During sex we often enjoy telling each other little sexStories centered on each of our fantasies. Over theYears we have both gotten pretty good at spinning a webOf excitement for each other. It really has enhancedOur sex life a great deal. In fact, as it turned out,Much more than i could ever have anticipated.
As i said, natasha and i often shared our fantasies, andShe had many, to enhance our love making. Among hersWere… But i was about to learn of one, she’d neverShared before, and it turned out to be a favorite ofHers. Here’s how it happened and how it changed us…”
One of my favorite fantasies has always been to haveThe opportunity to watch natasha get fucked by anotherMan. In my fantasy i usually instigate the action withFirst some sort of meeting, for dinner possibly. DuringThe evening i slowly begin to hint about my desires.The hints get more and more obvious until i ultimatelyReveal to my wife and the man having dinner with usThat i would love to watch the two of them make love.Sometimes the man is my boss or perhaps a friend orEven sometimes a stranger.
I was telling natasha a story of this type one night asShe was giving me head… She is so good at that. IStarted a story about amit, this good looking friendOf ours that natasha has ‘secretly’ lusted after for someTime. In my little story he is visiting with us in ourHome. I start asking him what he thinks about natasha’sBody. And he said he envied me for having nat as my wife.
I watched her closely as i told my tale and her eyesLooked up at me frequently as she continued to suck myCock. The look in her eyes was pure unadulterated lust.She was in another world and lost to her realSurroundings.
As i carried the story through… To him revealing hisHuge cock. I described it as long and huge in girth andThrobbing as she covered it with her mouth. As iEscalated the story further, natasha began to suck harderAnd move her mouth up and down on my cock, faster andFaster until, just as amit shoved his huge cock deep inNatasha ‘s cunt, i spilled my cum in her mouth withExplosive force. She made these little whimperingSounds as she was obviously very much into this fantasyTale. She took my cum and swallowed all of it. Before iCould even start to soften she rose up and lay besideMe spreading her legs and saying, “oh fuck me amit,Hurry i want your big black cock in me so bad!”
I was the only male there. My name is rajeev, but iAssumed she meant me. I was most happy to oblige. SheWas rabid in her need and i had to hold on to her toStay buried in her very wet cunt. It seemed hotter andWilder than ever before and that is saying a lot forNatasha. It didn’t take long until she burst in a seriesOf climaxes as she mumbled, “yes… Fuck me hard! YesAmit! Oh please fuck me!”
First i started to cum, and then she responded againAnd came and came until we both fell in a near lifelessHeap in each other’s arms. It had been the best sex weHad enjoyed in some time. It was some time later whenShe raised her head and looked at me with this sheepishLook on her face and said, “wow! That was fantasticHoney.”
“i agree, but just call me amit”
“i know, sorry, i called you that several times didn’tI? I guess i wasn’t fucking you… I was fucking amit.”
“yeah, you sure were. It was wild natasha, you really dugFucking amit.”
“uh-huh, i guess i have to confess… I had one moreFantasy you didn’t know about.”
“i think i know it now.”
“yes, i guess you do… Over the last couple of years,Since amit went to work with you, the idea of a goodLooking man making wild love to me has come toExcite the hell out of me. I haven’t mentioned itBecause i didn’t know how you would react. Do you mindTerribly?”
I looked at my nude beauty and cupped one of her largeFirm breasts. As i lovingly caressed it she sighed andCuddled against me. I kissed her lips lightly. She thenRepeated her question, “raj, is it bothering you that iFantasized about fucking a another man? It was just aFantasy sweetheart, you okay with that?” i smiled atHer and pinched her nipple. She groaned like i knew sheWould. She loves that. Then i said, “yes honey… I’mFine with that, i don’t mind… Except this littleThing, why did you hold it back from me?”
“damn, i’m not even sure. I guess i was afraid the ideaOf a another guy making love to me might upset you. ThatIs so taboo to so many folks.”
“obviously not to you… Damn you were hot fuckingAmit.”
“i can’t deny it… It really makes me hot. Jealous?”
“maybe a little.”
“raj, i love you. You are my guy and no one will everReplace you. I might fantasize about fucking amit butIt was your cock in me. We can drop it right now.”
I lay there with my hand caressing her gorgeous tit asI looked into those blue eyes. She rose up and kissedMe and then said, “raj.. Please don’t be upset… TellMe you still love me. I won’t bring it up again…”
“of course i still love you natasha… Nothing is going toChange that. I was just thinking about it all.Wondering why as i have fantasized about lots of menFucking you.
She laughed sort of guiltily .
I laughed and felt her cool fingers wrap around my halfHard cock. Then she asked coyly, “did you enjoy amitFucking me?”
“yes… I did… A lot.”
She had opened her legs and was now rubbing my growingCock up and down in her outer lips and over her swollenClit. She was very wet and it felt so good. Then sheSmiled and rose up on her knees, throwing one legAcross me she slowly descended as she guided my cockInto her again.
She looked at me as it was all the way in and winkedSaying, “oh amit, your big black cock feels so good inMe.”
She slowly worked up and down my rigid pole as sheMoaned softly with pleasure. I cupped her lovely pairOf tits in my hands and squeezed and pinched just theWay she loves. The way her hot tight cunt felt on myCock she could call me anything she wanted to. After aFew minutes of this i smiled up at her and started aNew story… This one about how we decided she shouldReally let amit fuck her while i watched. She wentAbsolutely ballistic, fucking me harder than ever andChanting, “yes! Yes! Yes!”
Much later as we settled for sleep in each others arms.She was half asleep and i kissed her lovingly. SheReturned it automatically. As i looked at her thinkingAbout the evening i said softly, “fantasies areWonderful but what if it really happened?”
The next morning was the normal rush as we both got offTo work with our usual confusion. She called during theDay just to say she loved me and loved our lifeTogether. I called her back later and told her i adoredHer and that nothing could ever pull us apart. When iGot home from work she was already there and had on aHalter top, very revealing, and very short cut offJeans. She knows i love that outfit and when she wearsIt she never has anything else on under it. I knew itAlso meant she was turned on and was trying to get myInterest. It certainly worked. I kissed her hello andShe made it last longer than normal… And hotter. ILooked at her and smiled and said, “are you looking forAnother visit from amit?”
“maybe, if it’s okay with you.”
She sort of worked her loins against my cock and soon iWas getting hard and turned on completely. Then sheAsked in a very small voice, “last night was wonderfulAnd i know i would enjoy more of that. I was so hot asYou were inside me and talked to me about what amit wasDoing to me. Today i spent half the day thinking aboutSex with different men i know at work. I was wetAll day long… And now i am dying to be fuckedAgain… By you and amit and any other black or whiteOr green guys from your fertile imagination.”
She paused and kissed me again and i knew somethingElse was coming… Something she was tentative about.She continued, “but i also have a question honey? LastNight as i was almost but not quite asleep i think youSaid something like, ‘fantasies are wonderful but whatIf it really happened?’ i wasn’t sure i didn’t dreamIt… Did you really say that?”
“i did say exactly that. I was laying there looking atHow beautiful and sexy you are and i suddenly wonderedWhat it would be like if it really did happen. IfSomehow we arranged for amit or someone else to fuck you while i watched and then joined in for a torrid threesome.”
I saw her shiver and i knew the idea intrigued her. SheHad closed her eyes for a moment and then she slowlyOpened them and kissed me passionately for a longMinute. Then she broke the kiss and snuggled down intoMy arms.
“are you serious raj? Would you really want me to fuckSome other guy, while you watched us? ThenA threesome.”
“maybe… Interested?”
“oh shit raj, yes… No… I don’t know… Maybe. WouldYou like for me to do that?”
“i think i would love to watch amit, or some other man,Fuck my hot wife. It makes me hard as hell when i thinkAbout you and another guy. If he is anyone it doesn’tBother me. That is how i spent most of the day. EveryTime amit came into my desk i wondered about how iWould feel about watching him fuck you for real? YouSaid you were wet all day. I was hard most of the day.I have a small worry about you getting so caught upWith your amit that you forget me completely.”
She sort of settled to the floor and pulled me with herAs she whispered, “i need you so bad raj. I’ll alwaysNeed you. The other could only be an occasional fantasy sideDish, but you honey, are my main course. And alwaysWill be.” and i will never cheat on you. Maybe we might try that sometime in future but not so soon… i was a little disappointed that it’t not happening . But a plan was running thrugh my head as how to get to make it real and maybe even without natasha actually knowing that she is being fucked by amit.
I didn’t give up though, i really wanted it to happen.I know it’s strange that a husband would want to haveHis wife fucked by another man, but natasha was just soHot looking when she was having sex with me that i hadThis overpowering urge to watch her doing it withAnother man so i could see every detail, every move sheAnd he made.
I continually fantasized what it would be like to seeAmits’ s stiff dick pumping in and out of her juicy pussy.Watching as her perfect legs game up and wrapped aroundThe guy’s humping ass as he dicked my lovely wife. ItWas such a hot fantasy for me that i just had to makeIt happen somehow.
After several days i finally came upWith a scenario that she could go along with and not know who.
So it was that i ended up telling amit what i’d hadPlanned for my wife and how really i wanted that to happen. As i confessedThat i wanted to see my pretty wife fucking anotherMan, i noticed that amit just sat there. Usually he’dChime in, but this time he was strangely silent. Then iNoticed that he had a king-sized tent poking up againstThe fly of his pants.
I looked up into amit’s face and realized that he wasTurned-on by what i’d told him of my plans for hisFriends wife. I was shocked at first, but i also realizedThat the boner in his lap might be my ticket to gettingMy fantasy fulfilled. After all, natasha was going to beWearing a blindfold. I told amit the plan that we will drink at our place and then he pretent to be leaving. I would leave the door open and he can come in quietely and stand at the door and when i signal he come over and switch places.
So next evening as planned, natasha came back from work and i called her home and said i was getting amit for drinks and dinner and discuss some work stuff. She was happy and also said i could and imagine him fucking me later at night. I smiled too and said sure sweetheart.
We arrived at the apartment building and i rang theDoorbell as our prearranged signal and then i unlockedThe door and ushered amit in to the living room. WeBoth stood there in the entrance to the room for a longMoment.
There was my honey in the house coat a little see through, i guess just to spice up the love making with me later that night. She was sitting on the couch. I could tellThat she was nervous and wet down looking at amit..
Natasha was lowering herself to the bed and she lay backAnd spread her legs and held her hand up to mine. I said we will play a game today. I will blindfold you and tie u up while amit fucks you i said. She said oh how i would love to have amit come back and fuck me. So i tied her hands on the bedpost and blindfolded her.
I straddled her head and she took my hard cock in andSucked me wildly. It was as hot as i had expected. Then i moved down and started eating my wife’s cunt then i signaled amit to come over and switch. He was all ready for the game and had all his cloths off already. He came and started eating my wife like never before. HeQuickly knelt between her trim open legs and his mouthFound her wet pussy. Jane gasped loudly and caught hisHead pulling it in tighter to her cunt. She bucked andTwisted and moaned and got off repeatedly for carl’sClearly talented tongue. I was standing there watching
Seeing amit eat my wife’s bare pussy had me crazy withLust. Natasha turned meLoose and said, “fuck me amit, please fuck me.”
Amit slid up and guided his cock into her open labia to her ready cunt. Amit pushed aCouple of inches in and natasha moaned loudly, “oh slow…You are huge… I want it…but easy baby… Fuck meSlow and easy first… Then hard.”
Amit stroked his cock the first two, then three, thenFour inches in and out of natasha relaxing cunt. SheStarted raising her ass to meet his thrusts and soonAll 9 inches was buried and natasha was whimpering, “ohYes… Oh amit… So good… Yes!”
Natasha wrapped her legs around his ass and she met hisDownward thrusts with hard upward thrusts of her own,Driving his cock into her as far as she could. Amit’sLips went from natasha’s one nipple to other. They were beautiful and any doubts aboutWatching another man fuck my wife were gone. I was asHot as the two of them. My cock stood out as hard andBig as i had ever known it to be. I stroked myself andLoved watching natasha ‘s body contort under amit’s. ILoved watching her face as it grimaced with lust andPleasure. Natasha had cum… Then slowed momentarily…Then fucked hard… Then cum again several times.Finally amit groaned,.
And it was a convulsion for both of them, and then meAs i spent on the side or amit. It took a while for either ofThem to move again. Amit rolled over off of natasha, grabbed his cloths and ran off quickly and out
I again came over her sloppy pussy and had a second. Then i went opened her up and she opened her eyes and looked around the room to make sure there was no one else or was it amit who really fucked her..but amit was already gone. I had flopped on the couch. She slowly crawledOver and climbed up on the couch beside me. I cuddledHer in my arms and kissed her forehead saying, “it wasOne hell of a show, is it what you want to do to me baby?” she said your dick felt little bigger than ever today. I really felt like it was amit or someone else with bigger cock fucking me. It was wonderful we shold do that again.
We had another round of hot sex that night.. I know how i loved it, and i know she loved the big dick and imagining amit too.