“When I really long for something, the entire universe conspires to give me the same’’What I am writing down here is not a story, but something really happened in my life at my teenage. All the characters I present here had lived/or lives in this country so I am changing their names. I am not adding anything extra in the narration, but just presenting before you as it was and is still fresh in my mind.
It happens in my village, I shall tell you only that it is somewhere in South India and I was having summer holidays just after finishing nine class exam. My teacher Mallika in her fifties stayed near to my house. Mr. Rajesh is his son, a good looking gentleman, who had got married very recently. The bride, Poornima, is fair, good looking, with little extra build body, bold, friendly and helps the teacher in all house hold matters. They had a maid servant also in their house.
They had a quite big house in the village. I had the freedom to enter their house at any time without any formalities. Mallika teacher had a special affection to me as I was one of the good boys in the school. Rajesh ,even though little elder to me, was my friend too. Poornima, the daughter in law, also belongs to the same village and was my senior in school. We know each other even before her marriage to Rajesh. In our village girls and boys will not mingle with each other’s without restrictions so she was not a friend of mine.
After marriage she used to talk to me freely and we were just starting to get friendly. Rajesh had a job in a nearby town and he will be available at home only at weekends. I always liked to visit their house especially when Poornima is having some free time. I liked her presence; her way of talking and casual innocent body contacts with her send sparks in my body.It was a summer day around eleven in the morning.
I went to their house to rent a magazine.( This is a very popular regional magazine which generally carries romantic novels and has beautiful girls on the cover page ).There was shortage for water in the village and everybody was eagerly waiting for rain. Mallika teacher was washing clothes outside the house. Their servant is in the garden. Poornima must be probably inside the house as some film songs were played inside in a stereo player.
Teacher told me that the magazine is inside the house as Poornima was reading it previous night and I shall take it. I entered their house and Poornima was in the centre room cutting some vegetables. She has had a fresh bath and the nice fragrance of shampoo in the air. Her fingers were cute and feminine with well polished nails. She wore a lot of bangles, being newlywed, and most of them were gold. Her hand held the knife very comfortably and the vegetable was being cut rhythmically.
I straight away asked her where the magazine is. She told me it’s there in their bed room which is adjacent to the room she is sitting. I asked whether I shall take it and without waiting for her permission I entered their bed room. When I approached near the bedroom I saw the magazine laying half under the pillow. The magazine is carelessly placed under the pillow was partially visible to outside. I lifted the pillow from the magazine to have a complete look on the cover before I took it.
When I removed the pillow my eyes got struck on something else .There was a long narrow plastic cover like thing with some oily appearance under the pillow. First I thought it is a balloon, but soon my high school knowledge made me realize that it is a condom. Till that day I had seen condoms only in advertisements. I don’t know what made me do it, but suddenly I lifted the condom with right hand and kept on my left palm without spoiling its shape.
I gradually raised the palm to my face to have a close look. I understood what I have in my hand was a part of Poornima’s sex act of previous night with her husband. That thought made my left hand shiver. A smile came on my face and I looked at the condom with a strange passion. I am carrying something which could enter and be there inside Poornima’s vagina for quite long time during last night.
There shall be some drops of her intimate secretions still fresh on the condom. The lady sitting in the main room might have been laying nude in this bed,with legs wide spread to accept her husband inside. This condom which covered Rajesh’s penis has got rubbed inside the soft inner lips of Poornima Vagina. May be her trembling soft fingers has caressed this condom with lust.
She had felt Rajesh through this thin layer of latex last night. In her orgasm she must have bathed this condom several times with her sweet juices. These kinds of thoughts send some unknown waves of thrill into my body. I lifted the condom further and tried to smell it. No particular smell I could recognize but I liked the feeling,
I liked to hold that holy thing. I gazed at it with wide opened eyes..The moistness I see on the outside of the condom shall be her juices and after a terrible love making of a couple in honeymoon definitely the lucky condom has to carry few fresh drops of Poornima juice. So this is the golden opportunity to know it close. With this thought I kissed the used condom and gave it a long soft lick from bottom to top .
Then for further analysis I wanted to carry it back home so I put it into my shirt pocket. Quickly I came out of the bed room with the magazine but there was fire in my brain.When I came back to the centre room Poornima was returning from kitchen nearby and sat on the dining chair. She asked me also to take a chair. I wanted to return soon but I could not refuse her. So I sat on another chair.
She resumed cutting vegetables and without raising her head she asked whether I could find the magazine .I told yes. Then we had some casual conversations and I asked her permission to leave. She said yes but asked me why it took me so long to find the magazine. I was searching for some answer. But her voice interrupted me. “Did you really like what you did?” She asked .Her voice had a different tone. She stopped cutting vegetable and placed the knife down.
“What..?” I was in shock.“Don’t try to hide anything from me now. I saw everything from kitchen.”She added.“ No…I was…..Sorry I could not…”My throat was dried.“Just shut up and listen to me. Otherwise I will tell everything to teacher.” She warned me. I was really afraid. She pulled the chair back and crossed her legs.
She has seen everything, and I should do something to get out of the trouble. If the incident is leaked, I can’t even imagine what all things will happen. Now I am a thief caught red handed and what I had stolen is a condom.“Sorry….Please doesn’t tell this to Ma’am”. I pleaded.She passed her fingers back through the curly hair which was not clipped after bath and perhaps there was a smile in the corner of her lips.“Ok..Relax. I won’t tell to anybody but you have to obey me now”. She was in the commanding position.
“Sure. I shall obey! Tell me soon” I had surrendered.“Listen. You had to in front of me right now, what you did inside the bedroom” Her words were clear and confident. But I was surprised. The favor she is asking is strange but simple. But how I can do it in front of her“ So you don’t want do it. Then I am going to call mamma.”“No…Please..Then just do it. Play with the condom now in the same way you did before.”
I could not believe Poornima can talk like that. But I have to do it to save myself. SoI just tried to take the condom outside my pocket.“Wait. I will get you something better.”Poornima stood from the chair and walked to nearby cupboard. She took a ladies bag outside and carefully brought something from the bag, which first I thought were chocolates. Then she offered one to me saying“ Do with this”. I could recognize that it was a new sealed packet of condom. Black color wrapper with KS written on it. I refused to accept it.
“This is the same ,I am just giving you new one….”She explained.“I don’t like them” I nodded my head.“Why …..?”“They are not used.”“So what…?”She was laughing.“No. I can do it with used ones only”. I had a clear explanation.“The other one is used and dirty…..” She wanted to make me understand.
I know that .But only used ones can carry your juice I don’t know how I become bold to talk like that. Saying that I took the condom outside from my pocket. I gave it a long lick ensuring that I touch every inch, and my eyes were fixed on Poornima .I could see a strange expression on her face which was a mix of naughtiness, surprise and perhaps some sort of pleasure also.
She stood still and I relaxed with the content of performing my duty before her successfully.Sudden we heard the steps of Teacher coming inside and I walked back to my home.( The story will be continued later in next few parts. Thinking about Poornima made my left hand busy now. If you have any feedback please write to .)