My Three Favorite Uncles – Part 6 (Boobie Day With Vijay Uncle)


Hi Friends, thank you for all the nice words and encouragement you gave me through emails. They pushed me to continue my story. I explained to you in the last couple of parts how I lost my virginity to Sharma uncle. My other two uncles were the only people in the world who knew what was going on.

And how supportive they were to me! Later, as I explained in the last chapter, that Sharma uncle had to leave overseas for a few months. Vijay uncle helped me overcome the feeling of loneliness by offering his company – and his cock – to keep me in high spirits.

I can never be thankful enough to him. It was for stopping me from driving myself crazy being alone and stopping me from making mistakes that I might later regret. Well, the simple act of getting fucked by Vijay uncle got me just as close to him as I ever was with Sharma uncle.

This time, I want to tell you about the first time I had sex with one of the most unique men in the whole world. Ravi uncle. In a nutshell, he is the most amazing, the nastiest, dirtiest man to ever fuck me. To him, nothing was too nasty, nothing was disgusting as long as there was a pleasure to be had from it for me. And that is what made him my most favorite man to fuck me.

The days and weeks after my first encounter with Vijay uncle found us together many times. We were trying to get to know each other as intimately as possible. As I had holidays from college, I was home all the time. Vijay uncle found some reason or the other to visit me at all times of the day (and night).

He convinced aunty that me being a young girl living all alone probably am not getting good food. They should send me food at least twice a week. That means, he had a good reason to visit my house twice a week. That, as you might have already guessed, means we had sex at least twice a week.

At least. Because Vijay uncle found ways to sneak home a few more times and we got to spend quality time together. Vijay uncle was pretty amazing in many ways, and a bit quirky in a few ways too. As he said before, he called himself ‘a boobs man’. Initially, I just chalked it up as dirty talk.

But as days passed, I realized that the phrase truly had a different meaning to him. He simply could not keep his hands away from my boobs. Even when we hugged during a hello or a good-bye, one hand would always find its way up my shirt to my boobs.

When we slept his hand would always be holding one of my boobs. When we sat down to watch TV, snuggled up on a sofa, his hand would inevitably find its way up my shirt and over my boobs. After a few visits from uncle, I got so used to it that I just stopped wearing a bra when he came home.

The first time I told him why I was not wearing a bra when he came home. I never saw him happier than that day. I realized that no matter how old they get, men are always like a kid in a candy store when they get what they want. You just need to know what makes them so happy.

One day Vijay uncle came home for his usual food delivery. I was in my period. There was no chance of having sex that day. So we ate together and curled up over the couch watching a movie. As usual, I was not wearing any bra and Vijay uncles hand was up to my shirt, holding my boob.

He was unconsciously playing with my boob and lightly pinching and pulling on my nipple as we watched the movie (I know, I am used to that too by now). Uncle’s phone rang and he took it out. It was Ravi uncle.

“Hey Vij-bitch,” I could hear Ravi uncle’s voice through the phone “How is it going? What are you doing?” I was surprised at Ravi uncle’s slang. But Vijay uncle seemed to just take it in his stride.“Nothing much, asshole” he replied. “What’s up?”

“Oh, I got a free evening and since Sharma fucked off overseas. I wanted to ask if you got time to meet up and go to a bar and have some fun. Where are you now?” Ravi uncle asked.“I am out, Ravi. I had to get the food parcel to Sweta. And then I can meet you later in the night.”

“Oh, you saw the sweetie-sweetie-Sweta? How was she? What was she wearing when you met her? Something sexy I hope?” He asked. My eyes widened at that. Vijay uncle’s voice got awkward as he tried to answer.“Oh, she’s fine, Ravi. I don’t remember what she had on, something normal I guess,” he answered stammering for words.

But Ravi uncle just continued. “Oh, whatever she wears, I bet she looked like a yummy item cake,” he said and my eyes widened further. “I saw her last week at the park, and I tell you, she is filling up well at all the right places, Vij. Her body looks so tight and yummy. Gosh, I could just eat her up.”

Vijay uncle just laughed uncomfortably and replied, “Ya, well, I will see you in a couple of hours then.” But Ravi uncle was like a dog with a bone, and just would not let go of his dirty talk.

“Man, how jealous I am of Sharma that he got to taste such a tight lovely cake. I hope she’s not getting lonely at the house without Sharma there to fuck her brains out, man.” Vijay uncle was getting so uncomfortable that he wanted to get up and walk away from me.

But his hand was tangled in my shirt and he could not get it out. So he was stuck beside me. “Alright man, I will call you in a couple of hours,” Vijay uncle said and was about to hang up. But Ravi uncle continued.

“I hope she found someone or something to keep her satisfied. Or she will go crazy from craving. I hope it’s me, you know,” he said laughing and added, “Remember our bet on who can get her in bed first? Well, I hope it’s me who wins it and -”

Vijay uncle hung the phone up and turned to me with the most embarrassing face I ever saw on him. In all fairness, I should have been mad at him, at Ravi uncle, and at the way they were talking about me. I should have been so angry that I should kick him out of the house. But all I could muster was giggles.

Uncontrollable giggles. I don’t know what I was laughing at, or why. But just thinking about Ravi uncle’s words just made me giggle even more. Vijay uncle was stunned at first. Then he got a surprised expression. “Oh god, now she’s gone mad too.”

“What uncle? I thought you will be happy to talk about sweetie-sweetie-Sweta.” I said teasingly.

“Oh no, that’s not what I – he meant- ”But I cut him off, “Oh no? But I thought you liked eating the sweetie-sweetie Sweta cake. You know, because I am so tight and ripe and sweet and tasty and…”

I never got to complete, since Vijay uncle attacked me and started tickling me. By now, he knew all the sensitive spots on my body. He used the knowledge to completely shut me up and giggling uncontrollably. When we settled back in our regular position, I asked him, “Tell me about Ravi uncle.”

Vijay uncle got a smile and explained to me what kind of man Ravi uncle is. Ravi uncle never got married, not because he liked the single life. But had to take care of his big family of brothers and sisters. By the time they were settled, Ravi uncle was too old and decided never to marry.

But that did not make him any boring person. He was a wholesome man and a party animal – he worked hard, drank hard, played hard. When there is someone in need, he stood by them for anything. In fact, when they were in the army, apparently Ravi uncle saved both Sharma and Vijay uncle’s lives.

Since then they got even more close. I was truly impressed by his character and was beginning to feel attraction too. Vijay uncle must have seen it because he went into telling me another side of Ravi uncle. He told me that Ravi uncle had many wild fantasies and fetishes that might seem dirty, nasty to regular people.

He told me about Ravi uncle trying anything out at least once with a willing woman. Even though he never crossed the line with women, he would always try to push the barrier as much as the woman would accept. To be honest, instead of being turned off by the details he was telling me, it made me more interested in Ravi uncle.

I finally asked, “So you never told Ravi uncle?”“About what?” he asked.“About how you are already fucking my brains out, uncle?” I asked using their slang.

“Ah, um. well, I just never got a chance to touch on that, and never got on that topic to talk about it,” he answered in non-answers. “I thought you shared everything among you three,” I asked. Vijay uncle took a deep breath and took my chin into his hand.

He kissed me lightly on my lips and answered in the most serious voice, “Well, we do share everything. But this concerns you, Sweta. I don’t want to put you in an embarrassing position ever.” I could clearly see how much he cares about me in that instant. I could see the unguarded love he has for me.

It simply made me the happiest girl in the world. I did the only obvious thing a girl could do in that situation. I got into his lap and kissed him back. We would have ‘fucked each other’s brains out’ at that instant if I was not on my period. So, we did the next best thing.

I pulled out my shirt and offered my perky breasts to my uncle-boobs-man and let him play, have fun with them. I later pulled his pants off and gave him the blowjob.  I licked his long hard cock all over and sucked his cock head till I could feel his cock pulsing in my lips. I knew he was about to cum.

He tried to pull his cock out of my mouth, but I just held on with a giggle. Uncle couldn’t hold it in any longer and cummed right into my mouth.  I held it in until he finished and sat up with a proud smile. “You sexy little darling,” he said panting hard, “You know how to drive a man crazy, don’t you.”

I smiled in reply with my lips shut, holding his cum in. For a brief moment, I wondered how it would be to just swallow it.  But I thought against it and went to the bathroom, spit it out and washed my mouth. After that, I laid my head on his chest and began thinking back to what the two uncles chatted about.

I said, “Uncle, you and your friends are so close, I don’t want to become the thorn in the middle of you all.”

“What are you talking about Sweta?”“Well, you three share everything, even Sharma uncle shared with you when he had me – his own niece. But you didn’t tell them about us. ”“OK, so? I will tell him later,” he replied.

“Well -” I started but didn’t know how to progress. He just waited for me to continue. “I want to sleep with Ravi uncle too” I blurted out. “What?” Vijay uncle sat up.

Let me know what you think, my email is . Just don’t expect me to meet you though.

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