The First Love That Started It All


Even though this is my first story in any such platform, I have been a long term fan and reader of Indian sex stories.

I have always been a shy guy and stayed mostly with male friends during my school days and college days. Though I had many girls on whom I had a crush and spent countless nights getting hard while thinking about them, I never gathered the courage beyond saying an occasional hi or hello.

During my college days, especially towards the end, I realized that the attraction of the fairer seed towards me is equally there and I have missed many a chance to have romantic acquaintance. This was my life’s turning point since I realized that I stand an equal chance to conquer my last love.

Few years after my college days, I reached Pune. There I stayed with few batchmates from my company in a house which was owned by an aunty. Her husband had passed away and she had a daughter who was in her graduation while her son was doing masters.

For me, life was shaping up well and I was dazzled by the beautiful girls in my batch. All the while I was concentrating my energy to find Miss right, I never realized there was a scope of a crazy relationship with my landlady’s daughter. I had just got my new cell number. Maybe a couple of days back I had also shared it with landlady.

One fine day I get a call from a girl who gives a hint to guess who she is. This was new and exciting for me but at the same time I was scared that it might be just a prank from one of my friend girlfriend and I don’t want to look stupid falling for their prank. So I played along with the prank maintaining a safe distance.

That day she called me 5 times to leave me clues to recognize her and I failed miserably. She even messaged me but I was not able to crack the case. Next day morning when I woke up, there was this good morning message.

I ignored and went ahead doing my daily chores.

As the day progressed, she kept calling me and I kept on becoming more and more curious. This was the closest I had ever come with any girl and it was exciting.

The moment I returned back from office, I asked one of my roomies if they recognized the number and luckily one of them had that number and were quick to point out that it was our landlady’s daughter’s number. This news was a shock for me and at the same time gave me goose bumps. I was eagerly waiting for her call now.

The next call came at 8 pm and I told her I have been able to identify the prankster. On hearing her name, she laughed a lot and then started our long conversation. It didn’t feel I was talking to a stranger. It was as if we had known each other since ages.

By the time our call had ended, I was happy that I finally had a female friend. With dreamy eyes, I was lying down in my bed when my phone buzzed. It was her message.

It was a funny forward message. I sent her one as well. Seeing my response, she messaged me asking what I was doing. I replied that I am lying down for which she replied that she was also getting ready to sleep.

We started chatting and after a long session of chat, we decided to call it a night.

Next morning when I woke up, there was her cute good morning msg. I replied to that and that’s how the next day’s msg chain started. By the end of the day, we had exchanged hundreds of msgs and forwards.

Slowly slowly the forward msgs were becoming sexual ones. All this was keeping me hard and excited all day long. By the time I hit the bed, I was waiting to eagerly msg her.

Our msg conversation started with what we were doing and it soon got little steamy with many sexual forwarded msgs. Suddenly she pinged me saying she doesn’t understand some of these msgs and asked me the meaning.

I explained her one and she then asked the meaning of another one and another one and so on. All this was making me hard and very excited.

There was one joke about orgasm and hard dick. She asked me about orgasm and I explained her. She then said she feels like peeing while talking all this with me and it’s a weird feeling. This was the first time the context had shifted from others to us.

Suddenly we were in this moment of lust and heat. I told her that it’s the sensation before the orgasm and even I feel like ejaculating since I am hard discussing all this. The moment I said this, she called me on my cell. She was breathing heavy and so was I. We didn’t utter a word. She moaned on the other side while I moaned hearing her.

She made me hard and my moans turned her wild. In few minutes, she had a loud gasp and I for the first time heard a girl in orgasm. That feeling was enough to let my imagination turn wild I gasped multiple times and we both came together for the next few minutes.

The feeling and experience were overwhelming. We kissed each other imaginary good night and before I could fall asleep with her dream in my eyes, she made me promise to give her a hug next day.

When I woke up next morning, it was the best day of my life. I knew it was a special day and I could not wait for the moment to arrive. I reached my office and soon got involved in with even though my mind was constantly thinking the way out.

Finally I was about to cook up a story and escape from office for an hour. I picked my bike and raced towards our flat.

I parked my bike far away so that I don’t get noticed and tip toes to our flat. I opened the door and they she was.Even before I could call her to tell I have reached, she was waiting there to surprise me.

I sat beside her and started talking. We teased other and laughed. I took her hands in mine and brushed my hand over her thigh. She closed her eyes expecting me to hug her but I wanted her to wait.

I held her hand and took her to the other room. I lied down on the bed while she sat and we looked at each other’s eyes. We both knew what we wanted but we both were testing each others capacity to stay and hold.

Finally she broke the ice and asked if I am forgetting something. I said what and touched her tummy. She gulped and looked at me. She was shy to tell.

She then got up and went to the living room and asked if I remembered and I said I would need her help to remember. She walked out of the flat and I stood there knowing she will come back.

Few minutes later the door opened and she looked at me with being eyes. I pulled her towards me and she said on my feet, my arms pulling her towards me and we kissed. It was my first kiss and so was hers. It was all that we had ever dreamt off and much more than the hug that I had promised. She pulled me closer while I lifted her on me.

For minutes we were lost within each other. Suddenly my watch beeped to let me know that I needed to return back to the office.

We broke the kiss, her eyes were moist. I wiped them and assured many more beautiful moments to come and left.On my ride back to the office, I felt invincible.

If you loved my story or feel to leave suggestions, please drop a mail at

Next part we fall deeper in love and it reaches the next level of exploring each other.

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