This is the third story in thelist on how Ramesh and I finally got together with our wives and had a steamyfoursome. Ramesh and I have been friends for a long time and over the past fewmonths we had fulfilled our fantasies of fucking the other’s wife. Ramesh andhis wife, Priya had spent a night at our place and during the night, I hadjoined them and we had a wild fucking session.
A couple of months later, Rameshspent a night alone at our house, when his wife was visiting Kerala and again,we had a wild night with Ramesh repeatedly fucking Bindu, my wife. Priya was anopen-minded lady and loved to talk about sex and swapping and other things,while Bindu was much more reserved. Though Bindu did not talk much about sexand swapping with Ramesh and Priya, the other night’s session with
Ramesh showed that she reallyenjoyed getting fucked by other men and that it was my best friend and in mypresence only gave her an extra thrill. Now both Ramesh and I wanted to take itto the next level. Though, I had fucked Priya in front of Ramesh and Ramesh hadploughed Bindu in my presence, both the wives did not know that we had fuckedthe other’s wife.
I suspect that Priya would haveknown by now that her husband had fucked Bindu, as they openly discuss suchthings. I had not told Bindu as yet that I had fucked Priya in front of Rameshand that too in our house as I did not know how she would react. Ramesh was ofthe opinion that we four should sit together and discuss out what we had inmind and have a buy in between all.
I did not completely agree withthis as knowing Bindu, there was always the possibility she might shoot downthe entire proposal. I believed that getting together in the right ambience andtime, letting things work out naturally would be the better option. I alsothought that rather than trying something in either of our homes, going out fora weekend trip somewhere nearby would help, as maybe the neutral atmospherewould help her let her hair down a little bit.
It so happened that last monththings came to a head and matters moved really fast. The kids had holidays andone evening when Ramesh and I were having a drink, we decided to take both thefamilies to a resort over a long weekend, when both Ramesh and I had a coupleof days off. We finally decided to leave on a Friday morning and get back onSunday evening.
The night before we left, thekids had gone to sleep early, excited about the trip. Bindu and I were puttingtogether some last minute packing when I told her, “Sweetie, take some of yoursexy lingerie. We will have a good time. I understand from Ramesh that Priyatoo is bringing some of her thongs and they are planning to have a blast”. MyGod, Bindu said are they planning all that with the kids in their room or havethey booked a separate room for the kids?
She asked I don’t think they havebooked a separate room for the kids” I said. “Am sure they will find a way.That Priya is one smart woman. I wouldn’t mind checking out her boobs while weare there I grinned, checking for Bindu’s reaction. Hmph, what boobs does thatwoman have? Mine is much better than hers. And besides what is this interestyou have in her? Do you want to fuck her? She asked, suddenly curious.
I don’t want to do any suchthing”, I hastily assured her, thinking about how I had fucked Priya in the assand what Bindu’s reaction would be if she came to know about that. “But am sureyou wouldn’t mind Ramesh fucking your tits like last time, what darling”? Iasked her. Oh that was one crazy night”, she blushed, “am sure that is notgoing to happen on this trip. I crossed my fingers and went to bed, hopingthat things really ‘happen’ on the trip.
Early next morning we left to theresort in a hired SUV. Ramesh and Priya with the kids were waiting below theirflat when we went to pick them up. Priya was looking gorgeous in a white blouseand blue skirt, her tight boobs trying to burst out from it. Bindu saw mestaring at the lovely pair for a long moment and shoved her elbow into my side“Stop staring, you lecher,” she whispered in my ear.
Bindu too was smartly dressed ina red t-shirt with a deep cleavage and tight jeans which showed of her shapelyass. As Bindu got off the car to allow the kids into the back, Ramesh gave aslow whistle, “Gosh, Bindu. You look really good enough to eat! He winked.Bindu blushed and said “if you are really that hungry, we will stop for lunchsoon. Priya started giggling and pushed him into the front seat and we took offto the resort.
I was sure, then, that Ramesh hadtold Priya that he had fucked Bindu and eaten her pussy. The cottages at theResort were beautiful ones large with a balcony overlooking the swimming pool.No sooner had we checked in and gone to our respective rooms when Ramesh’s kidscame rushing in “Uncle, we are going swimming now itself.
My kids were just waiting forthis and in a rush of swimming costumes and towels flying all over, the fourkids had rushed off to the pool. Whew, I said and lit a cigarette and loungedon the balcony arm chair for a few minutes. Bindu who was using the bathroom,came out and said “hey, let’s go to their cottage and find out what is the planfor the day. Sure thing, I said and we went across to the other cottage.
Without knocking, we both pushedin and I said “Ramesh and the rest ofthe words died in my mouth. Ramesh and Priya were standing in front of the bigdressing mirror with their backs towards us. Ramesh was behind Priya and hisleft hand, had shoved her blouse and bra up and was squeezing the life out ofher left boob. His right hand had lifted her skirt and was inside her whitepanties.
He was nuzzling her neck from the back andPriya was writhing in ecstasy. We could see her in the mirror, with her eyesclosed and her nipple between Ramesh’s fingers. But the most amazing thing wasthat Ramesh was stark naked. He did not have a stitch of cloth on him and hisentire back with his nude ass was facing us as we entered the room.
Oh, my goodness Bindu gasped andwith one moment, she turned and rushed back into our cottage. I stood therenon-plussed wondering what to do, when Ramesh casually turned and asked “Hey,Bindu’s gone? Do you want to join in”, he asked wickedly. Priya too was alittle confused and straightened her clothes and rushed off into the bathroom.Ramesh, casually strolled around, took a pair of shorts from his suitcase andcomplained,
What people you are? You don’tallow others a quick one and don’t want to join in on one either I laughed,“Plenty of time for all that, first let’s plan out what we do during theevening. The kids seem to be completely occupied and we need to figure outsomething to do”. So we decided to start off on our drinks by the poolsidewhile the ladies went to the spa for some luxury therapy.
When I went back to the room,Bindu was sitting on the bed, her cheeks flushed. “My god, these people areshameless. How could they do all this with the room wide open and also, we justgot into the cottage. Don’t they have time to do all this in their house sheasked crossly. Hello, Madam”, I said its not as if you have not seem Rameshnude.
The last time I remember he washolding your ass and his cock was inside your cunt”, I laughed. “That wasdifferent, that was a special night and it just happened”, she said. As she wassaying this, Ramesh (now properly attired in T-shirt and shorts) and Priyaentered our cottage. “Come on, girls”, Ramesh ordered, clapping his hands,“head to the Spa while we men start quenching their thirst.
We need to have an early dinneras the kids will be tired soon. And we are going to be busy after that. Bindublushed on hearing this, while Priya gave a wicked smile to me. To cut a longstory short, Ramesh and I went down to the pool and sat on the lounges thereand ordered a few drinks watching the kids frolic around in the water. Theladies had headed to the spa and came back late
As we had just ordered dinner forthe kids, looking rosy and smelling fragrant. Bindu’s hair was wet and she waswearing a white Capri and pale green top. The Capri accentuated her large assand she looked sexy and wild. She gave me a smoldering look as she sat down,basically telling me now you decide, who is more sexier, me or her. I gave heran appreciating look and turned and told Priya “Gosh, you are looking hottonight.
Bindu’s smile switched off andshe sat scowling while Priya gushed Thank you most kindly, Sir’. She waswearing a short skirt which came up to her knees and a tight t-shirt. “But myhusband wants me to change into something traditional for the night which Iwill do, when I get back to the cottage but why, da”? I asked Ramesh, we arenot going out anywhere tonight. So why dress up”? Oh, we need to spice thingsup,
Man. Anyway, you wait and see”,Ramesh said and we left it at that. We finished dinner and headed to thecottages where the children all gathered in our Cottage to watch TV and playgames. Ramesh and I ordered more drinks and we sat around in their cottagewhere the mood was slowly being heightened. We were sitting in the
Living area and while Priya wasin the Bedroom changing, Bindu sat with us and sipped on a Bacardi. Ramesh kepton giving Bindu knowing glances, but she kept a steady face and generally madesmall talk. I was sure that Ramesh was raring to fuck Bindu again and I too washoping to get between Priya’s legs and ride her. The mood was a little tenseand I think that if Priya was not in the other room,
We would have torn of Bindu’sclothes and both of us fucked her right on the floor there. The drinks and thegeneral atmosphere had given me a hardon and I was sure that Bindu was gettingwet as she occasionally ‘accidently’ rubbed her boobs. Just then, Priya calledout from the bedroom, “Come in, Guys. The Party is about to begin. We went in,with Bindu giving me an amused look and what we saw was anything but what weexpected.
Priya stood there glowing in apristine Kerala saree with a broad kasavu (gold border). She had worn itbeautifully and her hair was tied back, slick and decked with some lovelyjasmine flowers, where she had got it from, I don’t know. My God, you lookBeautiful”, gushed Bindu, completely surprising us and taking the words out ofmy mouth.
She went up to Priya and held herby the shoulders looking up and down with an admiring look on her face. “I wishI too had brought a saree, but I am sure, I would not look as good as you. Ilooked at Ramesh in surprise, this was a complete change from Bindu and saw himgrinning widely. Let me just go see how the kids are”, said Bindu, “I’ll beback soon”, as she went into the other cottage. It was my turn now
You really look good, Priya”, Isaid “both Practical and sexy. And it is all I can do to stop myself fromgiving you a hug. Lots of time left for all that”, laughed Ramesh, as Binducame back into the room, announcing that all the kids had gone off to sleep inthe other cottage. The excitement of the trip and the long time spent in the swimmingpool had clearly tired them out fast
Good for us”, said Ramesh, now wewill start our party. He poured a drink for all of us and though the femalesdid not drink too often, they all said “cheers’ and we had a long swig each.Ramesh then switched on the Room channel music to a slow number and I dimmedthe lights to set in a dancing mood. I slowly dragged Bindu up and we startedswaying to the music.
Her wet hair was on my shoulderand I could feel her nipples hard as stone on my chest. My cock startedtwitching in time to the music and felt hard as a rock on her side. Bindu puther hands around my neck and pulled my head down into the valley of her neckand shoulder. She smelt good and clean after the spa and I was getting lost inthe music and the mood.
As we spun around, Bindu nudgedme and pointed and I could see Ramesh and Priya embracing each other anddancing in the other corner of the room. It was an incongruous sight as Rameshwas in Shorts and t-shirt and Priya was in the formal saree. The mood wassensuous and I too held Bindu tight as we moved around the room, holding eachother.
My cock was now stiff and rubbingBindu’s belly as I slowly humped her over her clothes. It felt like we werefucking standing up. We slowly moved closer to Ramesh and Priya and saw thatthey were lip-locked together. Ramesh was holding her hips and she had her eyesclosed as they blissfully kissed each other. I released one hand from Bindu andtapped Ramesh on the shoulder, though
I could feel Bindu half-heartedlytrying to pull away. “Hey, Man. Lets swap. You dance with Bindu and I willdance with Priya for a while”, I said. The music changed to another slowromantic number by Bryan Adams as I took Priya in my arms and we moved in timeto the music. I looked down to see Priya looking up into my eyes as we dancedaround, her eyes were glinting with a hunger and there was mischief lurking inthe background.
My cock was spearing into hermidriff and she pressed down on it as she slid her hands around my neck andheld me tight, I looked over and saw Bindu glancing at us as she glided on thefloor with Ramesh holding her. They came close and as I watched them, Bindu puther hands around Ramesh’s neck and pulled him towards her shoulder. Priya toolooked over at them as Ramesh slid his hands down and cupped Bindu’s ass.
Now they were dancing like thatwith Bindu’s ass being held by Ramesh as she nuzzled his neck. It was a realerotic feeling watching them dance and then Priya slowly took one hand down andstroked my cock. We danced like that for some time like that and when the musicchanged, Ramesh slowly removed Bindu’s hands from his neck and moved apartlooking at her face.
She slowly opened her eyes,breathing heavily and pouted a bit as Ramesh reached over and slowly withdrewPriya’s arms from me, I need something more, Suresh”, he growled as he pulledPriya towards the sofa. His cock was standing stiff in his shorts. Bindu’s eyesglanced to it as I took her again in my arms and danced away from them. Bindusuddenly gasped looking at them on the sofa and when I glanced down,
I saw that Ramesh had sat downand his shorts was down to his ankles and was pulling Priya down to him. Westopped dancing and watched as Priya stroked his cock and pulled back the foreskinexposing the glans. Ramesh’s cock head was pink and gleaming and Priya bentdown and licked the head gently. Ramesh groaned and I could hear Bindu moansoftly in my ear.
My hands had automatically slidbeneath the elastic of her Capri and I soon had two warm handfuls of hotthrobbing ass. As we watched, Priya pushed back Ramesh’s cock back onto hisstomach and lapped the underside of the cock with long, loving licks. Rameshhad shaved his cock from the last session with us and now Priya slurped his ballsinto her mouth.
Bindu’s hand had gone to her booband she was slowly caressing it while watching this hot show unfold in front ofus. Priya turned back to us, all the while grasping Ramesh’s cock and said,“Bindu, come over and suck Suresh’s cock too, like I am doing”. She then tookthe whole of Ramesh’s cock in her mouth, till her lips reached his groin.
And she held the pose for sometime. It was such an erotic sight to see her in this position with her Sareeand Ramesh’s cock in her mouth. Bindu moaned again and ran her hand through myhair. I slid my hand between her ass cheeks and found it wet and hot. She wascoming continuously watching the hot scene between Ramesh and Priya.
I inched towards the sofa, butBindu was resisting as she wanted to watch the deep throating that washappening. In one quick motion, I removed Bindu’s top. Now she was wearing justa bra and the Capri. I pushed up her Bra and took her nipple in my mouth. Hereyes did not stray away from the sofa as she watched Priya now giving a hardblowjob her mouth would one second swallow the whole cock and then she wouldhave only the tip in her mouth.
Ramesh was holding her hair andgritting his teeth. Bindu’s moaning got louder and Priya turned around to watchwhat was happening with us. Seeing Bindu topless and her nipples getting a workout, she quickly got up, removed her saree and now wearing only the blouse andskirt, she sat down next to Ramesh, whose cock was still in the air. “Eat mycunt, Darling”, she huskily told Ramesh,
I want to watch Bindu’s lovelytits while you do it. We both were still standing, though with shaking legs asmy one hand was still in between Bindu’s ass and the other was shoving hernipple into my mouth. Bindu had eyes only for the other couple on the sofa.Ramesh slowly got up, removed his t-shirt and stepped out of his shorts. Hestood up stark naked in front of Bindu, rubbed his cock a few time and thenmoved to
Priya whose skirt was now bunchedabove her thighs and he bent down, pulled down Priya a little more and spreadher legs. Her skirt was bunched around her waist now and she looked horny andslutty with her boobs making points in her blouse. She was wearing a pink lacycrotch less panty exposing her wet cunt. Ramesh bent down and licked her cunt lipsas Bindu pulled me down to the sofa to get a better view.
Now we were sitting on the sofanext to Priya with Bindu beside her and I on the other side, my hand still onher boobs. Priya’s thighs were right next to Bindu as she spread her legs togive Ramesh better access. Aaaaaaaaaah my! umm lick my pusssy, darling”, moanedPriya as Ramesh lashed her cunt with his lips. Ramesh looked up at the eroticsight of his wife with her legs wide open and Bindu sitting next to her with herboobs completely exposed.
Don’t you like Bindu’s nipples,darling? He asked Priya. Priya did not say anything, rather she reached out herright hand and softly ran it on Bindu’s left nipple. Bindu groaned softly asPriya took her nipple between thumb and forefinger and twirled it around. Bindu’sbreathing got heavier as Priya raised herself from the Sofa where she wasleaning back and took Bindu’s boobs into her mouth.
Bindu’s nipples were huge, aboutthe size of my thumb, and Priya bent forward again, sucking and stroking therock-hard nubs with her tongue and lips. “Ohhhh, yessssssss”, Bindu moaned,“Oh, yesssss, Priya! Suck my tits! Bite them! Your mouth feels so hot and good Irealized by now that Bindus’ cunt was drooling and her clit must be twitchingwith excitement.
Ramesh too moved over to herother boob and his tongue set her tits on fire and they hardened and flushedeven more under his expert touch. “You love it when I suck and play with yourbig tits, don’t you, Bindu”? Ramesh panted huskily. “Ohhhh, yessss, I love it,Ramesh”! She cried, not ashamed to admit it. Ramesh gripped her hard nipsbetween his thumbs and forefingers and squeezed them hard, twisting herthrobbing tit-flesh.
Bindu clenched her teeth tightlytogether, stiffening with the thrills of pleasure that shot through her hornybody. Her nips felt crushed and she thrilled to the obscene sensation of bothRamesh and Priya sucking her tits. She reached down, searching for my cockwhich had hardened like mad and was sticking out the top of my shorts. “I willtake care of Suresh, Bindu muttered Priya, as she gave one last lick to Bindu’snipple.
She got of the sofa and camearound looking at the erotic sight of her husband hunched over Bindu, suckingher tits, his hard cock making wet spots on her Capri. Priya came over andkissed me on my lips and without any preamble, lowered my shorts to my ankles.As I lay back on the sofa with my hard cock in the air, Priya knelt down andslowly licked my cock.
Ummm, it tastes as good as Iremember it from last time and she gushed and then stuffed the entire hardlength into her mouth. It felt heavenly and I stroked her head as she went upand down, slurping the entire length into her mouth. I looked beside me and sawthat Ramesh had wriggled Bindu’s Capri down her leg and removed her bra. Shewas as naked as he was.
He was standing in front of herand gently slapping his cock on her nipples as she held both her boobs up forhis cock. She then stroked his cock and played with his balls. It was an eroticsight. And as I felt my cock in the warm confines of Priya’s mouth, I saw Bindupushing Ramesh down between her legs. Ohhhh, God, Ramesh”, Bindu moaned,jerking her ass up off the sofa and thrusting her pussy against his hand.
Please fuck me now, Ramesh! Hervoice was hoarse with lust. I couldn’t remember Bindu ever being this turned onbefore and I could barely stand it. “I can’t wait any longer, Ramesh! You’redriving me mad! Please fuck me”! Ramesh pulled his mouth away from herfull, throbbing tits. He jabbed his tongue into her ear and she moaned withpleasure.
Ramesh got up and gently raisedBindu to her feet. He French kissed her for a long time and I could see thatBindu had shed all her inhibitions. Both she and Ramesh were buck naked infront of Priya and me and she didn’t seem to mind it a little bit. Priya liftedher head from my cock and as we looked at them, Bindu shoved her tongue intoRamesh’s mouth and had his hair in her hand in a tight grip.
She rammed her pelvis into Ramesh’shard cock and I could see her lovely ass hot and ready. “Join us after a fewminutes, Guys”, smiled Ramesh as he disengaged from Bindu and slowly led her tothe adjoining room which had the bed. Bindu was in a rush and both of them wentinto the next room with Ramesh’s hand around Bindu’s naked ass. We’ll have fun,while they enjoy.
What do you say, Suresh”? GushedPriya, who did not seem to mind in the least bit that her Husband had takenanother woman into the Bedroom. My cock was standing upright, wet from Priya’stongue. She got up and bunching her skirt around her waist, straddled me withher wet cunt positioned on top of my jutting rod. She slowly lowered herselfand I could feel my cock head entering her warm cunt.
She was still wearing the crotchless panties and the feeling as it scraped the sides of my cock wastitillating. She lowered herself completely and when my cock was entirely intoher cunt, she rested her hips on mine and smiled at me. “Gosh, it feels sogood. I want to enjoy this for some time in a sexy enticing manner, she slowlystarted a sideward movement with my cock inside her and using some technique,squeezed my cock inside her cunt.
She was moaning quietly and hadher eyes closed. I reached up and took a hold of her breasts, still ensconcedin her blouse. “Why don’t you remove this, Priya? I whispered. “I want to suckyour nipples”Gosh, so someone is interested in my nipples, besides those ofBindu’s”, she laughed quietly, “but your wife really has lovely boobs, Suresh
She removed her blouses and hernipples poked through the open bra, looking perky and horny. Her movements hadrapidly got faster and as she moved up and down on my cock, she leaned over andplaced her right boob into my mouth. “Aaaaaah she moaned loudly,bite them, Suresh.Make love to my boobs I gently bit down on her nipples and shoved my cock alittle harder into her cunt from beneath. Ahhhhh her moans were getting loudernow.
I am coming, Suresh she moanedinto my shoulder as I held her hips tightly, feeling her shudder. She quieteneddown after a while and though my cock was still inside her, I still had notcome. Moans were coming from theBedroom and this intrigued both of us. Priya kissed me on my lips and slowlygot up from my cock. She was naked from the top and was still wearing the longskirt.
My shorts were down on the floorand my t-shirt was stuck on my back with perspiration. We got up and went intothe other room and I said “Come on , Guys, let us all have some fun together”.Bindu was lying on the edge of the Bed with her legs wide open and up in theair. She was using both her hands to pull back her legs and give wider accessto Ramesh, who was kneeling on the carpet with his head buried in
Bindu’s pussy as we watched, hegave a long lick which ran from her small puckered asshole to her wet opencunt. Bindu’s moans were really loud “Aaaaaaaa Ramesh, enough please fuck mefuck me. It was a really slutty sight to see her this way with her begging himto fuck her. Ramesh finally relented and got up stroking his cock. He smiled atboth of us and asked Priya “Did he fuck you? Yes, he did she replied but we arenot finished.
Bindu was looking at us withglazed eyes and her fingers were kneading her nipples furiously. Both I andPriya went in for a closer look as Ramesh positioned himself in between herlegs. Here, let me do it”, said Priya, as she took Ramesh’s cock and gentlyrubbed it on Bindu’s red, swollen cunt-lips. Bindu looked down and moaned AaahPriya, put it in please put your Husband’s hot cock into my cunt please.
Priya rubbed it over Bindu’s cunta couple more times and then inserted the head into the hole. It as eroticsight to see Ramesh’s cock entering Bindu’s cunt and as he slowly started hispiston like action, Priya leant forward and took one of Bindu’s nipples in hermouth. My cock, slick with Priya’s cunt juices was still like a rod and I knelton the bed, besides Bindu’s head and rubbed the juices off on her cheeks.
The feeling of three peoplepleasuring her was too much, as Bindu with a groan took the entire length of mycock into her mouth. She kept moaning continuously as she pressed Priya’s headinto her boobs and bucked her hips to Ramesh’s thrusts. Ramesh kept up hispounding of Bindu’s cunt for 5 minutes, during which the room rocked with moansand groans from all of us. The room reeked of lust and it looked like
Bindu was coming continuously forthe last few minutes. She was getting exhausted as I pulled my cock out of hermouth, still hard as a rock. Ramesh too pulled out his cock from her drenchedcunt and laid next to Bindu, pulling Priya over him. While Ramesh kissed Binduhard and fondled her nipples, Priya removed her skirt. Now she was as naked asall of us and mounted Ramesh and stuffed his cock into her wet pussy.
She commenced riding him hard,with her lovely boobs swaying from side to side. Ramesh too bucked up to meetPriya’s downwards thrust and the cot rocked with the passion of their lovemaking. Bindu, though exhausted, was back to her kneading of her nipples andrubbing her clit with the other hand. I went closer to the wild fucking thatwas going on besides us and caressed Priya’s agitated ass.
Priya had her eyes closed and wassqueezing her nipples while Ramesh had both his hands on her hips to steadyboth of them. It was a really erotic sight to see from about 6 to 8 inches,Ramesh’s slick cock stretching Priya’s cunt. She was dripping juice all overRamesh’s cock and groin. Her puckered asshole drew me and I slowly slid myforefinger inside her hole. As my finger went in completely, I could feelRamesh’s cock through the walls of Priya’s cunt, hammering into her.
Aaaah”, groaned Priya and bentforward on Ramesh with her tits on his chest, giving me better access. I lickedPriya’s ass while my finger was savoring the hot inside of her hole. I lookedover at Bindu who was looking at me in a curious manner, lust written all overher face. I am going to fuck Priya in the ass”, I told Bindu and Priya liftedher head from Ramesh’s chest and said
Yes please, Suresh I want to feelboth your cocks inside me, I got up and crouched between Ramesh’s legs, withPriya’s body below and between us. My cock was rampant as I placed it nearPriya’s bunghole. Like last time, I felt my cock was too big for her asshole,but knew the amazing elasticity it had to take in the largest cock. As my cockhead eased into her asshole, Priya gave a loud groan.
With an audible plop, the headslipped fast into her asshole. Aaaahhhhhmy! You are tearing my ass. Suresh, shove your entire cock inside fuckme, both you guys” Priya was continuously screaming and moaning, her words lostin the general lustful atmosphere. Her asshole was tight and my cock wassqueezed in an exhilarating manner.
I could feel Ramesh’s cockpounding her cunt from beneath and the feeling of Priya’s sweaty body betweenboth of us, took me over the edge. “Guys, I am coming. I can’t hold back anylonger”, I growled and closing my eyes, started hammering in and out of herass. I could feel my cum rising to the surface and as I opened my eyes, I sawBindu, open-mouthed, staring at my cock riding in and out of Priya’s ass.
The look on her face did it forme and I exploded my cum deep into Priya’s asshole. I rested my groin on her,my cock still deep inside her ass, spasming out its load of cum. I held her asstight and Bindu reached over and kissed me. Finally, I withdrew my slowlywilting cock out of Priya’s ass and collapsed on the bed beside them.
Bindu too lay beside me andwatched Priya, still crouched over Ramesh, his cock still embedded inside her.She was completely exhausted and she too raised herself over Ramesh’s cock andgot up. Ramesh still had not cum, his stamina was incredible, and his cock wasstill standing stiff like a flag. His cock head was pink and slick with Priya’scunt juices. “I know where I want to come”, Ramesh chuckled, as he got up,
I want to come inside Bindu’smouth”. Saying this he came around the cot to where Bindu was lying down. Hiscock was at the level of Bindu’s face and she without a word, took in theentire length of Ramesh’s cock, Priya’s juice and all. She inserted her handbetween his legs and fondled his balls as she slurped down on his hard staff. Iwas on an elbow watching them and Priya was leaning over me. Ramesh couldn’thold on finally and groaned,
I am going to cum, Bindu aaaaahh Bindu took out his cock from hermouth and slid his foreskin rapidly up and down several times, his cock justinches from her face, as she looked up into Ramesh’s eyes. With another finalgroan, Ramesh shuddered and his cock started pulsing. First a geyser of whiteliquid burst out and hit Bindu’s nose, then spurts of cum came bursting out andcovered a large part of Bindu’s face.
Still looking up at Ramesh’sface, she rubbed his spurting cock on her cheeks and sucked it for one lasttime, before lying back in the bed, a satisfied smile on her face. Ramesh satdown shuddering and looked at all of us. All of us had the same erotic, lustfullook with the most unbelievable expressions on our faces that such a wild,lustful night actually happed.
After just a cursory attempt toclean up, the four of us held each other and went to sleep on the bed togetherthough it was dark, I knew it was morning and I slowly turned over and openedmy eyes. Images from the previous night kept playing around in my mind as Ilooked over at the others. I was surprised that nobody was on the bed and as Ilooked around,
I saw Priya standing near thedoor that separated the cottage’s bedroom from the living room. She was peeringbetween the curtains and was leaning over the mantle and watching something inthe other room. I rolled over the bed, went quietly behind her and put my armaround her soft belly. She was wearing a short nighty which she had put onsometime in the night after the gymnastics between all of us.
Ummm good morning, Priya what areyou doing? I murmured, kissing the back of her neck, soft with silky hair andsmelling exotic. “Shhhhhh she whispered, “Don’t make a sound. Look”. She movedaside a little bit to let me also look into the other room. The sight I saw wasone completely for sore eyes. Ramesh was reclining on the sofa with his legswide apart, smoking a cigarette.
Bindu was on her knees, with herlarge ass sticking up in the air obscenely, giving his cock a wild sucking. Mywife was fast becoming an expert at Blow jobs, I thought as my cock slowlystarted stiffening in my shorts. I closed the distance to Priya and rubbed mycloth covered cock on her nighty covered ass as we saw Bindu get up and giveRamesh a sloppy French kiss.
She took his cock into her mouthand gave him quite a sucking. After 5 minutes of this, I really did not knowhow Ramesh did not blow his cum, she lifted her head away from his stiff cockand leaned over, her boobs rubbing on his dick and then his belly, andwhispered something in Ramesh’s ear. Ramesh laughed and said “Sure”, and got upfrom the sofa.
During this hot show, I had takenout my cock from my shorts and was rubbing it on Priya’s ass cheeks. I had alsoinserted my hand into her nighty and was fondling her bra-less tits. Thenipples were hard from watching her husband’s cock being sucked by anotherwoman and during the show she occasionally pressed down my hand on her boobs,wanting me to squeeze it harder. As we watched, the next part of the show wasunfolding in front of us.
As Ramesh got up from the sofa,his hard cock dangling straight in front of him Bindu had gone forward a coupleof feet and now rested her upper body on the sofa. She lowered her boobs to thesofa and with her ass sticking up, she turned over her shoulder and looked atRamesh. There was a pleading look mixed in the lustful expression in her eyesand she whispered, “Please be gentle.
Don’t worry, Sweetie. I know itis your first time, so I will ensure that you enjoy it”, he whispered in turn.Priya gasped and I also knew what was happening, my wife Bindu was going to getfucked in her ass for the first time and that too by my best friend. Her largeass, now spread apart was facing us as Ramesh bent down between her largecheeks and he ran his tongue on her asshole a couple of times.
He then stretched his hand to herslopping pussy and used her cunt juices to lubricate his cock. He then told herto relax and then placed his cock head against her hole. With one hand guidinghis cock and the other steadying her ass, he slowly inserted it inside. Aaaahhhit was a continuous moan from Bindu as first Ramesh’s cock head and then therest of his shaft forced its way into my wife’s asshole.
Bindu was gasping and she had hereyes closed with her hands clutching the sides of the sofa. Ramesh slid theentire length of his shaft inside her ass and remained stationery for some timefor Bindu to get used to the feeling of a cock in her ass for the first time.He then slowly withdrew and it was an erotic sight to see his long cockglistening as it emerged from the crack of her ass.
He then slowly shoved it in againand then picked up pace. Soon he was moving swiftly up and down in her ass andBindu was now moaning loudly, she was not concerned about waking us up anymore.Ahhhhhh it’s so big my! Ahhhhhhh Ramesh,you are tearing me apart it’s so big she screamed. Her ass shook under theimpact of his prick.
Ramesh was ramming his cock inand out, in and out, deeper and harder with each forceful thrust into herass-hole.” Ohhhhh I’m coming! Ramesh you are tearing my ass apart”, Shesquealed, grabbing the sofa tightly. She moaned and tossed her hard, body backand forth on his cock, almost making Ramesh’s cock to slip out of her tightass.
But he held onto her, scoopinghis hands under her shaking ass and jerking her hips up toward his cock. Rameshrammed her deeper and harder as she continued to come.” Ohhhhhh, it feels sofucking good! She cried, thrusting her hips up even higher, shudderingviolently, and gasping desperately for air as her climax smashed through heragain and again.
Ahhhhhh, Ramesh, coming! Shemoaned loud and long. Her hot body thrust and humped upward, driving higher andhigher. Her tightly clenching ass sucked at Ramesh’s cock, trying desperatelyto milk it of his hot, thick jizz. She pumped her ass off the sofa, feeling hergigantic tits shaking and bouncing with her every lewd move. Oh, God, Ramesh,fuck me, fuck meeeee! She yelled as he pistoned in and out of her ass.
I don’t know when it happened, but the excitement of watching this wild show infront of us had taken both Priya and me over the edge. My cock was now deepinside her hot wet cunt as she leaned on the window sill and watched herhusband ass fuck Bindu. Though my cock was inside Priya’s cunt and we werefucking in time to
Ramesh and Bindu, both our eyeswere only on the lewd, erotic ass fuck session in front of us. As we watched,Bindu was now shaking her head from side to side wildly, her hair flying allover the place as Ramesh tore her ass apart with wild thrusts. “Fuck me, fuckme, fuck me. Bindu kept moaning and I knew that soon Ramesh would explode.
He managed to fuck her foranother few minutes and groaned himself, I am coming. I am coming in your sweetass Bindu I wanted to fuck you in the ass for such a long time”, saying this,he shuddered and lay over her back, his ass still pumping softly. By this timeI had exploded myself into Priya’s cunt and fountains of my cum stretched as Ipulled my cock out.
Even after last night’s antics,Priya was astounded at seeing such a wild session in front of her. As wewatched, Ramesh slowly withdrew his cock from Bindu’s asshole and it comes outwith a soft plop sound. Bindu’s ass was dilated and we could see white cuminside. Bindu stayed in the position for some time and then when Ramesh wentand sat on the sofa, she too raised her body,
Stood up and we could see herlegs trembling. She then sat down next to Ramesh and gave him a long, sloppykiss with her tongue inside his mouth. “That was the first time in the ass forme, Ramesh and boy was it wonderful”, she whispered into his neck. Ramesh had anice glow of satisfaction as he squeezed her tits and reached out to light acigarette. If you like the story, please email me at