The moonlight was bright, shimmering on the water of the pool, bathing the whole garden in an almost ethereal light. I lay on the poolside lounger, deep in the shadows of the veranda, enjoying the last of the evening’s warmth from one of those typical summer super hot days. I drew slowly on one of the few cigarettes I’d allowed myself that day as I desperately tried to cut down and perhaps eventually stop. I sipped a cool drink also as I just allowed the tensions of the day to melt away. I heard the slight squeak of the back door, but didn’t turn and look, assuming it was my wife Malathi come out to see if I was ready for bed yet. Then I remembered she’d already gone in to bed a few hours previously, so tired she could hardly keep her eyes open, and I’m sure she’d have just fallen straight to sleep. That made me glance over, and my eyes widened, it was my daughter Sneha standing there looking around, a short towel wrapped around her. As her eyes turned my way, I drew forcefully on the cigarette, lighting my whole face, letting her know I was there .. but she didn’t seem to notice – or if she did, she chose to ignore it – because next moment she lifted her hands and unhooked the towel and let it cascade to the floor …and she was naked! totally, completely naked!
I drew in a breath so quick I almost swallowed the cigarette! She was absolutely gorgeous! Maybe I’d been going blind, or perhaps I just hadn’t been paying attention, because right under my nose, my darling daughter had suddenly grown up! there was shape and substance to her body now that had definitely not been there the last time I looked. Her legs were long and shapely, her ass cheeks tight and shapely, her stomach almost flat, and her breasts my god, her breasts so beautiful, high and firm. Not overly large, but topped with the most exquisite nipples, that seemed to stand out a mile, especially when she lifted her hands behind her head and stretched and arched. Then she was bending forward, swaying slightly from side to side, lifting first to the left and then to the right, giving me a perfect look at her left breast as she turned in my direction and my eyes feasted on it then moved to her tight ass cheeks as she turned to the other side. I guess because I was naked too and didn’t have tight clothes to constrain me, it came as a shock to suddenly discover that I was sporting a massive erection! one moment I was lounging there all relaxed, the next moment my 7 inches were rock hard and throbbing and there could only be one cause of that my gorgeous, sexy daughter! I felt myself flushing with guilt at the realization, but then the flush just got hotter and hotter and I realized it was no longer guilt or embarrassment it was fully fledged lust!
Exercises completed, she stepped forward and executed a perfect dive into the pool, hardly raising a splash. I watched her swim a few lengths of the pool before realizing that this would be a perfect time for me to slip inside un-noticed, if I waited until she was almost at the other end of the pool why, she might not even hear the squeak of the door as I opened and closed it. I guess I thought too long, because on her next trip down the pool she headed straight for the steps and climbed out and I groaned inwardly. The steps were only a few yards away from me in bright moonlight, and as she slowly climbed out I could see her naked body in close up I licked my lips at the sight of those gorgeous breasts again, damn, looking slightly larger this close, but still little more than half a handful but those nipples, wow, protruding a good quarter of an inch from large, slightly puffy surrounds I almost felt myself lean forward, tongue outstretched, to lick them, and my cock just throbbed and throbbed. Then she was rising even further out of the pool, far enough for me to see oh GOD! she had THE most delectable, delicious, pussy imaginable not a hair on it her sculptured lips standing out like a relief map of heaven and just the tip of her pink clit poking through. My whole body shuddered and shook, and my breath was coming a million miles an hour I couldn’t help myself I reached down and clasped my cock in my hand and started to stroke it slowly.
She stood at the top of the steps looking straight at me …or that’s how it seemed to my feverish brain and I even thought I detected a slight smile turn up the corners of her mouth as she lifted her hands and cupped and lightly stroked her own breasts. Then she was moving away, slowly, tantalizingly, swaying her tight ass cheeks almost invitingly she picked up her towel and slowly wrapped it around herself, then walked to the back door and opened it …turning once again at the last minute and staring in my direction .. or was that yet again my fevered imaginings? As the door finally closed behind her I let out a deep groan and pumped my cock harder replaying those images in my mind as I brought myself closer and closer, then, EXPLODING shooting hot cum all up my chest, and even splashing it onto my face as I came and came and came wildly. As it tapered off I groaned again, this time out of guilt and embarrassment, damn, I was masturbating over my own daughter! I quickly lifted myself from the lounger and walked over and slid silently into the pool, washing the sticky cum from my hot body as I swam length after length, trying to exhaust myself, trying to rid myself of those hot images of Sneha my own daughter, Sneha.
Eventually, a combination of having exploded my hot lust as I lay on the lounger, and the cool water, managed to get me to a stage where I felt I could venture back indoors. I didn’t even have a towel to dry off with, so I padded slowly inside, still dripping. I was surprised to find a towel on a chair by the door, I was sure it hadn’t been there earlier ..oh well, perhaps I just missed it. I dried off and walked into the semi darkness of the kitchen and opened the fridge to get myself a cool drink, “Can I have one too, dad?” this voice said, and I jerked up and spun around so fast I hit my head on the fridge door. She laughed, throatily, then pretended concern as she walked over and rubbed my head, “Oh, poor daddy, did you hurt yourself?” she said. I was totally in shock, lost for words. She reached around me and pulled out two cans of drink and then turned and walked away towards the lounge well, I think she walked. It looked more like a sensuous dance as her towel covered rear, undulated wildly. Towel covered? Damn, she hadn’t even bothered to and underneath …oh god, my mind went wild and my towel started to tent. She glanced over her shoulder and grinned, “Come on daddy, you did want a drink, didn’t you?” In a daze I followed her, into the dimness of the lounge, a dimness lit only by the flickering light of the TV, its sound almost totally muted but then you didn’t need much sound for what was on the screen one of my hot, porno movies!! I stood there in total shock. Sneha moved over to the couch and sat down, placing both cans on the table at her side, and patted the seat beside her, “Well, daddy, aren’t you going to join me? it’s been such a long time since we sat and watched a movie together …grin…remember how I used to sit on your lap and get all frightened when the baddies came on and you used to hold me tight and comfort me?” she said.
I groaned, remembering those days only too well, god how she’d changed from then!, I found myself moving forward and sitting along side her and accepting the now opened can and sipping it, my eyes half glued to her and half glued to the screen, where an exceedingly young girl was in the process of unzipping the trousers of a much older man and the synchronicity of the scene hit me like a hammer between the eyes! Sneha was looking at the screen, slowly sipping her drink, a curious smile on her lips, “Mmm, do you think she’s really beautiful daddy?” she asked gesturing at the screen with her can. I felt myself flush, “Well …Uh …I guess she’s ok” I managed to stammer. She half turned and looked at me, her eyebrows raised in a quizzical look, “Ok? but this is your favorite video” she said, screwing up her face as if in an effort to remember, “Ah, yes, ‘8 out of 10, Hot, Hot, Hot!’, wasn’t that it?” My eyes almost bulged out of my head, and I had a sudden attack of coughing as my drink went down the wrong way, How? When? Oh god! Then it hit me, three weeks ago, I’d been writing in my video review book in my den when I got called away by the doorbell, only to find no one there. When I returned Sneha was standing by my desk, smiling and waiting for me with a question that could easily have waited until later, and my book …yes it was there on the desk …she’d looked at it!
Even as these thoughts and realizations were going through my head, she was looking at me and smiling. Then she nodded, as if satisfied that I’d worked it all out, “Yes daddy, I saw your book and read it, and it intrigued me so much, when you and mom went out the next day I hunted around for your key and got out the videos and watched them …they were so shocking yet, so exciting too” she said. Then turned back to the screen and licked her lips, “And this one, Mmmm, if it’s not her beauty that gives it such a high rating, could it be because she’s about to lick her daddy’s cock?” The atomic bomb seemed to go off in my head! and in my body! and I just sat there stunned, staring at my beautiful daughter staring at the screen where the girl was indeed just taking the man’s cock into her mouth. I even opened my mouth to speak half a dozen times, to deny her statement, but nothing came out except a moaning, keening sort of noise. “Am I prettier than her, daddy? Is my body nicer? .. she gave a little giggle .. I gave you plenty of time to look outside, didn’t I? or were you too busy playing with yourself?” she asked, and turned and stared me straight in the eyes. “You knew?” I squawked, “You saw?” She nodded and smiled, “Oh yes, I knew you were there, I knew you wanted to see me and I know you reacted, just like you’re reacting now” she said, and let her eyes drop deliberately to my lap my lap that was like a tent! Then her eyes were back on mine and she asked again, “Am I prettier than her daddy? Is my body nicer?” I groaned and shuddered, “Yes” I whispered “Oh God yes, much, much more beautiful and …”
“And what, daddy?” she said, leaning forward slightly. I swallowed hard, “And much, much more sexy” I blurted out. Her smile was like a cat that had just had the cream, and she lifted her hand and stroked it across my chin, then leaned forward and brushed my lips with hers. As she did that, she let her hand trail down over my naked chest, sending shivers all through me, until it brushed lightly over my tented cock, causing me to almost jump off the seat. “And do you want me to? Daddy? like in the video?” I was too much in shock to answer, and it was almost in a daze that I watched her stand up and move in front of me and lift her hands to unhook her towel and let it fall and she was naked. gloriously naked, right in front of me. She lifted her hands to cup her small, tight breasts, fingering her puffy nipples until they swelled even more, then trailed her hands all the way down her body to cup around her pussy, shivering herself as she did so, “You want me, daddy, don’t you? really want me? that’s why the video excites you because when you watch it you’re thinking of me isn’t you?” she whispered. I groaned and shuddered, “Yes, Yes, oh god yes, every time, I think of you? I whispered. Her smile grew wider and wider, “Mmmm, I needed to hear that daddy, needed you to say it” she said, and dropped to her knees in front of me, lifting my towel to one side and releasing my rampant, throbbing cock. “Wow, daddy, it’s so big and thick and hot” she said as she reached forward and cupped it. I groaned and shuddered just at the soft touch of her hands as they lightly gripped my throbbing shaft and stroked it up and down. “Mmmm much bigger than the daddy in the video” she whispered as she leaned forward and flicked her tongue like a snake across the head of my cock, causing me to jump and jerk.
She looked up at me over the head of my cock and grinned, “You like that daddy? Mmmm, I want you to like it, I want to please you very much I’ve watched the video three times so I’d know what you like, know what to do well, (She giggled) actually, three and a half, there was one occasion when you and mom came back unexpectedly and nearly caught me, I had to scramble to get it out of the machine and put it away before you came in from the car.” She said, laughingly. Suddenly I remembered, just a couple of days ago, getting out the video when Malathi was out at a meeting, and finding it only half re-wound when I was always so particular about leaving everything in order. Oh god, we must have watched the same video on the same day I suddenly found myself wondering if it made her touch herself and play with herself the way it did me, and my cock jumped in her hands. Then I was thinking no more just reacting as her teasing tongue began to stroke lightly up and down the underside of my cock, then caress around the rim before sliding all the way back down to encompass my heavy balls. I was shuddering and shaking almost uncontrollably. Then her mouth opened wide and she started to take my swollen cock head inside oh god it felt so awesome! her hot lips, her incredibly active tongue playing my cock like a beautiful flute, sending fire racing to every part of my body.
And the visual stimulation was hotter than anything I’d ever experienced …I was half staring over Sneha’s head, watching the images of a young girl licking and sucking her daddy’s cock, and at the same time seeing and feeling the same thing happening to me! virtually my whole 7 inches was now buried in her mouth and throat and she was bobbing slowly up and down, sucking and licking. Somehow I’d slid forward on the couch and my balls were dangling over the edge and she was stroking and squeezing them. Oh God I couldn’t take much more of this and I knew it! my hands reached out and steadied her head as she came almost to the tip of my cock, and she glanced up at me …shit, what a sight!, her cheeks bulging with my cock, her eyes so wide and hot. “Sneha I… I can’t hold back .. I’m going to…” I stammered. She slipped my cock head from her mouth and grinned up at me, “Oh yes , daddy, yes” she said, then to my utter astonishment buried my cock to the max in her mouth sucking and lashing it wildly with her tongue, as her hand gripped the base and pumped vigorously! and my whole body lifted from the couch and shuddered violently and I EXPLODED! oh god, that first rush of hot cum up my cock and out into her mouth was more powerful than any I’d known, so it was little wonder that she gagged and coughed, pulling her mouth from my cock.
Then I was shooting cum high wide and handsome, all over her face and breasts, into her hair, everywhere, and she was squealing and moaning and pumping, her whole face alight with a joyfulness then her mouth was back, engulfing my still pumping, spewing cock, and she was drinking my juices down, slurping loudly, the very sound causing me to swell and spurt some more and over her head on the screen daddy was shooting his load over his daughters face and breasts too and the synchronicity blew my mind and I came and came and came! Finally drained, I opened my eyes and she was sitting back grinning like a Cheshire cat, white blobs of cum streaking her gorgeous breasts. “Wow, daddy, that was awesome!” she said. Her tongue came out and licked across her lips, picking up some of my cum on the way, “Mmmm, I didn’t know it would be so tasty oh, the girl in the video seemed to enjoy it, but I thought that was just acting, Mmmm. now I know better” she said. I shuddered again as I watched her hot tongue scooping up my cum .. the fire still raging in me and I finally managed a smile, letting my eyes roam hotly over her beautiful, naked body and I knew what I was going to say. “And the rest of the video? Did you watch that too?” I asked.
She locked her eyes on mine, deep, dark, almost hypnotic eyes, “Yes, daddy, I watched everything” she said softly, yet, hotly. I nodded, smiling, “And you want everything?” I asked. It was her turn to shudder, her tongue darting out and across her lips, her breasts seeming to swell as the ripple went through her body. “In the video, the father licks all his cum off his daughter’s body, then teases and arouses every part of her then.” I said. She gulped, nodding slightly, “I know” she whispered hoarsely. I glanced around to the bedroom, licking my lips, “But if your mother comes” I said hesitantly. Her chuckle was as hot and horny as anything I’d ever heard, “Oh, I don’t think so” she said, grinning, “You remember those sleeping tablets that she got when she had the bad tooth?” My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped, “You didn’t?” I gasped. She nodded, “Two, in her hot chocolate tonight, her wont surface until sometime tomorrow!” she said, and her grin was a mile wide. And I was grinning too, grinning and moving forward, pressing her back onto the floor, then reaching back and pulling the cushions from the couch to place under her, “Mmmm, quite the little plotter and planner aren’t you” I said. She grinned up at me, “Do you mind, daddy, do you really mind?”
“Oh yes” I said, looking at her with mock sternness, “And I’m about to show you how much I mind such behavior, such sneaky behavior” and I leaned down and began to lick my sticky cum from her breasts. With a shuddering moan, she closed her eyes and arched her body into my mouth it wasn’t the last shuddering moan she let out as my lips and tongue trailed over her amazing breasts and nipples, which seemed to have a life all of their own, pulsing and swelling in my mouth, jumping and jerking as my tongue lashed them. Mmm her nipples were extraordinarily long and so, so sensitive that she orgasm three times as I licked and sucked them, each time calling out my name, each time begging me not to stop well. I certainly had no intention of doing that, I was totally wrapped in her beauty and sexuality totally on fire within myself. Well I remembered the video too hell I’d watched it often enough, imagining Sneha as the girl in the movie – so I was determined to make it as good, if not better than that. So I licked and sucked and stroked, teased and tormented and tantalized, bringing her to wild orgasm after wild orgasm until she was almost constantly shaking and shuddering, begging for more, pleading for.
And then came that glorious moment, the moment when my big cock head pressed gently into the folds of her naked pussy lips ..and she screamed out her demands, “Yes Daddy, yes, oh please, daddy, fill me ..oh god daddy yes.” Slowly, with infinite patience I ignored her urgent pleadings and eased my big cock into her, allowing her pussy walls to expand comfortably, stopping at points along the way to lick and suck on her breasts and rock hard nipples …and then I was in …all the way in … resting my weight on her momentarily as I savored the feel of every inch of my throbbing cock being caressed by her hot pussy. Suddenly she lifted and arched and screamed, as an orgasm swept through her, a quite different orgasm, the ones that only come from feeling a throbbing cock deep inside you, and I waited until it started to subside before moving my cock gently back and forth, each stroke becoming longer and slightly faster, until I was drawing my cock out so that only the very tip remained between her quivering lips, before thrusting back hard and fast and DEEP!, “Yes, Daddy, Yes, Oh yes fuck me daddy, fuck me!” she screamed and I obliged!! I couldn’t have done otherwise! I wanted her so much by now that I would have walked over red hot coals to get my cock into her writhing, shuddering pussy. Anyone who likes to contact me pl email to .