28 year old Indian housewife’s exploitation in Ashram Part 2

Bhabi Indian Sex Stories Sex Stories

Since my arms were extended above my head, he virtually had an unrestricted access to my upper part of the body and as he adjusted himself on my top, he even pressed by right boob with his elbow at least twice and also even touched my pussy over my sari as if adjusting his crotch. He positioned himself perfectly over me for fucking and I was feeling so very dishonored lying like this with two other males looking at me. Mr. Yadav now whispered his prayer at my ears and while doing that he licked and bite my ears too. Though my eyes were closed, I could very well realize that Sanjeev, who was sitting so close to me, must have been seeing this old man’s acts.

Now Mr. Yadav fed me with the fluid and while doing that his right hand was resting completely on my left peak and he was even openly pressing a particular portion of my bulging flesh, as he had traced my hard poking nipple through my blouse and sari. Sanjeev again helped him with the bowl and spoon and now I relayed his prayer to Linga Maharaj. I only knew what I said to Linga Maharaj, as I was again getting horny with this intimate cuddling by Mr. Yadav in the name of prayers.

I had to repeat the procedure a total of three times for his six prayers and at the end I was not only sweating profusely, but also having a very violent orgasm. As understandable during the later prayers, Mr. Yadav was more aggressive in his hugs while he whispered prayers in my ears. Once he even touched and brushed his thick bearded lips on my tender lips and tried to kiss me, but I was alert enough to avoid that. With later prayers he gyrated his pelvis even more indicatively and felt my whole body. And with each time helping Mr. Yadav, Sanjeev made sure that he touched every part of my lower part of the body. I felt him cupping my ass cheeks at least twice or thrice and felt the shape of my thighs over my sari on all the occasions he tried to help Mr. Yadav.

As I was not wearing a panty, my vaginal discharge was now dripping down my pussy to my inner thighs making my petticoat wet. I was then thinking that I wish I had my panty on. When this process was over with Guru-ji and Sanjeev shouting “Jai Linga Maharaj” and Mr. Yadav finally leaving my body, Sanjeev nailed the final pin to my humiliation crusade.

Sanjeev: The room has become very hot Guru-ji. We are all sweating. We should take a small break Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Yes, we can take a small break, but we must complete everything within auspicious time, which is by midnight.

I had got up from the floor by that time and realized that I immediately needed to adjust my bra, as Mr. Yadav had almost got my left nipple out of my bra cup through his continuous pushing and pressing on my breast area. But I simply could not do that in front of these males and was planning to go to the toilet in fact.

Sanjeev: Right Guru-ji. Mr. Yadav, can you give your hanky once. I am sweating too much.

Mr. Yadav looked visibly puzzled. I realized immediately what was Sanjeev referring to. It was not Mr. Yadav’s handkerchief, but my panty kept in his pocket in a crushed form.

I was feeling so nervous and anxious and did not know how to manage the situation. Same seemed the case with Mr. Yadav.

Mr. Yadav: I mean err… this is not my hanky.

Sanjeev: Is it someone else’s?

Mr. Yadav: No, no. I mean it’s not a handkerchief.

Sanjeev: O! But it resembles one surely. By the way, what is it?

Mr. Yadav was looking at me now and I really was frozen, as I saw no way out.

Sanjeev: Is there any problem? Am I asking anything too personal sir?

Mr. Yadav had to answer something now and he let the cat out of the bag.

Mr. Yadav: It’s nothing of that sort. I mean… err…

He paused just a little, glanced at me and reveled that the thing in his pocket was not a hanky, but my panty!

Mr. Yadav: Actually when we went to the toilet, I mean when Anita went to the toilet, she was feeling some discomfort, so she decided to take off her panty. As she had no proper place to keep it, I kept it in my pocket.

Saying that Mr. Yadav pulled out my panty from his pocket and openly showed it to Sanjeev. I lowered my eyes in extreme shame and felt like dying in front of these males. All three males were looking intently and attentively to my scanty undergarment. Sanjeev again remarked a superfluous humiliating statement.

Sanjeev: Oh! Madam then you are panty-less now?

I did not reply to his question and tried to avoid the situation.

Me: Guru-ji, if you please excuse me I will go to the toilet once.

Guru-ji: Surely Anita. But be back within five minutes, as the next yagya custom will involve Nandini.

I got off from the floor and almost snatched my ‘displayed’ panty from Mr. Yadav’s hand and went out of the room towards the toilet. I heard a soft laughter from Sanjeev and Mr. Yadav and felt so very offended and cursed myself time and again about my mistake of putting my undergarment into his pocket. I went to the toilet and washed my face and pulled up my sari and petticoat and washed my inner thighs too, which were sticky with my vaginal discharges, and then wore my panty though it was slightly wet in the front. As usual almost the whole of my round gaand remained exposed out of my panty line and I lowered my sari and tried to look normal and decent.

When I was back, I could not see Mr. Yadav, he must have left the puja-ghar and went to the drawing room, and Mrs. Yadav was there instead.

At last, more…


Seeing Mrs. Yadav again, I smiled at her and she smiled back. I thought if she only knew what his husband was doing with me all this time! Mrs. Yadav was in the complete white attire as before and now with more sweating, her bra was even more visible through the flimsy material of her blouse. She and Sanjeev sat side by side before the yagya fire opposite Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Nandini, all this time Kumar was praying for Shilpa Beti abiding the norms of this ritual. This yagya demands for a medium, which would transfer your prayers to Agnidev and Linga Maharaj. For you, Sanjeev will act as the medium.

Mrs. Yadav: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Anita, if you feel you can go and relax outside, as I would not require you right now.

For a moment I thought to agree to it, but remembered that Mr. Yadav would be around outside and he would definitely lust for me again in his wife’s absence. At the same time, the smoke and the heat in the room was also suffocating me somewhat.

Mrs. Yadav: You can spend sometime with my daughter. She must be feeling bored as I am here now.

I thought that was not a bad idea and that way I would also be avoiding Mr. Yadav and his forceful approaches.

Me: Okay. That would be better. Where is she?

Mrs. Yadav: You go down the hallway and stairs and instead of going straight to the drawing room, turn left. Shilpa is in her room only.

Me: Fine. Guru-ji then…

Guru-ji: Sure Anita, you can chat with Shilpa Beti and I can finish off with Nandini by that time.

I nodded and went out of the puja-ghar. I was really curious to know how Mrs. Yadav would behave in front of Guru-ji with Sanjeev. I wondered if the norms would remain the same for Mrs. Yadav as it was with me or would be something different. I was again getting a feel of unnecessarily curiosity within me. But now that I was out from that room, I had little option to see Sanjeev and Mrs. Yadav. I was thinking how could I steal a peep into the puja-ghar, but as I was walking simultaneously, I reached the stairs and started descending towards the drawing room pathway. I remembered Mrs. Yadav told to turn left for Shlipa’s room.

As I turned left I encountered a person, looked like the servant of the house and he looked at me questionably, which was obvious too.

Me: Actually Mrs. Yadav told me to go to Shilpa’s room. Where is her room?

The servant indicated to a door and we were standing almost in front of that.

Me: Thanks.

The servant went away and I stepped ahead and knocked at the door. There was no response from inside the room. The door was locked. I knocked again.

Shilpa: Who is it?

I could clearly make out from her voice that my knocking irritated her. I was wondering what I would reply to who I was because surely she would not recognize me by my name. Fortunately I did not have to reply and Shilpa opened the door. She peeped her face from the thick curtain on the door.

Shilpa: O! It’s you Aunty. I thought…

She did not complete the sentence and let open the door for me to get in.

Me: Your mom actually is busy in the yagya now. So I thought to spend some time with you.

Shilpa smiled and welcomed me to her room. As I entered the room, she locked the door behind me. The room was quite spacious, well decorated and with lots of electronic gadgets. As I turned my eyes from the room furniture towards Shilpa, I was a bit surprised to see that she was not wearing the pajama of her suit and was walking in front of me only wearing the long white kurta. Though she looked decent as she was covered till her knees, I could not find a proper reason for her at that time to be like that.

Shilpa: Aunty, you are with Guru-ji for how long?

Me: Actually I am with him for not so long, only recently.

As she talked she looked visibly uncomfortable and I noticed she was breathing heavily too. Her tight salwar was making her boobs look more prominent as she breathed heavily.

Me: What problems are you having in your studies?

I sat on the couch as I asked the above. Shilpa stood in the middle of the room and was probably hesitating for something and I looked questionably at her.

Shilpa: Aunty you sit for a minute. I will be back from the toilet. Actually I was going for it and hence had opened my pajama also.

Me: Oh! Okay, okay. I will wait. You can just switch on the TV for me.

As I said that I noticed the video player kept below the television was already ON!

Me: Were you watching any movie?

Listening to my question, suddenly there was a change in Shilpa’s face I noticed. She looked visibly anxious.

Shilpa: How do you know that I mean…

Me: The video player is ON, that’s why I said.

Shilpa: Oh!

She said in such a tone, as if she missed it completely. I saw the TV was switched off and could well realize now surely she was watching a movie and as soon as I knocked she switched the TV off, but forgot to switch off the video player. The teenager looked evidently caught red handed and now tried to act smart.

Shilpa: Yes Aunty, but that’s actually a very boring movie. I will switch on the TV for you.

I was getting curious now out of my natural instinct and wanted to know what Shilpa was watching. I must know why she had taken off her pajama though she said she was going to the toilet, but I was not convinced. As she proceeded to switch on the TV, I could see she was wearing a pink panty through the long cut of her kurta. Generally the salwar suits that I wear has the cut at the sides below my waistline, but I noticed in the kurta, which Shilpa was wearing, it was much higher, in fact above waistline, and it was abundantly exposing her sides and part of her petite butts even. I appreciated again in my mind her captivating figure.

Me: What’s the name of the movie?

Shilpa: It’s a dubbed film Aunty. Very slow, you wont like it watching from the middle.

I could well realize that she tried her best trying to refrain me from watching it, but I was now quite focussed to check that out.

Me: Shilpa, its just time pass. In 10-15 minutes Guru-ji will call you. Lets watch that only.

I left no way out for Shilpa and she reluctantly switched on the television for the movie to continue. I noticed that she was very quick enough to get inside the attached toilet with her white pajama in her hand. I concentrated on the TV screen and after some blurring on the screen the movie started playing.

Me: Ooooooooooooooh!

The very first shot that I saw was a passionate kissing scene. The shot was taken from close quarters and then camera slowly zoomed out. The male actor was hugging the actress tightly and sucking her lips. The actress was also responding by scratching his back and pulling his hairs. They were in a room, but not on bed. Indeed the scene was hot, as the actress was wearing very scanty clothes and the actor was touching her everywhere. The camera panned from the back of the actress and rested at a side-view. The heroine was wearing something better than a brassiere, which could not hold her big sized breasts with a very small skirt advertising her ample-sized bottoms. I was shocked to see that the actress was not even wearing a bra. I must say she was looking extremely sexy in that outfit. It was a long teasing scene and they both were kissing and fondling each other for an extended period of time and throughout the camera panned on the heavy dose of skin exposure by the actress. The male actor was doing everything that sometime ago Mr. Yadav was doing to me behind the closed door of the toilet.

I could very well realize now why Shilpa was breathing heavily and had opened her pajama and was probably at the verge of masturbating when I knocked. It was a dubbed South Indian film and things were getting hotter on the screen every moment, as I noticed the actress was made topless removing her bra-like top, which was in any case quite nonexistent. Automatically and unknowingly my hands went to my breasts and felt my flesh and touched my nipples over my blouse and bra. My ears were red and I was also breathing heavily now exactly like Shilpa. I am at least 8 years elder than her, but the effect was probably the same.

I was really not used to see such movies though my husband did bring some porn VCDs after my initial days of marriage, but they were all English. In fact I have rarely watched such desi masala video. In most of the English porn VCDs that my husband brought everything was so very direct — the actress came to the screen almost naked, the males simply waiting to drop their pants, and intercourse was like bread and butter. I admitted in my mind that I liked this desi exposure and heating up process much more than what my hubby used to bring.

The actress was now only wearing a black panty and she was indeed a buxom lady flaunting her assets on the screen shamelessly. The male actor was also stripped to his chaddi and his erect covered tool was making me feel so restless. At that very moment, the door of the room opened and another lady appeared and from the dialogues I could realize that the two females were sisters who both loved this man. In no time, the male actor dragged the newcomer into the room and closed the door and in no time the newcomer girl was also stripped to her undergarments. Now the man was hugged from the front by the newcomer girl clad in her bra and panty, and he was hugged from behind by the original girl wearing only a panty. Both girls were pressing their ripe mangoes on the male actor’s body.

Me: Oooooooooooooooooo! O! My god!

When this blow hot scene was going on, the toilet door opened and Shilpa entered the room. I saw her eyes were stuck to the screen as well. In fact, any woman from 18-46 would have their nipples hardened seeing this sort of a scene. Shilpa like me was no exception. But I had to react so that things looked normal and I could not simply sit and watch this porn stuff with this teenager, though very honestly I wanted to see more.

Me: What’s this? You were watching this sort of a movie?

Shilpa was in the apologetic mode right away.

Shilpa: Aunty, believe me, I did not know it was like this. My brother gave it to me and said to watch privately. Aunty, please do not tell my parents.

Me: Brother?!?

Shilpa: Actually he is my father’s elder brother’s son, he is in college now.

Shilpa was visibly nervous and came near and held my hands.

Me: Your parents are so very concerned about you and you are wasting time by watching these filthy things!

I tried to act like a strict elder and Shilpa now virtually broke in my arms. She started weeping almost hugging me. Again in my mind I appreciated her developing figure. She was leaning on to me and my hands were touching her taut boobs, and they were so tight over her dress that I was made to remember my school days. I also had a good attractive figure in my college days, but of course I didn’t have the sharpness of Shilpa and overall she looks prettier than me.

Me: Shilpa do not try to act innocent. You are not a little girl by any means, but to me you appears to be more than 19 year old.

I tried to shrug her off my body. She was still leaning a bit and wiped her wet eyes. I noticed her young breasts were protruding forward stretching her tight kurta fabric, as she breathed heavily due to sobbing. I do not know what went past my mind and suddenly I started behaving like a very strict teacher who had as if caught a misconduct of a pupil in class. Was I jealous of her very attractive developing figure, or her prettier face than mine, or her compromised situation before me? I really could not comprehend why, but I started conducting myself in the shoes of a ‘mistress.’

Me: Okay, enough. Stand properly.

I had paused the movie on the video player prior, as soon as I started conversing with Shilpa. She stood erect now and was not getting courage to look into my eyes.

Me: Shilpa, tell me the truth and then I will not let your parents know anything, but truth. I only saw a part of it, but you must have seen the whole movie?

Shilpa did not raise her eyes and nodded affirmatively.

Me: Tell me the story.

Shilpa: Aunty err… its mostly… I mean there is no…

She was stammering and I stepped in with a strong command.

Me: Whatever is the story just tell me.

Shilpa: Okay Aunty. Please don’t get angry. I am telling. Actually there is a girl who came for an outing at a sea beach with her family. She has two more sisters and here they meet another group and become friendly with them. The three sisters have an affair with the three boys of that group. Even the parents were shown to have affairs. Aunty there is nothing in the story.

Shilpa told the entire thing looking at the floor and I was getting an eccentric feeling of supremacy over this sweet teenager girl which appears barely 19-20 years old.

Me: Which part did you like the best Shilpa?

Shilpa: Aunty I told you its very boring, only full of those scenes. I didn’t like the film at all.

Me: Then why had you opened your pajama?

Shilpa: Aunty err… I actually… I told you I wanted to go to….

She was stammering and trying to voice a confident reply, but I did not give her any chance to do that.

Me: Am I to believe that each time you go to the bathroom, you remove the lower part of your dress?

Shilpa kept her head down and stood dumb.

Me: I want to know the truth.

Shilpa: Aunty actually, I mean, I was feeling very restless and hot seeing the scenes and so…

Me: How many times have you seen it?Shilpa: This was the second time. I swear Aunty.

Me: When did you watch it first time?

She again kept dumb and was twitching her lips with her teeth. I was also feeling a circulatory boost within my blood vessels, as I was as if interrogating this sexy chick.

Shilpa: Aunty, please don’t tell mom. She would beat me to death.

Me: I will not till the time you reply me.

I tried to sound very strict.

Shilpa: Last evening, mom went shopping and dad was in the study and then I watched it.

Me: Did you get the same feeling like today?

Shilpa: Yes Aunty.

Me: You opened your pajama yesterday also?

I knew I was going a bit too far and asking too many private questions to this teenager, but I felt great thrill in cross-examining her. Shilpa’s face turned visibly red at this question and his hands automatically crossed in front of her pussy. Shilpa nodded her head in negation.

Me: Tell the truth Shilpa.

Shilpa: Aunty I am telling the truth. Yesterday evening I was wearing a skirt, so…

Me: Okay, say that.

I realized she must have fingered and rubbed her pussy pulling up her skirt.

Me: Shilpa, do one thing. You just forward the movie to the portion, which you liked the most. Here is the remote.

I handed her the remote and she was obviously tentative about doing that, but I portrayed a very strict appearance and commanding mode such that it looked very real. She took the remote, but was still thinking.

Me: What happened?

Shilpa: Aunty the film is full of those scenes.

Me: But you enjoyed them, isn’t it? I want to see which part you enjoyed the most. Don’t panic. I will not tell you anything. Just fast forward to that scene.

Though Shilpa was hesitant, but did not have the courage probably to drag the conversation further. She started fast forwarding the video and stopped after a while and pressed on the “play” button. The movie rolled on and both of us were concentrating on the television screen. Shilpa stopped the movie at a place where a girl was walking on the sea beach with a boy. Both were teenagers [barely 19 year old]. It was not the same actress, whom I was watching when Shilpa was in the toilet. She must be the sister of that girl, I presumed. She was walking uncomfortably on the beach as her miniskirt was rising time and again due to the wind and exposing her legs. She was trying to cover her properly when the boy suggested her to sit on the beach. The girl liked the idea, but as she sat on the sand, the stiff wind raised her skirt so much that her panty-covered ass was flashed on the screen.

I looked at Shilpa from the corner of my eye and she was already breathing heavier and her hand on her pelvic area. I concentrated back on the TV screen. The girl could not even sit properly that the boy jumped on her and started pulling up her dress from everywhere. It looked so odd and it was clearly meant for male audience pleasure I understood, as time and again the girl’s skirt was pulled up to her waist by the boy exposing her white panty. Though the girl was trying to keep her skirt down, the effort was not enough. Within moments the girl’s top flew in the wind on the beach and her upper part was only clad in a white brassiere. Though she appeared like a teenager, I noted she had full boobs and they were abundantly groped and massaged by the boy on the open beach. The boy was now kissing the girl and also cupping her ripe mangoes over her bra.

I again took my eyes off the television screen to look at Shilpa only to find that both of us were watching the movie with our hands on our respective pussies. There was no difference in our approach – myself being married or Shilpa being a virgin. The fire in me was still there because of what Shilpa’s father did to me some minutes prior and seeing all these hot activities, I again started feeling the tightness within my blouse and the itching in my vagina.

The scene continued and I noticed Shilpa’s eyes wide open and glued to the screen. And why not? Even if I had the opportunity to watch this sort of pron at my teenage, I would get the same thrill. The boy was off of his jeans and T-shirt and was down to his shorts and the actress was almost naked except for her white inner wears. The boy was already in the fucking position with the girl below him and gyrating his hips very provocatively on her pelvis and squeezing her ample boobs with both hands. The camera was sometimes zooming on the girl’s face, boobs, and within the gap of her legs being parted below the boy’s legs and she was uttering all kinds of sexual sounds.

Me: Decrease the sound.

Shilpa immediately controlled the volume so that sound did not go outside the room and she was so engrossed watching this hot sequence that she did not even bother to look at me. In no time the television screen became a sexual ground with the girl was stripped completely naked and the boy also threw off his shorts and took out his lund. Seeing a male penis made me very excited again and the boy was all ready to penetrate her on the open beach. I wondered where it was shot. The beach though looked empty, the girl and the boy were now absolutely naked. I was really not ware that our desi actors and actresses have become so bold and hot scenes like these are shot in the open! The camera was showing the girls’ pussy in close up, but I was dying to see the actor’s penis, but that was rarely shown. Strangely the fucking scene did not continue for long and abruptly the next scene showed two girls on bed chatting.

Shilpa: Aunty, the scene is over.

Me: I can see that.

I was a bit dejected for the short longevity of the fucking session, but there was more waiting for me. The two girls chatting readily turned into a long and erotic lesbian scene and honestly for the first time in my life I was seeing lesbianism and that too with desi girls like us! Both girls were wearing nighty, but of course very sexy types exposing a lot of flesh. They came closer and started kissing each other and each one was squeezing each other’s boobs simultaneously making things look extremely obscene. The kissing was so slow and teasing, each girl licking and sucking the other girls’ lips, I was slowly getting wet within my panty now. A girl kissing a girl — I had never seen this and I could realize my heart was beating faster and seeing this after the initial fucking scene on the beach, unknowingly both my hands went to my heavy bosom and started tracing and twisting my nipples over my sari and blouse. I could even hear my own heart beat!

I looked at Shilpa and she was no different. She also was breathing deeply and her boobs were now looking even sexier in her tight kurta going up and down. I turned to the movie again. The two girls were crossing all limits now. They had opened their nighties and were clad only in their panties now. They both had good-sized boobs and were looking extremely appealing in topless condition on bed. Their naked and freely hanging boobs were swaying and jerking at every movement and each girl in turn were pinching each others’ nipples. Things looked really hot and wild when they started licking each other’s bare boobs and squeezed each other’s buttocks over their panties.

Right at that moment, a very weird idea struck me. Though for a moment I thought I should not proceed with it, but considering the compromising position Shilpa was in, I thought to go ahead with it. Honestly, I wanted to experience this new approach of excitement I was seeing on screen. The girls displayed heights of shamelessness when they pulled each other’s panties down and started licking each other’s pussies. I must admit I was getting excited by the moment seeing this desi lesbianism. I made up my mind.

Me: Shilpa.

I tried to speak in a strong cold voice, but my sexual thrill inside made my voice tremble. Shilpa was also not prepared for a word from me right at the middle of this blow hot scene. So she was a bit startled and looked up at me questionably.

Me: Come here.

Shilpa came forward and stood exactly in front of me.

Me: I have decided that I will divulge to your parents about your watching these dirty materials. It’s the question of your studies, I cannot compro… .

Shilpa: Aunty, please. What happened? Did I do anything wrong now? Please do not do such a thing. My mom will kill me. Aunty please.

Me: No, no. I cannot let you go.

Shilpa almost was begging me for a let off now. She held both my hands and was pleading me.

Shilpa: Aunty, please. Mom will make my life hell if she comes to know about this. I will do anything for you Aunty. Please Aunty don’t tell…

Me: Okay, okay. I can let you go on one condition.

Shilpa: I will do it, but please aunty, don’t tell mom.

Me: Shilpa I want you to enact the scene here that’s going on in the movie.

Shilpa looked very puzzled. She was looking blank almost.

Shilpa: W-h-a-t?

I looked at her eyes and tried to look as firm as possible.

Me: You do what you see on TV.

Shilpa: Aunty, I did not get you fully. You mean…

Me: Yes Shilpa. If you are so interested in watching these, I feel you must be equally interested in doing so. Right?

Shilpa looked with a very surprised face at me. She could not expect this sort of an approach from me I could realize very well. But for me the itching of my pussy is more important now than what this teenager thinks about me.

Shilpa: Aunty you mean I will do what the girls are doing in the movie?

Me: Yes and hurry up. Otherwise…

I did not have to complete my sentence as Shilpa agreed readily now.

Shilpa: Okay Aunty. I will do it. Will do it.

She was in a mixture of excitement, panic, and anxiousness regarding the whole subject.

Me: Get the video at the beginning of this scene.

Now I started to act quickly. I got up on the bed and indicated her to follow me. She started rewinding the video to the end of the beach fucking scene and paused there. She then followed suit and got up on the bed. The bed was a double bed and large sized. As she crawled on her knees on the bed to come near me, I saw her kurta’s neckline hung low exposing her tight biggies.

Me: You have a nice figure.

Shilpa could not even speak anything now. Her face was clearly saying that she was so very apprehensive at my approach. She just nodded.

I tried to guess her bra size, should be 30. I know pretty soon once she starts dating and with the introduction of a boyfriend, her boobs would certainly grow to larger size.

Me: Turn on the video in slow motion and you do exactly what you see on screen. Okay Shilpa?

Shilpa: Okay Aunty.

Shilpa was still evidently hesitant and I had to take the command of the situation. The video started in slow motion and the two girls were again seen lying in bed chatting among them. I pulled Shilpa close to my body with somewhat trembling hands. My heart was thumping, as I was about to get into my first lesbian experience. Never ever in my life did I think of this, but today due to the situational urge I dragged myself into it. I was not only feeling quite nervous now, but also a bit shaky though Shilpa had lowered her eyes as I touched her. Her pretty face was turning red and her palms were cold, I guess out of anxiousness. The sexual heat and drive within me took my mind’s control and I in turn took Shilpa in my control.

In the movie, the girls were now close enough and started embracing each other. I hugged Shilpa and felt her young perky boobs almost bounced off my matured heavy bosom. She was very hesitant to hold me and I forced her to hold my blouse covered back and we started feeling each other’s bodies.

Shilpa: Aunty I am feeling very uncomfortable.

She almost whispered in my ears. I hugged her more close to my body and assured her.

Me: If you did not feel uncomfortable watching it, why are you feeling ashamed now? Just watch the movie and not think of anything else.

Saying that I brushed my cheeks on hers. Her skin was extremely smooth, the fragrance of youth advertised on every part of her body. The girls on the movie had already started kissing now, but I did not have the courage somehow to kiss this teenager girl [about 19 years old]. Instead I cupped her tight breasts and tried to ignite her. Her boobs were not very large, but they were full and very firm and Shilpa was blushing heavily as I traced my finger on her nipples over her kurta and bra.

Me: Shilpa your skin is soooooo smoooooooooth!

Shilpa smiled and blushed again. I now took one hand off her conical breast and held her hand and put it straightway on my blouse covered mammaries. She readily started feeling my full breasts over my blouse and then gently started squeezing them. The action on the television screen made our activities more vivid and courageous. As the girls in the movie hugged, kissed, and almost stripped to nakedness, I was also growing hornier. I dropped my pallu on the bed and even pulled a part of my sari and petticoat above my legs till my knees. Simultaneously I made sure that Shilpa’s kurta was also over her tight breasts exposing her bra.

Me: Shilpa, now open my hooks.

I whispered in her ears and pulled up her kurta almost to her head exposing her upper part. Shilpa almost shivered at this action as she was shamelessly exposed now.

Shilpa: Aunty please, don’t do it.

I had no time to listen to her words and wanted the same sexual firepower to explode her too. I dragged her closer and entered my left hand straight within her bra cup and caught her young firm breast within my palm. The feeling of touch on her naked boobs made Shilpa go wild with excitement and my trick worked perfectly on her. She was almost hissing in ecstasy and sexual excitement. Her boob size and vibrant flesh did remind me of my school days again. Little did I knew then that I was unknowingly preparing her for Guru-ji, an incident I would never forget in my life, as that’s the only time I saw a LIVE virginity loss session of a innocent 19 year old teenager in front of my eyes.

I could well understand that my direct touching and cupping of her naked boobs over her bra had made her almost mad with excitement and to add oil to the fire I deliberately twisted her nipples quite hard to turn her on quickly. Shilpa by that time had unbuttoned my blouse fully and I also made her half exposed like me by pulling off her kurta over her head. Now we both were in our bra along with our remaining clothes and fiercely hugging each other. I had driven Shilpa go wild with excitement and she was delivering me the tightest hugs and squeezes at my intimate body parts. Now to make things more exciting, I simply pulled off her pajama knot at one go and brought my heavy body on hers and made her lie down on the bed below me.

Shilpa: Ouch!

Shilpa gasped as I did that. Our bra covered breasts were resisting and bouncing against each other and now myself on top of her in a very advantageous position, I caught hold of her bra and pulled it up and exposed her very firm tits completely for the first time. I touched and felt them and honestly they were so smooth, so soft yet so firm that I was somewhat envious. I very well knew the teenage psychology and Shilpa also as if to reciprocate my action, she hugged me tight with her both hands from her lying position and in no time unclasped my bra hook on my back. Unlike my husband who has opened my bra hook the maximum number of times and to tell you the truth, he still fumbles, Shilpa unclasped it in one smooth go and now we were both topless in each other’s arms.

There was practically no need to look at the TV screen now as we both were thoroughly charged. Frankly I was also enjoying and getting excited by Shilpa’s touches and hugs though not exactly as it would have been has Shilpa been a male, but still it was a new thrill, which felt extremely good. Since I was still on top of her, Shilpa was fondling, pressing, and gripping my boobs from her lying position making me wild with excitement. I was already pretty wet within my panty and I naturally wanted something to be done there.

Me: Shilpa, my dear, now deliver something more.

Shilpa: What do you want aunty?

Me: Open my panty and…

I did not have to complete the sentence as Shilpa smiled and blushed at the same time and gave the nod. I pulled myself from her body and lied on the bed and she instantly got up and went towards my legs. Her naked boobs sprung and moved very alluringly as there was no bra to hold them. She threw a pillow at me to rest my head and pulled up my sari and petticoat a bit and inserted her hands within and went up towards my waist. A tremor passed my spine as she touched my panty and kept her palm directly on my pussy. I lifted my heavy gaand a bit and wriggled in that position so that Shilpa could pull my panty down easily.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I exclaimed as she slowly pulled my panty down till my mid thighs. Now she took her right back to my pelvic area and rested it on my hairy choot. She was feeling my pubic hairs and teasingly pulling some of them with her fingers.

Shilpa: Aunty you seem to have a jungle there.

We both laughed at her words and she started massaging my pussy from the outside.

Me: Aaaaaaaaah! What a relief!

I again exclaimed and was feeling on top of the world. This is one exercise my husband also would like to do most obediently, i.e. massaging my choot with his palm, rubbing my thick pubic hairs, tracing a finger down my pussy hole to almost my ass hole and then fingering my hole. But his problem is he wants to do this making my lower half completely naked, but the way Shilpa was doing it I was feeling more comfortable as my sari was still tucked at my waist. Generally with my husband on bed, I wear a nighty mostly, though at the initial stage of my marriage on some weekends he forced me to wear skirts on bed and enjoyed my shameless upskirt views. But whatever I wore, skirts or nighties, he liked to do this massaging making me completely naked, which I did not appreciate at all, as most times he was still wearing his vest and pajama or shorts and I felt rather uncomfortable lying like that and my husband sitting down my legs.

Shilpa continued my choot massage and fingering for quite some time and I was rubbing my firm naked mammaries on my own with my two hands and enjoyed the whole process thoroughly. I turned to the TV screen once to find that the lesbian scene was over, but another sequence was going on where a lady, must be above 35, was wiping the floor and giving a man huge cleavage views. I concentrated back on bed with Shilpa.

Me: Stop now and come to me.

Shilpa pulled out her hand from below my sari and crawled towards my face. Her boobs were hanging like two apples and swinging vigorously as she moved. Any male would have voluntary masturbation seeing that scene I thought. At the next moment I thought seeing me lying on bed in topless condition would not also be far behind in terms of voluntary masturbation. I smiled within me reading my own thoughts.

Me: Do you want the same pleasure?

Shilpa: No, no aunty. I am okay.

I pulled her towards me and he fell on my body and I touched her cheeks with my lips and finally was able to kiss her very tender lips. It was not a long one as we both were uncomfortable as we both were kissing a similar gender’s lips for the first time in our lives. Shilpa was almost panting after the kiss and looked visibly nervous again. I coaxed her and tried to wipe out the guilt from her mind. At the same time I was on the verge of a discharge after my first lesbian experience and I was pretty much satisfied. Though I was not fucked on both occasions, first by Shilpa’s disabled father and now this lesbo thing, still I was not feeling frustrated.Me: Who will go to the toilet first?

Shilpa: Aunty if you don’t mind I would like to go first.

I smiled and nodded. Shilpa got out of the bed and walked topless to the toilet and admittedly she was looking gorgeous. She picked up her bra and kurta off the bed and a fresh panty from the wardrobe for understandable reasons and disappeared behind the toilet door. I was feeling a bit tired now having two orgasms in quick succession. My semi dry panty was again wet almost fully with my vaginal discharge and I was still discharging in slow jet. I just closed my eyes and rested for a while on Shilpa’s bed.

Shilpa: Aunty, you can go now.

Shilpa looked fresh and I noticed she had changed her hairstyle and was looking prettier. I was still lying on the bed with my milk jugs gaping openly towards the roof and being in the semi-nude condition, my nipples remained taut. I got out of the bed covering my upper treasures with my sari and picked up my blouse and bra and was about to go to the toilet when Shilpa interrupted me.

Shilpa: Aunty the toilet floor is fully wet as I have splashed water there. It will be better if you leave your sari here.

Me: Right you are.

I whiffed off my sari to the floor and was standing now in my petticoat only and my freely hanging uncovered mammaries jiggling with every movement. I noticed Shilpa was staring at my naked boobs in an appreciative manner and I started feeling somewhat proud in my mind for my figure. Shilpa’s admiring looks actually made me more inclined about displaying my full figure to her.

Me: It will be better to leave my petticoat also here.

Shilpa: As you please Aunty.

We both laughed a little. I untied my petticoat knot and it slid off my waist brushing my thighs to the floor. I was now standing in front of this 19 year old teenager wearing only a panty. Shilpa did not pronounce anything, but I could gather the “Wow!” from her looks at my naked heavy figure.

Shilpa: Aunty, your panty is spoiled. It’s fully wet.

I blushed a little hearing this though from a female. I bent a little to note it and found a circular wet mark on the front of my panty.

Me: I have to take it off. No other way.

Saying that I went to the toilet and closed the door though in fact there was no need as I was so shamelessly displaying my assets. I cleaned myself getting out of my last clothing and was feeling much fresh. I took my time and dried myself with the towel and got out of the toilet just casually wrapping the towel to my waist.

Me: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

That was what which went out of my mouth as soon as I stepped out of the toilet. I never ever in my wildest dreams expected that there could be someone else present in the room aside for Shilpa. And so I was very relaxed and did not bother to cover my mammaries at all and my towel wrapping on my waist was also very, very inappropriate. In fact, my big ass cheeks were partly exposed as I dMolestationd just to cover my hairy pussy. As I stepped out of the wet floor of the toilet with my panty in my hand, what do I see?

No Shilpa in the room, and a middle aged man standing with a bucket, whom I was seeing for the first time, looked like a servant of the house, standing in front of me! I was so dumbstruck by the situation that I made a complete mess of the whole situation. My first instant reaction getting out of the toilet in an almost naked condition was to cover my big swaying breasts. I tried to do that with both hands struggling to cover my whole proud flesh, ultimately covering only the central portion of my mammaries, i.e. my areolas and nipples, with my palms. This very action made my towel instantly drop from my waist to the floor, as it was not tied and my hairy choot was clearly displayed in front of the servant who was also absolutely astonished seeing me in such a horribly exposed condition.

Servant: Madam, any problem?

I was in no position to answer his question and never ever in my life I was in such a clumsy position. Now came the worst part. I instantaneously bent down in an entirely naked posture to pick up the towel before that person, who was standing right in front of me. When I was half the way up from my bent position picking up the towel and trying to cover my open pussy again, in a hurry my panty, which I was holding in my right hand, slipped from my fingers. I should have simply ignored that because by that time that guy had seen my body entirely nude and that too in the bright illumination of the room. The light was so adequate that he could probably visually segregate even my pussy hairs!

After picking up the towel from the floor, I held it in a bunched up fashion in front of my pussy as a cover for it, but as I saw my panty slipping off my fingers, my reflexes prompted me to catch that while it was still in the air and in trying to do that I made an absolute muddle of everything. Though all these were happening within the wink of an eye, but to me it seemed to be never ending.

The awareness of my naked condition in the presence of a completely unknown man made me so panicky and tensed, I tried to do things in great haste and jumbled up everything. As I tried to catch my panty before it could touch the ground from a half stood up position, I lost my balance and my outstretched fingers in trying to grab it, hit the panty further away from me to the legs that guy standing with the bucket. I was significantly unbalanced, more so due to my heavily built lower half, and was down onto my knees on the floor. Naturally my left hand drifted off my pussy and so was the towel cover, and again my pussy was fully disclosed to the eyes of this lower class man along with my bubbling boobs.

I did not know what to do and before I could get up and ran into the toilet for a cover, that man who was till then standing with a bucket and gaping at me came forward for my help. For the first time I concentrated for a split second on him — he was a middle-aged man, very repulsive looking, dark complexioned but well built, wearing a blue shirt and a dhoti and probably had come to clean the toilet.

Servant: “Madam, careful, careful.”

He moved in quickly and caught me by my naked shoulder. For a split second my position was awesome in that room — I was unbalanced and standing on my knees on the floor, not a thread on my body, my jiggling vivacious boobs were hanging like two ripe pomegranates and my pinkish red nipples fully erect on them as if inviting that male, and he bent forward supporting me holding me by my shoulder!

I straightaway jerked his hand off my shoulder and covered my hanging boobs with the towel and stood up. I did not waste a second’s time even and ran into the bathroom, which were three to four steps away and I had no other option but to display my huge naked gaand in full proportion to this man till I closed the door. I closed the door and was so, so relieved. I was significantly panting, as I was feeling so ashamed and tensed. I took some time to recover and very soon I realized that I was only behind closed doors, but had simply nothing to wear! I had only the small towel and my wet panty to be dressed with. I tried to make out leaning to the closed toilet door if I could hear Shilpa outside, but there was no noise. Some moments passed and suddenly the servant spoke out almost shaking me.

Servant: Madam, I will clean the toilet, please dress up quickly. I have other things to do also.

Me: Wait, wait.

I was now slowly sweating a bit as I found myself in a tight spot regarding what to do. I looked around in the toilet to look for any used clothes of Shilpa. I did not find any dress hanging on the wall hooks, but as I explored further I found some dress material dumped in a bucket. I jumped into it and ran though it only to find a couple of colored brassieres and panties along with a pleated skirt and a crushed top. I was still standing stark naked within the toilet and as there was no other option I decided to wear whatever was available.

Servant: How long will I stand Madam?

The man was nagging me now and was getting over my nerves. I replied him with a stern voice.

Me: Either wait or call Shilpa once.

Servant: Madam, Shilpa didi has gone upstairs for some work of Seth-ji.

I could well understand that I was almost in a catch 22 situation. I could not get out of the toilet naked before a male and simultaneously if I ask this servant to call Mr. Yadav, he would certainly not leave me without enjoying me again when he would find me in this compromising state. The other option was to call Mrs. Yadav who would have saved me, but again she was busy in the yagya. Then I thought if I ask this man to pass me over my sari and blouse, but realized that could invite more trouble as he would knew that I have nothing to wear. So I dropped all ideas of calling this man and concentrated about how to wear whatever was available.

First thing I did was to wear my own panty, which was available with me though semi wet, but I really had no other alternatives. I bent a little and pulled up my right leg into the cut out hole of the panty and dragged it up till my knees and then pulled up my left leg and inserted it into the other hole and drew it up my smooth thighs to my plump buttocks. I took both my hands to my back and stretched the fabric of the panty on my wide curvy ass cheeks and tried to cover them decently and then wriggled a bit to ensure the whole of my long ass crack was properly covered by my panty.

Secondly, I picked up the couple of bra and could easily see that they were of same size and were of course of Shilpa. The cups were much smaller compared to what I wear, but there was nothing else I inserted my arms into the straps of the bra and tried to cover my mammaries. I knew it was not possible, but at least now my large roundish areolas were covered along with my perky nipples. I was no longer looking vulgarly indecent. The bra hook remained open at my back.

Thirdly, I kept aside the other bra and picked up the skirt. It was a nice pleated skirt and fortunately not very short and as I wore it, it covered me pretty decently till my knees. But the problem was elsewhere as the waist circumference was much smaller for me and I could not button it. Shilpa’s waist must be 28 or 30 and mine was 34 at least and with my bulging fleshy ass, the skirt fitted rather tight at my buttock area. I ignored it, as I knew once I get out of here, the first thing I would do is to put on my sari.

The remaining thing to be done was to cover my breast area decently. I lifted up the crushed top from the bucket and tried to smoothen it. Shilpa’s top was not getting smoothened at all as probably it was there in a crushed form for a long time. Then when I tried to insert my arms into the sleeves, I realized it was too short and too tight for a full-grown woman like me. I was a misfit from all angles for that modern short top. I dropped it into the bucket again and instead took the towel and stretched it in a way so that my full round globes remain covered tolerably.

Servant: Madam, any problem? Are you okay? Shall I call Seth-ji?

Me: No, no. No need to call anyone. I am coming out.

I was thinking whether I should tell him or not, but decided to tell him.

Me: Can you do one thing? Lock the door once.

Servant: Why Madam?

Me: Actually, I mean.. err… I do not have my sari in the bathroom, so…

Servant: Yes, yes Madam. I can see your sari on the bed.

Me: Right. Close the door and let me know.

Servant: But Madam, the rest of the things must be belonging to you also, as I know very well these are not Shilpa didi’s clothes.

I was thinking what to reply to this odd question by this man. He must have noticed my sari bunched up with my used blouse, petticoat and bra, as they were kept at same place on the bed.

Servant: Madam all your clothes seem to be here only. What have you taken then in the bathroom?

Me: Actually I forgot to take them, but…

I could not even complete my words than he intervened. He seemed to be a very talkative person and I was not at all amused by his words. It not only made irritated, but also was taking me to the height of embarrassment!

Servant: Oho! Now I realize that’s why you were not wearing anything when I saw you. But still Madam, you should be careful. Always lock the door of the room. No one will know that you are… err… ‘bilkul nangi’.

He paused just a little and then started again.

Servant: But Madam let me tell you… Wait one second, let me come close to the door.

There was silence for a moment and then I heard his voice as if just beside my shoulder. I realized he was glued to the toilet door and was also talking in a low husky voice.

Servant: Madam, I am telling you a secret. If my Seth-ji had seen you as what I saw, he would not let you go easily. He does not have a good character. He might be disabled, but very cunning. Madam, please be careful.

He halted briefly.

Servant: Even Shilpa didi wears very little clothes in her room, but still not like you Madam. Aap to bilkul nangi nikli bathroom se!

I had no words to reply and stood at the other side of the door with my lips half open to say something, but I could not verbalize anything in shame.

Servant: Madam, you still tried to cover yourself seeing me, but Shilpa didi does not even care to cover her in front of me! The girl is spoilt already. What more I can say being the servant of the house.

I gathered some courage and feebly expressed a couple of words. But how long will I continue like this standing within the toilet I wondered.

Me: I see.

Servant: I am telling you Madam, but don’t tell anybody. Countless number of times I have seen Shilpa didi lying on bed not wearing a dress.

Me: What?

Servant: I mean she was not wearing a salwar or a nighty, but she wore only a brassiere and a skirt Madam. I wipe the floor and she remains on bed in that fashion. On same days, when I clean the toilet, she comes up to give me instructions. You know wearing what Madam?

He paused and probably meant I should ask him. I was getting some encouragement hearing Shilpa’s stories, which was surely only out of my womanly virtues, otherwise in this state it was rather impossible to concentrate on anything else, but to save my dignity.

Me: What?

Servant: Madam, didi had on her body a short top and just a chaddi like thing, what the girls in the city wear below their skirt. Time and again I forget the name. Madam you were also holding it in your hand. What is its name? I cannot remember it at all.

Me: I can understand. You don’t have to name it.

Servant: No, no Madam. Tell me once. I forget its name particularly. Actually one day my wife also told me that she wants to wear this below her ghagra, but I objected. These are all city styles. Madam? It starts with “P”, isn’t it? Pa… pa…?

I had to tell him and stop this pa… pa… It was so annoyingly embarrassing.

Me: Panty.

Servant: Yes, yes Madam. Panty. I cannot remember its name I do not know why.

I was thinking that now I should ask him again to close the door so that I can get out of the toilet comfortably, but he was talking nonstop.

Servant: But Madam, it is such a small piece of dress that I wonder why you people at all wear it? You know Madam my Sethani-ji also wears it. When she gives it for a wash, I cannot stop laughing.

Me: Why?

I was slowly starting to take pleasures out of this narration and almost out of reflex action asked “why”, which the next moment I realized could have been avoided as the reply was very obvious.

Servant: You must have seen my Sethani-ji Madam. What a gaand she has! What would this little thing cover Madam? You tell me – na gaand, na choot!

I was shocked to hear such slang terms so directly and casually spoken to me and stood behind closed door speechless. I tried to console my mind by thinking he being a lower class man he must be used to talk such slang. I tried to ignore it, though honestly hearing those words from a male mouth made me feel tight and unknowingly my fingers reached skirt and rested over my ‘choot’!

But when I thought of the reality, I was feeling rather ashamed and irritated that I was tolerating such language from an unknown man, that too a low class person, the servant of the house. In our residence when I came after my marriage, there are fortunately no male servants, but before my marriage in my father’s house there was one, but never ever did I hear such direct things from him in colloquial chats. Though his language was okay, but his attitude was not. I distinctly remember he trying to grope my body when he used to bring me from my school in the hand-pulled rickshaw. I was not a small girl then, I was in First year of college, and could very well sense what he was up to, but could never gather the courage to protest as he was there in our house for a long time.

The servant class is like that only I thought and tried to ignore this man’s vulgar words, as I used to ignore my parental servant’s groping when I was a teenager in college. Now I had to come out, but as I looked down upon me I was looking disgracefully sexy in this combination of towel and skirt and if any member of the house sees me in this state would certainly think very wrongly against me. So I again decided to ask him to close the door.

Me: Have you closed the door?

Servant: No Madam. I will close it right now.

I heard the noise of the room door closing and felt somewhat relieved.

Servant: Madam I have closed the door, but how would you come out? All your clothes are on the bed!

Me: That’s none of your concern.

Servant: Madam, will you come out in the same manner as you came out earlier? I must thank God.

Me: What rubbish! What do you mean?

I lost my patience at this nonsense question and opened the latch of the toilet door and came out. I for the first time looked with proper concentration to this man. He was wearing a blue shirt and a white dhoti, dark complexioned but well built, ageing nearing 40. He had the same servant-cutting looks in his face. I noticed the man’s eyes as if lit up and he was not looking at my face but staring directly at my sexily clad matured figure. The look was so hungry and shameless that I had to lower my eyelids in uneasiness. The skirt was rather tight on my fleshy thighs and I could not walk properly, moreover I was holding with my left hand to the skirt at my waist, as the button could not be closed due to my wide waistline.

Servant: Ya Maila! Madam you are looking like Mamta Kulkarni.

I ignored his words and walked towards the bed where my sari was resting. I was aware that my back was fully naked and the loose bra strap was hanging there and so I tried to walk avoiding to display my back towards this man. But the whole scene changed for me into a hell within the blink of an eye.

Servant: Where are you going Rani?

The man jumped in front of me hindering my way towards the bed. I was so taken by surprise at his approach that my skirt almost slipped from my left hand and I lowered my eyes for a moment to gather it properly and the bastard took that advantage and simply snatched the towel off my breasts making my boobs exposed again, though this time being partly covered in Shilpa’s bra.

Me: What’s this nonsense? Give me the towel. I will shout.

Servant: You want to shout Rani? Okay. Okay.

As he spoke, in an unanticipated manner he gripped and twisted my left wrist in a one smooth action and my skirt slipped from my fingers and dropped down near my feet on the floor.

Servant: Now shout. I want to see how much you can shout my Rani. Shout.

I was simply thunderstruck at these couple of events, which happened in not more than 30 seconds and stood there speechless before this man. I was standing as if wearing a bikini, if I can term that because Shilpa’s bra was so small that it was exhibiting the shape and size of my two matured breasts fully except for covering my areolas and the nipples. I tried to cover my dignity with my arms.Servant: What happened Madam? Shout. Let everybody come and see you and know what you have to offer.

I immediately felt a cold shiver running down my spine. I realized I was in a trap. I could not attract people here, as I am standing in a very compromising posture almost stripped to nakedness. I could think anymore and was totally blank and did not know what to do or how to come out of this situation. I stood there in front of this servant of Mr. Yadav’s house clad very sexily in an unfastened bra and a semi-wet panty with my arms diagonally kept to cover my bulging globes.

Servant: Shout? What happened? Saali randi.

I almost had tears in my eyes hearing this slang from the mouth of this servant and virtually died of dishonor. Never in my life did someone refer me by that term. I was feeling so helpless being humiliated like this in the hands of a low class man.

Servant: Do as I say. Otherwise I will shout and draw everyone out here. Do you understand?

His voice was very commanding and rough. I did not dare to speak and contradict him, but I thought of begging my dignity from him.

Me: Please leave me. Don’t treat me like this. I am also the wife of someone.

Servant: Then roam naked in front of your husband. Why here?

Me: Believe me, I did not know that you were here in the room.

Servant: Shut up! Guru-ji keeps this sort of high-class randi with him?

I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth hearing this. I could not take it anymore. Tears burst out of my eyes draining off my cheekbones. I was praying to God to save me now seeing no other way.

Servant: Don’t act and waste my time. Panty utar aur choot darshan kara sali.

Me: Please bhaiya. I am not that type woman. Please have mercy on me.

Servant: Address your husband by ‘bhaiya’. Open it.

Saying that he moved ahead one step and I was so frightened that I meekly surrendered to his command.

Me: Okay, okay. I am…

I hesitatingly removed my folded hands off my almost naked mammaries and I could very well realize that he wanted to see me nude again, which he saw me when I came out of the toilet and realizing that it was a hopeless situation for me I had to gratify him. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I took my both hands to the waistband of my panty and started dragging it down. I was looking at the floor in shame and that bastard was standing with his hand on his lund within his dhoti. I wondered in my mind that in the last 3-4 days, rather till such time I had come to the ashram, the innumerable times I had to pull down my panty for different reasons! At the same time, I was trying to speculate the inevitable. Because surely next thing this man would force me to go to bed and would surely try to fuck me. What should I do? Shall I shout? But when Mr. Yadav, Mrs. Yadav and even Guru-ji would see me naked with this servant, what impression they would have of me?

Servant: What a choot Rani!

I was going through this dilemma and was unable to decide what to do to come out of this predicament when a sudden jolt and thrust followed by a tight hug almost flew me onto the bed. Before I could comprehend fully, I felt the body weight of this man on my body and my body was sandwiched between him and the cozy mattress of the bed.

Me: You bastard! Leave me right…

I could not utter any more words as he had put a dirty handkerchief in my mouth between my open lips. The pungent odor of his body was making me feel nauseous and the handkerchief almost choked me. My eyes were wide open and my body struggling under his very strong body. With his right hand he inserted the handkerchief so much deep in my mouth that I could hardly generate any sound from my vocal cord. Now he took off his right hand off my mouth and with both hands controlled my fighting arms and lifted his body and sat right on my naked belly area and had total control on me. I was throwing my naked legs in the air in vain and realized that was of no use. I was also moving my head furiously and trying to stick my tongue out to get the hanky out of my mouth, but the bastard had placed it so deep and securely that soon I realized I was struggling for no good reason.

Servant: Now Rani, what will you do?

I just avoided eye contact to this bastard from my lying position and he was simply on top of me and there was not a thread on my body as he had thrown off my brassiere too to the corner of the room. I could not still believe that I was molested to the ultimate by this servant class person. He now started feeling and touching my private parts taking hold of my both struggling arms in one hand and it at once gave me memories of the days when I was groped by this sort of a low class person in my teenage days. The feeling was almost the same in my mind and it was the sense of abhorrence and revulsion. Previously also, and today even, this servant class people took advantage of my sheer helpless condition.

The man became very excited touching my ample naked flesh unhindered, but since his one hand was blocked controlling my hands, he could not exactly pivot himself to fondle and fuck me. I was also trying to kick his back with my heavy thighs. Most of his time was wasted in controlling and holding my struggling hands and at last placed himself comfortably to squeeze my ripe mangoes one at a time and twisted my taut nipples very hard. Then he suddenly bent on my chest and started sucking and biting my nipples.

Me: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm….

I could not utter any more sound as my mouth was blocked by his hanky, but the feeling was obviously very (s)exciting like any woman would feel when a male (known or unknown) sucks her nipples. My legs automatically got parted and I was wriggling shamelessly on bed under his body. His full body weight was on my body and his erect lund was now piercing his dhoti and knocking hard on my open choot. His foul body odour was suffocating me and as I realized that he was almost of the verge of raping me now, I was intensely praying to God with tears rolling down my cheeks to send a releaser.

Knock! Knock!

As if God heard my call. I was so happy! Immediately the man was very alert and almost got down from my curvy figure and looked with a pale face at the door.

Knock! Knock!

Shilpa: Aunty. Aunty.

Servant: Madam, if you tell anything against me I will expose you in front of everyone. Mind you.

I indicated him through my eyes to take the handkerchief out of my mouth. He immediately released the hanky and it seemed to me that I breathed normally after an age as if.


That was the first thing I did. It was the culmination of my anger and the feeling of abhorrence to this dirty low class man. He simply digested my slap on his cheek and clenched his teeth. I ignored that and quickly dMolestationd my sari that was on the bed on my naked body. It seemed as if I was being naked for ages and felt so soothing in the cover of the sari!

Servant: Madam, you go to the toilet and I will say that you have gone to latrine and will pretend to clean the room.

Me: Say whatever you like. Now just turn back you rascal.

The man was looking so frustrated that he could not screw me and his jaws were hanging down. I wasted not a second and again put on my panty and wore my bra.

Knock! Knock!

I pushed the man towards the door for a reply and quickly took my sari, blouse and petticoat and ran into the toilet.

Servant: Shilpa didi, one second, let me open the door.

The man opened the door and Shilpa did not inquire much, especially why the door was locked, and after some moments I also came out of the bathroom and found that Shilpa was alone in the room and there was no trace of that filthy person.

Shilpa: Aunty, how long will mom take to finish?

Me: I am not sure. Must be in the last stages. Soon you will be called.

She had brought some magazines, which she handed over to me and she switched on the TV and started watching a film channel where movie songs were being played. I simply was unable to concentrate on the magazines and time and again my experience with their servant was coming to my mind. I never thought that coming with Guru-ji to help him out in Mr. Yadav’s house would turn out to be such a horrifying and dishonoring experience for me. It was the same disgracing experience that I used to have when I returned from school in rickshaw with our servant. Those days also when I was abundantly groped I had to keep dumb, and today also when I was almost Molestationd I have to keep dumb — such is the situation!

As Shilpa watched television and I turned the pages of the magazine with a blank look on my face after what I had, & anxiously waiting for Guruji’s call in puja ghar.

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