A husbands dominant boss draws the eye of his beautiful wife

Sex Stories

“Remind you of someone?” My husband asked as our waiter walked away with the dishes. I blushed.

“What- who?” I managed, raising my wine glass to mask my embarrassment. It was no use, I was caught.

Jim chuckled, “Don’t be coy Allie. The waiter.”

I felt the heat of shame on my face, and that shame soon turned into frustration, mostly over my poor luck. I wasn’t the type of wife who was overly flirtatious, nor the type of woman who got caught ogling random men. The truth was, the waiter did remind me of someone, and I guess I had been staring enough throughout the dinner for Jim to have noticed.

“Mr. Thomas, maybe a little bit.” I reluctantly admitted.


Mr. Thomas, Jim’s boss, was perhaps the one exception to my previous statement. He was in his mid forties, making him roughly ten years older than Jim or I. He was a tall man, with a masculine face, black, bald, and with a goatee that had a mild hint of grey beginning to accent his already distinguished look. He was readily attractive, although not necessarily in an obvious, male-model type way. It was more so in the commanding way that he carried himself. He controlled a respect that most men didn’t, and his charisma was extraordinary. Those things in themselves, however, shouldn’t have been enough to draw my conservative and faithful eye. The catalysts for my budding, begrudging, attraction to Mr. Thomas, were his persistent flirtations towards me, and stranger, my husband’s seeming approval of them.

Jim wasn’t necessarily a shy man. He was confident in his work, confident in social situations, confident in his ability to provide for me, and confident in a number of other areas in his life (like his golf game). However, for whatever reason, reasons beyond your standard employee employer relationship, Jim was noticeably subservient to Mr. Thomas. He was so subservient, in fact, that when his boss would openly flirt with me, Jim would mostly just smile in acceptance. My husbands reactions to his bosses advances were even stranger when I considered how jealous and protective Jim was with seemingly every other man who made a pass at me. Early in our marriage, he even got into a fist fight with someone who hit on me during a night out ice skating.

I used to question Jim on his adulation towards his boss, especially as it related to the complacency he showed when Mr. Thomas would hit on me. “You heard what he said about my dress. Right?” or “He had his hand on my waist during introductions. You weren’t mad?”

Sometimes Jim would be embarrassed, but mostly he was steadfast. He would easily reply with something like, “It’s only Mr. Thomas Allie. I just take it as a compliment.” Thankfully though, Jim would also consider my discomfort, as a good husband should. Sometimes asking, “Do you want me to ask him to stop? Does it bother you?”

At first, it did bother me. I found his behavior inappropriate on a number of levels, professionally, ethically. However, over time, I suppose Mr. Thomas’s charisma began to work it’s charm on even me. Worse, I eventually began to enjoy the previously unwanted attention. I think, subliminally, my husbands overwhelming respect for him rubbed off on me, and I too began to take note of how impressive a man he was. Further, his flirtations towards me increased my own confidence. It was admittedly fun to have the attention of the attractive, popular male, even if nothing was to ultimately come from it.

Why did I have Mr. Thomas’s attention in the first place? Well, that was easier to explain.

I grew up as your typical Jewish American Princess, spoiled and girly. I probably would have been considered attractive starting all the way back in high school, though I didn’t really grow in sexual confidence until college. I’m a classic brunette, and more than a couple people have described me as the ‘girl next door’. I have nice lips, and a delicate, feminine nose. I have hazel doe eyes that tend to draw a lot of attention, or at least they used to when I was younger. Older men tend to appreciate more obvious assets, like my ample curves.

I guess there’s no other way to put it, I have large breasts and a big butt. To be honest, I’m not sure where either came from. My mother is wash board skinny, and none of the women on my dad’s side are particularly curvaceous. I suppose my curves are a blessing, but only recently have I come to appreciate them. Through most of my twenties I actually thought they looked ridiculous on my five and a half foot frame.

I was raised conservatively, as my mother frowned heavily on promiscuity. Even through college, I preferred to maintain a steady boyfriend over the thought of sleeping around. Maybe I’m weird, but I’ve never really considered sex to be all that amazing. My college boyfriends fumbled around nervously, often finishing before I could. Jim too, usually failed to make me orgasm during our love making. I began to believe that I simply wasn’t the type of woman who could orgasm easily, and even when I did, they were very mild. On the positive side, Jim and I had recently decided to work on starting a family, and I did notice an uptick in my libido since dropping my birth control.


“I guess he does look a bit like him.” I heard my husband say. “Maybe I should keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn’t try to slap your butt.” Jim smiled, in juvenile fashion.

The comment surprised me, “Oh really? So we are joking about that now?” I felt a pang of anger flash through me as I replied.


It was last month, at the company Christmas party. It was customary for company parties to feature copious amount of liquor, but the holiday events were especially loose. Most of the guests had already left the apartment, and Jim, Mr. Thomas, and I were drunkenly cleaning up in the kitchen at around one in the morning.

I remember leaning over Mr. Thomas’s island counter as I wiped the marble with a paper towel. I was suddenly startled as I felt the fabric of my dress being pulled over my rump, the conditioned air of the apartment hitting the bare skin of my butt. Suddenly a large hand gently slapped down on my skin, and gave me a squeeze.

My eyes darted wide, and my heart quickened in a momentary panic. I then heard the deep baritone voice of Mr. Thomas, as he spoke to my husband. “Jim. I hope you are taking care of this beautiful woman. She deserves the absolute best.”

I looked at my husband, hoping he would know what to do. I remember his embarrassed face, and his drunken smile. “I try my best, sir.”

Mr. Thomas’s large hand continued to caress my butt for a few moments longer, moving across the lace of my panties and squeezing the other side of my rear. He then asked of me, “Is that true, Allie? Is your husband taking care of business?”

I couldn’t believe that Jim was willingly watching his boss grope me, worse, he was smiling about it. I could tell he was very embarrassed by the situation, but I could also sense that he didn’t want to say anything to Mr. Thomas to deter him.

Still, despite my anger, I was the ever-dutiful wife, and I replied, “Jim- takes care of me.” I awkwardly chuckled, mortified.

“Good.” Mr. Thomas let my dress fall back into place, and continued to move about the kitchen as if nothing ever happened.

I remember feeling furious, and to be honest, most of my anger was directed towards my husband. My mind raced, I thought harassment, and I thought to scream. I shot the most disgusted look my face could conjur towards Jim, and walked out of the kitchen.

The car ride back to the house was hellfire. I unloaded on Jim as he carefully made his way back to our home.

“That’s it! You are fucking done working for that man!”

“How could you watch him grab me like that!?”

“You just stood there, smiling like an idiot!”

Jim was clearly regretful, red faced and embarrassed, “I’m really sorry babe. We were all drunk, and I didn’t know how to react. I didn’t want to cause a scene.”

“Better to let your boss grope me! God Jim, I cannot fucking believe you!” I rarely cursed, but the situation, and the alcohol, had me inflamed on a level I rarely reached.

“You’re lucky no one else was in the room! What if someone else had seen?”

“He wouldn’t have done it if anyone else was there.” Jim replied.

His response only angered me further. “Oh so no big deal then! Only my husband got to see!”

It wasn’t until later, in the shower, that I managed to calm down a fraction. As the water splashed across my naked body I felt a horrible shot of arousal, my nipples stiffening, and my pussy dampening at the infuriating memory. Yes, I was absolutely livid at my husband, for allowing such an intrusion to take place. Deeper, though, the real root of my anger was myself, because as Mr. Thomas’s momentarily explored my butt, I was taken aback by a terrifying heat that developed between my legs.

I disliked boisterous men, cocky men, arrogant men. Why then, had such a bold, inappropriate move, from such a confident man, turned me on in such a scary way?

When I returned to the bedroom, I mounted my husband, inflamed with arousal. “Shut up and fuck me.” I told him, as he looked up at me in confusion. It was a torrid session of love making, and one of the rare times when Jim was able to bring me to orgasm.


My testy reply took Jim aback, and he fumbled his napkin searching for a save, “No. I just- The sex was good that night.”

I managed to calm down, deciding to let his ill-made comment slide by, “No action tonight, Mr. Stirling. I’m getting past my period.” I threw back the remainder of my Pinot, adding with a smile, “But I will take some dessert.”

A disheartening look appeared on Jim’s face, he was clearly hoping to get lucky tonight. He sighed, “Well. I guess I’ll call Mr. Thomas over here to get us some cake.” He managed a joking smile, looking around for our waiter.

I laughed, “You would like that, wouldn’t you? Mr. Thomas waiting on you for once.”

He smirked, “A man can dream.”

Almost on cue, my husband’s phone rang.

Before he even had a chance to reach for it, I nearly shouted, “Oh no. Not tonight. Jim don’t-”

He looked at me in defeat, “Allie, please. It might be an emergency.”

“No sex for a week if you answer it.” I challenged him, already knowing he would still pick it up.

I leaned back in my chair in disgust.

“Mr. Thomas.” Jim spoke, sitting up at attention as he waited for his boss’s reply.

I watched as my husband nodded, speaking into his phone, “Mr. Parker, I remember him. Yes. Certainly.”

Jim spoke with such overt professionalism when speaking with Mr. Thomas, it was almost comical. He looked up at me. “Okay. That shouldn’t be a problem. Alright sir. I’ll add it to the calendar. Okay. Enjoy your weekend.”

“Is the world ending?” I chided as he put the phone down on the table.

“No, but you aren’t gonna like it.” Jim replied.

“Oh god. What is it?” I braced myself for whatever might come.

“Two weeks from now, dinner at Mr. Thomas’s apartment. Do you remember Mr. Parker?” He gently answered.

I sighed, nodding my head, “Big client of yours. Lives in the same building as Mr. Thomas.”

“His former business partner is flying in, has a ton of money, and is looking for new software for his new business venture. Mr. Thomas would like me there to close the deal, and since Mr. Parker’s wife will also be in attendance, he’d like you there as well.”

“Why do you need to frame it so professionally Jim? I’m your wife, remember? Can’t you just say we have a dinner?”

He blushed, realizing his own odd habits, “Sorry.”

I added, “I just don’t understand why that couldn’t have waited until Monday.”

My husband shrugged, “You know how he is.”

“Yes. I do.” Was my reply.

My day job, and career, was that of a Math Teacher. I loved Geometry, and currently taught it to seventh grade students at the local high school. I was sitting in the teacher’s lounge, the day of the scheduled dinner at Mr. Thomas’s apartment. The local news was on, and the weather report was troubling.

I called my husband, who answered, “Hey love.”

“Hi honey. I’m calling because I’m guessing the dinner tonight is cancelled.” I probed.

Jim was already in tune with what my concern was, “No actually. Mr. Thomas promised that it’ll wrap up early, the storm shouldn’t hit until tomorrow morning.”

I sighed, frustrated. “I really hope so Jim. I don’t want to get stuck in a blizzard.”

“Don’t worry. If it runs long I’ll tell Mr. Thomas that we have to leave, to beat the weather.” He replied.

“Sure you will.” I replied, amused by that idea.

“I will. Look, I gotta go. I’m walking into a meeting.” His voice was hurried.

To say I was angry, would have been a serious understatement. It was already coming down heavily on our drive into downtown.

“This is honestly ridiculous Jim.” I voiced my distaste as we arrived at the valet, the snow was coming down around us as we headed into the lobby. The valet even looked surprised to see a visiting arrival, and made sure to note that services would be shutting down early tonight.

“We’ll be quick.” Jim promised.

“No we won’t.” I knew.

His voice boomed when he opened the door. “Jim, Allie. Thank you for braving the weather, we’ll try to make this quick.”

“No problem Mr. Thomas.” My husband replied, shaking his boss’s large hand.

Mr. Thomas gave me a look with his piercing, dark eyes, adding, “Lovely as always, Allie. Let me take your coat.”

“Thank you.” I replied, both annoyed by, and glad to receive his compliment. I expected to be somewhat angered to see Mr. Thomas again, considering what happened last time. In reality, I wasn’t, and I actually found myself feeling strangely excited to be back in his company. I slowly moved into the large open space that took up the majority of his loft style penthouse. His apartment was always impressive, large vaulted ceilings with an incredible view of the city below. It was beautifully lit, and elegantly furnished, with tasteful finishes on nearly every square inch of the home. The large main space made it an ideal place for the various parties; it also included his bedroom, an office, and a large kitchen.

I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach when I noticed how heavily the snow was already falling outside one of his expansive windows.

The anxiousness only increased when I then felt Mr. Thomas place his hand on my waist, as he casually lead me deeper into the apartment. Jim followed in tow. Once again, my husband was bearing witness to his more assertive boss, and simply followed behind as Mr. Thomas held me by my waist. Why was Jim so willingly submissive in this man’s presence? I glanced upwards at his towering frame, noting his handsome profile. My nose picked up on Mr. Thomas’s patented scent, some kind of cologne that had tinges of vanilla and masculinity. It was hard to describe, but I had grown to love it. I even asked him what it was once, for Jim to use. He chuckled, joking that it was his natural aura.

We passed his free-standing wine cellar, filled with expensive liquors, reds, and whites. It was then that I saw three people sitting around his large dining table, sipping on various cocktails.

“Mr. Parker and Mrs. Parker, Mr. Schneider. I’d like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Stirling.” The three of them stood from the table, both men were dressed well, and of average height and stature, not unlike Jim, although I did consider Jim to be more attractive than either. Mrs. Parker was a reasonably attractive blonde, maybe in her fifties. All three of them looked very well to do.

“I believe we’ve met.” Jim offered to Mr. Parker as they shook hands, jokingly. They saw each other quite often at the office.

“I believe we have.” Mr. Parker replied, adding, “Thanks for braving the weather, we’ll try to make this quick.”

‘Everyone keeps saying that, but none of you have to worry about heading back in this mess.’ I thought, to myself.

“My, aren’t you absolutely stunning.” The woman offered. Mr. Thomas gently let go of his hold on me, and I moved to shake her hand.

“Thank you.” I paused, noticing her gorgeous red dress, continuing, “You are as well.” I replied, smiling.

“You’re too kind dear. Please, call me Sheryl.”

“Allie.” I replied.

Dinner was surprisingly pleasant. So pleasant, in fact, that my worry over the weather fell towards the back of my mind. The catered meal was delicious, and as with any gathering at Mr. Thomas’s place, the alcohol flowed in over-abundance. The conversation between the men was mostly business, however, throughout the meal I caught Mr. Thomas looking at me with his captivating eyes. It was a common occurrence, and like I previously admitted, I had shamefully come to enjoy the excitement that came along with his attention. Unlike most men, when I would catch his eyes, he wouldn’t balk. He would simply continue to gaze at me, almost predatory in his confidence. It would always cause me to break, and to look away in embarrassment. Worse, it would even yield a fluttering sensation in my stomach, and sometimes even an inexplicable heat between my legs. I would look to my husband for relief, for some kind of safety, but he was distracted with his own conversations, consumed by the business of the evening.

After an hour had passed, and most of the food had been consumed, the three men disappeared into the office to “talk numbers”. I’d probably be better suited for the task, the Math teacher inside of me knew. Sheryl and I remained, wine glasses in hand. Through the dinner we had discussed our various careers, aspirations. Sheryl was an accomplished writer, even penning several plays that made it to screen adaptations. I offered some commentary on education, and arguments for an increase in teacher’s salaries. She was receptive to all of it, and even added her own insight on the matter. Sheryl was also riotous, a legitimate treat to converse with, unabashed, and unafraid to engage in risque conversation as well.

“So, how did you and Jim end up together?” She probed.

I could sense there was more meaning behind her question than the general inquiry of it.

“Well. We met shortly after college, at a technology conference. He was very bold back then, he came right up to me, asked me out. I wasn’t used to that sort of thing from guys who weren’t super jocky. It intrigued me.” I took a sip of wine, continuing, “Turns out we had a lot in common. He’s great at making me laugh.”

“That’s very important.” Sheryl conceded.

I continued, “He asked me to marry him only six months in, and I guess the rest is history.”

She nodded in response.

I added, “Sure he’s maybe not the tallest gu-”

“-I’m sure he’s an excellent catch.” She offered as a saving interruption, not wanting me to embarrass myself with unnecessary reasoning. She added, “He reminds me a bit of Phillip, when he was younger. About the same build, and a similar way about them.”

“Mr. Peters?” I asked, confirming what I already assumed.

She nodded.

We sat in silence for a moment, before I added. “He’s also Jewish, and if I brought home anything but my parents would have disowned me.” It was a joke, well, mostly.

That comment earned a hearty laugh from Sheryl, which contagiously spread back to myself.

We were both enjoying the humor of the moment, when a deep voice suddenly interrupted us.

I looked up to see Mr. Thomas, wine bottle in hand, already filling my glass. “How about a top off for two beautiful women.”

“Why thank you dear.” Sheryl offered.

“Thank you.” I added, once again enjoying his aura and intoxicating scent.

Before he could say anything else, Jim called out from the other room, “Mr. Thomas. Please take a look at this!”

He shook his head in seeming exasperation, “I’m needed. I’ll be right back.”Sheryl chuckled, and I blushed, as we both watched him walk back into the office.

Sheryl looked in my direction. “Mark is quite the man, isn’t he?”

It was jarring to hear him referred to so casually. Jim had never called him by his first name. I supposed those were the perks of being a client, and not a subordinate.

Additionally, I wasn’t quite sure how to respond to the question, so I simply nodded.

She put her hand on my knee, and lowered her voice, “It’s okay dear. You’re a red blooded woman just like me. I’ve seen the way you look at him.”

My eyes widened, a pang of worry over the knowledge that someone else had caught me enjoying his presence. I blushed, and found myself admitting, “He’s certainly impressive, but he’s my husbands boss. So i need to be careful.” I chuckled, hoping to ease the tension.

Sheryl playfully replied, whispering, “That makes it even more exciting, then.”

I nearly gasped at her boldness, replying, “You’re bad.”

She shrugged, “Our husbands are our husbands, but every woman secretly lusts over the Alpha male.” She took a heavy sip of her wine, adding, “It’s one of the oddities of female sexuality, I suppose.”

I was taken aback by her forwardness, as she continued, “Mark is a very dominant man, physically and mentally. It’s hard not to be excited by him.”

I was somehow feeling defensive of her compliments. Yet another person, this time a woman that I seemed to respect, a married woman, enthralled by Mr. Thomas. “Maybe that behavior is compensating for something.” I blurted, in frustration.

An amused look appeared on Sheryl’s face. “Allie dear. Phillip and I once went on a double date with Mark and a girl he was having some fun with. We came back here after dinner and drinks. Let’s just say the noises coming from that room.” She pointed towards the master suite.

“That girl sounded like she was having a religious experience.”

I blushed, and absurdly, I felt a heat brewing between my legs once again.

“Is Jim very hung?” Sheryl suddenly asked, taking me completely off guard. She chased the absurd question with a sip of her wine, smiling.

“Sheryl!” I nearly screamed, reactively slapping her other hand on my knee.

Before I could verbally respond, a flickering of light outside the nearby window distracted me, and suddenly a panic swept over my body. I stood, and walked over to the large pane of glass, covering my mouth in horror as I took note of the scene outside. The excitement and arousal from moments ago washed away, and those feelings were replaced with anger. I turned, and saw Jim standing in the office doorway, wide eyed and apologetic.

Mr. Thomas strode in behind him, speaking loudly to the room, “Valet just called, they are shut down, and the streets are shut down as well. I believe we’ve lost track of the time.”

Jim began laying sheets onto the pulled out couch bed, moments ago having pushed Mr. Thomas’s credenza out of the way. We had to make room in the office, in an effort to turn it into our temporary bedroom. I guess I should have been thankful that we at least had a bed, makeshift as it was.

“At least we closed that dea-” Jim tried to offer, nervously. He had the good sense to be nervous, at least. My husband was a smart man, certainly smart enough to know I was in no mood.

“Just stop, Jim.” Internally I was secretly happy that my husband had managed to secure the contract, but that took a distant back-seat to the major issue I had with having to utilize Mr. Thomas’s apartment as a hotel. My worst fear from earlier in the day, fully realized. Jim was great at his job, to be sure, but he wasn’t always great at taking my concerns seriously.

I tossed the excess gym clothes that Sheryl loaned me onto the bed cushion, and walked into the adjoining bathroom to wash. Thank god the Parker’s had brand new toothbrushes lying around, the thought of not brushing my teeth made me cringe.

“You better hope this storm is a light one, Jim. Because so help me god, if we are here through the weekend-” I slammed the bathroom door, probably harder than I should have considering it wasn’t my home.

The shower was needed, divine, actually. It was a high pressure nozzle and the water’s heat did wonders to allow me to relax, at least a bit. I snapped on a pair of Sheryl’s yoga shorts, and threw a tank top on over my large breasts. Despite their size, my boobs had little in the way of sag. To be honest, it was something I was proud of now in my mid thirties.

“No panties.” I muttered into the mirror. “Just great. As if this situation wasn’t risque enough already.” I felt a sudden rush of heat between my legs, and a mild stiffening of my nipples, initially unsure of what caused it. Getting off birth control, which I had used seemingly my entire adult life, really seemed to cause an uptick in my sexual cravings. My eyes widened as I remembered that tomorrow would be peak ovulation for me, and I desperately hoped the weather would let up early to allow Jim and I to venture home.

My foul mood didn’t improve as I scrolled through ‘Storm of the Year’ headlines on my phone. Worse, the pull-out bed was wiry, and less than comfortable. I shifted around under the sheets as Jim obsessed over his own news feed lying next to me.

“This is absolutely wonderful Jim. Thank you so much for this lovely weekend getaway.” I couldn’t help but voice my displeasure towards my husband, the sarcasm obvious.

He sighed, the glow of his phone screen lighting up his face. He reached towards my knee, sincerity in his voice. “I’m sorry honey. I don’t want to be here either. Please, try to cut me some slack.”

I shook my head in resignation, knowing that acting like a bitch would do nothing to improve our situation. Further, I was guilty in losing track of the time as well.

I sighed, “I’m glad you closed the deal.”

I could hear the relief in his voice, “Thank you my love.” He leaned in, kissing my cheek, adding, “Hey, by the way. What were you and your good friend Mrs. Parker talking about tonight?”

I smirked as I recalled Sheryl’s enjoyable company, replying, “Mr. Thomas, mostly. She calls him Mark.” I paused, feeling a warmth between my legs as I remembered what she told me about the man. “I think she has a bigger crush on him than you do.” I joked.

“Impossible.” My husband replied, with his goofy smile.

I felt suddenly inflamed, not by Jim’s smile, but by something else. I spontaneously rolled atop him, tossing his phone out of his hand. I positioned my dampening crotch atop his, and leaned down to kiss him.

The arousal was sweeping over me, almost unfamiliar in its strength. My heavy breasts hung within the cotton of my shirt, my nipples stiffening as I leaned forward to bring my chest closer to my husbands face.

“Suck on them baby.” I spoke, voice low and excited.

I peeled my shirt up and over my head, tossing it next to us. My large, natural breasts bounced naked into view. I felt the chilly air of Mr. Thomas’s apartment come in contact with my skin, goosebumping my flesh, and dampening my pussy.

My husband had no choice but to instinctively grab them, taking my heavy tits into his mouth.

I ground my inflamed mound down into Jim’s crotch, finding the stiffening member beneath his boxers. I used his modest length to stimulate my dampening intimacy, rubbing back and forth in excitement.

His eyes shot open in realization, and he reached up his hands to gently push me back, “Allie stop. Wait.”

I stopped my motion, looking down at him in concern, “What’s wrong?”

He was breathing heavily, and red faced, replying, “We- can’t do this here.”

“What do you mean?” I immediately felt the anger returning, fearing what he might suggest.

“It’s not, appropriate. What if, Mr. Thomas hears?”

I sat there for a miserable moment, atop my husband, topless, and nearly dumbfounded by his concern.

“You’re- you’re joking. Right?”

He began, “This is basically a work environme-”

I moved as fast as I ever had hopping off him, reaching for the shirt and stuffing my arms back into it.

“You’re a real asshole, you know that right?” I wanted to scream, but I kept my tone under control, somehow.

“Allie-” He tried.

“I’m ovulating, you total, inconsiderate-” I, again somehow, stopped myself. An ashamed look swept across his face as he realized his mistake.

I continued, “It would be nice, Jim. Just once, if you would put your wife’s priorities ahead of your work.” I picked up a pillow, throwing it hard in his direction. He caught it, facial expression hinting at legitimate embarrassment. “Especially in the fucking bedroom.” I finished.

I awoke rather groggily, having tossed and turned all night. The springs and cabling from the pull out support had offered almost nothing in the way of rest.

I slowly sat up and reached for my phone, noting that it was already eight in the morning. The weather report started my day on the wrong foot, deflating me almost immediately. The snow hadn’t let up as anticipated, and was still blanketing the entire county. I shook my head, burying my face in my hands and subsequently wiping my eyes awake. The sound of Jim’s snores reached my ears, and immediately encouraged me to get out of bed. I was still seething over my husbands behavior from the previous evening.

The bed wasn’t the only inhibitor to a good nights rest. Throughout the night there was a needful ache emanating from between my legs, and the man who should have quieted it had decided that wasn’t an option for him. The memory of Jim’s shortsighted refusal angered me greatly. I decided it best to try and forget it, heading into the bathroom to freshen up.

I used what little make-up I had in my clutch to tidy my face, and brushed my teeth, eventually walking back into our makeshift bedroom. I looked for the trash bag that had my dress, and more importantly, my bra, crumbled within it. It was nowhere to be found, only Jim’s slacks and button-down were laid haphazardly over the side of the couch. I looked high and low, behind every nook and cranny, back in the bathroom. Where had it gone?

I hated that I had to speak with him, but I shook my husband awake nonetheless. “Jim, where is the bag that was by the door?”

He blinked his eyes open, confused. A moment passed, and he seemed to recall, “The trash bag? I dropped it down the chute while you were in the shower.”

I stood there, in awe of his absent mindedness. He was likely on his phone last night, discussing work, and just went through the motions of disposing of some trash. He didn’t have the slightest inkling that he had chucked my clothes into the dumpster.

I was done fighting with him, done being mad. I didn’t even tell him my clothes were in that bag. I simply nodded, and walked towards the door.

The delicious aroma of coffee filled my nostrils upon walking out into the loft space. I knew that my breasts were readily legible beneath the thin cotton fabric of Sheryl’s shirt, but the last several hours had pushed me well beyond the point of caring. Mr. Thomas had already been in the habit of touching me, groping me with my husbands seeming permission. Getting a look at the form of my breasts, beneath a shirt, was hardly pushing the envelope.

I saw him standing in the kitchen, his lower body concealed by the bar-height island counter. I noted that he was wearing his own snugly fitted tee, his large arms and broad shoulders moving as he stirred what looked to be an expensive champagne into some orange juice.

I also noted an incredible spread of bagels, toast, fruit, breakfast meats, and roasted coffee, laid out across the marble counter top.

He turned, noticing me, smiling. “Good morning Allie.”

I was feeling suddenly in better spirits, and smiled back, “Good morning.” I paused, taking in the quantity of food on the table, adding, “Wow. This looks amazing Mr. Thomas.”

“It’s Saturday Allie, please.” He seemed to scold me. He pointed towards the coffee, adding, “Grab some.”

“What do you mean, it’s Saturday?” I asked, picking the warm mug up off the table.

He replied, “You’re my guest, and it’s the weekend. Call me Mark.”

I was taken aback by the gesture, both the food and the hospitality. I couldn’t help but notice a certain sexiness about him as well. Mark was always rugged, commanding, but apparently he was also a man capable of preparing a delicate meal, and it was an interesting realization. I looked out the window towards the winter wonderland below, snow rapidly falling. I was happy to take a sip of a hot, caffeinated beverage, which helped to cleanse my palette. The apartment was well heated, but standing this close to a glass pane in an active snow storm still caused me a little chill. My nipples stiffened against the cotton of my shirt, and I blushed, remembering my state of undress.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked.

“Yes, thanks.” I lied, not wanting to complain.

He seemed to take in my body with is eyes, an impressed look on his face. He added, “You look even more beautiful just rolled out of bed.” Mark smiled as he offered me the strong compliment.

It felt satisfying to have a handsome man offer me a compliment on the heels of my husbands fumbling rejection.

I smiled wide, and playfully responded, “But you can tell I just rolled out of bed.” I paused, adding with sincerity, “Thank you Mr. T- Mark” The first name would take some getting used too.

He chuckled at my stumbling over his name, grabbing a flute, and moving beyond the edge of the counter. My eyes widened when I realized his own state of undress. Mark was healthily filling out a pair of black boxer-briefs. The bulge at his crotch was very substantial, and his manhood bounced around beneath the fabric of his underwear, the material stretching taut against his thick legs as well. He saw me appreciating the size of his crotch, and proudly smiled as he placed the champagne glass down next to me. I couldn’t help but blush deeper, embarrassment running deep as my body temperature spiked over the risque proximity we shared.

“What is this anyway?” I blurtingly asked, searching for any distraction. I placed my coffee down and took the champagne flute in hand.

“Mimosa. My special recipe.” He smiled, still standing dangerously close to me.

I blushed, and teased him, “Isn’t a mimosa just orange juice and champagne?”

He chuckled, admitting, “Yes. But it’s usually not that kind of champagne.” His words implied a caliber to the bottle, which I had already assessed as high quality. The taste of the drink confirmed it.

“Delicious.” I complimented.

“I’m glad you think so.”

We stood there for a moment, his delicious scent just noticeable enough to entice me. I took another sip of the mimosa, a nervous sexual tension running through my body. Stupidly, almost instinctive, I noticed myself glancing down at his package again. It was almost as if I suddenly lost control of my actions, eyes magnetized by intrigue. He saw me once again appreciating his concealed manhood, and ever so slightly widened his stance to give me a better view. My eyes widened at the outline of his cock, long and thick, running down his thigh. Suddenly, all the repressed arousal from last night bubbled up from within me. My face grew flush with excitement. My nipples hardened, pushing the fabric of my shirt out for Mark’s eyes to see. The heat returned between my legs, intense and needful.

I turned to the window, hoping to conceal my body’s betrayal, taking another heavy sip of the cocktail in my hand.

My eyes widened and my heart quickened as Mark slowly turned with me, placing a hand on my hip and assuming a position behind me.

For some terrifying, inexplicable reason, my body immediately welcomed his touch. My pussy began to dampen, and I closed my eyes as I felt his hand caress my side. Suddenly I felt his manhood, warm and heavy, rub into the top of my butt. My eyes darted wide as a redness swept across my face. I began breathing heavily, realizing that only two layers of fabric separated our naked bodies. It was a deeply troubling, but equally exciting moment.

“I’ve been meaning to apologize.” His deep voice gently spoke from behind me, his hand still rubbing my side, his heavy bulge still resting on the curvature of my ass.

I pretended to be in awe of the weather, mystified by the heavy snow falling right outside the window. In reality, I was focused only on my composure, and on desperately trying to stifle a brewing excitement in my loins.

I cleared my throat, before managing, “Apologize for what?”

Goosebumps exploded across my body as his other hand slowly reached up to wrap around my waist.

“My behavior at the Christmas party.” His deep voice began raising the hair on the back of my neck as his breath met my skin. He added, “I shouldn’t have touched you like that. Not without your permission.”

His large, strong, hands moved across my tummy, slightly lifting the base of my shirt in the process. I could feel his incredible size hardening against my ass, my eyes widened with an overwhelming sense of arousal, my heart hammering in my chest over the deeply inappropriate moment I was sharing with my husband’s boss. The intended irony of his apology while in the middle of an even more dangerous act. It all served to turn me on in a horrible way.

“-It’s okay.” I heard myself mutter, delirious. Another whine incomprehensibly escaping my lips, admitting a horrible truth, “-I, I like it – when you touch me.”

The fabric of my yoga shorts continued to dampen, and my body was electric with terrifying lust. It was a feeling of sexual excitement unlike anything I could remember experiencing. Mark’s hands continued to roam across my trim belly, slowly ascending up my body. The rational voice that wanted me to scream for him to stop was getting fainter and fainter, drowned out by my sexual urgency. Mark’s masculine touch was intoxicating, and exactly what my body had been craving.

I gasped when I felt his strong hands finally take hold of my bare breasts. His palms squeezed into my tits as his fingers flicked across my diamond hard nipples, creating an indescribable sense of sexual need from deep within me.

“This is much better than coffee.” Mark whispered into my ear, deftly massaging my breasts up and down from within my shirt. Another aroused whine escaped my lips. I cleared my throat, eyes closed, savoring his incredible and dangerous touch. The man had set my body on fire in an instant.

I jumped in a panic, nearly with a scream, at the intrusive sound of a buzzing alarm.

I blinked my eyes back to reality, and shuffled my shirt into an appropriate position as Mark let go of my body. He moved a few paces into the kitchen, and grabbed hold of the culprit, his phone.

A flash of anger appeared on his face as he read the reminder on his screen, scowling, “Only your husband would set up a conference call on a Saturday morning, in the middle of a blizzard.”

I was in a daze, unable to reconcile the intense excitement from a minute past with the sobering reality of this intrusive moment. The rational side of my mind made a momentary comeback, and the dutiful wife in me replied, “He’s always working hard, my husband.” I took a deep breath to center myself.

It wasn’t a completely hollow compliment, as there was truth in the words. However the fact that I had offered it on the heels of falling so quickly victim to the seduction of his boss, made it feel as such.

Mark smiled knowingly, and walked back in my direction, gently rubbing my ass as he passed by. I blushed, remembering the erotic intensity from only a moment ago.

He turned, speaking, “Well, I need to wake him up and put him to work. There’s a lot to do today.” He stopped for a second, adding, “I expect you to enjoy those mimosas Allie. I made them for you. The television remote is over there.” I watched him, muscular back, broad shoulders, and tight rear end, as he strode into the office. I couldn’t help but giggle as I heard his voice booming in the other room, no doubt encouraging Jim to wake up and get to work.

Truth be told, that while delicious, the mimosas weren’t much help at satiating my arousal. In fact they worked in doing quite the opposite. Mark’s gorgeous couch was comfortable, which helped me doze in and out of slumber for a time, but I still tossed and turned. Another problem was that there were no curtains on the loft windows. Despite the rough weather outside, it was ultimately too bright in the room to rest well.

It was mid afternoon when I felt a gentle hand nudge me awake. I opened my eyes to see Mark smiling down at me from above the couch. I immediately felt the return of that dangerous electricity when his hand touched my body.

“You lied to me.” I heard him say, causing me to sit up in reaction.

“What do you mean?” I asked, suddenly worried.

His smile disarmed me, and he replied, “Jim told me you didn’t sleep well. You were tossing and turning all night.”

I brushed away some hair from in front of my eyes, “It’s alright. I’ll survive.” I smiled at him.

His deep voice continued, “Mr. Schneider his heading up here with some paperwork, he stayed with the Parkers last night. Why don’t you go lay down in my bedroom. It’s dark, and quiet. You’ll be able to rest.”

His offer both worried and surprised me. I blushed, “That’s alright Mark, I’m actually feeling okay. Besides, I’d feel like I was intruding.”

“I won’t take no for an answer.” He rested his hand on my thigh, gently squeezing it. “I just changed the sheets yesterday. So you don’t have to worry about getting dirty.” He flashed a naughty smile at me, which caused an excited fluttering in my stomach.

I relenting, somehow quicker than I would have expected. “Well, if you insist.”

I began moving towards the large door to his bedroom, my breathing rate increasing for some inexplicable reason. I glanced once across the loft towards the office. The rational side of my brain screamed from within, and I decided to head towards my husband.

I opened the door, leaning in. Jim was there, eyes intense and locked on the computer screen in front of him. He was wearing the same slacks from dinner last night, with his matching button down, although it was un-tucked and without his jacket or tie.

“Hey.” I offered, gently.

He sat up straight at the realization that I was there, replying, “Hey baby.” He paused, looking me up and down, before continuing, “Look. I’m really sorry about las-”

“It’s okay Jim. Let’s forget about it.” I interjected. It wasn’t okay, but I didn’t come to him to fight. “So you told Ma- Mr. Thomas that I didn’t sleep well?”

He nodded, “Yeah. I felt you moving around all night.”

It was nice of him to notice that, at least, on the heels of his other oblivious actions.

I admitted, “He told me I could take a nap in his room. He said its quiet in there, and the bed is comfortable.” I laid it at my husbands feet. The rational side of my mind, pleading that he would not allow it, hoping that he would instead say that we were leaving. Say that we could wait the rest of the storm out in the lobby below, safe from temptation.

Jim looked in my direction, and simply said, “That sounds like a good idea Allie. You can get some rest.” He continued to type away on the keyboard in front of him.

I stood there for a moment, part of me worried, part of me excited, part of me confused. My husband thought it a good idea for his wife to go take a nap in his boss’s bed.

“Okay honey. I’ll see you in a bit.” I replied, and closed the door behind me.

The room was large, with dark finishes, and warm accent lighting throughout. Nearly every wall had matching mirrors, along with the large headboard on the bed, which was accented with expensive dark burgundy sheets. There was a reading table at the foot of the bed, with two accompanying chairs. Across the room was a large pane of glass, with a beautiful, modern, bathroom behind it. The entire thing was exposed, save for the toilet closet, with an easy view right into the massive shower.

I slowly made my way over to the bed. It was large, and deliciously comfortable as I laid down upon it. I was hesitant to get under the covers, as I wasn’t sure how appropriate that was. I turned to the side, my nostrils picking up on those tinges of vanilla masculinity present on his sheets. The sexual heat returned to me, and I curled my legs up close to my body, feet near my butt. I lay there, perversely wondering how many women Mark had taken in this bed, mind specifically recalling the story Sheryl had told me, about the girl who couldn’t stop screaming in pleasure.

I awoke several hours later, my body finally feeling refreshed. I glanced at Mark’s nightstand clock, noting that it was almost six in the evening. I heard rain, but that didn’t make sense to my newly awoken brain. We were in the middle of a blizzard, I reminded myself. That was when I rolled over, and saw him.

I gasped as my mind tried to process the image my eyes were delivering it. Mark stood in his shower, dark body large and naked. The water was falling down around him, splashing against his skin. The elegant shower lighting was doing wonders to accentuate his muscles, and his-

His cock.

I had to blink several times, to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. His large hands roamed across his body, down his manhood, wiping the water and soap suds from his incredible appendage. It hung there, flaccid, thick, and masculine, literally swaying with the movement of his person. Mark was a tall man, well over six feet tall, but still his organ hung near halfway down his thigh. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it, completely captivated by it’s presence. Suddenly I realized I was biting down hard on my bottom lip, my yoga shorts completely sodden near my intimate place.

There was absolutely nothing I could do to take my eyes off him. I lay there, appreciating his wildly impressive physique, and his even more impressive penis. The boldness of his actions, his stark nudity in my presence, it was completely in line with his personality, and the events from earlier in the day.

I realized that my fingers were buried between my legs, rummaging against the fabric of my shorts, massaging the folds of my pussy. I had to do something to stoke my desire, anything. No man had ever elicited this sort of reaction from me, and my body and mind were reacting in ways that were entirely foreign.

Suddenly panic swept over me as Mark shut the shower down, stepping out into the common area of the bathroom and reaching for his towel. I took one last look at his large, bobbing manhood, still in awe of it, before rolling over in fear.

I closed my eyes, mimicking sleep, ears focused in on his every movement. A seeming eternity passed before I heard him bounding into the bedroom towards my very direction. My heart beat quickened, thumping in my chest, my breathing turning almost erratic. I soon felt him, standing there, observing me.

I almost exploded when his large hand touched my side. I tried my best to keep my composure, slowly opening my eyes.

The first thing I noticed was his nudity. He hadn’t dressed, and the sight of his penis up close would be an image I would never forget. His black cock hung there, mere feet from my face, it’s masculine presence almost indescribable in it’s captivation.

I gazed longingly towards it, and then up at him. His large hand continued to rub my skin. I felt the sudden need to roll onto my back, instinctively giving him more access to my body.

“Did you sleep well?” His deep voice asked, sexy eyes penetrating into me.

I could only nod, voice caught in my throat, mouth dry in extreme arousal.

His large hand moved up into my shirt, wasting no time in taking hold of my breasts, massaging them, enticing them. A fire shot across my entire body.

I gazed back down at his large penis, which was now proudly growing in his own excitement. It only took a few moments before Mark was fully erect, his manhood jutting outwards in, what was to me, incomprehensible size. I gained a better view of his big testicles, large and black, hanging heavy and tout. For some reason my stomach began to flutter at the sight of them, a feeling of deep womanly need coursing through me.

He continued to skillfully paw at my tits, in one moment gently pinching down on my nipple, and shaking my breast back and forth. It was an erotic sensation, and it caused me to spread my legs. I gasped as I felt his other hand move down onto the fabric of my shorts. His entire palm was now resting gently atop my inflamed womanhood. He ever so slightly motioned back and forth, his subtle motion causing me to boil over in arousal, body shaking in excitement. A soft moan escaped my lips.

He spoke softly, his masculine voice deep and controlled, “Allie. I feel a lot of heat down here. Is that for me?” He slapped his hand down against my pussy, causing my head to arch back in delight.

I glanced up into his eyes, my mind melting away into the moment, my voice a whisper, “Mark. You make me fucking horny.”

He smiled at that, and returned the compliment, “You do the same thing to me, Allie.” He nodded my attention towards his towering cock. I looked at it, biting my lip once again. I realized that I couldn’t control myself any longer.

I reached upwards and slowly wrapped my small hand around his manhood, my delicate white fingers encircling his thick black shaft. I immediately felt his heat, his weight, his masculinity. I shuddered at the gravity of my actions. I had never seen a sight so erotic as I began to stroke him back and forth. My thumb and index finger were desperately far apart, my fingers having no hope of meeting across the expanse of his impressive girth. My white hand and wedding ring contrasted luridly against his black cock as I began to pump his naked flesh.

“God it’s big.” I instinctively whispered.

He didn’t reply, the hunger in his eyes merely continued to build as he watched me play with his sex.

Big was an understatement. I couldn’t believe how far my hand traveled as I explored him. His heavy balls were pendulous and intoxicating as they swayed to my stroke. I wasn’t quite sure how long Mark was. Nine, ten inches or more. Whatever the number, I could tell he was well over twice as long as Jim. Further, my fingers easily overlapped my husbands thickness, and his testicles were small in comparison to Mark’s. Despite the significant disparity in size, I didn’t find Mark’s package to be scary, or freakish. I simply thought that his large cock, his heavy balls, were what a man should look like. Mark’s manhood was an Alpha male’s manhood, and the sight of his naked body excited me in a profound way.

Suddenly Mark snaked his large fingers under the elastic band of my shorts, immediately bringing himself in contact with my lubricated clit. He rummaged around my folds with deftness, causing me to wiggle in pleasure, and stifle moans with every passing moment.

“Fuck-” I finally screamed, my voice still a whisper. Mark paused for a moment.

His hand pulled back and took hold of my waist band, ripping my shorts down my legs with strength. He tossed them half way across the room, and I shuddered in erotic delirium as the cool air of Mark’s bedroom washed across my inflamed pussy, the harrowing realization that I was naked and wet for my husband’s boss.

“Where’s Jim?” I heard myself ask, the last vestiges of the rational side of my mind quickly fading away.

He didn’t answer, but he did place one knee onto the bed, and then another. He grabbed me by the back of my thighs, and lifted my body deeper onto the bed. I gasped as my back hit the bed cushion, my breasts bouncing beneath my shirt. The jiggling of my tits must have inspired Mark, because his next act of dominance was to grab my shirt by its loose collar, and rip it down the middle.

He destroyed it with ease, my large breasts spilling out naked for his feasting eyes. My skin goosebumped as I realized what was happening, unable to comprehend the gravity of it. My pussy was soaking wet in anticipation, and I cried out in pleasure as I felt his heavy cock slap down into me.

“This has been a long time coming Allie.” Mark’s deep voice finally offered, calmly. He slapped his big black cock down into my clit again, jostling it back and forth across my sex, stimulating me in excruciating fashion. He continued, staring into my eyes. “Spread your legs baby. Give it up for me like I know you want to.”

I was having an out of body experience, consumed by lust in a way I never thought possible. Against all rational thought, against everything I was raised to believe, I willingly, needfully, complied. I slowly opened my legs, the naughty sensation of my folds slowly spreading, aroused wetness clinging to the puffy lips of my pussy. I was willingly giving Mark’s cock access to my most intimate place, inviting him to take me. After the years of inappropriate teasing, years of sexy innuendo, years of flirting. After years of my husbands complacency, his willingness to allow a sexual chemistry, a sexual tension, to develop between me and another man. I was finally going to do it. I was finally going to let my husband’s boss fuck my married pussy.

My eyes shot open in disbelief when I felt him breach me, his large cock causing an incredible sensation of pressure as he began stretching my opening. I was surprised that my pussy was willing to immediately accommodate his size, perhaps aided by the fact that I had never been wetter for a man in my life. He took me slowly, his eyes gauging my facial expression, which ranged from shock to ecstasy. He knew I was unfamiliar with his length, and made sure to take every new inch of me with delicate skill. The pressure increased the deeper he ventured, and I could feel the walls of my pussy expanding for him. His manhood eventually reached so deep inside me that I could almost sense him in my throat, mouth going dry as my body experienced the fullness of a big cock for the first time.

I gasped in awe as I felt the heat from his large balls finally brush up against the skin of my ass, realizing that my womanhood had somehow taken him full. I felt pleasure emanating from deep within me, powerful, unlike I had ever experienced. Mark’s manhood was massaging previously uncharted nerve endings deep in my pussy, and it caused me to shudder on his cock, and grab his muscular arms for support. The sensation of fullness was absolutely divine, and I was stunned to realize just how womanly I felt with him inside me.

The satisfaction only became more intense as Mark began to fuck me.

I gasped, moaned, and clawed into his body as he began to piston in and out of me with his big cock. I looked down, almost unable to comprehend the sight of it. Mark’s gargantuan tube of onyx plunging in and out of my white folds, plumpness bouncing, clit glistening with every one of his strokes. I bit my lip, and called for him to take me.

“Oh my goddd! Fuck me Mark!” I groaned, voice loud and inflamed. In those early moments my mind was completely dominated by instinct, rationality stifled by lust. I didn’t think about Jim, didn’t think about condoms, didn’t think about ovulation. I was too enthralled by my pleasure, by my womanly need.

He grunted, and his tempo began to slowly increase. I continued to claw into his arms, eyes alive with arousal. His heavy ball sack began flopping into my ass, creating a naughty slapping that combined with my groans of pleasure to fill the room with the sounds of sex. “Oh! Ohh! Ohhh! Fuck-ck! Fu-ck! Mark!” My voice and breathing was erratic as he stretched my wide.

It was then that it started to build. A powerful sensation forming in the depths of me, warm, erotic, pleasure beginning to glow in my loins. A delicious chill coursed through my body, and then another. My mouth slowly went dry as I tasted sex on my tongue. My skin became alive with electricity, and I closed my eyes, as my teeth began chattering. Spots filled my vision, seeing stars on the brink of something profound.

“Mark. You’re- going to make me cum.” It was another hushed whisper.

The pleasure was impossible to describe, and the orgasm swept over me with life changing magnitude.

My mouth locked shut as my eyes rolled towards the back of my head. My legs lifted into the air as my calve muscles tightened, toes curling as the waves of satisfaction exploded down every limb of my body. My fingers clawed into his back, and I grunted into his chest, nearly squealing in pleasure as I lost control.

“I-m cumm-inggg-ggg!” My head snapped back into his pillow, body tingling in complete submission.

Masterfully, Mark continued to stuff me through my orgasm, my pussy walls convulsing on him, yielding my essence all over his pistoning cock. My body continued to shudder, the overwhelming physical sensations still coursing through me. Eventually, I caught hold of my breathing, and my moans lessened. Finally, I lay there. Mark had slowed his thrusting, and I simply basked in the afterglow of the most powerful orgasm of my life.

I opened my eyes, looking down at my heaving chest, light sheen of sweat coating my breasts. I took note of my nipples, pale and hard, and then I at my lover’s dark body, his manhood still inside of me. I stared up at his handsome face, and knew I would never look at him quite the same. Mark smiled down at me, eyes piercing. It was a knowing smile, the smile of a man who had taken a woman to a place she had never been before. I had a strange urge to kiss him, to lean upwards and kiss the man who had given me what I’d always craved. I resisted.

“Did your pussy just cum for me Allie?” His deep voice asked.

It was an impossibly taboo question, asked by a man who wasn’t my husband.

I only nodded, blushing in admittance.

Suddenly, Mark withdrew his cock from me, creating a horrible void.

He grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me upwards towards him. Once upright, I brushed some matted hair out of my face, cheeks flush with excitement. Mark then shifted around, positioning himself behind my ass. He gently nudged me forward, and I immediately knew he wanted to take me from behind. I shuddered, and propped myself up on my forearms, experiencing the erotic sensation of my large breasts hanging sexually and swaying above his bed.

I jumped when I felt his strong hand smack my ass, his thighs pushing my own apart. I felt the lips of my pussy spread as he propped me bow legged on all fours, to his liking. He took complete control of me, and to be honest, I loved the feeling. I had enough experience with men who fumbled about, overly concerned with my comfort, overly concerned if they were doing it correctly. Here was Mark, grabbing my brunette hair into his hand, twisting it tight and pulling my head back like a bitch in heat. He slapped my ass again, causing a squeal to escape my lips, and then he slapped the top of his fat cock into the folds of my pussy. Before I had time to react my eyes darted wide, his cock stuffing into me, claiming me without worried concern, like a real man.

He began to fuck me with power, causing moans to escape my lips.

“Ohh! Yes! Mark! Fuck-ck meee-eee!” His cock pumped deep into me, my plump ass smashing back into his crotch. He slapped my ass again.

I looked forward, towards the foot of the bed and then into the mirror on the wall in front of me. I loved the image in that glass, impossibly naughty, immensely sexy.

My big tits bounced in response to his thrusts, heavy, swaying, and even slapping together as Mark fucked me. Behind, my big black lover towered over me, muscular and dominant. The contrast in our skin color, the contrast in our size, visually stimulating in its eroticism. I looked into Mark’s eyes, and he back into mine. We shared a deep intensity, bodies enjoying one another, inflamed by the lust of our deeply naughty love making.

Another explosion of pleasure suddenly took hold, the crescendo taking me by surprise. My fingers clawing into his bed sheets as my feet and toes curled behind me. I squealed, “Ohhh! Fuckkk! Ma-rk! I’m cumm-ing ag-ainnn!!” I convulsed, bucking my ass back into his crotch and squirting more of my womanly essence all over my lover’s cock. He slapped it again, the ache of his strong hand against my reddening cheeks somehow only enhancing the submissive undercurrent of my orgasm.

It took me a moment to regain my composure, to get my breathing under control. When I did, I lifted my head and saw him.

The door to the bedroom had opened. My husband stood there, eyes bulging and face pale. His expression was that of someone who’d seen a ghost. His stunned disbelief soon gave way to deep blushing embarrassment, blood returning to his cheeks. I could sense the bombardment of thoughts and emotions swirling in his mind.

I was surprisingly calm. I didn’t scream, or attempt to cover myself. I didn’t even blush, or think for a second to stop. I simply looked into my husbands eyes, and a pang of defiance flashed across my body. My guilt was stifled, my mind completely consumed with the profound sexual satisfaction I was experiencing, my womanly needs finally being met. Mark continued to fuck me from behind, strong hands grasping my waist above the curvature of my ass. He slapped my bare naked ass again, this time with my husband in harrowing witness.

I wondered how Jim would react. All these years of allowing Mark to flirt with me, to touch me. All these years allowing this man an intimacy that should have been reserved for my husband alone. It finally boiled over, the sexual tension that had developed between me and his boss finally coming to an undeniable head within the confines of this storm. Jim normally smiled awkwardly when he bore witness to Mark touching me, but he certainly wasn’t smiling now. My husband continued to stand there, his mind seemingly unable to comprehend the sight in front of him. The utterly taboo nature of the moment started to overwhelm my psyche. Here I was, naked, big tits bouncing to the thrusts of my husbands boss, my husband standing in the doorway, wide eyed in disbelief as he watched another man take my naked body. I felt the rumblings of another orgasm, and encouraged my lover to take me there.

“You’re going to make me cum again.” My words were a whisper, but undoubtedly loud enough for my husband to hear.

Suddenly Marks deep voice boomed across the room, finally addressing the situation at hand.

“Jim. Give us some privacy please.”

It was a surreal moment, listening to Mark telling my husband to leave, another act of dominance by the Alpha male in the room. I felt a stirring from deep within me, my pussy gushing and my nipples hardening in natural reaction to his utter masculinity.

A whine escaped my lips, desperate and harrowing, “Mark I’m going to cum again! I’m going to cum on your big cock-kk!”

I felt another slap on my ass, and then Marks voice once again, this time more aggressive.

“Jim! Get out and close the door!”

I looked up at my husband, my eyes glazing as the orgasm breached my shores. As the cloud of lust overwhelmed my vision, I saw his defeated, fascinated eyes, softly closing the door behind him.

I clawed into the bed sheets yet again, profoundly aroused by the dominant act that had just occurred with me at the center. My husband had complied with my lovers demand, submissively exiting the room as he yielded me to the Alpha male.

“I’m cumm-mmm-inggg-ggg!!” I screamed, voice inflecting with every one of his thrusts.

My ass bounced against him, my lower body in spasms as I once again unleashed my cream all over Mark’s pistoning cock. My eyes rolled back into my head as an incredible wave of pleasure erupted outwards from my loins. I felt my pussy convulsing submissively, as it gave in to the man taking it.

“Fuck yes.” I heard Mark emote, surely his own arousal enhanced by his primal, masculine victory.

I finally regained my sight, and my breathing returned to normal. I swallowed, clearing the saliva from my mouth, smacking my lips together as my body reestablished its center. I opened my eyes, and saw Mark staring at me through the reflection on the mirror. He smiled at me, a knowing, conquering smile. I couldn’t help but blush a smile back, a submissive smile that somehow admitted his victory as a man. A day ago my behavior would have seemed impossible, the act of a wanton slut. Now, in the impossible heat of the moment, with my lust dominating my mind, it simply felt like nature in its rawest form.

Mark reached downwards to my stomach, pulling me backwards and tossing me onto my back.

I smiled up at him, my respect for the man at an all time high. I looked downwards at his cock, his beautiful black manhood. It was coated in my cream, a white lather streaking across his black girth, contrasting vividly in its eroticism. He slapped his wet shaft down into my folds, my clit sticking to his skin as he bobbed his member up and down on my pussy.

I spread my legs for him, modesty long having long left me. I felt deeply submissive to Mark in that moment, with a strong desire to surrender my body for his pleasure.

He entered me, this time with even more intent, purpose. As I felt his heavy ball sack flop into my clammy ass I knew his large testicles were brewing to a boil, near ready to unload and claim me. My eyes went wild with self admission, the admission that Mark was fucking me raw, that my ovulation was at its literal peak, that my instincts as a woman wanted for nothing more than for him to fill me with this cum. The intensity of my mad desires was profound, my rational mind lost to lust.

He continued to fuck me with passion, and the sensation of Marks plunging cock was all that existed in the world. His incredible girth causing my labia to stretch and cling to him, my pussy soaking his manhood, yielding everything I had to offer to this incredible man.

Suddenly my eyes darted open as his voice boomed across the room.

“Jim! If you insist on watching me fuck your wife than sit down on a chair. I don’t want you standing in the doorway.”

I looked beyond Mark’s thrusting body, noticing my husbands defeated presence, eyes wide in fascination as he watched from the doorway. I saw fear, embarrassment, confusion, all present in his eyes. I knew my husband well, however, and I also could also see his arousal, an absurd, perverted excitement. He had returned to the room against my lovers wishes, drawn to the sight of Mark fucking me like a moth to a flame, almost as if his fascination was too overwhelming to ignore. I noticed myself lifting my legs a bit higher, instinctively wanting to give Jim a harrowing look at what Mark’s big cock was doing to me.

Jim took a seat at the foot of the bed, now out of my line of sight. I couldn’t believe the moment was happening, couldn’t believe my husband was willingly watching his boss fuck me. Jim sat there, watching as his wife’s pussy clung to a big black cock. Surely he had already noticed how much bigger Mark was, his large balls smacking into my ass, flopping in chorus along with the plunging wetness of my gushing pussy. I could feel the wetness soaking our joined sexes, my essence leaking down the crack of my ass, Mark’s pistoning cock soaked entirely by my orgasms. I never imagined I could feel as raw, as sexual, as I did in that moment. I was being fucked by a powerful, hung man, while my lesser equipped husband was made to watch in submission. I felt deeply desired, I felt incredibly beautiful, and I felt completely alive.

“Fuck meee!!” I heard myself moan, reaching my arms upwards and clawing into Mark’s muscular shoulders. My love cry caused Mark to grunt and reach his hands under my frame, squeezing my ass cheeks from below.

It was almost as if the entire aura in the room electrified in a way that could be felt. Something profound was brewing, and Mark and I were at the center of it.

My lover began to deepen his stroke, locking into a rhythm and preparing for a monumental release.

I looked up into his eyes, proud, thankful, desperate for him to complete his conquering act of masculinity, and claim me as nature intended.

I lifted my legs high, instinctively giving the head of his cock optimum proximity to my womb, driven by my inherent desire as an ovulating woman. The primal side of my mind well aware that a prime specimen of male that was about to fill me.

I suddenly heard a raspy, desperate voice, tinged with deep concern.

“Allie. Baby, you aren’t on the pil-”

The anger flashed through me, defiance and lust controlling my thoughts.

I hissed, “You don’t get to talk right now Jim. You get to watch.”

My naughty words seemed to inspire my lover, who grunted, his thrusting becoming exaggerated.

The scent began to fill the room, the sexual scent of a man’s incoming eruption.

“Cum in my pussy Mark.” I demanded, voice sultry and sexual.

He roared, almost as if lion’s blood coursed through his veins. I screamed in incomprehensible satisfaction as my eyes widened in response, my moans primal in their intensity. My legs began flailing wildly as my pussy came all over his engorging cock. The overwhelming sensation of being inseminated by an Alpha male caused the endorphins to rush through my body with explosive force, my mind blown over the rawness of the moment. I gasped as I savored the sensation of his cum coating my insides, each buck of his muscular body launching rope after rope of his seed deep into my fertile womb, soaking my ovaries. My pupils began to dilate over the life altering realization that I was being impregnated.

Enraptured, I pulled Mark’s thrusting body down into mine, and kissed him. It was instinct, reactive, and my final act of intimate submission. His soft wet lips smacked against mine, our tongues darting back and forth in lust as he continued to expertly stuff his erupting manhood in and out of my cum filled pussy. I could feel the weight of his spasming cock, the walls of my pussy massaging him to completion as he fired his potent seed into me. I continued to gasp, unable to believe how much he was cumming. Mark’s heavy balls continued to pulsate as he bred me, eventually pulling out and launching his final ropes all over my inflamed folds and clit.

Finally he stopped, bracing himself with his arms, last grunts escaping his mouth. I blinked open my eyes, reality slowly creeping back into my world. I gazed downward, across my diamond hard nipples and sweat coated body. Mark’s massive black cock hung there, still rigid, coated in a mixture of our cream. My pussy was a mess, folds swollen and puffy, my sex covered in his cum. I looked up at him, and saw his smile.

“That pussy was good Allie. You gave it all up for me.”

I blushed deeply, smiling at my lover. I felt the pangs of nervousness starting to return as my rational mind began to re-awaken.

Mark rolled to the side, allowing my vision to change focus of depth.

I saw him, sitting there in the chair. His eyes were wide, and his mouth open in shock. My poor husband, bearing visual witness to his wife’s womanhood, completely smeared in the cum of an Alpha male. A chill ran up my spine as I considered the weight of the consequences that were headed our way.

Just as the wave of panic began to sweep over me, my gaze scanned downward. This time it was my eyes that widened in surprise, for I realized that Jim’s pants were down around his ankles, his small cock held by his cum covered hand.

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