Mom and son…


Raja looked in his mother’s bedroom, and saw half-empty plastic bottle was lying near mother’s feet. Both mother and baby were fast asleep. The scene looked so peaceful compared to night before when baby kept them both up with her frantic crying. Raja watched his mother as she dozed. His mother, sunita devi was still a young woman, only 34. She was beautiful with long black hair and beautiful even wearing an old house use sari and blouse. Raja noticed that the hook in front of her blouse was undone and a large wet pink nipple was protruding. Raja felt a sudden flash of shame and looked quickly away. Mother had been trying to breast feed baby again but couldn’t. Doctor explained to her that many factors might be to blame including the mother’s diet and level of stress. Fortunately, almost all babies who have trouble breast feeding have no problem feeding from a bottle. Baby was doing fine with bottle but mother kept trying to get her to nurse. Raja secretly found the idea of breast-feeding exciting. Since puberty he had the usual teen-aged boy’s fascination with breasts. At 14 his sexual experiences were extended to some groping of the school girlfriends. But those girls were nothing compared to raja’s own mother, sunita devi.

His mother had a slender frame with large, heavy breasts. Secretly, raja had looked through the washing cloths to find one of his mother’s brassieres. Feeling both ashamed and excited raja read the faded tag on his mother’s brassiere, 38dd. Hoping his mother would not notice, raja hides the brassiere under the frame of his bed from which he would sometimes take it out to study when alone. Raja learned that women’s breasts could increase during pregnancy. At the time of her pregnancy raja’s father was with them. His father is officer in navy. He used to stay out of town for six to eight months at a stretch and then takes two to three months leave & stays at home with them. Raja remembered when his father was at home four month before. That time mother was five month pregnant. His father told to mother that he would not go until baby is born. It was good time as they were happy and enjoying. But just before one month he went back to ship as his mother tried to stop him. He told her not to worry that he had already arranged hospital and everything and would be back within six month. Mother wanted father to stay up to at least baby born. But his father didn’t stay leaving his mother with him. She was depressed and broke down. Raja told his mother not to worry. They didn’t need anyone else. He would take care of her, and raja did. Their financial condition wasn’t that well that they would hire any housemaid. So raja took over cleaning the house and doing the household shopping, and even had gotten a part-time job at the local library to help their income.

When his mother admitted at the local hospital, raja volunteered to be his mother’s caretaker but mother’s younger sister, anita auntie, said it wasn’t proper and took his place as caretaker. In raja’s mother case, there had been some complications and a cesarean had to be performed. He was forced to stay outside in the waiting room while anita auntie with mother in the delivery room. He was overjoyed when the nurse announced that he now had a healthy baby sister. The nurse led him into the hospital room where his mother laid dreamily in the bed holding the little baby. He hugged his mother and held his sleepy baby sister cautiously. “meet your new baby sister, raja.” sunita devi announced proudly. His mother unbuttoned the top few button her hospital dress. Casually, she reached in, and an enormous white breast capped with a glistening pink nipple flopped out. “uhhh, maa. Shall i wait outside?” he said nervously. He averted his eyes quickly, but he kept finding his eyes drawn back where he would steal quick peeks of his mother’s bare breast. He rarely saw his mother’s breasts except for quick glances when she would lean over in a low- cut blouse or if pallu of her sari would fell. He was actually shocked and excited at his mother’s sudden casual display of nudity in front of him. “no! Stay here raja. I’m going to feed my milk to baby.” sunita devi took baby to her nipple. Baby’s mouth was against the nipple but she didn’t suck. She lifted her heavy breast to position it better, and a thin white liquid squirted in the air from the top of his mother’s nipple.

Raja was fascinated. “i have to feed baby as i have been uncomfortable since i started producing milk.” raja just nodded nervously and tried to look away. She tried to nurse little baby, but she just looked with her unfocused eyes. At one point some of the drippings of her milk got on baby’s lips but she still didn’t get the hint. “she’s probably doesn’t know how to suck. I try later.” she put baby back into the hospital cradle where she immediately fell asleep. “the doctor says i should be ready to go home the day after tomorrow.” sunita devi held raja’s hand warmly, “raja, you have done too much help even though you’re small, son” “maa, i’ll always be there for you” he said tenderly. “raja!” she was smiling mischievously, “you’re staring at me so much.” raja looked away ashamed from his mother’s bare breast. She pushed her exposed breast safely back into the folds of her dress. “don’t be embarrassed raja.” sunita devi said warmly as she unhurriedly re-buttoned her dress, “i certainly know from personal experience about the fascination of teen-aged boys with breasts”, she laughed. He was hot with embarrassment but his mother held his hand reassuringly. “breast feeding is the most natural thing in the world. Please don’t be embarrassed when i am feeding baby, ok raja?” “ok, mother.” he hung his head down. He crossed his legs slightly to hide his erection, and prayed to god that she didn’t see that!

Raja came to sense when he saw his mother woke up. Sunita devi smiled when she saw him standing over her. “how are you, maa? Is baby sleep?” she rubbed her eyes. “yeah. She didn’t calm down until up to this morning. I tried again to get her to nurse but i couldn’t.” she said sadly. He took baby from her and placed her in the cradle. He wrapped her tight in the blanket. Sunita devi was still sitting in the chair when he returned, trying to shake the sleep from her eyes. He noticed that her blouse was still unhooked and his mother’s bare breast was still hanging out. He could see that it was heavy with milk. Since he moved the baby he now noticed that the front of her blouse was soaked. She must be producing milk heavily. She looked down at herself. “god, i am a mess.” she lifted the front of her blouse slightly, which opened the unbuttoned portion of her blouse further, exposing the white breast more. She lifted the breast that was exposed to insert in the blouse and her nipple shoot a white spray of warm milk that landed on raja’s shirt. “oh, i am sorry, raja.” she closed the blouse, hooked and securely tucking away her breast. “uh, that’s ok, mother.” he felt the warm wetness of her milk against his chest as it soaked through his shirt. It was a not unpleasant sensation. “have you got something to do, raja, while i change and feed baby.” his mother said as she finally got up from the chair. “sure, maa.” he left the room, closing the door behind him.

He checked on around the house, then, was deciding what to do for dinner when his mother suddenly called for him from the bedroom. He opened his mother’s bedroom door. He was surprised to see his mother half naked sitting on her bed, holding baby. Although she wore the sari, pallu of her sari was lying on the floor. The hooks of her blouse were open exposing his mother’s heavy, swollen breasts. The nipples were bright red and engorged, and dripping with milk. Her figure since the pregnancy was softly padded voluptuous curves instead of the trim figure she had had previously. In spite of him raja grew immediately hard with the cock throbbing almost painfully. “raja, she isn’t sucking.” she said desperately. She didn’t appear to be aware effect of her half nakedness was having on him. He looked over the baby. Baby was looking her breast with twinkling eyes even though her nipple was on her mouth. He came closer to his mother. Then turned face of baby holding her chicks with his fingers “mother, i think her lips are close, maybe you have to stick it in to her mouth.” his mother lifted her left heavy breast and gently pushed nipple inside baby’s lips. Since his hand was still touching the baby’s chin, his mother’s breast rest lightly against his finger. It felt warm and full. He was too scared and too excited to move his hand, but she said nothing. He flicked the chicks of baby with his hand but nothing. “she can’t get it, mother. Maybe you can try after some time.” she pulled herself out of the baby’s mouth, brushing against his finger as she did. She started to cry. “raja, i’m a failure as a mother. I can’t even feed my own baby. I can’t do anything right.” she sobbed. “maa, don’t cry.” he hugged her and felt his mother’s bare breasts pressed heavily against his chest. Immediately, he backed away.

“raja, they hurt! They’re full with milk now, i have to take that out.” she said desperately cupping her breasts. “maybe, we should call doctor, mother.” suddenly something stuck in sunita devi’s mind. She looked at him questioningly. “what, maa?” “raja. I feed you when you were a baby. You didn’t have any problems. I feed you my milk until you were twelve months old.” “mother, what are you saying?” “raja, if you don’t mind can you suck out my milk. “suck out her milk? His heart was racing. “raja, you’re still my son just like baby. Please suck some milk for me.” his cock was painfully hard now and his mouth felt dry. “please, raja. Do this for me.” “uh, yeah, mother.” he stuttered. “how are we going to do this?” he asked nervously. Sunita devi sat up further on the bed with her back against the bed frame. Here was a fantasy of raja’s secret-most dreams. Settle down. That’s your mother there, he thought. She only wants you to do what the baby is supposed to do. Nothing more. “come here, son,” his mother said lovingly. He looked at his mother waiting for him on the bed on the looking like every man’s innermost fantasy. He didn’t think of that old blouse as something sexy before but now he realized that it could have been something out of fantasy. It framed heavy weight of his mother’s breasts, putting them on display with the front open, exposing his mother’s breasts; the open blouse actually accentuated their nakedness.

Dreamily, he climbed up on the bed to his mother. She pulled him to her. Her nipple was bright red and glistened with the milk that was leaking out. She held him by the back of the head, gently bringing him to her breast. A hard nipple brushed against his lips and released more fluid. He opened his mouth instinctively and took in the nipple. It tasted sweet from the milk. He reached under and cupped the breast with his thumb. It was heavy with milk. He tentatively sucked, and was surprised at the gush of milk that suddenly filled his mouth. His mother’s milk was like cow’s milk except it was thinner and sweeter. He savored the warm milk. The milk started to overflow his mouth and drip down his chin onto his chest. He swallowed his mother’s milk to stop to overflow, and discovered that the action caused even more milk to flow from his mother’s tit. He sucked harder, drinking deep from the fluid of life. As he drained more milk from mother’s breast he could feel the swelling of her breast slowly diminishing. Her body started relaxing as he relieved the painful pressure. While he sucked, the other nipple brushed against the side of his face, causing milk to drip down his cheek. “that’s it, my son! You’re doing fine, raja!” she kissed the top of his head and ran her fingers playfully through his hair. He sucked hungrily at his mother’s breast, and greedily swallowed the milk with loud gulps. He held on tightly with both hands to the soft abundance of her breast. Raja knew that this was all he ever needed. As he sucked at his mother’s tit he knew all other experiences in his life would pale compared to this. He could feel his mother’s body start to stir with excitement. She pressed his head firmly to his breast and started spreading her legs, which cause her sari and petticoat raised up to her thighs.

Raja was lying between her open legs slightly resting on her bare thighs. “oh, raja.” she started moaning. He continued to suck hard until the flow drained to a tinkle. Without even thinking or looking his mouth found his mother’s other nipple. A fresh gush of milk filled his mouth. His mother’s legs were now wrapped around raja’s knee. “come on, raja.” she moaned softly. Raja’s cock was throbbing. Unconsciously he started rubbing it against his mother’s thighs through his trousers. He found a rhythm, and continued to suck deeply at his mother’s nipple. Raja decided to tease the nipple with his tongue as he sucked. When his tongue lightly touched her nipple he felt the electricity go through his mother’s body. He played with the nipple as he continued to suck, and his mother’s body started quaking. He could feel her hotness even through her sari and his trousers as his mother ground her crotch against him. “oh, son” she now moaned loudly. Her breast was almost completely drained. Raja continued to suck the last of the milk as he teased her nipple with his tongue. “oh! Oh! Oh!” his mother’s body was shaking now as she moaned. Raja felt pain as he ejaculated in violent spasms in his underpants. They both lay there silently. Raja’s lips where still on his mother breast is but he had stopped sucking. “raja?” he was almost asleep. “raja?” “uh!” he lay there almost silences against the warmth of his mother’s body. “raja, i think we have to get up,” she said in a soft voice. Raja forced himself to sit up. He looked at his mother and felt embarrassed and guilty, but sunita devi only smiled back sweetly at him. His mother’s breasts were wet with milk as was the rest of her front. He was a mess himself, with milk on his mouth and dripping down his chin to his shirt, which was completely soaked through with his mother’s milk. “thanks, son. I don’t know what i would do without you.” he felt his mother’s breasts brush against him as she kissed him on the cheek. Raja was dazed. His head felt like it was full of cotton. Had this just taken place? He felt like he was dreaming. Did his mother really come? He didn’t have enough experience to judge such things. He had certainly come. He felt the wetness at his underpants. Did she know? “raja, can you give me some privacy while i clean up?” “uh! Sure maa.” he said slowly. He lifted himself awkwardly off the bed. “and clean yourself, too”. He looked backed at his mother still sitting half- naked on the bed. She gave him a wink, which made tingles travel down his spine.

He closed his mother’s door behind him; and now felt very alone and confused. Raja went to bathroom and cleans himself. He fixed something for dinner and tried to keep himself busy so he did not have to think about what had just taken place. Had it really happened? The bedroom door creaked open. His mother emerged dressed in another fresh sari and blouse. “uh! Hi maa”, he said nervously, “ouch!” he burned his hand on the stove. His mother ran to him. “are you all right, son?” she held his hand and gave it a kiss. “yeah, i am ok, maa.” “raja, are you in tension by what we just did?” she asked seriously. “uh! I don’t know, mother.” he was unsure what to say. She held each of his hands, and looked him lovingly in the eyes. “raja, you did help me, your mother! I was suffering because baby is not feeding.” she held him by the shoulders. “you, we didn’t do anything wrong in there, raja. You’re my son just like baby is. Because you are older doesn’t mean that it’s wrong for you.” he nodded quickly. “look, i know you probably enjoyed it. I told you i knew about teen aged boys and their fixations.” she smiled slyly. “and i’ll tell you that i enjoyed it, too. It’s the way a woman’s body is designed so that breast feeding encourages bonding.” “raja, you helped me out when i desperately needed it. Don’t be ashamed of.” she gave his a motherly kiss on the forehead. He did feel better. “we’re going to do this later when i fill up again.” despite himself he grew immediately hard. They ate dinner together saying little. He had to work part time in the library, so he went off. At work he couldn’t keep his mind off of his mother. He kept looking at his watch as he worked there. When work was over he left immediately rather than stopping to chat with some of his friends. A couple of times he had to slow down after he glanced down at his watch and realized how fast he was walking. When he finally got home it was dark except for his mother’s bedroom. He walked over to his mother’s open doorway.

She was standing in front of dressing table, wearing blouse and petticoat and about to start wearing her sari. As sunita devi saw raja she smiled at him. He smiled back nervously. “i have been waiting for you, raja. Just now i had a bath. Just wait till i wear this sari. Let it be! Actually doesn’t need to wear,” saying that she leaves the sari on floor and walked toward the bed. She turned to him and sat on the bed. Then she unhooked her blouse and freed her breast. She sat up against the headboard as before and spread her legs slightly raising her petticoat above her knees. Then slide down like lying position. While sliding down her petticoat, which was above her knee slide further up exposing her white thighs all the way. Even raja could see her panties. Raja was startled. Instead of the plain white panties, his mother was wearing a fancy pair of panties. He did not even remember seeing these panties in his secret excursions into his mother’s drawer. His mother’s breasts were large and swollen, but still hung high. The nipples were engorged and pink, and glistened with the wetness of her milk. He stood there in awe at his mother’s nakedness. “oh! Mother.” he heard his voice saying. He immediately felt embarrassed and had to look away. Seeing his embarrassment, his mother smiled, “don’t be embarrassed, raja. This is more comfortable for me. Now come to your mother.” raja went to bed and she pulled him on her. Raja immediately began to suck his mother’s breast. It was better this time. He knew what to do as he steadily drained his mother’s boob. He felt her mother’s body relax against him as he removed the pressure in her breast. He drank deep from her warm, sweet milk. With his tongue he started teasing the tip of her nipple, and as before his mother’s body starting stirring under him. She wiggled against him while he sucked and played with his mother’s nipple. When the breast was drained he automatically switched to the other. A gush of warm milk shot into his mouth as soon as his mouth clamped onto the nipple. He could feel the excitement starting to build in himself and his mother.

They pressed their bodies against each other. In their squirming they unconsciously, or was it deliberate re-positioned themselves until their hips were pressed tightly together. Raja’s throbbing erection was pressed against his mother’s crotch through the layers of his trousers and her panties. Raja finally drained the second breast but kept sucking hungrily at his mother’s breast. She didn’t seem to mind, though, because they were now pushing rhythmically against each other. Caught up in the fever of the excitement, raja cautiously reached down under him and raised her petticoat all the way up and placed his finger on the waistband of his mother’s panties. His mother quickly grabbed his hand and pulled it away. Scared he had gone too far with his mother, raja started pulling away from his mother, but she pushed him back onto her. She was setting her limits. He sucked his mother harder now and let his teeth scrape very lightly against his mother’s nipple. “oh raja, my son” his mother’s hips jerked against him. His mother’s excitement caused his dam to finally burst. He bucked rhythmically against his mother and came in a shuddering climax. “maaaa” he heard himself moan. They lay still for a few minutes not saying a word. He felt the warmth of his mother’s body against him. Unlike last time there was not mistaking what each of them had felt this time. Raja had never seen a woman orgasm but now had no doubt that this is what his mother had felt. He thought it pretty obvious to his mother that he had came too. Another thing was different, too; this time raja did not feel the shame he had felt before. He still felt somewhat unsure but he knew that this second time he and his mother had known what they were doing. The first time could have been accidental, but there was no mistaking their intend this time. “you ok, raja?” he rolled off his mother. “yeah, ma, i am ok.” “it was good was not it, son?” “yeah, mother, i liked it a lot.” he beamed. He did feel better. He didn’t want to leave but his mother told him it was time for both of them to get ready for bed in own separate beds.

Raja stripped, cleaned himself up and put his night shorts on. Raja laid in bed in the dark. He masturbated earnestly. Instead of any girl or some playmate, raja was now openly fantasizing about his mother. He came pumping more semen than he had thought was still left in him. He fell in a sound sleep soon after. Raja slept restlessly, tossing and turning. A kiss, then another kiss. He opened his eyes and saw his mother peering out of the darkness. He realized that his cock was hard and sticking out of his short pants. He quickly put himself back in, hoping mother did not see. Although, did it matter any more? “raja, its time again.” she said very shyly for something that was exciting to both of them. He sat up and held his head. “uh! Ok, ma.” he said groggily. He looked at bed clock and saw it was 3:15am. She stood there a minute silently. “in my bedroom, raja.” she finally said. He followed his mother into the bedroom. The room was dark. She removed her sari, then her blouse and petticoat. He could see the outline of his mother’s nakedness. Was she still wearing the panties? He smelled the earthy dairy smell coming from her milk. She climbed up on the bed and raja followed. He went to his mother’s breast and suckled. Efficiently, he drained away the pressure and felt his mother’s body start to relax against him. He teased her nipple, biting it lightly while he continued to nurse from his mother. Instinctively, his mother opened her legs further and started moving her ass. He pushed himself up against his mother’s body. His cock slipped out again from his shorts and pressed against the coolness of his mother’s panty.

He was prepared to move but his mother showed no resistance. With both hands he squeezed his mother’s tit and engulfed the stream of warm milk that shot into his mouth. They were both excited now as he started dry-humping his mother. “raja!” she blurted out loudly. But she must have shouted his name of excitement rather than concern that things were going too far because she made no move to stop him. He drained his mother’s tit and immediately went for the other one. He clamped onto the nipple and drunk down the stream of milk. His cock, having a life of its own, pressed at his mother’s inner thigh and tried to gain entrance to the dark mysteries underneath the panties by snaking its way under the leg band. He pressed and pressed but he couldn’t get in! Emboldened by his mother’s writhing he very cautious reached down to the leg band where his cock was probing. Slowly, he pulled at the elastic. He was prepared to quickly withdraw his hand if his mother showed the least resistance, but she continued squirming against him as if she didn’t notice. He pushed his cock into his mother’s panty. The elastic pulled tight against his cock, but it was not an unpleasant sensation. The tip of his cock found the entrance to his mother’s pussy. It was definitely wet, and emanated a warm from within. He paused for a moment not sure to really wanted to go through with this step. He bit at her nipple while continuing to suck his mother’s milk. He was so confused, but he knew he had to do it. Raja pushed slightly, and felt himself slid into his mother’s pussy like butter. It was so easy, and, yet, this was an act that would forever change his relationship with his mother.

Everything they had done previously was innocent. She needed him to suck her milk to relieve her discomfort. If they both derived pleasure from it, there was no shame. They were still acting as mother and son. Now with his single act they had crossed the line from mother and son to lovers. They both paused for a minute. Now fully aware of what had been done, and what could not be undone. His mother, sunita devi then, reached behind him and grabbed his buttocks. She pulled him to her, making him slid all the way inside of her. The feeling was indescribable. It was like tight, wet and warm velvet glove was lovingly grabbing his cock. “oh, raja. Oh, my baby, my son.” mother’s last breast was now almost drained. Raja and his mother started slowly fucking while raja continued to suckle the last of her milk. He pushed his pelvis, and his cock slid effortlessly the rest of the way into his mother’s warmth, his origin, and his source. It felt like heaven. He should have felt dirty and perverted, but it felt so natural and wonderful to make love with this beautiful woman who gave him birth. Tentatively he pulled out slightly and pushed back. The friction sent fire into his loins. He knew his mother felt the same because he felt her return his thrusts by arching her hips. Was this fucking? In raja’s private readings on the subject he had heard of many problems regarding sex. He had thought it must be complicated, but nothing could seem as natural to raja than fucking his mother. “raja” his mother moaned. Raja knew that she was close. Raja lifted his body up a bit and kissed his mother. That was not kissing of son to his mother but a kissing of lover. He could feel her bare breasts pressing his chest. Milk still leaking from them was soaking his shirt. His mother returned his kiss, and soon his tongue snaked its way into her mouth. Mother and son embraced and kissed deeply while their hips banged together. Tension built in his loins, and raja fought for control against his own body. His mother pinched his buttocks tight as she forcefully pulled him to her. “ma!” he tried to shout in warning. But it was too late. He came in a violent eruption, ejaculated in waves into his mother’s womb. “oh, raja” his mother wrapped her legs around him, and pushed her hips back and forth against him. “raja” her cry softening into a whimper. Raja could feel his mother’s body relax against him. He tried to climb off his mother but she pulled him back to her. They were both silent. Raja could feel his mother’s heartbeat against him slowly climb back to normal. Eventually, he rolled off his mother and lay next to her. Both exhausted, they both fell asleep holding one another.

The next morning the sun woke raja up. He was immediately disoriented. He looked around and saw he was in his mother’s room. He looked over and saw his mother naked sleeping next to him. Panic set in. What had he done? What should he do? Raja lay there next to his mother staring at ceiling. He discovered that he too was naked, he must have removed and kicked off the shorts during the night. He felt his mother stirring. She opened her eyes groggily and also looked disoriented. She met his eyes, and raja looked away guiltily. “morning, raja.” she said in a flat voice. “morning, ma.” raja muttered in reply. “mother, i am sorry”. She pressed her finger to his lips. “don’t be sorry, raja. I should have known it was going to come to this. It just felt so good. And it’s been too long for me, son.” she stroked his cheek tenderly. “it was good, raja. Better than i would have thought. But we can’t let this happen again. It’s wrong. You’ve done so much for me, and now i feel i have taken advantage of you.” “mother, you didn’t” he started to stutter. She cut him off. “raja, let us never discuss this again, please?” she said firmly. Raja nodded in agreement. “now, raja could you please give me some privacy while i get dressed?” raja got out of bed, and quickly grabbing his shorts that were in crumbled ball next to his mother’s panties. When had she taken them off? Embarrassed, raja clutched the shorts to his groin, and quickly left his mother’s bedroom. He closed the door behind him and put on his shorts. His mother, dressed in a blouse and petticoat, came to the kitchen table-carrying baby. They ate breakfast together mostly silent. He tried to busy himself reading the paper while his mother held the bottle for baby while at the same time ate her breakfast. Raja looked at the clock and got up. “mother, i had better get ready for school otherwise i shall be late.” as he was almost out the door, his mother said, “raja, you’re coming home at lunch time, right?” he looked back at his mother puzzled. “you have to”, she cupped his breast, “you know.” raja didn’t know what to say. “ah, sure mother.” his mother gave him a sly look and in a whisper she added, “i shall need you. But like yesterday, raja not like last night.” “yeah sure.” raja was so confused that he muttered a good-bye to his mother and hurried out the door.

In school raja was listless, and had trouble concentrating. He got the results back on his exam and found gotten an “a”. At least some things in his life where going all right. Raja kept looking at his watch nervously. Raja rushed out the door as soon as the noon bell rang. He found himself speeding again, and had to make a conscious effort to slow down. Raja was going home for his noon feeding? His mother was in the bedroom sitting on the bed waiting for him. Her sari blouse etc. Was lying on floor. She was stark naked exposing her breast and pussy to her son. As she saw him she lay on bed inviting him. With his eyes raja traced the outline of his mother’s smooth legs up to her soft blond fuzz of public hair. Then her flat tummy with deep navel, then her big breast to her face. She looked at raja somewhat sheepishly and seductively at the same time. “surprised, raja?” she looked at him. “raja, i do not know if what we did together was right or not, but i know i do not want it to end.” his mother sat up more on the bed, which caused her breasts to juggle delightfully. “i have been thinking about all since this morning, raja. God helps me, but i know i don’t want to stop what we had done. I don’t know if it’s so wrong to be intimate with my own son. It should be wrong, but it feels so good and not just the physical kind of good.” she looked at him with pleading eyes. Raja’s cock was throbbing so badly he was afraid he was going to come in pants just standing there. Without saying a word he stripped in front of his mother. He surprised himself by not feeling any embarrassment. He threw his clothes on the floor and joined his mother on the bed. He grabbed his mother’s tit with both hands, firmly and almost roughly, and his mother’s milk poured into his mouth, and he drank deeply. “oh, raja”, she moaned as he relieved the pressure from her breast. Raja heard himself making loud slurping sounds as he hungrily sucked at his mother’s breast. Raja almost jumped out his skin as he felt his mother’s cool hand at his cock. She tenderly and expertly stroked it just like he would have done it for himself.

He almost felt himself climaxing, but his mother backed away just in time, leaving his cock quivering with excitement and frustration. She guided him to the source of her warmth between her legs. His cock slid into his mother pussy. She was hot and wet. “oh! Maa.” he moaned with sheer pleasure. As he suckled he let his teeth scrap lightly against his mother’s nipple. She bucked her hips against him, pushing him further into his mother’s pussy. Raja reached under his mother and felt his mother’s rounded buttocks. “come on, raja fuck me,” his mother said in a strained whisper. He was a little shocked and also not a little turned on by his mother’s use of word. Raja drove his hips into his mother as he bit gently into her nipple. His mother returned his thrusts and soon their bodies were moving in a heated rhythm by themselves. “fuck your mother.” she moaned. Raja switched breasts and felt a fresh spray of warm milk in his mouth. “ma my ma my lovely ma.” he heard himself moaning involuntarily. Their hips bucked wildly against each other as mother and son came together in a shuddering, cathartic orgasm. “god, that was good, raja.” his mother smiled. “that was so good and i do not feel guilty, do you?” raja shook his head and couldn’t help but smile back. It was true. He did not feel guilty or ashamed. He actually felt a genuine love and closeness to his mother that he never had dreamt of. There was absolutely nothing wrong with making love to this beautiful and lovely lady who gave him birth. “i love you, ma.” he heard his voice crack as he hugged his mother tightly. “i love you, too, raja, my son.”

They embraced and he could actually feel himself stirring again. “oh! Raja, i wish we could do it once more, but you have got to get back to school. “his cock was erect again. “i could tell i was sick” “no, raja, we can not let this part of us displace other things in our life. Besides, we have got more time tonight.” she said playfully as she ran her hands through his hair. He looked down at his mother without doleful eyes. “tonight.” she reminded him. In school raja was distracted. I actually fucked my mother, he though with a mixture of excitement and shame. He realized that this was a fulfillment of a sexual fantasy he had long suppressed. He didn’t know what this meant for him and mother but he knew he didn’t want it to end. Finally, the 3:00 bell rang and raja quickly darted out the door. Sunita devi’s bedroom was dark. For a moment raja thought she wasn’t home and panicked. But when he peeked into his mother’s bedroom he saw that she was waiting for him. The soft light from wall outlined his mother’s nudity and she laid across the bed smiling up at him. Mother and son fucked slowly in the night-light. He started to learn how to sense responses in his mother’s body and pace him accordingly. Raja and his mother took their time exploring each other bodies. They slowly built up their passion as they fucked until they came together in a warm embrace. Later that night they changed tactics and teased each other mercilessly as they fucked each other hard, almost rough; and came together in a violent orgasm. Throughout the night they took turns waking up one another and fucking. In the morning they were exhausted and sweaty, and the bed sheet was full of cum stains and milk.

Raja woke up groggily with a raging hard-on brushing against the crack of his mother’s bare ass. His mother, feeling him stirring against her, awakened; and they proceeded to fuck in the morning light. Raja and his mother could not keep their hands off one another. They fucked every four hours during raja’s ‘feedings’, and would often find time in between. They tried everything together; and were constantly finding new ways to tease and excite each other. She introduced him to oral sex; and raja went wild as soon as his mother took his cock into her mouth. Mother sucked him and teased his cock with her tongue until he shot his load into her mouth in a screaming orgasm. Raja also tried oral sex on his mother, which he did not particularly enjoy himself but he did get off on how excited his mother became as she locked her legs around his head and bucked her hips wildly. Raja and his mother enjoyed when he massaged her body with lotion. He would spend hours lovingly rubbing the creamy lotion into her swollen breasts, rounded hips and buttocks. They would always end up fucking during these massages. One time his mother greased up his cock with the lotion, and got down on all fours so he could fuck her ass. Raja had heard about anal sex and always considered it somewhat perverted. But he was not prepared for the pleasure of his mother’s tight ass as he pushed his cock past his mother’s sphincter and deep into her rectum. He fucked slowly at first because he was concerned about any pain he might be causing his mother, but she encouraged him which caused him to start fucking his mother’s ass harder. He finally came in an intense orgasm in which he pumped his mother’s ass with his semen.

After that first time, anal sex became one of their favorites. Sunita devi enjoyed teasing her son, raja. Knowing his fascination with her bra and panties, she would dress up in sexy bra and panties around the house until raja grabbed her and threw her on the bed. Since his mother’s breasts were now two cups sizes larger, her cleavage would overfill many of her old bras, which of course enhanced the effect for raja. His mother would wear a transparent sari and blouse which would clearly show off her sexy bra and panties and do slow seductive acts in front of him. Some time she would dress just blouse and petticoat without any undergarment, which would reveal her pink nipple and dark bush between her thighs. Or sometimes she would just wear sari without blouse and petticoat but only bra and panties underneath anything to drive him wild. Not unsurprising, breast play was a regular part of their sexual repertoire. They would frequently fuck with raja lying down and with his mother sitting on him with her pendulous breasts hanging over him. In this position they could conformably fuck while raja sucked his mother’s swollen tits. He would usually end soaking in his mother’s milk as his mother rode him to a blissful orgasm. When raja and his mother discovered the delights of anal sex, they found they could use the same position. Raja would stick his cock up his mother’s tight ass while he sucked milk from her breasts. She liked the control that this position gave them as they butt fucked; and raja thought this gave him the best -or was it breast- of both worlds.

One day after raja and his mother were going at it hot and heavy on the bed, his mother suggested something new. “sure, ma.” raja said eagerly. He was always willing to try something new. She lay on her side, which caused both of her heavy breasts to flop together. “raja, lay on your side facing me, and slide up a little, son. “she took his engorged cock and inserted in between her breasts. “mmmm, i like this, ma.” he said as he reveled in the feel of her smooth, warm breast flesh against his cock. “now, just fuck ma’s tits, son” she said. Raja needed no further instruction and started fucking his mother’s cleavage. This was true delight. Warm milk started leaking from her nipples and run down his cock. “god, ma.” he squeezed both of her breasts together tightly around his cock. Milk started squirted in the air and on his abdomen. She was squirming now. Raja knew his mother could orgasm just from heavy breast play. With both hands he kneaded her breasts and fucked her cleavage. Her breasts were heavy and full and possessed inner warmth that radiated into his cock. His mother’s breasts were slick with her milk, which provided the needed lubrication as he fucked her tits. Raja didn’t survive this ecstasy for long because he soon came to orgasm. Alarmed suddenly, he tried to move himself away from his mother; but he discovered too late as he shoot wave after wave of white cum into his mother’s face. Raja sat up suddenly and looked at his mother concerned. Big wads of his semen hung from his mother’s left cheek and chin. “sorry, ma!” “don’t be silly, raja.” she gave him a smile that warmed his heart. “it’s supposed to be good for the skin.” she said as she rubbed the mess into her face. She saw his horrified reaction and smiled. “it’s ok, raja.” she said reassuringly.

Sunita devi was washing dishes as raja entered the kitchen. “hi, dear son.” she said with turning around. Without saying a word he reached around his mother and cupped her breasts through her blouse. He reached into the front of his mother’s blouse and slipped his hand into the top of her brassiere, feeling the warmth of her bare breast inside. “mmmm. Let’s go in the bedroom, raja.” “no. I’ve got a better idea, ma” with the other hand he lifted the back of his mother’s sari to her waist. He pinched his mother’s nipple and felt her warm milk drop down his fingers while he yanked down his mother’s panties over the swell of her ass. “oooh, raja”, his mother moaned. Raja took the plastic bottle of dishwashing detergent from the counter and squirted a big glob of the green liquid onto his palm. He unzipped himself and spread the glob onto his erect cock. He transferred the remainder of the glob onto his index finger, and, then, rubbed it into the crack of his mother’s ass. His mother squirmed. “brrr, its cold, raja.” “i’ll warm it up for you, ma.” his finger found his mother’s anus. He poked it into his mother’s ass and spread the glob with a circular motion. Used to anal play now, she relaxed her sphincter and spread her legs at his intrusion. “raja, do it. Fuck your mother’s ass.” she said in growing excitement. Raja placed his cock against his mother’s asshole. He pushed and slid with little resistance into her ass. He kissed the back of her neck as he pushed into his mother’s butt. “oh, ma.” he heard himself moan. He bit her earlobe lightly as he started fucking her ass. “mother fucker,” she goaded. She knew calling him a mother fucker always excited him. “you love it, ma.” he was thrusting harder now. His mother was bucking her ass back against him. He knew they were both close now. “oh…oh…oh!” he grunted as he came in his mother’s ass. He felt his mother’s body tighten and relax under his embrace. They both collapsed to the cold kitchen floor and held other tenderly.

Their lives changed forever by their new relationship. They were still mother and son but so much more, they were lovers. The intensity of their sexual relationship scared them at first. Raja and his mother knew they had to control the flames of their passions to keep it from consuming their lives. And when her husband, raja’s father will return back at home. They still fucked like rabbits around the clock; but his mother was always careful to make sure that the all other matters of everyday life were still attended to. Raja not only kept up at school but actually starting excelling. Raja knew at the end of each day his mother would waiting for him usually with some new sexual kink that would drive them to new sexual heights as they fucked… Mail at

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