A Raunchy Monday


Hi everyone….I am Rajeev from Chennai…just finished my Eng and waiting for my placements….this is my first post in Iss-hope you like it….I am a big fan of Iss for a long time and I love the site for its simplicity and no-strings attached service…great work guys….keep it up… Some intro about myself….I am 22yrs old….stay with my parents in Chennai…only son…prototypical middle class guy 🙂 the incident which I am going to share now happened two weeks back….

I had just finished my grad and like my most of my peers, have about 6 months on hand before i can expect my call letter from the company which hired me during campus placements…life evidentially was getting slow ,lethargic and me getting lazier day by day :)…this erked my parents a lot and they began pushing me to do something worthwhile in this holes-a proposition which I too liked with time….

One fine day, I had gone for shopping in a large clothing shop in Spencer’s plaza with my parents…my dad bumped there into an old time friend…coincidentally, that friend happened to know the manager of the shop…the rest as they is history-i was given(or rather forced) to take a part time job in the same shop!!i was cursing my bad luck all along and was wondering about some embarrassing situations like running into college friends(read girls ;-)) while on job….I begged, pleaded and even threatened my parents but they wouldn’t budge-apparently they wanted to reform me!

Anyway i reported to work after a couple of days…went thru the formalities and the manager introduced me to my colleagues….one particular chick “Priya” caught my eyes and I thanked god for giving me some respite….anyway I was posted first in the kids section of the store which happened to be alongside the cosmetics section wherein Priya was posted…a good start I thought. Being new to the shop, the manager had asked Priya to help me out if necessary….well like any other guy, I grabbed this opportunity to befriend her and we got along well…anyway the story isn’t about her 😉

The shop policy was to work in full strength during the weekends and the employees to take turns for their weekly holes…being the newest guy, I was obviously the guy who had to bear all the adjustments….ended up working all weekends and getting offs on Wednesdays….It was a Monday which changed my life and it was quite a hectic weekend before that a lot of guys took off on Monday itself without prior notice…

I had to manage the kids section and a billing counter nearby as well…the time was around 12 noon…the shop evidentially was near empty except for a few customers….the kids section was no different….I took the time to chat up with, Priya…everything was going well until she suddenly got up and asked me to cover her section for a couple of hours saying she had some very important work…being the nice guy, I too accepted it…anything for a beautiful girl!

It was around 12.30 when “she” walked in…my eyes caught her the moment she stepped into my floor…and as i was praying, she headed straight to my section…”she” was gorgeous and sultry to say the least…decent height, sexy figure…neither too thin nor plump…dressed to the T…a spaghetti strap top and a figure hugging wrap around with a slit running all the way up to her thighs but unfortunately, the layers were upon each other thus not revealing anything…my eyes

Roved all over her body and instantly she caught me…rocked back into my senses, I did the formalities and noticed her kumkum upon her forehead…she said she was looking for some dresses for her kids…I was pleasantly surprised to hear her speak Tamil in a pure and unaccented way…i walked her through the kids section…she started looking around while I kept looking at her in all earnest 🙂 …she suddenly bent down to pick up something from the lower racks and as is the shop policy,

I too bent down to help her out…behold, my eyes popped out when I got a view of her cleavage…deep, sexy and her breasts seemed to be struggling to remain within their confines…it was just a matter of a few seconds but i thought my day’s purpose was served…she started walking down the aisle and again she bent down but this time she didn’t face me…her back was towards me…holy cow-her panties rode up and i caught a view of those sexy blue satin panties….what was more intriguing was that she had a tattoo over her lower back which also caught my eyes…a very chic housewife i said to myself….

She went to the corner section of that passage and was looking intently at a few clothes in the top racks…she called me over and asked me to show all the dresses…as it was the corner of a narrow aisle, i had to get real close to pick up the clothes…i expected her to move over and give me some place but instead she stood her ground and asked me to hurry up saying she didn’t have all the time with a faint alluring smile…as i was reaching out for the top rack, she pointed out to a few clothes and when she brought her right hand down,

Her back of the palm brushed upon my crotch…oooooommmyyy god-shock waves passed thru me….she then raised her left hand and kept pointing at the clothes but her right hand was definitely exerting some pressure and rubbing my crotch back and forth…my cock came to life and i was getting uncomfortable trying to follow her words and this sweet pleasure….she seemed content with a few designs and suddenly asked me-“do you like it”? ….i barely managed to speak a few words and she walked away past me brushing her assets against me….her soft succulent breasts all over my chest!!…i was speechless…

I managed to recollect myself and followed her….she entered the older kids section and asked me to show some latest designs for her niece…i brought her some but she wasn’t impressed and said-“u don’t know how to impress a woman”….i just gave a sheepish smile not understanding what she was referring to….she started searching herself…she again bent down but this time, she bent her knees…i bent to help her as well and the next moment was stunned to notice her wrap around slit had separated and her calves and thighs came into my view….

White, smooth, hairless and luscious…then she adjusted herself in such a way that the wrap around slit further rode up….oh dear! all her lovely legs on show for me and this lady was so non-chalant about it…she picked a skirt and asked me in a very well paused sultry tone-“you like this?” pointing downwards to the skirt and to the her lovely legs…all I could do was just nod in approval…

This show went on for a few more minutes and I was sweating all through it…my cock was erect to the maximum and straining my pants to form a tent…she looked down at the tent and chuckled and headed to the billing section with the clothes…I had to rush to make sure she comes over to my billing counter…I fumbled around the billing machine with my head reeling with all the ravishing views I had over the past one hour…I noticed that she had also picked up a big flower vase on her way back…after billing formalities ,i offered her to carry it for her….actually all I wanted was to keep looking at this siren as long as I can…I tried peeping over her cleavage all thru the lift 😉

She had come by a car and she led me to the car park…as people in Chennai would know, Spencer’s car parking is quite empty during weekend afternoons except for the few belonging to the ppl working in the offices there….she went to the section allotted to SUV and big cars and headed over to a Toyota  fortune parked there all alone…rich chick i said to myself….i always loved woman who drive big suvs- a sort of character and attitude defining moment i would say or might be a kinky fetish of mine as well ;-)…she asked me to drop the things in the boot and i headed back…it took her some while to release the boot and i could realize she was fidgeting around in the driver’s seat….

I couldn’t see much thru the tinted glass though and arranged the items in the boot once she opened it…i then slowly started walking back to the front realizing that my angel was going to leave….i tried peering my eyes to see thru the dark sun control of the window…then suddenly, the door swung open…she looked down and pointed out to her hanky which had fallen down…as i bent over to pick it up, she put one of her legs out of the car while the other remained inside…the fortuner is quite a tall car and she had to stretch out well…in the process, the wrap around came apart at the slit and her entire right leg was on show!!

I gulped down the images and then out of the blue, she did something that left stunned….she stretched a bit more and pushed aside her wrap around a little near the thighs thereby giving me a view of her holy grail! here i was bent near a toyota fortuner in the sparsely populated basement of Spencer’s plaza with the first view of a female cunt in my life inches from my face…spellbound stood rigid….her long fingers went thru the outline of her smooth, hairless, pink pussy…slowly and steadily, her fingers went up and down again and again….

Then with her thumb and index finger, she parted the outer lips to reveal her love hole-pink, raunchy and wet to the hilt…she slowly pushed her index finger into her cunt….ahhhh-a soft moan escaped her lips….she then slowly pushed it up all the way…her thumb reached out to her enlarged clit and swirled around it…she started biting her lower lip in lust, her back arched in pleasure and threw her head back against the headrest…her erect nipples were jutting out of her top…the heady smell of her juices filled the air…

What a sight-a sexy woman in a car pleasuring herself a few feet away…absolute ecstasy…my head was reeling and my mind wouldn’t work….the show lasted barely a few minutes when she suddenly regained her composure, smiled at me, pulled her leg back into the car, adjusted her dress, shut the door and started the car…slam….i came back to my senses as well-my head was reeling with all the visuals of the last hour….this was too much for me-a heady mixture that knocked me out….the only thing which kept working was my cock which was throbbing within my pants to the extent of being painful…

I watched the car slowly roll out of the parking slot…i was wondering what to do when suddenly, the car halted a few feet ahead…the driver’s window came down and her hand came out…she gestured me over to the car…I came closer….she looked straight into my eyes and said yet again in her sultry alluring voice-“I want to give you something….show me your hand”….just then, a tata safari came out from the mail alley to pull up into the parking slot nearby…she quickly kept something in my hand and asked me to keep it in my pocket at once….she started her car once again and drove out in a hurry….

So much had happened in the previous one hour that i was struggling to get a hold on it….i peeped down a luscious busty cleavage several times, saw a sexy panty playing peek a boo, brushed my chest against the soft boobs of a lady, had up skirt shots from close range, had a woman feel up my cock and finally, saw a cunt for the first time in reality at a place so unexpected that I wouldn’t have imagined even in my wildest dreams….I was wondering about the audacity or rather the expressive sexuality and boldness of my angel…

Then as realization dawned upon me, it was evident that she enjoyed it as much i did-she chose a Monday afternoon, headed to the empty part of the store, walked me thru the narrowest aisle of that section and even while pleasuring herself, she had herself covered with the huge fortuner door but had the cabin lights and the puddle lamps of the door on to help me get a clear view…and most importantly, she knew when to call it quits….wow…..simply superb planning and dead perfect execution….it then struck me that I didn’t even get her name and worst, didn’t even note down the car number..

I was cursing myself…look at me-standing off in a dark parking slot with a raging hard-on and a spinning mind…I started trudging back to the lift when i remembered that she had given me something-i was elated with the possibility that it could be her card….But she had had other plans in her mind…i put my hands into my pant pocket and could feel something smooth and silky…I pulled it out…it was her blue satin panty….ohhhhhhhhh….my fingers trembled holding it….I recollected her fumbling at the driver’s seat once she had got into the car…she had indeed removed her panty for me! what a souvenir for me and this in all senses, was the greatest planning act of hers…a treasure for the rest of my life time….

I did know about voyeurism and exhibitionism before but never thought such things never happened in reality that too in Chennai…but my myth was broken and broken in style and authority….I was surprised about the control that she had wielded over me all along…fabulous…I decided it was too much for the day, called up Priya (who said she was back-good for me) and asked her to inform the manager that i am taking it off for the rest of the day…a raunchy Monday which changed my perceptions about woman forever….this is my first post and apologies for any mistakes in it…i would love to hear reviews about my post…send your reviews to ….would love to hear from the fans of ISS…till my next post, its Rajeev signing off….cheers

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