My Mom, My Love

Sex Stories


As the story goes, I am told by her, and she has no reason to lie to me, that I was conceived with a man several years her senior. She was only sixteen at the time I came to be, and he was four or five years older than she was. Shannon, her best friend in high school introduced them. He was smitten with her right away.

Shannon was dating his older brother, and so, why not get Ron and Jeana together so they could all four hang out, she thought it would be great since they hung out so much. Mom and Shannon didn’t think that Ron would be that interested in her, they thought he just wanted someone to hang out with and play pool with, or talk. But they were wrong. VERY WRONG.

My dad took up with her at once, at first thinking she was much older than she was, but when he found out, he didn’t care.

They had a lot in common, they both liked wrestling, and back in 1983-84, it was a big ticket. The music was kick ass, mom had her first mustang, and she and my dad loved playing pool.

They spent all the time they could together in his parents bar, and he helped her improve her pool game. Oh, but there’s a story there for later. There was a lot of cool shit that happened then, me being one of them… yeah yeah, on with the story.

Ok, so dad, Ron, hooks up with my mom, and there’s no prying them apart. She told me the story of the first night they met, how they talked and played pool, had a few beers, (like I said, he didn’t know she was that young) and he even picked out a song for them.

My dad played ‘Shame on the Moon’ by Bob Seger for her, asking her to dance, it melted her heart and burnt into her soul. That song still makes mom cry to this day.

So between the pool, flirting, beers, dancing, all that stuff they did, things went really good between them. She thought she remembered it being about one a.m. or almost closing time when they left the bar and went to his house.

They spent the rest of the night kissing and talking, yeah that was all the first night. Don’t be so perverted. My mom said that my dad was a real nice guy the first night, besides, they sat up talking till dawn and she fell asleep in his arms on the couch.

However, the next dates weren’t so innocent.

God I wish I could tell you what she told me, but because of her age at the time, I can’t say it. But what she told me, after she stopped crying, it was so fucking hot! I can’t believe my mom was so naughty. And on the pool table after closing… oh shit! No wonder she cries every time she hears that song!

Apparently, my dad’s got a hell of a tongue and a fetish for licking hot pussy. I can understand that, moms pussy is fucking hot and worth every lap. *Eh-hum. Excuse me while I adjust here.* I can’t believe she told me this about them either. I’m glad she did.

He would come to meet her at school during lunch hour, calling her during the week, but they hadn’t any alone time. (Ya’ gotta remember, school was a more open back in 83-84.) She couldn’t wait to see him over the weekends. She was craving more than just hugs and kisses from him, and that was exactly what she got, More.

After they dated for about a year, she found out she was carrying me. My dad had gone back to Chicago for something and when he called her and found out, all hell broke loose. He wasn’t angry, but everyone else seemed to be. But she wasn’t the only pregnant high school girl in existence. I think it was mostly because of her age.

Dad came back to Mississippi with intentions of marrying her, but her parents wouldn’t have it. It caused a big fight and mom never saw my dad again.

Her parents married her off to some rich guy, way older than her, like almost twenty years, and shipped her off to Louisiana. My mom wanted to go back to Colorado where she was born, but no one would let her. At the time, it was become a pregnant run away, or marry this man. Lesser of two evil would have been to run away.

This guy beat her every chance he had. He sent her into early labor screaming that he was going to kill her and me if it was the last thing he ever did. When the ambulance and police came, they arrested him for attempted murder. My mom spent two months recovering.

She tells me that the only reason she survived that last beating was because she was protecting me, she was not going to die until her last breath was given to me for my life. And it almost was.

He had kicked her so hard that he broke several of her ribs and arm in two places. But she held steady in the fetal position so that he would not kick me. The last straw was the gun in her face. It has traumatized her to this day, and since I am a cop, I am careful about how I handle my guns around my mom.

Before she was released from the hospital, some people came to see her. They had heard what had happened and wanted to step in and help get her on her feet. She still doesn’t know why they helped her out, but they got her a job, and helped her heal both physically and mentally. They also helped her care for me. I will always be grateful to them, who ever they are. Thank you.

Mom went back to Mississippi when she was able. She wanted to start over there so the people that helped her, get back, get on her feet and get going. They were so cool to do that. By this time, I was around two, and a hand full.

She hooked up with a guy she knew in high school and he seemed to treat her really good. She ended up pregnant with my sister and he packed her off and moved them to Florida. He worked odd jobs and for daily labor places and mom took a part time job with some small store. Balancing me, her pregnancy, job and whatever else she was dealing with wasn’t easy for her. She just kept going because she had too.

Her relationship ended with this guy when she came home from work early one day because she was sick, and found him tied up with her sister on the couch fucking.

He packed up everything he owned and took the only car they had and left her high and dry. After two weeks of trying to balance getting me to day care and to work on the bus, she got fired. We had to move back to my grandmothers because she didn’t have any way to go or any way to take care of me.

The morning she went into labor, she had to ride the bus to the hospital. She bundled me up on that cool December morning and we walked to the bus stop a few blocks from the house, it was 4:30 am. We hitched 2 buses to get to the hospital. It was a good thing that her water hadn’t broke before we got there. She got to the hospital and finally someone came to get her.

A kind nurse took me and got in touch with my grandmother who had been at work when mom left the house. They came and picked me up, took me back home and left me with my aunt. Mom had my sister the next morning.

When I saw my mom, she said I snuggled into her chest and wouldn’t let go. They had to wait till I went to sleep to take me away from her. She came home three days later and she said that I never left her side. She kept both of us in the bed with her.

Mom has been though two marriages. The second one was also an abusive one, but it was more mental than physical. I watched her deal with that one, two miscarriages from it, and almost a third. She was six months pregnant, but you couldn’t tell it because she was good at hiding it. And she hid it on purpose because she was afraid of him.

He beat her so bad after she told him she was pregnant again, she couldn’t walk for a week. That was when I decided that was enough. I was sixteen then.

I took my sister, who was 12, and mom, and drove them to my best friend’s house. They rushed her to the hospital and kept her from miscarrying. They nursed her back to health, and by then, I had managed to get us a place to stay and chose my career path after one of her best friends, a county Sherriff, Wes, had come to see her after the arrest that he made personally.

Wes stood outside her hospital room talking to me for awhile about what happened, and I told him everything. He was so angry that he threatened, and I quote, “to kill the fucking asshole if he ever came near my mom again.”

Bob hasn’t spoken to my mother since before the end of their divorce. He pleaded her to come back, but Mr. Wes stepped in and slapped a restraining order in his face. I had to personally thank him for that.

My little brother came into the world safe and unscathed. I was there, mom said she needed me. Ok, not exactly the best time to see your moms pussy for the first time, but it gave me a new understanding and better appreciation of what a woman goes through in her lifetime.

After they cleaned her up, and handed her Arron, (I think she named him after my dad)and I saw her pussy for the first time in its natural state, was when I wanted to crawl back inside of it.

I felt love in a completely new way that day for my mom. I have never regretted it either.


The years passed and she managed all three of us on her own. I came to love her even more for her devotion and drive. But I continued to see her go through so much. One night, I happened to be coming home to visit her and my brother.

When I walked in the door, the house was dark and quiet, except for the candles, and their song in the background. I’m guessing it was around my dad’s birthday, she always tried to celebrate it, she was crying. I hate it when she cries like that. She says, “Bo, your so much like your dad. God I miss him.” then she starts crying again. It had been that way every year since I could remember. I knew what I was walking into then.

But this year, it was different. She had been drinking something that wasn’t wine, and wasn’t crying. She had sent Arron off to his friends for the weekend, and she sat in the candle lit room alone, with the song playing, maybe she had cried, but not like usual. There was something different in her eyes.

I walked over to her and sat down, taking her hand.

“Mom? You alright?”

“Yes baby. I’m fine.”

“I’m sure if dad knew…”

She scoffed.

“It’s not for him baby, it’s for me. It’s was the night I got pregnant with you, not for him.”


“Yeah.” she smiled. I had never seen her smile like that. “It was so beautiful. We just clicked that night. We made love like I can’t describe, and I knew the moment he let loose in my body, I was pregnant with you.” She stroked my face. “Bo, baby, you look so much like your dad at that age, but you know what.”

“What mom?”

“I love you more.” she had a funny tone to her whisper.

“Thanks mom.” I whispered. “I love you too.”


“I want something from you.”

“What’s that mom? I’ll do what I can.”

She was hesitant, cleared her throat, quickly downed the rest of what ever it was she was drinking before she actually said anything.

“Bowen, I want you to make love to me.”

It was a good thing the room was dark and she was well past her way to wasted because I almost shit myself when she said that, and I’m sure she would have noticed my reaction right away if she wasn’t. Then again, she may have never asked me if she wasn’t.

“Fuck mom, I can’t fuck you! Your… your… you’re my mom!”

“Who said anything about fucking! I can fuck myself anytime I want to.”

She spread her legs open exposing her naked juice soaked pussy and flicked her swollen lips. I went stiff instantly.

“See! I can fuck myself just fucking fine!” She was panting and moaning with pleasure as her fingers swiftly brought her over the edge of ecstasy.

“Mom. Please. Stop.” Oh yeah, I begged her hard, and enjoyed every second of her fingering herself too. “Fuck mom! FUCK!”

“No, make love to me Bo. I don’t want to fuck. I want to be touched and licked and loved.”

She brought her juice filled fingers to her lips and licked, what a turn on! Then held them to me, I was so tempted, but it was so wrong.

“Come on Bowen baby, I don’t taste so bad.”

God! She smelled incredible! If it was as awesome as it smelled, I could only imagine what it would taste like. I couldn’t help but lick, and when I did, I felt my cock stiffen so hard I had to undo my jeans, revealing the engorged purple head.

“Oh Bo! So beautiful.” She whispered, reaching for me. I eased back a bit as she grazed the pre-cum soaked head of my erection. It shot lightening through my body. “Baby let me see it all.”

“Mom, no, your drunk, your, you need to go to bed.”

“BOWEN SCOTT I am not!” her voice sank from a scream to a whisper. “And I am going to bed when I feel you, like, when I feel I should, when I feel myself come for you and bed.”

I stood up so I could help her to bed, and she lunged for my jeans pulling them open, exposing my massive hard on. I was ashamed that it was because of my own mother I was so stiff, but she was so sexy and so hot at that moment, such a beautiful woman.

“Oh My!” she grinned massively, licking her lips. “Oh Bo, you are so beautiful.” she murmured.

I don’t know what happened next, it was like some one threw cold water on her. She looked me dead in the eyes, and I saw something, (I’m still not sure what it was), in hers.

She withdrew from me quickly and got up from the couch just as swiftly as she could, stabilizing herself on the arm as she backed away from me.

“I…I…oh god, I’m so sorry Bo, I…I…”

She turned on her heel, stumbled, almost falling, and ran to her bedroom.

I stood there dumbfounded, my manhood limping. I almost felt insulted. I gathered myself together and turned on a small lamp just inside of the hallway, then went back to blow out the candles.

I saw she had been drinking Jose’, and shook my head. No wonder she was so bold.

I picked up her glass and what was left of the fifth and carried it to the kitchen. I sighed, rinsing out the glass and looked at my reflection in the window over the sink. What did she see?

I’m not ugly, girls chase me all the time. I don’t have time for them because of my career, and… then something caught the corner of my eye. It was a photograph of her and us three kids.

We all resembled her in some way, but each of us had some attributes of our other parent. She was smiling so big in that photograph. It was the day I gave her the keys to the house.

She was so proud, she finally had a home after all the hell she had been though. I looked in the window again and looked away, shaking my head. “Oh god, mom.”

I kicked off my shoes and turned the kitchen light off as I went towards the hall. Her bedroom door was ajar and I slipped inside. She was lying on her side, the moonlight caressing her bare shoulders through the window.

I caught a glimpse of her face in the fingers of the light, I had never known my mom to be so beautiful. Her dark hair embraced her, dancing down her body. I fell in love with her that night.

I crawled in bed next to her, gathering her up in my arms. I was pretty sure she was passed out, but she stirred.


“Yes mom, it’s just me.” I snuggled against her, remembering doing it was I was younger.

“I’m so sorry.” she whispered, tears cracking her voice.

“Don’t be mom. It wasn’t so bad.”

She choked on her tears she was crying so hard.

“Come on mom, it’s ok.”

“I’m sorry Bowen.” she just kept repeating herself.

“Mom, it’s ok.” I kept trying to reassure her.

She looked up to me, I put my fingers to her lips and rubbed her cheek to calm her down. I knew I shouldn’t have done what I did next, but I couldn’t help it.

I kissed her. I kissed her deep and long. I felt more lightening shoot through my body when I did. She kissed back, and it was soft and lovingly. She broke the kiss and drew in a deep breath. I kissed her forehead and drew her into my chest, she snuggled down into me.

“I love you mom.”

“I love you Bo.”

“Get some sleep mom.”

“Thank you baby.” she whimpered a little, I felt the dampness of her tears on my arm and chest, but soon, she slept.

I lay there for a few more hours watching over her. She was so vulnerable all of the sudden, this woman who had been so strong for all of us, was suddenly a mental mess of emotions. I cradled her closer and slept.

The night crept into daylight and the phone awakened me. It was Arron needing a ride home because his friends parents had to go somewhere all of the sudden and he needed picked up. I told him mom wasn’t feeling well and I would be there shortly to get him.

He asked if I had my patrol car and I said I did, “cool!” he said. I laughed. I hung up the phone and looked over at mom. She lay there naked, and I longed to touch her beauty. But she was sleeping so good. I kissed her cheek and got up, sliding my clothes back on.

I went to the bathroom and took care of business quickly. As I washed my hands, I looked in the mirror, still trying to figure out what she saw that made her act the way she did. Did I look like my dad? I know I looked like some one besides her. Maybe that’s what she saw. I left her sleeping and picked up Arron.

Mom was a wreck the next few days after recovering from her hang over. I spent the rest of that Sunday there because she was in no shape to take care of Arron. I don’t think she completely recovered from that hang over for about three days. I had never seen her that bad.

My usual night to visit for dinner was Wednesdays and Saturdays, and the occasional Friday. When I showed up for dinner of Wednesday, Arron was sitting in the living room with take out and mom was nowhere to be found.

“Hey bro, where’s momma?”

“Her room. She picked me up from school, got me this and said she didn’t feel good.” He held up his chicken leg and pointed to the rest of the food on the table. “Bo, she don’t look so good.”

His voice was worrisome.

“I’ll go check on her. Save me a piece of that chicken will ya.” He nodded.

I went down the hall to her room and knocked softly. No answer. I eased the door open and saw her sitting in the big chair that sat in the corner of her room next to the picture window that over looked the pond in the back yard.

“Mom?” She looked over at me and looked away. “Momma, you alright?” she just stared out at the pond. I walked over and pulled the footstool closer to sit on. I took her hand and she withdrew from me. We had always been so close, I had no clue what was going on.

“Come on mom, if this is about the other night, it’s no big deal.” I don’t think that sounded right.

I saw the tears roll down her cheek. I took her hand and this time she let me. I reached up and brushed the tears away. “Mom, I know that you weren’t yourself the other night. And I’m sorry if what I did made things worse.”

She smiled then, “I liked it when you kissed me. But I’m so ashamed of myself for that.” she looked at me, her eyes so dark with fear and pain, “I’m so sorry Bowen.”

“Don’t be mom. It’s not like I didn’t start the kiss.”

“It’s not just the kiss, but touching you, wanting something from you like that. Exposing myself and doing what I did in front of you. I’m an awful woman!”

“No you’re not mom, you’re beautiful and strong. I’m not going to analyze what was going through your head when that happened. But for the record, it was very hot and sexy.”

I saw her cheeks redden a bit and felt a tingle in my groin as I thought about it. Damn, it was fucking hot to watch her finger herself and smell of her luscious sex. I cleared my throat.

“Mom, if I wasn’t your son, I would make love to you in a heart beat.”

She smiled a bit.

She hadn’t been with a man since my brother was conceived. She didn’t even date for fear of being beat up again. I felt bad for her because there were some really nice guys out there, but she wouldn’t because of her track record.

I knew she needed touched and loved, the way she had kissed me that night, my god! It was the best kiss I had ever tasted in my lifetime.

I wondered if I shouldn’t be dating her. Sure, she was my mom, but what difference would that make? Instead of going to family restaurants all the time, I would start taking her to places that are more intimate. The more I thought about the idea, the more I liked it. She startled me from my thoughts when she touched my cheek.

“Bo. Why don’t you go in there with Arron, I’ll be out in a bit.”

“Alright mom.” I got up and kissed her cheek. “Mom?”

“Yes?” God I loved her eyes. I could see why my dad loved them too.

“How about you and me go out Friday night? Somewhere nice. I mean really nice.”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Arron and see what he thinks?”

“I’m not interested in what he thinks. I want to know what you think. I just want to take you out. Just me and you.”

I felt her shudder. “Just us? We haven’t been out to eat as ‘just us’ in forever.”

“Yeah. I know. And I think it’s about time.”

“What about Arron?”

“He can stay at his friend’s house that night. Or we can get a sitter. I’d ask Lauron, but…?”

“He won’t like that.”

“So, call and see if he can stay over at Cody’s and we’ll pick him up the next day.”

“I’d like that.” her smile brought me warmth and relief.

“Good. Then it’s settled. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Bo, are you sure?”

“Yeah mom. I’m sure.” I bent down and kissed her cheek, “love you mom.”

“I love you too baby.”

I left her sitting there quietly. At least she acted like she felt better now. I went back in and sat on the couch next to Arron.

“Hey, I’m gonna take mom somewhere special Friday. You think you can get one of your friends to let you stay over?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Tell ya what, you do this for me, give me some alone time with mom every now and then, and I’ll take you to the store and get you that new video game you want.”

“For real!”

“Yeah, for real.”


“But you gotta promise me that you won’t get upset if I spend time with her.”

“Na. Besides, she ain’t feeling so hot. I think it would be good if you were home.”

“Yeah. Me too bro.” I gave him a noogy and we laughed.

We watched cartoons and ate, mom finally joining us. I still saw some apprehension in her face. I got up and followed her to the kitchen. She had her back turned to me and I put my arms around her.

“Mom, I want to thank you.”

“For what?”

“Being my mom. Being strong, and loving all of us the way you do.”

I saw her reflection in the window. She was smiling. I kissed her cheek, wishing it was her lips again. I pulled her hair away from her shoulder and snuggled down in the curve of her neck, softly nuzzling there.

She squirmed a bit and I thought I heard her whimper. Her eyes were closed and I kissed up her neck and too her ear.

“I love you mom. I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

She went a little stiff as I kissed her, but soon relaxed against me, sliding her hand up to my head and holding it there as I did. I knew she was enjoying it as much as I was. I put my hand on her belly and pulled her closer to me, working my way over her cheek to her lips.

She turned to speak and my lips were to hers, softly taking her all in. She kissed me back, as she had before, only a bit more aggressive this time. I took a chance to entwine my tongue with hers, and she accepted.

It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was satisfying. I felt my stiff rod between us and she pushed back against me. I knew where I wanted to push it against her.

“Mom, I want to…”

“Oh Bowen. We can’t, it wouldn’t be right.” her lips were still grazing mine as she whispered.

“I don’t care. I wouldn’t have this fucking hard on if it wasn’t for the things you do to me.”

“We can’t, Arron is in the other room.”

“Maybe not now, but he has to go to bed sometime.”

“Bowen, we can’t.” she pushed against me, I know I heard her moan then.

“I don’t work tonight, we have all night. I want to make love to you. I like the idea. I did the other night too, but…”

Her expression changed, and I felt her body change.

“Mom, you did nothing wrong, in fact, I think it was right what you did. I just wasn’t expecting it.” I kissed her cheek again, “You were so fucking hot and sexy playing with your pussy like that. If I had any sense, I would have been down there licking your beautiful sex. I regret that I didn’t.”

Tears welled in her eyes.

“Don’t cry mom, please.”

She turned to face me, still in my arms. “Bo. I don’t know what the hell is going on in my head. I’m going to be 42 soon. I haven’t had a mans touch in almost ten years. When I think about you, I go crazy because,” she paused, looking away, “Because you are the only man in my life. I’m scared shitless because I don’t want to hurt you or be hurt again. My god, you’re my son!”

“I’d never hurt you mom. NEVER!”

I kissed her fully then. I had the chance and I was taking it. God she tasted so sweet and perfect. I can only describe her kiss as a delicate breeze caressing my body. I pushed up into her and she clung closer to me.

Soft sighs came from her mouth and into mine, I almost couldn’t stand it. This time, the kiss was long and heated. She was giving me so much more of herself than before, accepting my unspoken promise of loving her.

We were interrupted by Arron’s voice calling her from the other room. I was glad he did or he would have walked in on us, and that was something I didn’t want to happen. I broke from her, kissing her lightly one last time.

She withdrew and patted her face, stepping aside of me and calling back to Arron, telling him to come get his drink. He came into the kitchen and I was still standing close to mom, with my arm around her waist, but propped against the sink. He either didn’t think anything of it or didn’t care.

“You’ve got a half hour before bath time.”

“Yeah mom, I know.” he shuffled off from the kitchen. She looked at me. I’m not sure I understood her eyes. They were loving, wanting, worried and tired. But if the feeling that ran through my body was correct, what I saw before she smiled and looked away, was a feeling of want and longing for something she hadn’t had in a long time.

She eased away from my side, deliberately brushing my stiffness through my jeans as she did. Oh fuck! That felt so great. My heart went crazy with want of her.

She was bent over retrieving something from the refrigerator and it took all of my will power not to go over there and plow her. I looked at the clock, could I wait a couple more hours to lie beside her? Damn! I had to do something to keep my mind occupied and off having sex with her.

I cleared my throat, “Mom. I, ah, I need to run to the store real quick. You need anything?”

“You can bring me back a coke.”

“Ok, I’ll do that.” I started towards the door.

“Bo, be careful baby.”

“Will do mom.” I slipped from the room before I walked back over too her and never let her go.

I turned up the music really loud in my truck trying to preoccupy my mind. It didn’t work. I just got more turned on.

I pulled off into a darkened part of the parks parking lot and sat there for a moment. My dick was so stiff, it hurt. I undid my pants and released it, slapping against the steering wheel.

It felt good to have it exposed.

I started rubbing it and it just made things more intense, but I couldn’t help the feelings it gave me. Thoughts of my mom rubbing her pussy and coming the other night, her kiss, the smell of her skin raced through my head. I realized that I was whacking my rod harder and moaning loudly.

Suddenly, a thought traced my mind about jerking off in an empty public parking lot being against the law, what was even worse, was being a cop and doing it. But Fuck! IT was so intense and I wasn’t going to stop. I felt my hips buck up and my swollen head bump the edge of the steering wheel. I pretended it was the inside of mom’s pussy as I bottomed out deep within her soft wet boundaries.

“OH GOD! YES! FUCK YES!” I screamed out. The music that was still loudly playing, I continued slapping my extremely hardened head just right against the ridge of the wheel. “FUCK ME! FUCK YEAH!” It sent me over the edge and I blew my load all over the place.

Come covered my hand, the steering wheel, and part of the dash panel. I hadn’t gotten off that much since I was a teenager. I looked down at my throbbing cock, semi-hard in my hand, still stroking slowly on the shaft. “Oh Fuck!” I whispered to myself as I panted. “God mom, I won’t last long with you at that rate.”

I couldn’t wait to taste her fully on my own lips. I tucked myself away and tossed the t-shirt aside. I was sitting there trying to regain my composure when a tap came at my window startling me. I jumped and looked to see who it was. I rolled down the window and turned down the music.

“Hey Bo, what’s up?” Dan said, shining his light into the truck.

“Dude, get the light out of my face.”

“Oh, sorry.” he clicked it off. “I saw your truck sitting here, just thought I would stop and see what was going on.”

Dan is a co-worker of mine; we’ve been friends for years. He’s about mom’s age. I thought about hooking them up once, but now, I’m glad I didn’t.

“Nothing. Just had to pull over for a minute.” I was freaked that I was busted by my buddy. I could smell it, could he? I popped the door open and he moved away as I slid from the seat. “Just thought I forgot something at mom’s house. Had to pull off and look for it before I got too far down the road.”

“That’s cool. I just was checking. I wondered why your truck was here.”

“Yeah, she sent me after some things from the store. I just thought I left my wallet at the house and I didn’t want to go too much further if I did.”

“That’s cool. So how is your mom?”

“Honestly,” I shook my head, “she’s had better days.”

“Really? I don’t think I have ever seen her in a bad mood. She’s always so perky and you can’t help but fall in love with her. She’s got a great personality. I never thought anything would get her down. What’s going on?”

I felt a bit jealous him talking about my mom like that. Hum. “I don’t no. Something’s bothering her. I’m considering taking a leave of absence for awhile, see about taking her some where nice she hasn’t been in awhile. Maybe back to Colorado.”

“She’d like that.” he paused, “Hey, your mom dating anyone?”

“You know she don’t date.”

“I was thinking I would ask her out to the policeman’s ball next month. You think that would be ok?”

“Have to ask her.” I was steaming. Why was I steaming?

“Ok, I think I will.” He smiled. “I’ll call on her in a day or two when I’m off.”

I felt uneasy all the sudden, maybe it was because I had just shot a hell of a load off and hadn’t recovered, or maybe I was really jealous of his words.

“Hey, I got to get going, mom’s expecting me back soon.”

“Ok. Tell your mom I would liked to talk to her ok.”

“Sure thing. I’ll see you tomorrow night.” I shook his hand, squeezing as if I was making a point to be the alpha male.

He walked away and I loaded back in the truck, slamming the door.”Fuck you if you think I’m letting you near my mom!” Damn, I sounded just like I did when I was sixteen.

I backed the truck up and drove to the store, steering wheel still sticky with my own come. I got some wipes and cleaned off the dash and wheel before heading back. I didn’t noticed it was so late until I got back.

Mom had locked up the house and left the kitchen light on like she always did. She and Arron were already in bed. I put her cokes in the fridge and took off my shoes. I went down the hall and looked into Arron’s room. He was dead to the world like he always slept. I slipped off to mom’s room and eased the door open.

She lay naked caressed by the fading moonlight. God she was beautiful. I took off my clothes, laying them over the chair and slipped between the sheets and next to her. She moaned lightly and pushed against me.

I dMolestationd my arm over her and pulled her deep to me, snuggling into her hair. Her scent was so alluring. I felt my hardness gain and wiggled closer to her.

“Umm, Ronnie, make love to me.” she eased her legs open a bit and pushed towards me.

I was shocked, but knew she was dreaming. I pushed to her a bit more, and she said something that I couldn’t understand, slipping her hand down between her legs, touching herself and me.

She gasped suddenly making me realize that she was remembering how it felt between them. Did I take advantage of the situation or did I just bide my time? She rolled on her back, fingers between her sweet sex, pumping and moaning gently. I was stiff before, but now, good god!

She looked dead at me, sweeping her cream soaked hand up to my lips, tracing them lightly.

“Ronnie, make love to me. I’ve missed you so much. I need you to touch me like you always do baby.”

I licked her fingers and let my hand slide down to her wetness, fingering her soft folds. A supple whine came from her lips and she continued to trace mine with her fingers. I licked at them and she withdrew, tracing her nipple.

“See baby, I told you I taste good.”

“God mom, you taste incredible.” I whispered.

“Love me Ronnie, love me like we always did.”

I didn’t know what to do. She was either still dreaming, or else she really thought I was my dad.

I felt bad taking advantage of the moment. But fuck, she was begging me to love her.

I decided that I would do the one thing I knew I could get away with, and should have done the other night, lick that sweet juicy sex of hers till she came on my face.

I slid down her body, she coaxed me in the right direction in between her thighs. Her scent was so strong and appealing; it was hard for me to decide if I wanted to forego the oral and just push deep into her.

She always told me how wonderful dad made her feel when he licked her. She had never met another man that made her feel that way. I had been pretty good at it according to my ex’s, the ones who liked it anyway.

Mom took her time teaching me Sex Ed. How and what to do to please a woman and do it with out treating her like a piece of meat. Mom felt confident enough to tell me of her ‘sexcapaides’, as she put it. Yeah, there were times when I was shocked at her words, but over all, and after what I had seen her go through, I knew she was right in telling me what she did.

I took a few minutes to adjust her to my liking, giving me a chance to take in what lay before me. I didn’t want to rush into anything with her. I certainly didn’t want her to wake up and kick me in the face.

Her fingers traced her lips and dashed in and out of her hole, bringing juice to her clit and labia. As she crossed them in front of my nose, it was intoxicating. I wanted to ask her if it was alright, but just went straight to tasting her.

I slowly ran my tongue up the middle, between her lips, she gasped and moaned. That was a good sign. I took my time, pulling and suckling at her, teasing her stiff little clit with my lips. It wasn’t long before she was begging me to work harder at her. She even pulled my face down onto her, but I pushed her hands away.

“No, this is my time with you. I’m going to make you come like you never have.” I whispered over her belly.

“I know you will,” she panted softly as she arched up as my tongue wrapped around her sex.

I went to work a little harder on her, but still took my time. I wanted this so much, and I wanted to make her feel like the woman she deserved to feel like. My thoughts ran with the past, of how she had been treated, what she wanted and needed, and why she asked me to make love to her.

It had been over 24 years since someone took their time making love to her and making her feel this way. I wasn’t going to spoil that, but I was going work more intently.

I pushed into her, moving her legs back so I could get a different angle and lapped at her harder. Her moans became louder, I was afraid she would wake up Arron, so I eased off a bit.

Whatever I did when I eased off brought her over her edge. She bucked up at me and shot hot liquid all down my chin and neck. I was a bit shocked, as I had never experienced something like that with a woman before.

“Please, please, lick me again, make me come again. Lick me here,” she begged, running her fingers over the spot she wanted licked. I did as she asked and with in a few minutes she gushed again, soaking everything.

“Oh Fuck Mom!” I mumbled as she came. Of course, after the initial shock of the first one, and the strength of the second one, not to mention it’s heat and intoxication level to my senses, I licked every ounce of ejected liquid I could retain.

My throbbing cock was only getting worse, and I finally had to pull away and sit up on my knees. It stood out like a metal soldier in front of me.

Mom panted and whimpered, her body relaxing after I pulled away from her. She looked down her body at me, scooting herself up a bit for a better view.

“Is that what you have for me?”

I stroked it a bit, lubricating it with her juices that were on my hand.

“Yes. I want to feel deep inside of your wetness and love with it.”

She smiled, “it’s beautiful baby, just like you are.” She opened her legs, inviting me to her pleasure. “Love me baby, push deep inside of me, show me how much you love me.”

I wanted to call her something besides mom, and not Jeana. God, what could I call this woman that I was so in love with, who’s beauty was overwhelming to my eyes and senses.

“Will you allow me that pleasure my Angel, to take you as my own?”

“Yes, please, make me yours.”

I maneuvered to her openness, pointing myself towards her sodden sex and effortlessly slid inside her. I didn’t go that deep, but she gasped. I pulled from her concerned that I had scared her or she realized that it was me and not my dad.

“No. No. Don’t stop.” she begged.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Bowen, you’re not going to hurt me. Please, don’t stop.”

What the…she knew it was me and let me continue, how long had she… she played me right where she wanted me. Damn! I love this woman.

With that, I shoved as deep in her as I could, right up to the hilt of my size, meeting her hips to mine. She gasped again, forcing towards me. I felt her cervix with my hardened head. God she felt incredible inside! The heat that she extruded was remarkable! I had never felt another woman like this.

I pumped her moderately, but she wanted more. She built up her body and forced herself on me. I couldn’t believe what she was doing. I was trying to take my time because I knew I wouldn’t last long since I had been so turned on from eating her. She reached up and clasped her nails into my arms, drawing me to her.

“Deeper baby, all the way. Harder.” Her hips moved in desperation with her voice. I felt her heat build and quickened my pace inside her. She met my every movement, her beautiful breast bouncing with her body. “Harder my lover, harder!”

“I can’t go any harder mom, I’ll hurt you.”

“Hurt me, hurt me with your pleasure.” she groaned and let loose a stream of liquid heat from inside, washing all over my cock and balls. “Come, come deep inside me, I need to feel your cream inside of me!”

“OH GOD! I’m gonna come!” I felt it building, like before in the truck.

She tightened herself around me and I couldn’t hold it any more.”Come, fill me!” she screamed. Her clenching muscles and heated insides pushed me over the edge.

I felt her as I bottomed out, feeling the similar sensations this time as I had earlier. Only this time, it wasn’t my hand and that hardened spot on the wheel that rocked me.

She looked at me, I could see love and hope again in her beautiful brown eyes. That was my trigger, not just the heat that was built between us, but her eyes.

I gained enough breath to tell her I loved her and shot a load twice as big as before. I collapsed down over her, and she put her arms around my neck, clasping her hands to hold me.

It wasn’t long before my softness slid from her body.

I was sad it was over, but relieved that I finally was with her the way I wanted to be. I stayed atop of her for a little longer, she still clasped around me. I heard her cry. God, why did she always cry?

I kissed her trail of tears away and slowly slid to her side. She let go then, and looked away. I pushed her hair from her shoulder and cuddled against her.

“Mom, why are you crying?”

“I don’t know Bo. I’m happy, but I’m so confused right now.”

Hoping to ease her tension I whispered softly in her ear, “Why are you confused?”

“Because you are my son. But you are the only man I love.” she looked at me, she was so beautiful to me in that moment.

“I love you. You are such a beautiful woman.” I propped up on my elbow, “I want to be the only man in your life.” I stroked her cheek and drifted to her side, holding her close to me. “I thought it was pretty slick how you played me there.”

“I didn’t play you, I thought you were your father at first. Then when I realized that it was you, I didn’t want you to stop.” she shied away, “it’s been so long, and it felt so good.”

“I’m glad mom. I’m glad you’re happy.”

“I’m scared Bowen. I’m happy, but scared. This isn’t natural.”

“Who says?” I pointed at my limp member, “Felt damn natural to me. God you were so tight!”

She smiled. “I’ve never been with a woman who felt this way. Your perfect.”

“I’m far from perfect.” she moved her hand from my chest and touched her scars on her face and side.

“Yes mom. You are perfect. And you always will be in my eyes.”

“Thank you baby.” she cuddled against me, “are you staying tonight?”

“Right here with you.” I kissed her lightly.

“It’s going to be a bit awkward if Arron comes in here.”

“Na, he’s sleeping hard. I checked on him already.”

“How do we explain all this to him if we get caught?”

“We won’t, unless we get caught. And then, I’ll worry about it.” I moved away from her a bit so I could see her face better. “Mom, I’m thinking about moving back in. Do you think that would be alright with you?”

Her face lit up like the stars, “Oh Bo. Yes!”

“I’ll take the room next to yours, the one that shares the bathroom.”

“Oh. ok.”

“Don’t start crying again, it’s only for show. I can’t exactly move into your room and explain that to Arron.”

“Yeah, your right.”

“But when I’m home, I’ll be right here in bed with you Angel.”

“I’m sorry Bowen, my emotional state is so confused lately. I don’t even know what brought this on. I mean, my screwed up emotions.”

“You’ve been through so much over the last twenty-five years. I would expect you to break down now and again.” I felt a pent up of emotions myself began to explode, something I wanted to tell her for so long but never knew how until now.

“Mom, I suffered so much when I saw you hurt. I’ve worked my ass of to try and make up for everything that you were denied.”

“You didn’t have to.”

“Yes, I did. Especially after Arron came.”

“You gave me, Lauron, and him life. It’s the least I can do to give you something back.”

“I had you, that was all I ever needed Bowen.”

she looked at me, her eyes smiled, “Don’t get me wrong, I love all of you deeply. But baby, from the first moment they handed you to me and I held you, you were all I ever needed. We had survived so much together already. You were so strong. I held together because of you. Now look at you, holding me together.”

“I love you. Not just as my mom either. As the beautiful, strong, venerable, loving person who you are.” I gathered her to me. “I’m never letting go of you. I don’t care if it is wrong. You are my beauty, my lover, my life.”

“Oh Bowen. I love you.” I love it when she smiles. I kissed her lightly and snuggled her close.

“So, I can move my stuff back in?”

“You could have moved back in even with out this. You know that.”

“I know.”

“When do you want to move back?”

“I’ll gather up some of my stuff and start bringing it a little at a time. I have to work the graveyard shifts for the next week, so I don’t know how much time I’ll have with you.” I know she saw the regret on my face.

“It’s ok. We’ll just have to work something else out, maybe in the mornings after Arron leaves for school. If you not to tired.”

“That sounds good.”

“Do you need help packing and moving?”

“If you’re around Angel, I won’t get much work done.”

She giggled, “If you’re around, I won’t get much sleep.”

“Not a problem with that. You’ll just sleep when I do. The rest of the time, when I’m not at work, and were not busy with other things, well be making love.”

“Oh listen to my horny lover.”

God it was good to see her smile and listen to her laugh.

“How about I wake you up in a few hours and we try this again?”

“Umm, sounds perfect.” she pushed into me and kissed me. I met her lips and tenderly kissed her back. I knew she was tired, I could hear it in her voice. And I wasn’t too far from being exhausted. After such hot sex, expelling my load twice in one night, and emotional overload, I was bent. She must have sensed it too.

“You know the bed is very wet, we may need to get a towel to sleep on.”

“Got it covered.” I slipped from her arms and the bed and got a towel, she had moved so I could spread it underneath where she lay. The faint light of the room exposed a huge wet spot that the two of us left. If we had a waterbed, I would have sworn it sprung a leak. I crawled back in next to her and kissed her.

“Go to sleep Angel. I’ll wake you up for another round after I recover.” I laughed.

“Um-hum. We’ll see baby.” she kissed my cheek before rolling away. She has to sleep on her left side because she doesn’t breathe well on her right since her ribs were broken. She looked back over her shoulder at me, I was getting comfortable against her again.

“Bowen, baby.”


“Thank you. I love you so much.”

“Um, Angel, Thank you.” I kissed her shoulder and then her lips, “I love you.”

“Good night baby.”

“Good night Angel.”

It wasn’t long before she slept. I was sure she slept soundly because I had worn her out, but maybe, just maybe, it was because I was there beside her.

I lay thinking about my next course of action, moving in, what to do with my place, and if we got caught, what to say. ‘Don’t cross that bridge until you get to it Bo.’

I stroked her hair again and slowly drifted off with her in my arms. It was the best night of my life. I knew there were more to come.

I woke the next morning alone, still in her bed. The smell of breakfast in the air. I knew that she had been up for awhile and that Arron was probably already gone. I left the warmth of the bed after taking in the smells of her pillows. Umm, they smelled almost as good as she did. Her scent left behind after our sexual liaison lingered in the depths of the sheets as well.

I slipped on my briefs and wandered through the house to the kitchen. She must have heard me coming, because she turned towards me.

“Good Morning Bo.”

“Hey mom.”

“Sleep well?”

I walked up to her and took her in my arms, “Better than I have in a long time Angel.”

My lips found hers and we softly kissed. I felt no need to be abrupt or heated, I just wanted her to be comfortable and feel the depths of my love and desire for her. The kiss slowly ended and she lay against my chest holding tightly to me.

“I’m still a bit unnerved about what happened between us. Don’t get me wrong, I loved every second of it, but…”

“But, no buts. The decision is mutual, and no ones business but ours mom.”

I could feel her relax a little more as she spoke, “Funny, I was wondering how we were going to be able to go places like a couple instead of mom and son.”

“There are a lot of places in this town, and other places out of town, besides, unless there’s some heavy public petting,” I winked at her, “I don’t think they will ever notice anything we do.”

“It’s been so long since I actually went on a ‘real date’ I wouldn’t know how to act.”

“Don’t worry. Friday night will be fine.” I lifted her chin and kissed her, “I have a surprise for you, so pick out the sexiest outfit you have, and expect a night you haven’t had in years.”

She giggled, “The sexiest outfit that I have is a negligee and fuzzy slippers.”

“Well then, we’ll have to do something about that. Since I don’t have to be into work until seven, what do you say we go down town and find you something.”

“I don’t know Bo. I’m, I mean, it’s been a while since I picked something out that wasn’t business attire or jeans.”

“That, my beauty, is about to change.” I kissed her deeply and held her close. The phone rang taking her away from me and I rummaged around the cabinet for the coffee. She didn’t drink it, but I did. She kept it around for me, and when I wanted it, I made it.

She came blowing back into the kitchen, and grabbed something from her purse, mumbling to who ever it was on the other end. She scribbled something quickly on the paper and hung up the phone.

“Bo, do you think we can manage the shopping trip and me doing a little work while we’re out?”

“I guess so, why, what’s going on?”

“I need to drop off the finalized paper work for that consultation I did a few weeks back, the want to sign it off. When they do, that means I get that contract.”

“That’s great mom! Something worth celebrating.”

“Yeah. I just hope they don’t change their mind before I get there.”

“They won’t.” I walked back to her, pushing her hair from her face, “How long before you will be ready to go?”

“About thirty minutes or so, I still have to shower.”

Shower, umm, that sounds like fun. I cracked a sly smile, “Is there any rush to get there?”

“No, just as long as I’m there before noon.”

I looked at the clock, it was only 7:30, plenty of time.

“Why are you in a rush?” she bent away from me, a curious smile creased her lips.

“No, no, not at all. I just have to get a shower myself, and find a clean shirt.”

“You have some clothes in the back closet, if they still fit.”

“Good, I’ll go see.” by then my coffee was finished.

She kissed me and hurried to the shower.

Umm, the shower, I wonder if she had ever been made love to in the shower.

When I was younger, sometimes I would sneak in to watch her. I always wondered if she knew I was there. There were times when I would walk in on purpose and see her naked, or stare before I said anything.

She wasn’t ashamed of trekking around naked in front of me either. And she did that in front of my brother too every now and again. Yeah, I could feel myself getting hard again. Shower, mom, yeah. I looked down to see my hardness sticking out of my underwear, after her I went.

I watched her for a bit, as she rinsed out her hair. The shower was easy to access because the door slid sideways and you could easily step inside.

“Oh, Bo, you scared me.” she looked down at my naked hardness, “OH BOWEN!”

I just smiled. “What do you think you’re going to do with… OH!”

I picked up her leg and forced myself deep inside her, pinning her to the wall of the shower. I put my had against the wall for leverage and rocked her body hard against mine. She clawed into my shoulders and forced herself deep onto me. Her moans were delicious and loud. She rode me like a maiden on a stallion.

“Oh yes, oh god. OH!” was about all she could say as I forcefully pumped her. I didn’t want to just fuck her, but god, I wanted to push hard inside of her and fill my lust for her in that moment.

She clung hard to my neck and pushed her breast into my chest, flattening them against me. I felt the fleshy mounds jiggle against me and it turned me on. If I could have only managed to get my mouth on one with out dropping her.

I slid my hand up to where her ass met her thigh and moved her so I could penetrate her as deep as my erection would allow. It was like opening the gates to the Mississippi river during flood season when I did, because mom let go of every last drop of juice that lubricated her vaginal walls. It was hotter than the water we played under.

“Oh God BOWEN. OH GOD!” She panted and moaned, growling my name.

“FUCK MOM! FUCK! God that’s so fucking hot, I’m gonna come deep in your hot hole!” I looked into her piercing eyes, oh fuck her eyes, her soul was written there, I saw the woman’s soul that moment, she wanted me more than ever, and I let loose in her.

“AHHH YESSS!” I hissed, shooting a hot load off into her, feeling her quiver under my pressure. She threw her head back and let loose her own heat down my legs. I could still feel my cock pulsing inside of her sugar walls and lunged into her, not letting a drop escape.

We both were breathing hard, and I had to let her go before I collapsed. She fell into my arms, still panting. I held her quietly, letting the water cool us down. I felt her shaking, trying to gain her strength back. I ran my hand up her body and to her face, coaxing her to look up at me, she smiled.

“No one has ever taken me like that. Oh, god, that was marvelous!”

All I could do was smile and kiss her. All I wanted to do was take her back to that bed and sleep.

Never in my sexual lifetime had I had a woman that would tire me out like she did. The force of the love between us, and the heat of the sexual moments, were more than I had ever experienced. I was glad it was with her. It made me love her more.

Mom and I knew that there was no way we could be together 24/7, but it was exciting to find her in my bed, laying naked and posed. When she would silently slip into the shower with me, and I would take her slowly and energetically, pushing her against the cool tile wall, sliding deep within her softness.

I liked making love to her in the shower more than any thing. There was just something about her when the water over took her body that was enchanting. I can’t tell you how stiff I become watching the water glisten over her naked form. Our lovemaking became more vibrant as we got used to being together.

A few months after I moved in, I received an invitation to speak at a Law Enforcement convention in Chicago. I told mom and Arron during Sunday dinner. Mom was a bit shook up, I didn’t understand why. She cleared the dinner dishes away sending Arron off to take a bath and get ready for school the next day as I put away the leftovers.

I was shoving the food in the fridge when she propped herself against the counter and looked at me. “How long?”

“Just a few days. I’ll be back by Tuesday.”

“Do you really have to go?”

“It’s an opportunity to make a difference. If they didn’t want me to speak, they wouldn’t have asked me.” I put the towel down after wiping off the counter and turned to her, “You know the reasons I chose to be a police officer. You know better than anyone.”

“Yes baby. And I’m proud that they chose you. I know how devoted you are about the subject of Domestic Violence.”

I saw the tears well in her eyes and took her in my arms, holding her. “Come on mom, don’t.” I whispered into her hair, kissing her lightly. “I know it’s still hard to deal with even after all this time. But you’re safe now. I’ll always keep you safe.”

“I know Bowen, I know.” she looked at me, “I guess, I just don’t want you to go.”

I wiped a stray tear from her cheek, “I’ll call you every chance I get. I’ll phone sex you if that will help?” she giggled. “I’ll miss you every second I’m gone, and just wait till I get home.” I smiled eagerly.

She nodded and snuggled into me, “Umm, yes. Of course, after the jet lag wears off.”

“No, I won’t even wait for that to wear off.”

“Oh you’re so bad!” she smiled up at me.

“I love you.” I kissed her lightly, still remembering that Arron was around and about.


Friday, the day of my flight. Mom insisted that she take me to the airport. I was just going to a taxi to drop me off, but then I thought, why not spend the last few minutes with the woman I love, instead of alone.

Arron hugged me tight as we dropped him off at school,”Be good Bo, and bring me back one of those Chicago Rockys or Pizza’s!”

“I’ll do what I can lil’ bro.” he started walking away and I hollered after him, “Arron, be good… you take care of momma while I’m gone.”

“I’m not hugging her when she cries!” he yelled back at me and waved, I waved back.

Our conversation was light for most of the drive. When we drove into the parking garage, the thought crossed my mind about making out with my mom in the back seat, FUCK that sounds hot! I could feel my cock get hard just at the want of her. GOD!

She startled me when she touched my hand. She was smiling, acknowledging the hardness showing though my jeans, “Oh you naughty man!” she seductively whispered, “We couldn’t, there are cameras all over the place in here.”

I smiled, “Damn Angel, but it’s a good idea isn’t it?”

“Yes baby, it is,” she had this look on her face, I could only describe it as mischievous, “I would love to make out with you here.” she giggled, “It’s been a long time since I had sex in the backseat of a car.”

“We will just have to break that dry spell someday won’t we?”

“Um, I don’t know how. Where would we go? I mean, I can see getting caught with another man, but getting caught with you, that might be a little more risky.” She winked at me, I understood, driving the conversation elsewhere, trying to get my mind off taking her right there in the car.

“I wish you could come with me.” I whispered, kissing her cheek.

“You know I can’t. Besides, who’s going to take care of your brother, and the house, and I just got that new contract, and what if I happened to run into your father after all these years, and…”

She stopped talking then, looking in the review mirror, touching her face.

“He would still think you’re beautiful. But does it really matter?”

She shrugged her shoulders, still tracing the scars around her eye and lip.

“I don’t care what he thinks Angel. I love you. I think you’re beautiful.”

“Thank you Bowen.” she whispered, I could barely hear her, but I saw the tears well. I put my arm around her and held her to me, not wanting to let go. We sat there in silence until it was time to go. My heart ached even more now having to leave her.

We got out and I collected my luggage. I held her hand as I towed the suitcase and the duffle bag behind us. She smiled, walking beside me, talking nervously as we went inside. The closer we got to doors of the airport, the more nervous I became.

All of the sudden, I didn’t want to leave her. I felt my heart sink at the thought of being away.

I checked my bags and then went back to where she stood looking out the window. I put my arms around her and held her close.

“You know, if someone who knows us sees us like this, they might think it a bit strange.”

“I’m just hugging my mom.” I smiled, knowing there as so much more between us. I wanted to kiss her so much. “Come on, let’s go find some where a bit more private. I have a little bit of time before they lock me in the staging area.” I laughed, she didn’t.

We walked over to a secluded area that was restricted and I pulled her behind a column out of camera shot. I held her close and planted a hot kiss on her, wrapping my tongue with hers. I wanted her passion to hold me through the upcoming week. I wanted to taste all of her. I wanted to take everything I could from her to carry with me.

I thought about that as I kissed her good bye, and held her tightly, whispering my love for her. The look of love was deep in her eyes when I nudged her nose for one last peck. She giggled and whispered she loved me, and thanked me for being who I was to her. They called for my boarding and we wistfully walked back to the gate.

“I love you Bowen.”

“I love you too Angel.”

I collected her once more and kissed her quickly, hoping no one would see or question my attention to her. “I’ll call you as soon as I get to the hotel.”

“I’ll be waiting baby,” we kissed again, “come back home safe.”

“I will Angel, don’t worry.”

I slipped from her arms and through the gates to my destined plane. I turned once more before I got out of site to see her still standing there, she waved, I waved back and then turned to go. I stopped once more, just to see her again, and she was gone. My heart suddenly ripped from my chest, my knees felt like gelatin, my stomach tied in knots. I suddenly missed her more than I could have ever imagined.

I had been to Chicago a few other times, but this time, the flight took forever and the drive to the hotel even longer. I settled into the room and washed my face, looking at myself, thinking of the first night she wanted me to make love to her, and what had become since then. God I missed her, her scent, her body, her touch.

I thought about the night before when we made love.I remembered sliding down her body to her moistness between her milky thighs, smelling of her scent, her sex wanting of me. I kissed and proceeded to taste her. I don’t think I ever tasted her more than I did that night.

She opened herself to me, allowing me to take her at my will. Her flower blossoming with swollen petals, the pollen attracting me like a bee to a rose. I tasted of her, slowly, methodically, taking in every sweet ounce of her honey.

She quietly begged me for more as I licked her folds, gently suckling each lip, working inside and out. Her scent grew as her arousal increased. I pulled her lips apart with my fingers, giving me access to that stiff little stem within her swollen bloom that perched itself desirably atop her beautifully shaped sex.

I teased and taunted her, bringing her to the verge of explosion, only to ease back and work her into another tizzy. By the time I was fully satisfied with my lusting of her passion, and brought her to the edge of ecstasy, she drowned me in her liquid love toxin until I was soaked from my chin to my chest. GOD! I love it when she creams me like that.

I took her slowly, reaching every inch of her insides one spot at a time, feeling her swells with my own. Purposely, I drank her in, every beautiful inch of the woman who lay before me, breathing heavily. Her breast rose and fell as I pumped in and out, her hips meeting mine.

Gradually, we became one rhythmic action, her every stroke encountering mine. She clenched her vaginal muscles around me, forcing up, squeezing. She came, the liqueur of her love flowing about my loins, making it harder for me to hold back until I could stand it no longer, and I released all of myself to her.

I fell away not long after, gathering her to me. She kissed me, never saying a word, and nestled into me. She looked at me so deep, as if what was between us before no longer existed. I felt different in that moment, knowing something had changed, something that no one would ever take away. I caressed her hair and never left her side the rest of the night.

My heart ached and I wanted to be home with her, holding her, loving her, being the family man that I had become. I grabbed my phone and called her just to hear her voice.


“Hi Angel.”

“Hi baby.”

“I hear you made it home safe.”

“Yes, and I’m making your brothers favorite for supper.”

“Ah, fried chicken.”

“Yes, with the trimmings.”

“That’s not fair mom,” I whined, she giggled, “will you make my favorite when I come home?”

“Yes. I can do that,” she giggled again. I knew what she was thinking.

“You naughty woman!”

“You wouldn’t want me any other way.” her voice wicked with her words.

I was getting stiff and wanted to feel her on my body. I pulled my hardness from its restrictions and slowly stroked as we talked. “I miss you Angel.”

“I miss you too baby.” I heard her voice change, it was soft and sensual, “How is my lover?”

“Horny, thinking about your body against mine.”

“Umm, and my lips touching you, my tongue entwined with yours, or working my way down your body and gently taking your massive manhood between my lips.”

I moaned, stroking a little harder, “Yes baby, oh I love the feel of your lips on my rod.”

“I love to taste of your cream, the pre-cum that glistens on the tip as I dance my mouth around you, it makes me hot and my pussy throb at the want of you inside me.”

My breathing increased as my strokes did, “Your tongue dancing around my tight balls, sucking on me and then running up the length of my shaft always feels so amazing.” I grunted as my hips started to gyrate to the movement of my hand.

“One day, my lover, I will drink your cream from your throbbing cock, drink fully of the love liquid you provide me, tasting its sweet saltiness upon my lips, feeling its heat shoot down my throat, swallowing all of you.”

“Oh God Yes!” I groaned, coming closer to the edge of my climax. I had never let her have me that way. I would let her go down on me and bring me to the edge, only to throw her over on her back and mount her until I came deep within her body. But the thought, the sheer pleasure of her lips, and the want of my jism in her mouth was breathtaking. “I’m going to come, Oh yessss!”

“Yes my lover, come for me, let me drink all of your pleasure. Let me taste of your labored love that has satisfied me, let me swallow that sweet heat of your prefect body, lapping at the cream that spills from your luscious loins!” I could hear her panting. I could only imagine her fingering herself in earnest of the heated delight we were sharing. She moaned, “Oh baby, come for me, come my lover!”

I could only whimper helplessly as I sprayed my load all over my belly and hand, panting feverishly, caught in the moment of her words. She gasped for air, taking herself over the edge.

“Oh baby, I love you,” she whispered through deep breathing.

“I love you too Angel.” I lay back on the pillows, my head spinning. So much for me phone sexing her. Damn!

“Thank you baby, umm, that was incredible!”

“Yes, you were as well.” I looked at my cum covered hand, smiling. “Angel, let me call you back, I need to…”

“Yes, go clean up, I’ll talk to you in a little while baby. I love you.”

“I love you.” The phone when silent and I lay it on the bedside table.

I slept after that, waking to the darkness of the room. It was almost eleven. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and my flight fatigue on top of exhaustion from the former phone sex had sealed my fate when it came to sleep.

I walked to the bathroom and washed my face, standing in front of the mirror naked. I had taken a quick shower earlier to wash the drying come from my body and lay in the bed with damp flesh, wishing she were next to me.

I looked at myself, not in a way a male would admire himself, I looked deeper, wondering why I was here and not home with her. Yes, it was a wonderful opportunity for me, but was it worth it?

I found my clothes and put them on, deciding that I would go find something to eat. Hell, this is Chi-town, there has to be a pizza parlor, or something open this late at night.

Before I left my room, I picked up my phone and looked at it, five missed calls, and two messages. I fingered through them, mom, unknown, and some number I didn’t recognize. I pulled up the messages and listened, the first was from someone at the convention, reminding me about my appointed speaking time, the second was mom.

“Hi baby, just checking in on you. It was getting late and I was getting ready for bed. Just wanted to tell you I love and miss you. Be careful baby.” her voice went soft, “I miss you Bowen.”

I saved her message and ended the call, looking at the phone. It was funny, I loved her more now than I ever did, even if it was against ever law of nature and the world. She had become a woman in my eyes, not just my mother. She had been a woman to me since I was sixteen.

I called the house, it just rang. I knew she was asleep, but usually she doesn’t sleep that heavy. I tried again and she answered on the first ring.

“Hello?” she sounded sleepy.

“Hi Angel.”

“Hi baby.”

“Did I wake you?” of course you woke her you idiot!

“No, I was in the bathroom. I haven’t been able to sleep much tonight.”

“Everything ok there?”

“Yes. I’m just used to having you home, that’s all.”

“It’s not like tonight wouldn’t have been my shift.” I reminded her, trying to make her feel better about the circumstances.

“I know Bo, but, still, you come home and check on us in the middle of your shift, and, well, honey, I’m just used to you being so close now.” she sounded sad.

“It’s ok Angel, just a few more days. Besides, I’m sure Arron is happy to have you all to himself.”

“Actually, he was invited over to a friend’s for the weekend, or at least until tomorrow night. So I’m home alone.” I heard a bit of despair in her tone, “Unusual for me, I didn’t mind it so much before, but now, I’m lonely.”

“I’m sorry Angel. I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too baby.” she hesitated, “It’s awfully late, shouldn’t you be getting some rest, after all, your speech is tomorrow.”

“I’ve been asleep since we last talked this afternoon. You wore me out.” I chuckled.

“I’m sure it was more the flight than my words.”

“Well, I would like to think it was your hot, sexual love that pushed me over the edge to ecstasy, wearing me out the rest of the way.”

She quietly giggled, “Well, baby, just wait until you have the actual package, not just the advertisement.”

“I can’t wait.” I mused.

“I guess I need to go, just talking to you has helped me relax. I think I can sleep for a little while now.”

“Good. If you need me, call me.”

“I will baby. I love you.”

“I love you too Angel.”


I walked in, it was somewhat smoky, but not too bad, the music of the live band sounded good, and I looked around to find an open spot at the bar, making my way, and waved the bartender over, “What’ll be?”

“Coldest draft you got and your finest burger.” I threw a twenty on the bar and he cashed me out, handing me back seven bucks, then drew my beer.

“You aren’t from around here are you?”

“No sir, Mississippi.”

“Here on pleasure or business?”

“My pleasure is at home waiting on my return, so, I guess I’m here on business.”

He laughed hardily, “She must be something.”

“Yes sir, she is that and more.” I smiled thinking about her.

“What you here for?”

“Convention. Guest speaker.” I silently patted myself on the back.

“Law enforcement huh?” I shook my head yes, as I took a drink, he continued, “Next one’s on the house.” he pointed at my glass, I nodded. Another customer brought his attention away from me and I looked around to see if there was a small table or somewhere else to sit besides the bar. Off in the corner, past the pool tables was a nice quiet spot, so I motioned to him I would be over there, he nodded.

I walked over and sat down, watching the crowd and listening to the band. I hadn’t seen any familiar faces, but who knew, I’m not sure if anyone knew I was actually going to be attending.

My burger and fries came up and one of the waitresses brought them too me, along with another draft. I thanked her and she walked away. I saw her a bit later chatting with her co-workers and someone else. They kept looking at me, pointing and giggling.

I ate my food in peace, thinking about mom, and how much fun we had the last time we had gone out to the bar, and then not quite making it through the door before we had our clothes off and were making out on the couch.

She was all over me, wild and free, sitting astride of my lap, holding on to the back of the couch, her breast in my face. She pushed me into a sitting position on the sofa, and was on my shaft at once, gripping claws in to my shoulders, bouncing up and down on my rock hardness, kissing me like a mad woman!

I held her hips, trying to keep a rhythm with her, but it was no use, she was riding me like I was a bronco. I did manage to get a luscious tit into my mouth and suck it until she screamed and came all over me, pulling away and pushing down as hard as she could, forcing me deeper within her body.

“Come for me Bowen, shoot your load into me, fuck me so hard that you blow my mind!”

Yes, she was a bit drunk. I know better than to let her get that way, but after seeing her and Jose’ together, I wondered what it would feel like if she took on the tequila again, and what she would do to me if I let her have her way. I will never regret it!

I held her down to me as she ground her hips into my lap, throwing her head back and growling with pleasure, allowing me to nibble at her breast, kiss her body, and hold her as she thrust herself deeper on me. Her hair spilling about her naked body, her eyes, sparkling with lust and heated emotion, her lips, parted just slightly as she sucked in air and licked them with lustful intent.

“Let go Bowen, let me feel your love,” her eyes slightly closed, her facial expression that of an animal in heat. She pushed against my chest, her face within inches of mine, her tongue teasing my lips as she clamped around me.

No longer could I hold back, no longer did I want to. I groaned with pleasing assent and unloaded my seed deep with in her body. She pumped at me, and came as I did, releasing pent up animalistic rage and energy.

She collapsed against me, and I wrapped my arms around her, both of us grasping for air to recover from our intensity. She kissed me lightly, faint little kisses across my chest where she had dug her nails into my flesh.

I ran my hands up into her hair, holding her close at the back of her head, entangling myself in her more. Neither of us could move, for the lack of energy had overtaken us, and I lay my head back against the couch while she rested against me.

Slowly, we collected ourselves and made our way to the bedroom. Not once did we wake until the day had become the afternoon.

I was distracted from my memories by the same waitress when she came back over and sat down, making herself friendly, “Hi, I know you don’t know me, but I was wondering if you might be related to the McCally’s?”

I smiled at her, “No ma’am, can’t say that I am.” my southern accent clashed with her mid-west one.

“Well, my girlfriend over there thinks that you resemble one of the family, and I thought, maybe you might be related to James or Ron.”

My mind screamed out! “Who?” I calmly asked her, my heart racing at the thought of…

“Well, you see, she thought you may have been Mike or one of the others. She seems to think that you look like the younger brother.” she shrugged her shoulders.

“McCally? You said Ron McCally?” I tired not to sound to shocked.

“Yes, they own this pub, well, the family anyway.”

“Hey, can I get another draft please?” I was trying to distract my runaway thoughts.

“Sure, I’ll be right back.” She picked up my empty glass and hurried away.

Was it true, was I sitting in the… no way? She came back and sat my beer down, I offer her the cash and she pushed it back at me, “it’s on me.” She brushed my hand, looking at me. I felt very uncomfortable all of the sudden.

“Hey, are there any photographs around this joint of the McCally’s?” I asked, drinking down the last of my other beer.

“Yeah, there over there,” she pointed to the wall close to the door. “I swear, up close like this, you look like Ron.” she almost whispered, her eyes cutting through me.

I stood up and made my way back to the door, trying to make out the photographs in the darkened room. I glanced back over to the table where she stood with the other girl now, and looked back at the wall. What the fuck! Was that my dad?

I could see my reflection in the glass thanks to the neon light that lit the doorway. I squinted a bit, adjusting my eyes to the light, looking at myself, and him, looking like me.

“They say everyone has a twin. If you’re Ron’s, you’re just as hot as he is.” She brushed against me, I just looked at her. I saw the look in her eyes, I knew that look, I had seen it in too many women.

“My wife thinks so too.” I quickly added, hinting at my uneasiness of her approach, hoping that knocked her down a few notches.

“Where’s your wife? Back in Mississippi?” her fingers grazed my open shirt.

“Yes. Yes she is.” I took her hand from my chest, pushing it down to her side.

“Maybe what she won’t know won’t hurt her.” the seductress pouted, her eyes full of fire.

“So,” I instinctively cleared my throat, “do you know if Ron is around?”

“No, he only comes in on the weekends.” she ran her hand up and down my arm stopping to put it on my waist. I pulled away, drinking the last of my beer.

“Perhaps I should stop in and see how much I do look like him then, tomorrow,” I turned back to the bar, walking over to put my glass down, straightening out my jacket, and tipping the keep.

“A man alone in such a big city is surely in need of company for the night?” she stopped me as I turned around, heading back toward the door.

“No darling, my wife is all the company I need. But thank you for the interesting conversation, and the information about the McCally’s.” I pushed past her and stopped at the door to zip up my jacket. As I did, I overheard the other girl talking just behind me.

“I’m telling you, that’s Ron’s spitting image. There’s no way he’s not related to my uncle! You saw his eyes, and his reaction. Daddy always said I had an older cousin. My god, could that be him?”

“I don’t know, but he’s not easily tempted by a hot girl in short pants.”

I walked out the door into the cool night, it was almost two a.m.

My hotel room was stuffy after the brisk morning jaunt. I was glad my presentation wasn’t until eleven, I was hoping to get some sleep before then. I looked at the clock again, it was four. My mind wouldn’t relax with the realization that I came so close to meeting my father, and obviously, my cousin.

I wanted to call mom and talk to her so much, tell her what had happened, but then I remembered the look on her face when I told her I had been invited to come here. Now, I understood why. But what were the chances of this happening, I wasn’t even going to begin to guess.

I decided that I wouldn’t say anything to her, and that I would walk into that bar again on the pretense of meeting my father. If nothing else, to see just how much we looked alike, and understand why mom, no, she loves me for me, not just because I look like my dad. She told me that. Besides, she admitted that she still loved him, but… as I tried to make sense of my thoughts, I drifted off to sleep.


The room’s phone woke me after nine. I was glad because I knew I wasn’t getting up.

“Your cell is off Scott, we’re supposed to meet at ten, remember!” the voice came from the other end.

“Yeah, shit!” I rolled, looking at the clock, “I’ll be down in twenty.”

“You better hurry, Sarge is waiting on us.”

“I’ll be down there, just wait on me. I’ll meet you in the lobby.” I hung the phone up and fished my cell out of my jeans pocket, not remembering turning it off. I tossed it on the counter in the bathroom and got in the shower.

This was one morning when it wouldn’t be the long, heated moments making love to Angel. Her soft body, glistening with water, pressed against the cool wall while I took full advantage of her willingness.

Her wet long hair, wrapping around her body, wanting eyes staring at me as I looked up from between her legs, smiling at what she was allowing me to give her. My stiffness grew in my hand at the thought of loving her, and it wasn’t long before the shower wall was covered in my come.

I dressed and made sure that I had everything in order before heading to the lobby. I looked at my phone again, wondering why she hadn’t called, but then, I hadn’t called her either. She knew that today was my presentation, maybe she thought that it was best she didn’t disturb me. I decided to call her once we got to the convention hall.

I stood adjacent of the stage, in a quiet place a half hour before my appearance, and called home.

“Hello?” came the squeaky voice.

“Hey lil’ bro, mom around?”

“Uh, yeah, I think she’s still outside. Mr. Dan stopped by; they are out in the back yard.”

Dan! What the fuck! I had to collect myself. “Can you go get her? I don’t have much time to talk.”

“Sure, hold on.” I heard the back door open and he yelled for mom. There were garbled voices in the background and some rustling before the phone was answered.

“Hello baby.”

“Hi mom.” I said gruffly.

“What’s wrong?”

“You haven’t called all day, and you… and I’m getting ready to go on, and…”

“Bowen? Don’t you remember, you told me you would call me when you woke up this morning?” she said something to Arron about getting her drink, “You told me that when you called me at four-thirty this morning, after we talked a little while.”

“I called you this morning?”

“Yes baby, mumbling something about your father.”

her voice changed, “Bowen, did you see Ron?”

I felt my pulse race, what the hell was I supposed to tell her when I didn’t even remember talking to her? “No mom, I didn’t. But the reason I asked was because… I called you this morning?”

“Yes baby, hold on,” ‘Dan can you hang this up for me, I need to go check on something in the other room, I’ll use the phone in there, thanks.’ I heard the phone and her voice again as she picked it up, telling Dan to hang the other up. “Bowen, you still there baby.”

“Yes mom.” I know she heard the displeasure in my voice.

“What’s wrong baby?”

“Nothing. What’s Dan doing there?”

“He has invited us out for the day, I thought it would be nice to spend the day with him, he is a very close friend of mine.” she must have sensed my angst, “Bo, you know I love you, and there is no other man I love more. Danny and I have always been friends, since you two started working together, you know that.”

“I know mom. I know.” I fell silent.

She changed the subject, “You called me this morning and talked about your father. I still am not certain what you said, you were so tired. But after that, you seemed satisfied and told me you would call me today.”

“I’m sorry mom, I just didn’t remember calling you.”

“It’s ok baby.” her next words brought life back into me, helping me get over my jealously. “The bed was so lonely without you this morning. I had to take care of things alone. But the sheer thought of your body entwined with mine brought a pleasure to me that I can never explain. I miss you baby.” her voice was so seductive, I could feel myself swell.

“I miss you too Angel.”

“Hey Scott!” Sarge came around the curtain, tapping his watch.

“Angel, I have to go, it’s almost time for my speech.”

“Good luck baby. I’ll have the cell phone on. Danny is taking us to the beach, I’m sure to come home sun burnt!” she giggled.

“Be careful mom.” I heard my name called again. “I have to go. I’ll call you when I get finished.”

“Do that, and don’t worry about us. You and the boys have a good time after you’re done. I know you will all be going out tonight!”

“Scott!” Sarge echoed.

“I love you Angel, bye.”

“Bye baby, I love you too.”

Dan! Fucking Dan! I was her lover, I was her man! And WHO the fuck was he! But I knew she has always considered him her friend. How could I explain to him I was more to her then just her son. How could she? She wouldn’t, would she? So much for having my speech down pat, now all of my thoughts were about her.

She called me several times during the afternoon, leaving messages, which made me feel better. We finally got to talk a bit and she told me she was tired, she wished that I was home to rub down her sunburn, that Arron had tried, but was impatient with her, and Dan, well, he was kind enough to help out and spread the aloe on her back and shoulders, making her back glisten. It looked nice when she put on her halter dress before they went out to dinner. Dan couldn’t stop complementing her on her beauty.

“Mom, why are you telling me all of this?”

“Because I want you to know. I don’t want you to worry about me. I love you.”

“You’re just making me jealous.”

“Are you not getting hit on by lovely girls there in Chicago?”

“Well, yes.” I thought about the girl at the bar, and a few other that had eyed me at the


When she spoke, confidence came in her words, “And I’m not jealous. I know where your heart lies Bowen.” she took a deep breath, “Baby, I miss you. I miss you in our bed, I miss you touching me, holding me. I love you.” OK, she made her point.

Angel softly whispered, “If I wasn’t so tired, and didn’t have company, I would be laid back in the bed with my legs spread, my fingers gently caressing my lips that are longing for your attention. I miss you so much baby.” She was quiet, allowing her words to sink in.

I felt myself, my hardness through my jeans, god how much I wanted to hold her, slip between her legs and have sex with her, make love to her. She distracted my thoughts, “You mentioned something earlier about you and the boys going out?”

“Yes, were going to a small pub just down from the hotel. McCally’s.”

I heard her draw in a quick breath, “McCally’s? Oh Bowen.” her voice was lost, now she understood our conversation earlier that morning had been about. The one that I didn’t remember having with her.

I heard a knock echo from her bedroom door, “Jeana, do you have any…” Dan’s voice trailed off in the background, “Jeana, are you feeling all right, you look pale.”

“I’m fine Danny, I…I’ll just be a few more minutes.” she turned her conversation back to me, “Bowen, if you see him, if he asks about me, tell him, tell him I never stopped loving him.”

“Jeana?” Dan’s voice was closer to the phone now. I knew he was sitting next to her.

“Bo, I, I’ll call you back in a little while baby. I love you,” she voice cracked with tears.

“I love you too mom.” the phone went silent.

We headed down to McCally’s, it was packed, we found a table out of the way, close to the pool tables, and two of us started a game while some of the others went to get our beers. The music was loud and the smoke was thick, but the company was great. We played several games, eliminating each other until it was just down to just Otto and me.

The same girl that had been there the night before walked over to me about the time I was getting ready to break, “If you win this game, there’s someone that wants to play against you, if not, he still wants to speak to you.”

“Who’s that?”

“You’ll see, just win the game.” she winked at me and walked away.

“Otto,” I suggested, “twenty?”


“You’re on.” I broke, practically ran the table, lost two banks, but still beat Otto because he scratched on the eight. He handed me the fifty and walked away, retrieving a few more beers.

“Care to lie that back down?” the deep voice came from behind me. I turned to see an older version of myself, knowing instantly that it was my father.

“Half, I promised my mother I would bring her back something special.” I said sternly.

“Half it is, your table.” he motioned, at the rack.

The crowd gathered, and the game was even between us. Neither of us ran the table completely, but in the end, I think he let me win. He handed me the cash and shook my hand. “Your mother has taught you well.” he smiled. How did he know?

I thanked him and handed my cue off to Otto, allowing him the table and walked away.

“You have your mother’s smile.” the deep voice came from behind me again.

“She says I look like you.” I mentioned, not turning around. “She never stopped loving you, I hope you know that.”

“Nor I her.” there was guilt in his voice. I did turn to face him then, seeing the sadness in his eyes. “How is your mother?”

“She is well.” I pulled my phone from my pocket and brought up her pictures, “She has faired better in these last few years than when you last saw her.”

“I regret every day that I was not strong enough to stand up to everyone over her.” he stood shaking his head.

“She has suffered so much since then, but she is a strong woman. Stronger than anyone will ever know.” I handed him my phone, he looked through the pictures.

“She’s still just as beautiful as ever.” He looked at me, “is this your brother and sister?”

“Yes, Lauren and Arron.”

“I see her in them as well.” he smiled, looking at me. “I’m Ron.”

“Yes, I know. She had told me everything about the two of you since I can remember.” I held my hand out to shake his, “Bowen Scott.”

“Bowen, it is a pleasure to meet you son.” I was not sure how to read his reaction. He cleared his throat, “When Chelsea told me that you had come into the pub last night, and they thought it was me, I was shocked to say the least. When she said you were coming in tonight, I made it a point to be here.”

“Who is Chelsea?”

“The little blonde over there, she’s my niece.” he pointed to the slim waitress that had been talking with the other girl that made the move on me the night before. I shook my head in acknowledgement. “What are you in Chicago for?”

“Law Enforcement convention,” I looked at him over my beer.

“A police officer, I bet your mom is proud of you.”

“I’m a deputy sheriff, and she is, but it scares her too.” I remembered her reaction when I originally told her I was joining.

“The girls said you were from Mississippi? She decided to go back there?”

“At the time, it was her only choice, and things just seemed to work out best for her. She has her own house, and business, and is doing very well for herself.”

“Where are you living? I assume you’re not too far from her.”

“Her house is down on the coast. And due to recent issues, she asked me to come back and live at the home.” I felt no reason to get into details about our current situation.

Someone called his attention away and he excused himself, telling me he would be right back. I drank down what was left of my beer and glanced over at the others, who seemed to be intent on their newest game. My phone vibrated, displaying I had a message. When did I miss that?

I called it up and listened, “Bo, baby. I’m sorry about earlier. Danny and I, you know how much I love you and he and I are just friends. I needed the company, your not home. It was pleasant to get out after all this time with another man who actually likes me and won’t hurt me. You understand, don’t you? I love you Bowen. Please know how much I love you. Baby, there will never be another man I will love so much.” I stared at the phone. Yes mom, I know and I understand.

Ron approached the table again, setting down two beers, and then himself. ‘Shame on the Moon’ played in the background.

“Mom loves that song.” I smiled, thinking about the reasoning behind it. Yes, I understood now.

“I know, it was ours.” I could almost make out the well of tears in his eyes as he smiled. “Is she married?”

“No.” I sat up a bit straighter, not sure if I wanted to explain things to him but did so briefly, “she’s had two very bad marriages, and to this day, she doesn’t date anyone because of them. She keeps to herself and us kids.”

“That’s too bad, she was always such a sexual animal, so full of life.” he cleared his throat when he saw the look I gave him. I’m not sure he knew what to say after that, he was quiet for sometime. “So, what about you, a wife, kids, ex’s?” he finally asked.

“My career takes most of my time and the rest is spent with mom and my brother.” it may have been cocky for me to say, but I added, “I am very dedicated to them both.”

He leaned back against the seat, “I have so many questions to ask you about her, how things are with her, but I’m not so sure I should after your previous comment.”

“I don’t mean to sound vague, but this was totally unexpected. I know how much she still loves you, but I don’t know how it would affect her if you were to ‘pop’ back into her life.”

“I know there’s no making up for the lost time between us, but seeing you, I know that she will always hold a bit of me in her heart.”

“More than you realize.” my phone rang, it was mom. I looked at him before I picked it up, excusing myself, “hi Angel.”

“Hi baby. Did you get my message?”

“Yes. I’m not mad, I’m not hurt. I’m just…”

“Yes baby, I know. Look Dan and I, we had a great time, but…”

“Mom, you don’t have to explain anything to me, trust me, I understand.”

Ron was looking at me while I talked to her, it was as if he wished to speak to her, but wasn’t sure about asking. “Mom, how would you feel about hearing a voice from your distant past?”

“Bowen? Are you talking with…” she trailed off.

“He’s sitting right here across from me. I think we’ve been talking for the last two hours, after he lost a game of pool to me.”

“Oh, you beat him?” she seemed a bit surprised, “He threw the game didn’t he?” she commented as if she had been watching.

“Yes, I believe so. But said you taught me well.” I smiled as she giggled.

“Baby, I’m not so sure I can find the words to say anything to him.” I knew she was unsure about talking to him after all those years.

“Do you really want to? After all, it’s up to you Angel.” I glanced back to Ron, seeing anxiety in his expression.

“Yes, I suppose a few moments wouldn’t hurt.” She was hesitant.

“All right mom, hang on.” I held the phone out to him, his hand was shaking when he took it.

“Hello Jeana,” he smiled, “It’s been a very long time baby.”

I half-heartedly listened to the one-sided conversation, knowing only that whatever they were discussing was something that should have been said twenty-five years earlier. My only quandary was where it would lead after this. After thirty minutes, he handed the phone back to me, drying his tearstained cheeks, and dismissed himself.

Mom and I talked a bit longer, ending the call with her reassurance that she was fine, and was heading off to bed. Ron came back to the table a little later and asked if I would like to go somewhere that was quiet so we could talk. I didn’t see where it would hurt.

We got up from the table, he walked to the bar, and I told Otto I was taking off. He shook his head, telling me he would see me later. I put my jacket on and met Ron at the door. We spent the rest of the night talking about mom, and her past.

She gave me her blessing to relay anything I felt comfortable talking about, concerning her past, to Ron. In the end, with a little uneasiness, and at his request, I found my Dad, something that I had never had in my lifetime.


Sunday night found me at the pub again, dad and I playing pool and talking about mom. I was amazed that there was so much she never told me about the two of them. He spoke fondly of her every time he talked about her. You could see her never stopped loving her. And I knew, somewhere deep down inside of him, like her, if they were ever given the chance to be together again, they would be inseparable as a couple.

Monday was the last day of the conference. There weren’t that many left, just diehards and of course, I stayed because I had to attend a last minute seminar. Otto had stayed behind, but the others left earlier. I packed all but my clothes for the early morning flight the next day, and headed out to the pub. Otto met me in the lobby and we walked the chilly wet sidewalk the few blocks up the street.

“So, how’s it feel to meet you dad?” he looked at me, curious.

“It’s been ok; he has a lot of regrets over loosing mom.”

“You would think he would have gotten over it after all this time.”

“Otto, neither of them have gotten over each other. They moved on, because they had to, not because they wanted to.” As we briskly walked towards the pub, I remembered dad telling me the actual truth behind their separation, and told Otto.

“My mom only knew that her parents didn’t want her marrying him because according to them, he had ‘nothing’. Dad told me that his parents liked her, and agreed to take her into the family, that was why he went back to get her, besides the fact that he loved her.

They all knew she was pregnant, but it was too late by the time he got back to her. The man from Louisiana (I refused to mention his name) paid her parents a hefty sum of money, promising to care for her if they allowed the marriage.” I looked at Otto, who had this astonished look on his face.

“They sold your mom off like a piece of meat?”

“Yeah, you could say that.” I shook my head, still trying to grasp the concept, “dad tried everything to find her, but ran out of resources. After a year of trying, he finally found someone who thought they knew what happened to her, and he was told that she died during child birth, and we were both gone.”

Otto looked at me in disbelief, shaking his head, “I bet it was tough on him seeing you in the bar the other night.”

“Think how tough it was on me listening to him tell me that story, and I know the rest that he doesn’t.” I opened the door to the pub, “I don’t know if I should tell mom or not.”

“Bo. maybe that is one story that you should keep to yourself, maybe, your dad should be the one to tell her. It might be better coming from him.”

“Yeah, if he ever actually calls again.”

“You give him the numbers?”


“He’ll call, trust me.”

“Otto, I’m not so sure I want him to.”

On our last night, wanted some good food to last me through the night and into the flight. With it being Monday night, I doubted dad would be there. I had said my goodbyes earlier that morning when we parted from the pub.

He hugged me tightly, promising that we would keep in touch. His words to me before I departed his company the night before rang in my ears. “I’m proud of you Bowen. I’m sorry we have missed out on so much together. The good thing is, we have plenty of time to catch up.” he told me, “Tell your mother I still hold her in my heart, as she does mine.”

When he pulled away from me, there were still many years of sorrow behind his eyes. In the end, I had the feeling that I had sealed my fate with them in that instant.

Otto and I found a table open and sat down with our beers. We found conversation else where besides my mom and dad, and played several games of pool, before leaving for the night. It was almost midnight when we decided it was time to go, and I was trying to remind myself that I had to get up at six a.m. As we walked in the rainy night air, I thought of everything that transpired over the last few months to the last four days, and how much life had suddenly changed. Not at all, what I was expecting while I was here in Chicago.

“Hi baby, guess your busy packing or finishing up your day. Call me when you get a chance. I love you.” I continued to the next one, “It’s late baby, I’m going to bed so I can be rested before I come to get you tomorrow. I’m not feeling all that great, I think that I over did it this weekend. I love you.” her next message, “Bo baby, call when you get this, I’m willing to bet you’re at the pub with your dad, so, call me even if its late. Baby, I miss you.” her voice was sad, something was a miss.

Like Dan, I had to admit, yeah, I know, it wasn’t like her to be down. I listened to the last message again; she left it just before I got into the room. I called the house, and she answered after the fourth ring, “Hello.”

“Hey mom.”

“HI baby.” she sounded sleepy.

“I’m sorry, I left my phone in the room. I guess I laid it down when I put my jacket on and forgot to put it in the pocket.”

“It’s all right. I hadn’t heard from you and I was worried.” She yawned.

“Were you asleep?” I asked, guessing that she had been.

“No, in fact, I had just laid down a few minutes ago.”

“I’m sorry mom, Otto and I were having some good games. I didn’t even realize that I left my phone behind.”

“It’s ok. I just wanted to make sure you knew I was picking you up, and make sure that if your flight was delayed that you knew to call. That’s all.”

I knew that wasn’t all, I could hear it, “Mom, Angel, what’s wrong?”

She took a deep breath, “baby, I miss you. I want you with me, I’m lonely with out you. Yes, I’m used to you being gone at night time, but you’re not gone like this. I miss your arms, your kiss, the heat of your body, waking up next to you. I just miss you.”

“It will all be over tomorrow. I’ll be there to hold you. I miss you so much, and your body, and your softness against me.”

“And I’m so fucking horny!” she giggled.

“Well, I have to admit, jacking off in the shower has it’s perks, but nothing like when I’m with you there.”

“Yes, I think the shower misses us terribly.” I knew she was smiling.

I chuckled at her, “I guess I’m going let you go to sleep. I need to catch a few z’s myself, I sure as hell don’t want to miss my flight.”

“Um, nor do I want you to. If you’re not too tired when we get home…” she hinted.

“Definitely Angel.” I smiled, thinking of the moment I had her alone, I felt the heat take over my body, “god baby, I love you.”

“I Love you too Bowen. Goodnight.”


I stared at the phone for a few seconds, then lay it back on the nightstand and slept.

*** The airport was crowded, and I made my way down to the baggage claim, awaiting my luggage. I had tried to call her a few times, but she didn’t answer her cell. I wondered if she had over slept or if something else was wrong. I grabbed my bag from the luggage carousel and headed towards the door.

As I turned to walk out the sliding doors, I heard a sweet voice behind me.”Hey, mister, can I give you a lift some where?”

I never turned around, but put my bags down and stated, “I’m not so sure my girl would appreciate such things. She’s very possessive of me, and I don’t think you would like to see her angry.” I smiled, waiting her answer.

She got closer to me, with in whispering distance, “Well, perhaps your girl would appreciate the fact that you think so highly of her.”

“Oh, she knows, trust me, she knows.” I smiled, starting to turn around when I felt her hands go around my waist.

“Perhaps, she would like to be your wife, instead of your girl.” I knew she was standing on her tip-toes, or she had heels on, because I’m about a foot taller then she is, and she was breathing on the back of my neck, kissing me lightly as she spoke.

“If it wasn’t against the law, I would have married her all ready, because there is no way in hell I’m ever going to let her go.” Her arms tightened around my mid-section and I turned around to face her, staring into the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. “Hi Angel.”

“HI baby.” she spoke breathlessly.

I pulled her to me, kissing her slowly, not caring what the fuck anyone thought. Besides, who the hell knew me there anyway. She looked so beautiful when I pulled away, there was no way this woman looked forty-two years old, she looked so sexy and youthful.

“Oh baby, I missed you!” she buried into my chest, holding me as close as she could.

“I missed you so much Jeana. I love you baby.” I kissed her hair, kissed her cheek, kept her close. Yes, there were a lot of people watching us, but, we weren’t the only ones there doing this. I had to hold her, it had been too many days too long.

After several minutes, I looked down at her, “What do you say we go home and spend some quiet time together?”

“I would like that, very much.”

I grabbed up my bags and slid my hand down her arm, taking her hand and leading us out into the parking lot. “You know, if there weren’t any cameras here, I’d make love to you in the back seat.”

“You can’t, I brought your truck.” she smiled, chuckling, “too bad we don’t have a few blankets, the bed would work nicely.” She winked at me.

Huh, yeah, hadn’t thought about that, but I did know a nice place where I could take her and we could do that sometime. I smiled at the thought as we approached the truck.

I tossed my stuff in the back and walked over to open the door for her, kissing her long and deep. She brushed her hands against me, feeling of my hardness and longing for her. Speaking through our kiss, she said, “Bowen, make love to me, take me home and make love to me.”

“I plan on it baby.”

She sat close to me in the truck as we drove home, my hand caressing her thigh, hers caressing my hardness.

Once again, we barely made it through the door before our clothes were off. This time, there was no hesitation and I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

I lay her on the bed and then beside her, kissing her fully, tongue entwined with hers, my hands worked over her soft body. I felt the excitement of her flesh as my fingers wandered to her warmth. She was so wet, her lips swollen in anticipating of my hardness.

I eased over her, never letting go of the kiss and slipped deep into her body. She moaned under me as her body responded to me, pushing up, accepting my length.

Our motion became one and I quickly brought her over the edge, as she peaked, she moaned my name and looked at me so deeply. I felt something in that single moment that I had never felt with her.

She took me with her, I couldn’t stop. It had been too long since I felt her tighten herself around me, her walls, her heat, her passion. I felt myself stiffen with massive pleasure and buried myself into her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her tightly into me, “Oh Jeana, my love, my baby, my Angel, I love you, god how I love you.”

I gasped as I exploded into her depths, she whimpered, her eyes rocking me, her body quivering beneath my power. I stared at her a moment and then took her lips in a heated kiss, sealing the end of our lovemaking. She was still panting, moving her body with mine as I pumped the last of my love seed into her beautiful body.

I pulled away ready to collapse, but kept my arms entwined around her until my limpness left her of its own free will. I could hear her whispering my name, “oh Bowen, my love, Bowen. There will never be another. I love you, I love you.” I slid from her body, still keeping her with me, kissing her lightly everywhere I had the strength to until I was completely drained. We slept the rest of the day away.

I woke just before Arron returned home from school. I was rummaging around the kitchen after a nice long shower when he came bounding in the door.

“BO! BO!” he was hugging me so tightly. “Man I missed you!”

“I missed you too lil bro.”

“How was the trip?” he pulled away, tossing his backpack in the chair, grabbing something from the fridge.

“It was interesting, to say the least.” I sat down at the table with him, “I met my dad. He’s shipping us some authentic Chicago style pizza, frozen of course.” I shot him a half smile, and he looked curious.

“Your dad, how did that work?”

“I don’t know? I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I even beat him at a pool game.”

Arron stuck his lip out, “I wish I knew my dad.” I felt a bit of angst and anger creep over me, thinking he was better off not knowing his. I knew him, and I had felt and seen his wrath too many days.

I cleared my throat, trying to find something to say about the time he spoke up. “That’s ok, because really, your better than having a dad, for an older brother, that is.”

“Thanks man, I appreciate that.”

“I kind of consider you both my bro and my dad, you think that’s stupid?”

“No, not at all, in fact, I like that.” I smiled at him, he took a drink of his milk.

“So, where’s mom?”

“She’s in bed. I wore her out.” I had to catch myself, “I mean, I talked to her late last night, and kept her up, so she went to bed not long after we got home.”

“She’s been worried about you Bo. She acted real funny around Mr. Dan. He tried to hold her hand and kiss her a few times, and she didn’t want him doing anything like that.”

“Really now? And what else was Dan trying to do?” I eased closer to him, squinting my eyes at him.

“Nothing really, just wanted to hold her, hug her, like you do, and she told him no, they were just friends, and that was all.”

I felt my jealously and anger spike, but with the thought our earlier lovemaking, I wasn’t worried. “So, you think Dan likes mom? I mean REALLY likes mom?”

“Yeah. But she don’t like him.” He looked dead at me, “I’m glad too, because I like it just being us. And besides, I know how much you take care of mom, she don’t need him anyway.”

“And how do I take care of mom?”

“I see you hugging on her all the time, kissing her to make her feel better, and she squeals when you mess with her. I know how much she loves you. I’m not blind BO! You are her favorite!”

I about shit, I thought I was busted for sure, how was I going to explain that to him about us? “Look, there’s lot’s of reasons I hug and kiss mom, one is because I love her, another is because she needs that affection, and I like doing it.” I tried to assess his expression, “Besides, I really love her a lot.” Did he understand, or was it just he saw it differnetly, and not the way she and I saw it.

“It’s ok. Like I told you before Bo, I would rather you were here, with us, then someone else. Mom needs you, she always has. You have always taken care of us, and especially her. I told you before, she needed you home. Told you that before you moved back in.”

“How would you feel if mom and I were closer?”

“I don’t know, guess it wouldn’t matter to me. Like I said, she needs you, and I need you too.” He got up and hugged my neck, “You’re the only dad I ever knew. And you take care of me like my dad. If you love me like that, and love mom, then that’s all that I care about.”

I hugged him tightly, feeling the tears well in my eyes. “You’re the best brother/dad anyone could ever have Bowen. I love you!”

“How would you feel if I wanted to be your dad?”

“I don’t know, guess it don’t matter. Why?”

“Because, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things, and wondering about things like that.”

“Well, it sure would be easier for me at school sometimes. You know, dad/son things.”

“You know, all you ever had to do was ask me.”

“I know, but it was strange, now, since you’re back here, it’s not so strange.”

I looked at him, “since when did you grow up to be so logical.” So wise for his ten years.

He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know, guess I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Just, no one would listen to me.”

“All you had to do was tell me Arron, I would have listened.”

“I know, but you weren’t here then, and well, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is mom and you and I are happy now.”

“Good. I like that too. So, how would you feel about moving away to a new place this summer?”

“That would be cool! Where?”

“I was thinking about Colorado, back to where mom is from, or somewhere else there.”

“I could learn to ski, or snowboard, or have somewhere to skateboard, or…” He trailed off, thinking.

“Yes, that and new friends, new school, and mountains to hike and ride your bike in, hunt for fossils.”

“Don’t you think we better ask mom?”

“No, I want to keep it a secret until I can find a house and then we’ll tell her. Okay?”

“Deal!” he high fived me.

“Do you have homework?”

“YES.” He said with dread.

“Get your homework done, I’m going to order pizza, that way mom doesn’t have to cook. And we won’t have to do dishes!”

“COOL!” he grabbed his pack and left the kitchen. I sat back, thinking over things from what Angel said at the airport, to the passion and love that passed between us earlier, to my conversation with Arron.

Yes, I’m going to take her, and him, and were going to start over somewhere where no one knows about us, as a family, a different family. I called and ordered the pizza and went back to check on her, she was in the shower, and if it would have not been for the sheer fact that Arron was home, I would have joined her.

*** The months passed quickly, and it found me out of town in Durango, finalizing the paperwork on our new house. I mentioned to the realtor about my wife and son, and that we wanted something nice in the mountain, not too close to the ski areas, but with several acres of land.

She found me a good deal on a small ranch about thirty miles from town. I thought it was perfect. The house was just right, there was a pond in the back, a small barn, work shed. Yes, it needed some fixing up, but over all, perfect for us. Five bedrooms and three baths, even a bathroom out in the barn, ok, it was an outhouse, but what the hell.

I told Angel and Arron that I had to go out there on business, checking out some leads for a case I was working, not far from the truth, I just didn’t mention that it wasn’t for work. I talked to her every night that I was away, had hot phone sex with her a few times, and discussed my trip.

She wasn’t feeling too well before I left. I guessed she had the beginning of a cold or something, since the weather had been colder than usual for January. She had run herself ragged over the holidays, not to mention all extra stress she had over my holiday shifts, and dealing with Arron at home from school for those two weeks. Even now she was still recovering and it was the end of the month.

I lay and watch through the window of my hotel room as the snow began falling, wondering what kind of change this move was going to make on all of us. The colder weather, the higher elevation, everything. Starting over with a new perspective on life, away from everything we’ve known for the last ten years.

I picked up my cell to call home, and noticed that I had missed some calls, I panned through the keys to bring up my messages and started listening. “Hi Bo, hey, mom said to call, she’s… Anyway, she says she’ll see you in the morning at the airport. I’m coming with her! Isn’t that cool! Well, see you later man!” I had to laugh at Arron’s message, always the clown.

The last message from mom, “Hi baby, sorry about letting Arron call you, I was… anyway, I’m not feeling so well tonight, I hope I’m better in the morning. I haven’t felt well all day, in fact, I haven’t felt good in a while now.” she drew in a breath, “Baby, I’m going to bed, I know it’s early, but I just need some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow baby. I love you very much, I miss you terribly, I can’t wait to be in your arms again and feel your warmth.”

I sunk back on the bed and looked at the phone and played the message over again, she called me at seven-thirty, mom’s never sick. But, what did she mean by ‘a while now’? She had told me that she had been very busy over the weekend, so maybe she was just tired. But there was something in her voice, something that unnerved me. It was after ten when I called the house, hoping that maybe, she would be awake.

“Hello?” the groggy male voice came unexpectedly.

“Dan? What are you doing there?” I answered back in shock.

“Your mom’s really sick, she asked me to come over and help keep an eye on Arron.”

I sat up instantly, “What’s wrong with mom?”

“I think she ate something that didn’t agree with her. She’s been throwing up.”

“Throwing up?”

He sighed deeply, “She called me before Arron got home from school today, saying that she had been sick most of the day. I hurried over here to see about her. Bowen, if she isn’t better by in the morning, I’m going to take her to the hospital.”

“Oh god!” I groaned. “Is she awake? I would like to talk to her if I could.”

“Hang on, I’ll go see.” I heard his muffled voice a few moments later, “Jeana, honey, are you awake?” She moaned something; “Bowen wants to talk to you, are you up for that?” his voice came back to me, “Bowen, hold on a few minutes, ok?”

“Sure.” my patience was wearing thin from worry, and he called her honey! Damn it!

The phone rustled, “Bo, baby?”

“Hi Angel,” I tried to keep my voice soft, pushing my anger and jealousy aside, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m better now. I think I have a stomach bug, but hopefully I’ll be better in the morning. I have to pick you up tomorrow.”

“No baby, I’ll catch a cab or something, don’t worry about me. I just want you to get better.”

“I will baby, as soon as your home.” her voice was weak; my heart was crushing in my chest. “Baby, I need to lie back down…” I heard the phone hit the floor.

“Jeana!” Dan yelled.

“Jeana! MOM!” I screamed, hoping Dan would hear me and pick up the phone.

“Bowen, are you still there?” Dan’s panicked voice riveted through me.

“Yes, yes! Is mom ok!?”

“Let me call you back, I need to help Jeana, sorry Bowen, I really need to help your mom.”

“DAN!” the phone went dead!

Here I was, god only knows how many miles away, and mom is sick, and I can’t help her! I knew I should have brought her with me on this damn trip! I double checked my bags, and lay trying to sleep. I even took a hot shower to try to relax, but it didn’t help. I called the house and no answer, I tried again, nothing. So I tried moms cell, and Dan answered, “Hello Bowen.”

“Hey. How’s mom? Where’s Arron?”

“He’s sleeping, and Jeana is resting comfortably. Look, I’m sorry about earlier, but she just… she just looked at me, all I could do was catch her as she fell over like a rag doll.” I could hear him sobbing. He was really shook up about the whole deal.

“Dan, she’s a strong woman, my dad even said so.” I was trying to ease my pangs more than his.

“Bowen, I hope your right. I love her so much, I just couldn’t stand loosing her.”

Wait, what did you just say? Did I hear you right? You said you love my mom? I was so angry about not being there, and now his words, I didn’t even think to ask where the hell they were. Did he take her to the hospital, was she at home, and he just answered her cell, WHAT!

The rest of the night, I fought with the issue of my mom being sick, and Dan, after hanging out with her over the last four days, confessing to me that he loved her! If I wasn’t so damn tired I would have took my rental car and drove the rest of the night to get home. But it was senseless, and I knew I only had a few more hours before my flight left. The last time I looked at the clock, it was three forty-five.

I grabbed my luggage and headed towards the door, my stress level so high, I couldn’t even think about calling Dan’s cell or checking my messages. As the sliding doors opened, Arron came rushing to my side, “BO! Oh BO!” He was in tears.

I dropped my bags and held him next to me, he hugged me tightly, “Mom, mom’s so sick, I just, we had to take her, I’m scared BO!” he was crying so hard, it made me start to cry.

“How did you get here?” I finally managed, trying to fight the tears.

“Dan, he’s driving around again so we didn’t have to park, he said he’d meet us here!”

“Ok, calm down. I’m home; everything is going to be all right.” He looked at me, trying to smile. Dan’s car rolled up in front of us and he got out, helping put the luggage in the trunk. I stood there staring at him, wondering about his relationship with my mother. He looked at me, his expression saying more than his words, but still speechless.

“Where is she?”

“Mercy General.”

I wanted to punch him in the face and thank him all in the same notion. “Take me to see her.” The ride was quiet. I saw a relief in Arron’s face when I looked back at him. I consoled myself by thumbing my PDA, and seeing that I had several messages. I brought them up and listened, most of them from Otto and my dad, and then the one from mom. I drew a deep breath as I put the phone to my ear.

“Hello baby,” her voice was so weak, “I wanted to let you know I was in the hospital, it was my choice that Dan took me. I’m very scared. I haven’t felt this way in eleven years.” she choked on her tears, making me do the same, “Please come straight to the hospital, Dan and Arron will be picking you up. I know you’re tired and worried, but baby, I need you here with me. I love you so much,” she was crying so hard. I knew she was going to make herself sick again, “Bowen, baby, we need to talk when you get home. It’s very important. I love you.”

I ended the call and put the phone on my knee, staring off into the distance. “What room is mom in?” it had been the first words I had said to him since I got in the car.

“What?” Dan looked over at me.

“What room is she in?”

“2407.” he looked at me, “She won’t tell me what’s wrong, and neither will the doctors because I’m not family.” he looked back at the road again, “But I don’t understand why she won’t tell me.”

“Maybe it’s something personal that she doesn’t feel the need to tell you.” I snapped, meaning, and not meaning, to.

“Well, if you find out, I would appreciate it if you let me know.” he said gruffly.

Dan brought the car to a halt in front of the hospital doors and I jumped out, followed by Arron. We hurried to the elevator and to the second floor, finding our way down the halls to mom’s room.

Arron led the way since he had already been there. We tried not to run over any of the nurses or the patients out in the hall, but my heart was desperate to see Angel for numerous reasons.

Arron suddenly stopped, straightening his shirt and taking off his ball cap. I looked at the room number on the closed door, and steadied myself. We eased open the door and crept inside.

She had a private room, which made me feel better about the situation as I looked around. We closed the door and quietly approached her bed. She was sleeping; I. V. hung over her, tube in her arm. My heart fell instantly when I saw her, my mind flashing back to the days when she was in the hospital last. I was thanking God that she wasn’t beat up this time.

I heard Arron’s voice, bringing me from my thoughts, “Mom, momma, Bowen’s home, Momma.” She stirred from her sleep as Arron repeated himself. She reached up to his face, caressing his cheek and smiled.

“You brought Bo with you? I didn’t think he was due home until tomorrow.”

Arron looked up at me, shrugging his shoulders; “Mom, it is tomorrow.” he spoke to her ever so softly.

I approached the bed and reached for her hand, she turned to look at me, her lovely brown eyes so worn. All of my memories haunted me, “Hi mom, how are you feeling?” I knelt down, kissing her cheek.

“Oh Bowen, you’re home. Oh baby.” a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Yes Angel, I’m here.”

She squeezed my hand, making my heart jolt, “Help me sit up a bit will you?” I slipped my hand behind her and helped her up while Arron eased the bed forward. She smiled thanking both of us.

“How are you doing mom?” Arron asked her, hoping she was better.

“I’m fine honey; just have a little stomach flu that may be with me a little while.” She pushed his hair from his eyes, and pulled him over to hug him, “Can you give your brother and me a few minutes, I need to talk to him alone.”

“It’s ok mom, you can tell him, I won’t tell Mr. Dan.”

“No baby, I need to tell Bowen by himself. It’s important, because, well, I just need to talk to him by himself. Okay?”

“Alright mom.” he hung his head and pouted.

“Arron, there’s some money in my purse, you can go down and get you something out of the cafeteria if you like.”

“Here,” I pulled a ten out of my wallet and handed it to him, “Go down and get us both something to drink, and maybe a candy bar or something, I haven’t eaten yet today.”

“I can spend it all?”

“You can keep what you don’t spend.” I added.


“Arron, don’t be gone too long, and don’t get lost.”

“I won’t mom.”

Mom sat quiet until she knew he was out of sight and looked at me, she took a deep breath as if she didn’t know how to tell me what was wrong. I looked at her and swallowed hard, expecting the worst.

God, we had been though so much together, ever since I could remember, and her, even before I was born. How many times did I sit with her, those nights patching up her wounds, holding her ice, laying with her to protect her in my own way, and now, making love to her, caring for her as the woman I loved, lying with her at night, regretful when I left her side.

“Bowen.” her soft voice brought me from my thoughts. I looked at her and sat on the side of the bed, holding her hand. She rubbed my arm, emotion-wreaking havoc inside her heart.

“Jeana, just tell me, I can see your upset, what happened?”

“Oh Bowen,” she cried, trying to hold back the depths of her tears. I couldn’t help but hold her, it had been too long since I had. Her tears flowed, wetting my shoulder of my shirt, I tired to comfort her, but just let her cry. When she finally calmed down and pulled away from me, I handed her a tissue and waited for her to gather herself again.

I tired to make light of the moment, “So, you have a stomach flu, Food poisoning, Or just a small virus?”

“Morning sickness.”

“Yes, that would make you throw up, and make you dizzy and…” I stopped and looked at her, she nodded her head.

“Yes baby, morning sickness. Although mine seems to be lasting longer through the day because I haven’t been resting and…”

I put my fingers to her lips, “Jeana, you’re telling me, you’re kidding right?” she shook her head no, looking at me scared, but happy in a sense.

“Bowen, we’re pregnant. I mean, I’m pregnant.”

I think I felt ever bit of life drain from me, and I wasn’t sure if it was the sheer shock of her confession, or that I was, “Angel, I’m going to be…”

“A daddy.” she whispered, smiling. Her voice turned desperate, “I’m sorry Bowen, I didn’t even think about it, it had been so long, I didn’t even know.” She put her hand on her tummy, “Bo, I love you so much, and we were so perfect together, that I didn’t even think anything about this happening. I was so happy with your love, and everything we had together, I didn’t even realize this could happen to me again.” she looked away, as if she were ashamed.

I sat there dumbfounded, trying to let it all sink in. After the talk with my own father, and the depth of the love I held for her in my own right, being away from her and everything else that had been going on since we first made love, it never dawned on me that this could have happened either. I took a deep breath, not knowing if I was trying to contain my happiness, or understand completely what was going on.

She stared out the window, talking, but not directly to me, “They asked me if it was possible, and I told them I didn’t think so, but I didn’t know. After we discussed the symptoms, they ran the tests. We counted back and guessed it to be about three months ago.” She looked back at me, “After I had some time to think about it, I figured it happened after you got back from Chicago,” she reached up and touched my cheek, “Bowen.” She took a deep breath, “I know this is a little odd, especially under the circumstances, but maybe this is meant to be. After all, besides your father, you’re the only man who has ever truly loved me.”

I still didn’t know what to say to her, I was still quite astonished. I put my hand on her belly and held it to her, not knowing what to do.

“Well, if it makes you feel better, I wouldn’t have found out if I didn’t have a touch of food poisoning, that’s why they kept me in the hospital. Just to make sure I was ok, especially this early in the pregnancy.”

I ran my hand over her tummy, she lifted her gown, and let me touch her naked body. All of the thoughts I had about making love to her welled up inside of me as I ran my hand in a small circle of the little hump that was beginning to form. I wanted to show her how happy I was, but under the circumstances, it was impossible.

“Bowen, say something, Please?”

“I’m going to have to be careful how I make love to you for a while.” I whispered, looking at her, she smiled. I took her in my arms and kissed her, God how I wanted to taste her lips. I had missed her so much. “Oh my Angel, I love you so much. I can’t believe this is happening to us, I would have never thought it could.”

“And all the preaching I did to you about safe sex, and look where I ended up.” she giggled into my shoulder. She pulled away to look at me, I brushed her hair from her face. “Bowen, are you sure your ok with this, I mean, I need to know so I can…”

“Don’t ever think that. I would never abandon my child, or my love.” my voice strained against my words. I wasn’t angry, but if she was thinking about ending the pregnancy because of the circumstances, I wasn’t going to let that happen. The only thing that would end it is if her health was an issue, or it would cause the loss of both her and the baby.

“I just mean, Bowen, if you don’t wish to be a father, especially considering that I’m your mother and…”

“You are my love, my heart, you haven’t been my mother for a long time Jeana. And now, it just proves that we were meant for each other this way.”

“Bowen, I want you to be sure.”

“I couldn’t be surer baby.” I kissed her again, running my hand back to her belly.

“What do we tell your brother and sister?” she brought my attention back to her eyes.

“We tell them they are going to have another member of the family soon, and if they ask who it belongs to, well, we just tell them that it is ours, I mean, ours as in family. No one needs to know how she became except for the two of us.”

“She?” I just smiled. “So, would you like to tell your brother, or should I?”

“Tell me what?” Arron’s voice rang from the doorway as he came to stand by the bed.

“Mom is going to be a mom again.”

“Mom’s going to be a mom again?” He wrinkled his nose.

“Yes, you are going to have a baby brother.” she shyly grinned at him.

“OR sister.” I interjected, looking at her. She just smiled.

“So that’s the big secret, Jeana is pregnant?” Dan’s voice echoed from the other side of the room as he entered.

I felt my hair stand on end, jealously seethe over my body. She squeezed my hand and looked at me. I knew that look, that was her ‘I’ll take care of things’ look.

I gathered her up close to me on purpose and kissed her cheek, whispering in her ear, “I Love you Jeana, god how I love you. Thank you for the precious gift you have given me.”

“I love you too my love.” She held me close for a few moments and then nudged me away, “Baby, would you mind going down to the nurses station and seeing when they decided to do my sonogram, and if they are going to bring me some lunch today?”

“Yes Angel, mom, I’ll take Arron down and see for you.” I motioned to him as I got up. She mouthed ‘I love you’, and I slowly let my hand slip from her grasp.

While I was gone, she explained to Dan about the pregnancy, and that the father had been a close friend, and it was just a one night stand between them, but she doubted that he would ever care one way or another, and she didn’t care if he knew or not.

She told Dan that she loved him as a friend, and hoped that he would stay in her life that way. But she felt no need to marry again, as she had us to help her, and care for her. If he wanted to be part of their life, that was fine. He seemed happy with that, and our love was safe.

I took a few extra days off to recover from the trip and bring Jeana home from the hospital. After her first day home, and I knew she was resting comfortable, I slipped into the bed with her, holding her close. We kissed and talked about the baby, looking at the sonogram pictures again. It was exciting to see the baby, knowing that it was growing inside of her and it was mine.

When I came home from work Friday morning, Arron had already left for school, and I wandered through the house as I always did, putting my things away and taking a shower. Angel lay in bed sleeping, waiting for me to return home.

We made love softly and quietly, making up for my time away and the few days she was sick. She told me not to worry about being with her, enjoy her that way as much as I could, because in a few months, there would be less horny spells, and then more, and a bigger tummy.

She laughed, knowing that I knew all of that, but it was different now, I was making love to her, with her carrying my child. And I was very over protective of her, so much more now than I had ever been. As we lay there, I slipped down to her belly and whispered to the stirring inside, she smiled, combing my hair away with her fingers, thanking me.

“Bowen, I love you.”

“And I love you, and our little angel.” kissing her lightly.

Arron and I talked again about mom having a new baby, and about me being the dad. I told him everything, because I felt he was mature enough to understand that I loved mom and him enough to take the place in their life as husband and father.

I’m not sure he understood that I was actually the cause of the baby’s conception, and just thought that I was going to act like a dad, like I was with him. He liked the fact that I had taken over as the man of the house, because it meant that he had a dad to spend time with.

It was a big surprise when I told Angel the reason I went to Durango was to finalize the papers on the farm, and my new job. She was excited about the news and was glad that we were going to start over in such a lovely place.

We put the house on the market, and agreed to stay until school let out. When the end of May came, we had the movers take all of our things ahead of us, her car included. I was concerned for her because I knew she would have a hard time traveling since she was just weeks away from her due date. We stayed behind a few days at a hotel until I could put her and Arron on a plane, and drove my truck myself, with the last of our belongings to our new home in the mountains.

Aurora Rose Scott was born on the summer solstice, her eyes as bright as Angels, her hair as dark as mine. Mother and daughter are doing fine, as is daddy and big brother. I signed the birth certificate, after all, I am her father, and no one needs to know any different.

My wife, Jeana and I are expecting our second child next fall. Aurora will be two when Nichols Rowan arrives, and we couldn’t be happier.

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