red Chillies…

She put all together and started grinding them well and made a 300 Grams of paste.. She took 200 Grams of the paste and dropped inside the water ad mixed well and filtered the water and extracted the water alone leaving the particles on the filter. Then she poured the water to the 2 empty plastic spray can.

Then she took another left our 100 grams of paste and mixed with 50 grams of Tiger balm and stored it in a small bottle.

Now she brought both the spray can and the paste towards these girls and gave a sarcastic smile to them. Both started screaming and asked what are they gonna ado? The lady asked do they want to know what is going to happen? Asking this she took few drops of water in hand and asked them to taste and poured into Divya & other girl’s mouth. They shouted saying it is hot spicy and they could not hold the spicy hot in their tongue.

Lady 1 Said: INDHA THANNI UNGA KUNDI LE SPRAY PANNA POOROM KUDAVEE UNGA KUDHI KU ULLA SHRAY PANNUVOM. NEENGA RENDU PERUM VALIKA VALIKA THUDIKA POORINGA. Meaning: We are going to spray this water on your ass hole and pussy and inside pussy. You both are gonna scream and cry for mercy.

Saying this both the ladies sat in front of the both girls and made other people to hold them tight to ensure they are secured tight in one place. The spray started with the new girl HSSSSS one spray and in few seconds the reaction of burning started and she started to scream Shyam asked the new girl will you cheat any one in your life?? She replied I ll not do it in my life, U can fuck me no problem but don’t spray this stuff anymore it is burning Oh my god pl stop. I’m ll die… Pl take it off. Shyam Said: No way the entire 100 ml will be sprayed to your part. Another lady started to spray on Divya’s pussy – she too cried for mercy and said this is more powerful than the old ass hole burning. Please stop it don’t complete 100 ML.

The play continued in spraying the water and completer 50% of the water and they stopped and these girls are shouting very loud. Now they took the paste and applied a thick layer on their pussy covering the hole and ass hole and inside ass hole and left them in that position for 30 min. at this time they brought the steel scale and caned the new girls round buttocks 500 times nonstop and found bleeding. They applied tincture on both of the bleeding buttocks and left those girls 30 min in same position living their ass hole and pussy and buttocks burning.

As time is passed they untied them ad made them to stand naked with hands up and jump. They obeyed the order and gave new dress and asked not to repeat this mistake again with anyone in this world. From that moment both these girls did not stay in the town they went back to their home town and this punishment thought them a good lesson for not cheating anyone.

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