I am a bachelor. I decided to remain a bachelor at the age of twenty eight. I am now in my mid-forties. At an early age I had my first sex experience. Since then I have fucked many women. I realized that every cunt is unique and exciting in a fuck. That’s why I remained a bachelor. I have fucked many cunts and continue doing so. I want to share my experiences with the fans of this site. Read on…..
I grew up in a village. We had a huge farm and my parents used to cultivate wheat, rice, pulses and we had fruit orchards and two ponds in the farm. We had about 30-40 families in the farm and they were the farm laborers. They used to stay near the larger pond which we used for irrigation. Our home was near the smaller pond, about half a Km away, shielded with thick orchards and none of the farm laborers used to come near our home. The pond was meant for our sole use and the people who worked at our home.
Shreya moved in next door when I was five years old. Being the only kid my age within 5 Km made it inevitable that we’d become playmates. She was a year elder to me. Did I mention that next door was still nearly a Km away, 1.2 to be exact? Our farm was 3 Kms down a dusty gravel road in Rampur. Shreya’s folks bought my Grandfather’s farm after he passed away. They too had a pond near our pond, about half a Km away from our pond, which was meant for their sole use. Rocks separated the two ponds.
At school Shreya and I attended, we mostly played with other kids. After all, she had girl friends there, while I liked to play football during recess. But once we got home, Shreya was normally my only available playmate. The only way another kid could visit either of us was if a parent drove them over, then picked them up later. In farm country most parents had chores that kept them busy all day long
Circumstance threw us together other times as well. Shreya and I liked each other; we got along fine all the time. You’d be hard pressed to prove which of us was the shyest. We were both quiet, well-mannered children. We never fought or tried to impose our will on the other. Case in point, tea parties with imaginary guests weren’t something I enjoyed. Once Shreya realized which games that she liked would bore me to tears, she never attempted to foist them on me. Likewise, I learned to hunt at an early age, but she hated guns. Shreya wasn’t a wimp; she’d eat a rabbit or duck. She just didn’t enjoy hunting.
But at times we wrestled as both of us would enjoy each others physical contact of our bodies and explore each other. We code worded it as : want to play. As I recall, most of what we learned about physical touching and exploring each other resulted of someone saying, ‘Want to play…’, then trying it. Over the years we discovered a number of activities we both enjoyed, mostly with little discussion. We weren’t afraid to try something new. We’d give it a shot, then simply decide if we liked doing it together or not.
In our farm apart from the farm workers we had a maid servant Rita. Rita was thirteen years elder to me. She never worked in the farm but stayed in a cottage next to our house. No farm worker ever came to our house. Rita used to look after the house, clean it, cook food for us and wash the clothes. She was like an elder sister to me. She used to feed me and also bathe me. Many a times I slept in her cottage.
Early on we learned that long hikes over the hundreds of acres of surrounding farmland were more fun when I and Shreya took them together. Combined, our two farms had a couple of streams and ponds. Minnows, tadpoles, dragonflies, and fish provided untold hours of enjoyment. Seeing a pair of foxes seemingly float across a recently harvested wheat field, or a Sparrow Hawk lazily circling above the stubble of a corn field, alert for careless field mice, were typical rewards for hours spent sitting quietly on grassy knolls.
Our favorite spot was a cluster of huge rocks besides a pond in whose shade we spent a lot of time either whiling away the time or playing. A rusting barrel hoop nailed to a tree gave us a place to shoot a basketball. A cricket ball tossed onto the roof of her huge old hay barn made for a good game of catch. A series of board games came and went as we progressed our friendship. Looking back, I realize we often spoke for hours on end about the world around us, but rarely the worlds within us.
Don’t ask me when it happened, but at some point what I had became hers, and what she had was mine. Whether it was books or bikes, it was normal for us to say ‘our books’ or ‘our bikes’. The word ‘my’ was rarely spoken between us. It didn’t matter who bought the toy, or whose house it was in at any given time. Totally unselfish would be an accurate characterization of our relationship.
I didn’t pay overmuch attention to the fact that Shreya was a girl and I was a boy. Once I was taking a pee after playing with her. She came and watched me pee. I was embarrassed and turned. She again followed me and stood in front of me and was giggling. After peeing I put my penis back in my shorts. She came to me and tugged my shorts down and held my penis and giggled. I pushed her on to the ground and put my hands up her frock and pulled her panty down and started feeling her crotch . We both were giggling. We sat on the grass in between each other legs . Legs apart as we examined each other.
‘Where is your penis’
‘Girls don’t have penis’ she said as a matter of fact.
‘When will you get your penis?’
‘We never get a penis, we have a hole here to pee’
‘No your penis will grow’
‘No it won’t, only boys and men have penis’ she said
‘How are you so sure?’
‘Because mom also does not have a penis’
‘How do you know?’
‘Many time we bathe together and she does not have one’‘oh’
‘Your penis is funny’
‘what’s so funny’
‘what is this bag with two nuts?’ she giggled and squeezed my scrotum. That hurt a lot.
‘Ouch don’t do that, it pains’
‘Sorry’ she said. She just giigled. I was so angry that I tried to push my finger in her hole.
‘ouch it hurts’
We examined each other for about half an hour.
‘You know, girls get hair around their piss hole when we grow up’
‘Yes mom has thick hair down here around the peehole’
We examined each other’s sex organs for another five minutes. After that we lost interest.
With both of us I think it just grew to be a custom. Maybe three or four times a year we’d check out each other’s development. Trust me, there were no porn magazines, no TV, no internet, nothing of interest indoors that would keep us indoors. What most kids knew about sex, or especially the opposite sex, they learned themselves and from animals around the farms.
Once around the age of ten when we decided to play, she remarked casually that my penis was much longer and thicker.
‘Even your slit is longer and more fleshy’
‘Guess that’s what happens when we grow up’
She gave a gentle squeeze to my penis. It felt nice
‘Hey do it once again, it feels nice’. That became a regular affair with she squeezing my penis gently when she left in the evening to go back home. When I was about eleven, I noticed that on her chest, the place where our nipples are were larger and pointed. I was curious.
‘Want to play’ I said as I removed my shorts. She too removed her shorts.
‘Your penis is becoming thicker and larger and so is your scrotum’ she said as she examined my penis.
‘I want to see your chest’
Without any hesitation she pulled her frock up. Her nipples and surrounding flesh slightly larger.
‘I think you are getting breasts’
‘I guess so’
‘Can I touch them’
I felt her nipples and the soft tiny mound around it. I squeezed the mound gently. She giggled and seemed to enjoy it.
Losing interest we got back to playing. As usual, before leaving she pushed her hands in my short and gently squeezed my penis. I too gently squeezed her tiny mound.
Soon after that I started getting the morning hard ons. When I used to get up, my penis would be stiff. By the time I brushed my teeth, the hard on would disappear and after my first morning pee it would shrivel and its turgidity would disappear. My penis would become almost three times the length and twice its thickness when it was hard
Soon I noticed some hair growing around my scrotum. One day after skimming stones on the pond she said ‘Let’s play’. As was usual, I pulled my shorts off and she removed her panty and raised her skirt. She examined my penis and scrotum and I was looking intently on her chest. The mound was more larger and the her areoles were darker and larger. I was gently squeezing them, when she said ‘Hey Rocky, you have hair growing down there.’
‘Yes its a recent development’
‘Even for me, see, that’s why I wanted to play, to see if you had it’
It was then when I looked at her pee hole. The flesh around it was more fleshy, plump and there was a very sparse patch of hair on it. I pressed her mound that had started forming around her pee hole. She liked me pressing her mound and as I ran my finger over her slit. Then it became regular. When she would squeeze my penis as she left, I would gently squeeze her mounds on her chest and the one between her legs and feel her slit.
One day after she declared let’s play as she was fondling my scrotum, my penis started hardening and in no time it was hard and erect. She immediately grabbed it and giggled and tried to measure it with her hand. I tried to pull her hands out but she pushed my hands away and was gently feeling my penis. I was embarrassed.
‘Oooh, how did it happen?’
‘I don’t know, its like this when I get up in the morning’
‘my god, its huge, it’s almost six inches long and so thick, can you pee with it?’ as she felt my penis. It felt good. I in the mean while was feeling her slit. It was slightly damp and when I pulled my hands off, a slick fluid stuck to my hands.
‘No I can’t pee when it’s hard, What’s this sticky thick fluid?’
‘I don’t know, this has started a week ago. I was rubbing my slit, I liked it and suddenly this fluid came out. It was a very nice feeling. I asked mom and she told its normal and not to worry’
‘Thats what my dad told me when I told him about my stiff penis’
By now my penis was normal. We lost interest in each other. Before leaving, she again gently squeezed my penis while I felt between her legs. When she left, I don’t know what came over me I smelt the fluid. It had a slightly fishy smell. I felt disgusted. I washed my hands in the pond. After that I never felt her in between her legs and would gently squeeze her breasts.
That night, recollecting the pleasurable feeling, I too squeezed my penis and slept. That morning as Rita gave me a bath, she as usual started cleaning my penis and it grew hard throbbed. I tried to hide my hardness and Rita giggled. She felt it and cleaned it and I was embarrassed. One thing was for Shreya seeing my hard on but no way it could be Rita.
Rita kept feeling the hardness and giggled. It was no end of fun for Rita. That evening Shreya again felt my penis and as it hardened, she giggled. After playing as she left, I just gently squeezed her small breasts. She gave a gentle squeeze to my penis and expected me to feel her between her legs as she guided my hands to her panty. I pulled my hands off.