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It had been nearly 2 months since Rohit’s hospitalization and the events transpired. Rohit had forgiven my indiscretions and was supportive of us getting on with our lives.
I was still upset about having cheated on Rohit. Although I did what I did to save Rohit’s life, I couldn’t get myself to be satisfied with that justification. I was still feeling guilty.
Nevertheless, Rohit and I led a happy life together with fulfilling love life. On July 09, 2021, Rohit made an anal appointment to coincide with our weekly date night. I had purchased a remote-controlled vibrator butt plug, which Rohit loved to use.
As usual, I had prepared my asshole in the evening before we went out for dinner. I had inserted the vibrator butt plug. I was wearing a coffee-colored cocktail dress for the night. It had a thin strap on either side, a deep v neck showing off my cleavage, a low back cut and a slit on my left thigh.
Rohit came home, freshened up and got ready for our date. He had worn a white shirt, black jeans and a casual black jacket. As we walked out the door, I tapped Rohit and handed him the remote control for the vibrator butt plug. There was a twinkle in Rohit’s eyes as soon as he saw it. He said, “Time to play.”
He had the biggest grin on his face as we got into the car. I was also excited for the rest of the night. We drove to the restaurant. We went to an Italian restaurant that had recently opened up at Nehru place. We got a nice booth at the back of the restaurant. Because of 50% restrictions, the restaurant was not crowded.
We ordered a starter, a main dish each and wine. Rohit and I talked about a new position we planned on trying that night when the food arrived. We cut short our conversation in front of the waiter and became silent. Once the waiter left, we resumed our conversation.
I rubbed my feet against Rohit’s legs, and he joined me in playing footsie. I was twirling the fork in my pasta when a sudden jolt ran from my back. I dropped the fork and gasped. The fork dropped down on the floor. Everyone heard the fork fall and turned their heads towards me.
The waiter ran towards our table and asked if everything was alright. I was flustered. But I managed to say that it was nothing and I had bit my tongue. I gave a stern look at Rohit. He was smirking. He had turned on the vibrator using the remote. The butt plug in my ass was vibrating.
The waiter was walking back towards our table with another fork. Before he reached our table, Rohit had turned off the vibrator. The waiter placed the fork next to my bowl of pasta and left us.
Rohit was still smirking. He then managed to mouth a ‘Sorry’ between his laughs. I shot him another stern look and said, “At least give a heads up.” He said, “Where is the fun in that?” He again turned on the vibrator. I clutched the seat with my hands and tried to calm myself.
I had shut my eyes and bit my lips. Half a minute later, he turned off the vibrator. I looked at him and asked, “Can I get back to my dinner? The sooner we finish here, the sooner we can start in the bedroom.” Rohit nodded, and we finished our meal without any unexpected vibrations.
I wanted to use the restroom, so I stood up to leave. I had taken just a couple of steps when Rohit turned on the vibrator again. Once again, I was taken by surprise, and I missed a step. I looked back to find Rohit giggling like a teenage girl. I whispered, “Stop acting like a child.”
Seeing how this so amused him, I walked towards the washroom with the butt plug vibrating in my ass. Once inside the washroom, I let out the moan I was suppressing. I washed my hands. I fixed my hair, touched up my lips with lip gloss and came back into the seating area.
Rohit turned off the vibrator only after I came back and sat down. I said, “You’re acting like a child in a candy shop.” Rohit said, “Babe, I’ll always be a child with you. You can be my Sugar Mommy. Give me sugar, Mommy.”
The waiter, who was now close to our table, looked amazed when placing the dessert on the table. Maybe he overheard our conversation. I managed a weak smile towards the waiter. Rohit had just bent down his head.
After the waiter left, I said, “Shut up, Rohit. Please be aware of your surroundings.” He replied, “Sorry, Mommy. Am I a bad boy? Will you punish me?” I sighed and said, “You’ll never change. Why are you so annoying?”
After that little conversation, we got back to finish the first dessert of the night. Rohit called for the bill. We paid and left the restaurant a couple of minutes later. We walked out of the restaurant with our hands around each other’s waists. Rohit turned on the vibrator once again.
I squeezed his waist, and Rohit winced in pain. I said, “Now you know how I feel when you turn it on.”
He laughed and turned it off. We sat in the car and drove back home. About 500 meters away from our house, Rohit turned on the vibrator again. I had expected this. This time I didn’t complain. I was enjoying it. The anticipation of another hot, steamy sex session with Rohit turned me on.
We reached the house less than a minute later. Rohit got down to open the gates. He pushed the gate open and stood there for a second. He then turned off the vibrator. I called out, asking what had happened. He said, “Somebody is at the door.”
And sure enough, you could make out somebody at the door waiting. We parked the car inside and made our way to the entrance. The person stood up as we approached. It was Anusha Mishra, one of my close friends. She said, “Hi Tanu. Hi Rohit.” Both of us also greeted her.
But she seemed upset, and it looked as though she had been crying. I hugged her and asked what had happened. She started to cry again on my shoulders.
Rohit said, “Let’s go inside. You guys can talk there.” Saying so, he opened the door and let us in. Anusha and I sat down on the sofa. Rohit got her a glass of water and said, “You guys talk. I’ll change and come.” He went upstairs.
I asked Anusha what had happened. She said that she and her boyfriend had a huge fight and might have broken up. She didn’t want to stay alone, so she came to our house. Rohit had changed into his sleepwear, a pajama and t-shirt and came down.
I asked Ansuha whether we should go upstairs and talk. She nodded. Anusha and I started to walk upstairs. Rohit gestured, asking what happened. I whispered that she had fought with her boyfriend and may have broken up. He understood and just nodded.
He sat down on the sofa and started fiddling with his phone. Anusha and I went into my room. Anusha sat on the bed and started detailing her fight and what happened recently between her and her boyfriend. While she spoke, I changed out of my dress and got into my pajamas.
20 minutes later, Anusha had managed to tell all she wanted to. She had broken into tears a couple of times as well. Over the next half an hour, I tried to console her and uplift her spirits. She did cheer up a little but was still quite upset. I suggested that we watch a movie to get her mind off of it. She agreed.
We decided on Crazy Stupid Love. I gave her a pair of my pajamas to change into. It was 11.05 PM. While she changed, I quickly messaged Rohit. The text said, “Watching a movie now. We’ll be up late. You’ll have to sleep in the guest room. Sorry.”
20 minutes later, Rohit walked into the room. We paused the movie and looked up. He had brought a tub of ice cream and two spoons. He brought it to the bed, gave it to me and said, “Ice cream makes everything better.” I was amazed at how thoughtful he was and said, “Thanks, honey. Sorry again.”
Anusha, too said, “Sorry, Rohit. But I’m a mess now and needed to talk to Tanu.”
Rohit said, “Ladies, please. Relax. I understand. Sleep well.” He gave me a goodnight kiss and walked out of the door.
As soon as he was out of the door, a sudden jolt ran from my back all over my body. When I was changing out of my dress while talking to Anu, I had forgotten to remove the butt plug vibrator. It was still in my ass, and it was now vibrating.
I let out a tiny scream and clutched the bedsheet. I closed my eyes and dropped the ice cream tub on the bed. A few seconds later, I shouted, “ROHIT.” I heard a giggle from outside. Anusha, sitting next to me, was shocked and asked what had happened.
Rohit shouted out, “Sorry!” He then turned off the vibrator and walked away, still giggling. Once the vibration stopped, I composed myself. Anusha still had a puzzled look on her face. She kept asking what had happened. I explained the whole anal appointment and the butt plug still in my ass situation.
She let out a laugh at the end of it. I thought to myself that atleast something good came out of Rohit’s childish behavior. We finished the tub of ice cream and the movie and decided to call it a night. I turned off the lights and pulled the duvet cover over myself and Anusha.
Just as I shut my eyes, Anusha said, “So, you have Anal sex that frequently.” I turned to face her and said, “Yeah. Rohit and I both enjoy it quite a lot. We make sure to do it atleast once a fortnight.”
She further started questioning me about Rohit and my sex life. I have always shared my life events with Anusha, so I saw no harm. I answered her questions. She paused for a few minutes and said, “It’s been so long since I had an orgasm.”
I said, “What!? You and Mayur don’t have sex?”
She said, “No, we do have sex. Not as frequently as you and Rohit. But he always finishes before me, and I end up faking an orgasm. I’ll have to please myself if I want one.” She paused once again and said, “Well, now that we’ve broken up, at least I don’t have to fake them anymore.”
I didn’t know what to say. Anusha spoke again, “Do you have orgasms regularly?” I hesitated for a few seconds and said, “Yeah. Rohit knows how to please a woman. And his cock is just magical. Most times, it’s multiple orgasms during one session.”
Anusha listened silently and didn’t say anything. She said, “I’m sorry I spoiled your plans tonight.” I cut her off and said, “Stop it. Don’t be sorry about it. I don’t mind, and as you saw, neither does Rohit.” I added, “Stop thinking about unnecessary things and sleep. You’ll feel better. It’s a new day tomorrow.”
I turned away from her and tried to go to sleep with her. She, too, turned her head to the other side. A couple of minutes later, she said, “Tanu, are you awake?” I said, “Yeah, tell.” She said, “I want to have hot steamy sex where I have multiple orgasms.”
I laughed and said, “Sure. We will figure something out tomorrow.” That was the last of the conversation, and the both of us went to sleep.
I was woken up by Rohit tip-toeing in the room in the morning. He said, “Sorry. Have a meeting at 10. Got to get ready.” He went into the bathroom. Half an hour later, he walked out wet from the bath and with a towel wrapped around his waist.
By then, Anusha, too, had woken up. Seeing her awake, Rohit took his clothes from the cupboard and walked out of the room. Anusha was staring at him the entire time. After he left, she turned to me and said, “Rohit is hot.” I smirked and said, “I know.” I started to get down from the bed.
Anusha said, “You remember what I said last night about the hot steamy sex.” I laughed and said, “Yes. What about it?.” Anusha said, “Would you mind if it is with…Rohit.”
I was shocked. I began to turn furious. I turned towards her and said, “What!?” She quickly said, “I was just asking. Nevermind.” But suddenly, I remembered the whole Vivek incident, and I was again overcome with guilt. I quietly walked towards the bathroom to freshen up.
I was thinking about what Anusha had said. Maybe if something happened between Rohit and her, my guilt would reduce. I got out of the bathroom and said, “About what you said.” But before I could complete my sentence, Anusha said, “I’m sorry. I just blurted it out. Forget I said it.”
I said, “No, that’s not it. Do you want to?” Anusha now looked confused. She said, “I mean, yeah. From what you told me last night and looking at him this morning. Definitely. But only if you agree.”
I thought for a few seconds and said, “I don’t mind. But, I don’t know about Rohit.” Anusha also paused for a few seconds and said, “So, you have no objections?” I shook my head. A smile beamed across her face. She said, “Leave it to me. I’ll manage Rohit.”
We decided that I wouldn’t talk to Rohit about it. Whatever Anusha does will be a surprise for Rohit. She would try to seduce Rohit. If this plan became successful, I felt that some of my guilt about the past would reduce. Anusha said, “Just tell Rohit I will be here for the weekend.”
Anusha and I freshened up. Rohit had already prepared breakfast when we went down. I told him that Anusha would be staying the weekend and that the both of us would go and pick up her clothes from her house. I didn’t have to go to the clinic since I only took in emergency dental appointments due to the pandemic.
Anusha and I went to Anusha’s house to pick up her clothes for the weekend. Anusha didn’t even let me look at what she packed. We got back about an hour later. Rohit was still busy with his zoom meeting.
Anusha is about 5 ft 4 inches, with a body measurement of approximately 34-28-36. She has a slim body, fair and smooth skin, dark brown medium-length hair and hazel-colored eyes. She is very good-looking. She was wearing black skin-tight leggings and a light yellow tank top.
Her attire was squeezing her body and showcasing her excellent features. Her cleavage, lower waist and the top of her back were exposed. All through the day, Anusha was trying to garner Rohit’s attention. Rohit asked me for a cup of tea about an hour after we returned.
As I was leaving the kitchen to give Rohit, Anusha stopped me and said she would take it. I stood in the hall, trying to see what happened. She walked into Rohit’s workroom and placed the cup of tea on his desk. While turning back, she knocked down a pen lying on the table.
She then bent down, showing off her ass and picked it up. I caught Rohit looking at her ass. Anusha put back the pen on the table, mouthed a ‘sorry’ by biting her lip and walked back. She made it a point to shake her ass as she walked back.
Rohit’s eyes followed her walk before returning to face the laptop screen. She kept walking past the entrance to the room every half an hour or so. Rohit did notice her every time.
During lunch, Anusha sat opposite Rohit while I sat adjacent to him. For the entirety of lunch, she leaned forward, exposing her cleavage to Rohit. Midway through the meal, she dropped her spoon down. She went under the table, and on the pretext of searching for the spoon, she brushed against Rohit’s legs.
I observed all this without giving Rohit any indication that I saw any of this. After lunch, Rohit helped me with the dishes. Anusha came into the kitchen and fell on Rohit’s back as if she had tripped. She caught hold of Rohit’s shoulder, and her boobs grazed Rohit’s back.
Rohit and I both asked if she was alright. She responded that she was and said, “Sorry, Rohit. I tripped.” Rohit said, “It’s no problem,” and returned to his work.
At around 4 PM, Anusha took a glass of juice to Rohit’s workroom. She sat down with him and started a conversation. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about from the living room.
She walked out 10 minutes later. I raised my eyebrows, gesturing to ask her what had happened. She just winked at me and nodded her head.
At about 5.30, Anusha asked for a Yoga mat. I laughed and asked, “Really, Anu? A yoga mat!.” She said, “Shut up, Tanu. Just give it to me.” I said, “Okay. Hang on.” I gave her the yoga mat. She spread the mat in the living room so that Rohit could partially view her from his desk.
She then started to stretch. She bent her body into positions that showcased her excellent features. I was quite impressed by her flexibility. In the 20 minutes she exercised, Rohit walked by her thrice.
Once to go to the washroom, once because he wanted something from the fridge and then because he had left a file upstairs. Each time, he lingered around her more than required.
I was happy that our plan was working. But I was also feeling a little jealous at the same time. Especially the third time, when Rohit adjusted his pants as he walked back to his work desk. Anusha then said she was going to take a bath.
By the time she finished her bath and came down, it was 6.45 PM. Rohit had finished his work for the day. He sat on the sofa and surfed the TV when Anusha walked down. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Looking at her, even my jaw dropped.
She looked very hot. She was wearing a peach-colored satin fabric spaghetti camisole with tap shorts. She had blow-dried her hair and curled the tips. She had put on kajal and eye shadow. She had gone with a matte finish, light bourbon-colored lipstick.
Rohit’s eyes followed her from the top of the stairs till she joined me in the kitchen. She was prancing rather than walking. I ogled at her and said, “You’re looking hot.”
She giggled and said, “Thanks. Did your husband notice?” I nodded my head with a smile and said, “Don’t think he took his eyes off of you.”
She said, “it’s just the beginning.” She took two Bira blonde bottles from the fridge and sat next to Rohit. He was watching a football match. She gave Rohit one bottle and said, “What are we doing tonight?”
Rohit fumbled and said, “What?!” She said, “What are we watching?” He said, “Football. It’s a re-telecast. I can change it if you want.” She said, “No, it’s fine.” She continued to make conversation with him. I got back to preparing dinner.
About 20 minutes later, Rohit came into the kitchen and said, “Looks like Anusha is not sad anymore. Have you noticed she’s a little extra enthusiastic today,” I tried to suppress my laugh and said, “Good, staying here has cheered her up.”
Anusha called out, “Rohit, could you grab me another beer, please.” He said, “Yeah, sure. Just a minute.” He whispered, “Don’t you notice her changed behavior?” Still trying to control my laugh, I said, “What do you mean?”
Rohit said, “Arre…she’s getting too friendly.” I couldn’t control my laugh anymore, and Rohit caught me smiling. He figured something was up. He said, “Ms. Tanya, what is going on? Did you plan this? Is this one of those? Does your husband hit on your friend type thingy?”
Hearing it, I couldn’t control my laugh anymore. I gave in. Rohit started to stare at me. I whispered, “No. No. It’s not that. She thinks you’re good-looking. And it’s been a long time since she had an orgasm.” Rohit was taken aback. He said, “What do you mean?”
I turned off the gas and turned towards him. I said, “I’m still feeling guilty about you know. And Anu said, well, she asked, whether she could, you know, sleep with you. I said no at first. But then, I thought maybe we could even it out. I’m sorry.”
Rohit placed his arms over my shoulder and said, “Tanu. I have told you to forget about it. It doesn’t bother me, and neither should it bother you.” He then kissed me on my forehead. After a slight pause, he said, “I don’t want to sleep with anyone else other than you. You are all I need.”
I was overwhelmed by what he said. I was so happy that he was so faithful. But, I didn’t know what to do about my guilt. I said, “Thanks. But I still feel guilty. I know you said I shouldn’t. But I do. And now, what about Anusha? She’s looking forward to it. Please do this for me? Just once.”
Rohit thought for some time. He said, “I love you, and I will continue to do so till my last breath. If I do this, it will be just physical sex. It won’t mean anything apart from that.” I said, “I know you do. I love you too. And I completely understand. Please?”
He said, “Alright then. On one condition.” I kissed him, hugged him, and said, “Thank you.” I asked him what the condition was. He said, “I agree on the condition that it’s Tanu plus Anu.”
I shall continue the story in the next part.
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Next Part: Rendezvous with Desire: