Harry Potter and the Accidental Casting

Sex Stories

Their homework was to either write an entirely new spell, or to find a new use for an already existing one. It was proving tricky for everyone. “What exactly are you trying to do?” Harry shrugged his shoulders. “It’s complicated.” Hermione playfully slapped the back of his head. “Don’t give me that. Now come on, what are you trying to do.” She glanced at the book and skimmed at the section he was reading. *How to make an Invisibility cloak for dummies – so simple a squib can do it.* Hermione looked at him. “So what are you trying to make?” Harry sighed and shrugged his shoulders yet again. “I guess I watched too much, Lord of the Rings, over the summer.” Hermione thought about it for a minute, but before Harry could continue, it clicked. “A magic ring to make you invisible? You have been watching too much Lord of the Rings.” She laughed. “What makes you think that would work? Invisibility cloaks work by covering the person, its common knowledge that any item intended to bring invisibility to the wearer it supposed to be larger than the actual wearer.” She pointed to the first line of How to make an Invisibility cloak for dummies. “It say’s so right there.” Harry handed her his notes, a smile growing on his face.

Hermione glanced down and read what he was working on. An expanding magical field! It would mean that the magic would expend to the exact size of the wearer of the object. It was better than an invisibility cloak because you didn’t run the risk of snagging it on anything. It also meant that the size of the enchanted object was irrelevant. The thing that surprised Hermione most of all, was the fact that it could work. In a move that shocked Harry, she picked up the book and tossed it away. “This is amazing Harry. You’ve single headedly. Re-written every rule on making an invisibility object. What is causing you so much frustration?” Harry pointed again to his notes. “Look at the last line.” Hermione glanced down and read the sentence in detail. Power unstable. Object will not hold spell indefinitely. “I see. Its like a battery, only has limited power.” Harry nodded. “The longest I’ve managed to get is about five minutes of use.” Hermione stared in surprise. “But that’s great, it’ll easily get you full marks on your homework.” But Harry was not satisfied. “I need more time. At least an hour.” He slammed his fist into the table, which made people around the common roof stare at them. Hermione nodded, Harry was not only thinking of his homework, but practically. He wanted to be able to use this object in the inevitable battles they always managed to get themselves into. It was a clever idea because an enchanted ring or bracelet was much easier to carry around than an invisibility cloak. She sighed and handed his notes back to him, this was a conundrum. She thought about it for a moment, was there a spell that could be used? “I might have a few books you can use.” She muttered eventually. Harry’s eyes lit up and a smile twitched onto his face. “Really?” Hermione smiled and nodded. “What’s the old saying? ‘You scratch my back’.” Harry sighed. “What do you need?” Hermione, smiled. “I need a test for my project.” She asked nervously. Harry nodded. “What exactly does your project do?” Hermione looked excited by the prospect of explaining something ‑ complicated. “I was thinking practically, like you. Something we might also be able to use in a battle with Voldemort. It’s a potion that would make the drinkers skin impervious to penetration. Spell, knives, swords, even bullets if I got the mix right. I call it a Rock skin potion.” Harry was impressed, he knew Hermione had been working on something difficult, but what she’d done sounded almost impossible. “Why do you need me?” He asked, he suspected he might not like the answer, but he had to know. Hermione rubbed the back of her neck nervously and had a weak smile on her face. “In case anything goes wrong. I need to observe the affects in order to know how to modify the potion.” Harry was right, he didn’t like the answer. But he also wanted to figure out how to make his invisibility ring work and if she had the answer then it would save him hours, even days of research in the library. “Fine. I’ll see you in my room in say, ten minutes?” Hermione nodded. “See you there.”
Harry sat impatiently on his bed. His parchment and quills were scattered around, waiting to be used. The bedroom door slammed and Hermione came in, carrying half a dozen thick books and a large bottle of bright blue liquid, rolling dangerously close to the edge of the pile of books. Harry got to his feet and tried to take a couple of volumes from her, but she shook her head. “I got them. Just grab the potion.” Harry took the bottle and placed it on a bedside cabinet.

Hermione dumped the books on the bed and took the bottle. “One of these should have what your looking for.” Harry reached down for one of the volumes, but Hermione slapped his hand away. “First we test my potion. Then I help you look.” She pushed the bottle into his hands and took a quill and parchment.

Harry glanced at the blue liquid unsurely. “So I just drink it?” Hermione nodded. “Not all of it, I still need some to present in class. Just a mouthful should do.”

Harry pulled the stopped from the top and sniffed the potion. It had a faint hint of liquorish for some reason. “Cheers.” He muttered and took a deep swig and placed the stopped back in place.

Is stomach gurgled angrily and he felt cold in his centre. He told these symptoms to Hermione who copied them down onto the parchment. “Anything else?” She inquired eagerly. He shook his head. “Maybe that’s all.” He muttered. Hermione shrugged her shoulders. “Possibly.” From a pocket in her robes she pulled a small pin. “Give me your hand. If the potion works, this won’t hurt a bit.

Harry was glad she was testing him with only a pin and willingly stuck out his hand. Hermione jabbed the pin onto his finger. The metal sank straight into his flesh and Harry yanked back his hand, yelling in surprise and agony. He gripped his hand tightly and slowly worked the needle out. Hermione pulled a tissue out of her robes and handed it to him. Harry wrapped it around his wound, blood stained it rapidly. He turned to Hermione and scowled. “I thought you said I’d be fine.” He yelled. Hermione looked shocked and depressed. “I thought I had it right. I really did. The potion should have worked. It should have.”

Harry forgot his anger and sat on the bed beside her. It wasn’t often that Hermione was wrong, in fact this was probably the first time he could remember. It must be hard on her.

He reached out to put a hand on her shoulder. But a shot of pain across his chest made him pull back. Harry cringed and grabbed his chest. It felt like his heart was on fire. Hermione noticed the pain and forgot her mood. “Harry, what’s wrong?” Harry opened his mouth to reply, but all that came out was an agonised cry as his chest felt like a truck hit it. He fell back onto the bed, his entire body became stiff with only a small twitching in his hands to show he hadn’t gone into full paralysis. “I can’t breath.” Came an agonised gasp.

Hermione stood over him in a panic, what could she do? Nothing. She’d given him an entirely new potion, no one knew the effects, or how to cure it. She jumped to her feet, intending to run for Madam Pomfrey.

He started to laugh, but was interrupted. He fell back as another wave of pain shot through his body, but this one was deeper. More concentrated in one place. Hermione watched, helplessly as the effects of the potion took him. “Harry?”

He leapt to his feat, n obviously pain. He began thrashing at his robes, half pulling, half tearing them off. “Too tight.” He yelled as he threw the black robes across the room and turned to his other clothing.

Hermione saw a bulge in his jeans, threatening to rip the denim and still getting larger. Harry yanked open to buttons and pulled away his jeans. “My god.” She gasped.

Harry’s boxers were ripped in two and through the torn material was a rapidly growing and hardening cock. Eight inches, and still gong. Harry collapsed to his knees and in obvious discomfort. Ten inches, slowing down, but still going. Hermione leapt over to his side, sweat was pouring down his face. Twelve inches, an inch and a half wide and was rock solid.

Harry lay gasping and stared at both Hermione and himself. “The recipe is fine.” He finally gasped. “It’s just the use you need to look at.”

Hermione barely heard him, she couldn’t take her eyes off of his massive dick. Thick veins throbbed all along the shaft, and a drop of pre cum was sitting on the circumcised purple head. Her body had a natural reaction and she could feel her pussy demanding attention.
Harry snapped his fingers in front of her face and she snapped out of her trance and turned her attention to his face. Unbelievably, he was blushing. How he had the blood for that monster and his face was less magic and more miraculous. Harry didn’t even try and hide his dick, with it being so large, trying would have been pointless. “Any thoughts about reversing it?” He asked embarrassingly. Hermione remained silent, her attention turned back to the dong. Her cunt was dripping, she could feel her panties were soaked and her juices were beginning to run down her leg. “I have a few thoughts.” She said to him. “We would need to get to the student potions storeroom.” “You are not leaving me here, anyone could come along and find me.” “What do you suggest, come with me?” Harry’s face finally paled at the thought. “No, definitely not that.” Hermione smiled, she’d got him into the verbal trap she was looking for. No he would think he had no choice. “I have an idea.” Harry leaned forward, eager to hear anything. “Don’t keep my in suspense. What?”

Hermione adopted her lecturing face. “Many books of biology state; that the male erection withers after ejaculation. All you need to do is cum and away it goes.” Harry looked shocked and appalled. “I am not going to jerk off. It would take hours with this monster.” Hermione stood up and began to pull away her robes. “I have a better idea in mind.” She tossed her robes aside and began to work on removing her blouse.

Harry jumped to his feet, an impressive feat considering the imbalance of weight. “We can’t. It’s not right. Hermione you’re my best friend.” She silenced Harry by pushing him hard onto the bed. “Harry don’t talk. We’re both getting something out of this. Your getting the release you need, and I’m getting the stuffing I’ve always dreamed of.” She had to stand on the bed to get herself in the position.

She gently gripped Harry’s cock and positioned it at the entrance of her slit. She braced herself as she placed his cock at her entrance, knowing that this was going to hurt a lot.

Hermione lowered herself down, spreading lips far apart and tearing away her hymen. Harry groaned with the tight pleasure that was engulfing him, but the fact Hermione was in pain did not escape him, he placed hands on her hips and stopped her moving further down. “Are you okay?”

Hermione bit her lip, trying to deal with her pleasurable agony. “I’ll be fine. Just let me keep going.” Harry looked concerned. “Are you sure?” “Yes.” She replied firmly.

Harry released her from his grip and, ever so slowly, Hermione continued to lower herself onto the massive meat a little at a time.

Hermione certainly felt pain, but very little of it was from her hymen.

Most of it came from Harry’s magical endowment stretching her insides more than any normal man could. Finally she could take no more, Harry filled her completely at ten inches.

Harry rolled over, so that Hermione was now laying on the bed and he was on top. He began to pull himself out, and she felt the tingles of pleasure through her aching discomfort.

Harry continued his tentative pace for a minute, only speeding up his thrusts after all traces of pain left his lover’s face. That was when he fully began to feel what he was doing. The pleasure of her insanely tight, wet cunt wrapped around his hardened meat was unimaginable. Hermione still felt a bit of discomfort, but the ecstasy of making love drowned it out almost entirely. She had never felt such feelings before. Every place he touched her felt like a heated poker as the flames of passion erupted into a hotter blaze. She groaned loudly and squeezed her tits, heightening her joy a little bit more. Her logical mind was gone, she didn’t care about what they were doing, or why they had done it. Only the moment was all she cared about. “Harry.” She yelled. “More, keep going, I’m almost there. HHAAARRRRYYYYY.” Her body began to convulse as her orgasm gripped her with tortuous euphoria.

Harry became lost in animal lusts, he slammed down on Hermione over and over again. His ball tightened and he felt a pressure building up in his massive member. Then, with a deafening roar, Harry came, spraying hot cum inside her. He pulled out but he wouldn’t stop spraying, coating her stomach and chest with more streams of spunk.

Hermione lay panting, trying to recover her breath and energy. She scoped up a little of his cum and tasted it. “Bleh! Too salty.” She complained. She swallowed what was in her mouth, her parents had taught her never to spit, but she decided not to swallow any more. She sat up and saw Harry lying on the floor. His dick had softened to six inches. Harry stared at it with amazement. “I get the impression it’s not supposed to be that big.” She grabbed her wand from the floor and pointed it at her cum drenched tits. “Scougify.” The cum vanished and she was clean again. She stood over Harry, placing one leg at either side of him, knowing full well that it gave him a view of her pussy. “Shall we get you to the potions store for a cure? Or the girls dorms for a really good night? I know a few people who’d love to see this new you.”

Harry smiled and Hermione knew the answer without him even having to speak. It looked like their remaining years at Hogworts were going to quite enjoyable.


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