Train To Real Life Thrills – Part I


This one is another love story, which had a long time impact on life. The story has many parts; few are ready to be published, though each part will be published after getting response from readers. Reader friends, please give your opinion the way in which you are always sharing with me. I always praise your efforts to explain your view points. Your views are very important. Keep it up.

I got reservation at the last moment in two tier a/c compartment. I was going to Mumbai for business work for 3 days. In my compartment there was an old aged fat couple accompanied by their daughter in law somewhere in her late thirties, me in my fifties. I am quite young looking and energetic.

They were villagers but not dirty or can be termed rustic. They were little bit of modest but you can feel that they are middle class villagers. They were from some lower caste. I came to know that their DIL was not having a reservation; in fact their son was to come to take them. Parents were going for some special medical treatment which was not available in their place near Ahmedabad. Their son has been to native before a week and promised to take them to some good hospital and arrange their treatment.

Unfortunately he cancelled the visit and in his place his wife was accompanying them. She has stayed Mumbai for a very short period in the beginning of their married life. She had not seen the new place in Kandivalli. I could understand from their talk that they are not well to do. Their son is working with some transporter and he was a commercial vehicle driver. His boss was keeping him happy with money. In fact his boss has sent tickets for these people.

Some how she was staying in native and her husband used to visit native often. Initially I understood that they were afraid of ticket checker. They have cancelled son’s ticket before couple of days and booked new ticket for DIL but could not get reservation. I promised them that I will make arrangement with the ticket checker. They were informed by their ticket agent that as per new law it was impossible to travel without confirmed ticket.

When the TC came, he was very arrogant and bent upon charging full fare, cancel the pending ticket and not to allow her in the compartment. I intervened in the matter and made him to understand the whole situation; I talked to him in English. He asked me why you intervene in the matter. I told him that I am distant relative of this old man. This I said in local language to let them know what I am telling so that they will not differ in statement. I told the TC that you finish checking tickets of others, I will come and meet you later.

The matter was resolved after meeting the TC in pantry car. I came back. They were happy with my work. From 7 to 9 was hectic. They have brought some food, which they wanted to share me; I had my dinner at home so just for their satisfaction I shared. Their food tasted good.

The old lady was feeling sleepy and was unable to go to upper seat, so the old fat man was asked to go on the upper seat. The MIL was very heavy and could not accommodate anybody else on her seat; I offered them to let DIL use my lower berth. I told them that I don’t need much sleep because I am accustomed to travel like that. The fourth passenger was with some group who were scattered and told that he will be coming to sleep after some time.

I am frequent visitor to Mumbai and just few dozing is enough for me. I told them that I will seat in the corner and doze off, let the DIL use the seat to lie partially. The old lady started calling me as their son. I told them that, if you are calling me son, than you will have to treat me like that. I have house at Ahmedabad, so whenever you come Ahmedabad, you will have to stay at my house. They immediately agreed, on one condition that I will have to come their house in the village and stay with them. I also agreed to their offer.

DIL and I were sitting on my berth. I was taking support of glass window using the pillow. She was sitting next to me taking support of the back rest. Her MIL was on opposite seat and FIL on middle seat. All the curtains except my berth were down covering each berth separately and both the sections. I was engrossed in reading a magazine with night lamp of my berth. We did chat in between. She was very talkative.

I closed the magazine and switched off the light and started talking to her. Her name was Sumati. I found that she was graduated but due to her husband’s nature she was not allowed to stay at Mumbai. He was driving commercial vehicle of his employer. In the beginning when they married he was serving in some other company, where he was having less salary.

She conceived in the first year itself and since then she is staying at native, and his husband not ready to let them leave native due to parents. He comes frequently to native and stay for few days a month with family and then go back, still he is paid good. They have a daughter who will be 18 next month. She confessed that due to their daughter she also has stopped thinking about going to Mumbai and stay in dirty place.

She confessed that she is not in good terms with her husband because she is feeling that he is doing some wrong business that is why he is paid such high salary, and given these many days as leave and other benefits. She is also not willing to stay in Mumbai due to his this job.

She told that where she was living in the beginning was a very bad place to stay. Goons and all other people were in surroundings. Her husband has told that now, where he lives is little better but still, goons and antisocial elements are around and so in the morning his husband is to come to take them. The train was to reach at 6 am. Sumati inquired about my business; I was having chemical business at that time. We became more like friends, forgetting our age difference. I praised her antiquates and mannerism of talking, as compared to her in laws. She laughed and said that she had been staying in hostel at Ahmedabad while studying.

The fourth passenger came instead of himself he left a small boy 10 years on the upper berth. The atmosphere was little cool, so I offered my blanket to Sumati to cover herself. She agreed to it and covered herself with it. She also offered me to cover myself also with part of it. Now we were sitting side by side both taking support of back rest. I was in the corner little facing to Sumati and chatting by looking at each other from side.

Sumati was not a beautiful woman in terms of today’s modern women, but she was attractive with her curves and facial cuteness, she was fair in colour, but her beauty was hidden due to her village style. No one can imagine that she is a gem from inside. I was mesmerized by her beauty, which I can imagine based on my experience.

She was well built and no fat anywhere on her body. I put her in attractive category due to her curves and cuteness. She was wearing Gujarati sari. She was very modest and able to hide her body very well. I was pleased with her talking and brain. I praised her immediately and told her that, if I get a woman like you in my office, I am sure my business can double.

She jokingly said in that case she will ask for partnership and not salary. I said, if you are ready to join I agree to her conditions. She warned me that she is from a backward caste, and no one would like to employ her like I say. I told her that I don’t believe in caste and creed; I treat people on their merits.

Sumati told me that her husband will never allow her to do any job. He is not allowing doing tuition in her area. In fact she wanted to do it in village, because poor children of their area need that. I told her that in that case her daughter must be good in studies; she confirmed it and she said, she wanted her to study more than she did. She told me that she is afraid of the consequences of the work her husband is doing.

I told her not to worry and find out his exact work. I promised her that I will stay by her side if in future she requires my help. She looked at me and asked me are you sure? I said I promise you, I extended my hand to give promise; she took out her hand from blanket and put in my palm.

We pressed each other’s palms to confirm. She let her hand stay in my hand holding my palm tightly and kept looking at me with content on her face. She had some doubts; she looked in my eyes and asked me, you say this, after knowing our caste? I again told her that I am against any type of caste based thinking. I told her that, once held, I never leave hand of friends, who put faith in me. My words touched her heart. Sumati held my palm with both her palms and pulled it towards her body and tries to keep it as near as she can. I also extended another palm and held her palm with both my palms.

We were now very close to each other; we can hear breathing of each other. Our hands were held by each other tightly, and we both looking into eyes of each other. I again said, sure, I will never let you feel that you are alone whenever you are in difficulty. I am sure I will be next to you whenever you need me. You will not need to call me even. I will pray God to make sure that I am with you before things go wrong with you. Her eyes were wet and a drop of tear was coming out of her eyes.

I took off my hand from her and wiped tears from both her eyes. You will not need to cry when I am with you. I took palm towards her face and caressed her face. When I was caressing her face she lowered her face on one side and tried to press my palm between her chick and her shoulder. I turned my palm from her chick and let it move towards her neck. I caressed her neck and from there I let it slide on her shoulder and from there to her arm.

As soon as I touched her arm, which was very soft, showed goose bumps. I showed her goose bumps and looked at her face. My touch is giving you goose bumps I said. She looked at goose bumps and she started caressing her arm, I also caressed her arms one after another and found her goose bumps vanished. Her eyes were filled with emotions.

Sumati said, Prakash you have met me, when I needed you the most. Prakash I was on the verge of breaking emotionally by the time I reach Mumbai. Why do you say like this, I asked her? Kishan, my husband, when he visited us last week had threatened me to leave me and my daughter if I persist anything about his job any time again. I know that there are dirty women also in this type of work; I doubt that is why Kishan is not interested in me anymore.

I caressed her arms again and caressed per palms with my palms. She seemed loving it, she held both my palms and pulled my palms and put them in her lap. She kept it in her lap for some time and then raised it up and kissed my palms in the manner as if hiding from others. She again held them tight and let it stay in her lap, as if never ready to leave them. We again started looking in the eyes of each other.

I again told her that, never feel low, everything will be alright in due course of time. Now I am with you, you have not to worry about anything. Later she confessed that since last two three years she has no relation with her husband due to this dispute. He is not willing to leave this job and or come to Ahmedabad and find new job. I told her that you will have to find some ways and means to convince him. She was not convinced but nodded her head in affirmation.

I promised her that, I will also try to dig the truth about his job and help him find alternative job. Later I pulled my palm from her palm to adjust the blanket. But till than she was sitting very close to me like a family member sitting near to each other. We both were enjoying company of each other and wanted to stay by each other. We did sit like this for a long time and chatted a lot about different things. We discussed about liking and habits of each other. She asked me about my business and family, I told her everything the truth and didn’t hide anything.

Later she started to yawn, I told her to lie herself, and offered a pillow next to me. She thought for a while and took the pillow from me and did put it next to me and lay herself with her head next to me. So, now she was using the blanket solely. Her head was open; I caressed her head for a while and then let my palm glide to her face. I caressed her face lovingly. She kissed my palm and looked at me lovingly.

I took out a bed sheet and covered myself with it. She understood her mistake and told me that with bed sheet I will be feeling cold. She told me to cover myself with blanket. She told me that she will sleep with her head other side so that we both can share the blanket. I told her that I don’t mind. She turned the pillow to other side and slept cuddling herself using just half of the seat.

Remaining seat she offered me to lay; I said that no I will be just half laying. I covered our section with curtain. I used another pillow, keeping on my back. She was still sitting and told me to forward my leg. I was hesitant, she held my leg covered with blanket and pulled my legs asking me to be comfortable. She said be comfortable and forget taboos.

I was relaxed with her words. I lay fully. I spread my legs more, she held my legs and brought near her body and kept her palm on my leg. She also slept. We were touching each other, I was careful not to touch her more, so I use to keep my legs towards the edge of berth. Slowly she spread her legs more towards me and they were near my pillow.

The atmosphere was slowly transforming to chilling cool. After some time I felt her hand around my leg and she pulled my legs more towards her, I understood that she did it for a caution that my legs don’t fall below and I can sleep comfortably. In doing so her bust was touching my feet, she can feel it, but I felt that she was not bothered about it. I also left the taboo and try to sleep well.

I would have dozed off hardly for half an hour. When I was awake I felt my palm on her knees. I was in skin to skin contact with her legs. May be her sari and pretty-coat has gone up considerably. To confirm it I moved my palm over her knees. Yes they were open. I let my palm stay there to check her reaction. I could feel that she was awake; her one palm was already on my legs as if providing support.

I tried to move my distant leg, she held it well. It was confirmed that she is awake and know my every movement. I started moving my palm on her bare legs below knee and slowly started moving it upward. Again my palm was on her knee, and from there to her thighs. I can feel her skin reacting to my caress. My palms were able to reach up to her upper thighs only. I continued caressing her over there again and again.

She reflected by moving her legs letting my palm access, where ever my palm wanted to glide. She knew my palm has limit to reach further. I tried to move downwards, she responded to it by coming forward to me. My palm started gliding more and more over the soft pliable thighs, she widened her legs to let me reach goal. My palm reached the goal. She was unable to widen her legs more, so she pulled the farther leg and bent it from knee. This provided total opening of her thigh angle.

I smoothly started caressing the angle and then reached to the target. Her panty was new one and soft. She held my legs firmly and turned herself little so that my legs can touch her busts fully. She pressed my legs with her busts. She slowly kissed my feet one after another. We both were in action and willing. I caressed her triangle from above the panty. I tried to push the panty aside to feel the direct touch. The new panty was tight. I kept caressing for a while and then slowly let my palm go upward to the edge of panty and feel its elastic.

I slowly started pulling it downward. Sumati willingly allows and also helped with her own hand to let go down. I wanted to get rid over it completely. So I went on pulling it down. It came out of her legs. She asked for it with her hand, I inserted it in my pocket; she confirmed it to be in my pocket with her hand and allowed. We both thought this was safer. I went lower, she came upward towards me. I bent my legs from knees taking them above her head and pillow.

I was spooned facing her legs. She folded her legs. Her head was fully covered. My head was open I looked around by raising the curtain a little to guarantee safety, specially the oldies. It was safe. I covered her legs and my face again. My palms resumed their duty and started caressing soft pliable skin of the pussy, which was freshly shaved with hair remover. My palms lovingly caressed it from up to down side to side and finger feeling the slit.

I imagined that she don’t have protruding petals. She has just a plain slit, labia major covered under lips like tongue in the mouth. I widened the lips with thumb and fingers the index finger was probing into the slit to find the hole. She held my finger and guided towards the goal. I extended another palm to find her boobs. My palm reached to right place and felt the boobs.

Before caressing boobs, I wished to caress her face. From boobs my palm glided towards her face and started caressing her face. She held my palm and let it move over her face. She took my palm near her mouth and kissed my central palm. Then she moves the palm and kissed the fingers and took one finger in the mouth and sucked it. I loved her gesture. My finger was expertly doing the pleasuring work at her pussy.

She allowed my palm to glide from her face to her neck and from there to her cleavage. I caressed the cleavage and try to go lower. She opened her blouse and bra and let my palms fondle them one after another and caress them. I didn’t leave the chance to knead them softly, while finger had invaded inside and searching her g-spot while moving in out to please her. Her full body was pleased and all her nerves responding to the pleasure.

Sumati was caressing and kissing my legs. She went up to my fly to open it with prior love filled caresses. My cock responded and I adjusted my knickers to let it come out. It was all in its glory, because I too was half fed with sexual pleasure since long. With my palms I was able to judge that she had a perfect pair of boobs which are round and sized like tennis balls. I was lovingly caressing and fondling them while finger pleasing the inner walls near her g-spot.

She was nearing to surf the tidal wave and about to convulse. I increased activity of both my hands. She started becoming stiffer with moving her legs up and down. As soon as I felt my finger touching her aroused g-spot, she convulsed and locked my palm between her legs. I stopped my activity between legs and kept caressing her boobs with another palm, one palm already locked between her thighs.

When she softened from convulsion, I tried to pull my hand; she did not allow going it like that. She took my hand in her hand took it to her mouth and showered kisses on my palm. She knew how to convey gratitude without words. I closed my zip and came out of blanket lowered my legs and came in sitting position on berth raised the curtain little and looked around and found everyone sleeping quietly, I adjusted the curtain again. I crawled toward her head in sitting position. Took the edge of blanket near her head and pulled it down a little.

Sumati lowered her blanket up to her neck. She adjusted her sari to cover her well. She was full of smile on her face. I lowered my head to say her something. Instead, she said in my ear that was wonderful. I said Sumati I loved it. I lowered my face and kissed her lips and said I am coming over you. Saying so, I raised the blanket and again crawled inside, face to face with her.

She cuddled in me. I took her in embrace by adjusting my hands around her. I adjusted myself over her. I opened my zip and took out my cock. She adjusted me between her legs. Her sari and petticoat were pulled up to her waist. I fumbled with her sari part which has just covered her boobs. They came in open before my face.

I started kissing my lover Sumati. First, I showered kissed on her chicks one after another than kissed her lips. I sucked them well to my content and then pushed my tongue in her mouth. When I was enjoying her saliva, my cock was at its full glory and was searching the right place. She took hold of my cock and guided it at the right place. I pushed myself a little. My cock head was easily engulfed in her outer lips. My cock tip was engulfed in her pussy. I gave another push, it went further inside, and slowly I kept my movement to invade the new horizons of love.

When I was fully inside, I started caressing her face. While I was caressing her head she started kissing my face lovingly. At that time I started pulling and pushing movement. The train was moving very fast and its noise was sure to cover noise of our activities. While making love face to face, she said, you are doing everything so nice. I love you; she said this more than ten times in a while.

I was in no hurry to finish the game. I used to keep quiet without any movement for time being and then again move. The body movement due to moving train was providing enough pleasure. I went on making love to her. I kissed her neck and slowly lowered my face towards her boobs. She was thrilled with anticipation of making love to her boobs. It was evident from the movement of her palms on my head back and neck.

I showered kisses all over both boobs. My face was also caressing them while kissing. My face can understand their shape and size. This understanding was providing pleasure to please them more. I licked them around and kissed nipples alternatively. She was happy; I can know it, because my cock was getting more lubrication. I used to give small strokes when the train movement was diminishing. The train picked up the speed again and whistled a loud and loud.

I took one full boob in my mouth and sucked it. This sent thousand volt thunders in her body. She suddenly embraces me tight around my chest. Her boobs were crushed with my chest. My face was now with her face. She closed her eye lids tightly and her legs around my legs in twined. She was saying Prakash, Prakash in my ear. She had bigger convulsion than the prior one. I was showering kisses on her face. She was enjoying the kisses while the tidal wave was diminishing slowly.

When she came to senses she started caressing my face again. She took my face in between her palms, we were unable to see each other, but can understand every move without light and words. I understood that she will now kiss my lips, I was feeling her breath, she sucked my lips and asked, and you will shower all your love in train only, or keep something for future? I said Sumati, my sweet lover I can shower the same love everyday and forever. She said I found love of my life. She showered kisses over my face.

Soon, I started my movement of pulling and pushing. I removed the blanket and raised curtain to look around to check safety. Everything was safe except some movement in the last compartment. Someone was to go fresh room. I kept my movement, by removing blanket I was able to see her face with the blue light at some distance. I showered kisses over her face again while looking at her smiling face. I covered our heads and started making love to her boobs.

I was nearing my climax. I increased the intensity of pulling and pushing movement. At the same time the train speed increased and started blowing whistles at alternate minute. I resumed hardest fucking with one boob in mouth and other being kneaded mercilessly. I started to surf the tidal wave and sent my strongest first spurt, which was hot like lava. I gave the last satiating pushes and I started emptying my balls with every big spurts. I was saying Sumati, Sumati in her ear. The ejaculation was painful as well as pleasure filled both at a time.

Feeling my face with her palms and fingers, she understood my condition and started making love to my face by pulling me near her face. She showered kisses all over my face while enjoying the hot lava being showered in her womanhood. I fell over her; she cuddled me tight with her arms around my neck. We laid like that for quite a long, enjoying the embrace with kisses in between showered on each other while saying names of each other in ear.

The train slowed down after quite a long, we both were satisfied with our afterglow embrace. When the train was about to stop at some station, I came out of blanket and settled myself in window corner resting in a half laid mode. She adjusted her cloths and she also came out of blanket and settled next to me in the same way, in which we were talking in the beginning. She covered herself with blanket and offered me part of it to cover myself. It was not so cool so, I covered myself with just a bed-sheet.

She held my arm in her lap and looked at me lovingly. This time my arm was in full embrace with her body. I looked at her with a question mark. She closed her eyes tight as if telling me that she liked everything too much. Keeping my one hand intact with her, I caressed her face with another palm and showed a flying kiss. When my palm reached near her lips she held my palm with her another palm and kissed my palm again and again. She hovered towards me and kissed my chick.

She came closer to me and said her life is turned to a happy one in one night. I confirmed it by moving my head in affirmation. We discussed many things about our first love making session. She giggled like a matured woman while recalling how naughty things we have done today taking a big risk. She confessed that she took the risk because she liked me and fallen in love with me when I took interest in her. Sumati asked me why I fell for her. I told her that I was attracted towards her heart; I said that her simplicity and modesty made me like her company. I also told her that I was impressed with her talking.

We chatted and chatted and chatted. In between she used to pretend as if doze off on my shoulder, keeping my arm in her embrace. I also used to doze off for some time keeping my head touching her head. People started getting up and moving towards fresh room and coming back. We both separated and opened the curtain. The oldies also wake up later.

Sumati told me to take her to toilet. I took her there, when we reached there she asked for her panty. I told her that it’s my gift. She pleaded me with her beautiful eyes. I gave up and put it in her hand in such a way that no one can see it. She said me thanks with movement of her eyes. Later we all got down at Borivalli, in fact I was to go to Dadar but got down at Borivalli to meet her husband Kishan, which we have discussed in our plans to keep cards open for future meetings.

Dear Readers, check the title again, it is “thrills in real life”, and they are yet to come. They are already written, this time I swear, to present you within thirty days from now. Before that, give me your suggestions about their future. It can be tragedy; it can be thrills or both. Just imagine and write me.

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