“It’s simple really. When you think about it, all three
of us want the same thing. So, make the most of the
opportunity. If you want to fuck him, or if he wants to
fuck you, then do it. It doesn’t matter whatever else
you’re doing.”
“Whatever else I’m doing?” Her incomprehension was
“Well, not literally, Kelly! I don’t mean if you’re
shopping in Sainsbury’s or whatever the Majorcan
equivalent is! I mean when you’re here in the villa,
even if you’re with me. I’ll get turned on because I
know how much you adore it when he fucks you.” My
fingers were still inside her. “And I like the results;
when you’re full of his cum, just like you are now.” I
got a bit carried away at this juncture. “There can
never be too much of it. I want you overflowing with
it.” I saw her nose wrinkle at the prospect.
“But Ben, when I’m like this I can’t even feel you.”
“It doesn’t matter to me, Kelly.”
“Well it does to me! You know, Ben, I was looking
forward to our holiday here. I guessed I’d be spending a
lot of time on my back but it never occurred to me that
it would only be with Carl. I assumed that you’d want to
make love to me, too.”
“I do, Kelly, honestly.”
“I don’t think you do, Ben. The reality is you prefer to
watch, don’t you?” She still had a puzzled expression.
“Well, perhaps sometimes, Kelly, I suppose you could say
that, yes.” Did I really mean that? It was too late. I’d
already said it.
“I wish I could understand you, Ben.” And then she began
to cry.
“I wish I could understand myself. But I do love you,
Kelly, I swear.”
She did not answer me but continued to cry silently. The
pillow was now wet with her tears. I kissed her wet
salty cheek but she told me to leave her alone. I told
her I didn’t mean to upset her but she ignored me. I
kissed her once more and this time she told me to go
away. I knew she meant it too; her actual words allowed
for no ambiguity. I slipped on some swimming shorts and
leaving her in our bedroom, went out to the pool.
I felt really invigorated after swimming a dozen or so
lengths. I climbed out and sat on a chair to dry off in
the sun. I looked around me. We were situated near the
top of a small hill. Carl’s villa was in its own large
grounds. There was any number of olive trees dotted
around. The boundary of the property was fenced and
lines of pine trees had been planted to form a screen.
His nearest neighbour was some way away on the lower
slopes, but only the roof of the building could be seen
above the trees.
Carl was correct when he said that his villa was very
private. Further away still was the little village whose
lights we had seen last night and where, according to
Carl, there was a bar that served good food. In the
distance, through the shimmering heat haze, the sea was
visible. The standard rectangular shaped pool was a good
size with a small springboard at one end. Signs
indicated that it was two metres deep at this end and
one metre deep at the other.
Scattered around the poolside were white plastic sun
beds, on which were cushions in a blue and white check.
Closer to the house there was a table and four chairs
but these were in the shade as above them was a large
timbered structure on which a dense bougainvillaea was
flourishing. The clusters of small cerise flowers were
in striking contrast to the azure blue sky. It was a
lovely spot, for sure.
A short while later Carl came out on to the terrace. He
was naked. He was obviously proud of his body and
rightly so. It wasn’t just his dick; he had an excellent
physique, too. He worked hard in the gym and it showed.
But he was also an exhibitionist and he grasped this
opportunity to walk around bollock naked. He walked
straight past me and dived into the pool. After he’d
swum about twenty lengths he climbed out and sauntered
towards me.
“That’s better,” he said. “The water’s perfect,” he
added. He disappeared into the villa but soon re-
appeared carrying a tray on which there was fruit juice,
croissants and coffee. He was still naked and was to
remain that way for most of the time we were at the
villa. We were seated at a table drinking coffee when
Kelly appeared. She wore only a pair of high cut blue
bikini bottoms.
She was looking all around her. “This really is
beautiful,” she said as she walked towards the pool.
Carl agreed but he was thinking about her backside. Her
lightly tanned firm rounded cheeks complemented the thin
strip of blue material that purported to be a bikini
bottom. She was moving in an almost hypnotic way and
could not have looked more alluring. She stood at the
edge of the pool for a while and then she turned round
and sashayed back.
With each step her full breasts gently swayed from side
to side. Her nipples were already prominent, coaxed out
and then caressed by the soft breeze. The shadow of her
dark pubis and the contours of her labia could be seen
through the thin blue material of the bikini bottom. She
looked incredibly sexy. By the time she sat down Carl
was half erect. She looked at him and laughed. “Don’t
you ever think of anything else, Carl?”
“It’s very difficult when you’re around, Kelly!” He
stood up and went indoors to get another cup of coffee.
She was still upset and in no mood to talk to me.
However she was determined to look on the positive side,
and to make the most of things. She mentally listed
them. One; the villa was perfect. Two; there was not a
cloud in the sky. Three; she could still have a good
time with Carl. Things weren’t that bad, all in all. She
sat down with us and took a croissant from the plate.
She reached languidly for the jug and poured out an
orange juice.
“Well, Kelly, do you like it?” Carl had returned.
“It’s wonderful, Carl.” She looked up at the blue sky
and squinted when her gaze strayed too near the sun. “I
could easily get used to this, I really could.”
We enjoyed a leisurely alfresco breakfast together. It
didn’t take long to clear away, to put the juice back in
the fridge and to load the dishwasher. When Kelly was
satisfied everything was in order she went back outside
and made herself comfortable on a sun bed. I hadn’t even
shaved so I returned to my room. By the time I came out
on to the terrace both Carl and Kelly appeared to have
nodded off as they basked in the warmth of the sun. Carl
had positioned his sun bed quite close to the one
occupied by Kelly.
I dived in the pool and swam another few lengths. It is
quite a pleasant sensation to swim naked. When I’d had
enough I climbed out and prepared for some sun bathing,
spreading my towel out on a sun bed. I lay down and
closed my eyes, already feeling the warmth of the sun on
my back. The only sound was the gentle slap of the water
against the sides of the pool and even this was
diminishing as the water was gradually returning to its
former calm state. The whole effect was soporific and
the result was inevitable. It was Kelly’s voice that
woke me up.
“Carl, you’ll no doubt be pleased to hear what Ben said
to me this morning.” She was making no effort to
moderate her voice. She was still angry with me; that
much was obvious and it was perfectly clear she had
wanted me to hear what she was saying. She continued,
“He says that you and I should indulge ourselves
whenever we feel like it. It seems,” she strongly
emphasised the word ‘seems’, “he prefers to watch.” The
venom in her words was quite apparent.
“Is that so?” Carl paused for a moment. He continued and
this time the question was not rhetorical. “Is that a
problem for you, Kelly?” He was trying to sound
“I don’t suppose it is for you, Carl.”
“So what would you say, then, if I said that I feel like
it right now?” I could hear the smile in his voice.
She thought for a moment and then she laughed. “I think
I would say, ‘Snap!’”
He did not answer. I waited a while and then I looked at
them. They had taken the cushions from their two sun
beds to make a double mattress on the ground. Kelly was
on her side facing me, her behind nestling into Carl’s
groin. Her eyes were closed but I knew she was awake.
Her bikini bottoms were round one ankle. They were
It was a slow comfortable fuck; it was too hot for
anything else. And when he’d finished it was evident
that she’d known all the time I was awake. She just
looked at me and the briefest of smiles crossed her
face. “Satisfied?” she asked. Then, without waiting for
my answer, she again closed her eyes. They were still
coupled together when she nodded off.
I had to admit one thing. She had taken notice of what
I’d said.
Chapter 13
We were getting ready to go out that evening and I
decided I’d try again to make amends. “Kelly, I’m sorry
about this morning. I didn’t mean it to sound as if I
didn’t want to have sex with you. I do!”
She was rather offhand. “You have a funny way of showing
it, Ben! Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’m hardly likely to
go short, am I?”
Still hoping that it did matter, I went into the
bathroom to take a shower. I was drying myself when I
walked back into the bedroom. Kelly, who had showered
ahead of me, had combed her hair up in that enchanting
style and was wearing another halter neck dress, this
one in pale blue cotton. She was sitting on the edge of
the bed applying a deep blue nail polish to her
toenails. Her knee was up by her chin and it was clear
that she was not wearing any underwear. “Aren’t you
putting any knickers on?” I asked.
“Why, do you think I should? I thought you liked it when
I went without. Would you rather I put some on?”
“No Kelly, of course not.”
I suppose it was an idiotic thing to have asked. Why
should she wear any? It has always been a turn on for me
to know she was naked under her dress and I could not
imagine Carl complaining. There was a knock on the door
and the man himself came in. He was wearing a green
checked casual shirt and black chinos. Kelly carried on
applying the polish.
“Hello, Kelly,” he said, “You look nice!” He looked at
me and grinned. “Evening, Ben!”
Kelly affected surprise. “Oh it’s you, Carl. I didn’t
recognise you with your clothes on!” She stood up, still
smiling at her own joke. The dress length was halfway up
her thigh. As she moved the halter neck revealed in a
most tantalising way the sides of her breasts. “Well,
how do I look?” she asked us both.
I told her that she looked stunning and kissed her. She
put her arms around my neck and the hem of her dress
rose to reveal the very tops of her legs and the
beginning of the soft curves of her buttocks. Carl, who
was standing behind her, was afforded a delightful view.
We drove down to the harbour in Carl’s car. It was a
two-door job and Kelly volunteered to climb in the back.
I gave her a helping hand, or more accurately a helping
finger. She was very wet. It was only a ten minutes
drive to the harbour and we were soon parked. It was a
beautiful balmy evening with just the barest hint of a
A large number of people were already milling around.
Carl led the way into the restaurant. The building
itself was not very big but there was a reasonable sized
terrace on which there were a number of tables, most of
which were already occupied. Carl spoke to a waiter and
he led us to the one unoccupied table that overlooked
the water’s edge. There was a reserved sign on it and he
promptly removed it. Kelly sat down, carefully holding
the hem of her dress. I sat next to her and Carl sat
opposite us both.
I looked at the harbour, observing the boats gently
rising and falling in the almost imperceptible swell.
They ranged in size from small fishing boats to large
cabin cruisers, from boats that looked barely sea-worthy
to luxurious gin palaces with every conceivable extra.
On some of the latter, people could be seen sitting on
deck with drinks in hand, ostensibly ignoring, but
perhaps secretly enjoying the envious looks of the
ordinary tourists who were trying to ascertain if such
ostentatious wealth belonged to anyone they might
recognise, a pop-star or a captain of industry. I
watched a rather dilapidated fishing boat leave the
harbour and I wondered how many hours would pass before
it would return.
I heard the waiter say ‘Buenos Noches’ and I took the
proffered menu from him, returning his greeting in my
best Spanish. He replied, in English, and asked if I
wanted a drink. I ordered a San Miguel, and I perused
the menu, stroking my lip as I decided what to order.
My taste buds were working overtime, but not because of
the appetising choices on offer. Kelly’s beautiful
intimate flavour, still lingering on my finger, was the
reason. Carl seemed unable to make up his mind what he
wanted. He looked around to check that he couldn’t be
overheard and then he leaned forwards and spoke to us
“They’ve got some nice things on the menu,” he said in
a conspiratorial voice, “but I have to say that the most
edible thing I’ve seen tonight is Kelly’s bum!”
She made as if she was shocked but she was secretly
delighted. She put on a somewhat haughty manner and
said, “Well you’ll have to choose something else, Carl,
my bum’s not on the menu.”
I tried to be funny. “Well it would be, Kelly, if you
sat on it!”
Our drinks arrived and we all touched glasses and wished
each other a happy holiday. Carl finally decided what to
eat and the waiter took our order. It was a very good
restaurant. The food was excellent and so was the wine.
At the end of the meal I paid the bill and then we drove
back to the villa. Carl suggested we have a nightcap and
went off to fix them.
Kelly and I went out on the terrace and sat down at the
table, having first pulled three chairs together. I
turned to Kelly and told her that despite what I’d said
earlier, I was glad she would be sleeping with me that
night. She told me she was glad, too. I had my hand on
her upper thigh. It was fairly dark and her legs were
under the table so it wasn’t obvious.
Carl returned with three glasses and a bottle of Rioja
that he had just opened. He poured out the wine and then
sat down next to Kelly. We sat there chatting and
occasionally laughing. We were all very relaxed and were
enjoying each other’s company. I was also enjoying an
intimate contact with Kelly. My hand was now so high on
Kelly’s thigh that I could feel her pubic hair on the
outside of my hand.
I was more than content just to leave it there; a little
secret shared by the two of us, but it didn’t remain a
secret for long. I suppose it was no surprise that Carl
had the idea to touch Kelly up, especially as he knew
she had no underwear on. But it was a major surprise to
him when his hand made unexpected contact with mine. In
a violent reflex action, he pulled it away and in so
doing, his knuckles rapped the underside of the table,
causing the glasses to bounce.
It was rather comical, but Carl had actually hurt
himself. Kelly who had laughed loudest, and who now felt
a degree of guilt for doing so, immediately went into
full Florence Nightingale mode. She went into the
kitchen and returned with a cloth in which she’d wrapped
some ice cubes. She placed it on the back of his hand
and told him to keep it there as long as possible. Once
she had satisfied herself that his injury was unlikely
to be life threatening, she agreed that we could go to
bed. She kissed Carl goodnight and we left him out on
the terrace, nursing his bruised knuckles and the
remainder of his drink.
We were no sooner in bed than we were all over each
other. We made urgent love and then in the post coital
after glow we both drifted off to sleep, waking in the
morning all the better for the perfect night’s rest. The
only evidence of the previous night’s sexual activity
was the pungent aroma of stale semen when Kelly moved in
Chapter 14
We had woken up to the sound of rain. Kelly kissed me
and said that she would make the tea. She slipped out of
bed, into her little green camisole and disappeared into
the kitchen. Ten minutes later she reappeared carrying a
tray on which there were three cups. She looked like a
little French maid, except that she wasn’t wearing the
frilly knickers; in fact she wasn’t wearing any
knickers. She gave me a cup and said that she would take
Carl’s in personally, the notional reason being so that
she could check how his hand was. I guessed that Carl
would be pleasantly surprised. You don’t often get a
semi-naked nurse paying that much attention to a minor
injury, even with a private medical scheme like BUPA!
Half an hour later she came back. I was already in the
bathroom shaving. She came in and kissed me on my cheek.
She ran some water in the bidet and as she douched
herself she told me that, according to Carl, the rain
was likely to clear up in the afternoon. She then
showered and was still drying herself when she joined me
in the bedroom, looking for something to wear.
We realised after the first morning that Carl didn’t
wear clothes in the villa and we were prepared to ‘do in
Rome what the Romans do’, but the rain had cooled things
down considerably. Kelly felt rather cold, the erect
state of her nipples providing ample evidence of the
fact. She looked in the wardrobe and selected a yellow
tee shirt that just about covered her bottom. She was
about to slip some knickers on as well, but I
intervened, putting on as shocked an expression as I
could manage.
“Surely,” I asked, “it is not that cold is it?”
It was easy for me to say this; I was already wearing a
pair of shorts. The double standards involved did not go
unnoticed but Kelly, in a gesture typical of her
generosity of spirit, sacrificed her comfort for my
pleasure. The three of us breakfasted in the kitchen and
watched the rain beating down on the terraced area
outside. Carl said that he was planning to go to the
bank in Cala D’or, and I asked if I could go with him,
as it would give me the chance to change some
traveller’s cheques and to hire a car for a couple of
We finished our breakfast and Carl got up from the
table. He went into his room to get the documentation
for the bank, and also to put some clothes on. I just
had to don a tee shirt and a pair of decks and we were
ready to go. Kelly declined the invitation to come with
us because she wanted to wash a few things and write
some cards. Maybe she also wanted to take the
opportunity to put on some knickers on and warm herself
The windscreen wipers were struggling to cope with the
rain as Carl and I drove into town. We were unable to
park outside the bank and the nearest spot we could find
was at least fifty metres away. Fortunately we were
outside a bar so we went in. I ordered two beers and we
waited for the rain to ease. I noticed his bruised
knuckles and I asked him how his hand was.
He looked a trifle embarrassed as he flexed it “It’s
fine thanks, Ben. Look I’m sorry about last night.” He
must have seen the surprised look on my face. “I mean
about touching Kelly up. It was a bit crass.”
“Carl, you don’t need to apologise. You know what Kelly
said to you yesterday, so as far as I’m concerned, there
is absolutely nothing for you to apologise for. Anyway,
apart from your hand, I presume everything else is
“Are you serious, Ben? How could it not be? Your wife’s
the sexiest woman I’ve ever known!” He paused a moment.
“Do you mind if I ask you a personal question, Ben? How
is it that you never get jealous when she’s with me?”
“You have to understand her, Carl. She is a highly sexed
woman. She needs sex frequently. And it is a real need,
Carl, make no mistake. You fulfil that need; we both
know why. Yes, and before you say anything, I’ve heard
all the bollocks about it’s not what you’ve got; it’s
the way that you use it. Kelly’s even told me that
herself, but she was sparing my feelings.
I believe that size does matter, at least as far as she
is concerned, and I know I can’t satisfy her in the way
that you can. But that’s all you are doing, Carl, you’re
satisfying her sexual needs. She is fond of you, of
course, but the attraction is, primarily, a physical
one. I would certainly be jealous if she loved you but
she doesn’t; she loves me. So, why should I be jealous?
You tell me.” I looked out of the window at the rain. It
showed no sign of abating.
Carl looked at me and sighed theatrically. “So, what you
are saying, Ben, is that Kelly only wants me for my
body.” He smiled ruefully. “Well, whatever the reason,
I’m not complaining. But there’s no way I’d let her
screw around if she were my…”
I angrily interrupted him. “Hang on, Carl! Kelly is
screwing you… only you! She is not screwing around and
I don’t like to hear you say that she is.”
He apologised at once. “I’m really sorry, Ben. Of course
I didn’t mean to imply that Kelly was screwing around. I
only meant to say that I could not be as generous, as
altruistic, if you like, as you are, that’s all. Look,
I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have raised the subject.”
My anger had passed. “Okay, Carl, apology accepted.
Coming back to what you meant to say, then.” There was a
pause as I tried to get my thoughts together. “Hell,
Carl, I’m really speaking from the heart, here. It has
got nothing to do with altruism.”
I was actually surprised that he had ascribed such high
motives for my behaviour. “But the word sounds similar.
Troilism is the actual name for it. And the definition
of troilism is a third person deriving sexual pleasure
from a sexual act involving two others. You two are not
the only ones getting pleasure from the relationship; I
am, too.” I looked straight into his eyes. “And it’s a
real turn on, believe me. So I’m happy for it to carry
on as long as Kelly wants it to.”
Carl looked at me and nodded. There was a broad grin on
his face. “In that case, Ben, I’ll do my very best to
keep you happy!”
I guessed that Kelly would be equally determined to
ensure my happiness but no doubt he’d find that out for
himself. Anyway, the rain had begun to ease up so we
took the opportunity to make a dash to the bank. And by
the time we’d left some twenty minutes later it had
stopped altogether and the sun was shining. Carl then
drove me to the car hire office. As I was only hiring it
for a couple of days I went the whole hog; automatic,
air conditioning and power steering. I arranged for it
to be delivered the following day.
We drove back to the villa and we smelt the aroma of the
freshly percolated coffee as soon as we stepped inside.
Kelly had been playing solitaire and she got up and
poured out three cups. Carl said a quick hello and then
went straight to his bedroom, returning barely a minute
later. Barely was the operative word, he was completely
naked when he came back into the kitchen.
We took our coffees and were sitting outside on the
terrace, under cover of the bougainvillea, when the rain
returned with a vengeance. No one wanted to get soaked
going to lunch, so we decided to eat in. Carl sorted out
a pizza whilst Kelly prepared a salad. I laid the table
and organised the wine. Considering the lunch was
rustled up out of nothing it was more than adequate. I
was taking my wine waiter duties quite seriously,
ensuring our glasses were never empty.
We were on our second bottle and were all in a happy
frame of mind by the time we’d finished eating. Kelly
tried to tell a joke but got a fit of the giggles. She
could barely get the words out for laughing and every
time she laughed her breasts jiggled under her tee
shirt. This tended to make her nipples stand out all the
more. To cap it all she could not remember the punch
line but it really didn’t matter. We could not have
enjoyed the joke more and her laughter was infectious
anyway. I looked out of the window. The rain was still
lashing down. So much for Carl’s weather forecasting!
Kelly and I left the table, taking our wine glasses with
us, and went over to the sofa to sit down. Carl had some
paperwork to attend to, so he stayed at the table. Kelly
was still happy, she was still giggling but now she was
also feeling randy. I’d no sooner sat down than she was
kissing me, pushing her tongue in my mouth and groping
me through the thin material of my shorts.
I looked over my shoulder; Carl, who had his back to us,
seemed preoccupied with his paperwork so I
surreptitiously unzipped my shorts. My erection sprang
free but it wasn’t free for long! She had already
grasped it and was positioning herself astride me. And
she continued holding it until it was sheathed in her
hot velvet fanny. She was pleased with herself, that
much was evident from her manner, a manner suggestive of
a cat that had taken all the cream.
Carl had his back to us and was apparently unaware of
what we were doing. I found it quite arousing, because
it was tantamount to doing it in public. Nevertheless I
didn’t want our activity to be too blatant so I pulled
down the hem of her tee shirt so as to cover us as much
as possible.
I was experiencing glorious sensations as her vagina
rhythmically contracted around my dick and I closed my
eyes so that I could better savour them. Then I felt her
hands on my face and her tongue in my mouth. We had to
come up for air, and I took the opportunity to pick up
our wine glasses from the occasional table. Kelly took
her glass, which had been half-full and drained it.
Carl looked up from the table. “More wine?” he asked. He
didn’t wait for an answer but walked round the table
carrying the bottle and his own glass. Possibly aware of
our shenanigans, and certainly emboldened by our
discussion outside the bank, he stood very close to
Kelly as he refilled first her glass and then mine. His
penis was hanging directly in front of her face.
Difficult to disregard at the best of times, it was
impossible to ignore it now, and he knew that only too
well. He knew she would react, but he didn’t know how.
Just as well really. Because she bit it; and rather
harder than she had intended to, as well! She had only
been joking, of course, but she’d had four glasses of
wine. He yelled and quickly stepped back so as to be out
of range. She hadn’t hurt him that much; it was his
pride, rather than his pride and joy that had been
wounded. No one spoke for a moment.
“Kelly,” I tried not to laugh, “I think you’ll find that
Carl said, ‘more wine’ not ‘gnaw mine!’”
Carl smiled through the pain. “Oh come on Ben, it’s an
easy mistake for a girl to make!”
She looked sheepishly at Carl. “I’m really sorry about
that, Carl. I didn’t mean to hurt you, honestly. Come
back here and I’ll kiss it better. I won’t bite it, I
promise.” No one would turn down an offer like that and
Carl was certainly not going to. He returned, now
standing so close to the two of us that I could feel his
knee on my thigh. Kelly was as good as her word. It
began to get better as soon as she held it in her hand.
It continued to make good progress when she kissed it.
And once it was in her mouth recovery was complete. This
much was self-evident; even her cheek was beginning to
bulge as she sought to contain his growing erection. She
gave up the unequal contest, but she continued holding
his rigid shaft, concerned, maybe, that without such
care and attention, it would suffer a relapse and
soften. “Does that feel better, now?” she asked him.
He grimaced. Talk about laying it on with a trowel!
“It’s a bit better now, thank you, but I think it still
needs more treatment.” I honestly don’t know how he
managed to keep a straight face. This was really
His erection was jutting up above her face and she had
to gently pull the tip down to get it back into her
mouth. And then came her piece de resistance. She placed
both hands on my shoulders and proceeded to raise
herself off my dick. And as she raised herself off mine
so would she take more of his in her mouth. And then, as
she sank back on mine, more of his appeared. She had
deliberately skewered herself on our dicks and she
appeared to be in a seventh heaven.
Although she would occasionally look up at Carl, her
attention was mainly fixed on me. I think that she was
trying to see just how excited she could make me. I
would have told her had she asked. It was unbelievably
erotic and I was on the verge of ejaculation. I was
desperately trying to delay the moment, mentally
reciting Arsenal’s cup winning team of 1971. I had got
up to ‘Geordie’ Armstrong when Kelly stopped moving. She
had been forced to call a halt; her jaw was aching too
much for her to continue.
I suggested we go into our bedroom because it would be
more comfortable. Kelly nodded and immediately stood up.
I got to my feet too, glad to be able to stretch my legs
and glad to afford my rigid cock the opportunity to cool
off! I turned to Kelly and kissed her. My tongue was
immediately in her mouth. Perhaps I was subconsciously
reclaiming the territory that had just been invaded by
Carl’s dick! I undid the button at the top of my shorts
and I stepped out of them. I also took off my tee shirt.
I handed Kelly her wine and she took a sip before she
walked into the bedroom. Carl and I followed, catching
alluring glimpses of her delightful bum as the hem of
the tee shirt moved with every stride. She sat down on
the edge of the bed and placed her wine glass on the
bedside table. She removed her tee shirt, and gave us
both a big smile as she did so. I sensed she wanted us
both at the same time. It was clear that she would be
more comfortable accommodating me in her mouth, so I
took control.
I lay down on my back with my feet towards the pillow
and Kelly, doing exactly as I’d asked, positioned
herself over me, as if we were about to have oral sex
together. Carl immediately knelt down behind her with
his knees just inside and slightly behind hers. He
grasped her hips and his erect penis sought out the
delicate pink petals of her entrance. But Kelly was
impatient, and had already reached down between her legs
in order to guide him into her.
It was fascinating to watch her soft flesh open up and
to see his great thickness slowly sink into her. To sink
into her until their pubic hairs meshed and only his
heavy hairy balls, dangling in my face, were visible.
And then I felt her lips around my cock. Kelly tried to
take the whole of me in her mouth, but she had to give
up when she began to gag. I suggested that she leave me
alone for a moment because I didn’t want to cum too
Carl now slowly withdrew his shaft, heavily smeared with
Kelly’s lubrication, until only his bulbous crown
remained in her. I marvelled at Kelly’s inner lips,
dilated so as to be almost diaphanous, yet still
clinging limpet like to his shaft, and holding him fast.
Her clitoris had never been more prominent and the
succulent pink inner flesh, swimming in her lubrication
had never looked more delicious. I looked at her
engorged outer labia lips.
I had never previously noticed that one was slightly
thicker than the other but such beauty is rarely
perfectly symmetrical. I studied the smooth tanned skin
of her inner thighs and the white crease lines in her
groin. I observed the soft and shiny black curly hair of
her pubis. I could see where she had depilated her
bikini line, and where the new growth was just beginning
to appear. I wanted to kiss, to suck and to taste every
little bit of her but Carl was already sliding back into
her depths.
His actions were somewhat slow and deliberate and I felt
that he was putting on a show for me, a live sex show
with my wife as his co-star. Their performance went on
for about five minutes or so before he disengaged
himself from her completely. Then he sat back on his
haunches so that I could have an uninterrupted view of
my wife’s adorable fanny. But now, instead of the soft
pink flesh there was just a black hole leading into her
She was, if anything, even more irresistible. I was like
a man possessed as I sucked and licked her fleshy labia
and clitoris. I heard Kelly groaning with pleasure
before she again took me in her mouth. However I sensed
she would prefer Carl to resume fucking her, so I ceased
my oral ministrations and rested my head on the bed once
more. I had no sooner done so than Carl was again inside
her. Only this time it was patently obvious he meant
The earlier slow motion fuck had clearly been for my
benefit, but this one was for his. This was a proper
fuck, and the speed and power of his thrusts was
increasing all the time. With each deep thrust his hard
flat stomach collided with the soft roundness of her
backside, and the resulting shock waves spread through
her whole body and caused her mouth to judder on my
In fact she had to release me because she was concerned
she would inadvertently bite me. (To bite one cock
accidentally was bad enough; she could never live down
biting two!) It was a blessing in disguise because it
allowed me to concentrate more fully on what was
happening just inches from my very eyes.
My ears were assailed with different sounds, the sticky
slurping noises as Carl partly withdrew from her, the
thwack of flesh against flesh as he drove back in, and
the disembodied grunts and groans, as Kelly and Carl
gave voice to their sensual delight. Kelly’s buttocks
were reddening from the constant impact, but she was
oblivious to it, in fact she was oblivious to
Her whole universe was centred on her vagina and on the
incredibly powerful tool that was driving into it with
such fierce energy. Carl gave a last thrust and I sensed
him straining to get even deeper as his semen spurted
into her. Kelly felt that he was trying to split her in
two and this brought on her own climax. A moment or so
later it was all over. Carl withdrew from her, and I
heard him say that he’d leave us alone together. Then I
heard the door shut and there was silence for a moment
before Kelly spoke.
“What was it that you said, Ben? Oh! I remember. That
you wanted me to be full of his cum? You did say that,
didn’t you? Well, do you think I’m full enough, now?”
She lowered her gaping, matted and spunk filled vagina
to my face and I drank from her well. Then I felt her
lips around me once more. But this time I was neither
inclined nor able to hold back and I ejaculated long and
hard into her greedy mouth. And such was her sexual
excitement that she swallowed it, too. Well they do say
that exchange is no robbery!
Chapter 15
Kelly and I decided to have a day on one of the beaches
in Cala D’or. Carl had already told us that he had some
business to attend to that day so Kelly and I would be
on our own. The hire car turned up on time and we were
all set. We packed our towels, sun creams and some
bottled water.
Kelly had put on a short skimpy white summer dress made
of fine cotton. The white straps attached to the bodice
were no thicker than string and the cotton was fine
enough to hint at the colour of the bikini bottoms she
was wearing under her dress. We set off mid-morning, and
were on the beach twenty-five minutes later. The small
sandy beach was quite full by the time we had arrived
and there were not many spaces left.
The sun loungers had all been taken earlier of course
but we had our towels to lie on. We picked our way
across the beach until we found a suitable spot and
promptly laid claim to it, spreading our towels out
before sitting down. Kelly took off her sundress and
then began to apply the sun cream to her body. Her
actions were not meant to be provocative, but when she
was creaming her breasts and nipples it was all but
impossible not to be provoked.
I could never tire of watching her, even after six years
of marriage, but I wasn’t the only one taking a close
interest. There were two lads close by, probably no more
than seventeen years old, and they had been watching her
since we’d arrived. They made no attempt to conceal
their interest, they were too young and too na�ve for
such finesse. Judging by their expressions she had
clearly made their day. It was difficult to ignore their
stares, and still more so not to show how proud I was
that they found my wife so attractive.
On the other side of us was an older couple. The lady
had just been for a dip in the sea and the man, who was
engrossed in his newspaper, had barely acknowledged her
return. In fact everyone around her seemed equally
oblivious to her presence. I looked at her and wondered
if, in her youth, she might once have been subject to
the same rapt attention that Kelly commanded.
We decided to go for a swim and so we picked our way
down to the water’s edge. Kelly was ahead of me and as
she waded out into the crystal clear sea I could see how
her bikini bottom was riding up slightly to reveal more
of the curves of her cheeks. She was aware of it, too
and every so often she would reach round and adjust it.
We were already up to our waists when Kelly looked back
at the beach and pointed something out to me.
I turned round to look and then I felt the sudden shock
of cold water on my back and I heard her laughing.
Before I had the chance to retaliate she dipped below
the water and began to swim towards a raft that was
moored some way out. I caught up with her and ten
minutes later we were holding onto the side of the raft
treading water. I managed to clamber on to it and then
gave Kelly a hand to get aboard.
We sat down facing the sun, getting our breath back.
There was a man already on the raft. He was aged about
forty-five. Kelly and I said hello to him and we got
talking. It transpired that he was English, had lived in
Majorca for the past fifteen years and ran a local bar
cum restaurant.
He had come out for a working summer and had become so
enamoured of the resort that he had stayed on. As we
conversed he seemed unable to take his eyes off Kelly’s
breasts. The sea breeze on her wet skin had caused goose
pimples, her areolas had contracted and her nipples were
fully erect. She was aware that he was staring at her
breasts and she felt rather self-conscious. So she
brought her knees up to her chest, leant forwards, and
wrapped her arms around her legs, thereby hiding them
from view.
He must have realised why she had done this and may have
felt embarrassed. Either that or he realised that the
show was over. Whatever his reason, he said that he had
to be getting back, and he stood up, walked to the edge
of the raft, and dived in to the sea. He called out from
the water, and told us that we were very welcome to
visit his bar, before turning to swim back towards the
Kelly said that she would not go near the place because
she did not like the way he had been staring at her. I
said that in his place I, too, would have stared. She
did look gorgeous. Her hair, normally dark brown, was
still damp and appeared virtually jet-black. It was
hanging down in strands, framing her beautiful face. She
was really getting a tan and her brown skin contrasted
strongly with her white teeth. And in further stark
contrast were the skimpy lime green bikini bottoms,
faithfully clinging to every soft contour of her
And then there were her nipples! Hard, erect and crying
out to be kissed. Had we been on our own, I would have
been chewing on them already. In fact I would have been
making love to her there and then, but someone else was
already climbing on to the raft, so I suggested that we
swim back.
By the time we had completed our leisurely return and
had dried off, it was time for lunch. Kelly slipped her
dress back on and we went to the small taverna at the
edge of the beach. We sat at a table in the shade, with
a view of the beach. We ordered a salad, and washed it
down with a couple of small beers. I settled the bill
and we meandered back to our spot on the beach. The
combination of the heat, the sound of the sea and the
alcohol caused us to doze off as soon as we lay down to
We went in for another swim an hour or so later and by
then we’d had enough. We thought that we would have a
coffee before going back to the villa. Kelly dried
herself and put her dress back on. She stepped out of
the wet bikini bottoms, and reached in her bag for the
knickers she’d packed that morning. She took them out
and immediately noticed that there was sun cream all
over them. The plastic top of the container had somehow
opened and everything in the bag was covered in ambre
She would have put the bikini bottoms back on but they
were now covered in sand so she tossed them into the bag
alongside her panties. It was amusing to note that the
older man next to us, who had paid such scant attention
to his wife that morning, was now very interested in my
wife’s dilemma.
Kelly did not seem at all perturbed about this; in fact
she gave the impression that she couldn’t have cared
less. She just made sure her dress was decent and
slipped on her sandals. She was in front of me as we
filed off the beach. Just as her lime green bikini
bottom had been discernible through the thin cotton of
her dress, so now was the tanned skin of her bare
Not only that; as she climbed the steps to the taverna
and I followed some three steps behind, I was even
treated to tantalising glimpses of her rounded cheeks.
However no one else was to be so lucky, because as soon
as we sat down at the table she dMolestationd a towel over her
legs. We finished our coffees and after taking a last
look at the beach we strolled back to the car.
The car was incredibly hot and we could not even sit on
the seats until we’d covered them with our towels. But
the air conditioning was quite effective and the
temperature inside the car was soon reducing. Kelly’s
short skirt and absence of underwear was a major
distraction, however. Nevertheless, I managed to keep my
eyes on the road even if I didn’t keep both hands on the
wheel. And by the time we’d got to the villa I was sold
on the benefits of an automatic gearbox; only once had
it been necessary to let go of her lovely little fanny.
A ringing endorsement for Borg-Warner, no doubt, but one
unlikely to feature as a customer testimonial.
We were halfway up the drive before we noticed that Carl
must have visitors. There was another car parked outside
the villa.
Chapter 16
We came round the back. Carl and another man were
sitting at a table on the terrace. Carl, unusually for
him, was dressed but then so was his visitor. Carl saw
us at the same moment and he immediately beckoned us
over. Kelly smoothed down her dress once more and we
walked towards them. They both got up, and Carl did the
“Jeff, may I introduce you to dear friends of mine,
Kelly and Ben.”
“It’s nice to meet you both,” said Jeff, “Carl has told
me all about you.”(All about us? Hopefully, just a
figure of speech.)
“Hello, Jeff,” I said, “It’s nice to meet you too.”
Jeff looked older than Carl but that might have been due
to his greying hair and the fact that he was somewhat
“Carl,” said Jeff in an admonitory way, “you didn’t
tell me that Kelly was this attractive!”
Kelly smiled graciously. Carl invited us to join them,
and pulled up two chairs. It was difficult not to laugh
as she sat down; she was so awkward as she tried to
maintain her modesty. There was a bottle of white wine
in the ice bucket. Next to it were two additional
glasses and it appeared that we had been expected. Carl
retrieved the bottle and poured out some wine for the
two of us. Jeff had an American accent and I asked him
what part of the USA he came from.
“I live in California, in LA to be precise.”
“And what do you do, Jeff?” Kelly asked.
“I suppose you’d describe it as a form of marketing. I
make commercial videos for companies, sometimes about
their products, sometimes about the company itself. It
is not that glamorous but it pays well.”
Carl interjected, “Jeff is far too modest to tell you
this himself, but he has won awards for his work. He is
one of the best in the business.”
Jeff laughed, “They were merely awards from a trade
association, that’s all. The way Carl talks you’d think
they were Oscars! He’s always one to talk things up.”
There was something about him. I couldn’t put my finger
on it. I sensed the bonhomie was false and the charm was
something that he could instantly switch on as
“And how did you get to know Carl?” Kelly asked.
“Through business. Carl undertook a project for me.”
Jeff answered. “We hit it off, and we’ve stayed in touch
ever since. Anyway, that’s enough about me. What about
you two? Are you both enjoying yourselves here?”
“Yes we are, aren’t we, Ben?” She looked at me to
confirm it and I nodded.
“I hear you’ve got to return early, Ben, That’s a
shame.” I nodded again. (Maybe Carl had told him
“Are you here on holiday, Jeff?” I asked.
“No, I’m working, believe it or not. But when I’m over
here in Europe I always make the effort to look up
At that precise moment there was a piercing shriek.
Kelly had seen a huge spider close to her foot. In her
panic she raised her legs out of harm’s way without
giving a moment’s thought to her lack of underwear. Jeff
was thus treated to the sight of her naked fanny, and
from point blank range, too. Kelly, realising at once
what she’d done and blushing furiously, immediately
stood up and pulled her dress down to cover herself. Her
embarrassment was not lessened in any way by the fact
that the three of us were all laughing.
“Kelly,” I said, “I think you misheard what Jeff said.
It was Carl that he likes to look up!”
Jeff, still smiling, again exercised his oily charm.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed, Kelly. You are an
extremely attractive woman,” there was a theatrical
pause, “in every respect. And you, Ben, are a very lucky
man!” (I know I am, but why does everyone feel the need
to tell me?) “And now, unfortunately, I have to leave.
It’s been very pleasant meeting you both. Enjoy the rest
of your holiday.”
Carl got up too and they went indoors. A short while
later we heard the car drive away.Carl returned wearing
a broad smile on his face, and as usual, nothing else.
He looked straight at Kelly. “And how is Little Miss
“Don’t start,” she said, “I feel stupid enough,
Carl spoke again. “I shouldn’t worry about it, Kelly.
You certainly made Jeff’s day, anyway. He said you were
the nicest thing he’s seen since he arrived.”
Kelly blushed once more.
It was still hot and although we were sitting in the
shade my skin seemed tight from our day in the sun. I
had to cool off in the pool and I asked if anyone else
fancied going in. Within thirty seconds we were all in
the pool. Initially the water had seemed cold to our
overheated bodies but in fact it was absolutely perfect.
It was softer than the seawater and seemed to caress the
skin. There was a ball floating around so we were able
to play catch. Carl and I would both try to throw the
ball so that Kelly would have to jump for it.
We were thus treated to the occasional glimpse of fanny
as well as seeing her breasts jiggling. Kelly, on the
other hand, would always try to return the ball so that
we didn’t have to move to catch it. She therefore fondly
believed that she was a more accurate thrower of the
ball than either Carl or me! When we’d had enough of the
game we swam a few lengths of the pool.
Ten minutes later Kelly informed me that she and Carl
were going inside. She promptly climbed out of the pool,
followed by her lover, and they stood there drying
themselves for a couple of minutes or so. She was still
towelling her hair as they walked towards the villa. And
as they went indoors Carl’s hand was already on her bare
buttocks, gently caressing the damp goose pimpled flesh.
I carried on swimming for another ten minutes and then I
also climbed out. I’d forgotten to bring my towel with
me and I ambled back to the table where we had been
sitting to retrieve it. I dried myself, fetched a beer
from the fridge and returned to the terrace.
From behind the shuttered windows of Carl’s bedroom I
could hear the unmistakeable sounds. And for a fleeting
moment I was jealous. This wasn’t fair! I had been the
one who’d been sexually provoked all bloody day and yet
it was Carl who was getting his leg over. But I was
being irrational. After all, they were only doing what
I’d been encouraging them to do from the start. And it
wasn’t as if I was going to miss out either; she’d be
sleeping with me that night.
I sat down and took a mouthful of beer. It was with a
growing sense of contentment when I closed my eyes to
bask in the gentle warmth of the late afternoon sun.
Chapter 17
The following morning I was about to get up to make the
tea when there was a knock on the bedroom door. Carl had
already made it and he came in carrying three cups on a
tray. As usual he was naked. There was no doubt that he
was proud of his lean and muscular body, and he was now
turning a nice shade of brown. He was even more proud of
his fully erect cock!
When he first came in, Kelly’s instinctive reaction had
been to pull the sheet up to her neck to cover herself,
but she instantly recognised the absurdity of such an
action and she left the sheet where it was, just up to
her waist. She had a smile on her face as she teased
him. “So, making tea gives you an erection then, Carl,
does it?”
He smiled at her comment but nevertheless remained
resolutely erect. And the sight of her bare breasts was
hardly likely to reduce his state of excitement, either.
He put the tray down on the dressing table.
Kelly continued, but without the previous humour.
Instead there was a soft sensual overtone to her words.
“And what are you going to do about it?” The sudden
sexual tension filled the room.
“I don’t know.”
She looked at me briefly, but just long enough to let me
know she had remembered what I had said to her on our
first morning here. She pulled the sheet back. Carl
could now see the whole of her naked body. She parted
her legs.
“Would you like to come in here, then?” The ambiguity
was deliberate.
He needed no further prompting. He climbed into the bed
and manoeuvred himself between her legs in an instant.
Kelly reached down to guide his cock and he slipped into
her without effort. And then supporting his weight on
his arms he began to fuck her. He started off slowly; he
did not want it to end too soon and neither did Kelly.
There was absolutely no doubt that she adored being on
the end of his dick. You could see it in her face, in
her open mouth and in her heavy lidded eyes. I nibbled
on her earlobe and asked her to touch herself. The very
next moment her hand was down between her legs. The
words in her ear had just tripped off my tongue. Now it
was my tongue itself that was in her ear.
She turned her head to kiss me, a long, lingering and
loving kiss. Her tongue was dancing with mine. Again I
experienced this extraordinary feeling of closeness to
her. And then she pulled her lips away from mine in
order to speak to Carl. In that soft tone of hers, the
tone that she puts on when she wants something, she
asked him to fuck her harder. I usually find it
difficult to say no to such persuasive entreaties. And
so did Carl!
She also wanted him to fuck her deeper, judging by the
way she had wrapped her legs around his waist, thereby
making herself even more open for him. And Carl was
doing his level best to fulfil her wishes. Fulfilling
them to such an extent, I was concerned her delicate
feminine flesh would get bruised. Kelly, on the other
hand, was not in the least bit concerned.
This may have had something to do with the fact that she
was very close to her orgasm, an orgasm that was, at
least in part, self-induced. Because on every down
stroke his flat stomach was smacking against the back of
her hand and the shock wave was transmitted through her
finger to her clitoris. And then she was climaxing, her
body was convulsing and she was groaning
incomprehensibly. She was still on her orgasmic plateau
when Carl’s semen flooded into her core, just as she was
when mine spurted into my hand!
And then two minutes later it was as if nothing had
happened. He was standing by the side of the bed once
more, with a cup of tea in his hand. The only evidence
of his encounter with Kelly, being his sticky
detumescence. That, and the growing wet patch on the
sheet between her thighs. He looked really pleased with
himself as he went out of our room. “Don’t let your teas
get cold!” were his parting words.
Kelly recovered quickly and turned to look at me. Her
eyes had that usual apr�s-sex sparkle but there was also
a broad grin on her face. Something had struck her as
“All right then, Kelly, what’s amused you?”
She couldn’t wait to tell me. “When Carl came in with
the teas and his erection. Was that what you’d call
‘womb’ service?” And then she couldn’t stop laughing.
We had hired the car for two days so that we could see a
bit more of the island. Yesterday we’d been at the
beach; today we were planning to go to Alcudia. Shortly
after breakfast the two of us set off, Carl having
declined the invitation to join us. We had reached
Felanitz and I was not sure which was the road for
“Oh, bollocks!”
“What’s wrong?”
And then I saw the sign. We were on the right road after
all. “It’s ok. I thought I’d missed the turn but there
is obviously another way to get there.” I looked at her.
She was wearing a lemon top and a short blue skirt. She
was going brown and she looked fabulous. “I must say,
Kelly, you look very tasty today.”
“Thank you.” She leaned across and kissed me on my
I rested my hand on her smooth skin of her upper thigh,
just where her skirt ended. My fingers crept up her leg
and came to rest on her panties. “You’ve got some on.” I
said. I don’t know what made me say that, really. It was
hardly likely to be something she didn’t already know! I
suppose it was because I was slightly disappointed.
Since we’d been in Majorca she’d often gone without, not
least because she knew both Carl and I preferred her
that way.
“Yes, I had to. I’m still quite wet from this morning.”
“Didn’t you use the bidet?”
“Don’t you think this is all getting a bit personal,
Ben? As a matter of fact I did use it, but obviously it
didn’t all come out.” And then she hummed the signature
tune to ‘Mastermind’. “So, Magnus, my specialist subject
is ‘Feminine Hygiene.’”
“Sorry, Kelly. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It’s only
that I was concerned about your little fanny. It was
getting quite a hammering this morning.”
“It’s fine, Ben.” She smiled at me and then she pulled
her skirt up and patted herself through the white lace
material. And then she spoke to it! “You’re quite used
to it by now, aren’t you?” She took her hand away and
smoothed her skirt down.
“Do that again.”
“What, talk to it?”
“No, silly! Touch yourself, I mean. It’s very erotic
seeing you do that.”
“I wasn’t doing anything, I only patted it.”
“Well, pat it again.”
I couldn’t reply. We were now in Manacor and I was
negotiating a rather complicated roundabout. Traffic
seemed to be coming at us from all directions. I
followed the signs for Petra and soon we were again on
the open road. I glanced at Kelly. “What about the
holiday. Are you enjoying it, so far?”
“Yes, I am, Ben. And I’m so glad you’ve hired a car. It
means we can have some time together on our own and I
think that’s wonderful. I love it when it’s just the two
of us.”
“I’m really pleased to hear you say that, Kelly.”
“And I mean it too, Ben. Every word.”
“So you’re happy to sleep with me?”
“Of course I am. And we do sleep together, Ben,
something I don’t …” She suddenly realised what she
was saying. “Sorry, Ben, I didn’t mean to say …”
I interrupted her. “It’s all right, Kelly. You haven’t
shattered any illusions. I’ve never considered myself to
be God’s gift to women.”
“That is not an issue as far as I’m concerned, Ben,
honestly. I love you, and therefore, when we do it there
is far more to it than just the sex. You and I make
love, Ben, and that makes a big difference.” She said it
again for emphasis. “We make love Ben. Carl and I don’t
make love; we just fuck! I’m not saying I don’t enjoy
it, but that’s all it is… a fuck.” She kissed me on my
cheek again.
“You are incredible, do you know that?”
“Why do you say I’m incredible, Ben? Because I actually
enjoy sex with someone else or because I admit that I
do? Or is it because you think it’s not normal for a
woman to be able to separate sex and love. Men can make
the distinction, but apparently women can’t. And who
says so? Why, men, of course! Is that why you say I’m
I managed to get a word in edgeways. “Kelly, when I said
it, I meant it as a compliment. And I still mean it too.
You are incredibly sexy and I love you all the more
because of it. And I accept that you can enjoy sex
without an emotional involvement. It’s not as if you
haven’t told me before.”
We had driven through Petra and were now on route for
Puerto de Alcudia. We finally arrived at midday and
found somewhere to park the car. We did a bit of sight
seeing but it was really too hot to do too much. We
found a small restaurant close to the harbour. A family
was vacating a table just as we got there and we grabbed
it. Kelly went to the loo.
I glanced around at the people sitting at the other
tables, most of whom seemed to be German. I heard a
flapping sound above and I turned to look at the pale
green awning. One of the cords securing it to the
uprights had come undone and every so often a gentle
breeze would catch the material. Looking south I could
just make out the shape of Mont Salvador in the far
distance. We had driven past it that very morning on our
way to Felanitz.
Kelly returned and started to tell me something before
she’d even sat down. “Don’t make it obvious Ben, but see
that man sitting over there, in the corner, in the blue
shirt, with his back to us. Well, I think it’s Jeff. I
hope he hasn’t seen us.”
“Why? At least you can show him that you do wear
knickers, sometimes!”
“Ha-ha. Very funny, I don’t think. Anyway, he’d be the
last person I’d show them to.”
I looked across at the man just as he got up to leave.
Kelly had been mistaken; it wasn’t Jeff. She realised it
“Something tells me that you don’t like him, Kelly.”
She looked at me. “You know, Ben, you’re wasted in
banking. Someone as astute as you should have been a
private detective!”
“All right, there’s no need to be sarcastic. I didn’t
realise he’d made such a bad impression on you. You
seemed happy enough when he was dishing out the
compliments. How was I to know?”
“He is very false, Ben. He ladles the charm on but it is
so superficial. He gives me the creeps.”
I was about to tell her that I, too, felt he was shallow
when at last the waiter came to take our order. It was
so hot that all we really fancied was a salad and a cold
mineral water. Once we’d ordered, the service was very
quick. And we’d made a good choice too; the salad was
“This is the life, eh, Kelly?”
“It certainly beats working for a living.”
We paid the bill and left. We took a stroll around the
small harbour. Being so near the water, we ought to have
felt cooler, even if the reason was purely
psychological, but it was not the case.
The bright sunlight seemed to be intensified as it was
reflected off the water and the white paintwork of the
boats. Hardly anything or anyone was moving in the
intense heat and the somnolence was pervasive. We ambled
back to the car, this time letting it run for a while
before we got in it. I’d decided we’d drive back via
Arta and Porto Cristo, to give us a change of scenery.
We’d been driving for about an hour when I asked Kelly
if her fanny was still all right.
“Why are you so concerned about it? I told you this
morning it was ok, didn’t I?” And then she answered her
own question. “Oh, I know why. Well I’m not going to
touch myself, Ben, if that’s what you think. Especially
whilst you’re driving. We’d have an accident.”
There is a God! We were driving through a wooded area as
she was speaking. Ahead of us was a turnoff to the
right. On an impulse I took it and found that it led to
a small deserted clearing. I parked in some welcoming
shade and turned the engine off. “What was it you were
saying about an accident, Kelly?”
She looked all around the clearing, making absolutely
certain that no one else was present. “I find your
concern really touching, Ben.” She was being very
“What I’d really like to find, Kelly, is you touching
your concern!”
She didn’t answer. Instead she raised her bottom out of
the seat and pulled the hem of her dress up so that she
was no longer sitting on it. And then her fingertips
were on the fabric of her panties, and her forefinger
was tracing her cleft. “Well, it seems to be ok but you
can never be too careful, can you? I think I’d better
make absolutely sure, don’t you?” She’d no sooner
finished speaking than she’d hooked the fingers of her
left hand around the lacy triangle and pulled it to one
side, exposing her vulva. We were both watching her
finger trawl along the increasingly wet channel between
her fleshy glistening labia lips.
And then she turned to me again. “Don’t ever tell me,
Ben, that I don’t spoil you!” And then my beautiful, oh
so sexy wife began to masturbate.
Chapter 18
And all to soon it was my last full day. We hadn’t
planned to go anywhere, but we needed to get some more
bread and a few other bits and pieces so we popped into
Cala d’Or. We’d done the shopping and were having a
coffee in the main street, idly watching the world go
by. More specifically I was watching a girl go by, a
girl wearing shorts and a low slung bikini top. She was
rather attractive, an impression not entirely unrelated
to the fact that with every step her ample bosom was
threatening to spill out of her top. I was just thinking
to myself that you wouldn’t have got many of those to
the pound when I heard a voice behind me.
“Hello, you two!” I turned round. It was Roy and Sharon,
our old neighbours. Roy looked at his wife. “So you were
right, Shar.” We said hello and exchanged the usual
pleasantries. They were about to order a coffee so we
invited them to join us. It was a big mistake. I’d
forgotten how loud she was and the extent to which she
dominated her husband.
Sharon was addressing Kelly. “I said to Roy, that was
you, when I saw you yesterday, didn’t I, Roy?” He nodded
to confirm but she wasn’t taking any notice. She looked
around as if to make sure no one could overhear her. She
would have done better just to talk more quietly but she
was one of those women who could not have spoken ‘sotto
voce’ even if her life depended on it. “When you were at
the nudist beach.” At these words someone three tables
away looked across at us. Discretion was not her strong
point, either. “But I wasn’t absolutely sure, because
you were with someone else.”
She was quite right. We had gone to the nudist beach
yesterday. And she could easily have seen the two of
them together. Carl had wanted to go for a walk along
the beach and Kelly had gone with him, although she had
insisted on putting her bikini bottoms on. Not so Carl,
of course. He had wanted no one to be deprived of the
sight of his dick! Gosh, I am getting really bitchy.
“That would have been Carl, here.” Kelly gestured to him
with her hand.
Sharon looked at him with renewed interest and smiled.
Then she spoke again to Kelly in what she imagined to be
an undertone. “Oh right. But to be honest, Kelly, I
didn’t take much notice of his face!” Her laugh was both
dirty and exceedingly loud.
“He’s a friend.”
“I’m not surprised, dearie.”
“Ben was there, too.” Kelly’s voice was somewhat cool.
“If we’d have known that we would have come over,
wouldn’t we, Roy?” He just nodded, poor sod. We’d
obviously had a lucky escape yesterday; a naked Sharon
was not likely to have been an edifying sight. But,
clearly, our luck had run out today. Thank God we’d
finished our coffees. We got up to leave.
“Enjoy the rest of your holiday,” I said. And then we
were off, Kelly setting the pace. She was already in the
street and marching purposefully to the car.
We all cooled off in the pool on our return. Kelly and I
got out first and were lying on adjacent sun beds drying
ourselves in the warmth of the sun. She was lying on her
side, supporting her chin in her hand telling me how
embarrassed she’d been when Sharon was talking so
loudly. We were speculating as to why Roy put up with
her when Carl climbed out of the pool and walked over to
where we were. He appeared not to want to say anything
and just lay on his side on the sun bed on the other
side of Kelly. She turned her head to ask him if he felt
better for his swim before resuming her conversation
with me.
He didn’t respond in words but he ran his fingers down
her spine, from the nape of her neck to the small of her
back. He did it several times and it began to have an
effect on her. She arched her back every time his
fingers touched the sensitive spot at the base of her
spine. And with each repetition his fingers travelled a
little further south.
Soon they were exploring the valley between her cheeks,
then they briefly touched her other opening and finally
they were in her cleft. Kelly’s reaction, as she felt
his fingers there, was an instinctive one and she slid
her foot back, thereby raising her knee and affording
him more room in which to pleasure her. And pleasure her
he did until she could not have been wetter.
He ceased fingering her and Kelly glanced over her
shoulder as if in reproach. But he’d only stopped in
order to move his sun bed closer to hers. Having noticed
his erection she could easily guess what his intention
was. It was when she had turned back to face me,
ostensibly trying to resume our former conversation,
that she felt his hands on her hips. He was now lying on
his side, and was easing her bottom towards him.
She was a willing partner to his sexual choreography,
and had even raised herself slightly so as to make her
entrance a bit more accessible. She was now at such an
angle that I could no longer see her pubis and I could
not, therefore, see his cock slide into her. But I knew
the moment it did simply by the look on her face. And
then she had to stop talking to me because she was no
longer able to concentrate on anything save for the
wonderful sensation between her legs.
But I could still talk, of course. “Does that feel good,
“Yes, Ben. It does.” There was a real emphasis on the
last word. She was looking at me through heavy lidded
eyes. One particularly powerful thrust caused her to
involuntarily close them.
“Do you love that big cock of his?”
“And do you love it when it’s deep inside you?”
She spoke very softly, “Yes, I do!”
“And when you’re full of his spunk?”
“Yes, really, Ben. I love it!”
“Well don’t just tell me, Kelly. Tell him!”
She was looking into my eyes as she spoke to him; her
words interspersed with soft moans. “I love your cock,
Carl. It’s the most wonderful cock in the whole world. I
love it when you fuck me, when you stretch me and most
of all when I feel you’re trying to split me in two. And
I love it when you cum in me. I love it, Carl and I want
to be full of it!” She really meant it, too.
I will never forget the way she looked at me as he
continued to fuck her. At that moment she would have
allowed him to fuck her to death, so powerful was her
sexual excitement. She could only groan as he continued
to pound into her, her breasts vibrating with each
thrust. I moved towards her and I kissed her on her
lips. She kissed me back with incredible passion.
Carl watched us kiss and he increased both the power and
the speed of his strokes, almost as if he were angry. I
could feel the shock waves coursing through her body
from the epicentre that was her vagina. Sensing that my
prick was erect she placed my hand on it silently
encouraging me to masturbate alongside her. She then
began to finger herself and very soon she experienced a
massive orgasm.
Carl gave one last almighty thrust and I could feel his
convulsions as he ejaculated into her. My own hand was
busy but not for long, and so forceful was my
ejaculation that much of my semen landed on Kelly. She
kissed me intensely once more before pulling away to
turn her head and to kiss Carl, her hand round his
buttocks in a gesture that was more affectionate than
sexual. Our passion had been fierce but it had also been
fully satiated and it wasn’t long before we were all
dozing on our respective sun beds.
That evening we were all sitting down having a drink
before we went out to eat. Kelly looked ravishing. She
had her hair up in that delightful way of hers and was
fully made up. She was wearing a green top and loose
skirt that buttoned all the way down. She had done up
enough buttons to protect her modesty, but most of her
thighs were visible as the skirt parted when she sat
down. Her nipples were already erect in the slightly
cooler evening air. Carl raised his glass to us said how
pleased he was that we had come out.
“I know we had that Saturday night together but there
was no guarantee we would all get on here. But it has
worked out really well. All the same Ben, I can’t say
I’m sorry that you’re going home!”
Kelly interjected at once. “That’s not a very nice thing
to say, Carl!”
“Sorry, Ben, Don’t take it the wrong way. I meant that
I’m pleased I’ll be able to have Kelly all to myself,
that’s all.”
“It’s all right Carl. I guessed that’s what you meant.”
We went back to the restaurant where we eaten the
evening of our first full day here. The intervening ten
days had gone so quickly. Much as I tried to enjoy the
evening I was only too aware that within twenty-four
hours I would be home on my own.
Kelly slept with me that night. We made love and
afterwards she went to sleep in my arms. In the morning
I was getting instructions about what to do when I got
home but I wasn’t really listening. I was thinking about
our relationship. It wasn’t that Kelly seemed less
affectionate to me, on the contrary. However there were
worrying signs that there was more to the relationship
between Kelly and Carl than just the obvious physical
There had been occasions when there had seemed to be
genuine tenderness between them. I thought about my
interrogation of her the day before when she was having
sex with him. She had answered yes to every question I
had asked but, but there had been one key question that
I didn’t dare ask, namely whether she loved him. In the
throes of her sexual passion she would have answered in
the affirmative; of that, I was in no doubt. But I was
becoming frightened that she might now say yes, even
when she wasn’t on the end of his dick.
I kissed her very tenderly and she asked me to make love
to her. Afterwards we lay there for a while but
unfortunately I had a plane to catch. I told her that I
was going to miss her and she said that she’d miss me,
too. It was reassuring to think she would miss me but
somehow I had my doubts.
Kelly would be alone with Carl for the next three days.
She’d insisted that she didn’t love him, that their
relationship was purely physical and it was abundantly
clear that there was a very strong physical element to
it. Kelly was never more excited than when her fanny was
stretched around his cock; except that it wasn’t being
stretched quite so much now, her once tight fanny was
definitely looser. But I was more concerned about her
heart and the depth of her feelings for him. Could she
really be so intimate with him, yet still remain so
And what about Carl? What had he once said? That she was
absolutely gorgeous. The more I thought about it, the
sicker I felt. Yet I only had myself to blame! I was the
one that had encouraged her to be sexually adventurous
and she had only taken me at my word. Carl had brought a
new dimension to her sex life, literally as well as
metaphorically. And they would be alone together for
three whole days. They would have the opportunity to do
and to say all kinds of things to each other.
Would she still want to come home to me when her holiday
was at an end? But what was the alternative? Asking her
to come home with me now, assuming that a flight was
available, would only postpone the inevitable. At some
future point she would have to choose between us. It
might just as well be the end of the week. What a fool
I’d been!
Chapter 19
We were on our way to the airport. I felt really sad and
wished that I had not rejected Kelly’s earlier offer to
foreshorten her holiday in order to come back with me.
But it was too late now. She looked absolutely lovely,
too. She was wearing her yellow sundress and sandals of
a similar colour. And it was the perfect foil to her
deep tan. She’d also put some knickers on! But that was
because they were planning to go to Palma once they’d
dropped me off and she was adamant that she would not
set foot inside the cathedral without any.
I doubted they’d be on for long once they got back to
the villa. I sat in the back of the car with her and we
held hands all the way. We arrived at the airport all
too soon and I got my case out of the boot. I said
goodbye to Carl and shook his hand. He had the
sensitivity to walk away when I said goodbye to Kelly.
“Kelly, you know I really do love you, don’t you?”
“I know you do, Ben, and I love you just as much.” We
kissed each other.
“You won’t forget that, will you?” I shouldn’t have said
this because she looked as if she were about to cry. I
had to walk away because there were tears in my eyes
too. I had meant to say something profound, something
that would make Kelly realise the real depth of my
feelings for her and yet all that I had done was to give
her the impression that I didn’t trust her. I turned to
wave goodbye only to see that Carl was already standing
at Kelly’s side. When he saw me look back he cupped her
breast with his hand as if laying claim to her body.
Kelly wanted to spare my feelings and I was pleased to
see her push his hand away.
I walked into the airport cursing the circumstances that
had forced my early departure. I was depressed as my
plane took off, and my depression seemed to deepen with
every mile that separated my beautiful Kelly from me. I
knew that I was really going to miss her during the next
three days, days that to me would seem never ending.
Kelly, on the other hand, would probably spend the whole
time shagging and wonder where the time went.
I arrived home in the late evening to a dark unwelcoming
house. My mind went back to the last time I had arrived
home late, the night Kelly had met Carl. How I wished
that I could have turned the clock back. Had I have been
able to do so, I would have immediately entered the
house and perhaps Kelly might never have had the
opportunity to experience sex with Carl. But it was
futile exercise, she had! I made myself a drink and went
to bed.
I sensed that Carl and Kelly would also be going to bed
about now. But I made no attempt to masturbate; I could
raise neither enthusiasm nor prick. I just wanted Kelly
to be here next to me. I did not want her to be in
Majorca. But she would be there for three more days. I
awoke the following morning only to realise with a
sinking heart that the love of my life was not home.
I went off to the meeting that had been the cause of my
early departure from Majorca. I didn’t say much at the
start; my mind was a thousand miles away. In spirit I
was once more at the villa, with Kelly. But Carl was
there in body, rather than in spirit!
And at that very moment he was probably in her body,
too! Jealousy and anger were now the dominant emotions.
Why did I have to lose Kelly to an arrogant self-centred
bastard who had a big cock, but fuck-all else? And to
think that Kelly had wanted to end her affair with Carl
and I had been the one to persuade her against it. I
resolved that I would never be so stupid again. If ever
there would be a next time! The voice came into my
consciousness; the voice of my boss. “What do you think,
“Pardon.” I was playing for time and desperately trying
to recall what we were talking about.
“I said, ‘what is your opinion, Ben.’”
“Sorry, I missed that, Paul. I must have drifted off.
Probably the jet lag!”
Patience was not Paul’s strong point. “Ben, It’s only a
two hour flight for Heaven’s sake! No-one gets jet lag
coming home from Majorca!” Fortunately, that was my only
lapse, and the meeting turned out to be quite
That evening when I came home I was, if anything, even
more sorry for myself than I had been the night before.
I put on an opera that seemed particularly apt, Act 3 of
La Boheme. In music that is both beautiful, yet
ineffably sad, Rodolfo and Mimi are parting but not
before reliving their earlier happier times together.
There were tears in my eyes as I sat listening in the
empty lounge. I wondered what she would be doing, but
just as had happened the night before, there was no
sexual excitement to be gained from this
inquisitiveness, just an aching sense of emptiness. And
I still had forty-six hours to go.
Good Lord! I was counting the hours until I saw her! The
last time I had done that we had only just started going
out and I had subsequently assumed that it was just the
intensity of young love. And yet, here I was ten years
later doing exactly the same thing!I woke up Thursday
One more day to go! And then it was Friday morning and I
was euphoric. She’s coming home today! And finally,
after the longest eighty hours of my life, it was Friday
evening, and Kelly was standing in front of me. Carl had
brought her home but he did not come in. She seemed very
tired. We kissed hello but she appeared to be pre-
occupied. I made us both a drink and we sat down in the
She gave every appearance of being Italian, her deep tan
emphasising her Latin features. So I spoke to her in
Italian. “I amma so ‘appy to ‘avva you ‘ome, Kelly. To
be sure, bejasus and begorrah.” She didn’t have any
Irish blood, of course, but I was on a roll and in the
mood to show-off.
“Is that so?” She was not amused; on the contrary, she
was very abrupt. My mood instantly changed. Relief and
happiness were promptly replaced by anxiety, an anxiety
bordering on fear.
“What’s wrong?” The tension in my voice was obvious. I
was trying to swallow but my mouth had gone dry. There
was a huge knot in my stomach.
“Nothing really. I just think we should consider a
separation, that’s all!” It was a devastating blow to
hear Kelly confirming my worst fears.
“Why?” I could hardly get the word out.
“Why? You’re asking me why!” There was an incredulous
tone to her voice.
I had my head in my hands. “No, Kelly, no! We don’t have
to separate. I love you, Kelly! You must know that I
love you.” I was desperately trying not to break down.
“You love me, Ben, do you? So why do you encourage me to
fuck Carl all the time?” The emphasis on the word ‘fuck’
could not have been stronger. She was really putting the
knife in. And then she twisted it! “But at least he does
want to fuck me, and not just watch someone else doing
Her remark was mortifying but it was no more than I
deserved. I chose to ignore it. “Is it Carl? Are you in
love with him?”
“I might have been, Ben. I was certainly very fond of
him.” There was a momentary wistful look and then her
demeanour altered, as if she had made up her mind about
something, which indeed, she had. “I’m sorry, Ben, I
shouldn’t have mentioned it tonight. I should have
waited till the morning. But I don’t want to discuss it
any more tonight because I am absolutely shattered. I’m
going to have a relaxing bath and then I’m going
straight to bed!”
Almost as if it was an afterthought, but in fact it was
deliberate, she added, “on my own! I’ll sleep in the
spare room and I don’t want to be disturbed. I want time
to think.” And with a cursory ‘goodnight’, she went
I heard her running her bath. I should have gone
upstairs to try to reason with her but I think I must
have been in shock. I fetched myself a stiff drink, went
into the study and sat down on the sofa. I just sat
there, and stared at the wall in a daze for God knows
how long. My fears had been justified then.
God, what a stupid prat I’d been. How could this all
have gone so wrong? Why did I let it happen? Kelly was
everything I had ever wanted. Once she had been quite
innocent, but I had corrupted her. Once she had been
sexually content with me, but she could never be so
again. She’d wanted us to separate and I would have to
live without her. And then I found myself sobbing. I put
my hands to my mouth so that Kelly wouldn’t hear me.
I suddenly felt her hands on my head. I opened my eyes
and Kelly was standing in front of me wearing a long
white tee shirt. She’d had second thoughts whilst she
was soaking in the bath and had decided we ought to talk
things over that evening, rather than the following
morning. She was crying too.
We looked at each other. “Kelly,” I said, “I’m sorry, I
really am. I love you more than you can ever know.
Please don’t leave me.” I couldn’t say any more because
of my tears. She pulled me towards her and my cheek was
pressed against her soft rounded stomach. The salt was
stinging my eyes and I wiped them with the end of her t-
shirt. She had nothing on under it but that was the last
thing on my mind.
“Ben,” I heard her say, “How do you think I felt when
you kept pushing me towards Carl, when you actually said
you preferred me to have sex with him instead of you?
And when I offered to come home with you for your
meeting and you said I shouldn’t bother?”
“I’d just assumed that you’d be enjoying yourself so
much with him, you wouldn’t really have wanted to come
“Of course, I enjoyed the physical side – what girl
wouldn’t? But it’s not everything. I told you that in
the car. I would happily have come home early with you,
Ben, honestly.”
“But you seemed so affectionate to him?” I said.
“What are you saying, Ben? That it was okay for Carl and
me to shag each other stupid, provided that at other
times we only shook hands!”
I had to smile at the patent absurdity of the idea.
“Anyway, Ben, you have to understand. You can’t have sex
with someone all the time and not get emotionally
involved. I thought I could but…” She paused, and made
an effort to compose herself. “Look, I admit that I
started it, but don’t forget I was also the one who was
prepared to end it. And you didn’t just talk me out of
it, Ben, you gave me the distinct impression that you
wanted it to continue!” With that she sat down on the
“It was because it was a real life fantasy, Kelly. I
knew we both enjoyed fantasies. I thought a real life
one would be even better, that’s all.”
“Yes, I do enjoy fantasies, Ben, and do you know why?
I’ll tell you. It’s because no one ever gets hurt in
fantasies. No one feels degraded in fantasies. No one
ever regrets what they’ve done. But reality is very
different. In real life people do get hurt, people do
have regrets.”
I looked into her eyes. “I never ever meant to hurt you,
“It’s not just you, Ben.
“What are you trying to tell me?”
She took a deep breath. “I was infatuated by him, Ben. I
might even have been in love with him for a while. But
it’s over between us and I’m never going to see him
again.” She dissolved in tears. I got up to fetch some
“Do you want to tell me about it, Kelly?”
She wiped her eyes before she answered me. “Do you
remember what I told you when I came back from Paris,
that there were times when I’d do anything Carl wanted.
Well after you’d gone home, he told me wanted a video of
us together. He said we were so good we should have a
record of it. He also said that you might like it too.
He assured me it would be private.”
“Go on.”
“So I agreed to it. What he didn’t tell me was that he
would get Jeff to make the video. When he turned up I
was furious and ready to walk out. He pleaded with me to
go through with it saying that someone had to operate
the video camera, something to do with angles and
zooming and other stuff I can’t remember. He reminded me
that Jeff had already seen me virtually naked anyway,
and asked me why I should be so concerned. I know I
shouldn’t have agreed to it, but I did.” She began to
cry again.
I was totally unprepared for this and I wasn’t very
tactful. Fuck me, she didn’t even like the man. “Kelly,”
I asked, “how could you have done it in front of Jeff? I
presume we are talking about the same Jeff who, if my
memory serves me correct, gives you the creeps?” She was
now in floods of tears, sobbing her heart out. I pulled
out some more tissues from the box and gave them to her.
She wiped her eyes and blew her nose.
“Because I’m a tart, that’s why! Carl thinks I am and
from your question it is clear that you do too. Well at
least the three of us can all agree about that!”
“Kelly, what are you talking about? I don’t think you’re
a tart. The definition of a tart is a prostitute, or a
promiscuous woman. Someone indulging in casual sex. Look
it up for yourself. You went with Carl because you
wanted to. There are probably thousands of women who
would like to do what you did, but they’re conditioned
to think that if they were to do the same, they’d be
tarts. I was just surprised, that’s all.”
“Well, Carl thinks I’m a tart. And how do I know?
Because he promised me to Jeff, that’s how. I flew off
the handle at him, demanding to know what gave him the
right to make such decisions about me. It was my body
and I would decide whom I offered it to, not him. How
dare he assume that I would consent to it? He asked me
why I had suddenly become so coy and the implication was
obvious. I told him he had made it perfectly clear what
he really thought about me.” She looked at me, her chest
heaving in her anger.
“And then what happened?”
“He immediately apologised but I can’t forgive him.” She
continued dabbing her eyes with a tissue.
I tried to change the subject. “What about the video,
Kelly, where is it?”
“Oh I don’t know, Ben. Carl’s got it. What does it
matter, anyway?”
She was right about the video. That didn’t matter, but
something else did, and it mattered very much indeed.
“So it is over between the two of you?”
“He used me, Ben. He won’t be using me again. I’m not
going to see him anymore and I’ve told him so.”
My own conscience was not that clear. I had used her
too! “Kelly, you must understand that Carl sees all
women in the same way. They are a challenge and the
attraction for him is in the chase, if you like. Once
he’s get what he wants, once he knows that you care for
him, he loses interest. He wanted a video of the two of
you together. Maybe he likes to have a record of his
conquests. Maybe your agreeing to it makes him feel he
has control over you. Promising Jeff that he could have
you was a further manifestation of his control. He can
now move on to his next challenge. That’s why he’s never
had a long-term relationship. And that’s probably why
he’ll never have one in the future. But Kelly, he
doesn’t matter any more. You do! I don’t care what
you’ve done. I adore you, Kelly. I know I can’t compete
with Carl in some respects, but he could never have
loved you the way I do. And I know I’ll never stop
loving you. But if you don’t love me anymore…” I was
too choked to complete the sentence.
I started her off again. “Oh Ben, I don’t want to leave
you. I love you. I’ve loved you ever since you were a
little boy. I don’t love Carl. I might have done once
but I don’t love him now. Carl has a big cock, but
that’s all he has got. I know you feel inferior because
you’re not as big as him, but believe me, you are a much
bigger man. You have qualities that Carl will never
have. But you don’t realise it. You are a much nicer,
more caring person. And you make me laugh.” She
recognised that her tears contradicted the last remark
and she added, “usually.”
She loved me! She loved me! I kissed her and put my arms
round her cuddling her as tightly as I could. And as we
kissed our tears mingled. We went to bed and I continued
to hold her tightly in my arms. I said, “It will only be
the two of us in future, Kelly, I swear.” I have never
been more serious in my life.
“I hope so, Ben.”
She fell asleep in my arms but I stayed awake. I thought
about how close I had come to losing her. How could I
have been so stupid? But it had also made me realise how
much I loved her and how lucky I was that she still felt
the same about me.
Carl phoned the following day. Kelly reiterated what she
had said before. He was half expecting her decision
anyway. Two months later, he’d moved to California. And
at this point I should have been able to write that we
lived happily ever after. But there was still a surprise
in store.
Chapter 20
Things were gradually returning to normal. Kelly had got
over Carl it seemed, but there were a few tears when she
heard that he had gone to California. Outwardly, at
least, she radiated the warmth and general happiness
that was such an integral part of her attraction. All in
all, things were going well. We were even in preliminary
discussions about adopting a child.
One Saturday morning there was a knock at the door. It
was the postman and he had a parcel for me that required
my signature on delivery. It was postmarked Los Angeles
but I did not recognise the name or address on the back.
I opened it and saw that it was a videocassette,
entitled ‘Majorcan Pleasures’. There was a note
enclosed. It was from Carl! I thanked my lucky stars
that Kelly was out. She had left quite early to go
shopping in the West End. I picked up the note to read
it. There was no address shown.
‘Dear Ben,
I thought you might like this souvenir of Majorca. I
hope it brings back happy memories. You might be
interested to know that this video is selling very well
here. Some punters have even told me that Kelly’s the
hottest thing they’ve ever seen; not only can she fuck
on camera, but she can also act. I told them she wasn’t
acting at all. This is a tart who REALLY loves to fuck!
Who REALLY adores big cocks! Mind you, who can blame
her? She’s not getting enough at home, is she?
Best Wishes
ps Jeff asked me to pass on his regards to Kelly.’
What a bastard he was! I tore the note up and put it
straight into the dustbin, rearranging other rubbish on
top of the pieces of paper. I should have destroyed the
video too, but my curiosity got the better of me. I made
myself a coffee and went into the study to watch it.
It began with a picture of Carl’s villa in Majorca and
then the title ‘Majorcan Pleasures’ appeared. There were
a couple of credits and the film started. The camera
panned out from the villa and the distant hills came
into sharp focus. It was evident that Jeff knew how to
use a video camera; the picture quality was excellent.
The villa was again in shot and then there was a view of
the swimming pool. The water was sparkling as myriad
tiny wavelets momentarily reflected the rays of the sun.
The camera then focussed on the empty terrace. But it
wasn’t empty for long.
A girl came into shot, walking away from the camera and
towards the pool. There could be no doubt. It was Kelly
and she was naked apart from her high heels. The cheeks
of her firm round backside were undulating in that
familiar way of hers. She stood at the edge of the pool,
slipped off her heels and gracefully dived in. She swam
to the end and back and then climbed out using the
As she shook the water from her hair, the camera zoomed
in on her breasts and the pinpoint sharp image showed
the beads of water on them, the goose pimples and her
fully erect nipples.
The shot zoomed out as she walked towards the camera and
it was her breasts gently swaying that caught the
attention. God, she looked divine! She then lay on a sun
bed, her legs slightly open. The cameraman now focussed
on her triangle, except that it was heart shaped once
more, and she had again removed the hair from the sides
of her labia. Then the shot changed to a wide angle and
the camera panned round.
A man was walking towards her. It was Carl. He too was
naked and his tanned muscular body seemed to be
gleaming. With each step his long, thick but still
flaccid penis swung from side to side. He moved next to
Kelly’s sun bed and stood there. As she looked up at
him, the camera zoomed in so that only her face and
Carl’s penis were in view. You could see the sexual
hunger in her eyes.
In full shot again Carl squatted down and kissed Kelly
on her lips. Then he was kissing her shoulders, her
hands, her breasts, and he continued down to her
stomach. He then began to kiss the outside of her thigh
before he gently raised her leg and ducked under it.
Starting at the inside of her knee he was able to trawl
his tongue up her inner thigh and on to her groin. She
instinctively opened her legs wider as Carl reached her
vagina. Using both hands he pulled the pink full labia
lips apart. Her inner flesh was already glistening with
her secretions as his tongue delved down into her
wetness. Then he began to lap the full length of her
cleft, paying special attention to her clitoris. The
camera was now on Kelly’s face. She cried out as she
climaxed and it was her body convulsing that filled the
Carl now extricated himself and again stood over Kelly.
His prick hung down over her face. Kelly just looked up
at Carl and opened her mouth. He immediately lowered his
cock into it. Without taking her eyes from his, she
started to suck the end of it, simultaneously stroking
that part of his shaft that she could not encompass in
her mouth. He could not fail to respond to such loving
attention and soon he was totally erect. His heavy
testicles were now receiving her oral caresses and I
watched as she took first the one and then the other
into her mouth.
She carried on in this way for some little while and
would have carried on even longer but Carl now wanted to
fuck her. He took a spare sun bed cushion and laid down
on his back, his massive cock proudly erect. Kelly knelt
down on all fours, and positioned herself so that her
opening was directly above it. Then she lowered herself
on to it, and it disappeared into her in one smooth
motion. They kissed, a frantic almost violent kiss, with
tongues and lips mashing together.
She began to ride up and down on Carl’s fierce erection.
Whatever else Jeff may have been, there was no doubting
his consummate professionalism when he was behind a
video camera. This time there was a close up shot and
the screen was filled with the sight of Carl’s cock,
sheathed in Kelly’s soft vagina. He was thrusting
upwards to meet her downward movements and it was clear
that he was nearing his climax.
There was one more powerful attempt to spear her and his
body went rigid. His backside was off the ground as he
started to pump his sperm into her. And as he continued
to ejaculate, his fingers were digging into her
buttocks, pulling her onto him as if he wanted to fuse
their genitals into one orgasmic entity.
As his emissions grew weaker, so did the pressure of his
fingers, until he was only resting his hands on her soft
roundness. Then, when she was certain that he had
finished, she lifted herself off his cock until only his
crown was still in her. She began to inch herself
forward whilst still maintaining contact with it.
With a start I realised what she was planning to do; she
was intending to squat over his face. She reached the
point of no return and his glistening cock slipped out
of her and flopped onto his stomach. A thick globule of
semen fell out of the dark hole that led to her core.
She quickly moved forwards and I watched with bated
breath as she lowered herself on to his mouth. And then
his tongue was in her opening, seeking out his own
The camera zoomed in even closer. Another globule of
milky white sperm appeared, and he licked it up with the
tip of his tongue before transferring it to his mouth.
This went on for some while. At one point Kelly gently
squeezed her labia with her fingers and forced some more
Carl immediately put his mouth to her and I could even
hear the sound of him sucking it up. I had hoped that I
had learnt my lesson, that I would have been able to
watch this video without getting an erection, but I
couldn’t help it. I had an almighty hard-on!
A little while later, Kelly lifted herself off his face
and looked at him. He had managed to swallow most what
she had returned to him but there was some on his chin.
She licked him clean and then she kissed him, her hands
holding his face with real tenderness. There was more
intimacy implicit in this one kiss than in anything that
had gone before.
I rewound the videotape and replayed their kiss. No, I
was not mistaken, although I fervently hoped that I had
been. It was patently obvious that she was in love with
Carl. Maybe it had lasted only until she’d found out
that he’d promised her to Jeff, but she had been in love
with him when they made the video.
I felt real heartache as I watched my wife and the man
who had, albeit briefly, supplanted me in her
affections. And what had he called her, a tart! He was
just too fucking stupid to realise that Kelly had agreed
to be videoed with him for love, not because she was a
Chapter 21
The next scene threw me for a while. The camera angle
was static and the images did not have that nth degree
of sharpness that had characterised the previous scene.
And then I realised Kelly was unaware she was being
filmed. She was sitting at the table on the terrace with
Carl. They were talking.
“So, Kelly, the end of our holiday. There’ll be no more
bonking in the sun for a while. And you’ll be home with
Ben tonight, unless you’ve changed your mind, that is.”
“No I haven’t changed my mind, Carl. Not after
yesterday. I still don’t know how you could do it.” She
turned to look at him and I could see that she had been
“Look, Kelly, it was no big deal, you know.”
“Obviously not, as far as you’re concerned Carl, but it
is for me. I didn’t want to be videoed in the first
place. And as for Jeff doing the filming… by the way,
where is he?”
“He went out this morning. He won’t be back for some
time yet. Look, we spent long enough yesterday
discussing why he was necessary. I don’t really want to
go over it all again. There is no point shooting a video
and then not being able to watch it. Incidentally I have
seen some of it. You are terrific. Jeff said that it was
one of the best shoots he’s ever done.”
“He’s done this before? So how many other women have you
been filmed with?” The shock in her voice was genuine.
“Only one, I promise. She was American. She knew Jeff
and that’s how I met him. She was the one who wanted to
be filmed, honestly. I was flattered so I went along
with it. Now Jeff does a lot of this sort of thing and
he told me that I could walk into the porn business. He
also told me you are outstanding and I believe him. I’m
serious, Kelly, the two of us would make a great team.
Don’t go back to him; come with me to the States. We
could do really well together.”
Kelly could not believe her ears. “You are saying that
you want me to come with you to America so that we can
make blue films? Is that right?” He nodded. “And people
say that romance is dead!” It was a flippant remark but
there was real bitterness in her voice. She looked at
him again and then she was looking over his shoulder
straight at the camera. “What the hell’s going on, Carl?
You’re not filming me, are you? Turn it off. Turn it
off, now!” She was really angry.
“It’s not on, Kelly. I don’t know what sort of bastard
you take me for but even I wouldn’t do something like
that, I swear. The red light is flashing because Jeff is
recharging the battery, that’s all. There’s only one
video of you, and that was the one we did yesterday.
I’ll let you have it as soon as we’ve finished the
editing. I’m sure Ben will be pleased to watch it even
if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t want the damned video. It will remind me of
something I am trying to forget.”
“I didn’t say you had to fuck him, did I?”
“No, but how could you even suggest it.”
“Where’s the harm? He’s filming you on the job for
Christ’s sake! I mean you’re not exactly an innocent
virgin are you? And what’s the difference between Ben
letting me fuck you and me letting Jeff do the same?”
“All the difference in the world! It was my decision to
have sex with you, Carl, not Ben’s. Mind you, knowing
what I now know, I wouldn’t say it was one of my better
decisions. And likewise, if I fuck Jeff, then that will
also be my decision. I won’t, of course, because I don’t
even like the man.”
“So you think you made the wrong decision about me, do
you?” And then he laughed.
“What’s so funny? I don’t see anything to laugh about.”
“It’s us two. How can we argue when we’re naked? I’m
getting a hard-on, too. How can I argue sporting an
erection? Look I’m sorry that I said Jeff could fuck
you. Honestly, I’m sorry. Now we can end the holiday on
an argument or we can have one more bonk before we go.
It’s your choice, Kelly.”
“There is a joke about that and the punch line makes
reference to a silver tongued bastard. It’s quite apt
for you really, especially the bastard …” She didn’t
finish the sentence. He was kissing her and I could see
her hand instinctively reaching down to grasp his cock.
They came up for air. “I want you to suck me, Kelly.”
She immediately bent her head down but Carl stopped her.
“No, I’ll sit on the edge of the table. It’ll be more
comfortable for you.” (It also meant a better shot for
the video; now there’s a surprise!) I watched Kelly’s
head bobbing up and down as she sucked his cock. Then
they changed places. She had her legs over his shoulders
as he lapped at her hot wet open fanny. Because of the
static camera angle her face was in profile but I could
tell she was very close to a climax. He stopped licking
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes, Carl. I do. I want it now.” God, she sounded
desperate for it.
“All in good time, Kelly.” And then he was beckoning to
someone. Jeff suddenly appeared! He was naked. “Well,
Kelly, what a coincidence! We were only talking about
Jeff a moment ago and guess what? He’s here.” I heard a
strangled, “No!” and then I saw Carl grab hold of her
legs and bury his face in her vagina. She was kicking
backwards with her heels but it was obvious that her
resistance was weakening as his tongue was again working
its magic on her clitoris. Soon she stopped struggling
Carl broke off once more to speak to her. “Kelly, this
is your lucky day. Jeff here is prepared to fuck you,
but you’ll have to ask him nicely. You know you will ask
him because you will do anything I want as long as I
lick that clitoris of yours, won’t you?” Jeff was
standing close by, watching her intensely and slowly
stroking his erection.
“Just for the record, Kelly, are you here under duress?”
“Are you free to go if you want to?”
“Do you want to go?”
“Why is that, Kelly? Is it because you are a tart?”
“Say it again. Tell Jeff and me that you’re a tart. We
want to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.”
Jeff butted in. Gone was any attempt at charm, however
superficial. His misogyny was evident in his coarseness.
“Don’t you mean the whore’s mouth?”
Kelly’s voice was flat, her spirit broken. “I’m a tart.”
“And are you going to ask Jeff to fuck you?”
“Yes.” She looked at him, at his paunch, at his flabby
backside and at his thin erection, which he was still
stroking. He was nothing to write home about that’s for
sure. But she knew Carl’s assessment of her was spot on.
“Fuck me, Jeff.”
“I didn’t hear you say, ‘please’.” It was Jeff. The
sheer arrogance of the man! What the hell did he have to
be so arrogant about, anyway? The fat fucker! It was,
alas, a description that was soon to prove to be only
too apposite!
Carl had already moved the seat out of the way so Jeff
only had to stand between her open legs. He pushed
himself into my wife and began to shaft her. The man who
gave my wife the creeps was now giving her something
else. And it certainly wasn’t a good time! Meanwhile
Carl was standing on the other side of the table,
feeding his dick to Kelly’s open mouth.
“Jesus, Carl,” he said, “She’s a bit on the loose side,
isn’t she? How many more women are you going to spoil
for me?”
“Let’s change places then, Jeff.” No sooner said than
done! Carl’s cock immediately replaced Jeff’s, but
unlike Jeff, he was also using his thumb to stimulate
her clitoris as he fucked her. As always, this quickly
brought her to the very brink of an orgasm. And Kelly’s
inhibitions were rapidly diminishing, in inverse
proportion to her sexual arousal.
Jeff was now standing by her head and there was only a
half-hearted attempt to turn away as he thrust his
erection in her face. Whatever feeble resistance there
had been, dissipated the moment she felt his sticky
crown on her lips. No effort was required on his part to
slide it into her mouth.
She grasped his shaft, perhaps in an effort to ensure he
could not push the whole length down her throat, and
then she began to masturbate him. And despite her
adverse opinion of him, there was no indication
whatsoever that she was doing this with any reluctance.
She sucked him and continued to do so until he started
to cum. It was only then that she released him.
He must have been incredibly aroused because he seemed
to go on and on. I watched great wads of his sperm
spattering her face and her hair. One particularly large
strand hit her eyelid and she had to wipe it away with
her forefinger. And then it was Carl’s turn. He pulled
out of her vagina, walked round the table and positioned
himself so that his cock was only inches from Kelly’s
face. He was masturbating furiously.
The camera angle had changed too! It was obvious when I
thought about it later. Jeff, having ejaculated, was now
operating the video camera once more. And then Carl’s
spunk exploded on to her. When he had finished Jeff
zoomed in to her face. She had semen everywhere, on her
forehead, on her cheeks, on her nose, on her chin; she
even had it on her teeth!
“Smile, Kelly,” I heard Carl say, “You’re on Candid
Camera!” But my beautiful wife wasn’t smiling. On the
contrary, she was weeping. And she wasn’t the only one.
I switched off the video and wiped my eyes.
Of course! It was all so obvious in retrospect, why he
had bought the villa and why it was so secluded. It was
a perfect location for filming. That explained Jeff.
That explained the Californian connection.
I tried to collect my thoughts. One thing was certain.
Kelly must never know about the video. I remembered her
demeanour when she’d arrived home from Majorca. No
wonder she was unhappy. Carl and Jeff had creamed on her
that very morning! And she’d said something about…
now, what was it? Yes I remember.
‘No one felt degraded in fantasies.’ She’d obviously
felt terribly humiliated. And in an effort to make her
understand that she was not a tart I had depicted a
pattern of behaviour, the very pattern that she had just
exhibited on the video! But I could not blame her for
it; it was all my fault and there was no denying it.
That was a year ago. We have moved on a long way since
then. Our adopted daughter, Petra, has given us more joy
than we could ever have imagined and Kelly and I have
never been happier. I love Kelly so much that it is hard
to put into words. And I honestly believe that she loves
me in return. I am so lucky to have her for my wife. But
now I tell other people, before they tell me!
And our sex life is fantastic too, so good in fact that
my collection of porn videos is superfluous and is
gathering dust in the loft. However there is one video
that I do watch from time to time. It seems to exert a
malign influence over me and I find myself drawn to it.
I think of it as my secret video, a secret shared only
by me, by Carl, by Jeff and by a few hundred other men!
When I watch it, I imagine that I am married to a porn
star and it never fails to get me going.
As for Carl I have had no further communication from him
and I hope it stays that way. Our circle of friends has
increased significantly since we adopted Petra. Do any
of them watch videos? Who knows? But of those that do,
what are the chances of any of them seeing Kelly’s
video? Surely the odds must be a million to one, at
least. But if someone of our acquaintance had seen it,
how would I ever know? Would you tell your friend that
you’d seen his wife in a porn movie?
Dave read the last page. He had been quite affected by
it all. He had been sexually aroused for sure but he had
also smiled and even felt a degree of sadness at times.
He was sure that it was a true story, not least because
of the accompanying videocassette. He turned it over in
his hand and inwardly smiled when he reread the title,
‘Majorcan Pleasures’.
There he’d been, thinking that it was merely a video
guidebook for holidaymakers! He had half a mind to take
it home and look at it. He could return it in the
morning when he came back to finish the work on the
house. He decided against this course of action for
three reasons.
Firstly, it was totally unethical to take an item from
someone’s house, even if there was every intention to
return it.
Secondly, he had already formed a picture of Kelly in
his mind. He didn’t need to know what she looked like.
She was certainly quite a girl, of that he was certain.
The third reason was the most compelling. He did not
have a videocassette recorder! They had been superseded
in much the same way as turntables and vinyl records had
previously. Now it was all DVDs and films down the
telephone wire. Nothing was released on videotape
anymore and he did not know anyone who still possessed a
The wet pages had dried out, as had the envelope. He put
the papers and the videocassette back into it and placed
the whole package in the lighter of the two wooden
boxes. He completed the rest his work that day on
autopilot, he could not seem to get this Kelly out of
his mind.
Two days later Dave was in the office preparing for his
next job. Jim Brown, the owner of the company walked up
to him. He was holding a letter and smiling.
“Morning, Dave! You remember that job you did for Mrs.
Mayhew. Well she has written to me. For some reason she
is very complimentary about you. It looks as if you’ve
really scored with her. And she’s a widow, too. I reckon
you could be well in there, my son!” He winked at him.
“Oh come on, Jim,” Dave replied. “Have you seen her? I
know she is a nice lady, but she is at least seventy if
she is a day! She’s as old as my grandmother!”
“So you don’t want to read her letter?” Jim went to walk
“Oh give it here then.”
“What about your manners!” Jim was still smiling.
“Would you please let me read the letter from Mrs.
Mayhew. I would be most grateful.”
“Oh, you want to read it, Dave. Why didn’t you say?”
Jim handed over the letter with an exaggerated gesture.
Dave accepted it with a theatrical bow. The first thing
he noticed was the very neat handwriting.
‘Dear Mr Brown
Just a short note to say how impressed I am
with your company, and in particular with
Mr. Dave Parker. He was the model of tidiness
and was very conscientious.
He was also very reliable and is indeed a
credit to your organisation.
I would be happy to recommend your company
to anyone.’
It wasn’t so much the letter that surprised him. Brown &
Co had received such letters before. It was the
signature at the end of the letter. She had signed it,
‘Kelly Mayhew’.