My name is John, I live in Austin with my parents, and sister Jenn, my story happened about 20 years ago and started just after I hit puberty. I was at the age where I masturbated almost daily, usually at night just before I went to sleep. One night as I was busy taking care of myself when my sister walked in, I had my bedside lamp on, because I liked to watch myself and so I could see better to clean up my mess. Jenn stepped into my room and closed the door before looking up, and then she just stood and stared as she realized what I was doing. I was busy trying to cover up, but I was laying on top of the bedspread and was having trouble getting under the covers.
“I’m sorry I didn’t knock. Please don’t cover yourself.
That is how we started; we quickly progressed into becoming lovers. Our parents caught us about four months after we had been having sex. They didn’t like it but accepted our behavior. We had a family discussion they agreed that with AIDS and everything else that was out there at least we were safe from that. Mom took Jenn to the doctor for birth control. Not having to wear a condom made our sex life so much better. Our parents allowed us to sleep together and when we went on family trips instead of the four of us sharing a room Jenn and I got our own room so we could have our privacy. We loved family trips, it was the only time Jenn and I could hold hands and kiss in public. Our parent’s only rule for our incestuous relationship was that know one could ever know. And we did real good hiding our relationship at school and around the neighborhood. We didn’t kiss or snuggle outside of our house, except when on vacation.
Then we did get caught.
Sometimes Jenn and I would take day trips to Dallas, San Antonio or wherever so we could go out as a couple. On this particular trip we were in San Antonio walking down the Riverwalk, a touristy area of town with lots of shops, restaurants and such and a small canal running down the middle, a nice place to go walking. As we were walking holding hands Robbie and Renee stepped in front of us. They went to school with us; we had never really talked to them but knew who they were.
“Well? Isn’t it a little odd to be walking around holding hands with your brother?” Renee asked.
“Not odd at all. I don’t know where your mind is, but my brother and I are best friends; nothing wrong with holding your friends hand. Now if you will excuse us.” Jenn was instantly pissed and started walking off still holding my hand.
Renee again stepped in front of us. “Hey. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to piss you off. Have you had lunch yet?” We both shook our heads no. “Good. Let’s have lunch here. Robbie and I ate here a couple weeks ago it was really good.”
Jenn had calmed down but was still a little angry she thanked Renee but told her no.
“Please let me make it up to you. Our treat.” At that Renee grabbed Jenn’s free hand and lead us into the restaurant. The meal was really good and Jenn loosened up quickly. We talked about school, mutual friends and just stuff in general. The four of us were really getting along well. We ordered desert and started planning the rest of the day which we had decided to spend together. As the waitress put our desert on the table Renee looked at her brother: “The cake looks nice but right now I would prefer to have you for desert.” Then she kissed him like a lover. It was clear they were using lots of tongue with their kiss. Jenn and I just stared. The waitress was the first one to talk.
“I am sorry I couldn’t help but over hear some of your conversations. Isn’t he your brother?” The twenty something waitress was obviously shocked.
“Yes he is. Don’t you know? Brothers make the best lovers, and I have two of them.” The waitress slowly put the bill on the table and walked off looking lost and confused.
“And you told us we were odd holding hands? What is wrong with you two?” I asked. Jenn still had her mouth open.
“Don’t ask us what’s wrong. You two are just like us. We watched you kissing each other just before we stopped you outside. Weather or not you are having sex, that kiss wasn’t like brother and sister. Now admit it. You two are more than brother and sister.”
Jenn finally found her voice. “Yes we are more than brother and sister. Yes we are very much in love.” At that we asked for a refill of our drinks and since the restaurant wasn’t very crowded stayed for another hour and talked. We found out that Jenn also sleept with her older brother. It wasn’t making love; she would just take care of his needs and have fun. They would also have threesomes from time to time. Yes their parents also knew all about what was going on and would on rare occasions join in.
“Isn’t it weird having sex with your parents?” Jenn asked.
“It was at first, but now it seems more normal. They pretty much take care of each other but every couple of months we will all have a big orgy.”
“I don’t know if I could stay hard, the thought is just to weird.” I couldn’t get the mental image of group sex with our parents out of my mind. At that we left the restaurant and spent the next hour or so walking and talking. Jenn and I were again holding hands, as were Ronnie and Renee. It was nice to be ourselves, with friends. When we finally drove back to Austin we split up, the girls went in one car and Ronnie and I in his car. After Jenn and I got into our house I let her know she had a date with Ronnie in about three hours. We would double date. This way Jenn and I could go out as a couple with the cover of being on a double date. This plan worked out perfectly throughout high school.
It didn’t take long for us to realize that we were starting to like Ronnie and Renee as more than just friends. I was starting to fall in love with Renee as Jenn was falling for Ronnie. We were confused about our feelings but tried not to think too much and just let the relationship grow. One Friday night the four of us were at our house watching movies. I was snuggled up to Renee and when our mom walked through the room she caught Jenn kissing Ronnie. About that time I got up and went into the kitchen to get some cokes for everyone. Mom cornered me in the kitchen.
“It’s about time you two start a real relationship.”
“Jenn and I are in a real relationship. I love her mom.” When I got back to the living room I told Jenn what mom had said. Jenn decided to give mom more to think about. The next time our mom walked through the room Ronnie was making out with Renee and Jenn and I were making out. As soon as mom saw who we were partnered with she stopped dead in her tracks.
“Oh no. Jenn how did you convince these two to act like you and your brother?”
“Relax mom. They have been lovers longer than John and I have.” Mom didn’t know what to say and walked out of the room looking like that waitress in San Antonio. It was all the four of us could do to keep from roaring with laughter, but we knew that would probably piss mom off and would pretty much end our evening. Jenn wasn’t done playing with mom. She again swapped partners; the next time mom walked by Jenn was deep kissing Renee with their hands on each other’s boobs. This was the first time that Jenn had ever kissed a girl, even though Renee would sometimes have sex with her mom. When Ronnie and I flat out refused to kiss each other Jenn and Renee both insisted that we rub each other’s crotches. Reluctantly I did as I was told, Like Renee, Ronnie would sometimes have sex with his father or brother so rubbing my cock was nothing new to him. The look on mom’s face was worth rubbing a penis. When mom saw what was going on she picked up her purse announced that she would be back in two hours and when she got home she would go to bed. Or dad was out of town for the night, it’s a shame. He would have been as much fun as mom was. After mom left Jenn and Renee continued making out, by now they each had their hands under each others shirts.
Ronnie and I were really enjoying watching the two girls making out; it was the first time I got to see Renee’s tits. They were a little smaller than Jenn’s but perfectly shaped. After a couple minutes Renee looked up and noticed the two of us rubbing our hardon’s through our jeans and watching, She stood up and taking Jenn by the hand headed off down the hall.
“Hey were are you going? Don’t leave.” Ronnie said, obviously as disappointed as I was.
“Ronnie while Jenn experiences girl on girl fun for the first time in private. Why don’t you let John play with your dick? Maybe he will like giving head as much as you do.”
“I don’t think so. I will pass.” I stuttered.
“John, give it a try. If you don’t like it don’t do it again. If you don’t try it I will bug you about it until you do. Just do it.” So I agreed. Ronnie had his clothes off as soon as the girls left the room. “Not here. Just in case mom comes back early, my room.” As we walked down the hall to my room we passed Jenn’s open door. Jenn’s face was deep into Renee’s pussy licking and sucking for all she was worth. Renee saw us watching and told us to go. It was hard to stop looking at two pretty girls having sex but we did as we were told.
As soon as we got to my room I stripped down and just stood looking at Ronnie’s cock. I couldn’t believe what I was considering doing. “Listen. We don’t have to do this. We can just tell the girls we did. They won’t know the difference.” I couldn’t stop staring at Ronnie’s cock. Yes I have seen lots of guys naked in gym class at school and in the locker room of the Y.M.C.A. but I had never been near a naked guy with the intent of sex.
“The girls will know. Try it. I am not gay and will always choose Renee over my brother’s cock but it can be fun.” Ronnie then reached out grabbed my now flaccid penis and led me to the bed where he instructed me to lay down. As he put my entire soft penis in his mouth I couldn’t stop thinking that this was a guy sucking me. I stayed soft. Eventually Ronnie realized I was having a problem. He stopped sucking and as he played with my balls told me to close my eyes. Pretend that it was Jenn or Renee sucking me. After all a mouth is a mouth. If I didn’t know there was a guy giving me head I wouldn’t be able to feel the difference. After a few minutes I did get hard. As I relaxed my mind I started to really enjoy what was happening. When I came it wasn’t as intense as usual or as much. I guess I was still a little nervous, but I did cum, and Ronnie swallowed the load I gave him.
Ronnie came up licking his lips, “Your cum is a little bitter. We need to work on your diet. Certain foods will change the taste of your cum. I will help you make your cum taste better for Jenn and for Renee when you two start getting sexual. And for me. If you want, I don’t mind giving blowjobs. Now do me.” Ronnie laid down next to me and put my hand on his rock hard cock. “Here. Don’t be so nervous. You know what to do. Just do to my dick what you like having done to yours.”
At first I only stroked his cock and played with his balls some. Our cocks were about the same size but his balls were allot bigger. Of course his felt just like mine did and I did kind of like the way he felt. At first I tentatively licked a drop of pre-cum off the tip. I liked the taste of my own pre-cum and almost always lick some off of my fingers, Ronnie’s pre-cum tasted pretty much like mine. My next step was to use Ronnie’s cock like I was putting on lip-gloss, as I rubbed pre-cum over my lips. The soft spongy feeling of his penis against my lips was not as bad as I was expecting, after I got used to the idea of what I was doing I took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could and gave Ronnie the best blow job that I could. As I was rolling those massive balls through my fingers I felt them tighten and knew Ronnie was about to cum. He came harder than I did, I wasn’t expecting so much cum but I managed to swallow all he had to give. Like he did when I was done I came up licking my lips, I still couldn’t believe what I had just done.
“I don’t guess you minded to much. I don’t need to ask if you liked it.” Ronnie reached out and started stroking my dick, which was hard again. “Now that you are more relaxed let me do you again.” As Ronnie gave me another blowjob I did enjoy it more. This time when I came I came hard and with a bigger load. As soon as Ronnie finished sucking out all the cum I had he came up and gave me a big kiss and using his tongue pushed a mouthful of my own cum into my mouth. He really caught me off guard; this is something that Jenn does for me. She knows I like to taste my cum.
“Sorry John. As a rule I don’t kiss guys but Jenn told my sister how much you like your cum, so I gave it to you. Are you mad?” I told Ronnie that it was ok. But I needed to think about if I wanted him to kiss me again. I did like him giving me my cum, I just was not sure about the method of delivery.
We decided to go check on the girls when we got to Jenn’s room the girls were kissing each other as they had fingers in each other’s pussy really enjoying what they were doing. They stopped kissing long enough for Jenn to ask Ronnie. “Well did my brother give you a blow job?” Ronnie answered yes. “Did you cum in his mouth and did he swallow?” Again Ronnie told her yes. “Good. Next time I want to watch. If you won’t suck his dick again so I can watch you need to leave and stop watching us.” I told the girls that I would give Ronnie another blowjob any time they wanted me to. That satisfied them because they went back to taking care of each other as Ronnie and I stood there stroking our selves. After a minute we stood closer to each other and stroked each other’s cocks.
“As much as I don’t want you two to stop your mom should be back in 30 minutes. We had better get dressed.”
“Hold on a minute.” Renee said as the girls positioned into a 69 and started to suck each other’s pussies again. They didn’t suck very long when Jenn came up to me, and started kissing me Renee was busy kissing her own brother.
“There, little brother. Do you like the way Renee’s pussy tastes? If you boys are good maybe we can trade partners sometime.” After Ronnie and I got as much pussy juice as we could from our sister’s mouths we all went to get dressed and cleaned up some before mom got home. When mom did get home we decided to give her something to put her mind at ease some. I sat with Renee and Jenn sat with Ronnie. Our timing couldn’t be better, we had just sat down and gotten comfortable when mom got home, told us we had two hours then went to bed. Since we weren’t really watching anything and we were all still horny as hell. Ronnie and Renee went home to make love and Jenn and I couldn’t wait to get naked and into each other.
As soon as we got to Jenn’s room and the door closed we got naked as fast as we could and just stood at the foot of the bed holding and kissing each other like we had been apart for weeks. Without warning Jenn gave me a shove, I lost my balance and fell on the bed she was on top of me before the bed stopped bouncing.
“MOVE UP!” She ordered.
“Yes maim.” I answered. Jenn had a look like she wasn’t about to take any crap. I had never seen Jenn act so forceful. I kind of liked it. I already had some ideas of taming her back into submission later, but for right now she was the girl in charge. As soon as I moved up on the bed Jenn all but jumped on my hard cock, and started riding me for all she was worth. I think she came after only about 30 seconds. Then she slowed down to an easier pace.
“Suck my titties. Tell me how you love me. Eating Renee’s pussy was amazing but I need your cock.””
“I love you Jenn. You are the best sister and lover. I never want to live without you. Now do you want me to keep telling you I love you or do you want me to suck your titties?” Without answering Jenn put her left nipple in my mouth. Even though I had already cum twice that night I came again really fast. As soon as my after cum shakes stopped, Jenn fell on top of me keeping my deflating cock in her love hole. Then we kissed for a few minutes as we regained enough energy to get up and shower. Even though our shower was down the hall and mom was home we didn’t bother to put on clothes. We showered, held each other and just felt our love. It was times like this that I couldn’t believe we were siblings our love was unbreakable. When we got back to Jenn’s room we didn’t bother to close the door, we usually left the door open unless we were fooling around. After we got into bed we started talking about what happened that night.
“Well John? How did you like giving your first blowjob?” Jenn’s eyes had a mischievous twinkle.
“I really thought it would creep me out. But I had fun. I would never choose a cock over your pussy, but it was fun. I won’t mind doing it again. In fact I’m sure I will like it more next time because I wont be so uptight.”
“Did you let him fuck you up the ass or did you fuck him?” She was grinning now.
“NO! HELL NO! I will never let any guy fuck me up the ass. Never.”
“Relax. What about you doing another guy?” Jenn asked.
“No. You know I prefer to just make love to your pussy. I will fuck you in your ass anytime you want, I don’t mind, but I do that for you, because you like it. If you really want to watch me do that to Ronnie then I will. For you.”
“That’s ok, John. You don’t have to do that for me. You do have to do that to me when I ask.” At she kissed me.
“Well? What about you? How did you like your first girl on girl fun?”
“It was better than I ever thought it would be. If I knew how much it is I would have started sleeping with girls long ago. You know how much I like sucking your nipples. Sucking Renee’s nipples was so much better; the feel of her breasts in my hands and rolling her nipple around in my mouth. Now I know why guys have such a fascination with tits. I can’t wait to do her again, and her pussy, now I know why you like to eat me so much. The feel of my tongue inside her pussy and against her clit I came as I was sucking her.” From the way Jenn’s eyes were glassing over I could tell she was getting herself worked up. We reached for each other and held and kissed for several minutes when we noticed mom standing in the doorway. This wasn’t a big deal, we would often kiss in front of her and dad.
“Yes mom?” I asked.
“We need to talk.”
“About what mom?” Jenn asked.
“About what’s going on? Jenn, who do you call your boyfriend? John or Robbie?”
“John of course. I love him more than you know.”
“OK then what was that show with you kissing Robbie then Renee?” Mom seemed like she was a little pissed. “Are either of you having sex with them?” Jenn and I just stared at each other. Not sure of what to say.
“You don’t need to answer. You just did. Isn’t having sex with your brother enough? Now you need to sleep with other guys?”
“Mom. I have not had sex with Ronnie. John hasn’t had sex with Renee. Tonight was the first time we had even kissed them.” Jenn tried to calm mom. So far it wasn’t working. Mom had gotten herself worked up.
“Mom. Kissing Renee was just a show, Renee and I started kissing just to see the look on your face. At first we started going on double dates to give John and I an excuses to go out together. But the four of us are really starting to like each other. Mom I love John more than ever but I am starting to have deeper feelings for Renee and Ronnie as well. We have decided to just see what happens.”
“So neither of you are having sex with them? Then why did you hesitate when I asked you? You’re not telling me the truth.”
“Yes mom we are telling you the truth. Not the whole truth though. When I kissed Renee it was only to tease you. I knew you would get flustered, I am sorry I didn’t intend to be mean. As I kissed Renee I liked it. Renee and I came in here and did more than kiss. And yes mom, I liked what we did.” Jenn was talking very calmly. Trying to answer mom without upsetting her too much.
“Well John? What about you? I saw you rubbing Ronnie’s jeans. Are you bi as well?”
“No mom I am not bi. Yes mom Ronnie and I also experimented. Yes I did have fun doing it. But I love girls. This girl.”
“What did you do with Ronnie?” I could tell mom was getting worked up again.
“Mom we gave each other a blow job. I liked sucking his cock and I will do it again, but if given the choice I would prefer to give Jenn oral sex. There mom, is that what you wanted to know?” Now I was getting worked up. Jenn hit me in the chest again and told me to be quite, that I wasn’t helping.
“Mom. Do you really want to know details? We experimented some. Am I bi? I don’t know. Tonight was the first time I had ever even thought about a girl sexually. I think I may be bi because of the way I feel. I am sorry mom. I hope you aren’t disappointed in us.” Without saying a word mom turned and walked off, we could hear her in the kitchen getting a drink, Jenn turned to me and held me really tight. I could tell she was softly crying. For a change I decided not to say anything and just kissed the top of my lovers head and held her.
A few minutes later mom walked back into the room. “I am not disappointed in the two of you. I have also been with a few girls and as I got older a few women. Sometimes I prefer to hold someone a bit softer than a man, I tell your father when I need a little outside activity. He understands. Also even though I still don’t really approve of the love between a brother and sister I know you two take care of each other better than most siblings, for that I am very proud. We will talk tomorrow.” Then she came over to kiss me on the forehead. As she pulled away I sat up so I could give her a big hug. As I sat up the sheet feel down uncovering Jenn’s breasts. Jenn started to pull the sheet back up.
“Just wait. Leave it down. I haven’t really seen you since you were just starting to develop.” Mom turned on the bedside lamp. Jenn instantly turned red.
“Relax girl. Your boobs look almost just like mine. Your nipples look like I wish mine did. Small and tight about the size of a quarter.” Then mom started to lightly trace circles around Jenn’s areoles. “My areoles are really to big and are very pale not much darker than the skin of my boob.” The way mom was touching Jenn’s nipple and breast wasn’t sexual it was more loving.
“Can we see them mom?” Jenn asked.
“Yes you can see sometime but not with your brother here.” Mom then realized she was rubbing her daughters breast and pulled her hand back. Jenn without warning yanked the sheets down exposing both of us to our mom.
“There mom now you’ve see John’s penis. Show me your boobs. John roll over so you can’t see.” I made no move to cover myself, and mom was openly staring.
“Ok mom you see all of me now show. Fair is fair.” Mom reached down and pulled the sheets back up then came back over to my side of the bed and gave my penis a couple of pats. “Jenn thanks for the show but I’m afraid it’s going to be a one way deal. Neither of you are seeing your mother’s tits tonight. Goodnight.” At that mom walked down the hall to her bedroom, and closed the door. Like Jenn and I mom and dad usually slept with the door open unless they were messing around.
“Jenn mom’s going to masturbate. Let’s give her a minute and sneak in.” I was already starting to get out of bed.
“John. What makes you think she is going to play with herself?”
“How often does she close the door? Your mother just played with your nipples, openly stared at my penis, and then touched it. Yes baby sister she is horny and needs our help.”
“Lay down. We have given her enough to think about. A few weeks ago you thought sex with your parents was too weird now you want to do mom?” Jenn looked confused.
“A few hours ago I would have never thought of giving guy a blow job, let alone liking it enough to do it again. Now let’s go.” I again started to get up. Jenn again pulled me back down.
“Lay down, kiss me, and then go to sleep. Do not bother mother. I mean it.”
“Yes maim. Damn you can be a bitch.”
The following morning as Jenn and I were having breakfast mom asked if Ronnie and Renee’s parents knew about them. We told her they did and didn’t mind. Mom then asked for Renee’s mother’s phone number.
“Ah why mom?” I asked.
“Well I want to talk to her about things. It isn’t like I can tell just anyone that my teenage children have sex. At least now I have someone to talk with.” I know Jenn didn’t want to give mom the number but refusing would have just lead to more questions.
Later in the day mom announced that dad would be home any minute and that she was on her way over to Joyce’s to have coffee.
“Ah sure, mom. Have fun.” Jenn and I sat there and looked at each other.
“Jenn, do you think Joyce will tell mom that the five of them have orgies?”
“Of course not. Who would tell a perfect stranger that she gets gang banged by her son’s and husband as she eats her daughter’s pussy?” Jenn said the words but I don’t think she believed them.
“Jenn, who would go over to a perfect strangers house for coffee to discuss her children having sex?” About then dad came home, we were glad for the distraction, we hugged him and helped him unload. Mom came home a couple hours later with pizza. When she looked at us we knew that Joyce had told her everything. During dinner dad asked mom what was on her mind. Mom told him they would talk later then looked back at us. After dinner mom gave Jenn and I a big hug and then took dad in the bedroom to talk.
Jenn and I cleared the table, cleaned the kitchen and tried to stay busy as we waited for the talk to be over. When we couldn’t find anything else to keep us busy we went in the living room to wait. As we sat on the sofa we noticed that our parents bedroom door was open. Odd we thought. They always closed the door when they talked. As quietly as we could we walked down the hall. Just before we got to their room we could tell from the noise that they were done talking. It sounded like sex. But they never fooled around with the door open. When we stepped into the doorway our parents were naked with dad between moms legs eating her pussy. Jenn and I just stood there frozen.
“It’s about time you two got here. I was about think I would have to call you.” Mom said, “Now send Renee a text and come back when she answers.” Dad never stopped licking mom’s pussy and my cock was rock hard. I couldn’t stop watching.
“What should I text to Renee?” Jenn was as confused as I was.
“Just say hi, or anything. She is waiting. Just send her a text any text.” Jenn pulled out her phone and texted Renee “hi” seconds later a photo popped up. We couldn’t believe it. It was a pic looking down a women’s nude body, just a little of the tits showed but it was clear that it was mom’s face with her tongue stuck into a pussy.
“Mom? Is that Joyce?” Jenn and I both asked at the same time.
“Yes it is. Did you know she waxes her pussy? She told me she hated pubic hair between her teeth so before she ate my pussy she waxed me to. Move your head dear. How do you like mommy’s bald pussy? Last night you wanted to see my nipples. Here they are. Now you two get naked, Jenn I want you to eat my pussy. John your father has told me before that he wants to see what it’s like to suck a cock. You can be his first.”
“Mom??? Dad??? Mom did you have sex with Joyce and Renee?”
“No Jenn. Just with Joyce, Renee and her older brother were there and watched. It was the first time I had an audience. The kids seemed to enjoy watching they were screwing each other as Joyce and I enjoyed each other. Now stop talking and eat my pussy girl!”
“Better hurry Jenn. Eating pussy always makes your mom horny as hell, that’s why I never minded her taking a women lover from time to time. I have never seen your mom with another women, let alone seeing her and my beautiful daughter together. Come on John your mother tells me you have a nice sized cock. She has plans for you to screw her as well. But first let me have a go with you.”
Jenn and I still just stood there. We didn’t know what to do.
“For petes sake.” Dad said as he got up and walked over to Jenn. I could tell why mom was so interested in my penis the night before. My dick is much larger than dad’s. In one motion dad grabbed Jenn’s shirt by the bottom and lifted it over her head. Then he came and did the same to me. “Do I have to finish undressing you two or do you think you can finish on your own?”
Jenn and I got undressed as our parents lay on the bed watching us. We then gave each other a big hug and kiss before I told Jenn: “Dive on in sister. If you go to deep I will pull you out.” That got me a punch on the arm. As Jenn got busy working on mom’s very wet pussy I lay down next to her. It was really strange watching my dad between my legs gently stroking my hard on.
“I’m impressed son.” Then he took the whole thing in his mouth like he was an old pro at sucking dick.
“OH dad. I thought mom said you had never done this before. You are good.”
“It is my first time. I’ve watched your mom suck my dick for the past twenty years. She taught me all I know.” Then dad was back on my cock. He was doing long strokes pulling his mouth almost all the way off my cock then just when the ridge of got between his lips he would take it all in again. He continued to stroke the entire length of my shaft as he used his hands to play with my balls. As my dad was sucking for all he was worth I watched Jenn eating her second pussy. Mom was moaning and squirming all over but Jenn’s tongue never left that honey pot.
“OH little girl your mom’s cumming. Keep doing that. Ahhhh.” As my mother came I couldn’t hold back anymore my cock erupted. I thought I was going to pass out; I had never cum that hard in my life. Dad never stopped working on me. He managed to drink down every drop of my cum. “Oh dad. You are awesome; I have never cum like that. Ah man.”
The four of us lay there side by side as we caught our breath, mom was ready to go pretty quick.
“Ok dad I need your cock in me, I need to feel you on me. Jenn your father always cums quick his first time, work on your brother. Get his cock hard for your mother. I want to feel that tool of his.”
“Mom, I want to feel daddy’s penis.” Jenn was pouting as she started to play with my flaccid penis.
“Your dad can cum twice. He lasts allot longer his second go. As soon as he cums suck my cum off his cock. He will be hard and ready before you get him cleaned up.” I rolled over to Jenn and started deep kissing her as I fingered her very wet pussy. So far Jenn hasn’t been pleasured so I moved down her body dragging my tongue as I went I made my first stop at her nipple and made sure I sucked until it was hard, I continued to move south licking Jenn’s belly button before I finally got to her pussy. I couldn’t get over how wet she was. There was a big wet spot right between her legs; Jenn’s pussy was dripping cum. I got to work and did my best to get her cleaned up. Funny, the more I licked and sucked the wetter my sister got. Mom was right, dad came pretty fast; eating my favorite pussy got me hard in time to take care of my mother.
“John get that big cock of yours into your mother. I want to feel you inside of me. Let me feel what your sister has been playing with for the past few years.” Dad took his place on the bed as Jenn got to work on his semi hard cock.
“Oh daddy. My favorite flavor on my favorite tool; pussy flavored penis.” Jenn easily got our dad’s entire cock and most of his balls in her mouth as she cleaned him up. She then moved up to deep kiss dad for several minutes to share some of the cum that was on her face before she went back between his legs and rolled his balls around in her mouth. Meanwhile I was busy screwing our mother.
“John god I love that big cock of yours in me. If I knew how well you developed you would have been doing me long ago. Harder! Yes, yes baby. Do your mother, fuck your mother hard.” After I had been pounded my mom’s pussy with my cock for about ten minutes she instructed me to pull out, she wanted me to take her from the rear. “Don’t put that thing up my ass, I don’t do that.” No problem, with a pussy as nice as hers why would I want to. As we were changing positions I looked over at sis. I must have really been into what mom and I were doing. I didn’t even realize that dad had gotten hard again and was giving Jenn her first taste of his dick. I could see from the look on her face that she was enjoying dad’s cock as he fondled and suckled her perfect tits.
“Oh daddy, pump me. We are a very nasty family. I love it. Do me daddy. Fuck your nasty daughter.” I had never really paid much attention to my dad before. Now as I watched him screwing Jenn I noticed that he was in pretty good shape, mom was as well. As I was pounding mom’s sweet pussy from the rear and grabbing her ass I felt how firm it was. Her ass was almost as firm as Jenn’s. Jenn started to move over towards mom and I until mom’s tits were hanging in Jenn’s face.
“Suck my nipples Jenn. Suck them like you did as a baby.” Watching Jenn sucking on mom’s nipples was all it took, I came again, watching me cumming made dad cum as well, Jenn never stopped working on mom’s nipples even after dad and I pulled out mom and Jenn staying in the same position, mom started to masturbate herself until she came again then like dad and I she had to lay back and catch her breath. As the four of us lay there and cuddled and enjoyed the afterglow of our first foursome mom told what else she learned at Joyce’s.
“Did you two know that your friends like pictures?” mom asked.
“Of course. There are family photos everywhere. Why?”
“No I don’t mean those photos. They like to take nude photos. Joyce showed me some. They have lots of normal family type photos of them and the kids as the kids were growing up. Outside playing sports, running, camping you know regular family photos only they are all nude. Then she showed me the other photos. The sex pics. I saw photos of Robbie and Renee, Renee and both her brothers, Joyce and Renne, their father and the boys together, all five of them together, she has photos of all of them in every combination. They were so hot. Let me set up the camera and get a photo of us after our first time.” As mom got off the bed to put set up the camera on auto Jenn complained.
“No mom. The idea of taking photos of us having sex is hot but not now, I have cum all over me and my hair is stringy.”
“Yes now. A photo showing our first time. Then after we shower we can take some more. In fact Let’s ask Joyce to come over and take photos of us.” We all liked the idea of making our own sex tapes. And couldn’t wait to get started. As we showered mom set the camera on the counter and set it to take photos every 30 seconds as the four of us took our turns cleaning up. Then after our shower as we were in the kitchen getting some snacks mom told us something else she learned earlier that day.
“The two of you didn’t know about the photos do you know where your friends are going this weekend?” We told mom that we only knew they were going out of town starting Friday. But we didn’t ask where.
“Well you should have asked. Joyce invited us and I told her we would love to go.” That got dad’s attention.
“I don’t know Honey. I was going to get a few hours at the office. Where do you plan on us going?”
“Joyce told me about a nudist resort down towards Houston where they go every couple of months. She showed me lots of photos of them at the resort. It really looks like fun. I haven’t been nude in public since I was in my twenties.”
“I don’t know mom.” Jenn didn’t look very happy about the idea. I wasn’t sure I was either.
“We don’t know mom. Being naked with you and dad at home is one thing but being in public? We don’t know.” I answered for Jenn.
“Nudist resorts are clothing optional. If you want to keep your cloths on until you feel comfortable that is fine. But seeing everyone else nude and with your friends there with you nude you will be fine.” Dad also had his reservations but in the end we all agreed to give it a try. That night Jenn and I sleep in our room and mom and dad slept in theirs. Jenn and I talked about our life as lovers we held each other before we made love quite and easy then we showered and went to sleep holding each other, both excited about starting the next day off with another foursome.
By : retiresoon