My Punishment For Innocent Wife


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Let me introduce myself I’m 26years old Hindu male from Mumbai working in a reputed MNC, I have been marriedfor 2 years to a very good looking, obedient and intelligent wife. She isGaurangana 5.3, 64 kgs, 36 32 36 fair. After 1 years of good sex life with herI was getting bored of my sex life there was nothing new to it, we stay in a smallhouse with my 2 brothers and theirs wife and my parents then

I started to learn more about sexand newer styles, cuckolding and gangbangs. I never told about all this to heras she is conservative and I didn’t want to loose her. After knowing all thiswhenever we went out I used to look at males watching her and used to get ahard on and jerked fantasizing it. I was completely falling for it and wantedto see her fuck other males.

Problem was how I should take itforward as it could ruin my life and career. While I was going through all thiswe bought a small house next to us and took a home loanAnd my wife startedtaking tuitions at home. One day I was going through paper and an idea clickedmy head. The idea was “Recession. I started making stories to her that mycompany is in great mess and people are losing job.

While this was a reality as welland whomever she enquired would say it’s a truth and she was worried herself. Istarted to take it further making more stories and make her think more aboutthem. Soon I was struck in head myself suddenly I came to know that my companywas been outsourced we work as a team of 15 employees and because ofoutsourcing 5 of us were been removed from my team.

After an anxious 2 week I came toknow who this people were they were all my colleagues n because of my goodperformance I was held back and to add to it was promoted and my package wasincreased as well. My happiness had no bounds now and I got back to my plan onwhich I was working for so long. I told my wife about all this and she wasshocked but didn’t mention my promotion to her.

To make all this more real Iinvited my laid off friends for dinner just for condolence and make my wifefeel Recession. All the while through dinner friends told about their problemsand how their life is been ruined some also said because of recession they werefinding it difficult to find other jobs. My wife chatted with me on this topicafter they left and asked about my situation

I told her nothing was confirmedand things can go wrong if my boss wanted it. She was scared and said why wouldhe do that? I said he has all controls and will keep people who keep him happy.I started to believe that I could move with my plan now. My plan was as you allknow that we come from Indian mentality were sex with others is a taboo and

I love my wife and didn’t want alover for her so I wanted to trick her into fucking other males whom I decideand she would never know this. I would start this with may be 1-1 and then takeit to gangbangs and cuckold myself. I believed that she was convinced so I putan ad in several sites but I decided not to select any young male as you know Idon’t want competition to me n wanted that she must treat it as just sex andnothing more.

After I put ad I got severalreplies and soon I had to shortlist some. After 2-3days I received 1 more mailand was happy going through his mail. He was a US return 43yrs working for MNCstaying close by and had a spare house for this activity, his wife was dead mydaughter was in US for studies and family in Delhi. He was alone here and waslooking for such stuff.

When I told him all this he wasvery happy as he was getting to act as my boss and equally beautiful wife forfree and she would act as a slave to him and fuck him whenever he wanted. Abouthis stats he is 5.9 n 85kgs rough guy a little balding and with a small bellyand a cock of 7” and 3” thickness uncut meat he was frank, bold and put histhought to spice things up

He told me that he would playwith Gaurangana as per his wish and share her with other guys as well heconvinced that if he is only man with her she might fall for him which he didn’t want. I was happy that he had such open thoughts and went on to meethim, checked him out and his place. After meeting him we planned things aboutour next meet, I came home it was time for Gaurangana to get into this,

I told her that my boss hadcalled me and he wanted to meet us for coffee and discuss my future in company.She was shocked when I mention us she said why he wants me to come I said hewants you to know everything at hand so that my removal doesn’t come as shockto you. She was very nervous now and next day we went to meet my Boss (boss isfriend I selected I will now call him boss henceforth)

It was CCD we met in he wasn’ttheir when we reached he was 15 min late and when he came he was wearing acasual shirt and jean. In Gaurangana stood up to meet him and he checkedGaurangana with his lusty eyes she was wearing a nice chudidaar showing nothingbut a good figure. He hungrily viewed her, took her hand in his hand and gave agood shake and then we got seated back

He frankly started talking to usabout the job, recession issue; he told us that soon 3 more people are going tobe removed; my wife was devastated to know that n he mentioned that he wouldonly support people who keep him happy. He said that I was a Loser and was notgood in my work performance n will not be able to find new job if laid off. Mywife was in tears and I put my head down.

He then said he could help me andmy career if we strike a deal with him we both looked at him anxious to knowsolution. He declared that gaurangana was beautiful n he didn’t want to hurther, so he would help me keep job if she agreed to be his weekend’s Wife. Weboth were stunned by his words and gaurangana looked at me, then looked at himhe continued that he will keep us for weekends,

Sometimes weekdays on his wish,also take us out for vacations depending on his mood. He also said as we workfor MNC, decision to keep people are taken by HR’s n other managers so she willhave to make them happy as well in turn he will secure good perks, foreigntrips and of course my job for me. He then said it’s up to us now to decide, heleft the table, paid the bill while going back for us.

After a while we both came out ofCCD n came back home, throughout our ride she didn’t talk to me at all. Shecame back called her uncle in Dubai, asked for job for me but her uncle saidthat he too was looking to come back as job issue are going there as well andthen final nail was hit in coffin for her. She came back to me, said I shouldtry finding a way out since she can’t do this.

I was patient to listen to herand then took her in my hands made love to her said I will take care. Next dayI went office but came back late usually I’m back by 7pm this day I came by 9:30pm, she was waiting for me and asked me for the issue, I told her that I wentto senior boss today and told him this but instead of helping me and he calledmy boss on phone told him that he makes it a point that I agree so that afterhim it will be his turn to fuck you.

She was again in tears and wasnot able to understand anything, she asked me to leave job so I told her that Ithought of it but if I did that then he will mark my experience certificatesuch that I don’t get job anywhere else. Then I went to sleep, didn’t talk toher in morning, then came home late again after dinner asked her that if shehad decided anything on this.

She didn’t say anything that timebut when we came to sleep back she asked me that boss told he would not be theonly one to fuck her and that she would be taken anytime as per their wishes. Ilooked at her she was crying and then she asked me that will I be able toaccept her after all that. I said that the cause of all this was I so I willalways love, accept her, support her always, told her that she should just takeit as sex and nothing more next morning she came to me and said if

I was ready for this she wouldsupport me and help me in anyways as she loved me. I was very happy and calledmy boss told him that she has said a yes n that we can go forward, he was veryhappy to hear that and I could hear his excitement through our phone conversation.It was a Friday so he asked if I can bring her today it and we could start itright away, I wasn’t sure but I said I will check things and get back to him in15 min.

Then called Gaurangana told herthat boss wanted her tonight itself she was a little hesitant n said it up tome to decide, she will follow, I was happy that she was obedient, I said a yesto both of them and told boss that we will join him at his place at 8 pm now mysituation was difficult to understand I couldn’t understand what was happeningto me, how all this things were turning real, when I reached home

I saw my gaurangana she was angelin my life who was going to be changed, ravished for ever from tonight. I wasjust not able to collect myself I was so turned on as hard as ever that justlooking at her I shot in my pants, I was relieved. She looked at me I was homeat 4:30pm, she guessed what was coming. Looking at me she said so it’s a yes toboss I said I had no option as he was too desperate.

She just sat down on bed, startedto look down on to floor then looked at me I could see tears in her eyes, Isaid that it will be fine we just need to support each other right through,told her to act as an actress who do love making scenes and are never accountedfor, they still have personal life and are respected as well. She said it willtake time for her to accept such stuff and that her tears will keep failingtill then; I understood my wife’s love for me as tears were evidence of it.

Now after 2 hours of consolingher I told her to get dressed she looked at me and said clothes are going to beremoved so why get dressed. I told her that no one should know this so pleasewear some good clothes and left her. Then I went to mom told her thatGaurangana was not feeling well because of my job issue and I’m taking her outto calm things down, she was happy, appreciated this thought. When I went backto my room gaurangana was dressed, was applying cream on face

She was wearing a nice salwar ashort kurta also wearing a normal bra and panty as usual. After her touch up onface she was looking great, ready to be eaten. We started for my boss place, myphone rang she was so nervous that she was shocked to hear phone ringing, Icalmed her, picked phone it was 7:45 and boss was waiting I told him it willtake 30 mins, we will reach his place, saying that I cut the phone, looked atgaurangana she was looking at me I could feel her nervousness, sense her coldbody.

We reached boss building whichwas old one but good considering Mumbai, we took a lift which was small theroom was on 2nd floor while in lift she hugged me tight n told me that this wasall for me, she loves me. Now the lift stopped, we opened the door there were 4flats on the floor 3 were all closed, 1 was open. When I looked at it I saw bossstanding watching us through the door my heart started to pound faster as I didn’t knew how things would go I was very nervous.

On seeing us, boss opened d doorI saw him wearing a simple bathroom rob thought he just had a bath for himselfthe passage was small so gaurangana was behind me boss couldn’t see her cominghe said did I leave her n laughed, when we entered he shaked hands with me nlet me enter in and then gaurangana came in. He saw her and than a door infront opened so he quickly took her in and closed his door.

After door was closed he said hewas very happy with me that I obeyed his order and bought gaurangana righttonight. Now he looked at her with a smile asked her to come to him my wifedidn’t look at me n went to him, he just hugged her tightly and parted her leftass cheek and pressed it hard, such that she threw a loud haah! From her mouth,he then said that she is soft and told her how beautiful she was looking andasked how she got married to a Loser like me.

He then said that she had mademistake and now she will be punished for her mistake throughout her stay withhim. He told her to be obedient if she wanted to have fewer punishments he alsosaid that he wasn’t looking for love so she will be acting whore for him n hisfriends to enjoy. He then said that he had been with many married wives andsome blondes in him life but she was the youngest and 1st Hindu in his life.

He then made us sit with him,called somebody on phone n while he talked asked my wife to make a drink. Shehad never had drinks nor me so she didn’t know what to do she remained unmoved,now on phone he gave some direction to someone and cut d phone then looked atus asked y no drinks were made, she answered she doesn’t know, he was nice,told her his taste, made 1 drink neat n that was large one when made he askedher to gulp it I was stunned

I said no but he said he foundher nervous this will help her ease through the night. And if she said no shecan go home now we had no options so she just took a big gulp n took it in.After that he took her to bedroom showed her a cupboard where some clothes werehanging he gave her some clothes asked her to wear and come back. I couldn’tsee them as he was directing her from door and she was inside.

He closed the door came back tome n said how was it I said it was good performance he said he was practicingit, fantasizing as well n laughed, now he got up got me a gift said it was forme, I opened it n saw a digital camera, I couldn’t understand he said this washis gift for me I will have to click pictures of Gaurangana using it and keepthem for my collection as remembrance. I was ok with the idea took it startedto understand all functions of it.

Suddenly I heard a knock on thedoor I saw Boss moving to open the door I saw a 48 years old man joining us hisname was Ram he was Boss old friend a trusted one he was a Brahmin from suburbsI couldn’t understand his presence n asked boss y did he come here, he saidremember I said she will be my weekends wife. I said yes he said Ram is aPundit he will help me get married to gaurangana he will declare her as hisWeekends Wife.

I was stunned asked not to dothis but boss said he n his friends are experienced n will take it easy.Suddenly I started to worry since my beauty was going to have 2 cocks and thispundit I knew was already planning for it. About pundit he was old but he waslarge 6 feet, 90 kgs big belly and was dark man cock size later. Boss nowyelled for gaurangana asked her to join in the door opened

I was again stunned to seegaurangana wearing a wedding dupatta on her head then I saw both men’s grinningat her passing comments now I moved back to gaurangana n my heart just stoppedshe was just wearing a 2 piece lacy bra panty n nothing on her body. Seeingpundit she tried to hide but boss said duputta is for head nothing else shouldbe hidden. Now here she was almost naked in front of two hungry strangers.

Boss asked her to come sit withthem asked me to get ready for photo shoot he asked pundit to get ready as wellfor marriage my poor wife was in no position to speak she did as they ordered,now the pundit stood up made way for gaurangana to sit beside boss then heundid his shirt removed his pants n was now just in his underwear now boss askedme to pull two chairs keep them in opposite direction facing each other I didas I was told.

Then Boss stood up removed hisrob and I was astonished he was naked inside dropped rob to d floor, sat onchair and asked his pundit to remove his underwear as well n start wedding inno time he removed his underwear sat opposite to boss and started some Vedasafter 3-4 min asked Gaurangana to stand and come to him Gaurangana stood upwent towards Boss but he stopped her pointed towards pundit she obeyed wenttowards his chair now pundit continued with

Vedas in some time askedGaurangana to bow down and put some turmeric on her head then continued heVedas then he looked at boss and said her to remove her clothes and boss askedme to click her pictures first and then she remove her bra and then droppedpanties. Pundit took chance and put haldi on her bare pussy which was clean andthen asked her to sit on his lap,

Gaurangana now looked at boss andhe said follow pundit orders, in no time she was in his lap I started to clickher now I could see him playing with her bare body. He said it’s time forKanyadaan as there is no father; Pundit will act as father n he stood up. I sawhuge meat of his it was almost 8” but 2.5” thick it was full erect touchingGaurangana’s bare back as they stood now he ordered gaurangana to go on herknee and blow him.

This was first time my wife wasgoing to take cock in mouth I saw tears in her eyes, she rubbed them went onher knees now she looked at me and asked for condom my boss laughed n said babyhe is your father no condoms for family I couldn’t believe that but had nooptions pundit signaled my wife towards him, asked her to take it in I saw andclicked her taking that huge meat in her lips n then mouth initially he allowed

Her to go her way n lick n tongueit then as precums started to flow she started to spit them so he looked atboss n just hold her head n started to push his meat in her mouth n fucked herhard Initially he was slow but soon he picked pace, after 5 min he made a largegrunt of Haaah! Removed his cock, I clicked it n saw loads of cum coming fromGaurangana’s mouth she was in mess her nose was read and was gasping for air,

Now pundit said Kanyadaan wasdone and now its grooms turn to take his place. Boss was waiting for this heasked Gaurangana to come towards him she was completely raw unclean of the lastblowjob and was again asked to duplicate her act now she just stood up rubbedher mouth with hand removed a load and cleaned her mouth a little. She kneltdown to go for next blowing this time pundit started to say Vedas,

Occasionally spanked her asshard, also inserted 2 fingers in pussy, called her his whore, asked boss tohold her tight, fuck hard then I started to click boss and Gaurangana now Ithought she was submissive here just allowing boss wit deep throating and hardstrokes in next 10 minutes he too was done with blowing but he didn’t let hermove and kept his cock in her throat hold her nose tight and ordered

Her that till she drinks all thatin her mouth he will not leave her she struggled little but then I saw sheallowed the waste to go in and she was released. After that I saw a happy smileon both strangers as she stood up, Gaurangana was now renamed as Rasmi. Punditdeclared Boss and her Weekend’s Couple, with this sindur was put by boss on mywife beautiful pussy n marriage was over.

Gaurangana was tired her lips,nose, jaw ears were all red by the rough pounding when she stood up. I couldsee all cums on her face some dropped on her breasts as well. She was looking afilthy Whore; she fell on couch n started to take long deep breaths. Meanwhilemy boss also got beside her n started to bite n play with her breasts heinitially started to squeeze then roughly, then started to bite them hardpulling themout.

My wife was not responding hekept biting hard and asked her to keep her hands in his hairs n start circling,she started doing that his saliva was all over her breasts now his bites wereall visible on her tits then after 20 mins of biting squeezing them he askedwife to make a drink for her, pundit n him, with a little energy she pickedherself stood up to make drinks while she was making drinks boss was behind herass

He parted them watched her bareasshole and her ass a hard hit and said she is one hot bitch he will alwayslove to fuck pundit and boss started to laugh I saw Gaurangana was justcontrolling herself to keep up with their rough needs. When she was done makingdrinks for them he asked her to gulp 1st then she did that after that he gulpedhis drink instantly he lip locked with gaurangana transferring his drinks intoher,

I could see that he was spittingall in her mouth she was not able to take all together some of it was comingthrough her lips after that he started to chew her soft pinkish lips which Ialways sucked on now she was ravished for another 10-15 mins then he left heralone allowed her to take some breath

For herself then asked me did Iever played with her like that I said nope we never did anything like that hesaid now she is going to do this all her life and I will enjoy watching herpundit n boss laughed hard, I smiled a little saw at Gaurangana her eyes wereclosed she was just breathing hard I thought that drinks had taken theireffects she was now feeling a little out of sync,

I also thought that all thiswould have humiliated her, a lot n she might have stopped thinking any more. Bossallowed a break of 15mins then told her to get herself cleaned a little shewent in then he asked me did I enjoy I was speechless now I said that we shouldstop here and continue next time boss laughed at me n said is any marriagecompleted without a Suhagraat I said please don’t do this as

I thought what will happen togaurangana if I allowed this freak now, he said don’t worry dude we will takecare you watch and when you say stop we will stop move out and respect you. Iwas not convinced but had no option as well he asked me to come in to thebedroom I went in I saw a double bed a chair beside the bed, the bed was quitebig for two was well decorated it had a new sheet on it 4 pillow above

A nice large blanket at bottom,he now moved towards AC switched it on then asked me to take my place he toldme to sit on chair which was placed beside the bed now the pundit came room aswell he bought a seat for himself as well after a while he called for my wifeshe opened door came clean she had wiped herself clean from hairs to breastsome water was seen near her pussy as she cleaned all sindur that was placedduring wedding.

All red marks that were on herbody were of bites n hard spanking from boss and pundit. When she entered bosshugged her lip locked again now started inserting his fingers in my wife pussyI could see she was in lot of pain as when he would enter her pussy She wouldtry to scream of pain her mouth open wider boss would take chance and bite herinside meat tongue, after sometime he left her

I saw she just laid on one sideof bed at bottom stuck her hand on her head I felt she was hurt feelinghumiliated soon she looked at me shook her head in disgrace I could see thepussy lips were now apart and well red of finger fucking. After a little breakboss came back I could see he was hard again soon he asked gaurangana to takeit in her mouth my wife said it’s too big and it hurts as well

He just looked at me after alittle silence he look back at her I saw her taking the meat again in mouththis time he opened her mouth wider fucked her harder this kept going on for 10min the pounding was so hard I could hear each stroke he used to make in hermouth he would put max of meat in her mouth then pull it out all then in onestroke it was back in

I saw gauragana gasping turningred again after some more thrust he cummed again this time again he holed herand she drank all cums in, after he removed his cock he told her to spit on hishand I saw a load of cum out in her spit he was happy showed me that asked fora click then wiped his hand on her complete face smiled looked at pundit he wassmiling as well Now gaurangana was completely knocked out with humiliation,

He then asked her to climb up onbed get ready for next stuff, gaurangana with no words moved as she was told ngot a hard spank on her ass as she turned now he asked her to lay on her backspread her legs wide he moved towards her pussy showed it the tip of his cock,his cock was not hard so he looked at pundit asked if he wanted to help, hesaid he will be happy for the gift, I said please boss n said no to him, now helooked at me said it’s up to me to decide as my job would go

All efforts of Gaurangana wouldbe in vain if I stopped now Gaurangana then said that it doesn’t matter whofucks her till I have my job, so boss smiled pushed me aside to chair. I wasjust shocked that this old freak was going to fuck Gaurangana without mypermission I was not able to do anything boss close gave me a coke can saidchill enjoy click pictures I just pulled a lame smile towards him. Now punditwas positioned in front of pussy lips of Gaurangana his cock was hard big.

He started to stroke his cockoutside on skin above pussy then he inserted his fingers in pussy licked themlooked at me n said she is dry n he needs lubricant else she will die if hestroked her raw I started to find a lubricant he then said he need me to comethere on bed I went he pulled me down to gaurangana’s pussy asked to lick itspit on it make it wet for him after 5min of licking and spitting he pulled meback asked me to spit on his cock

I said y he said it willlubricate my wife I was embarrassed with his language looked at gaurangana shehad put her hand on her face to hide it he strongly opposed that asked her tosee all this so I spit on his big cock then stroked it I could feel it was verystrong hard thick, thicker than me after that he held my hand started to pushtowards her pussy lips I saw gaurangana in her eyes she closed them I myselfhelped pundit enter her pussy lips then he pushed me aside

I saw he started to push it withgreat strength slowly he and gaurangana started to make loud noises I saw hehad pushed his cock half in then removed it when he removed blood started toflow out he mentioned she is very dry, tight and told her to stop struggling nenjoy as he is not going to stop till he empties his load in her fertile womb.Listening this Gaurangana closed her eyes I saw he started to thrust again Icould see almost all his cock was in he was all on her body her legs spreadapart

He pulled them apart now with hishand started to stroke I saw gaurangana hold the bed tight n shout loudly nkept pleading to be slow but this was start he was slow initially then in fewmin he started to increase his speed making big thrust I could see her eyesstarted to come out with each stroke she released a huge moan ehhhhhhh! Afteraround 20 min I saw gaurangana was red her hand were tight holding the bed eachstroke of pundit pushed her to her head make her scream

Hard now I saw pundit who wasscrewing her hard enjoying his attack on her used to remove his entire cock outthen push it back in 1 stroke, then I saw at boss he was holding his cock in 1hand was licking her leg holding it by his other hand now I saw pundit gruntsaw him stop suddenly Gaurangana arched back then I saw him remove his cockfrom her bloodied pussy then saw loads of cums coming through it I clicked picsof same he was exhausted then seated soon in chair he bought himself in room

I went back to gaurangana she wasunconscious I got worried but boss said it happens in such cases he threw somedrops of water on her faces after sometime she was back soon i saw a panic inher eyes she asked me to clean remove sperms from her but boss said she istheir dustbin she will collect every load of their into her n not clean tillshe is told to with that she was in tears again I soon realized she was afraidfor pregnancy I hold her hand said her to be calm I loved her she was crying

I was pushed back by force byboss who now took place of pundit he asked me to help him get in her love holeI held his cock helped it in her well used cum filled pussy with 1 stroke hestarted to pound make her scream again he was as brutal as pundit showed nomercy screwed her hard but he was not able to stand long he cummed in5-7minutes fell exhausted on her then after some moments he started to kisslick her face after long licking her face he stood up removed his limp

Cock opened pussy gates for loadsof cums to flow she was well used now I thought it was over. Both of them wentout had some drinks told me not to clean her at all I saw she was tired soonfell into sleep I just put her in proper shape so she could sleep after an hourthey both came back it was almost 4am n saw I was sleeping on chair she was onbed I heard them laughing on some comment then they asked me to turn her

I was humiliated asked them tostopped but they said you want job naa please cooperate then I had to wakegaurangana then turn her now all the sperms outside on her body were dried somecums inside her pussy started to pour out then boss parted gaurangana’s asscheek inserted a finger in her ass she didn’t respond as she was now tired ofscreaming. Boss looked towards pundit he said ur wish is my command started tostroke his manhood I understood that it was her 3rd hole they

Wanted to use they looked at mein smile then pundit climbed on bed inserted his fingers in her pussy removedremaining load in it then he inserted them in her ass now he inserted 2 fingers Gaurangana let a weak scream said please god no, he then spat on it to get somemore lubrication look at me said never used ass I guess smiled he then held theskin of his cock back started to force it in her tiny hole It was huge for it Istarted to hear her scream again now

I could see he had greatdifficulty in going in he was pushing it a lot the skin of ass was torn bloodstarted coming after 10min of all this he finally got it all in I saw he askedher to get up on her all four made her in doggy position as she stood bloodpoured from her ass to her thighs down on bed now he stood up entered his shaftin her in 1 stroke she had no power to scream now she just tried to keep inposition. The strokes pace increased I could see her pain trying to accommodatehis strokes as far as possible then after half an hour of hard

Anal fuck he cummed but not inher ass he turned her spit his load on her face inserted his limp cock in hermouth I saw a huge disgust on Gaurangana face as she cleaned him. Soon bosstook her in same doggy way he stood firm this time fucked her hard for at least40-45 mins after that Helena was filled with his load in her ass then he fellexhausted on bed Gaurangana lost conscious fell on bed, both of them smiled wentout locked door from outside told me not to clean her at all I just turned herin shape again covered her with blanket so that she could sleep then I took anap as well.

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