Petite young man meets the woman of his dreams.

Sex Stories

One evening, I had agreed to join a large group of friends for dinner at a local restaurant. One of my friends brought along a woman named, Ruby. I sat next to her that night and knew at first glance, we were physically complete opposites. She was a decade older than me, very tall with long, straight dark hair pulled back in a huge ponytail. She was extremely fit and obviously visited a gym on a very regular basis. She had muscle definition that I would never be able to achieve no matter how hard I tried. I, on the other hand, had curly strawberry blonde hair, a very fair complexion, stood a mere 5’3″ tall and was skinny as a rail with zero muscle definition. When we shook hands after being introduced, my small hand disappeared into her massive, strong hand. She was like a giant in every way when compared to me.

We spent much of that evening getting to know each other. It became apparent that we had many of the same interests. We both loved movies, especially romantic comedies. We both appreciated a good meal. And neither of us had ever had good experiences with relationships. Ruby, because she was taller, stronger and more confident than most men. And I, because I was shorter, unusually cute for a boy and not inclined to make decisions on my own.

We exchanged phone numbers that evening and over the next few weeks, we called and texted each other at least every other day. One particular morning, she called me just as I stepped out of the shower. When I told her I was dripping wet, she chuckled and asked me to send her a selfie. With her still on the line, I held my phone out and took a quick pic of my smiling face. My usually curly hair was matted down against my head and water droplets covered my face. I attached it to a text and sent it to her. After looking at the pic, she told me she hoped I’d show her more.

Her words stunned me. I’d always had a secret exhibitionist streak. The idea of showing my naked body to anyone was my premier fantasy. But I never thought I was the sort of guy any girl or woman would want to see naked. And I’d never had the courage to let someone see my naked body. But the opportunity to do just that had arisen.

I giggled into the phone, “One sec!”

Dropping my towel, I turned to face the full-length mirror on the back of my bathroom door and struck a pose. My pale, body was wet and glistened in the light. My little, pink penis with its dusting of light blonde pubic hair was far from masculine. No, it was cute. That’s the only word that would ever properly describe it. I wound up taking four pictures before I was satisfied with the result. By that time, my penis was fully erect and stood proud at just over 3-inches.

I didn’t say anything on the phone. I just texted the picture to her and waited for her response.

When Ruby spoke, she was unmistakably excited and thrilled, “Oh my God! Casey, you’re adorable!”

I stood there naked, looking at myself in the mirror, “Stop it.”

Her voice was a bit deeper than usual when she said, “I’m not kidding. You are the cutest boy I’ve ever seen!”

I giggled, “Boy?”

She paused, I guessed to look at my picture again, “Let’s be honest, you don’t look like a man. You’re too cute.” Another pause, “Send me another one of your butt.”

I squirmed when she asked for a second picture. It was like a dream come true. I was showing my naked body to Ruby! Turning around, I looked over my shoulder and snapped off several pictures. After sorting through them, I chose my favorite and sent it to her. Without saying a word, I took a few close-up pictures of my very erect penis. My hand was shaking when I pushed the send button with that picture attached.

The phone sat by my ear for several long moments before I heard Ruby’s heavy breathing. She spoke in that same deep tone, “Casey, what are you doing today?”

I watched myself bite my lower lip in the mirror before saying, “Hopefully spending the day with you.”

“I’ll be by to pick you up in 20 minutes. And Casey, wear something cute for me.”

Those twenty minutes went by in a blur. I finished getting ready in the bathroom and then struggled to find an outfit that was ‘cute’. I tried on a dozen different things, but couldn’t make a decision. I was standing in front of my closet, naked and my penis was still mostly stiff when I heard the knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone else, it had to be Ruby.

I’d always wanted to show my naked body to someone. That morning I’d sent pictures of it to Ruby. But now she was just outside. I nibbled on my lip as I tip-toed to my door and looked out the peephole. Ruby stood in the hallway just outside my apartment door. I summoned all my courage and turned the lock on the deadbolt. Reaching down, I slowly turned the knob and opened my door while hiding behind it.

I poked my head around the door and with her still standing in the hallway, I bit my lip and said, “I couldn’t decide what to wear!” And then I stepped out from behind the door and exposed my 5’3″, skinny, pale body with my thin, little, pink erection to Ruby.

She hesitated for only a split second before stepping into my apartment and closing the door behind her. Ruby looked even taller and stronger than usual while standing in my apartment. She had to be close to six feet tall! Even through the white t-shirt she wore, I could see the outline of the muscles across her shoulders, abdomen, and biceps. Her breasts seemed enormous, but I was sure they were mostly muscle. She wore black, spandex-y pants that emphasized her muscular thighs and rock-solid shins. She was a giant!

I backed into the middle of the room while still facing her. Ruby stopped approaching me when she stood several feet away. Her eyes wandered up and down my naked, pale body. Her chest was rising and falling with her heavy breathing. Even while standing there casually, she looked like she was posing for a bodybuilder competition.

She spoke with that familiar deep tone, “You don’t need to wear anything. I think you look perfect just the way you are.” And she took several slow, measured steps toward me.

I giggled and laced my hands behind my back to keep from covering myself with them. Looking up into her eyes, I asked, “Do you really think so? You’re not teasing me, are you Ruby?”

She gently took hold of my arms and looked down into my eyes while saying, “Casey, I’ve never seen anyone that is even close to being as cute as you are. You are perfectly adorable. And I think it’s sexy that you’re not covering up at all.”

I blushed and giggled while standing there glancing between her face and her chest. My voice sounded squeaky when I uttered, “I sort of always wanted to do this. You know, be naked in front of someone.”

Taking my hand in hers, she guided me to my couch. After taking a seat, she pulled me down so I sat across her lap. She wrapped one of her big strong arms around my back and rested her other hand on my naked thigh, halfway between my knee and my groin.

“Am I the first girl you’ve ever sent naked pictures to?”

Nodding my head up and down slowly, I whispered, “Yes.”

Her voice was a bit raspy when she asked, “And I’m the first girl you’ve ever exposed your cute, little body too?”

Biting my lip, I slowly nodded my head again and whispered, “Yes.”

She leaned in close, I could feel her warm breath against my cheek and ear, “That makes me very lucky and special. Casey, Sweetheart, why did you choose me?”

I stuttered and stammered for a bit before collecting my thoughts and explaining, “When we first met, you were really nice to me. We talked all night long.” I paused to swallow and try to clear my head. Her huge, warm hand was still slowly moving toward my rigid, pink erection. “Um, usually girls like you wouldn’t even look at me, much less talk to me.”

She squeezed my thigh gently and asked, “Girls like me?”

My back arched and I squirmed on her wide, solid lap, “Tall… pretty… smart girls.”

She leaned in closer and felt her lips brush against my neck below my ear, “You forgot strong.”

I whimpered softly and snuggled against her, “Yes, strong too.”

Her hand was close enough that her index finger was touching my little pouch of balls. I parted my legs to give her enough room to do, whatever she wanted to do. Turning my head so I could look at her, I whispered, “I’m really glad you didn’t laugh or get mad when I answered the door like this.”

She smiled and slid her hand up my naked back to rest on my neck. She gently pulled me toward her while whispering, “Seeing you answer the door like that was the best surprise I can imagine. And I don’t think I could ever be mad at you.” Our noses were touching when she next spoke, “I’m going to kiss you now.”

I whimpered softly when our lips touched. She kissed me gently several times before sliding her tongue into my mouth. With one hand behind my neck and the other so close to my desperate penis, I was in heaven. I slipped my skinny arms around her strong, muscular neck and tilted my head to the side a little. This allowed more of our tongues to dance together. We sat there for quite a long time kissing each other and not saying a single word. Ruby never moved her hand up high enough to touch my throbbing penis. Instead, she only slid her hand up and down between my legs, letting the side of her finger brush against my pouch.

Our make-out session eventually ended, but we remained close enough that our noses were touching and our lips brushed against the others. My arms were still looped around her neck and I couldn’t stop myself from giggling.

Ruby spoke softly, “I could get used to this.”

I whispered, “You could get used to what? Kissing me?”

She grinned and kissed my lips gently before answering, “All of it. Everything. Kissing you, having you sit on my lap naked, teasing your…” She paused mid-sentence and looked down at my erection. “Teasing your body. Teasing your penis.”

I giggled, “I could get used to this too.”

Her lips brushed against mine and I felt her warm breath on my skin. “I had planned on taking you to my apartment and fixing us lunch.”

I bit my lip and said, “I sent you naked pictures of me. And you were going to make me lunch?”

She smiled warmly and corrected herself, “Okay, I had planned on getting you to my apartment and hoped we’d wind up in a position like this!”

I whispered, “We can still do that. I’d like to be naked in your apartment.”

She kissed me gently and said, “I’d like you to be naked in my apartment too.”

This time I kissed her and whispered, “I couldn’t decide what to wear for you. Do you want to help me pick something out to wear for the drive to your home?”

She smiled and while I rose up off of her lap, she said, “Yes, but you’re not going to wear very much! If you have to wear clothes, they’re going to cover as little as possible. I prefer you to be naked.”

Ruby stood up and followed me to my bedroom. Together, we went through everything hanging in my closet, every drawer in my dresser and nightstand. After seeing everything I could possibly wear, Ruby made her choice. She had a playful grin on her face when she pulled out a pair of white flip-flops and dropped them on the floor in front of me. She then opened the bottom drawer in my dresser and took out a little white speedo. I’d bought the swimsuit with the intention of visiting a tanning salon, but the fear of skin cancer scared me off.

While holding the speedo on the tip of her finger, she said, “Here you go. If anyone says anything, I’ll tell them I’m taking you to the swimming pool.”

I shivered as I reached out to take the suit from her offered finger. I held the suit up between us and moaned, “I’ve never worn so little in public before.”

She smiled at me standing naked before her and said, “So this will be a treat for you. And perhaps sometime soon, I’ll take you outside wearing even less.”

Looking up into her eyes, I whimpered softly, “I think I’d like that.”

Bending over, I wiggled into the snug-fitting suit. As I stood up and pulled the stretchy material into place, the outline of my skinny erection was unmistakable. Anyone who looked at me would see the impression of my stiff penis. Ruby let me admire myself in the mirror on my closet door for a few moments before stepping in behind me. She reached around and cupped my stiff erection in the palm of her hand. Her other hand cupped my butt. She held all of my private parts in her hands!

While looking at me squirm under her touch in the mirror, she said, “The sooner we get going, the sooner we can get you out of this suit.”

I spun around and she held my hand while I stepped into my flip-flops. She continued to hold my hand as we made our way to my front door. On the table beside the door sat my keys, phone, and wallet. Ruby saw me reach for them and snatched them up first.

After letting go of my hand, she reached for the doorknob and asked, “Are you ready, Casey?”

I stood there and shivered while I squeaked, “Yes!”

Ruby opened my door wide. My penis throbbed in my speedo as I stepped out into the hall. No one was in sight and I stood there impatiently while she locked up my apartment. While holding my wallet, phone and keys in one hand, she took hold of my hand with her other. Together we casually made our way to the staircase.

We made it to the second-floor landing before we encountered anyone. An older woman I’d often run into while getting my mail opened the door into the stairwell at the same moment we stepped onto the landing. She stood there, frozen in place watching me wiggle toward her.

When I stood just in front of her, I bounced on my toes and giggled, “Hello Alice!”

Her eyes wandered over my pale, skinny body with the unmistakable lump of an erection in my tight swim trunks. She was staring at that lump when she uttered, “Hello Casey.”

Ruby spoke up while Alice devoured my body with her eyes. “Alice, is it? I’m Ruby, Casey’s friend. I’m taking him to go swimming. Doesn’t he look cute in his suit?”

I held my arms up out of the way and turned around in a slow circle so Alice wouldn’t miss a thing. Her voice sounded deep and raspy when she said, “Nice to meet you, Ruby. And yes, Casey looks very…” She paused to lick her lips before groaning, “…cute.”

Ruby reached down to take my hand, but she missed and her hand cupped my stiff erection instead. I giggled and arched my back. Ruby left her hand there and gently squeezed me. I squirmed under her gentle touch and loved that Alice was there to witness me being fondled.

Ruby looked down at me and said, “We better get going. That chilly pool water is what you need to calm down.”

Alice stood there with her mouth hanging open watching Ruby grope me right in front of her.

I smiled brightly and took her hand after she released my penis. Looking back at Alice, I quickly chirped, “Bye!”

Ruby walked down the steps while I hopped down them alongside her. Alice remained on the landing and watched us until we were out of sight. We didn’t run into anyone else on our way to her SUV. As we stepped out of my building into the midday sunshine, Ruby squeezed my hand and said, “You don’t know how badly I wanted to strip you of your suit in front of Alice.”

We continued walking while I admitted, “I wish you would have.”

She looked down at me while I looked up at her. Ruby was fully dressed and looking like she was on her way to the gym. While I rushed along beside her in flip-flops and a speedo. With a smile on her face, she said, “Don’t worry, I won’t let an opportunity like that pass by again.” We were quite a ways from her SUV when she stopped walking. I turned to face her to find out what was wrong.

After glancing around in all directions, she grinned and said, “Casey, give me your swimsuit.” She held out her hand, waiting for me to do as I’d been told.

I swiveled my head around quickly. We were just outside of my apartment building. People I saw everyday lived here. But this was Ruby. She was the only person who had ever shown a real interest in me. And there was no way I was going to let that slip away. Plus, I’d always wanted to be naked outside. This was the opportunity I’d always wanted. The sound of nearby traffic and a breeze blowing through the trees made me hyper-aware that I was outside.

Turning to face Ruby, I stepped out of my flip-flops onto the warm sidewalk. Looking up into her eyes, I hooked my thumbs into the sides of my suit. Glancing around one last time, I silently wished Alice would step outside, but she never did. I wiggled my hips and slid the swimsuit over my stiff penis and down my legs until it fell around my ankles. Ruby smiled down at me while I squatted to pick up my suit.

After handing her my speedo, a shiver shot through my body. Goosebumps rose up on my skin even though it was very warm outside. I looked up into her eyes and squealed, “Ruby, I’m naked!”

She grinned and said, “Yes you are. And you’re going to stay that way until I say otherwise.” Ruby held my speedo and my other things in one hand. She reached out and took hold of my hand with the other. My penis throbbed hard and its squishy pink head glistened with my excitement. As I moved to step into my flip-flops, Ruby pulled on my arm as she began to walk away. She said in a surprisingly casual voice, “Leave them.”

I had no choice. I left my flip-flops on the sidewalk and did my best to keep up with Ruby’s pace. As we approached her car, she pulled the key-fob from the waistband of her workout pants. She unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for me. Completely naked, not wearing a single thing, I stepped up into her SUV and sat my bare bottom down on the seat. My back arched uncontrollably and a soft moan left my lips while I watched Ruby close my door.

She walked to the back of the SUV and opened the hatch. I heard her moving things around and latches opening and closing. I looked back at her and our eyes met. She grinned and said, “I’m putting your things somewhere safe.”

Stepping back, she closed the hatch. When she opened the driver’s door, the only things she had in her hand were her own keys and her phone. She stepped up and sat in the car. As she did, the entire vehicle shifted under her weight. That movement made me feel safe. I knew in my heart she would never let anything bad happen to me. And she was strong enough to protect me from anyone or anything. I had honestly never felt so safe before.

She reached across my body, pulled the seatbelt down and buckled me in. She leaned in closer, kissed my lips and said, “Buckle up for safety!”

Ruby got settled in the driver’s seat and after buckling herself in, started the engine. She drove slowly and carefully out of the parking lot. Before she turned onto the street, I said, “I can’t believe we’re doing this, Ruby! I’m naked outside and we’re driving away from my building!” I fought with myself to keep from laying my hands on my desperate penis. I was so horny!

She glanced over at me sitting Indian-style on the huge seat of her SUV. She asked me, “Do you want me to turn around?”

I squealed in a strangely high pitch, “No! Don’t turn around. Take me anywhere, but don’t take me home!”

She glanced at me again and said, “You are too cute.” Turning her attention back to the road, she said, “Alright, we’re taking the scenic route to my building!”

What would have been a 20-minute ride if we’d taken in the expressway, turned into an hour-long drive on surface streets. She took me through several shopping districts, parking lots and anywhere else where there were pedestrians and traffic moved slowly. She rolled all the windows down so we could hear and see the traffic and people. There were countless pedestrians, trucks and other SUV’s that could have seen me sitting there naked. But I never heard anyone call out or horn honk. But I like to imagine dozens of strangers saw my naked body that day.Throughout the ride, my penis remained perfectly stiff. And that didn’t go unnoticed by Ruby. “Your penis looks like it’s enjoying itself.”

I giggled and gave my penis a tickle with the pad of my index finger. “Ruby, I’ve dreamed of doing something like this for a long time. It is my all-time favorite fantasy.” I paused and nibbled on my lip, “And you made it come true. It’s like you knew exactly what I wanted.”

She reached over and laid her big, strong hand on my thigh. “After you sent me those pictures this morning and then you greeted me at the door as you did…” she pulled to a stop at a traffic light and looked at me. “I’m not sure if it’s your fantasy, or mine that we’re living out. Casey, I’ve always dreamed about having a cute little boyfriend that I could show off. A boyfriend who would take off his clothes if I told him too. A boyfriend who would love to be naked around me, even when I was fully dressed.”

I giggled and squirmed in my seat, “Am I your boyfriend?”

She smiled and asked, “Aren’t you?”

I wanted to kiss her so badly just then. But I was buckled in, so I answered her question instead, “I guess so. I hope so.”

She looked at me and smiled, “You are my boyfriend. Don’t worry.”

Ruby turned her attention back to the road after the light changed to green. Her voice sounded a little different when she asked, “Casey, how attached are you to your body hair?”

A shiver shot through my body as she asked that question. And at the same time, she pulled to a stop at another traffic light, alongside a large truck on my side of the road. If the man in that truck had looked down, he would have seen my naked body on display for him. That fact raced through my mind while I asked, “My body hair? What do you mean?”

The light turned green and she pulled ahead of the truck. “Well, the boyfriend in my fantasy is without body hair. He doesn’t have a single hair beneath his eyelashes.” She gave me a second to think about that before she finished her thought. “Casey, if I made an appointment at a waxing salon and paid for it, would you get your body hair removed for me?”

My penis gave my feelings away. It throbbed hard and a large drop of my excitement dripped down the soft skin. Biting my lip, I thought out loud, “Well, I really don’t have that much hair.”

Her voice sounded excited when she said, “No, you don’t! Casey, you’re already so cute. But after your body hair is gone, you’ll look even cuter!” She looked at me for a split second before looking back at the road, “Would it help if I said you didn’t have a choice? If I told you I was going to make that appointment to have all of your body hair waxed away, what would you do?”

I squirmed in my seat and while looking at her watching the road, I said, “I would ask if you’d be in the room when it happened. Because I think I’ll need to hold your hands when I’m being waxed.”

Ruby’s hand slid up my thigh as she said, “I’m going to take such good care of you, Casey! We’re are going to have the best relationship ever.”

I leaned back in my seat and turned my head to look at her driving. In a soft voice, I said, “You’re the girlfriend I’ve always wanted.”

The SUV came to a stop and when I looked past her, out the driver’s side window, I learned we were in a parking lot. There was a fairly busy street just behind us and cars were coming and going at a fairly regular pace. She unbuckled herself and leaned toward me, after kissing my lips gently, she said, “And you Casey, are the boyfriend I’ve always dreamed of having.”

She rolled up the windows, turned off the car and let herself out. She walked around the front of her SUV without ever taking her eyes off of me. When she opened my door, I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt. She offered me her hand and I took it. Ruby helped me out of her car and kept hold of my hand after closing the door and locking it with the fob.

I stood naked in a parking lot I’d never been to before. But I was with my giant, strong girlfriend. So, in a small part of my mind, I knew I was safe. In a timid voice, I asked, “Where is your apartment?”

She kept hold of my hand and we began walking toward her building. “It’s on the second floor. But it’s on the far side of the building. It’ll be a nice walk.”

I covered my stiff penis with my free hand and scurried along beside her on my bare feet. As we got close to the sidewalk leading to her building, a car came to a stop right in front of us. There was a woman behind the wheel that looked to be even older than Ruby. I guessed her to be in her early forties. The woman held a cigarette between two fingers when she rolled down her window and smiled.

Her voice sounded raspy due to years of smoking. “Hey, Ruby, who’s your little friend?”

Ruby smiled at the woman and said, “Hello Gloria. This is my boyfriend. Isn’t he a cutie?” As she finished talking, Ruby stepped behind me and gently pulled my hand away from my very stiff penis. But she didn’t need to keep me from covering up again. Now that Gloria had seen me, I didn’t want her to stop looking at me.

Gloria grinned and said, “Yes, he is a cutie. What’s your name, cutie?”

Summoning my courage, I stepped closer to the car while holding my hands behind my back and said, “Casey, my name is Casey. It’s nice to meet your Gloria.”

Gloria smiled from inside her car and shook her head, “He’s fucking adorable. He’s naked and he’s polite. How did you get so lucky?”

Ruby wrapped her strong arms around my naked, pale body and said to Gloria, “That’s what it was, lucky. Casey and I were just lucky to meet each other!”

Gloria’s eyes wandered over my body while she said, “I need to get going. But Ruby, if you ever need someone to watch Casey, I’ll make myself available. Just drop him off at my door and I’ll take real good care of him.”

Ruby spoke from over my shoulder, “Thanks Gloria, I’ll keep that in mind. And I may take you up on that offer!”

When Gloria pulled away, Ruby took my hand and we continued on our way to her apartment building. I scampered along beside her, covering my penis with my free hand once again. When she opened the door for me, I stepped inside. After she’d taken my hand again, we climbed the stairs to the second floor. As we walked into the hallway, someone had just closed the door to their own apartment. If we had arrived a few seconds earlier, they would have seen me.

As we walked to the far end of the hall, I whispered, “Would you really let Gloria watch me?”

She grinned down at me, “Maybe. You would have someone else to be naked around. And I’m sure you’d both have fun together. She would spoil you rotten! Would you like me to leave you with her for a few hours?”

I whispered, “I don’t know. Maybe.”

She squeezed my hand and turned toward the door to her apartment. While slipping the key into the lock, she said, “Why don’t I decide if Gloria or anyone else watches you.”

Biting my lower lip, I squirmed while standing naked in the hallway outside of her apartment. In a soft voice, I said, “I like that idea.”

She turned the knob and opened the door for me. As I stepped into her apartment, she said, “Casey, I want to make most of the decisions in our relationship.”

I giggled, “You show me off to Alice while I’m wearing a speedo. Then you strip me naked outside of my building and drive me over here. You’re going to make an appointment to have my body hair waxed away. You tease me about having Gloria watch me. And now you want to make most of the decisions in our relationship?” Standing in her apartment watching her close the door, I said, “You really are the best girlfriend ever.”

She approached me and wrapped her strong arms around my skinny body. Leaning down she whispered, “Forget what I said, I don’t want to make most of the decisions in our relationship. I want to make all of them.”

Rising up on my tiptoes, I kissed her lips gently before whispering, “I think I love you, Ruby.”

She suddenly bent forward and hooked one of her massive arms behind my knees while supporting my back with the other and scooped me off my feet. With my arms looped around her neck, she kissed me with just a little tongue and said, “I think I love you too, Casey.”

While she carried me across her apartment toward her couch, she explained, “I’ve never met anyone like you before. You really are the boyfriend I’ve always wanted. You’re so cute and small. You’re polite and sweet. You’ve done everything I’ve told you too.” She smiled down at me and went on to say, “And I really love that you like to be shown off. Because, Casey, I’m going to show you off to everyone!”

Ruby sat on the couch and held me on her lap. With my arms still looped around her neck, we kissed each other for a short time. By the time our lips popped apart, I found myself straddling her lap. With my lips brushing against hers, I whined, “I’m really horny, Ruby.”

She sat up from the back of the couch and pulled her t-shirt up and off. My mouth literally fell open when I saw her muscle bound upper body for the first time. She didn’t hesitate after setting down her t-shirt, she pulled her sports bra over her head too. Leaning back, I rested my hands on her knees. I was in awe of her body. She was built like a goddess!

Completely mesmerized, I slid off her lap and knelt on the floor between her legs. I whispered under my breath, “You’re beautiful.”

Picking up her right hand, I placed a kiss on the tip of each finger and her thumb. I then kissed my way along the back of her hand and up her rock-solid forearm. I licked the crease of her elbow before kissing my way up the rest of her arm. And that part of her arm was way bigger than my thigh! She flexed her bicep at one point and it bumped my nose.

I leaned back a little and said, “You’re amazing, Ruby. You’re so perfect!”

She didn’t say anything as I leaned back against her and kissed my way up the rest of her arm. When I reached her shoulder. I glanced up into her eyes for a second before picking up her left hand and kissing every part of it too. The muscles in her shoulders were huge and rock hard. I kissed every exposed inch of them. Working my way across her chest, I could feel the muscles relax beneath my lips. But no matter how much they relaxed, she still had a very hard and fit body.

Cupping her large but firm breasts in my hands, I kissed, sucked and licked one before switching to the other. The nubs of her nipples were as big as thimbles and I paid them more attention than any other part of her, so far.

Kissing my way down her body, I next encountered her rock-hard, washboard stomach. I kissed, licked and drooled over every inch of them. When my lips met the top of her spandex exercise pants, I looked up into her eyes. I whispered, “I need some help with these.”

She stood up and together we lowered those stretchy pants and panties. While she stood before me, I was looking right at her pussy with its short-cropped, dark hair. Before she sat back down, I nuzzled my nose into her soft, curly pubic mound. She ran her fingers through my hair and whispered, “Very soon, I’ll be the only one in this relationship with body hair.”

I moaned softly while she sat back down. After spreading her muscular thighs, I lowered my face and planted a soft kiss on top of her protruding clit. Ruby held my head in her hands and when I tried to move away and kiss my way down her legs, she kept me firmly in place. “Right there, Casey. Stay right there.”

After sucking her clit into my mouth and tickling it with my tongue, I changed tactics and started licking from the bottom of her pussy to her clit. I did it over and over and over. She stroked my head with her hands and softly said, “You’re like a kitten licking milk from a dish.”

I did my best imitation of a purr and she whispered, “Good Kitty.” From then on, she gently scratched my scalp with her fingernails. After worshipping her pussy and clit for long enough that my jaw got really tired, she dragged her fingers behind my head and held me firmly in place.

While I licked, sucked and kissed her swollen clit, she moaned things like, “Right there Kitty! Don’t stop!” and “That’s it, Kitty, just like that! You’re going to make me cum, Kitty!”

Soon I felt and saw her muscles begin to flex and twitch. She groaned, “Oh fuck! Casey!! Don’t stop!!”

Her thighs clamped down on my head lick a vice, but I never stopped licking and kissing her. She pulled my face tightly against her sex and held me right there while she rode out the waves of her orgasm. I placed gentle kisses up and down the sides of her pussy. She eventually relaxed her legs and released my head.

“That was amazing.” She paused while she continued to catch her breath. “I may have to get you kitty ears, a kitty tail, a leash, and a collar.”

I sat back on my heels and whispered, “I’d like that.”

She reached out her hands to take mine and I sat up on my knees. “Somehow I knew you would.”

When I was on my knees between her spread thighs, she released my hands and took hold of my hips. She guided me forward until my stiff, prong of a pink penis brushed against her dripping pussy. That gentle, breeze-like brush against her soft pussy was all it took. I felt so silly when my little penis ejaculated a long line of my pearly white cream against the lips of her pussy. I lunged my hips forward and my penis slipped between her lips and bumped against her clit. More of my juices were spit out, completely painting her clit and dampening her pubic hair.

Glancing up at Ruby, I saw she was smiling at me. While still in the throes of the most powerful orgasm of my life, Ruby said, “You are too cute! This is the most adorable orgasm I’ve ever been a part of!” My body spasmed hard for the third time and my pink penis erupted one last time. It shot up into the air and landed in her manicured pubic hair.

As it drew to an end, I fell back on my heels and buried my face in my hands. “I’m so sorry, Ruby. I was too horny. I couldn’t stop it.”

She sat up and cupped her hand over her pussy, careful not to let my mess get on her couch. She laid her hand beside my face and whispered, “Kitten, you have nothing to be sorry for. Your penis barely touched me and it came. Do you know how flattering that is for me?”

Lowering my hands, I looked up at her and whimpered, “Really? You’re not upset? You don’t think I’m pathetic?”

She smiled warmly at me and said, “Of course not. That was perfectly cute, just like you.”

Nibbling on my lower lip, I was so happy she wasn’t upset or disappointed by my lack of performance. While I began to accept that I hadn’t made a complete fool of myself, Ruby leaned back and spread her legs wide, putting me in the same position I’d been in before my accident. She reached down and rubbed her index finger through the cream I’d painted her lips with. She raised that finger between us and rubbed it against her thumb.

In a soft but firm tone, she said, “Kittens like cream, don’t they? Have you ever tried your own cream, Kitty?”

My back arched and a soft moan left my lips as I looked from her creamy finger and thumb to the mess I’d made on her body. My voice cracked when I answered honestly, “Yes. A few times.”

She spread her massive, rock hard thighs farther apart and asked, “Want to try it now? Have a lick, Kitty.”

I hesitated while I fought with my post-orgasm blues. She must’ve known what was happening inside of me. In a soft voice, she said, “I’m not asking anymore. Lick my finger, Casey.”

After biting my lower lip hard, I leaned forward and she pointed her cream-covered finger at my approaching lips. I closed my eyes as her finger slipped into my mouth. The taste wasn’t unfamiliar, I’d tasted my love before. But licking and sucking it off of Ruby’s finger somehow enhanced the flavor. It was creamier and somehow sweeter.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Ruby’s smiling face. In a soft voice, she said, “You really are the boy I’ve always dreamed of being with.”

Letting her finger slide out from between my lips, I then took her thumb in my mouth and cleaned it with my tongue. I didn’t hesitate after cleaning her hand, I leaned down and sucked her creamy clit into my mouth. Ruby’s back arched and she moaned deeply, “OH MY GOD!!”

I licked along her lips and the secret places it had dripped between. I quickly cleaned up the bulk of my mess before moving up to her pubic hair. I licked and sucked it out of her downy patch of hair before returning to her clit. While I licked up my mess, Ruby thrashed about on couch and occasionally clamped her thighs down on my head. Sucking her clit into my mouth, I tickled it with my tongue and nibbled on it gently with my teeth.

Ruby’s body began to spasm and twitch once again. Her hands balled up into fists and she squeezed her eyes shut while I watched the muscles in her body flex and relax and then flex again. She was absolutely gorgeous. And when I felt her clit throb on my tongue, I slowed down and let her orgasm wash over her like a wave. But even my gentle kisses and licks were too much for her. She pushed me away from her while moaning, “It’s too much! I’m too sensitive! I can’t take it!”

I knelt there between her thighs with the taste of my cream still in my mouth. While watching her still come down from her second orgasm of the afternoon, I had a realization. Already, I’d done everything she asked of me. And I knew I would continue to do as I was told. She was the woman I’d always dreamed of being with, just like I was the boy she had fantasized about. We were together and I would do whatever it took to keep her happy.

When she’d mostly recovered from her orgasm, she sat up slowly and pulled me into her arms. She kissed me with her tongue. I knew if I could still taste her and myself, she would too. Ruby was tasting me! I threw my arms around her neck and kissed her back with all the passion I had. Our tongues danced together we held each other.

When our lips smacked apart, she held my face in her hands and said, “Casey, when you…” She got a hazy look in her eyes before she started over. “Casey, I’ve always hated having to clean up after sex. But with you…” She drifted off again. After kissing my lips gently, she said, “Casey, that was the best sex I’ve ever had. And we didn’t technically have sex. But it was amazing!”

I giggled and blushed before confessing, “It was incredible for me too. Even when I was licking you… after… you know.”

She smiled and said, “I know. Believe me, I know and I’ll never forget that.”

Ruby leaned back against the couch and pointed toward the door. “Casey, would you get my phone? I think I set it down by the door.”

Popping up on my feet, I dashed across the room and retrieved her phone. When I turned back to face her, I learned she was getting dressed. I made my way back toward her and waited patiently until she finished. That familiar shiver of shame shot through my body when I was naked before Ruby while she was fully dressed. I loved that shiver!

After taking the phone from my hand, she sent me to get us something to drink while she made a call. While pouring two glasses of juice, I heard her talking on the phone.

“Hello, I’d like to make an appointment.”

“Yes, a waxing, full body.”

“Really, a cancellation?”

“Sure, we can be there in 30 minutes.”

“Oh, the appointment is for my boyfriend, Casey Applegate.”

“Fantastic. We’ll see you in 30 minutes!”

I stepped into the room holding a glass of juice in both my hands. “30 minutes? What am I going to wear?”

She grinned while taking one of the glasses from hands, “I would love to walk you in there naked. But that may be pushing our luck. I’ll put you in one of my t-shirts. It’ll cover you up nicely. And your skin is going to be a little sensitive afterward, so the loose shirt will be the perfect thing for you.”Nibbling on my lip, while I thought about walking into a waxing salon in only a t-shirt. The thought made my penis begin to stiffen. “Um, Ruby, you made the appointment for Casey Applegate. My last name isn’t Applegate.”

She smiled warmly and said, “I know. Applegate is my last name.”

A warm feeling filled my body as I whispered, “Oh.”

Her eyes wandered over my naked body before saying, “I wanted to try it out. It sounds nice, doesn’t it? Casey Applegate.”

I replied, “Yes, it does sound nice.”

She took a big drink from her juice before saying, “I’m glad you like it. Because, when we get married, you’ll be taking my name.”

My knees turned to jelly, “Are you proposing?!?”

She took my glass from my hands and set it on the table beside hers. She rose up on her feet and took me in her arms. “No, I’m not proposing… yet. But I’m sure I will someday.”

Nuzzling my face against her shoulder, I whispered, “So you know, my answer will be yes.”

She didn’t say anything more, she didn’t have too. We were both feeling the same way. We’d both found the person we’d always hoped we would meet. She was my ideal girlfriend and I was her dream boyfriend. We held each other and enjoyed the moment.

Ruby eventually stepped back and held me at arm’s length. Her eyes wandered over my naked body. “You are going to look even cuter when you’re smooth! Let’s get you dressed. We don’t want to be late for your appointment, Casey Applegate!”

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