Manish Gets Into Clothed Female Nude Male Medical Situation


*Guys, I’m a fantasy CFNM sex story writer, and I’m looking for inspiration to write more stories. If you have any CFNM ideas or experiences, please share below on comments and maybe I can write about it. Thanks, enjoy!*

Dear Readers, I’m Manish Khanna, 27 y/o lawyer from Chandigarh practicing in Delhi. I also used to be a state-level swimmer during school and college, so I keep myself in a pretty good shape. For the past two years, I’ve been trying to bulk up my body and now I feel like I’m in my prime with eight-pack abs and broad arms, along with a strong chest. However, all the physical exertion has started affecting my muscles, and I have been feeling pain in my back and my knees for a while now. Finally, I decided to get it checked. My physician referred me, an orthopedic and muscle practice run by Dr. Vaid.

I reached the ortho-center around 7 PM on Sunday, where I was told to wait for 15 minutes till Dr. Vaid gets free from a patient. In the meanwhile, I noticed another Doctor coming out of her office. She seemed around 30 years, was very well maintained and I’m not gonna lie, she looked pretty hot. I whipped out my phone and checked out her name online, she was Dr. Smita Salve, a reputed muscle therapist, and surgeon.

I was called into Dr. Vaid’s office and was initially surprised to find that she was a female. I never bothered to check her out online, since I trusted my physician. She was a 35-40-year-old woman who looked rather stern. I sat down in front of her and she started inquiring about my pain, since when it started, my daily exertion, working habits etc.

I had taken a set of X-Ray reports my physician had suggested I get and handed it over to her. She sticks them on a white lighted board and observed the reports closely. She looked back at me and reported that she doesn’t see any evident bone or muscle injuries. She thought it could be something a little more superficial and closer to the skin surface. She figured it was best to take a referral.

She picked up her phone and asked somebody to come to her room. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was the hot Dr. Salve accompanied by another younger looking girl. She was introduced as their trainee, Dr. Singh. She put out her hand to shake mine and introduced herself by her first name, Jia.

Dr. Salve looked at the X-Ray scans and was also amazed to find no obvious injuries since, for the kind of pain I was suggesting, it was a close call to external injury. Salve looked at me and asked if she could see my back and where the pain mainly is. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood up and pointed towards my mid-back region. She promptly said, “Manish, can you come stand here (pointing right in front of her) and take off your t-shirt”.

I slipped out of my white tee and stood in front of her, she asked me to turn my back towards her. Her hands start pressing into my back, sometimes my shoulders, and at other times pressing and moving her hands down from my mid to the lower back. She asked Jia to start the protocol and Jia quickly comes in front of me, checks me out from top to bottom, and asks me to put my arms flanked out. I did that, and Salve continued rubbing around my sides and back.

She next asked me to put my arms straight forward parallel to the ground, and Salve continued feeling around my muscles. Apparently, the point was to check for obvious superficial wounds and skin-surface muscle ruptures. I was asked to keep my hands above my head, so I followed. This time, Jia also came forward and dug her fingers into my shaved armpits. She was checking for lymph node swelling which she reported to Salve.

Jia informed me that now we will check the muscles in expanded motions and said, “Can you put your arms up and flex for ma’am?” It was weird since Jia was standing right in front of me. I put out my arms and flexed my arms, my biceps popping out and veins around my abs and chest clearly being seen. Salve started digging her hands, pressing and poking around my back cuts and shoulders.

The protocol was over now and I turned towards Salve to ask her about her diagnosis. She seemed perplexed since she didn’t find any internal muscle aberrations. She said it was unnatural that such pain was happening constantly without there being a muscle issue. She asked me if I experienced pain anywhere else, and Vaid informed her that my knees were also hurting. Salve looked at my knees, pressed on them on top of my jeans and said, “Can we take a closer look? Can you draw the pants out?”.

I nodded and sat down to take off my shoes and socks. When I got up and unbuckled my belt, I couldn’t slide it out since it was stuck in one loop. Salve asked Jia to help. Jia helped me get the belt out and then continued to unbutton my jeans. I was wearing jeans with no zip in the crotch but a series of small buttons, which she took around 1-minute opening. She drew my pants down completely, leaving me in my tight navy blue v-cut briefs. Salve spent around 5 minutes digging around my knees and thighs and still couldn’t come up with a probable cause.

Salve picked up the phone and called for the therapy chair and after a minute an elderly nurse walks in with a small chair. The chair had two cuts on either side to fit the legs and place to adjust your head, indicating that it was a chiropractic chair where we are supposed to sit face in-back out. I adjusted myself in that chair and placed my feet on two handles.

Vaid informed me that now we were going to spread the legs in opposite directions to get the spinal cord straight for examination, and she started turning a lever. It was extremely painful as my legs were being spread more and more apart till it came to a 180 angle and my back was automatically flexed and straightened. Salve went around softly massaging my back and shoulders.

She finally reached my lower back and was massaging my tailbone with her two thumbs, when she tugged on the briefs and pulled them down a little exposing my butt-crack. She continued pressing on my lower back and a little bit of exposed ass but finally pressed pretty hard and painfully around the middle of my back. I felt a little weird but thought it was completely medical. The exam was over so I got up from the chair and stood in front of the four ladies in my briefs. I started bulging a little but decided not to pay much heed to it.

“I felt a little mass around the mid-rib, so I think it might not be muscular after all. Inflammatory glands I think”, Salve said. “Get an ultrasound”, Vaid directed to Jia. I was asked to lie down facing up on a small examination bed on one side of the room. Vaid and Salve were standing around me when Jia entered with a small white machine. She took out a bottle and blurted some blue slimy liquid on my abdomen and rubbed it around.

She took two good minutes to rub it across my abs and lower abdomen. My briefs were pulled down just slightly enough to expose a little crotch (luckily my pubes were well trimmed). She rotated the probe around my abs while observing the screen for the images. “Hah, see that. Adrenal glands look just a little swollen”, said Vaid.

She wiped some of the gooey blue liquid off my abs with a cloth and started to feel around my belly button and upper abs. In one spot, she dabbed and I screamed: “Aaaah, that hurts right there”. “Don’t worry, I think we found the source of your back pain”, said Salve while gently placing her hands on my left chest pec.

“But what about his knee pain?” inquired a worried Jia. Both Vaid and Salve seemed confused for a second, then Salve spoke up, “Check for inflammation of the glands, in all probability that’s the cause”. I was lying on the small bed when Salve came closer and started poking around my knees with two fingers.

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Then she cupped my thighs and dug her thumbs into my inner thighs. I moaned in pain. “Can you please take off these underpants?” she said. I was shocked and clearly perplexed by this question. Vaid stepped in quickly – “Manish, we suspect that there is a glandular problem and we’d have to check out your testes before full diagnosis”.

I got up and stood in front of the ladies, contemplated over a span of few seconds, and thought that even though it is awkward to be completely naked in front of them, it is reasonably necessary in this moment. Salve said, “Don’t worry Manish, we’re all professionals.” I stretched the elastic band and quickly whipped out the garment off. I was standing fully naked with a decent boner and my dick popping out straight pointing at the ladies.

I was asked to lie down on the small bed again with my dick sprung vertically up like a pole. Salve held the erect cock from its top and tried to place it down towards the navel so that my balls are revealed for examination. She tried twice but my cock sprung up to the original. “Haha” Salve giggled, “Okay, I’ll continue like this only”. She held the scrotum in her hands and then individually tried to separate the balls and feel around them.

At one point she pressed hard the two balls at once and I moaned. “I’m so sorry, it’s the procedure”, she said worriedly and started gently rubbing her hands on my thighs and abs to soothe the pain, she inflicted on my balls. The pain was making my erect cock twitch, so Jia just grasped it at once and held it in her palms. “That’s one of the better penises we’ve needed, right Vaid?”, said Salve looking directly at his penis. “How long is your penis, Manish?”, she continued rubbing my body and asking. I told them I had no idea, and she showed surprise and said, “I don’t believe you haven’t measured it ever.

Now that it is in full erection, let me measure it for you if you don’t mind?”. I just didn’t respond to this. She got a measuring tape from the desk and wrapped it around the cock first and then in vertical length, “Oh nice, 2.5-inch girth and almost 10 inches long, that’s something we rarely get to see in this office”.

I felt very awkward and uncomfortable and decided to change the topic, “Doctor, what about the diagnosis of the testicular glands?” I said as objectively and medically I could speak. Salve quickly retorted, “Yes, the testes are swollen. We’ll give you some medicines for it. They haven’t been drained properly in a few days” she said while pressing softly on my balls, “when was the last time you ejaculated?”.

I was stunned at this question, it was too personal. I vaguely answered that I have been busy for a few days and haven’t been able to see my girlfriend who is also a lawyer with busy hours. Jia responded, “That’s occupational hazards we all face, but do you not ejaculate yourself?” in very concerned tone while still holding my cock still from twitching. Salve suddenly stepped in and said, “It happens, Jia” and then turned her face to me and said, “Manish, you’re a good-looking young boy, you need some healthy masturbation.”

The conversation was as uncomfortable as ever and I couldn’t muster the courage to say anything. I softly responded, “Okay doctor. I’ll do it when I go home”. Salve nodded in encouragement when Vaid jumped in and said, “Jia we need to collect a sample of sperm anyway to test for testicular cancer and rule it out, it’s protocol”. Salve continued, “Ah, I forgot. Young man, you’ll have to make a discharge for testing. I’ll go check if there’s an empty room”.

I sat up in the meanwhile and Salve made a call and made some disappointing noises. “No exam room is vacant right now”, she said. “Oh dang it, Manish, do you mind continuing here? We’ve seen everything anyway”, sneakily spoke Salve. I was directed to lie down again and they had reclined the bed up so I was almost sitting up on the bed. I was extremely uncomfortable and just froze with my dick springing up in anticipation of some shagging.

“Start, Manish”, spoke Jia. I placed my right hand on my dick and slowly moved the foreskin up and down. Slowly my dick grew bigger and was throbbing. Somehow, I had also zoned out the three women in the room and started enjoying just masturbating, but then suddenly Dr. Salve exclaimed, “This is going to take you forever, Manish. Let me help”, and she moved towards me and placed both her hands on my hand wrapped around my dick, and started softly jerking my dick in the same rhythm as my hand.

Soon she took my hand off and placed it on my head, and started softly playing with my dick, balls, and groin and rubbing my dick. My cock was going crazy throbbing. When I was about to come, she brought a plastic cup closer to my dick and pointed the pink head into the cup. Soon I came like a river – filling the cup full and even then Salve had to use a bunch of tissues to control the discharge from flowing haywire. Thanks for reading my sex story.

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