Dear Friends, This is my first story in I am regularreader of this site for the past five years. Never had an idea to write thestory and suddenly I want to change myself. I am going to write my realexperience with my next door Aunty. From this week onwards I will write weeklytwo stories for the readers and I will make them Happy. Though this is my FirstStory in this Site Please adjust if any Grammatical Mistakes.
I am Ram and my age is 24 at that time. I use to go to my office by 10 and Iwill return by 5.30. Being working in a Local Area I use to return early to myhome. In my adjacent House one Aunty came from Andhra and they had one Kid. Hername is Lalitha. And Her Husband is working in a Private Concern he goes tooffice in the morning and he will return in the night sometimes even midnightand they had a Huge Gap of 12 years in between them.
That is the Only Place where I had Luck. Halo Guys one thing forget to tell about her.She had a Curling Hair. She had a Nice Eye brows and she always wears Saree. Atthat time her age is 28 and she look like 18 and she had a nice pair of Boobsand she looks terrific. She had a Excellent figure and I never seen such aBeautiful Married Lady.
Daily I use to cross Her House and her Kid will say halo and some time bye.This is my usual thing. But I had fear in approaching her. Though her Baby isclose to me and she use to talk with my Mother. Being a Neighbor I use to sayHalo but my Inner feelings says “Be Ready Man- If U get a Chance Never Miss toFuck”. This is only thing my Mind says whenever I see her.
I don’t have courage to talk with her directly so I made a plan instead ofsaying halo I asked where is your Husband and what time he will come to Homeand what is her Holidays. And she replied and suddenly she asked what for urequire those details. I said simply I asked how you are spending your leisuretime. After two days I asked whether u have any contact number. She gave herland line Number.
After one week I contacted her but I don’t have courage to talk with her. Aftertwo or three calls I said halo this is Ram and she said I know that u r theonly person who called me for the past two days and without speaking you arekeeping the phone. Then gradually we started talking and that evening she wentfor one Marriage reception and in that saree she looked like an Angel and Isaid that to her she is looking More Beautiful but I didn’t get any reply fromher. Further we had a break of three four days.
After fourth day she called my mobile and said Halo. It’s abig surprise for me and I got little bit of courage to proceed. After One weekshe said she is not fully satisfied with her Husband and her Sexual Life isQuite Boring. Suddenly I replied Please give me once Chance and try some thingdifferent with me and then you can have a Happy and Sexy Life. After Longargument she agreed and she said she will allow me for only one time.
On that day, after her Husband left she called me and said Baby is sleeping ucan come. And I went to her Home in the Morning 10 clock and I checked anyoneis seeing. After entering her home she closed the Main door. Immediately I huggedher and placed the kiss on her Neck. We have been kissing for almost ten minuteslike a newly married couples and She is kissing me like an Wild Animal Thoughshe is Married and I am new to this. I don’t know how to control and my tool.It stands like a Pole.
I removed her saree and kissed on her boobs over her blouse. She had adifferent feeling and almost she is frozen with my activities. I removed allthe clothes from her Body and she is Naked in front of me. I am seeing she hadneatly shaven her Pussy. For a second I don’t know what to do. Now she startsundressing me. Now I kissed all over her Body except her Pussy. I place myindex finger and tickling. She is holding my tool and she giving the jerks andmoving the foreskin front and back.
I am in heaven. After fifteen minutes I mad her lie in theBed and I have placed my head in between her Legs. Now I started licking,kissing, and doing all the thing with my Tongue on her Pussy. She lost theControl and she started moaning. Suddenly she holded my Head tightly and shejerked and her pussy started pouring. I have licked all the liquid and I amkeeping my head in the Pussy entrance. I can see the satisfied feeling in herface. Still she is holding my Cock in her palm. And she is playing.
Now its her turn and she kept my tool in her mouth I can explode anytime butshe is not in a position to hear this. Suddenly I can’t control my urges and Icame heavily in her Mouth she dranked all the cum and she said this is the firsttime I keeping the tool in my mouth and drinking the cum. She never had thetool of her Husband in her Mouth. This wording gave me more energy and I amready for the second round.
Being a learner I am ready for the Next round and she is also ready and Iplaced my tool in the entrance of her pussy and it is like a hot oven. Sheholded me tightly with her Legs and I am fucking and increasing the speed.Nearly it went for 20 minutes being the second time I am continuously fuckingher in all the positions and finally I said I want to fuck from the back andshe also agreed and I placed my tool in the entrance of the pussy and it wentlike an knife and keep fucking for the next 5 minutes and suddenly I got lot ofpressure.
I am going to explode and she also came for the 3rd time andwe both came simultaneously and placed my fully body weight on her and I wasvery tired and I hugged her and I stayed in the bed for another one hour. Istayed in the house till eight o’clock in the night and left to my home. Withinthat I fucked her 3 more times and exhausted. After that Her Husband got aRailway Job and they left the Place and Settled in Chennai. This is my realtime Story how I fucked Lalitha my next door Aunty. Based on your feed backonly I am going to write further stories again. Thanks