When i am sitting my father’s fertilizer agency at larkana (sindh) suddenly sun rays targetting to me i have got lot of tension and i fallow the sun rays A TEEN GIRL IS PEEPING TO ME on her house roof, attention me with help of sun rays turn with help of MIRROR. I also guess a girl is targetting me for watching to him now i also watched her and i decided to go Agency building roof now she is near with me She looked me then i also Now shethrow her mobile contact and i also dialled her contact she also attend my call said hello how are you i reply i am ok i asked her name her is NAHEED i off called after that i downed my father’s Agency coming night she called me and dailly night she and i talking on mobile passed after some Dates she offered me for sex and set time on my father AGENCY building roof there is a room her house is also joint with AGENCY when i sat there and call mentioned last night call she said me my mother is going to shopping when i watched a lady is going out her house i understand she is her mother going bazaar after one minute she call me said come up i went AGENCY building she also climbed on wall that is between her house and our building i said go to room closed door of room she got me her hands and touched her body me i am be too hot she is also hot like burnig gas heater i said why you are warm she said i am now in full mood of sex i said do not worry i am present with you for sex with full lust.
I strated to kissing her on her face lips she also after Few minutes downed her cloths said me you also down cloths.when i watched her virgine vigaina she said i never have sex her vigina is fullcoverd with black hair i opened her vigina with hand said vigina is not opened with finger, she touched my penis started rubbing my penis my penis is stimulated and become hard of “9 Inchs” she enterd my penis in her mouth for sucking, she sucked my penis then i got lot of lust three minutes she sucked my penis i said her you are expert in sucking she replied watched in sex movies at home. She slept on bed I catch her legs and come my penis near her vigina and i entering slowly in her vigina, sealed because she is fucked by me first time she also confess with me. I enter full my penis in her vigina i enterd four times in and out then i strated hard in and out she crying OOOHHHHAAA, UUUHHHHOOO, UUUHHHUUMMM, please slow slow it is my first time i have not sex with any man do not tease me my lovely friend because I am want to make friendship to u for life time we can get other oppetunities for sex.
I said no i am not doing you hard your vigina is too small while fucking her she is discharged four times I discarged/ejaculated one time inher vigina she said me i eat also pills drug for prevention of pregnancy.she is very cute & younge girl about 23years old I am 26 years old. When I out my penis in her vigina my penis is covered blood she said me that i ahave not sex with any man till 23 years old it is my first time of sex for lust and she clean my penis with tissue papers and entered inher mouth for sucking and My peniss is again stimulating she surprised and said now I am going my house we will meet next time, now you have sexme 9 minutes, I can not bear again sex because this is my first sex, your penis is also tored my vigina with my virigin blood. I said hir you get not second time you have not doing pain she is not agree but I pressurely agree him and my penis is become a metalic Rode I do his position asdogy style entered my penis in her vigina she also crying lot as baby weeping I am Fucking hard and I do him upon me she is doing sex and crying like baby weeping it is 25 minutes sex with him. .