Co-worker gives her ride home

Sex Stories

On a dark, rainy evening, Sushma was walking hurriedly down the street to the main road to catch a bus back home. She worked for a leading automobile ancilliary company in the bustling textile city of Coimbatore as an accounts assistant.. Sushma was a 30 year old demure lady slightly plump, fair and not very tall, married at the age of 22 to her sweetheart in college. Sridhar, her husband was a young and upcoming politician and at the age of 35, looked destined to achieve greater heights. Theirs’ was a love match, in the face of great opposition from both families as they belonged to different communities. Even today, in this era of computers and information technology, caste differences and prejudices still exist in India and these surface rapidly and violently in issues like marriage. Sushma was from the priestly, (upper caste) conservative Brahmin community while her husband was from a lower caste, that of carpenters. Despite stiff opposition from her conservative upper caste family who felt humiliated at their daughter marrying one from a very low social background, Sushma stood firm and finally eloped with Sridhar and got married.

However, eight years & two children down the line, she was not too sure that her decision was the right one. For, right from the beginning her husband seemed to have an inferiority complex which surfaced violently whenever they quarrelled. Also being an active local political leader of an important political party, he always was either away touring or having his political cronies keep dropping home at staying on late while he was in town. As a result they had no sex life to speak of. Things got progressively worse as the years went by and Sushma felt terribly neglected and lonely. To add to her frustrations, her mother-in-law also settled down with them after the death of her husband. Now, it would have been bearable if the old crone was a quiet type, but unfortunately she was tarter with a razor sharp tongue. Atogether, Sushma felt as she trailed along in the rain, life was a bitch. And to top it all she was getting quite wet as one of the metal struts in her umbrella had broken and it would not open fully.

She heard the purring sound of a scooter coming up behind her and as she turned, it braked to a halt beside her.

“Would you like to be dropped at the bus stop,”asked a deep male voice. “I know being a scooter you may hesitate but you are getting wet”, it continued.

It was a senior manager of the marketing department, Mr. Sayeed Hussain. She hesitated for a minute sheepishly standing on the road.

“Come on,” he said impatiently, “You will get thoroughly drenched by the time you walk to the bus stop.” She haltingly hopped on at the back and as they moved off he said, ” Hang on properly and don’t feel embarrassed.”

Sushma was thankful that there were hardly any people on the street and more importantly none of her colleagues. This was the first time she was riding pillion on a scooter and that too with a relative stranger. For although Mr. Hussain worked in the same office, she hardly had anything to do with him directly although a couple of times, he had given her, along with some other colleagues, a lift in his car to the bus stop.

Mr.Hussain was a bit of a maverick, having his own down to earth style in doing things. In a rather stiff and old fashioned atmosphere of their company, where senior managers went around only in chauffeur driven cars, Hussain used a scooter half the time and did his own driving whenever he used his car. In his late 30s, with his greying hair, he had a hansome, commanding presence and people always seemed a little wary of him.

They reached the bus stop and he slowed down. “Aren’t you staying in the Ram Nagar area?”, he asked suddenly. “I am also going that side so I can drop you at home. It’s anyway dark and you may have wait a long time to get a bus,” he continued.

“No-o Sir please don’t trouble yourself,” she stammered.

“Nonsense, we’ll be there in 10 minutes. No trouble at all,” he replied.

The intensity of the rain increased however and by the time they reached her house both of them were completely drenched. Seeing the house in total darkness he asked, “Isn’t your family around?”

“My husband has gone to Delhi to attend a political convention Sir and my mother-in-law and children have gone for a holiday to Madras to stay with some relatives,” she replied. “But Sir you are completely drenched,” she exclaimed. “Please come in and dry yourself and let the rain subside before you go.”

They went in and she got him a towel to rub himself. She excused herself saying,” Sir I will be back in five minutes. I will just change and get you some tea.”

“That will be very welcome. Thanks Sushma and don’t keep calling me Sir. It makes me feel really stiff and uncomfortable. Call me Sayeed,” he said.

She smiled and went away. In a short while they were sitting and sipping tea and talking. Hussain started telling her about his family. Mrs. Hussain was a housewife and their 2 boys aged 11 and 9 were both in a boarding school. Hussain appeared to be quite happy with his home front. “Except,” he confessed with a wry grin, “Sometimes things appear a little dull, after 12 years of married life.”

Sushma found herself nodding in agreement and began telling him about her life. Time went by and they found a strange intimacy growing between them unconsciously. They started talking about their company, colleagues and work. He started telling her about his tours and the talk veered around to his trip to the hill station town of Kodaikanal the next evening.

Sushma exclaimed, ” You are lucky to be able to go to such lovely places often. I have never been to Kodai though I have asked my husband many times to take me for a holiday there. He is too busy.”

Hussain gave her a wicked smile and asked her in a conspiratorial tone, “Would you like to accompany me this time. I am there for two days and we could really do a lot of sightseeing.”

Sushma was taken aback and blushed. “Oh Sir!”, she gasped.

“Why, what is the problem? Its only for two days. In any case your family is not here. You could always say that you had to go on an official trip for two days just in case someone asks you. We could really have a wonderful time you know. Kodai is lovely at this time of the year,” he persuaded.

“But won’t people come to know?” she asked haltingly.

“How will they? We will go in my car. We can leave early morning so that we get there in time for lunch. Don’t worry Sushma,” he replied.

He looked at his watch and exclaimed, “My God! It is ten past eight. My wife will be wondering what happened. Ok Sushma I will pick you up at around six tomorrow morning. Make sure you pack some good clothes. We must try some of the good eating joints there.”

Sharp at six the next morning Hussain picked her up. Sushma was terribly nervous and kept saying, “Sayeed, I am really frightened.”

He reasurred her saying in a soothing tone, “Sushma Dear don’t worry. We will have no problem.”

As the car moved out of the town, she began to relax. Hussain was a very entertaining conversationalist and used his considerable charm to keep her captivated with his interesting talk. She found herself laughing at his jokes with genuine mirth and began to tell him about her interests and likes.

By noon they reached Kodaikanal having had a couple of short breaks in between. Hussain had already prepared her for the check in at the hotel as a married couple to avoid complications. They checked in, had a wash before going for lunch. After lunch Hussain had to go and meet someone in connection with his work so Sushma stayed in the room. It was late before he got back.

“I am awfully sorry Sushma Dear, I got held up,” he apologized. “Anyway the good news is that my work is over and I can be with you throughout for the rest of our stay so we can really enjoy ourselves.”

After a superb meal in the restaurant they walked back to the room and he casually slipped his hand around her waist. She trembled at his touch and began to feel very nervous for although she never had any illusions about their trip and was actually eagerly anticipating the delights of the forbidden fruit, this was the first time she going to be unfaithful to her husband and have intercourse with another man. They entered their room and locked it.

“At last!”, he exclaimed, “We are all alone in peace and quiet. Sushma Dear have I ever told you that I have really longed for this from the moment I first set my eyes on you.”

“Oh Sayeed I am so nervous about the whole thing. I feel shaky all over,” she replied trembling.

Saying, “I told you darling there’s nothing to worry about,” he enfolded her in his arms and started kissing her face gently, tracing his lips from her forehead, to her cheeks, her nose and her chin, biting her earlobes gently. Gradually he brought his lips to her’s and started kissing them, increasing in force all the time, nibbling her lush lips, and as her sweet mouth yielded his tongue darted inside duelling with her tongue and rapidly moving to all corners of her mouth. Initially she was overwhelmed by the suddenness of the event; slowly she relaxed and as her passion built up she started enjoying the prolonged kissing and the mingling of their saliva. She wanted to submit to all his desires and for him to take her and enjoy her to his heart’s desire.

“Aaah!,” she exclaimed. “Take me my love and enjoy me to your heart’s content.”

Her words served to inflame his passion as he moved his lips to her fair throat, gently disrobing her saree while unhooking her blouse and then her bra. In no time both of them had stripped naked. Words were unnecessary as he lifted her and put her on the bed and climbing in as well.

The pace quickened as he kneaded her shapely and ample breasts and bent down to start licking and then sucking her hard and aroused rose coloured nipples. He rolled them around in his mouth, teased them with his tongue and teeth, nipping and sucking them for quite some time. He then brought up his erect penis towards her face. She saw that it was red and throbbing, much larger than her husband’s and the thought that this would be deep inside her aroused her to greater heights. She, who had never taken a man’s organ into her mouth, was eager to smell it and feel it with her lips and tongue. He rubbed it across her face and nose (she was excited by the feel and loved its faint masculine smell) pushed it against her lips and as they opened, put it into her mouth hitting right at the end . The unfamiliar feel of a huge object in her mouth made her gag initially but as her mouth adjusted to its size she started pushing at its opening with her tongue and sucking at it sending Hussain into greater heights of arousal. He pulled out of her mouth and went down to her vaginal opening. His tongue darted out and licked the entire area around her portal and finally snaked inside and explored every inch, sucking, licking and gobbling greedily, licking and swallowing her sweet juices which came oozing out as her ecstasy deepened. Her womanly smell and the sticky nectar was driving him to the brink of explosion. Quickly he rose and positioned his body on top of her. She clutched at him fiercely wanting him inside her immediately and as he hesitated cried out, ” Quick Sayeee Darling I want you to do it to me now,” raking his back with her nails.

He said, “Sush Sweetheart I forgot to bring condoms. I don’t want to make you pregnant.”

“Don’t worry Sayee Darling. I am using the loop. Now quickly take me,” she whispered urgently.

He hesitated no longer and opening her lush lower lips with his fingers put his pulsating, thirsting organ at her entrance and plunged deep and brutally into her orifice.

“Oooohh!!,” the air in her lungs gushed out as she gasped with the intense painful pleasure.

Then alternating between savagely sucking and biting her breasts and brutally kissing and chewing her soft mouth he smashed into her deeper and deeper with every stroke. This went on and on and after multiple orgasms Sushma felt she would be torn all over by the savage biting and sucking of her nipples and mouth and the incredibly powerful thrusts. All at once Hussain stopped, his swollen member so deep inside that she thought it must be right inside her womb and then it started. His organ exploded and his furious and copious discharge coincided with her final delirious climax. As he emptied into her she almost blacked out with the enormity of her pleasure. Finally it was over and they lay still to catch their breath.

The stay at Kodai surpassed her wildest dreams of pleasure as they made love as many times they had energy to do so. Hussain’s mouth and tongue became familiar with every inch of her body and all her recesses. They returned to Coimbatore exhausted but satiated. Sushma’s body was so bruised and she felt so drained out, her luscious breasts so black and blue that she took two days leave to take rest and recuperate.

They continued their adultrous relationship whenever they had the opportunity. Hussain bought a small cottage in nearby Ooty and they still sneak off for a sinful weekend whenever they are able to do so. For both of them it is a perfect arrangement, not having to break off their married lives at the same time having a wonderful time.

I hope my readers enjoyed this story. Should you want to email me, please do so at

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