Naleer’s Fucking Sister


fuckI have met and fucked hundreds of women and some of them arequite bizarre. I knew this one woman that had an incest fetish,she wanted to role play that I was her brother and we couldfuck like family. She had a very complicated set up but shewas young and hot with a sex drive that couldn’t be satisfiedso I was looking forward to this adventure.

I was instructed to get into my bathrobe in my bedroom andwatch a porno movie leaving the door open a crack, she wouldthen peek in and the game would start. I followed her directionsand got into my bathrobe, put in a porno movie and layingon my bed slowly played with myself until I was fully erect.I wasn’t sure if she was watching but I began to roll my hipsand rubbed my hand over myself thinking it would be quitethe show for her. Suddenly the door burst open and she walkedin saying, “Hey, have you seen…OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK!”

I pretended to be surprised and tried to cover myself actingas if I was scared and nervous in being found out. She stoodin the room yelling and laughing at me calling me a weirdoand that she was going to tell our parents how much of a pervertI was. I begged her not to tell anyone and I promised I’d doanything if she’d keep quite. She kept turning to watchthe video and teasing me saying I couldn’t get laid so jackingoff was my only hope, but she kept watching the movie. Slowlyshe sat down on the edge of the bed and began making commentsabout the porno. She asked how I got it and I made up some storyabout friend of a friend type of thing and then she askedif I had more. I actually did so I showed her the titles I had.She then chose one that was mainly blow jobs and she toldme to put that one on. As I loaded the DVD she asked me, “Haveyou ever fucked a girl?” Still playing her younger brotherI sheepishly said. “No but I did feel up Monica once.” Shelaughed and called me a liar, she returned her attentionto the action on the TV. We were quiet as we watched the womansuck cock after cock and she would say, “Ewwwww”, everytime one of the sluts would get a face covered in cum. I askedher, “Ever suck a cock?” She turned and punched me and saidit was none of my business. I sat behind her out of her viewand returned to touching myself getting hard again. I noticedthat her hand had drifted to her crotch and she was gettingreally turned on. I decided to take a chance and I began torub her shoulders. She tensed at first and then she relaxedher hand now inside her pants and I drifted my hands to herheaving breasts. I slipped my hands inside her shirt andunder her bra, feeling like a teenager I was thrilled asI tweaked her nipples and fondled her. She leaned back onme and I could tell she was getting close to making herselfcum. I kissed her neck and continued to fondle her firm tits,she squirmed and moaned and then tensing as she came. I wasreally hard now and she reached into me robe and grabbedmy stiff cock. She turned towards me and without even lookingat me took my cock deep into her mouth. The sensation of herhot mouth and soft tongue surrounding my cock was incredible.My hands played in her soft hair as her head bobbed up anddown and she jacked me off until I exploded in her mouth.I spurted and pumped cum into her mouth and she swallowedit all. As I lay on my back and she stood up. “If you ever tellanybody, I’ll say I saw you jacking off to gay porn.” Andshe promptly left the room.

I composed myself and went into the living room, she satthere smoking a cigarette and I sat next to her on the couch,“So did I do OK?” I asked. “Yeah but I didn’t get laid though”she said. “Well I can arrange that, this time you go to bed,pretend you’re asleep, and I’ll sneak in.” She smiled naughtilyand went into the bedroom.

I waited a few minutes giving her a chance to get ready, itwas now dark and I shut all the lights off in my apartment.I crept to the door and listened, not hearing anything Iquietly slipped open the door and snuck in. I dropped myrobe and stood naked in the shadows, it was quiet, I heardonly her soft breathing. Moving to the side of the bed shewas sleeping on her stomach I lifted the blanket and admiredher naked body. Then I slipped under the covers and quicklypinned her under me slipping my hand over her mouth. I felther try to fight but my size and strength held her. “So you’lltell everyone I jacked off to gay porn huh. I’m gonna tellMom and Dad how I saw you and Matt smoking pot in the basement.”She tensed slightly and my legs forced her legs open. “Nowsweet sister let’s see how good you fuck.” My one hand heldher wrists and my legs had her legs wide open. I was findingI was quite turned on and my cock already hard lay in the crackof her ass. I then guided my cock into her wet pussy. She squirmedin mock protest but I held her firm. Sliding my cock intoher I began to thrust and stab my cock into her. She gruntedand attempted to fight but I buried myself deep into her.She whimpered and quit fighting and I felt her relax. I maintainedmy grip on her and continued to fuck her like this from behind.“Yeah you like this huh, is this how you fuck your boyfriends.I’ll show you who can fuck.” She began to cum and her stomachcame off the mattress meeting my thrusts as I pumped intoher. Knowing now that she really loved it I decided to goone step further. I stopped and slipping my hand down I pulledmy cock out of her. She lay panting beneath me, my cock nowin the crack of her ass again. She was tense and I heard herwhisper.”What are you doing? Please don’t.” But beforeshe could finish I pressed the head of my pussy juice slickcock into her tight asshole. She bit on the pillow as I pushedmyself into her and deeper inside. I slowly rocked my hipsbouncing off her ass cheeks. I bit her neck and whisperedhow tight she was and how good she felt around my cock. Sheopened her legs farther and I let her hands go. One of herhands drifted to her pussy as she masturbated while I fuckedher ass. She began to moan and squirm and I moved faster nowfeeling myself getting ready to cum again. She startedto moan and begged for me to cum in her ass, “Now, now, pleasecum” I came again spurting my hot cum into her ass.

We lay there like this for a few minutes. Both of us breathinghard. As I pulled myself out of her and lay next to her shesmiled and we cuddled falling happily asleep.

i am madukkur naleer my mail id any aunties wanna fuck call @ 00919952801406

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