I never had a gang bang before the other day. I mean I had fucked twoguys at once but, that’snot really a gang bang. I had always wondered what it would be liketo fuck 3 or 4 guys at once.Sucking, fucking, stroking, and getting reamed. How intense wouldthat be? I still don’t knowbut, I can tell you 5 guys is a blast. My husband and I were havingsome work done on our house.We were having a new room added on in the back and he hired areputable firm to do it. What hedidn’t notice apparently was the men who worked for the company.Every one of them muscular andhard bodied with strong chiseled jaw lines. They were definitelyhandymen, every one of them.
My husband was at work and I was taking a shower. I heard the frontdoorbell ring and at firstwas annoyed they were early. Then after thinking about it, I realizedthat at least the had workethics, so I wrapped a towel around myself and went to answer thedoor.
I opened the door and got the shock of my life. There standing on mydoor step were five sexymen. I guess I looked startled because the tallest one immediatelystarted explaining that theywere the workmen my husbands had hired. He talked fast like he wastrying to get it all outbefore I screamed for the police. He is was cute. I smiled and toldthem that I just wasn’texpecting five guys and certainly not five guys that looked like theydid. Three out of the fiveblushed and they all smiled back.
I stood aside and told them to come on in. They each brushed past meas I held open the door.Those hard bodies pushing past me and the faint smell of sweat onthem caused my pussy to startto burn at once and my nipples got stiff. I lead them into the backwhere they were to work andtold them I would be back down in a few minutes after I rinsed myhair out. I turned and walkedfrom the room and could feel five sets of eyes watching me go.
I am not normally very outgoing. I mean I am attractive and have agood body but, I have neverbeen one of those girls who could be brazen. That day though, I guessthere was something in thewater. I couldn’t help myself. My husband and I had not had sex forseveral weeks and I wasalready horny. Standing there in the shower naked knowing there werefive hunks downstairs wastoo much.
I dried myself off after getting out of the shower and pulled on asilk teddy that showed off myass the best. I know, what a slutty thing to do but, my pussy wasdripping wet within seconds ofdeciding to do this. I needed this, I needed something so wild itwould stay with me forever.
I walked downstairs to see how they were doing and one by one theyall turned and stared openlyat me in my little teddy. I could see their cocks stirring in theirpants as they started to gethard looking at me. I loved it. I loved being devoured by so manysets of eyes at once.
“I know you are here to build the room and all but, I was wonderingif you could help me withsomething else?” I said in a coy voice and smiled.
“What do you need?” The tall man asked.
“Well.” I said and slipped the straps of the teddy from my shouldersand let it fall off mybreasts. “I really need to get fucked.” You should have seen the lookon their faces, now it wasmy turn to worry they were going to call the cops but, no need toworry after all. Maybe thishappened to them before, because they seemed to have a definite planof action.
In no time I was nude with a man sucking on each nipple, a cock ineach hand, men rubbing myass, one rubbing my clit and another sliding a finger into my pussy.They definitely werehandymen. The one playing with my clit began to pinch and pull on itas the other slid twofingers into my sloppy wet pussy. I moaned and almost collapsed asthe sensations got the betterof me. So many hands and mouths at once sent me into an immediatelittle climax.
Next thing I knew the tall man was laying on the floor, his hard 7inches waiting for me tomount. I slid onto him and was pushed forward by his friend who beganto finger my ass and rubspit on my asshole to get me well lubed. Another shoved a big cock inmy face, maybe 8 and ahalf inches, for me to suck. I licked the head once and then tookhalf the length into my mouthand began sucking.
The tall man held me up so my hands were free to grab the tworemaining cocks and start tostroke them, keeping em good and hard. Then the man behind me pressedhis cock against my tightass and slid it in. it hurt, like I was being torn in two from theinside out but, it was worthit. Finally it slid all the way in and I was full. Every hole wasfilled. Then they all startedfucking me at once. The man grabbed my hair and gently fucked myface, the two in me began toslowly slid in and out. I was in heaven
I tightened my grip on the two in my hands and began to stroke themfast and hard. They eachreached down and played with my tits, pulling on the nipples androlling them in their roughfingers. It was so intense, every sense filled with these five menfucking me. The man up my assincreased his pace. His cock was about 6 inches but, thick so itspread my asshole wide as hefucked me harder. The tall man thrust up into me harder as well sothat I jerked and swayed withthe force of the impact.
The man in my mouth was first to shoot. I suck good cock. I suck verygood cock. I had him readyto blow in a matter of a few minutes as I licked and sucked his fulllength as he fucked myface. He moaned and suddenly erupted into my mouth. I swallowed hardand tried to get it all butsome dripped out and ran down my chin. I kept swallowing and suckinguntil finally he was done.He pulled his still hard cock out and wiped it across my lips andthen stepped aside.
The man in my right hand stuck his cock into my mouth now and beganto fuck my face. His cockwas smaller so he could be rougher and he went right to the good fastface fuck. I was moaning astorm because, I could scream. I loved the feel of the cock pumpingin and out of my mouth. Theman in my ass began to spank me as he fucked me harder. I was loosingmyself to the situation.
The man still in my hands pulled his cock away and stroked it a fewmore times and unloaded cumall over my back and neck, rubbing his head in the wet sticky mess.The man in my mouth pulledout and shot his load full in my face. I laughed and tried to catchit in my mouth as his cumsprayed all over me.
The two fucking me were at a furious pace now. My ass and pussyscreamed in pain/pleasure. I wasbeing torn in two and loved it. My whole body turned to fire and Ifelt a wave rocket throughme. I was cumming and only distantly felt the man pull out of my assand shoot his load all overmy ass. Then as I started to scream I felt the tall man grab my titshard and thrust deep intome and explode. His cum filled my pussy and dripped out onto him. Mybody began to tremble andshake and I collapsed onto him as he finished cumming.
It was intense. Very intense. 7 days of work so far and seven intensemornings and best of all,I convinced my husband we need another room added on after this oneis done.